Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. *^*afMUno wall aAapUsfJtochlHrfp thai I Cawtorta <tir OnHc, OiaastlpsUim. eoditassnperiortoaoypnscnpUoa I Sou* Blommra, I'larrhiB*, Kructouon.^ tome ' ILA. Aarraa. MliV I **"* W ", r j n *- """ -<e P- *" lt I*""** 1 * * M*fc*aMlfc.lMktrB,M. T. | WtaCS'^urtoos I " " THB Cmrtiru ( v>atrtT. 77 Murray Street, M. T. D. HfTavisli, ; \M GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Col ling wood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. If \oaftctorins' of Wftirort* HUlgh*. IIHMRH** TiOi'r*tft, tf K<>r.v*binK pn>inptl> t i - J |o Kiwi*) *ttotion given to contract d or ioud*r r * t aLICIclag and Plow Chains roii- land* on hand. Farm for_ Sale. nffiTtvill rm rnoivo.1 hv th<nni1<ral|pte<l for tbe, pnrehaM of Lot*6*BJM 6, t'on. l|, Oeprey. CoSHsJnlDC flO asrss niorr or 1 , th name :iliiiK.iiio>t valulil |>ro|nTty. On the farm f iTf-tivl a largo comfortable dwelling hoiia", i.-irn< frain barn anil u'lixr outbuilding* The frm in wll watered Abuii' luu a.-r*s rli.ari.fl ami un.liT cultivation. and all belns tl .. vitf of tin lut.i Ja fiawfiirrt. which inut ! nolil to winil up affair, of doci-axxl K<.r further partl.-uiar. iutcnding purchaser* BbouM apply to JOMAH <;\MF.V. Maswell P. O. . 30,1100. WIND * MILLS -:AND: 1*1 the M*rk<lft>* 1'tmip litninww 1 wifth to an- nounce to tin* public thtt lain iir.|.r.- i lo flll'ir'toni forftll kltnta <-f i<uiii|m of tv very n . . " ii'r '1'ial.tv Ki.ni'K Pi'wi'i*. l.iKi Ti MH*. t'liTKHN I'mn-M. ftr I>*p wt-M fuuipft |MKii,Uty \\IIKN Minn Will *. o;ntiimt to fiiuufsvttirr \\ ind Mills fur either p<>W>r ' i iium|lt:t'lMir|Nt-.fii ^n I in*: t prftc- tii-J tif*rrinlc, 1 f-fl ronrtdt-nt 'f turnlnc out W'^k IhKt CaUlltOt l) t" tflVf -satlBfaWtlnil Ht'lmniDL loti- All work iluaralitc-tMl (Irilem from a Ji-taii'' will rivi iv* particular and fronipt attuution (all nn or nrlilnim JKFrKKY AKTI,KT. tlarkilale Prof. Lois otte's MEMORY I SCO VERY AND TRAINING METHOD Pumps ! Pumps ! J. McGulloueh. anii''-u* urrr cf i>'"iij' ji-lii tii at ho u |>ii i -it r Markdalc, d0air# to inform thi l tu fur n i'd ptiiiipa for ffyGellava. HiB.Pnpaca.(Miat|fael <n ,1 Hi tl b . t l i >. nil. , N.1T wells, gravel wells, etc. arti^i vlio h*r lirtof<)re hail difficult) with I . .1 .!* Guaranteed Satisfaction nlllkMn\ aitirlix 1 I. HIM.. I inv I<iilni4i xlth thelate.l Ki-ar of y ,.f,, r .l. tin- n|v.rlorll)- f w.io.i.p\uniwa- a h>.iii.|ilil w.ir.llu Ureva few vvai a a;:<i Tie -j'i nn I r>i: ,,n n. i, if you desire auytb'ng i'i Hi.)' in]' line J. HV Oranaerllle-Ilie m-n-inl Tbunlaf In each in. .nth Muu.lalk Tn.. Inrlay before Orancortlle H..i, .1.111 M ii.lav lirlnf IlianKxvllle Mi'.lnln Satur.lat I.. -Ion i 'ranx. tille I'liTlinni '1 1,11.! Tn., .lu> in . ', n, mtli c'lil. worth MOII. mv |..^,.rc I'-irhaul it'.'iil.vr Hliir.l> l.ofore (I. at. worth .. U..i, lai !.. f .1. Iliirhain llanovur- Uunjav I .-f. i.- liuhnm SCIENTIFICAMHW "^ ''< * ic oiiteei sr.il '"" " ri ! iW,ch..n ' in) ....p. . I .' , , .1 |l. -''.- V -H| RniTBT- , ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Solcntiflo Amtrlcan. W 4 great mi . Kach IP in ! 'all. rol'.n I M'.. *! ' i rl i'.- if moritrf and fttT reawa Tcnsorial .Mr It.. I, rt Miu-V.i> ,le.lr.. to inform the .11 ,11. I v.i mity that Ii. hut I ..lit 11 I. ul .r -h .|i in M....ri.> hl..rk whiT. In -i- |. ,. IHU...I to mti-mlto nil nantil In lil h'u Miv ! -Il.ii. .Inn. in tli, mi ii. nt ft \ :. ut n,, a, t MH M > 1 M DISTBK T Ki/oits IKIM:I and M>. i i N i : i . i, . \ . MiiDKi: s III.DCK. KI.KhllKUTON . . n.i .|r..m. .11 ..... r..r i>, ....... < , ,' h ..... i. rn.'.n '.n ii-nr, Ill SN * t".. l'i iiULua. IT I'AIS TO DATEMTS /,,! hy -i - m k . I.. .Wi v-l i i > , wan _.f ...!. '.-r in irr' ripetlnre fnn Hi" mail* yrt i, Jm .,,,,, .. A,nrlcn aJirt Fi-r- ^ nan I it".l ?ii,l for 1lailUl'i'*- CurrfM- iCttfU^u f i.tlul. TRADE MARKS. . BM>I I.* I1....H-...II ("' ' ..... ' cl'". '' . A. l-li. * A: f., I'alenl Hellcll.re. ' UuuiUWAi. >. ' The Advance for rraaindcr of tbis jear only 60c. AND THAT IS TIIK Northern Business College, Otf OWUK ^OlJ>[!). The beat anil uinet practical conrae af aMity The bt teachluc taliuit. Tin. lix.t aciviiiiiiiixlallunfor uludenti I ii. I..--1 tnlho<iaof In.lrualio* The bit retiilu from that InitraeMoD afWc tutleutn Krattuate Km annual aunoaaxement. iciriin rroidiui tbe*orae uf ttuHi. Wrin>. c. A riuiijsw Cffccmor* fcill celebrate ou theQueen'i birthday. Wiarton will have two electric light Companies the Ball and Reliance. A cnrTrap4>iident to the London Advcr- tiii-r aayit it i.< about thirty vrarn kinoe a tavurll exiated in Tilbury Kant. Purham had a fatal do;; Gi(ht la.it week not so fatal ua it ahould have tliou'/li, aa laveral cur* are ttill Mr. John Crilihii, collector fur the TI>M nahiji nf Amal>el, haa absconded with about f2,000 of the municipality s funds. The Hminpton Tinica paHed iU .'With mile stone last week, and is even 'more i|(<>roui than when in ita younger. d*yi. f!4UO is what Allinton village council haa to pay Annie Lawaon for beiiif; ' the indirect ineani of ftpraininif her ankle. They will alio pay $000 for the costs of the cate. [Crcumore Star. It is currently reported that Mr . Jas. Webber of this town has been left a fortune of aom. $23,000 in the old country. We hear he ii about to take a trip over to England to look after the txx><lle. Review. On Uaturday last a little irirl eii(ht year* old, daughter of Mr. Robert Hume, <tf Amaranth, was kicked in the abdomen try a wild steer. Inflamatiun of the Ix.wcU set in and the child is in a dan- o..r. ,n condition. [Sbelburne Free I'ress. One day last week James Swanstnn.Oep. Reevpof Kjfremont,wholiv.s near Ycoril, bad an extraordinary increase to his stock, viz: - 12 Leicester lambu, 10 pigs. 1 cult, and 1 calf. It is very questionable if any other ordinary farmer can report such an increaae in twenty four hours. Dunedin citixens concluded that beer would prove a ."-id emetic for a tick cow. Th.y procured the beer, consulted amori" themwlres, cam. lo the conclus- ion that the liquor might make the animal intemperate, and vary downed it themselves. The cow is better.- [Croe- more ?tar. The Mli'Winjf notice of meeting Is atHxed to t Ua door of ncho<il houa. in the vicinity nf Delhi : "March the 13 l*.to.- 8. X. No -school should take notius tin- ire will bee a school meatinK of the rate bxrrs for the perpies of alc^-tion a trustee on Saturday 22 of march at tei-n o'clock at the school house secretary. vTh'ii Baby waa ak-k, we fave her Cartnrta. When ahewa* a Child, the rrtod for Caatoria. When .h* i-<-a-M,- Mla. alie olunf to I'aatnriav Wbeu ahe baxl Cliiklreu, abe save tlu-m CaMorla 'nlla News Letter : A KIK! one ii tola on Col. liray, who niapects the) nun .'iiru-i in this diatrict and wh is well kiii.wn 111 Orillia. Ho is a soldierly look- in.' officer and wuars his uniform a'll the lime. In a neighboring town tho small boys took a ".rent fancy to his uniform and followed him round for a time admir- ing his Hhape and "n.rb. Hut the ques- tion thai troubled them was his identity. At last out: urchin approached theaolcmn- vinagrd soldier and pro|>ound*<l the qnyHti n : "Say, mister, what band do you belong to ' ' Words don't avail to di-crine a warrior'ii feelings at times. ( Irilla News I..-HI r A fatal accidnnt oocurred aVniut fifteen milus from Thurao last wk. A Ix.y 10, BOH of Prank Conroy, was i-n- with other* in the pursuit of a ili-rr. Younn t'oiiroy bocoinin^sept^ratrd from bin cniiipniiionii, ramo suddfiily n| .Hi a iloer, whrn it turnt>d to attack him. tie rawed hi* uun to Mioot, but it minted IMC, and the niiimal nithiii". upon him he struck it with tho butt tttul of the nun. when the ^1111 was discharged, and the contents passetl through his body. He only livud a short time after hi* com- panions reached him. Thuy were hunting duer out of season. A very serious and |inful accident ocourrt-d at HolUnd Center on Saturday U*t lul<- HenrvSilverlook was chopping in the bush. Thu tri-e he was clioj ping lodged against another and up- rooii'd, thniwitift him acroas a Ing and i In- top of the tree falling on In* back. John Watson, who waa working a few rods away, hearing a cry for help, rainu and found him. He managed to get him horn, and Dr. Oldham was snm mi. nail who found that h. had thre. broken riba and several salp wounds. He was suppoaexl t<> h. Rrtling b*ttr but has amee g*t wnr*. and his reor.rT is nw duubtfull [Marktlale Standard , ANNOUNCEMENT! I am pleased to announce Inrgc arrivals of new fresh from the manufactures. Your attention is invited to a choice and carefully selected assortment of the newest line in Ladies', Gents' and Children's hoots, shoes ,-md slip- Pc-rs. I endeavor to satisfy my patrons and demonstrate that the cheapest as well as the choicest stock in this line of goods, is at WM. CLAYTON'S, FLESHERTOfe. Photos, Photos, Photos. Il art noie turning out work far luptrior in itylt and finith tu a*y ntr pro ductd in t'leiherto*. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE HA TES. * PICTURE FEAMING ilone in all itt brnnckti. A good ttork of FRAMES unit MOI'LDISGS Ittpt rnnttantlif on hind. Will alto \nt~oduct the nine HRO.VWE PORTRAIT. nicturt that ii giving entire $ati*/'ftlun uhrrfrer introduced. SAMPI.KS <'n !>< tern at my (Jalltrj/ wJitrt alt pnrlicuhtn <i to Price, tityk kf., can he, ojcrr. taineJ. MSS. Bl'LMEB, FLESHEUTOK HEALTH FOR ALL ~ HOLLOWAY'S 1HE PILLS I'urifv thu llltiuJ, Correct all DUordunof I .1 \ !. -SI . ijj;i -'ti - Tb>iiivii:oati-aii sincl n. and an. invaluable in II uiuli of all ttfuf. KIT Children mill the aitvl tbvy arv ariceleti F OINTMENT ;an Infallible reiuedvfor Had l.iw l'..l HrcaKU. ol.l Woun.U. Siru and Clcera. It i. famous I Gout and Uheuiuatum t'ur iMaor>ler> of thu t'luot it baa no >.|iia ForSORK THliO.1'1. HHOXCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Olandulai HwulliUKS.and all Hkin maa*aea It Han no rival: and for contracted aud atiS _ oinlA Ii aot Ilkw a charm 1H. ' I only at Profuxhor II. n i OWAV K i:uJ.IUhnirDl, Sfrr-t ( latr .%:. OM..I ! Ntrr*>f >, LwniUn. ana are sold at In. lfJU.,'J. W , tn. M.. lla..>.. and i-aeh P.,iv nr Pot. and may be had of all Me.) cine \ ni.loi - thruuiihout the World. l'urctnueri ihvulil ln"k t< >h> /,'/ on <h>- f'ntf int>i Hti.rrt. If 63.1, <>rt"fd Strret, it not FLESHERTON PL4\I\T. MILLS HaTieiK purcha^i-d tT^VluiluTtun I'Uniup Milli fruii ". J. Spronle. Esq.. 1 now air< tn inform tho PUBLIC tint I am iu a position to do ALL KINDS OK General pUuiug mill work, HU.'ll 8 SASH, IHXiltS. DOORFRAMES Planint; and MaU-iiin\', r aawing.etc. iucaali will be paid tor any quality of ;:;, Shsep^i&s ::: Talk, HrslMTli.il I'aill;, . - A laix quantity of good dry piii lumber on linnd. W. J. &OW*UB*, Flcslicrton. Flesherton Livery Stables. . CLAYT91K, rroprletvr. f li elaM karaM aid rebleleii far hire at r.le. lia)M l.|-eH UaaBaw UI .H.lli. aM \et eoa.t.a TIIOROUOIIBRED BKRKSHIRK Boar for Service. Thenndpr'lRTind ha for aarvire at Kricevi < a Drat claim thoroughbred Hrkilii> Boar -lt> porebaaed froaa Mi i: lim-m. <>f \\ln TKKMfl (I 'Hi.. uiiiiiiJ-l t.,o!; nmt i>i Art nn.aia fall !'.. thta fall, anil MWOII." av - \Vuik,- 1 1 .n kx hi i >it 1 0,1. T \ M WM.BARNHOUSE, BOOT AND SHOK WAKKH. FLKSHKHTON. (IS ! Deelrea t thank hi. Dtimuroiu cutuni." ff Ihe ry ItWisJ ps>*ronaax ,, tended lo tl.. paM, ami ia now prepared to nil all urdera ' urouiiitnei.". itMiafaotiun guarautevd. Tv*J< year* in hunio" In Fleslivrtoo. and hnn. i.ial ni(;. :th K""- 1 wor lmjiii"F.baTre. tu')e I. an>e weM knewn through, nit thia T>eiiiii< wed m> a tpeeiaJtr "et taut U .>- Wax

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