THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE 1)1!. CAUTKK. U.I i' ft 8., On, . l rv fir. . ' . ; iiKiil'i ]. (i 11,11101,, JU.D.C.M. !!>>' ' I College of I'hyiieiana BI, hurv "J- ' ".Inn i Bii'i - .outdoor out of (irlur'sklot r *IL< ., f I I'n . . :. Nnv 13. 1SHH. DBS. SPROULE & EGO I\I:KHALK <>XT. OfUrc :- Ma n !<>' Drugstore. T.S M ,. I D, etc. AMJI> ILL V lute.'! ii. Out. I 'i V; : ut Mml: lull H..I i .it in lit J. P. OTTEWELL, VKTEKINAHV sriK.'.o.V Graduate of < intario Yet. Cnlli :< . UMHIHI.M-K (IN COI.I.IXUUunli STKKI'.T !-. ' i'i. l.ytiTlau Clnucli, FLKSHEKTON. MARSHAL , i.. n. s.. ii. ii s . iicvriMT Vit Miirkd.-ile the 1st m i.i ;!n; \V . day iif ouch in< Klesherton each trij) <>n the ilny foll.. i, ..-. jr. ir. Jttirri /<;. s () //'/ -Htn; < 'i,n i < i/,< IK IT. I.''. FLfMII l;'..\ I l| I l. i x - I I >| Hi r. KiT.di u: - Hi n.i-iMi, ,,-, Tsn i i. . OWEN sot MI i:. i P. McCOLLOUGH, llni'i i.-Jt-r. Solicitor. ,\'r. <li:in . i, MI- ilrl ;ir!;iiir> Slorr iilr. llo,ic> to l.o.-ui. John W. ', ru\: II II.. '..nvi. } an. 1 MOM-;Y TO : . . I . ! h. : W. .1. IJI-LLAMV. T.v T\Ki:!)s.M()iiT<i.\<!i:H. i,i:.\srs *,., ,,... , I ll.M IHIII (I III II ,'.. , ; J. Sproulc, ft in II. R., Licensed Aiii-tinim ie.-r. Apprii.srr mid M..,,, y | . K-.iI I 1 liile ami IiiHiiianee A^i'iit. |>, ,.K Mnitjap s. Leai-os ami Wills ih . ValmitioiiH usilo on slinr'vst i. !..-.. AI ti'.n Hales attended In in nny par\ 'uiiiity. Mnnny tn Imin at lowi t rates nl ml. le-t. Ciillirtiotis altendt'il to \vitli ]iri>mptliess an.1 dvspiitcii. ( lnn_. s low A.-, i.i for i IIP Dniuinion SteamsliipCompany Cheap Ii. ki'l- from I'leshi rtnii lo I.IM ip,.i,| ii. . ! I... i,. I, i, or any of Ihn I orls. I'drtics inlemliii|j; t vinit llii^lanil Scotland or Ireland, will pleimc iihk r..' forejiurchesing their tickets elw In n. Farm for Sale. i i.i. i. , , M. ,. ,1 r,.i . , , < .in. 'I'I. , i 1 ' : . nu tin ' I I" I. II BI I- vv. .1 vv.lll-l. I \l, . '" uti' ,! fiuv l.,,. I ,vl,i. I, n.u.t "III I l||l Hltll , . I .1, l , . .> | i lilllli.T |>mln .ilnlK tnti liilili,; I'lililui lUOuld apply to .IIISIAII (. \\IIV M.XHelll'll Maxwell. Jan :KI. Isuo. WM.BARNIIOU8E, 1MK)T AND H1IOK MAKKIJ, H.I >ni;iiroN, (INT li.-mri'* tn tliank hill mini, run* i-u-l, n,.,|- |.ir tlio vary Illfiral |iatr<>ii>;. . l. n.l..| in Hi. I A-I mi. I l> now prri.Mi i"l i.i nil all unlom with I i .ni|itn.-m KatUfartli'ii Kiiarantmiil Twolti V.HI- III tXIHlllOH III H. -l-ll. Hi. II l|. I ll. III." iU*lini;*,with k.N'.i.t workniaiulil|i.havu uiade lit mil" wU kiinwii Ihri'iiKlii'iil u.i. tn iuu> I WWt a .l...ri Tiu HHrhbuum, AYater. .IRITKKY AKThKVMir. of Wln.l Mllln <! i.i.i M.ii k U!> . I hit If |> ; v l.i'i in I vv il [. . . ir i.i v it)i vi. .1 I -v in. I - n. - nil M. i n. I 1 rotl - : ( ir in" . lit'in. .I'.ir. l'..i. ...i.i, Uli. J. Ai I i, ,, i *: In ii [ r iiiHt . | 1 .. . . k I ; ,r |,inii|i. SATISFACTION AT LAST. Tln imocc" ! ' .111 I l'< f ilr. .1. Artli A i -r . n I haw nil i utire r.i . l;llif In ; , ilil. cull pinup iv itii it nil < Aii'ini i! lull-.- ins, VamieliMir. ; i'i. i". i. Sir. Your favor to hanil rnrjiiirfnt, 1 liow we uot alone with the Wind M'll linlifbt nay tret had uo oiJBctlty iu | . It .^ i.i 'I In . 1 1. all l.-lit I Ilk.; till- WfirkillU of till' Vilti.r \\ , I Dl very much. Itgovvnta .* .1 til^t-ly in a -ii wlud.aadIUilul II mill. N. I >i M.i-iiv. Mi nliii'l I " .11 I I i. 1 AllTKV, M :'..; : '('In- |'Miii|. I i-p . ' IIM-...I from >nn for 37 II KiVt> compll-tl with Ihi'Kn-aU'.t uwi. Inr HH- i|ni . ' i ' \. ! .1 ! 1 in. i r. r t. -1.. I I I diir- lili- |i| llii'ii >il ,nl i..,i llnl.l, I i i n .\ .-Ii fur n !> : < vMtli tl MI iiui-t i.i.l. ii ..... . i . i ..i i, . \\i-lnMKvmivii I .n. yoiirH Ac., ii JillicZi, 1MUU. IT PAYS TO AM) Tl! \T I- Till; Business College, OK o\vi-;v soi\i>. i <rartii.-ali'. The I.. Til. IM-.II-, . II |.,r HlUll. I ' ' ' nl timt ii. li.ii i ..nil. 1 hliliiilil-ei'tii'-liti.t.-itiiiu | art .' I .!. I \ :'.' H : i . . i'i III.IC tii.ii i ..'I ir i. . ,1,, ALL KINDS Of Grueral planing mill work, . SASII, Doniis. l>od|; MIAMI s I'I. II. Ill;' ;ilnl M.ilr!. i.i, .IV.MI,.',, l,.. A 1 ill ', i|ii:inlit\ ,,! .;,, ,1 ,li\ | n,,'i r mi l.ainl. ir. /. I'll slu i tun. i si: Tin: < i:i.i:itic\i i: U B. LAtlUENCE" SPECTACLES ami EYEGLASSES FOU ALL ItKKKCTH ()F VISION. lil('iL>lRf>SO.\' <>' CO-, HUl.K FL3SI1ERTON. A .s\ mi,, .ill i .ilii| il of .ilUn-11 fill hi en >( 1 1. 'iv in,-. ;i f ,n i ii (luring tin 1ml HrallllT In hl.lllL'lltrl II llf(>f 1 11 t IV i , J iiml :i )i-in old. Kai-h Monday for sMtei-n Wffk a liuuf Man killed, divided into 4M I.H..-I and tlio nu ml- i-. of tl yiidicatu allntled by iiuiulier tin. , cuts - ti-.ik. i.'iiit and Imil in auch a man n. r that at Hi, .inl of the aiitetiii woeks ach nieiiiher would liavu lorcm-d a m |,lctc carca, the puraon killing keeping the I. .M.I and liidn. Tina would give aliout 25 to .'*> uoumU of fr. li meat |>e wek tu each meinU-r of lite oo-i)(rtti n fiuiunny. <OI VI i '.M> OISTICUT n's taxation n'e in ._ nulls on he dollar. A move is on foot in * 'n emorc for the . in of a liiiiid. The NViiirion electric liijht ot work satisfactorily. The CoUingwood Enterprise is just ow i n_' I.-. 1 in tliu tak of building a ew office on Htirontiirio street. The raising of flax is largely entered ito around Mt. Forest. The. Hep. says t i tho In ^t <r.;i ever raised in that pction. 'Ill- \ . i . : Kays that "regularly very year the A'j pnis'uiiti^ fined strikes inie.'eville " I >m '!;_; the past two weeks over a do/.eii canines hare been reated in that line. A complaint wa made against I'eter I , ' rs, .liiiin TiKiii'.'i-r am'. Andrew liar- ill, of Iliinover, liy Joseph Scales, of, In f"i M. MeNiimara, J. P., 'liar,'iiii; tin in with keeping doss that tilled one of his sheep and injured two amlui. The .1. V. ordtred the doits to ie shot and their owners to pay Mr. Scales 810 and the costs of the prosecu- loll. On Monday afternoon last, &s Mr. V..ik.i - ti, teamster for Mr. Jno. liirii "ii. was drivini; a load in tho umber yard, lie accidentally knocked .lei :i pilr of iiimlier. which fell on Mr. Inn. Hill, who H.IH sitting close by, iwiii.' him down and breaking his hr so bnillv In ti i nti.e Knee and ankle that lie IMUIO protruded through the unfor- tunatn man's pants. The liim>H-r Ii id : >e reunited !!;> Ml Hill colll I be 1 from hi* painful |M.->ition. wh n he was B.H HO. .n H] i.veycil ti. his n liriinke, a short distance n< rth if the r'l.trawatamie bridge, and l>r. 'ami-inn i .illi >l in t'i set tin- troken linili. It I.H pii.liiiMe ih it Mr Hill, h. i has lost , jlii "i "i i In- .*. i. did not i. n>trar dnvi- t>y till the Inl.el :. .I'll. [II. S. Ti:. l |'!l 1} tl'U.'ll lot of n in t'ie. 111 ire. The Star . i!n in up in .1 hulf column edit, i : il ; other thniL's r Accus- IIH they >: around corners, n ' (' la!i", alva\H iineliasti- ill .in ! i ni"yni'_: the I. wd 1 lln|..llil III Sll'-ll '.: l!ie i- hiile \\ondi-r liiiit tin \ feel out I tin ir i 'i mint when valkiii", ! I : . - ' UM'd to "Slllll 1 , ' ' v :-'i ii v,. ni-.y .viy. tin \ > little or IU'tl..i, live i, ii llieir fancie.i, I'liilvlini; i'n iiir, Inok with MINJ.I,' ..n llp'ill i \ir\ iiilij'le they nee, f,ir:n vv . nu n an I uomeli _ n. an. I li'ild a ] r iipininii i I HIHIKMI illy. Siichis!heirtrainiii|; ; I- uiiei.ii'h .HI. I iilii'iiili<ed, tliey h>e out lln ,i .1 ;\^ '! tin- aiieet i-i-rnei I In 'lie ..ilil at stagnant water emn: with t!in hvinj; walur of the tl .m in ,' ,iin .nu in .-my "tlur walk of life, pi I'll i; -. i- Hi much iissiiilod liy the c"ii- ^ Hinds of religious doctrine as tlie eihtor. The editors of the ln^ dailies have each an allotted taik, a cer- tiun depiirtmeiit, hut the country cdiUr ihii- 1 nu 'e the wild realm, ami keep trace of everything, and be ever) thin.: II" in il i l"p iciilll to a pnlell.le. Scarcely a week m>e by that we tlo not receive marked copies ot paper* devoted to the furtherance of some distorted ie lit(ious belief , iiiivl we are suci to lea. I these, papers iii nil seriousness and generosity of spirit, llecaunu thi> journal professes tr> IKJ "inde|H-iident, soini! would fain fancy its editor has in 11. 'hi to a In in belief in eternity, even In the i'ii-1 year we have rereive.l |'.u>ip'i lets a>-ai in,' tint .lenintes and pain >li lets defending that order ; luyumei.i for anil against the doctrine of predeiti nation ; ii i lever exposition of thesiinpl< ..nil iieiiiniiiiodiitnii; h'ree l.ove s> stem KI'iiitiialiHiu, inlidelity, faith cure am chrutiaii Hcit'iice ; HdventistH tiled ti ~..iie II.H into the mountains on the i>i Ma\ l.ihl. and besides thin Me on a brief but very crisp discussio through Her Majesty's mails with a rabi saint of tho Mormon church. Tl.,-n mis niniiaiy rrporls come to hand ami tell n that while all these sects and civc It are i i.i--. d us Christians, still the million who livo and niuntiply in en land outnumber us hundreds to one. In one way and another we yet outlinus ,.( th Mullens creeds of heathen peoples, s that t h country editor is forever Uttlin with en or. The editor is seldom a taint though a constant taryvt tu tho ei,> n \ - [Pickering News. for infants and Chii^ron. >< Cw*orte'smwfnatlarXn1toehn<lint>i&t I CxterU cmtt fnl'tf. iNMMHBtlMMMpHltrtoaar t r.^Tiuuod I So'lT Hlomij.L. 1-UUTH I-A, Knictili n. known |o ni* a A. Amcnen, M L., *'~ Il ' > . , ., UJ 8ft, Oxtonl it. i*oulyn, .i. Y. | Wttoilil'iujortoi medication. Tmi CorrAi-B Cimriirr. ~ Murray Street, N. T. Photos, : art HOI: turning out trork/nr iiijtrriur in ttyle <ni'l finiik to any ever pn ilucid in I'litliTtuii. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE HA TES. PICTUEE FRAMING mdUt .1 gond ttock tf FRAMJSS amd MOULDINGS iMfl ottnt'tntl'/ on /..<,,. IIV/',,/.v, ;>./,. /.i,. MM /,'/,' ;.!/////.' /'"'A'7'A'.I ichirr tli'il if i/ii-in .- i'ii'.i.-t;,,n ichtrifr intrmlucetl. <SM.WAA'6* <-IM >r tern itt tny d'utlzry id- -, ,t '/ y. .<rt'<.- I'ricK, Style !u., cun be attrr- FLESUERTON HEALTH FOR ALL ii! !; I'i i.! - lll '> l . .Mluble In Childrvu auil tb* acwlvliay nn pru^-lvM Til V 01 NT MKNT anliifiii:il.;.- S9ri- ami rin-i t It :. (a.-iiotu f '' i;. -in I .irdittortlcni-r iliuCLe.t iliui no v>|-.m r sarn-: TII m>. / r. i;i;<>. \ < // / // s\ coca/is, COLDS '. i I all skin pibcaics it . 1 Tor controctoil a:i<I utiO intH it Hcti l.k. a charm. M iii'ifiuttiin- luiilv at 1'rofuoior II . LU \ , F.ntatiliiihiiiriit. :s. \r Oxford Slr--t ( late .%:. Oxford Slrrrl ). Lundun. nit rMil'l at Ii. IJiV.'Ja. Oct., 4* i I II . .", . ami :ci melt I'ox or fot. and may l-o !).! of all ,>( cine \i ii.iiM* thruli^lloilt it-.- \\'url(l. I'urfhatfri nhixild l<'k tc thf Lulwl on thf l'i>t* mill litr.rn. ff tJ\ e ad!~*it i 63J, Oxford Stftet, Ltntdii^ Iliri/ an sfiitt itna. THE LITTLE MILL. II iv . .',.-,; my null ,i 'i umomit el t :ir [ill niimiii . i > nu miller in Ontario. a>u>l ' llll lllC 1.1. II It I II .'I''! OLD TERMS : IA 1 1 v twelfth Imiliel. Seven cents per bast of two bushels for chopping. Done evjry day. P. LOUCKS, Proprietor. t, HIM BTABJ 0(0 l i>K Hi- l^k"' GENERAL Flesherton Livery Stables. U. L1YTOX. l'r..|.rii lor. \\1 BLACKSMITH ONI ,i in a in! Mow ii;ii:is con (.m/ 1> oil liu .(1. J'i'-Nt I-IH--; In. i *. St hot.-l I' hi. - - lor hire at M. \ 1 11 ^e ipiaiitity of Uood siiiii^h s MY OWN .MANUFACTURE. FOR S/LE. l'irk lot il |.nrt ut IA.I v ,).. iui .\p. :, . i i : XMN i Rock rilling AM' C'ASi; KOU HIDRH IM> MHEBPMRIXS S.DAMUDE, I l k.-,IIKU I'.V WELL D T ING. The iiinlcr. i^-nevl inii" itii{ aod well iltK*Uig Ii vclli rleaniil unt ai. ' (aired. I'alloa MO vr > Ma/M. ' ll> I.H k, ill.. law ^l<i d'j i up. I'uinpt in Kut;.ila y \ I I. . ^ J t* ^ - r ' ' \