THE FLESH ERTON A D V A N C . THE ADVANCE, J I'ub'.ibli. 1 Thursday, Strett, >Vi/ ( .f (>., (>*t. U.HM8OI- BUIlSniU'TIOS: VI pur miiiiiiii nh.'H paid itriutly in dvaaeo f I.JU fOI felrtlUUl whU Uut tftl I'M J. AfTVF.ltTWlNO BATKS. e, 30; hlf col., do., 9fl firm column. 1 ye urtrrcol. ilu., f 1J. Trnitient *.lvnrtin*fI1entichrfi(l t the r*to dct iwr liDii fr Unit mwriicm ud 3cU. pur M!<|Uont luwirtiou. W. H. THURSTON. Kditur awl iwr li CO iu Advance wishes him is that he may I > Ircted to the Legislature in \V. -t W, lifx'.rth, im.i that lie may IK - com. a valuable nci|iiisition to the ranks of Mr. W. i. 'litli s c.ibint t. IT WILL NEVEU WUliK. Dr. Hunt poses, u appeals, as a disoiplo of E'jual Higlits. Tlie ab- surdity of bi position is unenviable in tbe highest degree. He claims to be a stauncb nupporUr of Mr. Mowal. air. Mowat repudiates Equal IligliU. Supposing tliat Mr. Meredith ro intro- duced pome of Hie more praisworthy of liia i iTui t to secure equal rights for all iu this province, would Dr. Hunt vote for them ? Not lie ! Party first pnuciple next wuuld be bii motto to a certainty. Tliu wheto does lie stand ? He tries to climb upon the same plank with Mr. Roiko and bouts " 1 LI wnl you," at tbo name time winking with his left eye at bin comrades who float arouud on old logi. It won t do, doctor. You aru rather inexperienced in such mutters, but let us tell you that botb Conserva- tives uud Equal Uighteit) in ibis con- stituency are too old birds to lie caught witb Burh chaff. It will biuiply i nd in a greater disaster to yourself. At all events Mr. Men has foiimiUtti u prograia wliirb ia " tak< ing," aud lueh lit and hia party pro- by, unwaveringly. Sup- pose, for instance, that I>r. Hunt wen- really -nicm in Ins professions, what chancu would he li.ivc to foroo thusu refuriiiH iiixiii it i-nvi riiiu. nt whieli 1ms r. I : viiat' J them lun r^nfr.iijtud by .1 thuiHaiid times iiMHi- able in. u iluu Mr. limit '.' l'..ih! If tbal TV. n the c.i c tin iu wiml.l liu i.o two'S in tin Ii. M ID .lay. I'r. Hunt \vmilil be attending to In* pi.ji :K, and allow- ing those who have made it a vital n to ilu the n frills which bo. In tins Fioiwn nf the riiling I >i . Hunt is \M}*:\< kh ' V , , )i,.i,l i,, t|,, water, and if the uther sections folluw tbe i \:uii|ili .'I tin, ,.iii i It.'tloli day, it will ! hard tu tiinl a man who will really know w hat " struck Jiil'y Pat terBon." Political l nf it and (>n|iivy. will pr. bdhly h, week for Artou. n > Mr. Hunt is luiumi. i in" away up in ll'ill.iiiil tin*, hul la- bus a tar- in ;it Ins h.t Is, in thf | .THOU of T. McKi-iin I , t Thurnhury. Mr. McK.' IT inni,' than ft match for Mr. Hunt, uud u. I..HH t'mt tln> fun Mr. Ulythe waited npmi Mi. H;mt- cr the other day with a \iew to ar- runyini; a sen. s of jo .n 1 but Mr. Hiiirter would no hear to it. 11:* reply \\ss that he wuj ' in the hands of his friends anil tin T would not al- low it." Tbe lector of South (iivy will know exactly how to interpret this refusal. Mr. Hunter Urould be unable to give voice, before llr.Iilytue, to the falsifying statements which it IB his aim and object to sow broadcast throughout the riding. Thin very act proves iu unmistakable terms who is the more honorable of the two candi- dates. Mr. Blythc desires honorable debate; Mr. Hunter shuns it like a hot coal because hu in aware that Ins statements will not stand the light of day. Look oat for campaign lies this weather. We have lately uuc&rthcd one which has ln-fii started on the run in the south uf Mr. DlytbYs con slitueucy to the effect that thatgi'iitlo man is a - net, enemy to Equal UigbU. A Jiioctly opposite- story is being circulated in ihu north of his constituency. Tho tactics of the re- form candidate will harm Mr. Hunter more than they will benefit, as they tend to show the slippery ground on which ho stand*. No man can ride two uiules at once, for between them he n houud to alight on his back iu the mud. That is exactly where Mr. Hunter will find himself on June 5 if he contimi .> tin- discreditable tatties of this iiatui . London Advertiser : " I'rcmier Mowat d fmppmii rs enter the cam- l'.ii|,'ii with an enormous advantage over their opponents. ' Of com i Any persuii enjoying a modicum of common lunso will grant that. Eighteen years of service, of i^rry- maiider, of ward heeling, of reward- ing his follower*, of surreptitiously sapping the life-blood of the opp<- party, and of hypocritical claims upon those who lor.' truth and righteous ness," have i;i\eii him an immense advmiln'.;. OMT his oppouentM. llill uow that the country ha ip, :u .1 its eyes to ih. .1 iiina. IM. ]fi .uuls.u.i may anldo .-\i', ci a \erdiet that will i how, with nil ii-iiuial and unnatural advantage;, .'u its siilc, an army m iy still be r.iutid hy superior i.Uelh^'. noe and mip.-n.u : j. rslslup. Mr. M.nvit i friendly to French doniimUi in. Mr. Munat hi.* ullnw.-.l Kidu-h to lii> taught in soin of our public sei a!"', i \eir without an ulTort to substitute KM:-!H!I theri- lu. Mr. Mi '\\.4t will not nul,.! . fill (|iialilicalion.-i ii..-,-s.ny for te-aeln i in m|i;irali; and pmti ^.taiit c!. discriininaling in favur of the fiunni by ulLiwiii ; t< .u h. i s to tea. U upon efitili.-.iti .;i n.t.d forty years ago by tlie Province of .Qaebec, Mr. Mowat told t.) do certain work, and I conse qiieiitly (liscliiir^i'd him, parting, h'jw- ever, us fi i. ii.U, and I paid him more than his dues. If Oii.-n \v mid look ri'^'ht at home he would tinl .[uiti- -nf- ticicin family tittle-tattle of a sutlioi- ently nialodorini.s a cii.i..u-icr t.j keep his pen oc 'ilpir I \\i IOG1 d.ib 111-' in iitlltT pe.iple'> holls, .);i,|,| all. HI'S. I sulijoiii a ihnial of tin; statements in. . \\lii<-!i i< frrely olT.-rid by young M.-lveiizie, and which will prove that Obt'ii went beyond the bounds of all dbcency, as w.-ll as truth, to get as.'ap at me through the paper. I hare t: t honor to be. Yours truly, JAS.T. WILSON. CIll'V. I have seen the utau-nii'iit in Tho Advance of May 8th froin Oben referring to how I was used by J. T. Wilson aud fam- ily while engaged with him, and I I . Una la i'ii.lial'1, tb*l il. M.' y lull, iinw befi<ru the American (must- of icpivaenlutivi .s, will li.< n.i amended u to fttrikfl out 11.0 clause adding M ptr cent, more dut^ .-u Canadian bailey, owing to heavy IYI-.IMU.- which is l>. in.; brought to Ii. i, by Aiuri ican li.i.u.U of UaJo aud brrwrra {,' jn lally. U is with pi.. mil r wa learn thai 'l.i I in>,litn \\nrld Iri iui,-,< 111. Hi- to bij laou-jlil wilUu the of the Ton .an Ty|H)^ 1'nion. The Ii -lit lilU'di tlicfcB two '..a.-, long aud bitti i .). il Iwib CAIU.-* h.iNu concluded to concede coittun pniHU and bury the hatchet. We MUM rat ilia tu all parties concerned. W. I McUtaii is ouo of those Scotch gram to ntu wba will surmount almost any diffieuliy by. liis of purpose, aud tho wurit gave his own son the t'atte.-i situation i, an.l created that uftice for him, <v Iu n llu! salary which he re -. shivil 1 iiow be accruing to tho public i -i, i . Mr. Muwut cut up this county in a nunner aa to make hi ltd chances for the rcturu of at least two supporters of his policy, but so far he has been IIIIMICC, s.- ml. For these lll&n) ,. .1- n,s it is iili*iltely necessaiy.if we wish to retain lioiicsty in govt'riim.ntul matters, to eWt Mr. I'llvlho iu Houth Grey and Mr. 1: in (.Y-iitio (irey, anj thus onu< inuif r. luiko the machino that grinds out such unjust legislation. here say that it is falne and a statement all through. We good friends and I was paid i.iy more than was coming to me. lieing parted Il Wus I . ,, T.> H Rlitvr of Th( A'lincr. I>KAU SIK,- 1 tniticed in last weeks AihaiiCA' in the correspondence from It.tlsam Valley a paragraph which I consider retlects upon myself and my wifo. I was sorry to sue that you ad- mitted such falsehoods into your col limits. Tfto boy ivtVn. J U> came to my placo to work, lit would not ubey cithj iuji wife 01 i*i6clf wbeu May ALEXANDElt McKENZlE. 1890. Truth Stranger Than Fiction. Mis Jennie A. MoNair, of Li Head, Itruce ('.>., On*., U'lls tho follow iii^ remarkable cxperionce : I called U|ion a uiior woman who waa vory ick. Sim had not left her bod for wevka. Her fnviidt said slu- wait .lyiii^ uf coniuiup- ti>m ; induv.l -.In 1 w^ so low it .-iiie<l that it would ! but A very abort tone until she would pa*.s away. 1 wa* well usv.l to tin- dttl'i-ivnt f<irin.i i'f uuliiuiop- timi rui.l knt'w livr trouble all came fr in tlu- 'h.-ad' an.l tli.,t her lun : were b- iii,' d<utruy(^l ti> brwithm^' the |M>i< n- nua ifcrclii'iii into tin-in. I came homa praying that (iod would wo me what wan wanted to run- lu-i .in,| In- ihd ill a Rtrancr way. A little IM.J oamo into tin- mom wli<To I wai nitd wnt-.l me to l- t a utar ("HI a piece nf pii|>er It prnvt to be an ndvprtisi'inlnt nf N.isal liali I iirdert'd it at >'iif uiul it pmvi-d ! be just what I wanici?, as to-iUy the w man's head u nil ritrrit She is able to do her own Hurl- jtnd i. yttiiii' ttn' t.-iy f.uit. Tina r.''lr chaiiyu wiu PI!>-I-II- I by one UiiJlo nf Nasal Itlni. BswlOM ."" o-nt> l"i an.'liier (Kittle winch u for a yonn^ I t'lv In r<- nlm !.< ha I e it urii fnr a|l'nii; tnui . PIsMSS) MM at .'iii-H and 1 will try and ni.ik.- its wurtli kimnii in tbiH place It a a pluuturu for me t<> work fnr tlie nullfrn^ and | rust. tliu iimdi'.-iuu that .li--.Tvn it. A ilvipatch from I'l.-ithe, KM., nays the w.iini-n iiemtiy -lect.-.l iiiiiniC'i ai ntti.trs i'f the city of Kdiferion, thu uniinty, hare bivnine ilmi.'iute.l with thvir ,u- juire I hunnr.-t, tud have re kilned. Tliey WITH elut-to<l originally a* a j"k U lien tlu-y >|Uiililie'l and main f.",ted ilitpnniiioii tn rufurni the uld w.i> .-f duiii^ tliin^*, the men made luch racket that tho life becuiuu a burden i* the wiiinoii. "~ NOTICE ! At Hi* Atiminl ' tin v itii-i, h , .1 .ii! ^ivml Unit tho ti . l.'il.i.l h i iiul'M.vw tliwir n tii t*u:i i m Kouurit (o *u U lht>4> in \|-i.[ jlrd, IHUH, it *M uii't.ti v x'tiil AII limlatl>>ii t< lur out 'Hi th. "Kd Mar I- ii |il"t HU I tin* Lviuvlwry l. 1 ha ti ^ v\ i'l dv !* icit'.-t . t !',!. t< <ln what tln-v < .in tawaidH btAu; -. Ing to bylaw of data Jftn I. 1 IHT". t i. i t i -Hi- 1 .-I lu U v\ mn aiutiMHiutfiit cif .iO i-unt* (" t -1 it-r -. ut It-nil. I'li-t^. fu uuvn-T i. but th director* )ii>u it*-il t -l that a ouivitli-ut tu wik uitty t m\ \\\\ ( [ \\ ICN *. Ball for Service A Til." . .> i Ibortkan Hull fur n*rvio ..o I... I I - i I. T .V H U A flu* niinal vblvh lilt reuorij of !! ytMr proTvi i - . . t\ !> l'|',tl I I.I t-i-li , !.' I A . fur * iiuiiibui uf <<>** ALliX Sl'.'-.-AART Terders Wanted rp Hi: I MM K-!.. NK|i will r-ci'iv.. t, -n.l A in til I - 1 'i Ibe clock 110011,011 tb 131 Mi,. bulldtuf of ft bri -k houHi> h. -. h< - >i -. t.. >n \ I A ., u I -i . , . .n l, ii .ii ii r i>n|.: ".-- -'i-t run.,, N R , T.dB i.'J, lu Uio I .-. ! In i- .-f \ri. iii.'^.i ....V. I ll'l ( i\V. I I [..|. . . Ma. i V \i*. ,vh,lNOO. NASAL BALM A ciuiu in 1 iixaJt r<ir fr J ... . if. Col. I inlhn Ho N8TMINC, HEAMKC. IttUnt It: uf, PtrmMtlt ClK, Ftilir* ' UT la-cvllaa di4^t ua wmj'ly t-.-Toptntni y in. tucb at hcciiMht. pttlitl iii:u*. I ..x u{ ftuiall, K>ul troAih, btwkaif a.ui i>c .M luua, guu &1 ktan4 of uubuity. etc. If y w u a Qlbl* S whh any of (! or kiudiit. 1 iTi:i[X.i i 71 i>* ( l.u i U. aul ib- !! IOM u>> Kama in (ffoctM W.^ bMti* of NHL BALM. Bt wtinu.1 in IMU, 1 IXM ia bftil [>ulu ia Cftiai.h, fuDowvi luptfuc aa 1 dMlli. MtaAk BaL latvM k | 4iu(iMa, v wUI U Mirf, po*l pajd. oa i *)( . ' 'i D)bytadm^B i * N, Isasmii. M. SPRING TRADE- As everybody will be getting a pair of new boots or Hijit to be getting a pair, no\v thnt the fine wenther \viil >e here scx>n to meet, increased trade I have ougt very .ir^ely in this line ot"^ooJ>, some of the choicest and best that can be had, also cheaper ones. In fine goods the stocli [ air. now offering is not excelled in this part of the country. I also have a very lari(e assortment of heavier lines. Not much use quoting prices, although I have men's plough . boots for 1.00, also ladies' Balmoral for $1.00 and v^cry- good value (or the money. I don't want to make you believe they are worth five dollars tnit they are very good value in* deed, for ?i.oo I have very much better lines and better value at from 2.00, Sj.oo and $4.00 that will give gootf satisfaction. These are bought from some of the best manufacturers in Ontario, and are equal to anything show- ing in this line and quite new. GENTS' WEAR I have a very stylish lot f>( Buff, Calf.Dongola and Kid, Bal- moral and Caters, also strong lace boots. IN LADIES' WEAR I have a choice lot, new styles,, >n Prunela, Dongola, Kid. Polish Balmoral and button, also heavier lines. IN CHILDREN'S WEAR I have a very largr a.- ?ortment, all sizes. GENTS' & LADIES' Slippers- , large lot in plain and foxed :arpet, tweed aiu5 rep., afso fine leather. TRUNKS FOR SALI2. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Done. WM. CLAYTON. Grand mm li. TRIMBLE liar- pleasure in announcing to the ladies of Fle^lu-rton aad vicinity th* osv&l spring ope&ing of our Dress and Print dep.irtinent. The latest ctfects in Cashnien/s, Com- bination and Invisible .-Urines Lustres, etc. I'rints in alt the new colors and p.ttx-nis. MILLINERY. The Millinciy department is complete in;, linnets, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, ICtc., in all the newest styles and at low figures. WANTED. Evcrv 111:1:1 \vlu> v;ilucs a dollar or needs clothes to set- t 1 womledul | Tice attractions at the Leading (Jlotliiii^ Stoic. There is no argument rwjuired to sell tiicse goods. The quality, styles and price does the work. HATS & CAPS. Large stock iu all leadi:i shapes and stylos, and prices lower than ever. BOOTS & SHOES. Men's., Boys', \\-uths', L;ulu''s ,i:vl (.'lul.iivn's i'i en Hess variety and at prices that defy . -oii.^ctition. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEEDS ! Red Clover, Lucerne Clover, Mammoth .-nd ^.kc, al' Timothy, all first clas.s seeds and at IK Uom pikv GROCEKIES & PEOVIS3ONS, Our Grocery Department is complete, con-is; ^ of IO.IL,' clear Bocon, Rolled and Standaid Oatnieal, 'oin Meal, Cracked Wheat, Etc,, Etc. Vuuatle Silver I*reent i to l Lfi> 'i tv\vn Y i v i i. A^I> s^ic r rm-:> . LI:. K. VIM