Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1890, p. 6

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BALTODR'S LAUD BILL Declared by Gladstone to Violate Oonititu- tional Equality. A London cable of lait night lays : Mr. Gladstone resumed the debate on the Land 1'nrehase Dill in the Uouie of Commons thi- evening. Be said he opposed the bill noil r an overwhelming conviction that il waa complicated without undertaking to aolve thu dilVioulty. lie wai disappointed when Mr. Baltour stated that the measure pledged Iho onuntry to the extent of 133,- OOO.OOO, without mentioning the possibility of further amounts being atkcil. Mr. Par- nell's plan was new in principle. Ill gen- eral purpose was clear, but he was not certain that he comprehended the details (Conservative laughter.) It was honorable even chivalrous in Mr. 1'arnell, oppoa ing Ibe Government as he did, lo propose an alternative. He etrongly sympathized with one object ot Mr Parnell'a plan, where- by the landlords would not be expatriated, but would be retained. It would be A BOIHOWITI. lOSCLi of the life of the landlord claaa if when local government was establiahed in Ireland they did not take part in adjusting affaire. Mr. halfonr 1 ! bill proaenled a number of dubious points. Some of the proposals were so obviously objectionable as to justify their rejection. A bill of this kind should not encourage landlords to become bnyera of land in order to take advantage of tho enormouj boons offered. lUtar, hear.) The provision reipeoling two years' arrears also required a justiticauou which it would be dit:.:tnt to find. (Chtera ) The method proposed for asci rtainiug the net rent of the land would enable the landlord to obtain compensation upon a large maai of income that he had never received. (Hear, hear.) He also tcok the itrongeat objection to placing an embargo upon the local funda of oouoti-i. (Hear, hoar.) That proposal lULiTEU A rltlNl'II'LE which the IIouso ought to hold Bacred. Thu OLly really available and valu\ble guarantee! provided in tbo meaeuro were grai a o<x HfllOOI. CLOSED 11V A DOO. Mep" U A Philadelphia deipatch iayi : from the Imperial exchequer on < l of probate duties and other public ohar,r>i. Tho Ooverumenl had already Kitgland and Scotland similar grants. i; them wholly at the dif penal of the ** . ... r. _. m_ I _ !._ /"*... givi loc. i Miili jrities. Wai it possible tin- Oov erir:.- Mt would tell the counties of Ireland ihn the grant to that country must bo UH, .< for the benefit of persons contracting m r the bill? (Cheers* It was a viola ti ( i Anility in governing the three king. don i , than which ho ntvcr knew a more Uui\; instance. (Cheers.) Coming to tin- -conititutional' objtctiona, any of which, he asserted, formed an absolute reason against the atcoiut reading of the bill, Mr. (JIadtlone urged it was obvioui that Inland opposed the miaanre, s>s !.,. 1-1 \ h.i ol the Irish mem btrs deliberately and determinedly opputelit. i Cheers) Ai ibe Government was going to make Ir-luM it* ilebtur.it was important to coneider tic attilu if uf the |, rsons aLout lobe subjected to ill bt. Was il (i jdnible to imagine llie Government importing a similar rnrature upon Hoolland indetlauce 1 1 the pruti st of i,0 out of 70 Boolrh numbers? (Chirrs) Ho obiMte* also to the nsi of Knghsh credit. In the laut 1,1 i.crl election buth the Conserve - lives and the Opposition VM r. i lodged against tic use ol the j.utlic credit. '1 hm rarliainc.it could not in conformity with it* honorable obligations p a Bill insti- tuting a loan fund l.avnu! an interminable operation. (<:li*rs) Besides the large pecuniary ink the Hill I ..... . 1 EMI.- TEMIJI.I' lil.EAiaB, thrcttoutiig to produce condition! which would shock humanity, imperil order and make worse the relations between the two oouniri 0. Hlatelaudlordisui implied the, use Of auldiciK against thu tenant, the lite, o( every weapon of the Htate, to enforce an unpopular law. It wan a Had disappoint- munt to lind under thu uumaof a voluntary arrangement betwieu landlordunillcn.nl a device for bringing an irresistible prc-s lure U[.on the tenant, with a view to ex- torting lor the landlord's benefit nearly the wbi ! ol the immense boon that Parlia- miot might confer. Mr. (iladatone said thesu objections covered only a part of this Maart, which was probably thu moat oorupli oate-d one he had evur e< n. In oon- olunon he laid . I fuel it to be my absolute duty to protest against principles of so rlrM a character and so tending to embark thu country in minima- pecuniary risks, ii ile making land purchase i ut an aim in the settlement of the general Irish problem, but a means to further plunge UB into i hu deepest political embarrassments. (Obeeri.) * What's In Name T A Washington despatch lays : The Beiiatu Committee on Foreign Uelaliona has decided to urge upon Congrem the advisability of placing our Munnters to the groat | .. * 11 of Kurope on an equal footing in respect of rank with representatives uf Other nan in Hanator Hhurnian to day reported from the oommitiee an aincinl merit In Die I Uiilnmalic Appropriation Mill giving tin- title of anibaiianor to our Min- isters to Great Iliiliio, France, (.icriuai.y an i Kussia, thu lilary to be as now, 117,600 per annum. O her amendments proposed by the committee to the bill provide that the salary of thu Minister to Turkey shall te 1 10,000, an increase of tii.fiOO ; to Denmark, 7,600. an iucrvaie i>f ,_',. ".uii ; and to Ureoe, Konmama and Kc'rvia, 17,600, an increase of 91,000. ! ii.iu CMarcxI Wltb 1 1. ., i.n A ('airo cable nay* : A Coptic olerk, who wai an employee of Kinin I'asba while was at Wadelai, IIHH made a iworn Orcatloa; IL t- Kxclli'Biant lo i, County. m ^ Bcbool Taacher Flora Marshall's due", which bai so dividid the resident! of Waterford, Camdon oonnty, by biting Mies Abbie Kioc. a popular young woman of tfce town, si v eral da)i ago, ii forward again ai a candi- date for public attention. Four men with guns followed Miiu Marshall in an effort to get a ihot at her big shaggy friend " Nep," which she wai taking across the border of Winalow township to get him cot of harm. MIBH Marshall oloatd her school, at Balee' Mill, \i HII rilay and oamo up to Camden, where the held a ooceultatiou with .lawyer Martin V. Bergen. No one bai a right to sheet your dog," said Mr. Bergen. " Ut a pistol, and if bey attempt it, shoot tin in." Miss Mar shall hai secured the wt-spon, it ii iii J, and will defend her dog and herself . Bince the alleged biting of Miia Rice over a week ago, the town of Watcrfordhaibeen rent asunder, and the question of tho life or death of the dog has entered into every phase of social and business life there. Miai Uioe insisted that as she wai passing Mill Marshall'! bonce the dog flew upon and bit her in the hand. She and her friends declare the big bruto most die, but Miss Marshall defended her put, aaierting that he wai tender, gentle and brave, and that sho would as icon part with her own blood as sue that of her noble "Nep" shed. She wan sure that he had net bitten Miss Hice, but may have jumped upon her in play and caused her a gnat fright. The trouble was diacodaed in all its phatis, acd Miss Kite's male frixnda made ocry iltori to get a shot at the dog, but co far they have been uneuccecHful. At last Capt. II. M. Jewett, Chairman of th lownthip Committee, wai appealed to, and alter hearing all the facts he issued a decree cf death upon the dog. Misj Mar- thai), however, headed iff any attempt to execute the decree of denth by taking the dog out of the township. The four men who followed her found it impossible to iboot, as tho plucky voting suhoolmarm kept so close to the dog* Ibat her own body might have received the charge intended for the dog. The doling ot the village ichool on account of a dog bis added IL. 1 to thu lire among the brute'n enemies, ai.d there ia no telling where the controversy will end. I Mr OKON1N l -l I Kuni* and WoodrufT Llbrrattd-ThreaU of Mew iteveliiUouK. A yeilerday'n Chicago deipatch aaya : State- Attorney I.ongenecker bai had the oaae against John II. Knn/.e itricken from Judge tlawei' docket. Knn/.u haa been out on bail over since Judge McConnell granted the young Cronin suspect a new trial. The Btalb'v Attorney believed that it would be uaeleas to prosecute the German. Frai.k J. Black, alias Frank Woodruff, the lone Cronin suspect, who hai occupied a cell in the oonnty jail almost a year, was discharged on the charge cf murder by Judge Ilawea. Attorney! Browne and I'orlcr, for Woodruff, claimed that their client had been nnder indictment for mur- der more than Line mouths and had not been given a trial. According to the law, they said, he should be given a trial cr dis- charged. "The fii:t is," the Stato's prosecutor admitted, " I cannot try him for murder, but be ought to be kept in jail as long ai poaiible on general principle*. Such a liar aa Woodruff is better C0 in the cage than out. Aa to the murder charge I can't do anything with him, but he'll go op far horse stealing." State Attorney Locgenecker said he knew who took Cronin'i body away from the Carlion cottage, and il WIB learned to-night that tbia man was none other than J. B Sirnonde, who has been eo eagerly wanted. Il ii raid Simonds died eudrtenly and tua- I iciounly cot lon ago in an eastern city, while it is also raid I'atnck Cocney died BinJdei.ly and unnaturally in a Wisconsin village. Three facts have come cot in conao- ijuenci , it ia claimed, of the misdirection of funds raised for the defence of the Cronin murderers. The relatives of Sul- livan, the iceman, and Dan C'oughlin have been compelled to mortgage their property to raise tli neceaaary fund* to pay legal and other i xpcnsr e, and they now threaten to tell what they know. Should they do thia.it ia confidently anticipated those of the COD*! iratcrs cow ont ot jail will scoa find themielvei in a had box. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. A WINMt-KU I lul-i Mt M lu Which a I.M..HI., Traveller riii I i .i.lini; furl. A Winnipeg deepatch sayi : A private l> tier from ioronto making i>i.>iuiries as to the canee of the continued absence and silence cf a haiband and father giveia olun to a tensation. The man ii a commercial traveller, uell-knowu in the Kait and in Wiiiniptg. During bin fre>iu-ut visit! to this provmoe he made the acquaintance of a woman here, 'the woman in question formed the central figure of nil interesting incident in thin oily three or f our y can ago. She is the mother of t .vo children, but is divorced frcin her husband, who il in the hardware busineai in I'orl Arthur. The acquaintance between the two becainu Very intimate, lu fact their attacbmcnt for each other decided them in abandoning their children and wife, home, situation, aud all, and seeking ic -lusion and pleasure amongst the 1 1 u|.ic i f thu 1'aciUo coast. The woman to cover her lte-| H announcx d to her friends that she was going on a brief viiit to Chicago on Tuesday, and placed her two children in charge of her neighbors. She, hoAe-ver. only went aa Ur louth as 1'euibina. U> turning yesterday, she t once proceeded to the Canadian Tactile Hallway depot and boarded the express for the west. Tlie commercial traveller was also ou aboard, and the two alighted at 1'jrla: u la 1'rairie and spent the night there at one ol ill i lii'leU, continuing their journ. y lo the coast on Friday. depisinon before Maaou 'toy to the effect that the revolt of Emm's foioes wai solely due to the diicoverv of Kmin'i plani to surrender his 1'rovinoe to the Mahdi. Kmiu, according ta the clerk's statement, ant three meiaengeri to the Mabdi offer- ing to surrender, but they were K< i. nt and topped by Kmin'i ofnoeri. The revolt followed thii diioovery. Maiou Bey ooniideri the statement credible. Andrew Campbell, founder of the printing iinm company bearing hii name, died In Brooklyn in. ill IN TMK 101 MM. II. 1 ., i. ,1,1,. Citiiiril I IM lo NIIII bjr the ChlllMV ItltHSlOU. A Waahington deepatch aaya : Attorney- (iei..-ral Miller informed the Treasury Ueparlmvnt, under date of April l'.ilh,iini iheiu am niueteen Chinamen now in CUB tody at the United Btates Marshal of Washing! n, who were arrested and tried for coming into the I'nittd States in violt- lion of tho Chinese Exclusion Act He n , uiniended, in accordance with a ing gestion from the Secretary of Hiate, that notwithstanding the presumption that these Chinamen entered the I'niled Slates aorotti the lirilish border, they l>a returned to China at thu (internment expense, for the reason that the men could not be returned to lirilish territory without pay iin-nl of a head tax of t&O each, and even then they n.i ;lit probably again evade the viitilance of tin- I'uiled Hialea officers and n mm to this country, riuoretary Windoui hai kdnpinl the recommendation, and has inslruoted the Oolleolor of Customs at Port TowiiHend to aee that the men are n Inn > I to China in the most economical way by sailing or other vessel bemud direct for that country without touching at any American port en route. l*urliis;utiHt liiliinimiihy. A London cable cayi : The crew of the liritish ban|oe UHMO, from Savannah for Newcastle, before reported abandoned, were rescued by the liriiiah ship Ilighmoor. Some of the reamed men were placed on another vessel cfl Lisbon. Five of the Osseo'i crew refused to proceed nn the Ilixhmoorand started in a luat tor St. Viuoent, 60 miles distant. They reached the ialand in a starving oondition, but the I'ortCfcUtae authorities would kive them no succor and n fused to nllnw them to land The British oontul gave the men a distress order addreseed to the oaptain of the British iteamer Bnffon directing him lo carry them to England. Statements in regard lo Ibe matter have been received by the British Government. VIENNA Al. MtMKU. llu. nl -,f tin i mllni i<in and A.I.II.| i- tu Wrrt-k 1 ruin* v i.'. . A V.i nna cable bay a : A great senaalion has beeu caused here by an apparently 1 1! eial nctu IM the .I/., n.i/.-f, slating that the troops called out lo repress tho dis- orderei at Biala did not, as previously tx litved, me blank cartridges on first firitg on tl.c riolerr, bnt need ball cartridges al the first volley. Tbia note, taken uitn the circular from the Minister cf ihu Interior ing the provincial Govei tiers instructions with reference to tho [ roclau ation cf martial law, is regarded as indicating tbe determination of Ike Government \o act with txtruni energy m Ihe case ot dia order. At Biala mailers rcouaiu calm, although at a workmen's meeting held last i.ight threats to eel tire to housea of the nob were ulltrci. Thu middle and upper classes are greatly alarmed, aud many wealthy residents have, lift Biala for Cra- cow and Liuiberg. The gurnscii has been strongly reinforce,! 11 u< w of further ridtn ;-. An attinq I at notirg is s^naled (r. m l-ieybiiii h. In. auihorities ot which i . asked il military Governor ot Cra- cow to end a battalion of infantry lo their aid. Ills announced that atlcmpts have licen nude to wreck A train near lUtdoif, bv | Ucirc large btooei on the track. U.,.i> the obotru -.lion wa* duocvcreU in nun. Men almi ha\e I ecu n- u hanging urp.fiuuslv areiiir 1 Kiebeiibrum station. 1'rars arc t nli rlau nt thai the labor Ircu bles 10 South Auntrii will be attended with some disaalrous reeulls, aa Ihe men are now workel up to a while lual of (xasporaliin. n rritUM Inc. i Minkrii. A Han I'rancKcn. i ,1 unalch cf last night says : One o! the meat severe Ihocka e f earthquake experienced he-re for a long limn was le-lt in llna i ily ami LUC.II bounng localiti-.a a litllo after 3 HO o'clock this morning. The buildings were shaken perceptibly and peril us aroused from thvir sleep. PlasUiiiug i. il frcm the walls in places, bu; no serious damage haa been rupurteei. The eartl-quake at'.cck at May field waa very severe. The raiaoad briiige was ren- dered impassible, as tbe pure, nj feel high, si Hied a f-w inches, and Ihe rails spread apart about a foot. Tl.c ground in places i -ulc.1 in to twelve inches. Railway lra\d mil U> delayed. Bince April lit | 55 itrikei have been 1 r iki-n in Anitria. Tbe Aoatriau itrikeri are demanding advances ot from .'.0 to 100 per. cent, in wagei. Babioriplioni for tbe relief of destitute Balaclava hercci in England 10 far amount to 9120. The national Ztitung Bays that the Labor bill flxel tbe maximum c.1 wcmen'i work at eleven houn a day. There have bren thirleen deatbi alto- gether ai a remit of the anti-Semitic riot- ing in Biala, Galicia. The death ia announced at Belleville of Mr. John Francis, County Surveyor, at the ripe old age of 72 yeari. M. Bpitzar, tha well-known collector, died in Parii on Friday. Hia collection of curio* ii valued at 14,000,000f. The bill providing fcr tbe doling of laloonain Ireland en Sunday baapaaicdita lecond reading in the Ccn mona. A Zarzibar despatch sayi the German! have built a fortified station at Mount Kenia, formally acnixingto that diitrict. Tbe non union carpenters of Chicago are appealing to Secretary Blaine for protec tion against the intimidation of the union iiti. Giovanni Sncci, who on March 17th btgau a 40 rays' final tbe Royal Aquar ium, Paria, successfully completed his taek yesterday. Tbe I'ittaburg Commission Company, the largest bucket abop concern in Pennavl vania, bits surpei.ded with liabilities eili mated at 150.000 The Newfoundlanders are enforcing tbe bait rrgnlatirDi ligorcosly against all ves ails, charging a license fee cf 91 p>r ton at each time of taking bait. A London, KUK, grave digger hai been renteneed to one month'a impriionment in Berlin for cutting the hair from the beads of corpses aud se-liiug Ibe saane lo dealers The Pope anr ruices that at the coming coneiitory, in acoordarce with the agree ineiit with Gen. r-immons, he will raise thu Bishop of Malta lo the rank of an Arch bishop. The Brazilian Minialer to Italy hai teen m ailc.l bt -.-aufr be failed to present to the Italian GiAeinmeut the decree cf his Gov crumei:t fortnl'int Italians to enter aken np by tbe wind and carried | itance. Jai. Hamilton, John T. Owens, ames Owens Isaacs, convicted of stsa hone from a farmer at Crorskeyj illoried for one hour and wh wenly lathei eaoli at Georueli eleware,8tarday. There being oajjailyl ha whipping took place on tbe villa retn, in a apace roped off to keepraek tl X) spectatori. On Thursday evening bor^Urx attempted' o enter Patter .v Co's. llore at Iron wood,-' [iih. A clerk fired a shot Kun . th face [ the foremen man and th oiiritUra llad. n Friday night the burglar, whose name i found to be John Richards, turned op al he hospital with bia face nearly gcue. Ha efnsed to name bia accomplice and died isterday. President Carnot hai received a letter rora the King of Dahomey, in which the alter complains that the French attacked im without warning and without declaring war againat him. He fanh-r says that when bis father died France alone emitted i bond him a letter of sympathy. The ing declare! tbe French mi r. hi.ia now n hi! power will be kept aa h-tstagel until be end ot tbe war. The dower feast cr combat of dowen ><k,an yesterday afternoon in tbe City of iexioo. One hundred thousand people were on tbe promenade of L Kiforma and he Avmido Juarez. In addition tn nearly 00 unadorned carriages, containing sight- seers, there were over 40 carriage s adi r l iih dowers and ribbons am' folly 1 COO borsenifen. The quantity of flowers wai normone, four carloads cou ing from alapa alone. The celebration was brought to a hasty conclusion by rm. ambulance Hunday night. He ^ _____ _ had been attacked by heart disease on the street, lie wai 6V yean old. The moat noted figure at the Pntman House at 1'alalka, I'la . is Mrs. Henry Ward Ueeoher, who has rpent the past three seasons in that city. She is beginning to show her ave. Though her hair ii a* white as snow, Mrs. Beeuncr'i activity ii quite remarkable. Nobody really hales an egotist, txoept another egotiit. Other people are only bored. N. > -..M.I,.. I. Wife (awakei:*ng her husband) Ob, (MIUHC, lucre's a i-:ir,:lar in ihu house I Husbanii iIi< >pil>) Huh I > Yi H, and he's al my jjwelry box I ' " Huh!" " No ; I declare, he's in the ice cheat roi m !" " IK that no? (live me my revolver quiik!" l III .111*1-1. ill*. Bqueom You're not looking well this morning, old man. What's the matter T Niokltb) No wonderl I was uuuon acinus ti-n hmirs last night. Squiern It) Jove ! Aud np thia morn- ingl Why, man, you ought to be under id.- dootor'a care. What wai the mailer .' Nuklcby 1 waa asleep 1 lull u>rljr superstitious. " Do you thiuk that as a rule theatrical people are superstitious ?" asked a travel ling man of a manager. " I '.i 1 thiuk so .' I know il. I've seen twenty people sit for hours wailing for tbe ghost to walk." Wliy Ntihouliuwi ins AraOul *tliU. " How doei il happen that there are so many old mids among ihe suuocil tuachersi"' a teacher waa asked, according to a con- temporary. " Because auhool teachers are as a rule women of sense, and none of them will give up a *.>0 position tor a 910 man," was the reply. Kalllvd. Nurse (lo young husband) -A beautiful ten pound baby, sir. Young Husband (getting things mixed in bis excitement) Glorious I Am I a father or a mother ? It is stated that Emperor William ia [>re paring to submit to President Carnot pro peisals fur a rapprochtmint which wuult have been impossible while Prince Bismarck waa in power. A despatch from the Indian reservatior at Gleicheu.N W T., announces the death o Crowfoot, the brave and intelligent chief o 'I he. city of Austin, Ttx., will eieot the greatest dam in the United Stales. cost) 1,500,000. the liiackfeet tribe. lie dud of lion of the lungs. The Kt-i <? \ rfi'ji says tbo Russian Government nfuseil to grant tbertque-s of the Auieer of Bokhara that foreign KOOC! for Bokhara bu allowed to pass luroocj Kusiia free cf doty. Ai the moment for F.mpemr William' journey lo Bremen apprcaohed, the em ployeve of the railway ou which he was t tratt! "truck f, r higher wanes. Men fron other lines had t > work tbe trains. During the patl week persona in eight o tin T. tit in illt , S I, familita were madi seriously ill l>> tating canned corned bee hich the canned had ccokud in a c,*ppe kultlf. Thu sick people are leeovennn. lu a special cabligram frcm Berlin u i state. i ihtt lr. Wiuiitborst, tho leader o man Cl rical parly, intend! lap porting the Kni| . tor s Socitlisl policy, bu he expects in return Ihe repeal o! tbe May laws A cttla diieaso of extraordinary vim lenee has n ai :< us appearance with fata i it, ei in the vicinity of Beedwarzkn-Uupen 1'riHnia. I r. i>' cattle hai been slm-ily [rohimt-.| with the infected dia tricla. The hur>on-u -ii r of Rtockerau. Austria hose home contains a synage^ue, haa re i-i ucit a> 1 -tier waining him his house wil Ii burned aud not a Jew will escape alive Am Jewish rioting is repotted in Kclomea llalicia. Mr. McMillan, the Manitoba Governmen n i.t, tp-akiug mar Klura en FriJa; mtht. saM Ihat fewtr Ontario farmers an now leaving for Ihe W.Mcrn Slatea wlnli Ihu i iiinbrr going to Manitoba ia largely increasing Mnj.-r Berpa I into, who waa th primary cause cf the trouble between I'.i'ulind aud Portugal l.aa been nppoiutt aidf-ii- o*mp to the King ol Portugal, an< a aord of houor has beeu presented lo him in Lisbon. The slrike cf railway men at Coik i oauiiug oouaiderahiei anxiety at Liverpool owiug lo the (ear Ihat its prolongation ma; bring such pressure of public opinion ti bear ou the pott-uli.e authorities aa wil cause them to adopt a freh mail route. Henr> M. S'Hiilny arriv-d in London on Sainri'n> , \ , -^ after his long absence in Ihu Dark Continent He was given an mini' ne ovation. Ltdy Hurd. it C.oulti waa in wailn .g, aid rir"ve him . If in be carriage Ktvili-v go.-* in Stndrm ,ham a the guest of the Prince if Wales. In spite of iho i.mn. r n , ojnferenoM t be held there ia but .iit.u prospect tba the Chicago carpt^nlers' strike will be willed. The C\r|>utit.-is and Builders Association re'u . -. to recognize the union in ni. v way, i -. the stnkori ii.eiat tbe; will agree to no emu until thia ia done. The British aj t I'litnl Stales Govirn menls h*vc m>. .'. j nn i iqiurativo demaiu Ihat the l>rl k i.,, ina^ queslion houid be iritlrd bv arbitration The British an I'nittfd Blales i i'ligien bad a long intur view yesleiday with the Foreign Minister who has the affair under careful oousidera tion. An ominous feature of Ihe Berlin shoe makera' atrike hai b-eii Ihe ia<ue ot violent maiiifeslo, in which Ibe exislin social order ia denounced. The Emperor' reecripii are attacked as useless. Th workmen, aathe dominant foroe, the man festo says, ought to return and renovat society . There waa a destructive wind and rai storm in Woodroff County, Ark., earl yeaierday mori ing. The village of York villo was aluioat entirely blown away an ChlaMO Ulrln. Chines* girls have, not uufrequenlly, ilcasiog faoea ; bnt Ibis appiies more par- ioutarly to those ot the mi idle aud u[ per 'lasses. The younger children wtar tbeiz uturiaut raven tresses twuttd into a h.<avy ilait hanginf down behind, sicnrrd wittt nany yards of twisted icarl- 1 cord. I u to , b time cf marriage, girls part th. ir hair i smoothly at the forehrad. ai the sun of thsir tingle eitate ; but when tha wvtidirjg- day arrives, tha young brid.-'n hair \ drawn back, and all tbe short h%>r<* are pullrd out by tweezeri, with the idea ot naking her forehead appiar broaii and ligh. With regard to iir-m. a ' hiuese girl ii little troubled by oomidrmions of ashion. There is a slight difference, scarcely apparent to Western eyes, m the cut of the costumes of the girl* and women of different Provinces ; bu', sneaking gen- erally, the same ature is worn by tbe aged grand-dame and her year old grand -daughter, by the man larm'i chi d and ihe Daughter if a poor co he. Their o'olhiug diffsrv, not in shape , but in the material of *luch the ^trumnli are nposfti and the manner n. hicn they are ornamented. With ref<renc to this quMtion of dress, a well kuown American mirsiouary lady, who has lived am' worked for many years in China, writes : " In cue thing tbe Chinese woman -s iioeptionally blessed ibe haa inherited from former neral i ji:s a stylecf dresu at or. CM mo.lest, economical and becoming. It taktii bnt bt yards ot yard-wide pl'i'h for a ccni- I Kite euit of winter garrtnn' . i i ro ia no waste in cutting tor in ui n.c sary appcndagea. lis truest econcmy. h Aever, is m that saving of m-ntal worry nhich oomei from always cutting hy tr.o name pattern and the obviati >i< c>( nil :. i cf fitting 11 allows unrestricted play to every muscle, is of tho same thickcess over the wholi body, is not in the v.ay wkivn at work, aod it hat* litllo weikbt, wnili- it baa all needful warmth." I'robab y i>onio of my Ei glisbgirl reader* inty h >l 1 ditlerant opinions upon thisj subj-<:t, and thiuk there are two sides to tbm, as to uioit ether matters 1 . (juiver. A Ciuru>iia WUMIU'S Tullt. So long as they are young and handsome the Cameroon! women pay it'oai art niion lo their toilet. Tbe petucoai, which i'hes I'owo from the hi IK the anklo*, mist bt thoroughly smooth and cK-au, and thii apron, which is worn nn 'er it, il a spotUtd aa tbe on-lerclothm nf European lady Thsir bair is woven h\ |>rofes<onal hair-dreseers into braids of vtrMn* shapes, without gr*aie and ns'ialiy without orua- in-ntH, aiiboanh a wcm*u ii i c :sional!y tonnd, who wears a striug of bi-a-li around her be.id. Th drensicg usut'ly Nn for a week, and is bound up at mxht 1:1 a lolh for protection. It is also a pin of the hair drrater's business, whicr iscitiried on in the mreel, to pull out tha lady's eye- lashes. A string of p* aria or some other ornament of European c-ii-in is worn around the neck. Tbe shoulders, breast and billy are covered with ornai-.t-ntal tatooiug in red and blu , apparently center- ing at the navel. Elatoiaie n Ifl -a of ivory or metallic ring* are worn oocu the wrists aud anklvs from " 1. iff il the Cam. rw>ni," by Hubtrt Uuilrr, U. D.. til Ike fular Scn-nce JIumA.y Hwlhrrl NUM. Young man I wish to get thin t ngige- nn"it rug enlarged. Jeweller Enlarged? Wh\ , you lold me a while ago it was a perfect fit Young man - Oh yes, that was all right for her. A I: u k u*nl r J...M. Reporter Well, lir, it looks at if spring had about come. K.litor Ob. no. Not for lome time yet. Reporter What makes you think that ? Editor Soaroely any poe-try baa been aent ia so far. 1 oan always toll by that. I H a Chlcag* Court, Judge On what grounds, madam, do you claim a divorce from your husband ? "The doctor told me to i i card every- thing that disagreed with me, and my has - " Granted. Next ! " u wan aiuiost entirely blown away anc It will thu disaster ia very great. Home*, barns, (fences, aud structures at all kiudi were iinoea, aud structures al all kiuds were play tbe violin. A Bridgeport newspaper reoantly printed the following advertiavmeut. "Chu Fong would likee iroally nice Melioan lady. She no have to work, ai Chu Fong got big lot of money. Chu Kong will do Ihe wasbee and tbe eookee , wife she can dress up every day. Prize, 910 for best girl. Chu Fong." How music spreads among the masses oaa be imagined from the etimate that in Bheflield there are about 600 artisans who

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