THE KLESHER10N ADVANCE. I:.I.\KI\H GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON. A tf*3**rml Id: kut K '.- : . i- .-. transact* 1 Pr*ft 'H-II -I i .' iniial rnii'- M kiwi*.,* *viiilable for legitimate b . ise. north of K:i-hr tom Vicinity Chips. 4 ;I;IIM-;. ri*:i.-> of tin- Past Werk 4 arci'iilly < uil< i! fur the furious. A : . '.' : iver." will . wli.i want plants should read Mr 1 ..-nt in another column. r .. J.o.i.N ' r foil at M. Uicbunl- .- n: A '' rat chuiee. i: . I'; M V. : r-.or Canada 11 lecture in the areli here next \Vediles- B - open*. I ,il '. i :' !' v l'"t!i . I. I'.. ' i. i. Kinnler, uf \, 'il S,.iiriii. itfio . \ .UK ( ill Dui: hare lived in Fleaherton, kave endeared themselves to all, and will be very much mnwed. more especially m church, tem- perance aud musical eirolts. They take with thorn the hearty weii-wiahes of their many irielids. Furnisliiiitfv Shirts, Collars' tif *. a uii'Bt attractive slock uf at Hichardnon .v C" . An error crept into ,.ur market report v wlu..-U it win n,.ide ;.i read : "IJutti-r lie. e_",' lie." This should reversed. Butter wo* He and Is This an Irish Bull .' In writing u;i this vill.u I'.r >. F.iw "l f M v .1' singular >vh.-n w r thn sli character n in rural w many . i the residents of ;-;IIL-* here ..irter .'i a century." The rahcs .ire i;r*. Kcv. V . ' serin ' T plant IMI Sunday V the ; .-. at the 1 in. 1 ' "! K; 111 th.- I'n *'*\ UTian irtiTii.'on next. v .Iv <po'cii i- . d.'ubt lx- greeted :\ \.-Lir weatlier .-yi- ,.|>.-n tho ..nt uf Messrs. Itiimba!! \ Phi 1 ! tirni wil' *ith a full line ynur orders fi-r anv- i!iin_: in .HIT line until ymi see "iir stoek. \\ iiuin- without : ILI \l ' . ; jnll.- . He left iiurriedly '.ixiii'^ time to .iilviilise lu.< . !'iit left I'l-lun ! ;i , f, .i ^ HH- ^. H..1 Wbvr. Wlit i i!l be the liist t.' :rrie > ini^lit have been a .-.1 :it Mr. * new resi- ilein .iy last week. One i>f the wiirKnieil had just enterei'. the U.KT, wlu-i: .1 I.i ri(e <|iiantity of !>ru-k fell and vd crushing him , ' -' :i rather f the U. Kleshelti'ii. coin: B -. i - uf the ;:id i make it i and ir- tamed i! . :t and '[r. A'hii.asinii I ' i . .. , outternulk Mid take ' _-e Ins iir. N ' ; .i. Mi i- i; i'i two Kui: :!! :iuil tenfn!'! tu the ' . will . V i. . wi.rk in both .1 was decided, upon c'lm-ultation, that a watch should be kept upon tho factory witjja view tu captura the thief. This w ii dune, tho watchers annul); th.-m- selv. - iled with buck shot. La;. . ;mn_r ite.-ihhy "'re ii',' the factory, and ' f'Tiii c iiiid \M dlin.v With turn cklmsiiL-s.s of tllr- A killiu. tion pr '. \] Henry : ,.-.;, Mack Obit. ' A iinl weil known resident.-* i Am-inesiu oceun the paat week. Thn first v. . . l- ( h ' "ii F. ._.,. ..f 74 ^' " I D .ii N .'ii.iiir t' n in I -I ..J ever since. The MII, -i \, Flesh . '.' . . when a | last t: M , > knew her. i 1 . 1 ' . M lieeii OIK:. M , I Met!, . ant n . Sf.ioi - i - .'*'.'' -i. i- > I Jannt'Js The bigge>t . v. v v A ' .in^e in the Bailie. 1> . _i > - 11 fur parf i '.-t. i ..! I'IY. !." > i ii .:\ tliis ity will j-overu tliein-t !\. intrly and c-'iitine th> - B for which ct laineiiie* "ii . 1. i'otlon Ita^s 'n at M. i' > ' . -.'. T!ie getitU'ineii who visited \Vatet loo's saeii'jeiiest returned home <>:i Satin day, haviuu hail n tn<t enjuyaMe time. The whole itn and outs of the trip may never !<. known, for wlion wo :iked one of the I'.ii'iy t dtaribu it he candidly con- ,--..-. I that he was "not n liar himself. ; wuuld nt'Vr d.> to tell tiio. truth." I il<lT'ar fcto?K en- largo 'ii & (.0 . Full bikit ,">j cvuU ham. An exchange say a a I.UIUIT'S wife re- (ntly sot a novel ti|i fur rntt. She i\ wash boiler and tiilod it n'lnnit .'.. 1 of witter and oprinkled a tjtj io;itso\er the tup. S!i then i the trni> in tlie l>avn ^nd hxed i- UM M' ' ;et at i^ elii^' 1 rat I', n m u.ueh i wuiiinn is s.-inl (.> Invi , and ot , they h.i . !> ' i .< a iv|> into the li.iiler and then U" duwn on the iii n^ oat to see if t !)) were ( lie on! in- \ery-day kiud. The .llowned rat* the tirst |iiht. was 42 Mr .1 II. VllJerni'll and fnnil!> ie;lTC dm fore part i>f next weujv for \',..,H..IIII","t'.i. Mr. Anderson's "i iiily, during tho short timo they II ,i..l v. Mr T. (.'. : 7: i ear under- nt'i I'ni 1 . i The rip 10 Kur. . u . '.',. \\. , t . . ; lu- letters e.-iitaine ! ::i the. name of M M . ! ' > - i "ver - to jcenin-.i'.inh ;h, ! . by the "t', " *ep; ord, uii'i wi'.l . . ''I'.'.id tliree inontlis. The pu!>ii->iieM !' The yneeii u'. - am. ounce another "Free tup to Kurn)e" itei.i u!i 3'_W f'ir expensos. A \V, . ., ,;i.i|t handed dut!; past lin ' .1 his thumb to between two l,vi'--e t had an iric-Miible uttiact: *u t e.u-li llttMT, with the result that '.is thumb n.iii it >eveiin^ it <j conn ttlt'l , , \l hcri'l III : alwii; - . i!i. i..'ie thumb it- it had just attempted i ,on'i i--i : iiti:ii'n tho teeth in at!. inn cylinder ^ ' '' 'i.iuily decided whether it was a c!>emc to yet a h-diday . .I'-it'Oie toi'li.s'.iness, but aie inclined to t!u> latter belief, liowever. The Advance comes nut -i; time and sni.Uinj as usual. Tbieves. Fluibertiui has heretofore U>cn rather freo from petty thieves, but lato event* appear to indicate, that it is ii"t ala>s to remain so. During tho last week a number of petty larcenies have Wen re- ported to us. Mrs. Iteocroft lost three . otton sheets from her clothes line, another lady a new pair of aocki, aud Mr. Villon had pounds of butttr i from a shed. Mr. I'ollaiuv lost a l'ii-'.u! "f pe.i:s. and a tree of tiuo apples w.n stripped. TheAO thin ,i should be put a ti>l> to M;;'lt hi'le. A \t^:' committee should i-|-' '.: - i I doso with s*lujt , \\ oc n . ! , such act?. It ij , | \t pgoplo in a peiiceful \i!!'i.-e ;i e.uniot ll\o nith 11.5 a'.l llit-ir bvlfii.;ii..-H under and kov. Mr K M II ' M \ \\ in. I'etell fur t!i. Mi. ' ' r T.I- - ! Mr. ! : V J M , , . M - t'"lll.. -.>-rt>MI a i.iu i > th lin ; . 1 1 returns t" I'.mv - week. Mr. : Kl-iday '.iv. II,- i, n, ; win. re he will Ii , F. >r onio timo fast it has been suapeetcd milk left .t tbc chcve i.Kt. TV h:is boon skimmed l>y some |.--i"> or paiti'-n unicniiwn. On Friday in. tn iiiii last the in|>vcti>r i-.ud the faot-Tj^ a niif 'Hid verified theie uspi I.HI.H. It Station I: Mr. MeK ;or titu i of h, .r>. - N Tuesday. T':i: m.ikfs tho fourth slui' 'vlt Mi-K.iiii.ii . U|> the tilth load B The pn . . Nustliiu' witi Ii:'..-, theie '. I M-. I'. A. M.I re. 1 , II. - i ii itnily and :u. ike* .jinte an . x . I bri'U^-u in as \ . ^ w cur '. Mt'Leod In rcsidencu last * Mr. l'ttfnett'3 iu- > 1114 completion. Flesherton Cheese Fact FlesliertwU chi-cMi factory i d-in, r a ^ood buttiiieits thi season, and the quantity -: <.liose inanufactiirei! u.stnl, r.bovo the average. Tliesprm,' make brought \ cent m ae per Ib. than that of iucn>uiidiiiff fac Juries. Still tiierv may Iv ro,m for iinprovement, at would be ;..r!i. . J from the :..>: eet.-i', report. \\ loMr, II irii,w!i. was h-relat wuek, i a I/. :!i compliment t-i the mam;- er, bo still ihink.i l. Kit t'le ;i.i;ron aid ill bettering the output. But wo will {jive tho report entire, so Hint tho i.itrons will know c-\avily whoro ; -e diTi-lict. Mi', ll.ii'ri.t sayc : In re;irtiiiij thi.i Victory 1 nm 1 t. state that if every patron. more pain* to tako ii re care of their in.'. ; ' y airing un>re and in t . ^.i ui'.i.-ii. keep every thinn abniit their 'nnlW uten.s N .vrupu'- inly do n In ,1 .t>lui,i{ in lukewarm w.iti-r, then valdmg thoroughly it would le.son the am. nut of millc K>r a p.'Uiid of : .- - nd would cause the m.ik'T \ ; :t deal THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY Bli HERE. (iet your Feet Protected With a good strong r ."..' oot>. The place to secure the 5, SMITH'S. I !-ave a lar-c stock of ready-made boots on hand, of vn make, Irom , a, and if caiiiiut be fitted ;irner^ the-e I I i pair for i reasonable , | :i. Leather is OQ the ri$e t and you 1 :. . jots now. Re- member the pbce, JOSEPH SMITH N\xt door to the MaibleS! . L": .O.crton. . N ' - I : .1 ' : \i . llUIlii: ' . . drouth in Potatoes, Old Potatoes. stioai H. C. LEGARD Q . , ollcllll S Phere i i but forth; . the >. - i.ii. I M of Mm . ,' CCM. . . huuini';. as the M"U.L river >> this place and ; > Fleslioi ' ATTENTION : iw tb; :r - ducks K - 'lUre.ii. .f theiii !.>. \1 Wllll pi. >Ir .1. -.:y in i has a the sl'.. . w hitc tion ' . !.a; . i;i F!i - \ Animals TAILOR SIIOF fn Armstrong's Bl ItfSXT DOOR TOTII','. Ji:\V dot; '::' I I s. U . ono yv,irlini: m-o'. Tlu'owui-r i.- MI. ,ti. I to iirove'iiniiKtitv. pa, oxri'ii^,'* n.i * : friiin the (iri'iuisi'^ o( *> o. T'iriior. lot IT. Coii. 10. \it, :..-. mi ^.u ii In . Xiif. 'H. four tn i'. :w.i vi'r old l two i ! .i. >oiuitl C 'Hecate l\e-0pt:iis MotttLiy, Aug. 25 The iJ.'tt E>iuii>i*<l Mi.til :n th,- /"rori'ii 1 si.t.'V urse>i-ti " . ' . aud u: up i ' ^^ ' . RECORD flr>t- 1' II ' _ 3 nl m . K -T ' . ' , 1O U i f . > II. R ItOlllF. i I'll:. F. A. BAKER, Practk;;! TaiN-i at Fl v;.m,ni, s !l iliul 'il p r , . . tl MniK'i.i >.-ii. at I'riouTir.i !