Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESH ER1ON ADVANCE &EO. MITCHELL, BANKER, JSfiL'UUT AXD SOLD. *ttflltii>ll Aeriiiiiti ' . it < V. In II,' -Vi of Vicinity Chips. <'li:ir:rirrlslii-i of Hu- Past Work < arcfaUy I'lillod for the '.Via DM., Hat run about 5 inches w.de for belt. Apply to W. H. Flasher.. Klcshertmi, Ont. Es5.StriiidiiiHry Rurgiiini in Twoe.~ Siiip-.il Panting, \Vrsie. Is, ,m l-.llur suit- M Kii-h.uilson X (Vs. Monday. i.ic: rv 'iterations hesjan on pe --tor I'amptifll w:ui in town on #5.50 S'HHlS fr. styli'h "* ."tripes n.iue tu ..iiler. M. iiichanhion i Co'a. Mr. Win. Varty and fauaiy moved to tin- Suult. hare ru- Mr. T'I.H. Hates, .if (Jrand Rapids. Mich.. ;>aid a slmrt visit to friends here Uiiriii'4 thu past week. Ladies ami (ii-in in want of boota and shops should >ee i M ivton's splendid stock. Kent makes, ;. rices nlit. I>H Shcctillii A new waterproof .m;, .-nsts !es tbmi I crnt per yard at M. Kii-hardhun & <Vs lmr-lwro. t'a-sli paid for 1000 bushels <if good table | itMi-cs delivered at my elevator. U .1. M.-K \KLAND. Markdale. Mr. K. Philip* lost a silk u inhrella (it or near Jos. I'.-dlar* Kill, gravel mud. \Vill tinder i.leaie rvturn it. Baseball dues not kick up much en- thusiaitm in Klesherton so tar this season . The clu!> h.ui nt luul a single practice as Vet. M'-. K.nlo Strain returned I'nmi Phila- delphia !;ist week, brninim- with him his tiili- of M. D. which In- secuiod at 1'ciui I'nive.rsKv. <'.>iii:r;itulatioiis are in order ami wo tender nnrs. Fix the Cemetery. Plot holders of Klealirrhm Cemetery .in- i" nutted by advertisement hi this issue to assemble on tho-4l!i iiist. t<i .ui prove anil beautify tho grounds. .V. in.; to thu rules mid regulations it is MI uio compulsory upon plot lioldoa i" da half :i ilay s work upon tao u'r minis eaeli y. u. i- |'iy ;in equivalent if fifty cents. Tlio bo'irti of uianajn neiit intern! placing .1 new fence. ;ilnn^ th ccmotory frmii, for which Mr '. Bellamy lias thu con- tract. Carpets ami 4 urtuiiis Spu-ml vul fit's ill both thi:> niniitli at Itichardsou & Co y If yon are needing a pair of neat. . nn- frrtablo boots that you will havo pleasure in wearini!, tiy Clayton. Nails aiKl liiiililiu;,' tiaruwaiu nl every ptlell at (nwritt prices. M . RiplluXil- T. H. l.uca.', bnrrisu-r. of thi- linn I'.isbop .. Lucas. Oueii Sound, is at the Ihi f Win. Luca-s, & Co., in I'tnlay. And iu Dundalk .s..,; ni-duv. every Ki)H<M.K tliHidspan of working hoi"'.- '.ull IHI told chi'iip, for cash or KOIII.I )ia| cr. Apply tnlli'o. 1'iisi.in, kit iiUi, :;.-.! west T. J; S. K., K!.-sliiTt..u I*, ll. Xprd -M .." Division Court. Division Court was helu iu the Town Hall on Wednesday last. The cases of most importance were as follows : Maxweil v. Hull was ail action brought on two promissory notes i;iveii by one Hall of 1'rotmi. m one McMurdo and iMtaaed tn Maxwell. Defundunt tried to take advantage of tho Lord's Day Act, 'claiming that the notes were mmle, and the bargain c unpleted on Sunday. De- fendant swore that the contnict was en- ;er-d ;:ilo before Sunday and the notes drawn after 1'J o clock Sunday night. .hidi;erm>nt was LMVUII for plaintiff in lx>th cases, uah costs in thu first and without costs iu the second. Spun v. Hrl'ord it Moodie was an ac- tion brought up>. n judgement previously rucov-ep'.l i..i eighty dollars, in which thu C. I*. K. t'o. wi-ri! '^arnishecn. Tlio jar- nisheet. Admitted owiiiL; [iruna-y debtors foi-iy-ti'.i) dollars. Jiiduuinuiit wan i-iven .e.rninst the company for that amount. M :'abo v. S.iicliur Action fur price of a baiivl I a|i|iles alleged to Imve IMMUI ie!nered to defendant at Uundalk. De- fendaul iield that the apples .vure not ac- iro.nj to le'in <BiiUiti'in and iKpudiatei' pavment, !iaviii' reipiusted plaint lit to tiku them away. Non suited. itoyil v. IJmmler, a c-mo which ha, been before tbe Court here uti suvond -...us, was traversed once muro until the '-"-'ml of . J line. i her cases uf minor import- were tried. ! iinf-ii-tun.iU 1 yoiiii'! man named ~ UU . '.ivm^ south of Maxwell, in Unpri v Towraliip. wan coinmitlud lo ji| >.n Salurilay last liy Me<.rH. .Vriostroii^ and llu-li.u.i-ii'ii. J I 11 *., on :i charyo ot infinity. Mr. Field* tm k him lo i> 'ii i on S.it unlay at IV HIT Wire. I'ailn-il ami plain, a i):e 'M-W Safely Hull ami .\ii-ii-4ilcdAViro M. llKliHr.Ui.u * (.V* llaniwaro. eatch Slmlliiirm- K.'oinnii st says that M.^.i.v .l.ilin Lir^-tf and \V. A .. i ii nej from Hrewster ' Lake, Ti.i'ilav eenuii, with t'.e lu^'je . , , .1 S.M-II here. n a.'. I'l'.i .i',i, w.Mn'mii!' iiftwards of [ill) poimda. i t )iiit.- a iiuinher ueisjhed -.'iniiU each. Nearly all wer caught , . . I '"itun*lo 'isher- ,iii -n in- M TV '^eiierous in distributing ;'icir prises. LOOK HERE MY FRIEND ! k'LKHHERTON HAS ONLY ONE STOVE EMPOl.Il.'.M AND THAT ONT IS CONDUCTED BY 1 HIS L'KR'KS AUK LO\V AM) II IS STOCK THK VKKY i TO I'.K HAD: LOOK AT HIS PRICES: Cooking Stoves funiisiii-d com- plete, at ^IS.nll to Soli.OU. Till Pails, from 15cts. ti ")ii Cl IKS. Struinci pails, ."ill U) ^5 cents. Milk Fans, $l.:i!) to SS.OO per do/.. Copper Boilers, $4.00 to 83.00. Tin Boiler--. *.!.' " >:!.>. Brass Kc-ttKs ;uul t Inuulf \vaiv i.-unstuiilly on hand. Miu'hiuo Oil. Itaw :iinl lioilrd Oil. Bii^iry ;uul Fnrnituro Varni.-li. Tui-peiituic uud Stove ripe \';;r- uish. M as.- )rlinfiitofLaii:r on hand. All liiiid of trade taken in chain;'-. Kax's. per a. 4u ceuts. Mt-Ual ,Vcts. per h. Old niblicr jxr h., 50 cent-;. Ciipp.r !)ultolll^. 4 els. per 11). \Voul pickiui,'s. 5-ccuis per Ib. Repairing done on short notice. Gaod Workmanship guaranteed. Everything on Earth In the tinsmith line may be had at my shop. Call on me before Buying anything and I will conviuce you that you can do better with me than by buying elsewhere. F. G. KARSTEDT, VTK \TMX irk' TINSMITH. STRAIN b BLOCK, FLE8HEim)X 1' <. wishini; tr raise nood traveltoni. A. S. ' it no doubt thankful fur Mr. Ksi|., is 'ftc owner. , ii;lit, ritiisckiii^ ma .. au-i inu p ip-.-i-. ' a prelty animal, a j but iii-i;lociin^ to n-ttira tln-iu to thoir -Uallloii, Tiicd 1>> iir l'ncoill. His proper positions after unplftin^ the search, and thu floor was .strewn with and drawvii on the foll'i,vin_' pa'.i.-rs MM drawers on Such serious mattnrs are seldom with- ftilldrr Twine: Crown, Buil Cap. UM ' 1. 1 |in site .nut I 'niiiin, iu Souu Inaiuls n iK Cu a hariluuru slurr. Yourig Horse ior Sale. A )jiio<l liome rising four, >niind, :\ .11. id wiu-iii'r nr ihiviT, chonp for cnh. Also UIM spring WA<!<HI. AV. W. Trimble. Sinclair's Visit. 1'r Sinclair, the popular ]Mjcilit, of Toronto, will ho at Mutmliiiv* s linti-l on Tac.siUiy Juno 3rd. Lut thu sictc call on ju.u. (.'oliaultatioil :'re. . Notv Pump Shop. Mr. A. It Ohont, of Uranchtown, near (. lit, will i.pvii up a new pump making - , li.liuu nt in connection with Mr. r'.ioinpsou Wilson's ota1)li.hnuMit i n Juno 1. Tally one noe for l-'lcdhorton. We liavi; roceivod from fho Sli<Jh\irno Turf Association bado for their miHit- WA on 3kiy -t A good prtxrram of race* has Invd prtpMVd for :his ^i,c,ision. The C. 1*. R. issuea sin^!i> fnro return tickets. For Sals Cheap Ono tly-.-JiuUle, hand-liH>iin (r tines and eavy wire hc.Wdle, a .|ii.iiit. ty of lil.|iin and warp spool* Stoctt Notes. liillf liavo l)i-..ii print u<l at this for tlm followiiii.' hor.tt - liRll i, M "Lord Dei liy. owned by Mr Thorp Wiiyiit. a Mia^iiilict'nt auimal, well known is a .in., i.. i! ',-lTer and onu of tho bost < 'lvileilales nver importuil into I'anad.i. "Voiin; I. u'ii hiiiiv ilie pri'porly of Biuiu-u lii-.i.s., is an iinpoitatmii of hut yr ir. He i croatiiii- iuuc.li favor, lieiiij; aliiunt a iMun'erini-t of tlic oliii-r li".-,-, ownad by Mr. Wright, and will do a good biisiiifiM tins yoar. "Hap in," iiwiied by Mr. Hubert 1'ntoii, is a horte well kimun in these IKIIUI. tins lifinn his forth season hero. Hu took fii-.t pn.-.e at I'lillord spring vi,. ,ji I.HS7. ami iir.it at Ivmi iJn-y sh,. m l.Khs. He IIA.S a i;.id reputation and will do a splendid Ini.siiics.-t. . S'.K vi. fri I::'I.SK. 'tJiitann '.'liiuf, jr.," owned and travelod by Mr. .J.-n-.iii Hi.lluy. is a splei.dld annual of his ci.i.s.t, well nml mot favorably known ihrouitlmut Arte- iiie.su and Osprey. He has taken sctci.il tirst and socoml pri. "Norman (.'oiii|iiuror" it owned by Mr. \V. (!. Molfnt, of Osprey. lie is a niai;- niticunt annual, linely proportioiiud, and a aure foal Better. "I'orfection," ^ivas purchased dining tho piut year by Mr. John Fisher iroiu Mr. lloctor Konody. Bbicof th"Sng. laud's Ulury' 1 stock, which of itself U ut proof of his excellence. BLUOD. 'I'vstcrniaB ' is tho valuable property of J.;H. C.tison. lie is i well htrcil aiiiniiil "i kimtucky stock, and should bo well patronized. UOAI "KUly V \t a .itallii'ii w!u> will com- mend himself to very many by hi* ex- ceedingly line action. He is mio ,oi" the in. ist 'aiiiiUome horses iu the ouuutry ami is a prudiucur of inaL'iiiliceHb stack. W well bred tmttiii: Mr, .1. T. Wilson. uic.-siors were such iiood oid stuck n Old Warambie, win. WKII the ^.?ll medal at tho ('milennial exhibition, Tom Kemble, Valentin*, etc. He i* an ei- out their ludicrous phase*, however, and cec-lniu'ly docile annual, and in him Mr. this was no exception. On S.iiuidav Mr. Wilson has a valuable pioco "i pro|ierty. Tumble visited tlio station to bunt tor Ho was not travelled last yrar. clues. There he found that two stranijen ha.i aitiveii about . U ten ./clock, liavinx LadioH rndcrrlothilltf Silk ui.l walkd down the railway tnwk from the cotiouvoBlb froiuaj cenistin, at M. Hicb- n ,, r th. Tllns-o men 'iad !u:*r.l tho nwUur ardsou. Wlked over, and probably tliinkini; .1- cretion thu belter pan .if valor, took ti. Burglars Make a Haul. tllt) w ,,,, ( i s Tlu . v Wrr ,, ., v ,. r |,,. Hri i ma k. There was keen excitement in this ril- J u< some suspicious remarks, ami a.t la-eon Saturday moriiin- la-st when it 4et | lcr . Mttl .i ,., ,i,, u ,..,.|j. ,l,at U was u 'lit bi-si to try ami arrest them. A was learned that some tniiu during tho nujht previous, hur.dars had entered Mr. 11. Trimbles general store and ried oil' a lar^e annnint -if ^oods. On two other invasions .iuiue,' the past four - '.Ma Mr. Tumble's sion; been des- poiled in this manner, and this U-n.^ ti o tse ,Tea( .sympathy is felt for hint in h s last loss. The burglars made an cHtranc liy brt-akinx i>pon the front tio.tr wi Ii a crowbar or smni- suc.h artuie, and after .housing thu smaller costly article! the 1 \rvul ml 1. 1 the station ami woiKiS thereali nits, but a one .if the 10 OUR CUSTOMERS NYK take this njiporluuity of liianl;- ni yon fur vour support in tin- and hope for ; continuance (if j patiiiimi;i'. Tins year \M- hi;- ^iiod v tiru ly of ( irtenlioiiMi* in IH'dding and I'eretn.ials 1, i SMI, Cabbage, Cauliflower. Celery. Tomato, Cucumber, Popptr Plants Ii- 1 'i.-ii- >..; i ^.. .1 i . All -ri- ' -ii oaytij ' i 1 have the iiouor to ninuiii triiiy. James Seecroi'^, KI.KSHKIM'ON GUKKNHn: ilciii. April H. <Tmi|>aiiy nmiaikcd up.iii returning, the only tiling they fnii monk. The m-:i d 'n arrt-nt wu* .1 chip- 4. it away. Uhe'li.r they Hen- |. i.lv , ,1 --It* -\ |i, ed II doubtful, a> they wi re seen in Mnrkdi.li' ou the oveumu j . .. ,. u, .i ..n Sit , iiinriiin; it -icven o cioi-K. Mr. \lclium hotel at the >tatiou was broken ii:C- the il^ht, but iiotim,, IM i '.elite which (ho atoru contained, .lucil as I, d ' t;l Ken Ucyom! i U.itle .1 ll,|Uor. It u hlnit, c..llur, .-ulFi. lls. I ^,,.^.,1 r : -.v:i IUVMIIII ililx -the LOOK! LOOk am nidivuluaii tt ho hosiery, jewellery, etc., appear to have donotli.ro up m a bundle, r hundlix, with red dam . cloth, frmn a | lnn ,l,, the round n piece uf which tiny tmo about eiyht .r nine yards. Alter e.illuctioiiK i(ho ^....ds one l*i-e bal nice whuuJ,. weight hourt% IMMNMBd Uiilv. V, to those )ii .'ke .nto the two places, thoj unit . .i;l-.l not me HII.' ev.-i ' ' . . i. of r'!es!i. would :ik. i to Ii . ik iu u it ii tlu- they ovidv'iitly thought il time to \\.-.\o siipliei. and acted n|>oli thu iJe.i, ..;., iiin.,' i MMMT**! iieipmu theuiM-. I to bisciii'-t and bult.-r, and sHiilennn.- '.. ~ i.- i sulistitute fur tea. They th.n mail- t'n-ir ilepiirturr, leavuii; abso'.uiely ispu-iuti xpUoktion, ciiar.u-tcrs an. I their no elite 'iy wlndi tbi-y im-ltt be tr A lamp v\ Inch they li.uiiiM.lu upon the counter. l)iinr.^ the tiny -n Satin lay. in tact ever since the Inn :laiy. ', ul 1 })\ scarcely ay<ainy bus bem talk- L-. np.ci 1' lil.llL t!i.i street. T.I think that bm s.., 1,1 down upon this t.'ttn, collect a.^ !mty in such ll cool m inner, and _'< t "ll scott free, and that thn-o t.in.-s In - sion, is sonioihnii; which may well make people [Kinder. It is start lini;. the hsist, and will on dim "Hi merchants and nthum nl.., iH'ltor protection against tho ie;.etiln.ii of such depredations. T!ia; t .- su-iu.;i-rs to tho place appeals KrlOist I.IIK-II . . .. N .;.i,i'iv I .cl^. Han i!.. M MI i, liir-.i, i- l.iiu-n. !:( .. -:ii] Milk I'ansl I'all . . .Ill ".. ." 'I "Vl. -. ! ( . Jti'.k Tuns ;iml l*nil. r-n:!i All kiml.s of ..Id inet.il UK. I i .!. '.in ;, bmss Hi. i SVLLIVAN Tin.* Tin w?!i i 1: , M\ OWN VAMl'ACTrilK. T. BLAKELY, Flesherton, vll? the- !.'>{ fanning inijilcna nts iii.inu- lav lui. -i. iiu-.i. l>i-<, :< , > ' i ' i If rill >.Mii C.VH.' roi: MI!H;s UND >MK! S, DANUBE, KlJl'i I *i i ' FREE although there are tlmso who In. Id an opposite opinion. That tho i;enti w ,n. did the duod wero not . profi >M..H,I -. carryini; thoir "kit,' 1 is made- plain bv tna fact th.it entrance a* ma. !o to Mi M. lavish S VUacksniitll .-Uop. when a '..f^c screw driver wiis secWed to aasisi .. pel. ill. r, n. T!ns w.is 'i;i bebiiul in i In store. Mr. Trimble, Im.itit; ha I <u :in! !spern!nc< > , did not k. money ill tile >,u.- Yi: .>l-.Va>s 'i ;( thv '/V H'.i/r,. 1 !. . ,' . ' . n llle -,'iniil .pl.illtl. > III i!ll-f illll M i.tn-n nl" knouii -i. . ., (,. r tbomtelveii. itb..MI -oiv , vti -v w,.i.U fn. -. m. Anybe-ily rf.niir-ii^ impldiu-uu iu tins lino would do -.\, II .. . \.Mniiui mine if not iilreadv lu-.piuiiiieil with thrill. Call on ma nu.l I will !>u hni'i'V in .-.\lnl.it the la.ililiio ..i these nnU'hines. 'I'. A. s?j-,k ]-:>.!, MCp*. R <! | , ttwilil. une<|i.*.' - .-.-I, I ** ^t -. - ' - t i.* U ) 1C* All fn. 1 -i. .ttfH * tD *t. b^nl tb* flOi'ih irt - t - . t.^*. it :!)[* i r*j tMrr >>!. .n. ^ . . huit r i j mn tik&kli ru +Z\ i ftlO >'- l *.:. - n, -h, < , *ai*i*n.# ItMUt wr.ttat <>. Wr if *,t (.>.. latter unlocked to make it unnoccssary I for burglars to bb. v it open, a3 ho' faootioutly reiiiar!;--. '\\*f '.vcui t':r'>u;li' |] 1^ Nil t & 1 )L I 11 " ll III l-'.IIM. . .t.. II !..,, V. ; ie|ian-: . - ii. ton . '. .

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