Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1890, p. 3

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au ig'rautkind o' An IST nnt Kind ..' ,r. r> l "" '"..f" 1 ' ' * nttna - *"" ""' Am *2ii b fw h * 1 * iuiabl '* rty ""' itr "ii e "o , **\ ''z&xxss^ moroin ' *" "- Ijn gom to case ^iy oonsblus if I never Tte lived my four score yaars of lifi, and never till t>-day wist I 'akon for a jscsu Jy Tew La dtiiif,.,! wltb such larneil nnnst'.nse 'hruiuralin' bugs and worms Tnat kiliin' buuiau bela's with ibeir micro- '' >I>ii-iirriiis. rney ay 'hern's " mikrobes" all around buntiu I ir tbeir prey i rbr n notiu' pure to eat or drink or no safe I'lare to at.ty ; Tberes miasmy " in ihe dew (all and " mal ary " in tbe sun , Tain't safo to be oui doors at noon or when tbe day ia done. There i " bacteery" in tbe water aud tricli- eenr " m tbe meat, " Ameubv " in tba atmospbero, " calorey " in the beat, Theret ' oornusulls and pigment* ' In a bumaii beiu s blood. And every otber kind of thing existing sense tbe flood. Teruackur'H full of uickerttteD, " whatever that uiay be, And your tbrcac will got all packured with tbe " tttnuiu " in tbe tea. Tbe butter's "oily margareen.' it never saw a cow, And tbiuifs is getting worse iind worse from what tbey be just now. Tbum bugs is all about us. just workin for a c bailee Tew navigate oar vital! and to knaw us oil like plants. There's men that spends a lift-time buutiu worms just likiia goose. And tekin Latin name* to em aod setton on 'ein loos* Now, I dou t In-Iieve sucli nousunso, and dou t iut*ud to try, U tbiuijs ban cuiiio to such a paaa I'm satisncd to die. I'll no ban); me in tbe seller, for I wont be such a IIHII As to wail u ntil I'm pizuued by an auuymally- cool. -Br*f. i.n M MI > POO i-. HI vi rn\ Ftfure* that Mhow * Very small Death Ku> In the Metropolis. If London is the metropolis of tbe land of foxs, there is much consolation to be found in the fact that in epite of the smoke and its fogs it is not only one of tbe bealt) i a*, cities in the world, but it is grow- ing healthier every year. According to tbe official fiatistics for tba quarter tilling Jam last, our annual deaths are ouly at the rate uf sixteen per 1,000. If we could eliminate f r.m tbe calculation some over- crowded and notorious unhealthy districts the figures would, of course, drop con- siderably. Still more remarkable wo nil our sanitary condition appear if the area were confined to tbe high and airy subarbs in which so lar^e a proportion of those who are by day " in populous city pant" are fortunate enough to dwell. We have only to con- trast the condition of things with the sta- tistics if otber capitals Io see how great id the advantage we enjoy. In Paris, wbi -h shown a comparatively good record, tbe mean annual dtalh rale is 23 10 ; in Ber- lin it is 27 J : in Vienna, '-'(i.7 : in M'lni.jb, 32 9, and in Si. Petersburg, 4.). 7. In Bras, sets, *bich a, pears to oe the healthiest of Uoptiueuial ciliep, it u H.'J. To sum up the rase, the dualli rale Juricg tbe quarter in 'f.l colonial and foreign uitieH, having au aggregate population exceeding 10.000 pr- solid, was iti (5 per 1.000, or mure than 1U$ persm/H per 1.000 in excess of ihu London death rate. London Daily New*. Why Slower* lep. Tbitt t! >wern sleep is evident to tbe moat oaBaal ubvrver. The daisy opena at i-in Hoe and closes at anoeet ; hence its name, "Day's e>c." Tbe morning x'ory opens with tbe day, bat never lives to see another sunrise. Tbe " John-go-to-bed at noon " awakes at 4 o'cljck in Ibe morning, bat olost'S its even daring ibe middle of tbe day ; tin.' dandelion U in fol bloom only during ->irunK light. This habit of tome flowirs is ctrtainly very cnricns, and fur oiibes one of the many instances which provo thu BiuKnlar adaptability of uviry thin;; ii: nature. Tbe reasou is found in tao mothod by wbiob thii class of (lowers ia ( rtiii'.ol II is obvious that tlaweri frtili/.eii by night- tlyinn insects would derive no advantage by bein open daring tbe iiav . and, on the other band, thai thoae which are fertilised by bees would gam uuiliing bv remaining i. (i> n at night. Why may we not suppose, then, that ibe closing of dowers may have reference tu the habits of insects ? In support of this theory we observed that wiml fertih/.d flowers tuver sleep St. Louit lirpublic. Sir Kdwlo's Trlrsm. Speaking of Sir Kdwio Arnold's life in Japan, ' be was," says a reoent visitcr to that <: luntry, "so charmed witb Yokohoma when ho arrived there a few months ago that he determined to live in tbe native qaariers for a time. He had no sooner elected a residence than the governor orderod him to move to the foreign ijuarltrs at onoe. Aoting on tbe advioe i friends, Bir K IAIN sent back word Ibat be was sink That ticuue was aooepted aud tb Knglinh man was not bothered (or some time. After awhile Bir KJwm was summoned before Ihe governor, who asked him if be bad nut recovered bis health. Tbe distio gaishiil vuitor replied that be had hired himself out as a tutor in a rich Japanese family. The governor was latisnud. Evory day thu author oan be seen teaching tbe youn.4 Japs how to Bpell ' dog,' oal,' hoa^e,' eto- Uis salary is $'200 a year, but by playing servant he can live where be chooses." .Sympathetic. An eld man, nearly blind, calls on an ooolist and requests bim to examine his yes. Wall," remarked the man of soienoe, I don't see anything." Great heavens, doctor, yoa don't tay so ! Why, your nearly as badly off as I From anthropological measurements made on Cambridge students it appears that their beads continue to grow after Ibe age of 14. Those who bave obtained high honors bave bad, on tbo average, consider- ably larger brains than tbe others al tbe age of 1 ', the predominance at that age being greater than at 26, a fact tbat is held to imply precocity ss an element in the success of high honor men. Coalman" I can't give you any more than fifty cents a hundred weight. Ice- man " AU right, if yoa let me weigh it on your own soalts." COLUMN FUR THE AfiRlCl'LTOIST. Hints aod Helps to Erery Farmer Willing to Bead. THE fABMEB A SKILLED LABOREE. flow i UK I' nder The Hlaaketlus; HIT Interest. TlUt DJLUIY 8TBKB. Of all tba no- oonut critters Oa tbe farmiii' land roncd here, Tbure aiu't uothiu' bait ser uwiless !:.' tin. little dairy ster. Little dairy eows is business I'll feed them without uo fear. But tbe biggest uo- count critter Is tun little dairy nter. LJVIU n the fame aud record My bis little sisters made, btruttiu' round ui ulaiui attention When his board hill han't Iweu paid. Sister's smart uruau* to keep ew Hutu agcin' ef ye like, But tbet aiu t tbu pint I'm makin' Tain't tbe KUU 1 waiiter npiku. I want critters that km abuw me I'mis uf value fair and clear Not thu kiud that pint* ter lister Like tbu little dairy steer. Am t you seen uieu, tbouijb jut' liko um ' Us, in round aud crackin' jokes, tipeudin lots o' time in se.iju 1 . Living on tbeir wiuiunn folks ** Great fat fellers, stout an' hearty, Fit for work , uauh la/y loot Lettin -iiiiuiu' folks support him liow I'd like ter ronsi tacb out. You jest i(ju my uamu 'into it . I'rmc it black u it appears ; Stout UIUM ez will live uu wiuimki Ain't ser good i dairy steers. PLOWING CNDKB. Try an experiment this year. Plow under some of the olorer or ryo and plant potatoes, using tbe same amount of ii-rti- ,i/.rs that you do on bare groand. Tbe R. N. Y. will plow uini'-r eoaie rye to try this. Many of us havn yet to tind that much of our work in cutting, oaring and feeding olover is wasted. We had better plow it right under and use fertilizers with it for potatoes, or put oar stable manure on it ibe stalks chopped or crushed and plant corn. Try it Ibis year. This in a time for looking up new moihods rather than for nailing ourselves closer to rl i time notions, in tbe hope that by getticg uloser to them we oan squeeze mora out of them. French soldiers bave always worn rod pantaloons. In tbe old days when battle fli-Uia were covered with smoke, the red was not so conspicuous as to make glitring targets. The otber day military men witnessed a trial of tbe new 1 smokeless powder. Then it was plainiy seen that tbe red trousers only made tbe wearer a conspicuous target for tbe oppos- ing rillinien. The red will bavo to go or Fraiion will oondurt ber war* at a dis- advantage. Some of our idt-as regarding the use of clover are liable to be as rudely bakeu as the sentioifnt that ololhtM Frtnch soldiers m n .1 trousers. Heit Yurker. I UK .JIIMAMISTIL UOUMMI*. Krom all over tbe country come reports of threatened foreclosures of mortgages on ftrm property. In Pennsylvania many suppiaudly rich farmers bave failed be- cause of tbe depreciation in farm values. In Southern New Jersey several hundred farms sre being sold by the sheriff. As our readers know, reports from many parts of tbe West are no belter. What is to be one? This country cannot afford to bave its native-born farmers driven from tbeir farms to be roplaoed by a tenant peasantry. Fur a number of \ears past great mort- gat.1- and trust eumtanua have gradually secured a grasp on thousands of American farms. When tha present occupants of thine farms are driven away, wbo will be secured Io till tbeir places ? No true Amenuan can view thin slate of affairs without alarm. Tbe present condition of American agriculture demands the prompt and careful attention uf ourslatesmun and nun. .'I'IIM! .Vr n 1 }'ri>r. Ml.l.NKKT VUfll IIOIWK. It is money in your pocket to keep yoor horse blankeiud. Tbe warmtn inii-t be kept up, and if tbe horse ia not blanketed be must eat that maob more tokeep warm, and a blanket will save more than u* prioe in feed. Voar horse, if blanketed, wi'l live longer, work hardur, and his smooth, glcssv ooat will make him look (50 better than if be was not blanketed. When bu)ing blanket* it is cheaper to get good ones which will w*ar Many blankets are made merely to sell, and it is the poorest kind of economy to buy one of these poor blankets because they are a few cents cheaper. rilK FAIIMER A HKILLKU LAllOHJtlt. Viewed from the lofty standpoint of tbe New York llod- carrier s 1'nion, oonsidrred from the ball ut tbe Philadelphia Bill Posters' Protective A jsocialion, tin- prairie farmer is simply a clodhopper, lie is a man wbo decides to have corn, wheat and potatoes, instead of wild grass, grow on a certain piece of land, aud plants the seed that will produce them. In point of fact, more knowledge and skill are requisite for prosecuting Ibis oraft than that of any city artisan. It requires more skill to handle a plough than a trowel. It IH more difficult tu handle reaping machine than a machine that turns out brick. Greater knowledge to sow grain than to move switches in a freight yard. Much more information, experience and skill are needed to raise tobacco plants, to '.uliivaiu tbem and properly care tbu leaves than to make tbem into cigars. Laying drain tile is more difficult art than laying brick. Properly to remove a lleeoe from a sheep demands as great dexterity as to shave a beard from a face. Tbe saooessfol farmer is necessarily a akilled laborer. He ii master, not of one trade, but of many, and a long time is req aired to learn each uf them. He is also a merchant, and to be prosperous be mast be a judge of tbe quality of many things, and know how to bay and sell them to the best of advantage. Rodney Welch in January Forum. 8ALTLB8S Bl'TTBR. The bolter supplied in summer to tbe best families in Great Britain is absolutely free from salt, and is considered a great laxury. Tbe taste for unsalted bntter is spreading in this country, and in Chicago tbe. 6 is a tirm wbiob does a good business among tbe richer classes with anaalted batter. Those who have tried this batter report that it is peculiarly pleasant to tbe taste, having nothing bat tbe natural flavor of the cream. In autumn, salt at the rate of one quaiter of tn ounoe to each pound of butter may be used. In England this U called " powdered " batter to distinguish it from the " fresh " (anselted) and " will " (winter) batter. Interesting and CeefuL It is thought that in tbe agricultural distriots botany should be a study in th public schools, and that one day in tbe week should be given up to lectures on aoils, plants, breeds of stock, cultivation, ferti- lizers, etc. Saab studies are not uninter- esting to children wbo are accustomed to tba farm, and they would qoiokly compru- bend the lectures from the nid impartbd by every -day experiences. No doubt such studies would b of much benont to the coming generation and lead to belter syitems of farming. The better the quality of the manure tbe less the cost of handling it. Bulk does not give quality, and this is especial!; the case witb manure. To haul ana handle great quantities of unrolled, coaree, bulky material coats the labor of both men and teams. It is claimid that a ton of ordinary stable manure contains only twenty -nve pounds of fertilizer in its concentrated form, and it ia as expensive to liaiu.ni this twenty -nve pounds as it ia to handle manure twice as valuable. When tbe farmer churns bis milk and sells batter be does not deprive his soil of fertility. The buttermilk may be fed to swine and poultry with profit, bat when meat and eggs are sold tbe fertility of the soil goes also. Nothing robs tbe uuil faster than selling milk, and unless the farmer procures fertilizers or buj s a largo propor- tion of bran and linseed tm-al bis farm will deteriorate in qoality. To get a full crop of potatoes me plenty of mauure or feriili/er. If manure, lot u be tine and -well raited and applied liberally in ihe rows. If fertilizer bn need it should beappliti 1 in quantity to pnh tbe plants vigoroubly and to enable the crop to produce as much as postiblu. It dors not pay to bo too .rjonouiical in tbe utc of manure or fertilizer. It is a pleasant with thosa who live on tbe suburbs of IPTHJ tnd cities to keep a tew henti. A jmall dock will cost but little, as ihe scraps from tbe table ami any waste material, will provide a Urge share of tbe food. It is claimed that an many egga are produced in suburban tedious as on ihe farmB. While the weather is dry the roots of plants will quickly dry if exposed. It is best tu pour a little water around tbe roots if planks thai are transplanted, as it will prevent many of them from wilting If tbe groand below the surface is quite damp this precaution ia not nocetairy. I 'o not plant corn, on the same land thai you grow a crop of corn upon lant year. A rotation of crops is best. Wbuu tbe loca- tion for oorn is changed uvery >ar there is less liability of attack from met, atul tbe soil is cot compelled to perform tbe same duty twioe in succession. Variation of the food promotes tppetite. All animals become diegasted with a name- ness of food. When food is refused tempt Ihe animal with something else. In this manner stc-kneis and ICHS of doth may be avoidtd, while the cost need not be neoes sarily moreased. A correspondent of the Jfirror slates bow to avoid rol aud scab in potatoes : " It tbe land, and when the potatces arn four inches high cow on a mixture of dftet-n parts plaster, three parts ilaktd lim stud one part cf tine salt. ' Dry aoils should receive flat cultivation and damp soils should be ridged. The ob- ject, in the first place, is to save as muub a* possible, and, in tbe second, to gel rid u! tbe excess. If you oannot knep the number of ani- mals yon have on yonr farm do not try to V t more lam 1 , but sell off a pi rliou uf the slock. Oveicrowdiug is as injurious an too much room. Do nut work tba 'torses loo sttadily at tlrst. A horae thai has stood in the stable all through the winter, doing but little work, ie in no condition for enduring a heavy day's labor. The valne of any kind of foador is not in its quantity, but in tbo amount that is digestible. Tbe quality largely depends on tbe Mage of growth when it is oat and cured. Now that the teams will be bnsy it u im- portant that tbe harm es tits the bora* Galls ami sores on tbe horsj may be avoided by giving some attention Io the harness. thu I'hlloBophle Tramp. " You worthless lean i p wny >lo you irsnip, i "i IK anl II|>UUKU your food and loilily ' ' " Why, 1'ui a 111*11 >i peace," said be . " I nlat-dur uo one. anil can t be, Therefore, a busybody. " The Beiuedy. Jack - Were you over cra/.y witb love ? Jim Yen, indeed. Jack What oared yon ' Jim Marriage. HI* Hii.lu. ... Bridget Here's a letter for Mr. Star boarder that's marked " In baslu." Hball we send it to bun .' Mrs. Hamoneg Why, no ; let bim hurry borne after il. I in A |peraoea. " Well, I'm full again," said tbe Cider Barrel, trying to stand on its head. "I thought so," said lha little Keg, when I saw yoa rolling over here, all bunged up. Ub, yes, yon are tight '" Instantaneous photographs have beer taken of troops engaged in sham combat s and using the ordinary powder and the smokeless variety. Tbe pictures were taken at the instant tbe command to are was given. lu tbe first thick black clone of smoke appears, through which the troops are scarcely discernible. In the second only a thin ha/e appeared and Ihe aoldiers stand oat clearly and sharply de- flnod in the background. LJe Lagny, tbe great mathematician, waa asked the square of twelve <vhen be was uo longer able to recognize his friends about bis bed and mathematically answered " One hundred and forty-four." Mr. David Smart, of Smart t Sobollty, flax and jute merchants, Dundee, died on | the Ith inst. , after a short illness, at the age of 52 years. A correspondent says : " There IB neither an English navy nor an English Government. It Is Great Britain." TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Seeding is nearly all completed through- ut Manitoba aud the Northwest. ! he Tor uio Diocesan Woman's Auxili- ary to Miscious concluded its bucineas yes- terday. Mr. Beta. Provincial Minister of Eduoa ion, was ronomitiaieit m West Middlesex eeterdsy. It is stated that tit n. Boulanger will re uru to Franc* to- morrow aud demand another trial. The work at removing tiiu debris at tbe Toronto I'niversity rums, preparatory to oonstruotion, began \esterday. The Russian Minister to 1'eraia has been nstrnoteri by tbe Czr to conclude a new lominercial treaty with Persia. The Emm Reliif Committee gave a re- ception in honor uf Henry M. Stanley last ivening, tbe Prince of Wales presiding. Madame Albai.i had luncheon with the overnor General jesttrday afternoon and dined witb Sir John Macdonald last even- - The Morris aud (trandon branch of tbe Northern I'acitiu Jt Manitoba Railway will be oompljted mlo Brandon in about ten days. Tbe Equal Kigali rs of Ottawa labt night nominated Alderman Ilenderton XH their taiiiiard bearer in thu r >n.nu: itario lections. Miss M:i:i i I-'rauf. M.D., uf Kingston, has been .;ivi n >t '>. AI- I .'nmrtaiiiincnt iriur tn hur ii pariure for India an a mtc'i- al miBaioi arv. It ie reported tbe Wil's-Fargo exprais mi esvnger on it Southern 1'auiuc trnin was rubbeJ on TuteiUy instil of S40.0UO at aKluvillu, Tex. The moulders of Kit t;mou, nuiiiering nine, struck yesterday mi riling for --' per lay inrteau >.f M.7 . >.!. -I *;">, which they lavo beeu liercloiuri- f .-mug. Between three ttud uv hundred miners at Arnul. IV, weni on iinke yesterday. Che superuiteiini in ol h-- luiiu-ri saya be Iocs not know the c->ue (.f the strike. It is aiatid from Washington that tbe Hi Ki-.liy Tariff Dill, i, pm-t-u, will not ikely go uio force mfi-i Uiu In-Kliiunn; if next >i ar, and probably rui till July, 1^'Jl. Between '.'00 and 1 UOO Louisville, Ky . carpenter* struck yuateiday for eight hours and 'J"> cents an hour ! ihu miiiiiniiin late of wat.es. Til" 1:011 :iiuutiils are fast pin- 1 14 the strikera. The Briliah eliitni'r -ailwick oolliJud with the Urilisil rttiMi..-r .Mount Olivet al Gibraltar >eHtrrday .-not the latter sank. Tbe Mouul Oh vi t AKJ u >uml!rom l.oiio for Montreal. An Kui;liah H>n>:i:tli> is arranging for the purermte of >i<e. ttua mills under tbe control of thu I 'omnium AecLoiation, and it ia r> p.ifieni thii Or i'..iui, ibo Presi- dent, has gone io ivigiauil to arrange details. Thn Biilli villi 1' n-.u^iratu yester- day tine ! Thotnae !' IWTIH. p :ln-,e nergeant and A II. Crosb\. antmlani li^hery over aeer, 9'^Oiach *nu 'un'd, r 1 "> la\sin ^aol for havnm pii.Kir-l .u ihi-ir |njsi<Bion during ihe cli B season. The concurrent nsolulinn r< questing tbe U. S- Prt'Hi'lei. I to i-itti-r i'ito 'u'tot with thoUuveriimeniii u! Great Brrain ami Mexico A'itii a view tu seourii'U treaty snpuiatious for the prev. uiion of entry ol Chinea<< laborers inio ihu Tolled States bas been agreed to. The suit of I'urktr. v. Owen Hoiinu is an aolion brought by ihu proprn tors of the u rxvorHH for KM in; motion to restrain in., town Iroin taKing over tbu works. A settlement was arrive.) *t by Ihe plaintiffs agreeing io except S j.'i 000 each party to [>) their own curtH. li.-v. Wvliani S:a."i H.-nilerMui, N. V. forruarlv <'[ K'ngmon, bad a narrow asoape from sulT,ti:tioii. Ho and lire. Stacey re tin-el, leauin; th.. l^mptTti .11 the stove turni'd wro. g, i-mming thu gas to escspa, They were fuuiui nut morning nuarly un ontuious. Mrx. Siacuy is quite sick. There i no ground for anticipating that Ibe Ian. i puroUaeu Mil will bu inutib maimed in comuiitttj T'taire sctum to be no deli uito prim i,ili' en -MM. h ihu Oppoeitiou are united, ami thu nniileleiial mnj inly is large enough tu n.iw of a margin for few di-ficiii IIM. !' i ,,ou>i or for evil ibe bill will bucouiu law. Tbe Gloucester City iN. .1 National Hank riun|niiiii il in . lay. The bank oluwiy oouih clou wuh the Hank ( America, of Philadelphia, whiuh FUept-nued ytster day. Thu bank <lul nut ilo a very exclusive -nifHM. I'ln- 1'r. -.in. in uf the iiislitntiou declined to iiinkn any statement as to amount uf liabilities The Manitoba v Norlhwrslern Railway Company hav fill thi ir mini land grant oousiaiiug of '.i.OOO.OOO I.T. M, to an English S)nnioaic lio will > Hlaolish i\ land ooloni /.ttiou ooinpauy. They iiiu-nd dividing the Ian. I iuio small homusleads, n>ud wil lend thu -eitli r-. 'UO v i to enable tbem to .omul- ')" rations at onoe. Vory K v. I. qm Jeaii Vinot, Uonor *rv Chap .tin t<> is Uolinuss Pope Piaa 1\ , iiuii -! nln, 4t the residence of Si .Janvier, al Sauit au Kooollel, Que., th< home for ruiirt.il priests. The deoearoi was bonit) in Montreal in January, Mini was ordained priosl on Sept. '20th, and reaohed tbu ripe age of *4 yeara. Tbe residence of Jamea Uiion, corner o Ouellette snd London Htreels, Windsor was struck by lightning during the slorm vealerday morning. I h" fluid entered th front obiinney. tearing up things gener ally, and passed out through tbe ptak a the kitchen. Tbe inmates of the househai a miraculous eaoapo. Loss about 3100 tally insured. A letter addressed to a (Quebec oommor oial house from Mgr. Bosau refers to th miserable and di-stituta ooni itioo of the population of ihe Labrador ooaet. Tin writer expressed the hvpu that Ihe Uovern muni will send them a phy nu'iau, in they are at present without a doctor and bavi to resort to their own curatives and appli anoes in oases of sickness or acoidout. Bir Thomas Esmondf, M. P., met with a vary severe accident on Wednesday, am he bad to bo carried upstairs into tbe Homo on Thursday to vote for Mr. Par nail's amendment. It was rather hard Io travel nearly round tbe world in safely am then come to grief in tha oonrao of a morn ing rid* in London. Sir Thomas Etmonde was, however, determined not to allow hi* ruissdvtiitare to deprive bis party of hit vote. v .4. , The tlrtl prominent result of the May- day agitaliou iu Gtrman) bas beeu a for- midable movement among manufacturers, merchant H, mine owutrs aud others em- ploying large numbers cf bands, to promote ihe foiinaiicn of a Uerrnan ucion against strikes Cordial correBpondriiuu baa passed be- tween Emperor William and the Czar respiting ihe hclrolbal of the Czarowitz o i'riuiins .Mari.nrel, ihe Bister of Emperor William. The Gtrman Emperor decline! :o allow his ..lott r Io join the Greek Church lefore marnu^o. It is stated iu Berlin that it was in non- iqaunce cf bearing a report to tbe fffuct thai Prince Bismarck was in tbe habit of aking liirch heavy doses of morphine as to destroy power of connected thought hat the Emperor took steps which led to Ibe Chancellor's retirement. i Vie thoniand live hundred bakers bave struck and oamped on an island in tbe Danube, with tints, cattle, atort s uf lard and bread, and other provisions. They lave been joined by 700 girls employed in ate works Five hundred military bakers lave bean sent lo Peaib from all parts of be kingdom. .Senator James B. Beck, of Kentucky, Iropped lieatl in the Baltimore ,v Ohio tailway Station at Washington on Hatur- lay afternoon, tin. cause being paralysis of he heart. Mr. iierk RH born in Uam- riesihire, Suotlatid, in 1H22. He was first elected to Congresa in K- ulucky in ItMifi >nd becamo a Senator in 1H77- The Max or of Roubaix, France, has isked for n-iuforcemeula and HOO dragoonii lave been aent to him. Cavalry patrolled he -in tie all Saturday night >nd all day yesterday. The employers of loubaix announce mat they are willing to tgree to the demand of ten hours if otber 'reuch manufacturers consent, but they de- cline to advance wages. Tbe Newfoundland 1 delegates are oz- >ected in Ottawa this week. Tbey are) lot author!/ d to dieouts tha question of 'ederation wuh thu Dominion. Their mis- sion is to urge the Canadian Government to pin in a declaration of the constitutional principle thai oclomua have a right to be Tonsulted bv thu Imperial aulboiities in all colonial affairs alluding tbem. The Britiuh Secretary of War gave a old- blooded answer to an inquiry in tbe llntii-n the other night ax to the action of he Goternmtnt in -ji-ury to tbe relief of :he survivors of the :har^ of the Light Brigade at Balaelava, many of whom are inthedeepost puvt.-riy, and not a few in- mates of Engiitth workhoates. Private enterprise will provide for tbeir needs, and the preparations for a s reat theatrical benont are now far advanced. .Snow fell at St. Paul yesterday to Ibe deotb of an mob or more. It soon malted. He-ports laal night indicate that the snow- storm was very general throughout the Northwest. The ntorm extended from Lacrosse, Win., to Jatnustown, Dak., and reached to the lake on Ibe north. At Jamestown it anowed for twelve hours, the fall being estimated al four incht-a This snowfall is gouerally regarded as favorable to big crops. Ill TUB DAY. OIUH Mtntiiitfi Hi-tier* In KDglaml for KropliiK People twain Iu Chun h. Mention s made in early English biitory of some remarkable btqut-sis. Among tbe most iiingular was that of John Kudge, who un the 17ih of April, 17-5, bequeathed to the parisb of Trysull, in Slarfordshire, tho sum of '-'0 shillings a year in order that a poor man might bo employed to go about the ohurch dnring iho delivery of the sermun tint Keep th people awake, and incidentally to drive dogs out of Ihe sacred edifice. 1 1 would appear from this that either thu u riiioim m those daya were long au.i try or the people were lacking in pieiv. It was not an unusual thing in old days for comparatively wealthy men to set apart a portion of their worldly goods for keeping tbe congregaliou awake. Some curious prorui >ns WITH made for tbis purpose. At a church in I'hrshiM forty or fifty years ago one of tbe ohurch wardens used io go around during ihe service carrying a long wand. If any of the congregation anoonmbed to drowsiness and fell asleep, Ibey were awakened with gentle lap on tbe head from Ibe wand. Al I'mulmrob a similar castom existed. There a pereou bearing a stout wand, shaped like a hayfork al the end, atepped stealthily up and down tbe aisles, and whuuver he HKW au individual asleep he touched him so t tTectually thai be speedily was aroused from his dreams, this btin^ somi'ln.u'S done by tilting tbe fork to tbo ntck. Mrn \ >,..i.. Will I her "top ' Browntop Simon, they are not aaltrliid with samiing the sugar and water- ing the milk. They ru adulterating every- thing. Mr. B. What have yoa discovered now, dear .' Mr*. B. Well, this morning I aerially caught Ibe gasman pouring water into tbe muter. Tim tlreeii Tiling. " Is there anything green aiuut a grass widow ' ' "Curlainly." " Oh ! you think so. What is it, pleas* ? ' " Tba fellow that hangs around her." Tbe Berlin geld beatern at the I'arit* Exhibition tbowed gold leaves so thin that il would require 282,000 to produce the thickness of a single inob, yet uaob leaf was -10 perfect and free from holes as to be impenetrable by the ulrongesl electric light. Teacher -How many of yoa oan tell me something about gross .' Well, Johnny, What do vou know about it ? Johnny Please ma'am, it is eotnetbing yon always have 10 keep off'n. Gamaliel Why ia it yon always get me so cloie to the Hi u when I call evenings ? Uorlense Oh, 1 know the tire bas a great way cf making things pop ' A Buffalo man haa eloped with bis mother-in-law. Thia abows what dexperate measures a man will sometimes take to et his mother in -law out of the bouse. Louisville i ttv ) brick moulders struck for au advance (torn }2 to S'J 25 a day, aod tbe wheelers demand 91.76.

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