PLESHERTON ADVANCE. "THL'TIl VEFU11E FAYOR."-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 MEW." VOL. VIIL, NO 466. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1890. W. H. THURSTOIT, PROPRIETOR WATCHES, , WATCHES, WATCEES. Fur Me Adcance. CHASED BY A WILDCAT. A I'RIZE STOIIY. IX: GOLD, SILVER AND SILVER ORE. Some cuio lines. Ladie's sues iu gold and silver. Just opened another vase of FIXE WALNUT CLOCKS, don't mis.s sut-iu^ thorn. Our specialty, WATCH. CLOCK AjVD JEWELRl REPAIRING- SPE\ OPTH ILLY FITTED ARMSTRONG BROS. . MMING. HOUsKSHffEING, WOOD WORK. FIRST PRIZE \V II E II E V E R S H O W X, I:H. LATH. OH JOU WOKK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. *JICK'8LAXD UOLLKR8 : : - IilNUKKS. PLOWS, <~>ur ' - ' "nr SKuuliii th.- i Mir Cutters lite IVst. i >nr Iinpri'Xdl ll.irnuvs th.' I'.. -t Our Patent, dale Tho Best. Stevens Improved Spring Tooth Itmr'.* tl." I SCUFKI.KttH, tiANil I'UMVS BOOTS. BOOTS, BOOTS Not n. Ufjo.the land which comprises Grey county was a vast \v-iu, mesa. Tlio ground which now teems witli grain and vegetables, was oucu the scene uf many daring adven- tures. Iu thu heart of the forest, scores of miles from the m .1 or city. ;;. hewed out a home fur himself and family, during with fortitude tin- dangers and . : incident to pioneer hie. St.althy Indians crept round linn mi hand, watching with | chance lo pi under, bu; of the backwoodsman \vi BOM than a match for the cunning of an Indian, ami th. Ked Men feared. The forest abemidtd with wild ammul.s wiiieh made ti: len-ihle after nil-lit the howling bears, the iVai wildcats, and tin- lierce delii/.ellS Oi' dsiurbed tl: i,!y -it- around his lonel . > fjrce * way in ... . >,i. uiudow or roof. In some -lie nearest neighbors were mil, B :ipait. tl . lieau.- the del. ance an o\uam a'.iaci.ed to a jumper. make Ins own i 'ads, and the numerous wind- falls made il necessary to be always proYkli Jug chain, etc., to clear the way for tin t, am. Oue of these i arly si ill, is mail nanud Jauie- Holmes, who hveii on the townline which now dr. Euphrasia from Collin ;w -, d *bip. A ruixe of mountains s'i across ihe c umlry at thu \ vhkl :;x..:i. ' ran a] \ mil " -he tlau.' The m I. ad built n jibai 'f w!;ich, witliout spar: .'! as parlor, .i room, iiidi-r'i'ii., etc. The i MO; window i tiie interior ami tlie one door sule of iMiilding was the only tirely of mother eurtli, . Ion, in and boards was -led etl- nii hoards of HnliS .' s driven i ie. il Uuaiity amounts to little unless prices are fair. Low prices are not bargains unless quality is there. WE COMBINE THEM. Xevor. in tLa history of Flcshcrton, has such Bargains in Boots been of- fered, tilling the Quality into consideration. \Ve Lave the right goods at i -ight prices. > Men s \Vie>!e Leather Plow bhots.Meu's Split, M n * Fine Luce lioots. Men .s Oxford. Ladies, let your good judgement in tlie litie carry you up the Wright hill to the dish Store. You can get any- want from the heavy Stoga to the finest Kid. Misses and Ciiild- ii :i -i in all si,vles. ALL KINDS OF G ROC E HIES. Fresh "u .u-, Sugars. Currants, llaisim, Spices, Canned Goods, Etc. An- r lot of those line i'rnnes just iu. If you want Milk Pau*. Milk Croclcs, P-uttcr Crock?. Fruit Jars, Flower Pots or Woodcnwaie. call on the Cash Store. 1000 do/en of Eggs wanted in * exchange for goods. MCDONALD & EVANS. the ' iblo, the bed being in ule ih,, >:i:iie \\;iy. T' with a lew rude benches coin 1 , . the -t.icl, uf furniture. At one ,-iid of the room win a lingo Hi, ' which did the duty of eook s lc., and often - in lieu ul lamps IndeiV, lamps were at that time unknown, and eveu tallow eaiidli .s were i-m^idered :v lux- urya pine kii'it, iiftiiiiied with gum and oil, being the prevailing means of I this humble abode Mr. Holmes brought his wife and child, and there commenced a life of toil, l>ii\:ition ami danger which can only be fully ivali/cd by those who have 1 passed through it. With a s OJUBUtiuiou and cheered on by his lov- ing wife, tho young man managed to clear a few ncivn rf land, Bowed his I seed and planted his vegetables. One I evening in Augustas he returned from , work, after turning his oxen loose, l.i said to his wife, "M;iry, 1 think 1 had better go over to Ooodfclluw ', and ' try to gei, Sam to help me with the ivnnow. It is ripe enough to cut, and it it i.s left out unie the ben IN will have it all trampled down :in,l destroyed." Well, I wish you had xtp.iNd sooner, for it will be dark directly, and tlie moon will not. rise till 1 : answered his wife, "and I .1111 alw;iy* aliaid of something happ>.n,ug to you when yi u are out lute." ''Don't be utraid, I'll come right back if bam is home, and as for any- tliing happening me you needn't bo alarmed, I'll take care of myself," say- ing this ihe young husband t;uud out to his nearest neighbor's" through the bush. The woman watched him till ho disappeared among the trws. ,u.d she entered the hoi; nnced the floor, after going r loor to watch for her husband, al- though he had not yet even tiun be half way on hia errand. While standing in the doorway, she heard a mournful cry like that of a lost child, mil which proceed from the side of the mountain about 80 rods distant. ''Surely that is not some poor child that has lost its way, ' -he said, and her heart went otit in pitying tender- :) it. She listened a-am. ami tlie cry seemed more agnnizint:. as if almost exhausted and appealing for aid. "I'll go and hunt for it, I can't .IVP it there, dear knowns -v hat n.iuht happen to it." and hastily throwing on a shawl, she took her i fat little girl of two years, in 'i, r inns, and pluckily silhi-djforh on rraml of mercy. She walked on, ,'u:dt il by the cries, until she wa.s from the house. To matters worse, the baby b> iran , wliich was heard by the wild- ,i'h it \vis , ai!,l with ;1 fear- rill scream it bounded after t. And now be','an a race for life. The' i -ind biushwood. over fallen tin .-and I . and bounded with lightning rapidity towards the half -faint ing wo- man and her child. She could ' i.nost, triumphant fries and hur- ried on. but her child was very heavy, which impeded her pr ' p Thoughts of the animal's strength and ferocity gave h, 'h, and she 11 doubled her elforts to save her- self ind child. The light she had left in the window shon. M if r, while her baby's I fill scruairg almost drova her cra/.y. Phe wildcat waa close upon her. but with a ,pnek bound -he cleared remaining space between herself .ind safety, and stumbling into tho house ' rinsed '-hi. d"0l'. Th- ell- nnl instantly sprang upon il hour* j : way into Itho house. Mri. Holmes barrud the >OOC and window and tried to sooth her child, which i: r. - - 'in*. I'ut it rol'ised to and sobbed ami fretted all night. M while Mr. Holme* had not made his i ranee, and his wife was in fear- >ny for Ins safety. Hut time m and the baft! 1 anima lacks, betook il tl the fi;j-- M '! Imt'rt retni-niii. h:i iiiavoidubly ki aid heard ol his t'aui srap, . The shock to tho in was serious, and miny days 1 before ibo fully recovered. M i:i\ \ear Imve pushed since that ingl.t. ' Wild animal* may yet bo I found in some parts of the conntiv nit are rapidly becoming extinct. Pin- characters who figure in this narrative are still alive. Mr. Holmes i -I'd of his farm and moved far i ther up the hue where ho still lives. The daughter ha* grown to woman liood, and not long ago wis led 10 tho Dridal altar by the man of her ch< it young and prosperous farmer uf | Colliu!iwood towiiHuip. (i. W. L. o, March -JTth. 1- M u-ll bow ln "" ' ing .-,crt Fimn thut 1 niaiirallv mfi-rn-<| : ,.. , p. Was iu!l'l-Mcel i,v tli,- .-a,,! l>. ',; Liri-iuM) I'ommisHiunpr, in tho txcrciie of his frauchiM. - LYON-!. Sworn iM'fore ma at Murkdale in the ' "f 'ir, T thu .'(1st ,iav . ( M !IV \ i, IS""- \\'..I. \i. I'ARLAM). A Cem. in II. C. .JiiHtic*. Co. Grey. i Honor K<ilN. FLESHERTON ST.\TIn.\ Sr. 4th -Mary Mcl'hat:r Ji;.-. \ Meriiatter 274. ./r. 4th James Ashdown ;,;:,. (ioorge WilUon 241. k -nl -Jainu HemplnU l.'l. M <',,.. k :hil. Jr. rird-Mary A. Conk VU. Willie WilUon Jl!l). >i- 2nd Sidiu McKni-lit 277. -/amcs Melia '.'12. i x i!Hl hrr, ken ,>f r, -i ,,t-i ,V| U . slows South. - . ,,.,',. . SIllllM. ,.,.., .,f .!! - i'ri" lill! ,-fllf* 1 . VVi s . uW , ;, fJfFlABlEfS, ILESHEBT02T. i.'-t'" . - .. 040 ... Hur.-r . ' ..ill .... , o A | . COME NSPECT SELECT * Stofk Large * WELL* ASSORTED. Marled in Plain Figures PRICES LOW. duality Considered. IvsTBALMKD NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. Warrants Personally Sign* 3 ! and kept good. To the Editor of The A<ln>'<". DBW. SIR, Understanding that one P. V-OiKouK'u tea,! ik k'tt IT t tho Towu Hall, t'lusherlou. signed hv J. \V. Benson, .Mnrk- a.ilc. on Tliarwlav, the 2<Jth alt., Jonviug a statuiieut I made nt thu Menfunl I!e;nl reo- !; tho iuilnont'ii that Licence Ciin- uitKtiuuors exert in many cao, I tako thn II.M rty uf iwking spnao in yoar wiJuly ex- tuuileil ;oiinial to substantiate tho state- j in, -lit I thou niaile. \Vhulbvr P. MoCul- ( lough tric.l tn iutliii'iioo I'.eii .mi against tot- : Mr Itnrko I have nothing to do with, tis not my "iiu'eiii. hut that the' Siii.l Bonson iufurii:'''! :! ho did, tho ? 1 luwlng aiBiUivit a' County of Orey I I. John r,yon, of thn ToWH ' \ U1 .-..f Markilii'.i'. in tho county of Gr- . ' n<l 1st. That in oonvcrsnti'in with .). W. Henen ithe mippoiitnl writnr nf tliu .1 Her Ml'.'Vr ii'lerrcil to nil, .it cleriion m.itli'r-. iv- (rrriug to the prmwnt cuoluKt, !)> >i>iil lie i.,i n, <t knew how t,> net. ns I*. .Mut.'ullengh tuld hua W b carnal how ho \otvj at ihu OPTICALLY FITTED. l Ycat^ at the IVh-tlc. FINE VVOR K On all Grades of Watches, PERSONALLY DONE. Ctozes Moderate W, A. BROWN, JcTWcller, etc. SIGN OF THE "BIG SPEX'' JHARKLULK.