Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE. RANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHBRTON. A a.'imrai bftoklng bniilueu trnkcteil. 1 il- , . .-.i.'l mi.l olnK|'iBS uaubwl&t usual ratuB. I .n> lway available (or legitlmatu butlneM 1 1 d*. -IC two .loom north of RiokariUon It Go's. Vicinity Chips. MI;I ra.-l rri :rs of the Past U v. U Carrnilly fulll for tbe Curious. Dr. Sinclair Toininx Dr. SMI. -lair, the well knmvn and popu- lar and clever specialist, of Toronto, will b.' at tint Munshaw hotel, Flaihorton, on V.'ednuMlay, Oct. 1st. The Doctor stands :it the head of his profession, and has had a IUK, practical experienou. lie treats only cases which he ooimidcra curable, but can tell what may be the matter in all case*. Consultation free. The Dimdalk Herald dims not publish a paper this week. All wool heavy 'weed paiitnii; .u C. I Leitch's, at bottom prices. Fli'shertnH has company. Pickerinsj |iliiin and molou thieves are showing their hand. Those who are needing boots and hoea fur fall mi<i winter wear will tiuif it pay to try laytn. Flesherton lias had a rather forlorn appearance during the past week. Nearly everybody is away to the city. South Grey teacher*' convention will be held in Fleahertuu cm Oct. 9th aud 10th, when Dr. McLellan will be present. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Th<> tuck in this .It-parUuvul ia now large ami varied and has been procured from the best uiaken. M . Kichar.lnoa A. Co. Inspector Cainpbvil runted the Flesh- rt.. n public school nn Thursday last. He pnys a luuh compliment to Miss Klack ' teaching ability. Indian Relica a splendid collect! mi will l>e exhibited free of cliaruo at thu fall show to bo held in Ftesliortuu on Tuesday and Wednesday uexl. I B. I. urns, barrister, uf the firm Hishop ,1- Lucas, Owen Sound, is at the oftin* of Win. Lucas Co., in Markdale, every Friday, and in Dundalk every Mr. Robt. Morrow has .-loccutwl a po- sitina with Mnlfjt >t Sous. Markdale. Wo iwe sorry t lose Mr. Morrow. Hu ndvertisvs his iiru|irty for aale elsewhere in tliia The Markdale Standard came nut last week in the old fashioned form of four pa^es. We do not admire the chantfe, hut nf course if friond Kiitledtte adiuirut it hiuiw;lf we siippost it ia all ri^nt. N. Clark" Wallace, M.P., Supreme .l Maatw of the Ucaii^e unlur in .hi will aduroas the oixwil... who are to the upttninK oi i' . Kail Ex- liilnt:.<ii at Klenherhm on Wduumlay next. Complete satisfaction <;ur intoed for all work turned txa at C. J. Leitch's mer- chant tailoriui; establishment. Kleshei ton people should bo prepared to welcome a lan;e crowd of visitorn on Wednesday of next week, the second day of our fall fair. There ia .-vry in- dicaUon that Uie crowd uf vuiton will be a very lar* one. Dr Christoa's offer of a reward for in- formation that would lead to thu oonvic tioti uf certain apple and plum thieves has apparently had a KOIH! utt'ecl, an we have not heard of any wore depredations in that line. Lamps and Lamp Uuods. A large <-i.iisiKiiuirnt just arnvml. biniiitifiil .les^as ut astonishingly low yrkvo at M. lliohard- -oil & L'O'S .-llllM llllil The jxisters announcing Kait Kl I Exhibition are imU ThH - ne weil .Hid tastily executed and re.Hect .Todit on the Advance officv, PVOiert-.n, wln-ie they wen? ifottfii up. Thu '-'.'lid and 24tii is the date of show. [Markdale Standard. We have received the SeptemU'r number of the Canadian Live St.fk mi.l Farm JovrnaK U. hitx lately been much improved ill merit, and now stninls i asilv at thu head of its clhas a vunlnble vade niOL-um -tnr tAo fanner and stock W ANTKf 1 500 men. wamen and children, to buy hoots and shoes. All ready oji hand and wailing for you to call for them at Clayton's. The great attractions at the Kast C.iey Kxlnbition thi* vein lawe nunilwr of eiitrieH in all ili^Ktrtiniiuto, larwe cullec- tion of Indian Klic, Highland |>i|.ers and dancers, tc., etc., -promise Ui Jraw I.IK crowd on Wadnnaday uo\ t to Flesh- ertoii. The PiokarMg Nw suppleini4a our "kick" of last wek with the l\<Rowin about a C.IIICBTII which has also diacuslxJ us U> such LI ten t, that wo did uot fmil l'k mentioning the paper's *am : 'The Canadian Agriculturist, of ,1'eier- . has kindly ofjofwd to visit.ua uucn a fur a whole /u^r if *e> wiU us Imlf column adv. fur four week*. The otfur bag been caused by tin- fact that country in'ws|mi>ors are claim. run; for a place KM its exchmme lint, nnd it wanta to be uracinui. The Agriculturist had Ix-ttrr iiiaUe ila ^onerous offers to tho*e papers wlu> ure doinu. tin- clamoring. I Tho uiifi|Uiillfd null anil iclu-ek of the v:mous piM[>osal receivt-il by us from tltiit IVu-rlmro journal Juriiiit tlio n.ist two years are coming to innuso us as they "lire .hi I. It is small surprise to UK that rural weeklies are U"inj{ to the wall every year when such ottiT* continue to IM niadu for they would not bu inmiu inilosB smite fool publisher aivriitfd them. Too many editors liave uo more knowl- i'<li;u uf business than a monkey hits of astronomy, and they place such value on their npace that the general public soon regard it an valueless. Lei these "word eonipetkiun ' ffllowa pay cash for tlu'ir advs. They will do ". because they cannot run their achuium profitably t thn country weeklies." Er<r>-body who can should visit the East <>rry Exhibition at Kleslierton, on Wednesday uext a day full of enter- Uiium'iit for old r young. Ch'.na Hall- I'nrtii-s visitine the I'li-sli.TMti fall H)IUW Hhoultl net t-.:i to cal and -"> tin' I'.-mitiful stock of china ail KlrsHwitro jtiut opened out at M. Uichanlon ACo*. to death and sickness in the family, Mr. Ruinball. who was about starting in the stuve and tinware business hero, in partnurship with Mr. Strain, haii intiuiuted tliat he will !> unable to Messrs. Mutfai & Sons, stove tnauu- factuivra. of Markdale, have their larso advurtiwiuent in this issue. The linn la a growling one, and the stnvoi inanu- facturetl are jivini' the greatest of satis- faction, an evidenced by their largely increasing business. They understand the value of good workmanship and printers' ink. We have examined their wares, ami consider them superior and cheapiT ihau oilier makes. I!ny the r.'url' *tuvo and you will be fully sat- ialivd. Frush arrivals of boots and -ln.es fresh from two of the U-t Hwiiufavturies. Your .lUnition is invited to a u!ii<f .in<l carefully selectud ss irtiiienl.it Clayton'*, Flesherton. Notice. I will lie in Kltwherton mi Sept. 'J:l and -4, fair day", with pumps suitable fr all kinds <if '\.lls. uch as cistern, barn yard oiid w.-il pimi|M. brass, iron uul \aoch cylinders. Iron (iipinn, etc. Hupairx for all until-, of pumps. Satiaiavtion i;uaraiitofd nr no pay. W. U. IH'LL. At C. J. I., n. h < you can tind a full collection .if suiting, overmatini:, uul panting "I pni-i-a Imuud tn satisly. ('.ill and sue. Artemesu Fall Fair. A communication from (ho aucn-tary acks us t.> inuhu the following .-m i.-otioii.- with leterunuu to Ail. -HUM. i fall fair prir.e lint. The show will be held at I'ru-eville <>n TWwAiy and tt'-''iinnlii[i. 'ct. 14 and 15, imt Wednesday and Thursday. Tim fidlowinu' pri/i-s havo Ih-rn atltleil : In poultry. 1'lyumutli Roi-k rooster. We. *lid -M. ; I'lynnnith Kiick Inn. Hie. and -'"r. A .-.prtial SCCOIH! olio) is ijivwn by -Mr. Cairnn "I $~ for <>iio yiwr old oolt ; also sr. .nu prizu of #1 fr spnnu oolt ; to hare been not by Farmer's Krieiid. Jobs Let. l*n Sa/ir<Ujr last three important nail worw )i* .111 the road leading from tbis village '> the station The annul thllat.I. Ailainx' ia to U> N-vi-lled, the work of which will ! rfmie by Mr. .I.u:nl> Thoiii(>son f..r thi- sum .f j<4'.>. \ Ui'.-i- job was let. it KIcstiiM s pmul to Mi Thomas <vaius(ur, which will consist of uultiuu duwii two InUi, wiiirimin culvert and sUHi^hieuihu the road, also a amount of n.l;i.\,. for the sum uf >"" Tin- tluru jul) was for cutting down tin- lull at the ilri'l .-.hud in this villain and lillini; in li.itli w.ivs. Mr. Uraui^er also sacurud thin juli for 8'.".i. A Modem Charm. Mr. John Koatar, Kayinotul, Out . writes ' Na.snl r.:tltn -u-t* like a charin for my catarrh. I have only iiRud it a short linn- :iii<l now feel Itetter thnn at any period during the last O>VM \.-IM. In fkct I am sure of a cure ami at a \eiy Miutll ospcnse. Sulid i-irtMtort nnd durability in boots made by Clayton ,ither sewud or |>Ki:ed. Kii.st chuM leather only usud and good workmanship ctmio. Church News. Mr. 1'lurk, a student, of Horning') Mills, preached a gouu m-nnmi in the I'l-vuhviuriHii church on (Sunday after- noon lost. Mr. A. M Gibson has hcon appointed treasurer <>f the Prenbytcrian church, in place of Mr. Anderson, resigned. It was announced from thu I'rpsbyteri- an pnl| lit " SMuJ> liut that there \\Kiild be an election of three eldera on .. - . Itei . Mr. tTonco drew Ilia hearers' at- tenlimi on Sunday nn>!;t to tln> necessity uf makui^' pruparaiiKiis for tlio annual harvest limne fwtival. Them are still nix hundred dollara imiobtedneM upon the church.and he thnntf* it a v<K>d plan t<i ap|>ly the pmceoda -M this year's festi- val to red unnt; tho debt. The event will come off about the second week in October, date of wffcieh till shortly be OraD)(einen of East (irey will hare a Krand op|Hirtunity uf ln-:uiti the (inind .Mister of the order ai Fli-.>lierton mi Wudnesday next at the o[H*nilig of the Eat (Jiey Kail Kxhibitn.n. Fall <;<>ols LarRo cousiKninpnt of .oils. luillin -iv .!,, limits, li.M.tt and shoes, ele.. are now I. .in.' I.IH-HI<| up and will 1* one nf the attntctinus n<-\t *k at M. Uu-hardMiii undCu'a, Proton Station. Wo paid I'roton Station n short visit on Bfttorday last aud formed t'.m ac- iiuaintaiK'e of many of its worthy citizens. The place is rather i|iiiet during the summer months, but in the winter sciisoii thmus _'i-ni'i:illv hum. There are two sawmills, l*>th idle lit prevent. Mr. I 1 '. Ktveinan, ','i-iu-i.-d stnrekeepi-r and master, does :i _... i.l linsiiu-ss. H>- liiis :i neat store., well lilled with everrthiiit; rc- ipnred. and !ms a '.'O<K! reputation for M|uarii de.i.ni'.'. 1'i-i.toii station lias a hotel of Will. !l 1' lloilid ferl ITolld. It is well appointed :uul presuled over br Mr. K. H. Middauuh, *ho has about arranged for the pun-base of the business from Mr. \Yin. KKlur. Tlu-n' aie two women in the ('minty oi' lirey wiio know how to i-iiok a jood beefsteak. One is Mrs A MiuiHli.iw, and the other is Mrs. Middati'_'!i. "f 1'i-oton Station. \V.- liroved I' .ill and know it is nip and tuck tietween them as to who call do it most scientifically. Mr. Middaui;h kut'pa a 41. od HOIIM- ami should do a _'oil busi- ness Mi \V .1 Martin presides over a neat little station house. Mr. Maitm is soiiietliini; of a mineralogist, having lived in the phosphaui rountry of iMsiern On- tario for a couple if years. He lias a lanjo nuinln-r .if valuable specimens. wlin-h he hu kindly loaned for in ex- hibit at tiie Kat tirey show, where they will be on i-shilnti m. Thero are liot maiiV very haiidsouiu rfsulences at 1'ro- ton Station. Imt there is ono which, ow- iim to situation and appearance is very .atiavtivi-. It is built on the hill east >t tho station and belong to Mr. \Vm. Ludlow. It ov.'HiHiks the village and a . 'insiderahlc evtent of .ountiy. Mr. Ludlow has a nice linme. I'r. .ton Suuioii has thrown considerjxlily diirmt! tho last few years, now numl>erini; alxuit sixty inhabitants, but is ul present almost at a standstill. \\'o havo secured a t-ood 40.1.1 oorrt^poiident at that village, and expect to double our subscription list at that point diinni! the next few w.-eks. \\ idded 'fix liuriiiu the couple of hour* we were there, which proves that the people were only waiting to be ii-ked. ikiul that The Advance is the (mpular |'a|n-r. When lUbj wu nick, we K*Y IMC Cadorta. Whvii ii> wu Cbilil. h crld fur IfeUoria. W)MO tbo btonie MiM, (be clung to Culoria. WltNi she baJ Cluldrau, *lw gave Uwtn Cadorla I 01 NO l.M niSTKICT. The lieetoii World has purchased a 1:1111; machine. Mi. \ir.vis Mr'-iiiniN, .f thi Floshur- toll station lintel, is blill'llll:: l i.:i:ll on the -Itii run., lilenc.lt.' The iimhiinu will .1 .,!". The foundation put up l>y .Mr. M. MeMiilaii m now complete ami :s ..i.il to '. f oi tin- . 'i founda- tions in the tottnship [On] TIIK iiitr.ro.N '\KTIST" titn ( >ne of tlm most beautiful suntels wo have seen for a 1"H4 time was that of Momiav, eveiiim,'. V heavy maas of clouili OMlgM the lie.rv shafts of the sinkini! orl) ii|Min its rouiDR billows, pre- srntniK tho appearance of i nv_'iii4 *'a of lirv, while throiuh the rifts ..; the elouds the sky bfVoinl at painieil a brilliant lilue, sin li as is rarely seen in Canadian -, the whole niakint,' a MM. .1:1111, of ^opjeiins i'oloriii'4 'hat WOold delight tho soul of an artist.- [Hoeton World. Fall 4rt->. at FU'shcrlon, ::t iind -i J rroKin. it l'iini':ic. >t. 7 nn-l s. , i.t Muikiu.l.-. >. i Arti'iiiixia. t l*rlix)Tlll, Ool U .111 I I.V .ll llni.ult' . i 'J7. < .11: .ll i . . .]'!]. >. i- io,l.. . : N. Hill, in \\..i..ll...! Hinllli (iri- Diirhnin. Si-nt il nn Ci-uiiHl \\icor' Kill, K*.|it :Wuiuli)i-t. 1 Kiipm hsm 1;... ki\ n. i ' 111. ill! M. 1. M Vmrelll- MeHf'ii'l. I 'i I ' "H.l I Ili-rln Kllnlh. lift. '1.01,1 III. SulliMlii !li'-li..iii. Hi-t. 7, C'.iliiinwiHi,!- Clarkubara. 8ept.85an<l 2fi. Nor til Uu-> Ow.n Souml, Oet. -J ami J. MAIL OOM'KACT. SRAI.BD TBKORR8. adilrstatd to tlm Tort- uador Uaaaral, will bt ><>. i>ni><l *t ottnwa antll nooD, Friday, ITtn OetobOT. IHWI, for tbo m.'s AH. .' of Her Mujf>i-t\'fl Mulls. 'Hi propMtd Contrai-U (or tour >eai fpoiu tbu lt January unit. I. !.. -li.Ttim unil railway utation Mtlinci PIT week each vay. i. llntweuu ^(arkilaifi ami railway utatlOD 'M tllin'H (I. fc' u.i.ik rn.il WAV. I'riiitml nvtlcn* ciinUnnliiB further in- formation to conditinnn of i>r>'|.>*l oontiaot may bu aovii ami lilank fnrina nf Um.UT may IwlobMinfttl at tba Pnut OOlowi ot KU-.lu.rtun ami Uarkilalp and at tills offlc*. Pout Offlce flii.pm-ton ofnco, ) Urattonl. 4 Sept . 1|* 'fl \. -1.000-10-7 '. I t .HOPK1KK. r CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. "^11 r 1 1 11 n i firrrnniiiinilllas earm Cotte. toehOdmtbal I toaurtinvcnDboa I Hour Stomach. Diantoosa, 1 . toiue." H.A.Aana,M.D.. I Kllk w^.-t, p. ata a pPMMtasA 'I*!iM iVjrr*m ConrAjrr, 77 Murrmjr Street, N. T. THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY BE HERE. Get your Feet Protected With a good strong pair of Boots. The place to secure these is at JOS. SMITH'S. I have a large stock of ready-made boots on hand, of my own make, from which to make a selection, and if you cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for a very reasonable figure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the place, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. Photos, Photos, Photos. to e art *ov tuning OH! tcork far $uperior imtyle ami ji*i$h l any rrrr pro iluced in Fltsherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE Ft A TES. PICTUBE FRAMING ,tone in nil it, Itnnrhrt. A good ttock of FR.\MKS .,n,t .MOi:LJ)l.\GS krpt <;>H*i<iHlti/ .m hand. Will alto ml ~n>luce the new HKOM1DJK I'UllTHMT, <i />i<-t>ir> llt.it it ,jii:ii,,i ,ndrr nitit/'actujn wkerevtr i'n/ro.reW. SAMl'LES -.in lie tern at my (iiilhry where all jxirtiatltir* <n to 1'rice, Style fie., oin It atcer- HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMEMT . THE PILLS Purify the llltwU, corrnct all Disorder* ol . ', Si omit <^ It, mi a Ho\velM. :')ir. inv;gtir*t." . icaltli Uc.l.illtatwl ConntiU^ionn. \pd arf. invalnabla In l>lauiUii.*iiln(l to KounUuB ol ull II^BH. For CbtldrMi uml ibt. KKl.thy iu privclan THE OINTMENT in infallible rann-iv rm Ha.l I,|. Hail Breasts. OI.J W vnul". Sor> and Ulcers. It in faim us f Cijut nn. I KhciiuiatiMii. Kor illsonlrnkol ilj Cheat It liaq no eijua For SO It K Til ROM, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS OlaiulularSwelllu^., and all Skin DIIIMIW.II It ha* no rival ami for contracted and aiitf olnU It itctt, Ilk* /charm Uaoafaatnrcdoaly t l'> ., . 7H. Xrw <>\i,,i-,i MI . . < ( ui i, -,:t:t. Oxfonl sir. . i ). London, and are aold at U. ljl.,9s. d, to. W.. lln.. Ma., and Has. i-ach Ho or I'ot, and may b had o( all \j, .1 citi* \ oiiAorn ChrouKhout the \Vorlrt. d h*jt. <l* lAifrl ot Ike Pot* nntl tt"f<*. J) tl* a.t<li*m il ttot 693, (h_im-ti>&rrrt, FOR SALE.^ I'ai k lot ot 21 aoriw within a mil* of Klt*b*rV>n iK.oimwrtof Lot r.l. Jn.l N. K., Ar*Kunt Term* liberal. A|.|.ly W. J. Itl'.I.I.AMY. March 3* Property for Sale or to Root HOUM and two loUoo ColllnirwooJ atrael In FlMhertnn. Good water at tin, .loor, lari;e table etc Will LM >nld on ua> Uriu*. Apply to . J. ftPHOULR. riMb nr to BOBT. MOHBOW, Jtoi KlmherU'ii, Ht.pt. It, 1BTO. ' ^

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