Flesherton Advance, 28 Aug 1890, p. 3

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Cl'CKUO THICK!. INFANT MORTALITY. SOB* Healthful tJiut* fur Aoiluaa Motbvr*. Of the total nuoiber of death* in warm weather, according to the recorda, nearly one- third are children under one year of age. Is ll.iu mortality a uecta- lity ? We are inclined to think not. The diaeaaea from which taese children die arise, aa a role, from preventable caused. Not always ao much from the want of care as from the waat of know- ledge how lo card for mem. The device of any m:ans to prevent inia great infant mortality ia a work wall wjrtay o? a pail intnropist. If we look to me olaaaes of . ^^ _,, _ . disease olod.'ly. the inference ia. lhat a con- I brood throogu Ibe perila of \ Heu'< Wild O>< Browl-A Dove H t:i liatt Out I'liltkrii. A North Slonington farmer haa a paMel that hatched oat a lot of wild gooee tgf thai he procured for her. and DOW ahe id gingerly trying to brim; the jietr chicks up, apparently *usn:i:>us that ali it not id i; should ba. Frank Tyler, a farmer ner Norwich, owns an aggressive hen mat foand a wild dock's net in a swamp, drove the eld dock off, hatched oat the dock's eggs for her own and is no* the mother of a handsome brood of small b>ack daj*. Frank burners the old bin A WDMJCUri 1. WEAPON. I.i ( IHI-.I Carbualc Acid ii<u a nbutai fur tiiiupowdrr. At the head jaarteri of the London Scottish Rid.-i yesterday afternoon aome intfremin, expert menti were conducted with II. Paal Gitfrrt't appliance for the employment of liq-i.:; .-a gas a* an explosive or, to be mare atrictly accurate, one nbonld lay aa a meaua of propelling proj -c tilfd in ploe of gunpowder. M. Paal CiifftrJ a Bci.-ntifij recitation aa inventor of the pneumatic tube, and of the " Giffard tor," ao largely used in connection with neam cow-r, ataada ao hign mat any aiderable numbjr of theae deaths have iu , rua'.urity. waen he intnla to clip th winga and hope* she may be aole lo pall tne j invention to which his aame was attache! would be worthy of atin.-iv- cjnaideratioo. life lo reality a close. and direct reiauon to the kind of f Jo i given. The general cry of teething ia nonsenai- cal. It a child it bathed and fed regularly. clothed iooaely and comfortably, not over- noraed or "mauled" on a warm day, and given regular houra of real, the teetb will oome throagh almost annoticed. Il maat be remembered that a ehili cannot digest food containing starch. au:u aa rice water, bread food, pap or gruel, anlil it bai teeth. Therefore milk, which ia animal food, haa by nature been given aa the only one needed up to that time. Careful examinatiana prove that the highest mortality is among cbil ireu thai are brought up by hand. Tbis saows for itself thai they are given a paor substitute tor their natural food. Cow'* milk slightly watered and sweetened with sugar of milk ia, perhapa, a gx>d substitute for mother a milk, providing that yoa can depend upon Ihe juality and character of the milk. Thia i* very hard lo do in a large city. Milk that is perfectly good when it leave* iis country home is, in hoi weather, scarcely fit for ordinary table use when il arrive* in the oily. All iheae in ings maat bd taken into consideration. Follow closely the advice of your physician who can, probably, recommend to yoa aome infant a food which he has aaed oujceas'ally. Do not, under any circumstance*, chaoge thi* food al each aug<ealion of your many frieuda aa to the mints of this or that special kind. By ao doing yoa frequently destroy the digestion and appetite of the infant. K member, Churchill aaya. that "mtu'a digeation must be well cared for from Ihe hoar cf birth " Oive child dunag Ihe warm weather a little apace to breathe ; don'l have it cous.anlly naraed, or closely trapped in a baby coaci. It la a moat aorrowf ol aight to behold a haggard, restleaa. moaning child huddled up in warm arma or blanketed on a fealhsr pillow in a baby coach at thia aeaaoi. ot tbe year . aud very often beside all this, yoa ee a oiled nursing bottle, the lobe of whi 'h the child baa been soaking for hours. Tbis alone is enough to kill an ordinary chud. By follc- tew oommonsense ideas many of trit.se troobiea can be avoided. Take your babe 'rora its bed every morning al a regular hoar; bathe it well, but carefully, iu lake warm aalt water dry with a aoft towel. If il ia discolored by heat rash, dual luhtly with prime noe d'oar. then pat nut to the akn: an all- wool gauzj dtnnel shin, long enough to cover Ibs bowels, over thia a thin i!tun<.l skirt, with a mailin or linen body, then the ahp or outer gar- ment, which ibo-ild be iioiple. neat and ,'lain. with high neck and long aleevea. /.aphyr aocka ahould cover the feel, aud a aoft linen bib protect the front of Ihe dress. After tba babe it dressed it should be immediately ted . if noi from tbe breast, have the prepared food ready in a perfectly iweet bottle with a short nursing tube, llold the child while feeding in a seuu erect position. It this direction ia not observed thu food i* apt lo be thrown off and loit lo the child. How often we see a nurse in feeding a child by bottle, fii i- comfortably in bed on its back and then pal a long tube in it* mouih, allowing it to sack a maoh air into its stomach as it conveniently can. All this favor* tboe accidents which it ia ao desirabl > lo - After the babe bas taken its half pint of food, lay it down on a mattress, cover .. lightly, close all avenue* of draft*, but be sure that the room i* well ventilated and allow it to take a good long nap. which in most cases it will gladly do. Dutttn (i<i MM. of the dnck* and experiment wufc them at cro*a breeding. William E Monsell, of r air Haven, baa cariosity ii half grown IKS/:: that was hate led by a dove. Sometime ago be aet a dove with aome of ita own egga. bai a cranky old hen da into the cote, amaabed the d'ova'a egga and then aat down and laid an egg. Tne performance may have been intended for a practical pke on the hen a part, bat the dove ac- cepted th j ailaatioa erioasly aaiwenllo work to manipalate a chicken oat of the C}loasal egg. Having accomplished tnt feat, the ambitious dove next eaaa . ed 10 scratch oat a living for the chickou thtt aprawled about the farmyard aa big as the was. bat she failed Ihe cnicken then in that undertaking. took charge of th* BOOKMAKER.* Af KICKS. The Great Advantage tney have <Jr the llrtlKU Batting rublle. Apart from the grosser forma of roguery THI IMMKM8ITV OF SPACE. Trrmeadoiu I>IMU<I- of the 8Utn t~r th Krth. For a long period astronomer* anauc the the oooKmaMers have a great advantage i cessfolly endeavored to determine over the public. With their comparatively I distance between the alar* and the earth, easy acoeia lo jockey*, ataole do/a and , and il is only within a comparatively aho otn'er* in the secret of Ihe slabies, lo say ! lime that lue interesting problem can b* nothing cf their (aclinic* for uaearthing | aaid to have bet-u aolved, aaya .Vjjur unauapected causes uf aii^aaliticatiou, | distance which separates as from the writes G. Herbert S:atdeld in me .Vinr i nearest alar is. according to a recent leciare vney are in a tar better I by Professor Nicnula, aooat -I JO 000 time* poaition man the pabdj to Know wnat is greater than the .lutance from the earth to me sin. or '> iHlO.OOO of mles multiplied . ;ia. in the constellation ot scratching bniuc-. aacceeded, an i -;e 2JO sh its. ei lal to abjui 3J ba i-:s dove retired disconsolate. Thereupon tne of atordi.iary - -rvi : n:l , with a v filial chicks-i helped the old lady oat with a share of its own pickings, and the pair are on finely now. A Patrol WatK Outuu Ataluit Chlrf lu.nm Mi-Uuoald. The President aod directors ot the Peo- ple's Bank ot Halifax have submitted petition to Ihe Governor-General in Conn- oil, claiming damagea because of the alleged wuful ret uial of Chief Jattice Mc- Donald, of the Supreme Court ot that province, to deliver judgment in favor of Ihe bank in a suit against aome of it* debtors, until il was loo late to recover tbe debts The bank claims that thf Govern- ment ahould recoup to it tbe fll.TGJ which il alleges il lost through the delay m the delivery of the Chief Justice's decision in its favor. Tbe judge against whom com- plaint ia male is Hon. James McDonald, formerly Minister of Justice. Tbepelition allege* lhat the People'* Bank brought suit to recover the amount of promissory notes made by certain mer- chants named Locke, of Lookeport, Shel barn* county, aud endorsed by other parliea. The makers of the notes became insolvent and sails were brought by the bank againat tbe endorsers. Theae are the caae* iu which, it is allrged, the Chief Justice delayed judgment until tbe defend- ants had made away with their property, making tbe judgment in Ibe banks favor worthless 'it i- charged in the petition The outfit of an ordinary police patrol waggon ia aa carioua as it ia interesting The pas*, ig ooserver usually imaiii-ie- the heavy, Bras* geared vehicle merely for Ibe transportation of dranksa beings. The soand cf tbe wag<oa' gong i* associated with a raid upon a gambling house or the arrest of aa inebriate. Bit the bloe-ooats who stand guard on th- patrol waggona have a varied line of doty. To begin with, they are callei from the police boxea. an i without knowing the nature of their errand Ibe or:er* ride lo the scene of perhaps a murder, an accident, tire or riot. Wnen no intimation of the to be alien led lo is given old orii Mr* can nanally tell from the locality frum which tbe order came. Aa, for instance, a harried call (rom ths foot of Van Bonn street wouli undoubtedly mean a railroad accident. Very often the ofiicer* feel to confident of ihe nature ot the case mat they prepare ths stretcher beforehand. Toia latter is only one of the many appliances with which Ibe patrol i* (applied. Ths ligual wrvice ofii.-er*. aa the policemen on duty are called, are drilled in the aa.- of the various appliance* given into thir care. The atrelcher everybody ia familiar with. Tbe ice oap. a rubber bag mais 13 dt over the head, and captble of being with chopped ice.plays aa important part in sunstroke caaea. Every waggon baa one or more ol these useful lacks, which anawerthe parpoae until tbe patient ca:: be placea in a ol at a hospital. Then there ia tbe medicine cheat with it* simple assortment of lint, bandagei, am bromide, ioditorm, soap, alcohol, and a few surgeons instruments. Periodi-al schools of matruction are held for the par- poae of leaching tbe men the rudiments ot a surgeon a duty. Th* men mast act and think juickly. Very often a miuate a delay in forming a ligature prove* fatal to the bleeding victim. Rubber and woollen blanket* and court plaster are al*o lo b* f land in Ihe waggon locker*. Kilra club*, dark lanterna, hand-caff*, cornea longa. revolver* and ammunition art.' likewise carried. Namerou* other little bat neces- sary articles are alowed away in tbe drawer* of the bine waggon. A pair of grappling hook* for Ihe recovery of bodies are laken when tbe cdioers atari oat on a buat for a drowned man. lo tell the troth, remarked an oil patrol *ervioe man, a* be worked away upon a contrivance of bia own lo be aaed in aelting broken limbs, " tbe average cm n ha* no idea of the numerous little and unpleasant thing* that we must attend to. Why. that laat corpse I fished out of the river " Hi* listener bad departed by thia time.- -V not going to win. la session of sacn aecreia a remar&aole system can be worked of what is iiao*u ad ma* ing fa.sf favorites, r r mis purpose a ooajoi > rtifi :ea .1 MSJ -. to impose upon thsi-iolic. Kam;ra. freely . i if tne U.r-ie d el:i:.. -I.: -JOadl ti.m aa.l of his successes m an trials ac- companied at Ida same time by rumor* antagonistic to his competitors fi:tiuoua Dels, con-n -uiv knowa as stumers, recorded in their books an t puoiianed in the papera all are calculated to onag tne puouc m to oack h::u. peraaps ap to the pjoii.cn a|| . e . There id at tne saui . time considerable matual J-u-n lence oetw..en racing batting. Ktciug. -.'. cjurse, is toe sab- -traiaiu ot o-ttmg : bu: noooiy v.. f>.:>s in tc-- fa:e can fi. to s- ina. raciag i a great deal of recifrj;ai support frojj tnat tue .T'j-vls wbicu tnruo* tne standa at race courses pay th-ir ^ .:u-a- i.ra: : i 1.1 in: a ne way ai in-> mignt !- i ' a theatre, im,)iy to see a bow. It tae b.ttiog element were aool t ojrse, as SOO1-J would bave It. it u u;: M see the suoa a jna^i- *jull nv e :a :ie receipts ot tne me-t^ug , aa i if me race f'i the p;u s '.iat are given al meetings muit ti;y of li p :: -a -;as oe:uai-d reiea-L- i and suffer, to.'. Tue oody ot professional expands in in* breech chamber. There is raciug men f .roas another liaK Detwwn no loader report than the drawing of racing and Oettiug If part of their rsim- a chanpagae cork makes . DO amoke ] barsement is derived fro n pnzsa or atakes, and no foaling of tbe barrel. In all these ; for the ouls, thereof they look to geinug respects M. C-:fr<is gas gun teems to on ' at a ^ool pric.-. and this they are only faldl Ihe re-jaireuients o! an ideal weapon I able lo do through the -\steuce ot a tree for warfare . bat wQetber ia other respects i market for bdinng. V*gue ramuors are lnj-ieded gas haa advaulag-M over ordinary from lime io timeadiat at to explosives for military Tbe weapon no-* introiaced by him, however, ia aomeihing more than aa ia Keniaat Appliance it u a <iis :ovrr . which not only promises to revolutionise tne ganmakers art. bat n applicable aisj to many other purpose* aa a inoiiv > : Those who ire interested in the Gi?*rd gan claim that it la the mho- - of t le fuiare. Theiioaof orb t t ' as a propuUiv^ pvr ia not ne v. b-.; il (j S rd ia tne tirat h j n*a tu-n-l it to pra:ti:&l ac^oaut. I gaa ^ ui is a oudel of ainpii.-ity, o (r aa .:.-. can j'lige without ex^ ni- nation o! tae diacuarging mech in wm:h mu:h of the merit of M (ris invention lie' \ > olied a jartoucie, - tutcbol i . i : - \-- . of a rin> or a nooth-boro gun. . - > dent to k.li ai 6UO >ar)s. There i* no other explosive. The p;liel is dimply- dropped into an aperture of the oarrei. waion ia hermetically close -i by pres'iu^ a mall lever, aul the loading is oruulr-te. by M>> UOU. . - .: star nearest the earth, .nt occupies three whole years in trav^-reing the Juiat. - which s-inrate* aa from the little blinking orb, or. ia other word*. ii;u.a A.ph* be blotted oat of -s Jt^ > *e would be well into the Ocf ore tne iuhabitants of t...s mundane sphere wool i 3e aware mat Alpha no longer rx.atei. Vet light travel* n rapid. y as t^ o_-c ipy no percepubl* space ot time ia dashing around oar globs. If ins sua w-re trausportU to the place ix:upied by this, the nearsst star. Ihe vast circular disc, which ia miming rise* mv?s:. . } tne horizon and :a the evening occupies a cuisiderao.e time in les :cn nnri - '--ly below ine -tn= Una, woald have iim*nsions puuy m ineir insig- > ^ .- in- sal appear* lo as it w m.!. were it possiole for it to ex:n*n4*! positions with Alpha. :t woald take tne L . to ma*e it appear as a atar of the tmri W*r ou the >>i Huoiu. purpose* remtina to be proved. The inventor aaya there woald be no di!? -ally ia red ling tbe cylinder* with gaa oa the btllledeli bat it i* o iv. jus. even it thai be Ihe caaj, that reserve cylinder* woald have to be supplied to ea;h man m order lo mtk* op the num- ber of ronadanow iroagbi to b; aecesstry, aud, as ballets woil i o! necessity bd car- ried in addition, the ammiui ion tor a gaa gaa woald weigh juit as macn as orimary oartnl^ea. weight for weight. L->'\ i Snct. The cuarge of li<p>r liberated for etch round is regulated ay a muled acrew > ea.-b charge, aa liberated, la contained in a special chamber, tro u wli ca it is released by the pu'.ling of a trigger. Ths butlel ia dropped separately into an oni.-e in the breech lock. lalberidea abown Ihe bul- lets are round, but elongated oallets cau oe a*ed. When the guns were diacnar. > raab of vapour waa aeen laauiug from the mu//.) -a . bat it incianily fated away and ihe bullets djw with strict precision to me target*. Barrela wfii:h bai been r . . ia in* past two months were abowu lo have angered DO corrosion. Tbe pressure of the gaa aad tint in me above magvuuea waa '-00 pounds on the iiqaare mob. and this pressure ismaintamed up to the last ar<p of ' . i The prepara- ti 'U ot the liquided gas mv -Ives uo auical power, but the nrevi.il pressure ia got entirely by Ibe chemi 1 manipulation of ordinary aubstanoea sa.-h aa carbonate of aoda. SJ. J*mtt ij-ufttt. to the aucns wjn oy " tne s.aaie :v.-r aome Dig which, if even apjroximtte.y true, mail cal oonaideraoly uto me prodta of th* ring. TUB NUULK Mr t v Tb ludMtructlbiilty ,,r Fit- It to- a syuitxil of Purity Gold may be aaid lo be everlasting and in leslru.'tiOle. The pure acida hav* no etfect upou it. Air aud w*ier alike are uuaile 10 vork its destruction Wail* to Ihe baser m-ials they are decay, to guii ini-y are laaccuous. Bury it tnrougb the long ages, and when the ruae tool ot th* excavator again bring* it to light, while everything arouuu originally associak^ .'ith it is returned to dust and the delicate (oral which it < -a bas btcmie a powder so impal- pable as to be inapprecitolit, tbe delicate irao-sy of the fi:i -at gold thread remains L'ay*. years, century upon century ma roll by oiubty empires rise and fa.i dynasties wnicb deem their power ever- lasting and armies which have m* and coi 1 i'lertd may become nerveless . ' teeming with millions may become the abode of the ci. yet ths thin u.ain-ut of gold remain* to-day aa it was 5.000 years ago. Truly gold is a noble metal. - . War has commenced c:: thes-;are room. . >iora maiai on (inning tne oornera, and 10 this eni great .-ju:nes. with leather, skio or oriental raa and nigb backs ars ure-<criod, with side tabies. anii ; le pani- era, bu5e a, acreena and hanging wood jar- vnga to ine an octagon .' bextgin ot the s.; it .. By way of a make aoift there i* nothing more etfscti.-e than a big tabii, -tamed, pjhsiied or drapaJ. ael acroai an augle beneatn a { lare of p'ata glass or grill work. Another aheap devioe i* the L'-noh pole and drapery of terra-ooita, reaching to the buiJet or side table, a* a background for caina. The nails are. ran through the drapery, and on them pla-jaes, cup* and dt form* may be bang. Bit* ot old bla* china against a drapery of brick rid make a very pleasant contrast. Screens ars old favorite* for ruandmg corner*, and ao la the amall low. movable bookcase. Women Drinker*. Dr. Norman K -rr. President of tb* British Society for Ihe ttudy of inebriety, makes the startling statement, lhat while drinking bat decidedly diminished among men. it haa markedly iocreaatd among women. He lay* they are not limited to the beer-ihop clas, bai are to be found among edu.-ated and religioua women. There i* a noticible increase ot drunkards among the lady members of the families of wine merchants, J fillers and brewers, who have access to the choice si nuad utter aled li.juort. Al johol i* no reapeoler ot peraon*. Aa might be expected, prison statistic* are changed. There nsed to b>> seven male prisoners in England and Wales to one female ; Ihe proportion now is three to one. The doctor s aludy bas been comprehensive, and hi* paper Driallts with facia. He aweepa the bomjn. touch- ing all intoxicants in Ihe circuit opium, ether, chloral, cocaine, oapsioam. ginger, absinthe. Honor, duly and aelf preaerva tion demand enure abstinence (rom aujh druga." He prononncea the preaenl method A No*l Cure fur 111. Urlp. A good many jieer curea f." > were put forward during the epidemic, but none of them i-iuala the remeoy dtsjrioec, IP the following extract (rom the -Journal and correspondence ot Lord Auckland The passage wa* written trom Madrid in March. 1> I do not know whether the coincidence ha* been noticed before, but the epidemic seem* to have been as | - - enl throughout Europe al tbe beginning of 17 -'.i as it was al Ihe end of M ' Inere i* a new iuduenia of colds, accompanied with a degree of sickishoesa. Tbe care for the lower people here is to drink large of warm water and to lie down upon toe t'.oor. and to prevail upon aome friend to walk upon them fur half an hour. 1 have not seen tnis amiable ceremony, but I am assured that it is literary true, and I iat half a dc/en of my servants have g >ue tbiougb il within a week." Landau Timti. Talu "I l'iTMiti*. Hon. John Wanamaker. the merchant prince of Philadelphia says "My plan for fifteen years has been 10 buy ao much apace in a newspaper and fi>l it up with what I wanted. 1 woald not uive an ad -t-mt-ui in a newspaper cf "00 a** 1 > ' r 5 000 dodgera or puatera. 1 deal directly nb tbe publisher. 1 aay to him, Uow long will you let me run a column of matter through your paper for ilOO or - me case may be. I let them do Ihe figuring aud if 1 think he is not living lo take more than his share I *iv? the 1 lay aside the profits on a particular line of goc 'rtisinii purposes. The firai year I laid aside S(< 000 . last year 1 laid aaide and spent 940.000 1 have don* bel- ter tbia year, and shall increase thai aum aa tbe profits warrant it. 1 owe uiy sue o-ss to tbe newspapers, and to them 1 shall td'aatM and aiuienta of Alma Ladie* | Si. Tboma*. Oat., may now b* fouad la bo-orable and lu.-rative employ- ment, in ahop, store and offi:*, in School and Collek* from the Atlantic to tbe Pacific, in both Canada and the I'uited Stale*. Score* are teaching aucceaafuhy and other* earning large saiarea aa >tenograpbra or Bookkeeper*. A ' pp. Calendar sent oo application to P . ' B. L). Do ubuu she Was. day School Teacher Freddy, yoa may tell me wh> Lot a wife waa turned into a pillar of aalt. Freddy Uojack Cause abe wa* too fresh. freely give business." a certain profit of my yearly That the Chief Ju;;,^.;, urged r by,h; of dealing with both Ihe inebriate and bank', solicitor to deliver jugmeut at an -tou -*.. ' ' 'huge governmeat trainiog early dale bul he refuaed lo do ao without *ohool of tnebnetv He calls npon Ihe the I.MDI of Ihe defendants. It i* alao ohnroh to clear herself from complicity asserted that the parties against whom Ihe ! with temptation by bamahing inloxioaata t waa given have boasted that they , "om purposely. J/ judgment procured the JhroU. give delay fniia .tl.rrilikii Huter. rrofessor Ojl Ibargman ll-.rr Knnst- moht. yoa will the dv -lensiooa give in tbe I iiaxi< a g >H mine." 11 rr Knnstnioht 1 h.ive a gold mint' thou basl a t;c!d thin* he haa a goKi hia ; have a >,old oars, yours or To Kr-lorr a laliitlnc IVrxm. Do not attempt raiae the bead . it ia better that il ihould be on a I>>M>) with the body, or even lower, because by thin mean* one g*la the aid ot gravity in reslotiug the ' w circulation of the blooil ia the brain, aud thnm, a* Ihe oase mav be. that will reatore coiisciomiu-s* 'I'he nae of j Profcwot Ooldboi > "i right sre epiril.-i of ain'-n'iiia ain'li">l u the nostrils is up head pro^-wd. 8:v<uU 1 what a lima ijraelimes.m'aoiona, but ahonld noil' *.aut ha.e if all H.Tt Kannatmcht like lilted in long, neither should there b any were. attempt to make the person swallow b. fore able, as it might result in autTjoation. Lena Kii'frt. > The S t ianih statttsman, CaateUr, is writing a lif. of Christ, and ia also busy on a biatory of Bpaiu The bolo flower, diaoovered by 1'r . anberg growing u^n-u inouiitain m one of the Philippine inlands, i* perhaps the Urges! tljwer iu existence, being about three feel in diameter and wjnty two poand* in weight. Tim Lal* Hubert Culllcr. Kev. Koberl Laird Collier, who died the other day at his ouulr> hon^e near Salia- bury, Md., waa a brilliant palpil orator, and had been aettled over important I'm tarian cburchea in Boclon, Brooklyn, Chicago. Washington and othar place* in tbi* country, while be preached fur a nine in Leicester. England. lie waa aho an entertaining writer and bad published several books. President Garfield appointed him consul to Leipaio, and under President Cleveland administration he was sent abroad to gather labor statistics, lie was a warm friend of Henry Irving, WiUou Barrett and Edwin Booth. Among work ing people he bad many admirers, the ex- [. rieuoe of hi* own early life having en- abled him to nnderstand and sympathize most fully with Ibe struggles of toiling humanity. Liquor (il>tU-. The internal revenue received bv Ihe I'n ued State* Government for the year 'rom the manufacture and aale of m lo \icatmg li.)aora wan Tbe number of "retail Ii | u-r dealers per- sous granted Kmieral periuite ihe laine year was That M, the average revenue paid lo Ihe li.'.ernneul for eaoh peraon boMing a retail U i'ior -dealer - mil was r '"- Pretty huh li.'enae. isn't 11 ' \ii<i \- 1 ihi- coimumpnonof li |iior baa iiuTtastd under thai system of hicn i*\ tion faster than the population increased. I. The fashionable ilow, r in Parn al pre*- on! is tro ooru llowtr. It forma Ihe i lar boutonuiere for most of Ihe Paris elegantes. A pearl gray jv><al oard smaller than th present one will be made for the n*e of women, and the present ai/.e will coniiuue to b* mad*. Capturluc luting A few days ago two young men. collecting herbs in the forest of Latscb. m the Aus- trian Tyrol, disovered on the edge of a precipice an eagles neat. High above. describing an airy circle, was Ihe parent bird. Oue of Ihe young men. by mean* of a rope, descended, while the other kepi watch overhead. On reaching the nest the youth foand two splendid young eagl-s. male and female birds, aarroanded by the bleaching bones of a little chamois and a lamb. The two birds were secured and the youug men returned with their pri^-9 lo Latsch. Ou* of the birds -the male eaglet ha* a span from wtnn to wing of nearly to. feet. IuJ>' /'cii.'y .V-K-i. I aster I should like to see yoa take a more active interett in religioua things, Misa Beetle. Mis* Bessie I Im afraid il wci'.dn i do, Mr Goodman. I ooolau t be (pared from ibe choir. There are telegraph station* in all but four Province* of China -those in tbe northwest. There are U>5 stations alto- gelher. Taking Peking as the point of departure, the rate* :'er word vary from 10 cents to <> Ihe jp.-rat. rs are ail Danes. The ayatem la very exteuaive, and i* largely xmtrolled by the Government. A lady typiat ' advert .ae* for a situa- tion in a Lou Jon paper I'ypist. ' it is lo be presumed, is short for type writer fbe English have a knack ot aborevtating every tnm^. U C. M. L. . . CHRONIC COUGH Now: .,/ ;.!.,.-., ii i. . / ; SCOTT'S EMULSION The accounts of a pillmaker who has just died in England ahow that he ha* been apen.iing 9:200 000 a year for adver- liairg His heir*, however, are finding no particular fault with tbia c \travaitanoe. a* he leavea an estate valued al tJ5.000.000- :. due to pills and advertising. August meteor* are due. Hebrew New Year card* are oat. Of Pure On! l.m-r Oil and HYPOPMOSPHITES I ,.... . I . , II M palalmbl* as n H a-ih IT.-. scorr* i. MI i >U>N . i. ;tur ") "< ' " <urf .-4.1 ,, < fi . at ,Wr. ,tttd fl.OU. Rr ', ail IU I - ; LLS f Kpilvi^sv or F.i V ^o>t l 1 .C.. Branch C" IT Mil GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. 1 . Curo I Jo not mea*) .... I M CAN A R A Ol C AL C U R C . 1 Sickn'-ss \ i w.irr.mt F'ee Bcttv > c H'-mcrfy. . 4DFLAIOC .,>.-*.c 01 Fita, .t C -GOT. i.> mi nu n>K M.C.. 1* *, - T O. .

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