Flesherton Advance, 3 Jul 1890, p. 3

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The I .t Hjini,. The -aiit .atb iltv was . uding In a villas. by the *<< benediction too'bfl th* (eofls tie innsst in tbe glowing ' : to tixrir iwel'.iCjs fr .- russ tbe waters aud a item And . >fed above tu*iu Che wild i :- . r uy . . ^ gulfs Very asuoiu were ths people, on tun rocky -" <jl Waleg, Lett ttit jwii ol >.-ouiL.:n| uiorrowt ihcald be (a . ; - i . Blj . : so victims, as It haddooe With the rougb wind blowing ruund Ler.abra*> woiuan mrarnaa hernias, And >ue -it . t. ,L* ::.- billows a large vewal fall aoJ ris , i not a i roi bet to tell what tbe end mat: be, For uu snip could ri le la safety near tuat short in such ale*. Tta :~e i''":--s people - - . :..ei>eacL. O, lur tte i ower to croti tie watert and the i r .. ... to rcu i lie. t-r.:._ w.'.as.'rrow, :sad*r e* 1. And . I to the fatal reck bor sped. " fine bai i arted ::. tb* middle! 0. lfca i.a : L: . ju' G : i Is beaven farto seekforthcss Irowu ' Lo : i.cu ...-it the mi.ite, inoeked (acee lixksd With terror on ta a**. ue laat cliafiH^MsTe on U-<< -i r w. Seen . Near . watchers came the ve. . f. ! ' attJ. tbougU nu . .-s*rw- Here a ) d (La: took it. and be Cou. I Twai t mory of his sermon ' Firstly ' Secondly uo : T here - bat one thing to - awtu! - - Jesus' laujou Lear? " And ' A>. ave. ir, raa t..e answer o er the -. ts .. .;J aud clear. Be is in h i:)j 'Jesus, lover . : a. to Uear . . of in) soul M i vat U-rd. ; bravely Irolu tb* water-. ' O receive my uui at .a! lie could hare no other re(-.i(e. " Ha; belplea* soul on Thee; Leare. ai., leave tu not The unger dro; i>ed al . --. into the * . Aud ti... waii-hers looking uouiew^ r > with u-ars mde diiu. Said He i>*t t : . >;tu Jus in tbe singuiii of that hyiuu What We Want. All hail tbe dawn of a new Jay i r - \\teu a -. . away Tbewrarv . aeki ; are aching A laniiiuia la- r : - I'ay . When i:< tuau it huuored wbo _^i i hi* mil liou* , \\ I- '.--* \ ' Bhd.l tare Hi* ncL. of sun aud MI. Thrrr is fold for all in tbe eanb s broad t>o*oni. .-- I .-...:. ludj : _v. . n .--:.ouior. ! .--... . .- : \\L rl>e tl'e tKlirr to *wrK u beats down tl.e w u. And itrKls the brvad boewd. frcui the i"-or mams Shame on the owner of mines ..<: cruel .-uir l.i t bim wraltb. While tbt> r*i!||ed Are r . ilrid;e ..n- Ueu And are hrrdtd like) u . . i en I. el tl-v r'dr 1 u t.'ioe of Ibe nation wake him <l I !:rrr K - !.iw thake tim . ! ball roll ay Let uo U- - r ^ - * i : ,-'ld We wn , We aut . : lal->r a:: '. , ELI t \N in > Lk.H . Thojr Love Uoaalp. Two w UIC*D lfi'- 1 over the t-ack vnr 1 : < other, in conndenc*. Tte ^-ai: -.own. for women uiuat (o*l|< -T :::r\ u t >e|< Tteir :.led it that secrets were L : made to So tt oy itau on the lence In the gloauucf. Two women -* t- front di*or jtocp. In tin i-veuiugglow. as tbe sun weut ,loru. Tbe> '.lieu ehiidieu uU slupfed the croup, Aud they <ureml at the uiiuistei's wife t new uowu For woiiini Jeliiil'.t m a friendly v bat. n it thtir liv> ro. ild be stale auJ rtat. So It.- . >:: 3 . sloop ill tbe slcuming. Two husbands came huuie from the l>a*e t<all MM Kr-'ui tin- I'ttu-e. they said, a* the -an went dow Boil bwset ftcaudals their wives bail Uuntrd 'lowu 1 r uieu. Ibougli thry w^rk. love |O*sip t,M- AL,! tt i why their wives seek something uew As they uii'ot and talk in (he uio- S KINUsTUN I>K\ DOCK. Corner "tone Laid by Kir John What thr Uo. k la l.ikr. The corner sloe* ot Ibe Kirgston dry doc* was laid al Kingston, \e.terda> by Sir John Macdonald in tne presence of a great multitude. The following is a description of ths dry dock Ibe deck proper, waich is quarried out of solid rock, is 240 feel long, 61 feet on Ihe doer, -0 feet wide on the lop, 4- feet wide at the opening and 4-? feet deep. The ,uarryingis nearly com- led, mere not being more It an 1.000 cubic yards to remove. Tbe contractors are N. K. and M. Conley, who built the docks at yaeb'C and Vancover. Ihe irst sou was turned an the \>ih ot Ma . . 1-- and al once the construction of tbe oc" riam, aunt to kt-p back tbe water, was b-^'in. It rt i^ired MXI.UX) cuoic yards of material, the greater part of vniubwas moved by Ibe company s dredge at. Joseph. The dam is built oat to lae water .35 ftei deep. The tides of tbe dot k will bo nnili up like stairs so as lo form Ibe sbape of a boat's hull aud atord rest* for Dero* to ep vessels firm after the water is pumped oat. Mr. Coult-y a compelled to go to Be.levili. where 130 man were kepi ba=> tmoe October last arranging and cnttiag stooe. An the stone u new reaciy ana a large consignment is on haua for early operations. Had he been able to get the repaired material oere it would have meant to mm a saving of j 10,000 Uaenuudred n are tt work here,. Ibe gate to the dock will be peculiar. It will oe a large iron box, which will slide across the front of the cavity and into a nicne on the oppo- site side. The weight of tl:s waler on the lake side will press u so tigbtly against tne idu:g that lea - >. prevented. It forms t water tight couapartmeni. Tne reason ibat the gate is a o-x is this : If anymiug goe< wrong with the side next the dock it :an be repaired, while tbe ouu-r side keeps oat the water. Then, again. wnen u rece,a~s it ,oes into a 1- which is a l:u.. decs .u ittel!. and permits of beiog pamped out, to taat the gate can be overhauled. The con- trivance H a tjod one, and is said to work admiraoly. i'ue-'urstsu n will always be vistbie, is v5i < fset It A sis tot*, acd was cut L>oiK- . i the'stoucs in :-.d same si/.e. There will be six drains beneath Ibe . ijjr will oe made ot incne* of cement and tb.n three feet of stone. At the entrance tberc will be a radcerweil, tbe tint of the Kind built. where boats can ship their rudders. This is an invention of Mr Per ley. Chief Engi neer c! tbe Public Works Department. Running aboai one hundred yards from each side of tbe dock -vill be t wharf, con- sequently vesttis can be bandied, let the wtatberbe a* boisterous ts it wi.i Mr James VVil>.u is clsrt: of the works, and be sayt that ever sicoe Mr. Conley began work be evinced a disposition to do it thoroughly and well. The dock will take in tbe largest boat that can come through the Weiland Canal. It will be in running order about I'ctoter of i- . Addresses were presented 10 Sir John and Mr. Langevm.and a ban juet was after wards tendered them. How a Chars;* of Shut Trmv*l. When standing within a few yards of the nan s mn/.-.le al the time of discharge pertou woald be amazingly tstouished were he only able to see the sbci a* they go whizing by. Experiments in instanlane ous photography have proved to us that tbe shot not only spread cat. comet-like, as :'.y, bat the> string out one behind the other to a much greater .-macce than they spread. Thus, with a cylinder gan, when the first shot of t charge reaches a target that i* forty yards away, tbe last shot is lagging along ten yards behind. Even with the choke-bore gan some of the shot will lag behind eight yards in forty. This accounts for the wide swath that is mown in a dock of ducks on which a charge 01 shot falls just right. About 5 per cent only -f tbe charge of shot arrive simol laneously at the itrget. bat the balance o the r.rit halt of the charge is so close be bind that a bird" muscles are not ; ucl enough to get oat of the way, although those who have watched sitting oirds when shot at have often seen them start as if to fly when the leading shot whistled by i only to drop dead as they were overtaken by the leaden hail . K- in* Ltt'.it't. I'loalng thv St. llx.rc ("Men. Kinal judgment in tbe famous M i. acciJftit catw waa djoiirned yesterday by Mr. Justice Rose nniil Seftembcv - Before ailjoornmvnl a settlement was reached in the tlynlcp case, trie plamtrt agreeirg to take - 7'0. The followinu are all Ibr srttlrmenti in fall : Kioriar.l Wai Knmht. -IKO ; I>anicl f <t>eih I'rancis. - ; "CO Thc'vas \\ ui. >lrlin.--' 00 Pei.i..- \V . Karii. VlVO Mnl> V i a 8*an. Ml WO , John K. Marshall an I Agnei Mar-hall, -' 000 . Ot-or^i" Korben. MK.i Ua SI Liod, t llil- ton. ^-00 . Charles Ui^i Wtu. E. >ufor *" tsrs u( Kli/abelh v . belh rriiiaiu till after a.- A Mu i Kl(hl t Htniie. The citi.-en may, in his own boose wea what clothes be likes, ase what langoage he likes, and, generally sr-akiug. may .1 in his own house what be pleases to do save only the things which condict will what some other householder happens M please al tbe sme time, or the things o which the count juenct - woald be injarioa to tbe whole bO'U of .-iti/erj. ID Boston for instance, he may, in his own (MM swear freely, which he cannot do oatsid withoal coalmining a misdemeanor : in Washington he rnev takf tbs name of ih Trimly in vain, while if he does it in th streets be renders himself liable to be dned two hogsh(d of tobacco, and in Maine and KaLsa*. if he can gel wine and beer into his boose, be may dm '-v it wuhoat let or hinderanc? and withoa: a physician s cerlincats. F. U'. '' iiir. 'i^r. TEA TABLE GOSSIP ..A " Mamma. I flok I am not well, - <tveo her to sue.' . alheta^le. Her l._ i -'<* w:;h roses vied - T IBuied. A boy named Loine Scott was drown*d at Owen Soncd yesterday evscing. Ibe approximate number of person* . Ma;or General Henry Brackenbory, " I m sorry, dear I grave: . wd. -i- 1 -r " 1 hL I uj E - % . * I less - Cupid s busy season is over. Short hair clips are in order. Fancy backed are in demaud f r belts nd s*ane*. Method is * Jtler busi:. % ion than brilliancy. iiy success is owiug to liberality in Ivertisisg. R<.iitrt Banner. Adverting aas furnished ms with a competence. Jm. Laiernet* It's English to turn up tbc troaseri t Ihe ankle if the least cloud be =cn .n There are many people who pray for a change of heart wno oignt to pray tor a bange of htad. L*on'l fret about whit yosr reputation will be aft-r - in. Tombstones are mighty charitac John, have yoa sanded the ri_*r ace \ tee milk and < \a it. Then you may come in ic prayers. The - made by - > hat the N:ie is ihe , JL_ u tbe world, being at least I 100 silt- in lengta. _i r.wori. el Ihe fruit of the Ijom and c.' ap ai . ..t... -:t ,asher. pi irease. Ai a rule, women need a'ooot nine i of toe nourishes:.. H for men, coys :' 1 ascui tbe same as women. < :iifdrva of 10 Bait lae ; ;ajtity :: ..ts. A scheme has been tak?n > Lord Brt a MS port, by i Sjsjsjsjl ner.se basins . - to I of 1000 ' First end out how many men there are in tne world and ycu can estimate r\ :tly ho* many ideal women there are Every man bas an ideal woman of h.s own Afternoon caller Is Mis* L.p igaged ? Nanette I'm afraid so ma am [ just seen her young man harry uwc the Front steps with the diamond nu, she's en wearing since April. 1.:e .uestion came up of ladies tne other day. Wben does woman ce*-* lo love :>ndy .' but as nc lady who i.ed was present there could, o: course, be no dt suite decision. If yoa can't sleep at night ts well ts yoa wish, says the Atchnoc 'j. nac seme special reason why yon sbcuid >-et early. It i* a sure core for inscainia. You will go to sleep the moment yea gel to bed and sleep till long past the boar yoa anted to gel up at. Outside of an orphan asylum the Kft est snap e- iveu by any of tbe censn enumerators was thai of the Virginian whi ran across Mrs. Martha Gray and her i children. one bas been married tbre times and bad triplets six limes and twin six times. Sbe ought to have a pensiou. Sart Tehlcl* that be Jo*! Made Its! Vppr*ace lo thr .Hctrupolls. The Chicago cab u neither a ihuxg of beaoty nor a . jy for any length of lime lo he unfortunate creatures who, by their ^ - m( j nlc ^ F Uoed ai 1,350,000. > :snics, are rsdaced to the extremity 01 therein. Uncouth in appearance, ' - rongo" and jerky in their me .-menu, and ^e British army, u dead, abject more or less to the recklessness jf * Hi*- ar* devil drivers, the Chicago hansoms ' President Harrison yewerday approved re object* of iread ratner than of modern the act granting a pention to Mrs. Deli* ouvsnience, and the sopiiisticaied citizen Parnell. will subm.t himself even to the lender 1 Bishop Keane, ?f the Catflciic University lercies of Baron Yorkes' fearful and won- I tl Wasnington. was *erioutiy injured in ft rfai grip in prtf=r-cce to aa .entann^ in j rJ ii w y ooiluion. The Canadian Paeii: bas let contract! for tbe extensions of its CULOoro . Man., branch to Plum C:et.-.. The smaUpci . - : ' Seartpon, and s.x person* are now in the petit ne of ihene two wheeled rattle-traps, :f the noice i* an op-n one. In Lon- ' on, however. a new \ehicie hat made it* wtl:orce appearance on the treats, and there i* macn rejoicing .n olic prints. It ..*r a., tne smart es ac: style of a pr. . i - ,aam," we 1 re told, "with some noveit.es IP. the shape ' t steel tecsic.. wneeis and I-idia raboer ires The hco of the wne*. is made of j an-mstal. and the spckes and rim of steel. I Lltboogh so hgct a 1.1 i.-_ .= in appear ance, thi- whee t \hree ! if the oramery woo ien mnd. Tne Incia i aober tire -:d is ' secured by patent. Anotcrr feature is ihe : arrangement for ^ \..i '.-str.af the, ashes. By means of wual is termed the iiien: i iockeo. at t XMua(rmpDt of th Lawn. Vo now mow a yoar.g lawn tec nor allow the grass to grow toe high. Bet in mind that when a plant see. is, us ob;e< for that season is accomplished \ ntil th grass is well under growth too mnch mow ing is an injury. Apply manure on th grass in late fall and ashes in the spring On bare spots or weak lawns the gra* should be allowed lo go to seed before f ros which will be an advantage the followin spring, when it may be kept in order with the lawn mower. PH. THK >tW LOMllJJ* TAB. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. < house with the disease. The King of Dahotr tiatingwith -i -for the eSMOiisnmeut of peace between tbe two countries. The t ll iicreasiog al Pueo. . '- and Mootecheivo. Two case* are r _ .rtedat Candia. The Provincial Tea Compskny. sad- denly ie.'i L-^doa when the po. -ce took proceedings t*a . . :e L tiery A :. Al the picnic :f East M trmtrs ame in cf the point, ancfheld 10 Srir.y that there is 2.'j**tra> tc-.- eiic . In : I * is a i tne minimum, * - > f . Mr J. H. R- '- ntreal, ha* - .13 persons, and in . presented the ii.v... University with ightnesi {round i z.sg the ion is provi , \ < - manteau, which % , u the box J Col Slr . E ivtt4 Rijiey Colboarne Brd- < r the | to evening parties z : tne .-oap- , . n r . Hunro s , mu.-h more > . . < :?ly superior to the growler IN r.KIT UN INTtK* I tee il^tropoliian f It is retried that .onceniing > diddles*! > to ite ppie crop ,_t is very lubn lla'l Mi .ly with a View general. i <iu Beor-ita. Rev. Jmie-j .^ber.t of tbe , .r and v > orantha^. < .-ament w. > .ocese of t: - -.a has con- .t would made any modiacatio:.- , s govern M faafjNMtiM atlpaafijja. ( wno were tout .' attempt, bro* tae Uoverumcnt .'. . > President Cruct ytritc.--.ay received - . i ..an Minister to i' ranee. lue .> -essed pr. Ml -.at tbe resut:- s govern -. % American _- .ireat Brit* ^ > lions nj'on the injporta!:.n I cattle were oa*td solely on sat. ' derations, wuhoai regard to toe itcal systems of other nations. Mr. \ .acenl tbert * .n the table at the Bouse a noi: e that he would submit a motion declaring that as tbe proposed American tar.- will indict a great ic.ur;. open Ibe trade of Sheaeld % I Brit ish trader* and artisans generally, th* Boose will consider v,uet'ner a free market ought to be locger products of a foreign stale which pots prohibitory tarif upon British goods. Mr Vincent s motion was received witb scrMtive cheers. i<> i T 1 1 > i *.<r H.*rinf il Than M - An erect bodily attitaie is of vastly more importance to health than most people i generally imagine, says the New Ycrt r. ' Crooked bc.iily petitions, mam taiotd f r any length of time, are always in;arious, whether m a sitting, standing or lying position, whether sleeping or wak- ing. To sit with the body leaning forward on tbe stomach, or to one side, .vith the heels elevated on a level with the hands, is not only in bad taste, bat exceedingly detrimental to your health: it cramp* tbe stomach, presses t vital organs, luter rupis the free motion ot the chest and enfeeble* the functions of the abdominal and ib raoio organs a : i. m fact, unbal- ances the whole muscular system relations with France. Fresuent c made a friecdiy reply. Ihe election in the New Westminster '.r member cf the House of Commons, held ye-. suited at follows . Cor't lo'the'competrn^ " A.I the oandidate* wer* sup- porters of the Government, lie - \ \ \\ :'. year*, em- ::e Macdoaald tin *_ street east, Tore . machine yesteriay had two of bis finger* chopped c5 by the knife. He was ta-, tne General' H.spiial, where hi* wooed* were dressed. The Anglican synod of the IVcese ' - .o*ed its' session yesterday Be- fjre adjournment the Synod decided lo petition Ibe Dominion Parliament lo assimilate us laws respecting morals and lh protection cf voruen to i~o*e of the Mother Country. A Fre::cr \ his stated that ihe recently discover- % was fostered y oermaa agents, and that the explosives were t-jadc in the northern part ot London ani . .-.s It is eipecied that arrest* in London will be made im'.nediaieiy. Chief I'eteciive Cu..en. of Montreal, ha* received ac other letter e father of Simotr. tbe yoang Englishman whcee M KM, ly tu Chans;* Hrr Bvliflou. I learn that the King of tbe Belgians is very anxious thai ms youngest laughter, L'rinctss CUmettine. should marry one of 'be sons of the Prince of Wales, aod that negotiations have been going on with the object of arranging this alliance. I'rinoess Clementine, who was born in July, 1"72, will have an immense fortune, and I iuir thai she i- laite ready to become a 1'rolee.ta- t if a change of religion should be deemed expedient for her temporal interests. n IVif"!. The Alliance t'raticaise, the 01 MflhiMllit Ihnr. I. The reports of ihe Stalisliual Conmit- tee* ot tbe various conferences cf Ihe Methodist Ci-nrch show in eoconrk:icig incrtase all alorg tbe line. The nv hip returns are as follows v an increase cf ahoul 7i>0 I. on Ion, < MS Bay of t^ninie, sn m> reaie cf ireal, increase of 1 i . (.; ulph. , . . an iromse of '! membership, being an increase of I 1 >' The K it.4l Hlnntr. Tbe proud Boston ,'tuty rose lo her feel and rang the bell. "Mr. Terrapin,' she said, free our acquaintance i* at an end. " For heaven's sake. Miss O^oodson Miriam ' exclaimed the th :n lerstru -k young Baltimorean, "what have I done " Sir. yoa have spoken of the Ib*en en- thusiasm as a fad. Clytemoestra. show thi* gentleman to the door." <rnlt In Main*. It it said that there are thirty. live kinds cf granite in this Slate, each one of which possesses distinctive characteristics readily recognised by workmen acquainted with monumental and builJing stones. Th-. :. are all shades of what are ur ed white granite, the roost beautiful of which it the llallowell. ti-,fil.-r witb the red k ra: ^ and Ihe black granite of Addi- son. .< JountH Larx* shipments of ice are now . from Chicago to New York. At the Dominations Saturday C 1 >\-te Dorninal'ona whu'li is to promote Ihe study and spiakin>; was chosen a th Liberal cundi.iatp. and Saturday of Ih .ge oalsideof I'tatut , H. ivm and V. ttavard were nominated in slabbed. has received 10.000 francs frcut Al. j the Conservative unereel. Cernuschi. .\ t ruvtiMg of Nationalist lector* at 1 Yoa love yonr wife?" " Vn.i Newry, beld on Batnrday, resolmions were Once in a while a <irl fal a man because h is " *' ' wicked. ' It H > that ih-.- * dropped, Jcseph O Neil, a New \ started a dinnktn row with Ja-i; Ureadea in a yard on \iver street on ' .1 was fatally . children become sliMhlly hampbackt . was fiand in the reservoir, utterly severely roaad iboaldered by sleeping with repudiating the idea of suicide. He ;- the bead raised 90 a high pillow. When I thai his sen was murdered, and that the any person rinds it e*>sier to sit jr stand or wajk or sleep in a orooked pcsition than a straight cne, hs may be sure hu ; :*ciiar system is deranged and the more careful be shculd be lo pr-- position _ cvrcner * - wai i pr:-ci lar.-e The cor oase of th* unknown youth, killed' near Wat a verd. -t of accidental :-aih They depre- % : v"i .-ate tbe disregard shown to tbe laws aud regulations intended to prevent trespassing en tbe properly of 1C- r oompanies, , iM | pante* in enforcing these restrictions. Mr. Fred J. 1-* - H. C.. bas presented a claim to tbe Government fcr -. >.vO on accouc: of a 1 accident he lustaineo m the National 1. :am Park. His horse shied *t a wire across a roadway causing a tanaway. He charge* ace ou the part of tbs Government heard m tbe A oomonstration was beld in l'::ton on Friday night to celebrate the return of Mr. John a.Bpn '' candidate for Edward, in the recent election for tbe Ontario Legislature. M -"y. the marine officer in the United State*, died at keep*ie. N -: :rday Andrew Jackson appointed him major cf marine*, and be served forty years. ' eal ,,. 0%8t ,. Tb( T Me wiU ' ames Craig, of Uesto. was working I Eicte^uer Court. in his saw mi.l on Friday n. :ecl- Tl> ^ , ., ,, ally came in cc-.tact uh the saw, and was so badly mm. iated between tbe wrist and elbow that it bad to be amputated. The Spanish cholera epidemic makes no progress. There re very few cases at The funeral of the eve victim* in the lireen river disaster t * place yesterday A special train conveyed tbe remain* of Jcho Wanless, late of Tarkdale, and Jame* Alton and George Oliver to North 1 oronto, hence tbev were taken for burial ic either al Puebla de Ru<ai, Fenolloi or I Mount I'leasant and *i. James oemeteries. .chelvo. Tbe c ioials declare icat ^he bodies of Monarty and Loit were Tbe Moorish Boar>l cf Health. AS a rre oaution agir*t i-h -"let . . that all >e*eU arnvirg fr N i< on the "love* jou". 1 " " Us." "Then where adopted censuring Mr. Justin McCanhj for "' ' Mediterranean shall remain five days does the incompatibility coma in.' 1 perauMnt niutlect iu bis party dalie*. does ihe incompatibility oan't U . on her inooniv, much less support her/ persistent neglect iu his party The *xporis from the Dominion during Mav were valued at Sti.Tj'J.T-J*, and Ihe Th* population of Rochester is laid to be imports reached J* 867,7^7. Ibe July oal- UO.OUO according to tb* late oeotus. leoted upon the import* was ?l,7 !", U. in innranline Tbe majority of Mr. Mereter in tb* new House is now placed at about 21 Late news from Wolfe returns Mr. I'l.-ard, the Conservative candidate. Majorn- 75 per sent, of those attacked recover. A eellU.on occurred al Calera, Ala., on Sunday, caused by an ecgine backing into a passenger train. A colored woman was k "ed. several obildrcn were slightly in j'-.red and a lady pa**enger badly burl. Edwin T. Coales, publisher of the dinu- I J in and rmaster of ' New Richmond Methodist Church, . . Toronto, died yesterday morning from ' s received by being thrown (rom a horse. A despatch frcr.i I. age* i*vs : 1'opn'ar supers '. i ^ :ig of I'.i- '. \t\tt a de- | \ v lacked the E* bas and tMk i thousand pi j then at- >.id the Pahciuians. killing many. John Flynn, of Sew York, )aar- th his coosumplive wife Fan ^ht and threw her down stairs. She is now exp his brutalitv Flyno was thoroaxhly thrashtd by hit neighbors and after arretted. .J. of New York, ha* been -K'O for cot answtri: g to a summons lo act buried al Locust Uul. Col. Rhode* has been officially declared : for M-o>.auiic by a ma^ <riiy cf one. Manitoba is making arrangeaientd to bs> -.presented at the V ;r in Chicago. At Brandon Saturday a MT 10 raise for the ereci.on of a aty h, > as a pent juror There is a brick famine in Manitoba, and 'e-iuence buildiiik; operations iu many instances an su?i>euded. Wt-. > - \i ! luht- oing struck a farmer > tnd bis horses and kilkd i At present there are '.talf t > worth >f buildings in tbe i- ipeti in tbe procees ot constru Prince Henry, with German s>]nadron t ; % r-oei.f froco the rtpresentative in October. Paj :e, a brakeman on the i lebec v : wb lie shunting oars al the U. station. The bo <y of John -pe< , , . -ree week wtjtd- ,< been found at OlcotN '\ on Lake Outano- It is reported tbat ihs ncioriou- Mr*. Emory -or the murder of 'iose husband 1 Peter Pavi* was hang Friday, will be ' mtmtdou Ibe .'Mb m*t.

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