THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE i> i l'ii M rn* OKI' Xtrrrt, A'/. ..Jn-r/r.ii, "/.'. TKKkia ( BUnscltll'TK'N 1 pi r tuiiuiu wlii-ii |>nl -ti nil) in dvucu . J |.t-i k.inulu in .1 nut i> I'M I ADVi:uTi.iMi KA i On* coliuuu. 1 i j'f t"l , do., *-T quarU-1 col. .1 Trni. nt l\- i urn .1 t tin' rate .1IIU (.11 III si ::i i I :|.ill Ui. I I r. ij r II . 1 "I W.l. THURSTON, i)i;. HIM s cANi)titATii:i:. l>r. Hunt is u man of i><-iMih;ir inotliotls. In fact it is haul to un- derstand liis tactic. Tiny an loo |irofoiuiil to l)i mult TbtuD'l l>y urdiuiiry mortals. At the late lUI'min ronveii- timi, lulil in Markdule, u huw num- ber of tht di liy.iti s \v. n unfavorable to briii'-jine; out ;t camliilutu to conU.-t tin ridin;: uitli Major I!orl;r, but Dr. Hunt ilc.-iml to .safiilu'e himself nyou tbo altar i>olitic am' it was ikcidtd to ulluw him to J<> so. A \\vik or so ago l>r. Hunt anuoiinct d to Ills frii-nds ibat be would not stand. On \Vi d- i iV Illst till- pl'Lbldullt of tllO Ki - form Association mvivi-d a U-lu^ram announcing tbc l>r's. final decision tbat be would remain in tbc field. \Vliat, we would like to inquiro, does ti. i \.i'-eilaliiig, twisting and tumb- ling l>olicy signify ? Surely tbe K.- form i-onu-iiti'Mi oiifjlit to be jmnid of its ci'.vdidat) ! It n-iiiinils one of a Kiuall lies undur^'oin^ Ins ! in Hwiiiuuinj;. Tbo litlb !' li"\v , nu-rs tin' water until it risiii to bis k: tin n mul.i s ii rush for tbe slmie with tllC i '.emulation tbat " It's Cold." The next trial will probably amount to a little more, but wlun be lieU tbe cold wain- tiekliir,' bis ribs bo will, tin chi'i. . ufii-.e to advance unti! KMM day when tbo water is wanner. In ti 1 Dr. limit ibe i.- now tickling lii.s rihx, and if lie line- not lellle |ll i ellUtately l<> tile hank In; will very liki ly undergo u orani)) lliul will either drown him or double him up for life. As a physi- cian Dr. Hunt in-.d.alily imdi rslandn this an 1 knows llial his fear is well fi^nded. It is amusing to wateb tin untie* and oxiircHsions of feut, but in fart they aru really justifiable. for the wati r 18 of unknown depth juil at ITUSPII. There ban been a ;! -a! Ui :! ction in tin; K< form rimp ofCeiitro (irey, owing to Mr. Mowat's j U-nii^ to L'rri'ch and Catholic in- . I' 1 i Kijual Ji>;hts party is Hot ' i here, but numb' i:i of liitheiio Ki foriiurs have decided that Mr. Meredith'i platform, which we .sb in tboso the proper thin/ for this cor.ntry, and will vote aei'oidin^ly. Under such circuill- :,;.un" .. Dr. Hunt's Hwiininm;; i is an i M'I i d:n"r, bard on. , a:id one wbieh will, no doubt, discourage him from bulling a serond ai tempt. MK. Mi;i:i:iMTii'S I-LATFOKM. As a iM'.tnhiT of our readers arc pruhahly uuiK-'iuaiuted with the full i'l.p ui <!' .V:'. Moredith'i platform wo a follows : : our liinl'ir roinir . 4<>ll UlUlll H ail Ol<l-i'lll l(J' \ .. . . . : : v.l,l(ill erni-l-r. |'l< ' ' II." II .- nf IllUlllrll' ll til I i llh U.Hl 1.4V , N.HI I'M. uii nt "I I'm r.'luiatioQ l*i-| Alinlllloli "f till i t.-mi't no i ,t i I to iBtlml l.uii.n Mill lull i AttiMiiinii to ili iui| luvuini ut "f the oonill . ,,ltlie wiiikiiiKiiniii In in.' iui.i">f> "I li.ii. mil Ctthi.ltos ami II a. tm.t- Mil..' obUl.ll'HI* nil. n-llni'llU to tin. .|irl SelnHil Act lanim In r|nil4. Itftllot for separata Mbool aluuUirn. as oov 00- j i1 l>r imi'lii: xibool nlvcton. lb'ii ( li piliu-i|iiB dial (Millar adjioatl'in II tli dntf of Ilia atata, aud Mt to ail H< h"' '.- I" * lli.'li l> : t i. v i Ilia stall' mm.! itihiit .1, n 'H mm:! < "titr"l, wliilu not atii'kiiij; tn llitprfxli' wltll i. lunk' K!I^: niir arli. il, and any n-laiatimi "f ' lw iiiiiU'intooil BH ' ' .1 I'ti.l^ ' i a t4'inpf . il booka must IM oppose* 1 n lo pur* (.i-timta tlii-|iroiii i... :l.|. Tho abovu platform is ucknow- li i .1 by all, even Reformer!, to be a good ouc, but the latter say Mr. Meredith would nut curry it out, even if iil.iceci in power, (iive bim an oppor- tunity, and see how quickly he will provu such pessimistic vuporii:gs false. \Vui. Meredith is a man of in- !< n .ii earnestness in his convictions, and OIK- who bus tin 1 courage of his ei>iiuctioii8. Klecl b.m to tbe Hi .is my iK'iiclies and yn will huve I a man who i-.i\ -, what lie mi ans and will do tin di ( ds he pro iniscs. Head the phitloim curelully, and RCO if it he not such an one a ; should bcadoptid by eviiy truth-lov- ing mid sincere 111:111 .if tin rro\mei . On the other hand, Mr. Mowat will lu.t i,'rant the ballot to the Catholic separate school sup|Hiiter, In i i forsooth, the heads of the church desire him not to, while the elector ciaiuoni for it. Mr. Mowat will only do away with a small porli'in of tux \i tnptions ; an:l Mr. Mowat will not urant secret ballot n I'orui heiMiise he liken to know who are his hi. nds. Mr. Mowat will not ^,'raiit the election i'l liceiiKe insp' r: .r by the people. because be IS a Ai/oni/und likes to be liberal with tbo^e hotel keepers who are his supporters. The rotteiini >-. of this latter system, alone, ou^'ht to IM enough to send Mr. Mowat to the ruminating shades of opposition. Mr. Kykert, of Lincoln, has hei n emivicted by the special committee api>omted to m\i -ti-;ale tin cl, , against him of hoiHllmj; and oils conduct in connection with timber limits some vars ax >, and has re- hi'/tied his .-eat m the House of Com- mons. When this investigation .i~ instigated ()p|Hisition papers aveired that Sir John would sec t' it that Mr. Kykert bbould not be I'.nind guilty. Now thai the ii suit has been contrary to their e\pi etations tin- same p.ipii> sin ei 'in ;;1\ ii inaik that tin i vutiveri huve .-Imwn little ./ralitndi to Mr. 1!\U it by llu ir coui i m mutter. Surily the Ke- former is very bard to ph asu about an election time. A I . : . . . I'roni Mr Uurkr r.. Hit /;././..< .,/ //,. .i.(i',m,-f. 1)K4K SIK, Bi-iii'.' tint Tietiin <if n I mnlii! iiceidi'lil, wliicli .-. MII red cu ti,.. Ut Hint.. I H"_M'-t III .u kli'.H li-d'.ie tlliil 1 Hill r.' d tii I. . '""Hi and Hli.tll U) mi ulllo ti' elite! II|.i.n Ilie I le, I l.'ll |npil|e l | t II* earl V A il.llr ill lll\ u|.| iillrllt. 1 .nil KKHiiri'd. li'.nrvi-r, liy my mcilli ;il tj'i.vr. tliut I sliull In) tit fur duly nil nr IK I' if tlm IJiliin-,1 I will then hold a serum "I Illiillll-. III! .il'.'l. .ill ti \i-ry l..l.ln|i ill til.- i him.', I.. i \|M |'iii|'..-i. cif ^uin^ nil aiviiiiiil ui mv t> Witrd.tlii|i, iiinl dls- etishiii.i tlie |ii. -'j'.in wliiih tin i.'. t . tilt: t'> |ni|ltli-|l pArtlOHllf this |.|. IMIin- llellt VIM'.' I III- I'lillfiiriH ll 1 -.11 ' , and I. i !--!> di lined liy Her .M.ij^^ty'n I i|i|>i.!tiiii,n tliMni"!i tln-ir iililn and talenle.! leudi'i. \V. I! Meretlilli. Q. C. v will r. .1- .;v ndi' ..I the iiiilejiMKluiit i !,-, ii.ii . i r, in i. (irey, aa wull at tlm inujority of the minima. tll|..ll s il'i|lt till) |.|"VIIH. I mn. mi yuur.1 Hiin-.-n-lv. J08EPU Clarkslun-, Hut , May litli, I* HI Mi'l.ltoW - AlOwen Smiml.nn Frl.lnv. Unv in., il.ii i i.\i ,\* IP, nl I.. - pi, M in lini I., !li leiir. From uiir oi/'d Currttfandtnt. Tin' I. lie ruin ha* HHiilleii th nninonnn atreains that wtitur our htiie tJl.i.-o am . .nited n vii>iiriiiis trmwlli nf fuha^e Tim fall wlie.ii "ii ilie inlj;i,-i!iit farim in in ii |.i. .M.. i. .n, i-.iiitiiiiMii. and Kti i.n pr.'iiiinuH KIMII! crop. I ';u mi-it Ii r.i IIIMI ly lini.t!icd seedilr,'. Mr. (i T liialiun li;u inrle;l<ed (hi i lilt i Hi ill. if .tiiW Illld |.ll: nH riiliU-r tirunii! I fit. Hi! M unn turniiiL; mil liimli T in nninlN-r miu Mr. \V. S l!iahn|i left ttnvii ihi.t w-i-k f.n .N.'itli |!ii\ . Tlm li.itr lall clnli has nr^uii/od wit) Mon. J. Mct'niinell and \V. Elha fu ca|iiunt. Tlm b")t urH preparing I UAVII a liwly tnu with the ipbure !l|i snuiin. r .ind are n|iea tu any chalUii|( (Tri>nt<i team vxempt^ fur the Ins ini'iith. 'I'ln,' ('mil li.iil team in uUo pn to a cliulleii^ii fur the aninn date. 1N<,I ISIT1VK. le\ > A'- "-n our oirii ' ION Irnt. .Mr I: T. M'liin. tlio r.j'i.M-ntaMi I \.i an I'.ros , Toronto, it visitin.- hia iiinly in I'Vier.-diam at present. Hu il II xenial as ever, anil int. i tains the boys i.'hi royally. Some of tho l.oyg thought they would lay a practical jnku on our 'lost, lln-wii, n Sunday evening, the 4th innt. Ac- tln-y xei:-.c<l hi one liomu hy nil deposited it with cure in thu bottom i thu -MI linn.- water*, where it was nind the following mnriiin^ by Mr. Jno. ilei.inai i ie, who took it out by way of lie turnpike road. Many *re thu rumors s tn who thu _'uilty parties are, l.ut Mr. <r" n in fully aware as tn who the uuilty .-iitn-.i are, and it is to bu hoped he will ave tho I'm .d Keime to prosecute the of- eiider* of the law. I -i -luiii,' i* the order of tho day M -is. V. (_'. Itiuce and J. Irwin, arc he trnut la-men, in favor of the latter, . to H4. StrRiii>.' to nay sonic of our citizens can eil on Wednesday what T. 'in lu* reservd Thursday. We wonder whn the pp" -f e.nli-r is '! \\ill I I*- fora-d tn a.-k the illowin^ i|uetimi, n/. I Is it ("iHiihle ,r a letter tn ,'n frniii here tn Kh-shprton without. l H ;ii|i> read by Home iin|tiuinie in 'hller I Surely "Tom" u capable of I in-,' in-, own proof leadiie,'. nnd in .i-t ire|"'iident8 are anxinUH to hurv that inimr to tin niselvcs. Nnw. my frirnd nil t ittteiii)it the hku a^ain, for really, it - n i*r-, Mr. \\ . MeAlevr and Miss Maggie Iniin-st. ad aro ill the villace at present. Mr. W. J Mi-fiirr is at present laid up with a Hiiru hand frmn tho etlucU nf i.'. Mr. W. (!. Allister w;ia afflicteii with a irnppi! last week, but we an- ^lad tu ee him amund aeain. No clue iiai >' ' Lei n found as ti. the ondltloll n' my lalnelltud irielnl, Xi;.. ,l..e is about tn take tn n trade. Me .refers blaiksinillnnx. (>n in "n it .Ine. low H the .leeeptid lime. y. Win. l.rokrt Mel iin'i lni,','\ . A. Joe and III.H spnni; colt TOM. t't'n.t <m (Ifraiivit'il OfrTMftmdmt- Mr. Kditnr. kindly ulii.w us spa. < in vi.r valuable paper tn Mip;.|y tho public with some of the latest Kcvernhani iie.i. As we have nt iieeii writing fur .vine inn- .- bait- taken the troublu tn pick ip soint-thin^ inli-ri-.stin u- The Salvation Anny held a biin.|iiet in heir barracks lav I'l. iy i-venin,- and i"t!^ llio small alU-ndan., a very i-nj.'Uililo time wan spent. \\ e m.'iiTKt.ind ('apt. I'l.n k intends i\iii', r l-Vrershani shortly. The captin will be mi-si d by a _ r ii-al many of our Kill in Mill on tho war path. We Link MiHH S. 11111,1 have frightened him iKtdly "hen he Irul to run so hard Ke.-|. 'Hi hat on Kill, you may catch C'.l.l.tlie luw f.dlt rather heavy in the UVOIIIII^B, .)" lies low this wtn-li. Spriiii; colon 1.1 ' not come out yet S..nic Smcli'iii'l'tnii friends spent an iij'iyaliKi evening in t-nvn last week with imnie of i.'ir Irf.yn, wh" "eeined tn Vw in .iiil^nii.' rather ireely. .Inn n\n Imlnlay* will -.n u IM- beru iiiid he can sleep lu<ii>ur u tin- duytimu. Kialiin-j M-iisnii has iiL'aiii opened njul the IHIVH an takmu' ailvanlii^e of the line weather to iittack the, river. No tlmilit e thought he had eaii/hf n whale lant H i i-k 111 nee tell.t a el \ ll-hv story. Mr. I'uul's new housu it m counwi nl erectmn. (UlSKKVKlC. II. i:.. . Koll* for April. Tlio followiiii: is the Nt.iiiilint; nf S. SI No. II, \' . . 1 1. for M nr'i .in | April. frill Annie Akin-.. Addie I'.iven Ith S.u.ih \Vn.;i.t, Mutli.i Wii.,'ht, }'.\;\ Irwin. Win ( irr. :trl Kllen Wilt-nek, I.uit* Sle.v.irt. ll.niy On . : .'. Li/./io Waller,! M MulU'ii, Kuini.i yuiy^'. Win. I'.lack- hii rn. 2tnl -(!ny Orr, S u.ili Tinker. Kllen tjiliu",', Kalii' r.i-nllntin, l.l/./n- Tiu-Lur, Ku-il \Vurts. Maine .l,.|iiii,.n, \\iili.' lielltll.llll, (ir.l.e U urH, KaJii'l Knll. llelltlinin. H.KSimil'oN STATION Sr. lt!i M m \l. rii,itt,<r. Jr. 4tli .litiiL't Mi-l'hattur, .litrr.ei Aihdown, Sr. :tr 1 Millie Ci.ok, .lonie Hi>ni|.1nll. Ir :inl Tli'.inn Lawienee. \\il!n \\ ill.smi and Mary \. ('...ik (ei| il). Sr. l!nd ThuinuH Cn..k, lull. KI (iKM\. N:iiue8 arran^eilitee 'idnii{ tn thopti|>ih slandlllL' 111 tliell ri-peetue 4th eliutH, AlU'ri Latimer, lleiliie Johnnoii, Minnie ('illilami ',\rd claiui, Allu-it Watti, ('harl< J.ihnton, llari.n Hell itinl i-law, Kusnu llbwkini, Alice (inraou.Fraak P4Jr 2nd p*rt, Alice 1 i-n." Cnn-iioii Smith, lUltou Tui ner. eg m FOR THE KI SPRING TRADE- A ; everybody will be getting a pair cl new boots or shoes orought to be getting a pair, now that the fine weather will >e here soon to meet, increased trade I have bought very largely in this line of <;oods, some of the choicest and best that can be had, also cheaper ones. In fine goods the stock I air. now offering is net excelled in this part of the country. I also have a very lar^e assortment of heavier lines. Not much use quoting prices, although I have men's plough boots for $ i. oo, also ladies' Balmoral for 1.00 and very good value for the money. I don't want to make you believe they are worth five dollars out they are very good value in- deed, for 1.00 I h.ivc \ury much better lines and better value at from !?2.oo, 3.00 and ^4.1.^ that will give good satisfaction. These are bought from some of the best manufacturers in v Ontario, and aie equal to anything show- ing in this line and quite new. IN GENTS' WEAR 1 have a very stylish lot of Buff, Calf, Dongola and Kid, Bal- moral and Gaiers, also strong lace boots. IN LADIES' WEAK I have a choice lot, new styles, in Pamela, Dongola, Kid.. Polish C' Balmoral and button, also heavier lines. IN CHILDREN'S WEAR I have a very large assortment, ail sizes. GENTS' & LADIES' Slippers a large lot in plain and foxed carpet, tweed ami rep., also fine leather. TRUNKS FOR SALE. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Done Wffl. CLAY Grand R. TIMMBLE Has pleasure in announcing to the ladies of Flesherton aa'I vicinity the usual spring opening of our Dress Goods and Print department. The latest effects in Cashmere's, Com- bination and Invisible stripes. Lustres, etc. Prints in all the new colors and patterns. MILLINERY. The Millinery department is complete in Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Etc., in all the newest styles and at low figures. ' WANTED. Every man who values a dollar or needs clothes to see the winder! til price attractions at the Leading Clothing Store. There is no argument required to sell these goods. The quality, styles and price does the work. HATS & CAPS. Large stock in all leading shapes ami styles, an I prices lower than ever. BOOTS & SHOES. Men's, Boys', Youths', Ladle's and Children's in endless variety and at prices that defy competition. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEED J ! Red Clover, Lucerne Clover, Mammoth ;-M.| A ke, also Timothy, all first class seeds and at bottom piu GROCERIES & PROVISi NS. Our Grocery Department is complete, eon of Ion-; clear Bocou, Rolled and Standaid Oatmeal, n Me '. Cracked Wheat, Etc., Etc. Hilvor I'l-emenl** f l> uriv i. n raisM. Li.