Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1890, p. 4

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S THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE. T1IE ADVANCE. . i . livery '.Tliui-Mtlay, I'liosi TUT. Ot-Firc lmmlflr.it, I' ' -/-T(..|I, Out. I l.M-i ul- sr: .-i lill'TIuS: j in ad fi n i i- 1 kiniuui v l:\ I I -i. Onn r .' -i i v, i cJO: -a.' col., ilo., $27 1 IT I'm rti' T< Situ i V, II. THUKSTON. I A C1T1ZI N S CiMMlTli:]. ;.t, L. 1 1,1. n improveiiii ni in ronntetinii with this vill , : . I;. n.; district which n has : i iviryhody's mnd ; to attend to. '1 hu li. -'. an I mo-t important of be HOW in;' of a straight ai lev, 1 load l'i t ::. TH. n tl.. re i \!.i.-!i i.. . 1 not i.d In at pixbtnt. but which will i .i.,. d at a future time. The one .jiii -ti MI ii f. rtid lo is of para iiiiportanci , and the jjrowin;: c and truilc tf ih. place, hat .iily ^ neei.ss.ity that we should have a <^'Ood road from this i to the station. This has been nt for some time, but just how ( cure thi improvement piu/.l. il the vvi.i...t lnaiU aninii;,' UH. At last, however, a brilliant uka ditwm d upon a couple of our prominent cumin, and ii[>oii the .[iiestion with other biuin. -- nn i. it w.u f .mid that all,Ulianil:inii-ly and with out accord, Lll in with the .-flume. It was- ! .1 i'j call n meutiiig ol t s and all IhM vvhn would inn l-'iiday evening next al 7.o clock, in ihcl'J'.'Wii Hall, to di matters and I'jrm u Hoard o ur Citi/.i us Ciimiiiiitir, to dea with Kiich imeslions m may l h> after pin. i hem, wuli a vn w I i advancin ; In.- v.i if.iu- uf lliid \il . Il in a {jriind idia, and mi. whieli iviry villager oa^ht to encour ..n I ii'l IY i vi inn ' by his priu i nee at the pr. hunnary nu- ll, ihtinin no', bun;' an incorporate : has hi n tol'ure bcell plan d u ii. ;*! by haMm,' n- one at l.i-adiji,*rU-H '. t. the ('.jnnci i p,. i her (-1.1111111. What wi ne i- I y tins u ihal wo liavo no I HI iilthpli ee through Vvhll'l l o ih nnind lii'iu tin' Council ."iiyihiii: way of iiiipioTt mint or by whom v,i.> c inld iiuku our known. Hy the appoint I'UiUlnltti-e till* ilisinl will bu wholly obvialed. \V Mill have our ayeiits ilnoivh whir! u, m:iy wink, and it will not cuntiiiii i i h - ml by onu bunineiH man t auo-Jivr, Why do you not agitate tin* Or that ? Flcshertou never t-.huwid more healthy business aspect t.iiti she docs to-day. She in neov< iim; in'- | '.;.. in of the trade wine di\i i ted to othor towns guiuo yeai ago. Her In.-ines- nun arc all di-in good ir.ii.es, and competition i cvining in. It ii this latter, too, th.i jho plitee regimes. It id a inidtalvei idea for business uicu to discoina<; uml I. ill c iinpeiition. To invi'o coin potuio.'i We must .-( t'llle butler .-ill)) l l. mi -iid. Thm ii tbu state o utTuir* then : Our road to tbu Btatioi mn .id at whatever cobt, mil u commit, o will be appointed on Fri '. d. iiiv> t.^aU- and learn lh< in wJi.ch will be i. .pun i i i |.if nn lie w.^rk. alter which it i nit' ml. t', it thoie wkioin it W0ill( h . . ti! think proper, to raiu tin 1 mim n inn id hy debenture. A!,H events it iii urgently requested that a full attendance "full mU-rtbtod should ho made mi) 1 ii.j^y evening to fully discuui ami hear dutciuacd the ;iu- ijucstiom which will be 11 up on that occasion. If you re in sympathy with the sclieipr, ; then- ; if not, coin.; and give aiir reasons. Let no man n uiain way ami RMM at the actions taken. % Le vi> i!;n i iwn dr[>ouds ;riatly upon what stan-l i- lal.i u on his qilL'Stion by it people. Ifno- hing if, done but tin n we will not 7 "if nothing ii dime," for some- liilii,' will i)i ilnii ai '1 ' to i: xpii .-it-.', plir.i-ii'i "iliju't you r on,'et it." for th" prop.-!- kind of in< n iiivu it in hand. SHU' l:.\M.\VAY. It it-- provcrlniilly true that a man " av,a\ li-.'ii; lii'im t.i 1. ,n-ii ll . n w.j. J-'iniu a IM-. in iiuinlj. r ol' tin. -'an \\> i|iiute tin folio v, in : "Ship railway-; ^ i-m to In _rro\\ii.. in 1'avur. Jn additioii to tl.e v i.ndi r .-'.MII across I : . , . . mis u ri - i.ort c ' a siiniliir from (i, oi"i.in l'..iy to Torunto, < . ' .-. i'1'abi.iut srvi'iity mil. . 1'his railway . it . I and BIIC- ClH.-l'ill. v.ill, :.|V., l!,. Jtiiilirny HI. ! . 11 till li ' ' IV" ' I. ' i I. 1.. (mtario .sot : Mi I . I.. C'ith.11. of Chi. will hi n in. mi', i intiiiKili ly a -'.(iati.l with Mi. li. F.a.i I '! tin- !' ship rail- iy, is i. ported lo 1 I aldv nni'fi ssi-d with tin i.K-n and lo tal.. ,:n ai-tivi' inti i it. Modern i n -in. . imx uppiirt-irJy in uccomi.lishiii" th in , and it is not inipruh.iblt that in the modi in r-lnp railway a new 'itali.m eli liu-nt may i v. K pid." I.1.I1CT1ON l-KTITInNS 1 p t , M o. 1 iy -J'; p ' l^ hid 1 . < Ii tiii'l ;. : at the licitit [iroMiicial iluti. ti, ai.d n null talk of IIIOM-. I.H>'. i ti.. i. u. ii- ..:! told. Tin n. urn 1 of tin ck-s an as f"ll. , N.. K. nfrcw N., I Fronli iiiic. N oik \V., Mtdiili -> \ \\'., l.iuri,ln ( \Vi iitw til. S,, 1 1 Mid II. .-.I. I' i:h N.. <,..y N.. S., I'lincr F.dward. I >in ham I!., W, lUnd, Ku.t \\. ; lour. N.. I I . I! M goma \V., lUi.li.v* , A i-oin.iiitii- .- iy c ARM M i. In al ahoul a youir; ma:, v, !.n lm.!> <i.'. n^i at a lininsli r nl ' i who wa .1 c. I I tin ji. :n \\hnln tl., man \\ i 1. 1 i.. ' Mtll i .', niMt. ,1 : ... .m ! while i latter ] i -'l\e In ' I'llitlllll ll.K . ihrashin l M In I IM> 1 1. .. . > . m t!u i.l\e 1.1 il'.i 1 . Tin Inilf > . I w.idi d into the I,. I 1 uilli l.u a limp, h. eainhda; I r ! . I. , I l\in around I" M n tin t' > -. I- the liliin-tii, lith.i. When th youii - fellow had tucmereil sulVicienll) the welding came nil', nt which Ih, fighting parson officiated. It is quiii exciting anil n -frcshim; to roud sucl vigoroun atoriea during the pieuen warm term. A lawyer of Toronto is suiug a \ "im ' l,id v of that city for an en uient rin<; that ha ^avu her and whicl -In- refuse.-) to -/ivi up. hi the I'n .- place hu .-lied for her hand. Now hi Mies f;v ih.: ring which she weard ci the alon-said hand, hut hu can ! Imvi that, either. It is haul lo accoun for this lawyer H act nnlus it be il.a i ig ml. lim hia I'-lai-k u.ii.' nn ; ! ' . lniy another, l!. f 'in -the ti i.il is iviT he will probably bo satislied to let the i in.; ^'0 am f.ue tin- n ninanl- uf maiilim m wl'.icl he limy iio.-.3ibiy .-.till have hy him A paragraph has lately heeii goin; the round:! advising plum rai>era to us. a olulio|.i of parig grteu dm my tin bluouiiiig teusju to I'lxviiut ctuculio hat this i.H not without attendant linger is pi-. \iii hy the fact that a ady liviuj; in Mcaford, who is ; r :i -.,11 ai plum producer. it d tin . ' with he result th.it all her bees were killed I . Jon, d bios- a. In.-i nearly or uite 8150 worth of boes frota tliis ui.-i , whie-i \vouldiniich nn: ouutcrbala -ving m pltimi. r '" lit.- r.-l'.':-r "f 'l'i" .1 i I it AI: Sn:.--\VI' n reiidiii-.; il >aper many iii"ti >f liudliiL' i appan ntlv i v.iluabl .ind icinilN, il ix- l wi.at. an in 1 - !ii -(.nt In- - . I .uite Well, toid in, whili 1 i -I in Kini'lM -rliy, ij'i - NI.IU- williP . . 1 .send you ion. ;. I., r .nn >' t In i, y who will ricidl ti II what the Indian :. ;. \er found airll (or tiie ire'isille, and Veil DOW would m ' finds i' mil.. win re none \s. . . - ' lie . \ ' : . n the \\ ad '.- if Kiiiil" 1 1. y. v.liich tw. ir 'i-u;e. T: mn hut lln-ii I lildm ', one h"^ hull-.-, a In iid a -mill " r.n and v v! null. I .ml: tin . MM ' fialile.i and IMI< nllice. null, r.ui 1 nn i n to l' the r of nn It r a look upwiid h:l;. i :ihlili!4 l,-|.'|. ' nd \.u., d Li-it . . v. hat nature. I. and m filled to HIM kiln ' 'illy was un- !;, i ward, lie a[i- '. and ' ' : . . . I > : I U . ' only i <iiii<l, and a -.11^ in a re-di-i- , . i , '.nlilnl . ifinity [ will i h i - Ad I I | ui. I h.l 1 till - 111!, . w. r. \u.NMri:i,. '.Y i I you hi'idly allnw .' . i . : i in A i B - . 1 . Hi-del, d l I t ill. (I to | . I e- I l'i! I alto- . tilth, as tio lupucr or any thing i Is- c..ui Hi-den il |..i- our lcd n 'e without my knowledge and the sanction of the offloers of our lod^c, and if any pri- vate 1 member or members havo . v nf such contlucl, uny info. niution thnt will lead to who the party or parlies arc will bo thanV veil by our lod^u. 1 have i Muster of thu lod^-e for tho past 1 1 Teatl, tiOM it WM flnt started. We bare had a grwt amount of b.|r ie w .ill, 00 ;. n'l. m.'ii ha\in<; received over l':v-- h.n dohars from u* for supplier, and I iu\ei- In n'd anythi'r; wi "i^ in ini; what we order. We >.;o on 1 that Kne' \\ llliain'l Suldlel'b c l i n d i:i Tm 'n.n we i - ai a l.'ndlady iiur lake without pi\ h Thanking the em nnr.t < . , i M . : nt and tilt ( >r;i Igi . i nf Aittlm ~ia for ll:e 00 i - shown our lodge' on the lJ;h da I July while viHiiiui,' at Fleoli.'iton I thanking \mi Mr. l.<li;in fjr in y,.iir valualde paper I i ot this niattir rijhi, 1 r.-unnt lait: lully yours, J. W. MdUliOW. W. Master of Apprentice '>y'd Lodge, No. 228, Y. M. I'. D, A. ihuidalk.July 2U,18'JO. WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. FLESHSRTON. LA ]. .* COOTS, SHOES, SUPPRES, RUBBERS,TRUNKS,ETC. SEASONABLE GO ONABLE PRICES. Custom Wor Made to Order. i. \\f :irc opening t:;: :ui Dress Goods, ML:S' \'ictun. t . and Cottonadcs. CROCKERY. Just received : A ..iful Tea Setts in White, and Slunc Cltti a, v p.itlerns and low in price. QLA88WARE. Ten Cases Self Sealers, in \ gallons, (]uaits and pints. QEOCERIES. Sugars, TCMS, K;iisins, Currants. A ticsh supply anu SALT. A car fine Barrel Salt, also imported Dairy Salt for butter. R. TRIMBLE. TO OUR CUSTOMERS MIIS! \v'i v . >r your snpiioi an, I i u'ui.r. 'e of )oi'r puironu'.'c. This ye.ir wo ba\e a Kood variety of (lieenbouse |il.inta, ul.so I'.eilding and IVreuuials for i den. Cabbage, Caulillower, Colory, Tumato, Cucumber, Pepper Plants In 'I'heir All orders piouiptly attcuckd to. 1 h.iw the honor to leruaiu yours truly, James Ccecroft, FLKSllKKl'UN CilEKNHOL'SE rton, April 8. T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, "lie le~t t.iiiniMi; nnplcmeMlU iii.uni faetureil. including; llnitttjvnt Li-iht Steel Bintlerand ilowrr. Al'i<m DmAU4ktnt Lh-'M mul .-<;, Tunth Nfft/cr. T/K fKn/.i7i,r, Plum nml Thrrthrr*. Serby ami I'liranifa Hayfork. '""' ' '* of theM? implement- ' " '' - ...... i t.i >|'i ik I i 'I'""' !.-i. rdi fi..- , '" Ai. , , . ,.., .1 ^ ini|,'. . , . . wo .I., wi-'l in f\.i<iii|.f mine it " "t "0. .!-, . ... |J, il.,.,,, t ',,il ,, |>J I.' f.lliuit tl.r <|U.Ultli.t i.i : ,, . T. A. Onr of HIM PflPp i:%i PKr K ..<..,. t m rnkk ih. world. t r ,, Ml fl r B,, 1. W twill **,JrIB I . ' til IRt'-M <n .* i htt , t MftboTt. Only th- wbu writ* l obutc* All you ha** lo 4o U h* lo abow our f*vd to kn I IS M tru*> 1 > fmuinf il U. lfc< lm.l ". 1 f I*. Ml* ml ri. M Ik. tppMAau* "1 it r .- , 411 ftnd ri'ifb: fn t ih i < *<.n ibii ,** r* . r.rtM. -.<, ., Ut.r...r...k4i..*.an,.. ft* w ut -i-,Hl W , ,ii , (l (, . fttifti, Af>-

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