Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1890, p. 4

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THE F LESHERTON A NCE. THE ADVANCE, FBOM : iltt OrncB .>,nm Strrtt, Ffe*rWtor s Old. Ti:ilMS( SUUBCItlPTION: -l por annum when paid itrlctly In adranca peraimuui when uottojml'l. AUVKHTISIXti KATES. One column, 1 year. M I half col.! do.. *7 u-rcol. do., *li. I :i-i,-nt Ivvrti-t-uienV'eharKtxl at tlio rate of tt-'ta. iwr line for flrmt iinrrtion mud 3cU. per , L till.-, f'JlKUt Illht Tti.'Il. W. H. THURSTON. A'./itor and Proprietor. MOKE ATTRACTIONS. East Grey Fall exhibition Kill be held iu Fleshertou on Tuesday and Wednesday of next weok. N. Clarke \Vulluce, Supreme drain! Master of tin- Grand Orange Lodge will open the f xliibitiou on Wednesday at 1 I .in. Remember tbe museum of Indian relics and curiosities. There will also be a spleirlid collection of mineral specimens, productions of our own province, consisting of mica, i cd and black iron ores, gold, silver, ' I'l" r, phosphates, anbestos, metallic I unt, plumbago or graphite, borne Mi mle, crystal, crystali/ed lime, and iu,u.\ I.JH-I s. Precious stones, such its agate, chalcedony, and others are .iin'iii^ the collection. This will be very entertaining to those who are interested in mineralogy. The mag- nificent collection has been loaned by Mi . Martin, of Proton btation. MX. Rimnde is busily engaged issuing en> i.-y tickets, and will U BO occupied during the owning waek. fto not iinss Beting. the East Grey fall exhibi- tion Uiis year. Mr. K\K rt of all politicians in i .:i.;da SI-PHIS to be the most de- I'l.-ni. At a picnic held at 1'ort C'olborne by the Welland Conserva- tive Association the time was HO man- ipulated that Mr. RvkiTt was dc|)ii\,-il of a- chance to address the audijnce. The liiinlest cut of all is that the Tory press announced that Mr. Hykcrt was i.i.t invited to be present. * [Nation. The Ontario Cabiott has been re- organised and is now constituted us 'ws : Hon. Oliver Mowat, P-em ier an<l Attoiney-(!'iit ral ; lion. G. \Y. llos, Minister of Education ; linn. ('. K. Fraser. Commissioner of I'uhlio Woils ; Hou. A. H. Hardy, <'iiiiiini MI/HI r of Crown Lauds ; Hon. liicliard Harcoiirt, Provincial Treas- urer ; Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture ; Hon. J. M. Gibson, Secretary ; Hon. K. H. , M nuclei-. without poitfolio. lung rinbadinc, of Swaizland, who - years iifo was fiurroundt>d with ry^H to day a homeless drunkard. /' mltiTt, the distinguiaiiod i r of tlie lioocrs, who has trav- i MI-. I < \Uii8jvely in South Africa, says i iir ni.-iry the liijuor traffic is cans- is Appalling and that tin- natives ,ti<-ily dtinoralixtil by lUi effects. It is a ihgraco to civilization that merchant vgsehi are allwtl a to carry rai'X"' * of liquor which are given in exchange for such wares aa tlij nativeH l.;i\. to di|x>se of, DisoiHe and ilrunktiifn ajn; maJiuig havue among tin- native tribes, and tbe niisbiouarieti are confronted on r-vsjry Land 'with the evils attendant ou, tlte inkoduc- HUM oi lijiior among the nuctvjlized (lilies. 'Satioji. stance last week, in speaking of the McKiiiley Hill, the Keview said : "The speeches on the Sherman amendment which contained a staud- ing offer to this country tor annual aboundoing of the tarrilT ou natural pi oductu, all showed that the Ameri- cans feel that Canada has purposely and in some cases wantonly raised the LuntT against American redacts. We think about twelve Pinoutbs of tarriff war will open a lot of peoples eyes." There is no doubt, wo admit, that the Rheiman amendment con- tained a standing offer for "annual aboundoing," but it was voted down, and we are glad of it. If the tariff war is carried ou by Canadian news- papers iit'ier this manner, there is no moral doubt that the Government will succumb iusids of twelve "Pmonths" and admit American "loducts" free. Dut we beg of the Review to stop it. The Cedarville (Kaa.) Globe says : "The Alliance picnic held at tbe forks of the Bi.-avcr on Friday and Saturday was the most disgraceful gathering that ever assembled in Smith Comity. It was controlled throughout by. the bummer element of society, Five out of tha BIX stands ' were nothing better than veritable seJoous, bop tea, beer, and even whiskey was sold to any one who bad the mouey to pay for it. Drunken men and boys were staggering through tbe crowd and leering at the women and girls in such a w,ay that caused uiouy to blush for the company thv> l.nd inad- vertently Iri-n caught iii.'' It must have been an edifying sight. Dy the way, we uutlerstcod huinsaa to be DIVISION COI KT C'l.KUK. ( I 'WillSSil INK i c K. H., r.yi \.-yaucur. dc Aftnut for purcb ivl aalt' of lamU AI-ITHI-.T for C . 1. C. C Mid K. P. H. * S Society. Uonvy (9 Loan ou uioat ruwoualii. trui. IUKI kit UF UAKK1A LU KN8B8. NOT.VUY 1'L'HI.IC. prohibition st;n.. uleasn iufunu . U8 rot ? Abuul Will editor Uarou \\lit-tliiT it ii> or 'The blue *im lu lb robiu'a neat Will KKIII flji.) <UK* an.l lx'k au'l br. ADI! il'.tui mi'! fly away.' Oh poor, iiiiiiiii-in '1 bird Sucl NASAL BALM, Acilain and *rc' <lv cvrr ? t Cold in u. lit .J an : in all its tuget . 8COTHIN2, CtlAJSiHC, HEALIHC Instant Relief, Pert-incut Cwt, Failure Impojiibla. Wanr so-callacl di%ea%*n are limply ITTT Caiairn, swh as hoad..< IK-. partial <kafna*i. lo n< MUM of smell, foul t'rc i-.h, bucking and s. i.i'ik-a, grnaral fci'linii c! di-hii'iT, etc. U > ubll with an y c f Ihrwi or k.ndied (jmiplouiv . n *e Catarrh, and abuuM luae no tiro* in pruc'irn < boltl* of Na*L BAI >: ZU rnd in Mm-, glceleii col<l in hi. >.! rn.lu in Ctarrh. lull. Md aconaumpnoo an I d* aih. Nti. kViLMISSoUWT drungiaia, or WM| tx. a<-iit. p.-t i-aid. oa re ft*c (50 coiua aad f : <*. > by addmaaui^ FUUMO & CO., BIOCTMUI, Oirr. t% Bawan o( tnutauona aur.ila.- la uama. Cards. John W. Armstrong, MONEY TO LOAM- The Undersigned has a Large Amount of Money to Loan at 6} o o, ON TOWN OK KAKM I'UOl'KHTV. B. DAMl'DB, FL W. J. BELLAMY TWP. cl.KUK AHTEMKIIa. Ad'T AC DKKDH, Mul:li. M.I > I.KAsl.s. *c . pn-i.ar eil ami I.I..JH 1 1-, . \. . ut<l Inauraiicu aflvc- '1 in rtrt flute coiucaulel. lluuev to It'Uilat o wot DR. CARTER, M.r.iv A rin xi! N -i IM.I <r, ,v. . KF.I:SHI:I:TI>N Ofcc, Strain block. Kual.lvuo*. J.li.AuMMl political odtUu'ials in the Gray llr\ii w are vary .''n*ero*ting. Jiro. Townsend says lie doei ' Uie editorial wining Inuiself, but wo oau scaroely ut tha statement. The ikriiolca lie no lucid and the arguments to iinchirg (li.it we would bo more in elmi-iT to credit tkeui to abme one who thoroughly underaUiidd lie form :ucthpdi of political writing. For in- ". till), and liv a [K>pular poet, i>ub liihed in one of our leading weekln -i I withold nameti, remarking that i any person not having already "go Ins n. inn up," had *< nl tho ahovi to that Kami' publiaher, thu wanti IKI i.. i would not have been ho rn ui^li I'H it. tins id not what I first iutendoi wntniK about, tlieiel'oru pkuHo re|>ly Mr. I ..l.i.ii, through The Advance t< tin: following : I 'id that "confiding bird" whirl last vi-fii- built, liillrii-il.iui'l "brooilf in Mr. Hichardsou'H vcrandkli n tun tins year and "niiiltii>ly" aguin '.' I lid the "hen hawk s" eggs whicl \v, u plaocd under a dumiHtic hen u Kinili. iley, --liinl wings and beak an liri'iist" head, body, claws, and al the rest, and cat tho hen upon he nest, then "tlutU'r and fly away '.'" I '. 1 1 1 n 1. n^. ni.i i>usliiiaHl<>r i em "t'n iiidtlier luiiod, and all" or air part thereof, along with tho "n >si (mentioned l>y ymir clever Kiigoui, rnrn -iion.li nt i thu in-' of th "Oriole," I mean. When a boy, living a few n il abovu K.ockviile, Oiitarfo, I saw the iii^. minis!) conatriictc 1, pretty, ]nncilc pnliici', or in st, of the Oriole, (irtervi Hullimore.) dwinging by the p.issn g breoei', but sceuiely fusU-ued to tho liiiih of u tie. . It was coiiiiuonly called the "hanging bird.s noat," also "hang u'ht. ' it was the nttt tii.n eil, nok tho bird. lu. later years when rcsnltugin Quuen'ti Vuliry, I BII w One, if not two specie.} of tins beautiful hiid, tite liajldaonu -it ;'i; .ru. 1 with lunri 1 colors than the livery, or "arms" of I^ord Raltinmre, ifriini which the Ameriean Oiinle ileiivcil itH name! "black and orange," besides these two distant colors, were bright red, or vernnllion, and yellow. Haro.tMMUtifill bir.l, Hut to.. >liloiii neeii, Ii. . HIIHH 1.1.1 ii aiuui^t IXIIM toll mo urooii. W. P. WINNIl'EO. All a. i onnt for three yean overdue auhscriptiuti, wliieh we tent out the ntlier lay 1. 1 '.u j lit a renly froiM the man'ii wi fttatinu that her nuihand'hawi left her i February, aiiil that she had not heard from In in since. (She IIM three clulclie i to keep mill is unable to pay th ntnne\. As far ut the Expoaitor i* ouiioBriie<l she will never have to. We bow..haf()re n injustice which imlcs tli. dHor' claim into inaiKfiiflfeAnoe, but would very much like t In- job of daxxiratui|{ ttiat man's back with the artistic touche* of W rwliu1 The owe larval to illustrate the kind of man who make up the claaa known is dulin jiiout iittwcribflrs. Manitouliii Ei poaitor.' ' j. (J. ftatton, >i.f).d.M. Mmibar u( tin' Cullet: uriieoDa, Ontario. Euiiutrv at i'flii-1-.i'iie door oaa r VUiu<' u llci.-l . NOT li). IfW. AUTUMN, B. TKIMBLE Takes Pleasure in Stating TO HIS LfUUEBUUB CU8TOM118 THAT HI96TOOI ISCOMI'LETi: IN FALL (iC,Jl*S. I CAI'.UV FULL LINES IN THE FOLLOWING Imported and Canadian Woollens, General Dry Goods, Tailor's Trimmings, Gents' Furnishings, Ready Made Clothing Suitings and Pantings. Woollens, In Men's and Boys' Shirts an.l Puuu Top Shirts nud Cardigan Jackets. White and Colored Isbnkets, etc. Hals aud Caps. A Beautiful Assortment Mrn's *<>ft ami stitf ll:is. American and Canadian, Latest Styles and Uest Quality. SPROULE&EGO M \I;KD\I.K I>NT. Oflire t MiiuIi-.tS llrnu Sli*r<*. I.S. HrKUUI.K. Ml) .<!. ASCIIS K(!HM |i ,. tc latu ..( Tottunlmiii. out wi!ljfoiin.lm Mark.Ulu lloimv at mrbt J. P. OTTEWELL, lN.J.\ SI R(iEON. uj nf Ontario Yi-t. *'i.lli .- .-, UBHIDF.NCK ON' I .'I l,lN(i\VOOI> STUKKT With Uoor Kant of I'lraK t,-nn I'liuu K1J-.SIIKKTON. JP. MARSHALL, L. U. K.. M. If s . IU. M lx S ViM Markiliilc tho 1st ami .'Iril \\ \-ilm-.i day nfi-.icli month. acli trip on thu ily full J. W. Httmutt r. Stilifitoi; C 1:1,. Fl.H.-IM-|iliiN (iKril-K, NEXT Il.M 8l-Kii LK .-, Hi ILIUM;, UN Tin I,M.\\ ^. OWKN S.IISI. (l|.-KU'i:, FHOIIT-K lll.ll.lNU P. McCULLODQH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c. *>lli-i-. <. r \l. I ,.i l.uul > Sturv !< MoiU'.V IU Loilll. Boots and Shoes. Makes A Large Stock in Men's and ]>oy?'. I.tilii's' and Children's^ in and Prices right. Millinery. This Department will be in full blast next week, wiih all tbe Xowcut ami Must Fasluoiiable Goods. A Call is Solicited from you when you visit the Town, and Trust that you will Favor me with a Liberal Share of your Esteemed Patronage. Youis Respectfully, R. TRIMBLE. Ra J. Sproule, POSTMASTKK, KIcwhurton.CoiumisRion- ai in )>. R., LioepMtd Auctioneer, Cou vuvauoer, ApprHiti>r ai)ii Money louder. Heal Ktat and lununiwe Ai!>>nt. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills Irawn up auj Valuations mnJe ou Bhortml notice. ABC- tiou 8aln attended to iu any pary of tha 'o'.int>. Honey to loau at lowest ratei ol interest. ('olleotmiiK nttanded to with promptnvsH and de^patuh. Char^ea low. Agentfor the I '..inuiioii Steamshiproinptii)-. Cheap tickets from r'lenherton to Liverpool, (iaaagow, London or auv of tlu* British orts. Tartiei intending to visit England, ftaotland or Ireland, will please asX rat*, be ; vlitii tickets elaehara. umm took! T. BLAKELY, Flesherton, Sells the bct fariiiint; implement* manu- factured. including ;: ,'.,;,, ,,' /;, til ,tn, Till: ODELL TYPE WRITER. The U't--rlito riittrnunJ Thn diera. / ,'i, Tlic K"".l quulitirs of these i ,.r. Hiitlii-it 'iilly kiii'Mn now to Kpeak for thunmelvm. without ,-iny extra worilii Irwri in.'. Anybody n-.iiiii u>; anpleiueatH n- tlm lini' wi'lil.i d,. M. I, l,, .A diuiH! mine i. not .il'"'!i'lv 11,-iiiMiuifil with Ilipm Cull . i SU1UI<- < a>- O.J.-II. warrant,-.! U- do uii , , ^ . g ^^ t(| ^^^^ ^ ipi.vlilies uf tliLHc uiachinea. (,4'iO will 1'tiv the OUtLL TVI'K W '!'!>!{ "''li 7s ' lr;r . iten, .-mil *I5 w ik lliitu :rjv nutcliiiii' mn It I'liml'illi'K |Vi<'l li li\ Wllll HI : U^.I.ITT, p> i r. !: i LI- i:u:.'\, wi'iir* luiifiT with- 1 nut i'.'dt n( ri'i'.i IH ili, in inn ,.11-T :n ii-hine. 1 II i-, ii" ink nl'ln'h t.i 1'i't'itT ''it- i'|x>iator. 1 1 i - N ,.MM i'U|'t. <l i" :ill kl.ll< n. .' n ' ik priiilnix pren. It j. -li'.'tn sharp, '.! ll'l' II ..I - ,]'i- i *" IT tll i'.i|il. . run lie In i.l. :it ,M,' Hillin". All inlril'.. ill 1" ' " n run ' )>(-itor ill l*o .I..; \\ oflbi -l.(NH>i HV ..pern.- l.,r Wii'i i :ui .1 la! Ill" \\ .'Ik ..111' l)otll>l<' J JIM- Olfll. III-! , T. A. BUKELI, ii on. III-! , l CUll 1.: i 1'or I, SJ uJ s7 5tli Av. : < o.. illU AiiU.ILL D. McTavish, HdKSKSiloKl; \M> GENERAL BLACKSMITH, CollitlgwXK>d Stl'eot, FLESHEKTON, - ONT. Manufacturing ol Wanona, Hlciuhi. Daiuocrata. tc. Hnrt*i'i*li.>ln^ promptly At tviiclwl to. Siwlal at'uutiou given to euuiract d or tender fact. tnnl'> uii New Potatoes. Old Potatoes. Get your Flour, Fetcl, Veg- etables, Confi cttons, etc. From H. C. LBGARD i. l. i lu all kinil* o( fru'ta, eajinvd goods, cool iit(>uiun:ordriuka, via. ICK CHKAU ALWAYS ON H VM> Straiu's Block, Fleshei ton

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