OUR HORTHWE8T. Advantages and Drawbaocs of fanning jn Manitoba- OOOl) SOIL BUT HIGH DUTIES. Levi H. Turner, writing from Fairhaven, WaBhingtoo, to the Nw Yrk Standard, a description of hi journey from Harper'* F. rry 10 the Pacific, rays : Deeaendmg to the Onto River, we rode through mountain pesee* rich in iron ami coal, tbrongh valleys of bottom lauds capable of rewardinn labor boantifolly ; and a* nuht came on oar pathway WM illuminated by tbc ceaseless flame* of the gag well. Strange indeed are the contrasts pra- iei.ie'1 to the gaze of the traveller. The ex- haastleas wealth oi natural resources, the laviih iirvi.ance of the idlers at the pleaaaru resorts throufh the moanuins, (he hopeiefs spectacle ot poverty presented by the dirty, ill-clad and apparently ill fed ooal miners and ooke burneri, the neglected ohildren around the groups of shanties at the road aide, furnish am pie food for redac- tion, compelling the half thoughtful person to auk, Why ? Oar nay in Chicago wi limited to on* day on account of the intensely hot weather. We took the night train for St. Paul. Here we ipent the Fourth, which waa celebrated by a boat raoe on the Mississippi. Speota- ton were afforded an excellent oppor- tunity to view this from the magnificent iron bridge thrown aoroaa the river at thie point. St. Paul 11 indeed an interesting city, its lite, unlike Chicago, being considerably derated above the surrounding country and, like Boston, it has hills, sharp grade* and crooked streets. On the eve of the Fourth we took onr compartment in the tourist's ear 81. Paul, to be ran o'er toe Great Northern .v Canadian Pacific Rail- road on a four days' journey without change to Vancouver on the west shore. This is the part of the journey which from the first we most dreaded, bat which proved to be the most comfartaole and enjoyable. A* WE APPROACHED THE CAMADUH LINK the morning of July 5th an officer passed through the train, Mating that all checked and hand baggage most be starched at Grand Forks. I he passengers immediately set themselves to work preparing for the ordeal and this gave rile to a general ilis- oussiun of the tariff, in which all seemed interested and in which even some of the ladies took part. For more than an boar the discauion ran like a torrent, sopported on the protection side by a few elderly gentleman who were " republicans since ~56." Gradually those who were at first listeners took lidei, and free trade senti- ment predominated, especially after the " protector of Canadian labor" had com- menced his ridiculous task. In the valiie of one of oar neighbors he foand a pair of new shoes upon which he said a " duty must be paid," whereupon the owner placed them npcu his feet. " That clears the law," said the officer, as he pMied oat of the car amid the deriaive laughter ot the passengers. Soon after oar train rolled into Winni- peg which is the commercial fooaa of the Canadian Northwest. Representatives ot all grades of society and nationalities were seen upon the platform of this great June lion broogbt hither on the vanou* denoe. Here it is (10 and three yean' residence. no OATH or ALUOIAMCB u HKQUIBBD, the land is free to all. Oar winters are milder than m Montana and Dakota, car xrassee are more nutritious, oattl* thrive better, and the opportunities offered to settler* are much better than on the other ide ot the line." I then told him a story told to me by a firmer down the road, who bad just pur chaefd an agricultural machine of Canadian manufacture for 921. A machine of eqaal utility oonld be purchased in St. Peal for J15 were it not for the oppressive Canadian tariff. " If this," I added, "is a sample of the relative cost of farming upplianoM, I am inclined to think trie United State* offers belter inducements to settler* in spite of the higher cost of land, as they have lower priors fur tools, and such necessaries as farmers are compelled to bay sugar, coal, cil, eto. and their farm prodauti will net them folly as ranch there ss ihey wonld here." He listened to my statement, which seemed to chafe him exceedingly, and burst oat with the declaration : " That is not sol SCVK rnxE TBADEB BAD YOU OH A STHIN. There are some of them around here. The people of the Statrx are overworked and underpaid. Plenty ot proof of that. The eastern farm* are being deserted and the western farm* are mired in debt. Oar tariff is not oppressive. It boldi th market* of Canada for the people ol Canada, and we intend to continue this policy," he said, with emphasis, a* the start signal harried me to the depot. Oar long train pulled slowly oat on the western track upon a broad plain as " leve, and green as a billiard table." The Rooky Mountain* are yet a thousand miles away we have cot yet seen the prairie ; this i only the widening of the valley of the Asamiboine and the Red River of the north, which unite at Winnipeg. On either side of a* are farm hoove* am staoki of grain, men and team* at work open a coil absolutely tree from atone a* black as night and rich a* a mine and herd* of cattle are feeding half hidden in the gran*. We step cff at a way station and look up the road which stretche* away before a* a* far a* the eye can reach, with- out carve or dtdeotton. The roadway is dotted with grain elevator*, the moat ot which are owned by farmers' clubs, ininr- ing them some MUIFINllEM-E 1*4 rHZ KALE or THEIR CHOPS. After a run of 130 mile* we stop at Bran- don, the second point of importance in tne Canadian Northwest. The half hour waa improved by me in asking <|oeition* of the farmer* I met about town, and whom I found kindly disposed to converse, espec- ially when I told them I had lately visited the lower province*. They asked me iuei- tions, too. Kerosene nil and sngar are little Died here the price* are so high. They all regretted that Yankee oorn" was keptoa\by the high tan tT, a* they could not suooevttully raise it here, and it i* needed for provenuer. I found tariff redac- tion a prevailing sentiment, and free trader* a* thick a* Hie*. The farmer* a* a rule are paying enormous interest on the capital they have bind with which to pur- chase tool*, seed and advance food : yet they aeem to glory in an imagined inde- pendence, and they LOCK WITH PITY i:pN THE TENA3T rARXEBg Or TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY LOU OF H.vILUOAI) WHICH BADIATE rilOM Till* POINT like the spoke* in a wheel. Here we made quite a atop, daring which I ran about town to gather information. I harredly called at urooery stores and carpenter shops and other places to tak questions. I found the price of sugar was '.I cents per pound, kerosene oil 42 oents per gallon, oornmeal II 30 per hundred pouuda ; and that carpenters' wage* were $'i 50 per day, laborer* 91.75 to 92. At the door of an office the following sign waa posted : "Do- minion Land*. Free Grants. Salee Pre- emptions, eto. How to obtain them in the Northwest.'' This waa the office of the land agent of the (.'inadioo Pacific Rail- road, a pernnage perhaps a little lower than the minister of the Interior at Ot- tawa. He is tally convinced of hi* impor- tance, and of the fact that this great Trunk line is exerting an influence on Canadian legislation which make* "the dog " and " his tail " so nearly the same siee that the [iieation is often aaked, " Which does the wagging .'" TUX CANADIAN OOVEBNXENT HAH NOT TBT 1C*- UNDERBD THE EARTH To this corporation ; but a few year* ago it undertook the oonstraotion of thii railroad. Having built 850 miles, they sold out, or gave ont, in 1880, to the company whoee name it bears, and as an inducement for it to aooept this " princely" gift tbe Government added 26,000,000 m money, 25,000,000 aores ol agricultural land, and agreed to finish and surrender all railway then under oonetrno- tion, together with a branch line ol sixty five mile* of road already in full operation In addition to these subsidi. s in land and money, the entire railway, when completed, was to remain the property of tbe oom pany. And now the corporation U in pos- session of about 5,000 mile* of road, ioolnj ing the longest continuous line in the world, extending from the Maritime Provinces, across tbe State of Maine, through Mon- treal, across the continent, to the Pacific Ooean. I entered the office and asked for infor- mation in regard to Government and rail- road landa. " We have for sale," laid the lord of tbe company's kingdom, " some of tbe finest land in Manitoba and the North- west, at ten (hilling* and upward* per acre. We IT! ALL COAL, TIMBER AXD MIS URAL EUtSOUBCaa. lands are in all the township* withii EUROPE, laying : " We own oar farm* and outfit*, and don't have rent to pay." Yet it was tbe universal testimony that there was not a working farmer in the region free from mortgage of some kind. Btrange, indeed, that men are slave* where nature i* so lavish t These people, like the overworked teams they drive, have a worn, woebegone look. Tbe men wear faded shoddy Kr roinu and the women sleazy calico. Yet they tell me that HOO bnshe.a of tutnips to the acre, or 370 bushels of ouion* i* a com- mon crop, in addition to wheat, which is tbe standard and most largely cultivated crop, yielding thirty-two bushels to theaore. Leaving Brandon we enter upon a broad billuwv oooan of buffalo grace tbe firit of Burglar* are Hill operating in Kingston, r-unday work has been discontinued on tbe St. Clair tunnel. Smallpox ii causing terrible havoc in the interior of Guatemala. John L Sullivan's father died at Boston yesterday of typhoid pneumonia. Lilian Grnbb, tbe aotresi and opera singer, died al Baltimore yesterday, aged 26. Inoendiarie* have been busf lately in Strathroy, and oonsider&'ule low has re- inlted. It ii believed that before long the Grand rubk Railway will bave connections with Winnipeg. Most Rev. John Pint Leahy, D. D., Roman Caiholio Bishop of Droinore, is dead at Dublin. A boy of 18 named Hertei escaped from jail at Berlin, Ont., on Saturday, and baa not been recaptured. The tug- of war team of No. 5 police divi sion of Montreal intend oballanguig the lugger* of tbe Toronto force. The captain of a French fishing schooner who carried off a Newfoundland constable baa been arrested aud sentenced to three month* in jail. A heavy rain was general all over Mani toba on Friday night and Saturday, anc did a great deal of damage to the crops noi yet harvested. The death U annoaoced of Francis Robert Si. Clair Erskioe, fourth Earl o Rosslyn. He waa born in 1833 and suc- ceeded M the title in 18CU. A child of Mr. Neil McDonald, tith line Moore, near (Joartrigbt, tell into a tab ot boiling waur wbioh its mother was using on Saturday, and was scalded to death. Summonses have been iisued for th* prosecution of tbe Public School boys who took part in the disturbance with tbe Toronto Separate School pupils last week. Mn. Caroline Sieven, aged t>5, who bad lived in New Hambarg tor nearly forty years, was killed on tbe G.T.R. track ntar that place on Saturday. The old lady was deaf. The schooner Lion, from Nova Scotia for Jamaica with fish, was wrecked in a oyolooe on August 28th. The steamer Bermuda rescued tbe crew and took them M New York. Count Herbert Bismarck, at a recent secret interview with vhe Emperor, prom laed to use his influence with bis father to induce him to oea*e his revelations and to return to friendly relations with his majesty. A striker named Reed has been arreited at Albany tor oaatiug tbe wreck on tbe N. Y. Central last Ibnraday night. It is said be ha* confessed, implicating other*. Lou Miller, ot Greenboth, uas also been arreited on suspicion. V r. Hilton went to Montreal on Satur- day for the purpose ol patting in foroe the judgment recently given io the uase of the Central Bank against Jame* Baxter. Mr. Baxter immediately made preparation* to have Mr. Hilton arrested on a charge uf criminal libel. A man named Segnin waa killed on tbe M. .v O. Railway about two mile* above Hudson, ijue., yeiterday afternoon. While the gravel train waa in motion he tried to get on and missed bil hold, falling between the oars, three of which panned over him, killicu him instantly. When a Michigan Central east-bound freight Conductor Walton, Engineer Meadows was about a mile and a <|uarter east of Maidsione Cross Thursday after noon, Mr. Jobn Neiglu, a wealthy farmer, agd about 50, stepped ont of the dituh on tbe track in front of the engine and was struck and killad. Both legs were cut nil. Joseph Bnatin, aged I'.l, who wa* em ployed in E. M. Davenpjrt'i brick and tile yard al St. Thoiuaa, wbile digging in the cave Friday afternoon leading a cart with clay, the bank caved in, completely bury inn the people their Irish leader* would iromiae to hammer extra life ont of the Government. In regard to th* writ re- cently served upon him, Mr. O'Brien said ibat Lord Salisbury thought to prevent lim from going to America by means of a bankruptcy notice. It remained to be seen whether he would be more auooMsf al than n the role of a runaway libeller and alaoHmahler. the prairie steep* that rise at long intervals and almost imperceptibly to tbe Kooky mountain*. Now the horizon, only, limits tbe view. Occasionally we pas* a prairie farm house surrounded by great black squares where the sod ha* been turned by the plow. The house is usually a shabby thatched bat ; the monotony of the prairie front yard is broken with neglected looking ohildren, pigi, churns and milk pan*. A terrible life it muit be to live in tbe soli- tude ol a prairie no neighbor!, no school, no civilization. At intervals our train slows up at a little siding. They are all alike, and oonaist of a spare track, a few freight oar*, a heap ot buffalo bones, a few agricultural implement* on sale, a itation master in red shirt and blue overalls, and last, but not least," the poor Indian, who i* dying that civilization may live." Mrs. Cnmso (indignantly) I never go through my husband'* pockets when he's a*leep. Mrs. Banks (sweetly) How wise of yon not to waste your time. Our the railway belt, and extend twenty-four mile* on either side of tbe main line. You can buy for one- tenth cash and balance in payment* spread over nine years, with six per osnt. interest ; or von can lease Govern- ment land not exoeeding 2,l>50 sores, for a term not exoeeding twenty-one year*, for two oent* per acre. The conditions re<|iire the lessee to place upon the ranob, within three years, one head ot cattle to every twenty-four aorei of land covered by his lease. No person shall be allowed to place sheep on lands in the Canadian northwest without special permit. " Conditions of free grant land* are easier," said hi, " here, than In the United States, where tbe tee for taking up U 126 and five years' re*i At tbe Hn Gi H* Are yon fond of sports ? Shu Well. I ought to be. 1 married one. A young woman who ha* a dressmaking establishment in East 31st street makes her rent by itoring tori, wrap* and winter dreasea (or her customers during the warm weatber. The garment ia cleaned, reno- vated and packed away, and when called for il freshened with new lining!, ribbon*, buttons or frill*, and a infnoient Rum charged to oovir the bill, including in- inranoe. Professor F. W. Newman, brother of thr Cardinal, i* now 85 year* of age. He aaya that be was a practical abstainer from intoxicating liqoon from boyhood, when he dined alone. At 02 be turned vegetarian, and 911103 then be ha* needed no physician. He is as well now, be says, a* any one of hi* age can expect to be, and he laments beoauee vegetarianism makei no greater progress with the world. Madame Janansobek will thli season produce her new play, " 67 Older of the Cxor." There are now two hundred and seventy- five white ribbon women studying tbe Bible him with great lump* of earth w< >xhing pounds. Tbe alarm waa given and williug hands were soon at work, and bad him ex oavated in five minute*. Dr. Sanderson wa* immeniately summoned and did all in hi* powsr, but of no avail, Bnitin being severely injured internally. He succumbed M bil injuries within an hour and a ball after tie accident. Win. Duff, farmer, after taking dinner at Carleton Place, bitched up to drive borne but forgot M put tbe bit in the horse'i month, t'ue horses flew out of the yarc and swung the young man in such a way that he took a header into a big plate glae* window at tbe eld Aroade. Hi* head went through, ruining the plate and fracturing hi* akull so that several pieces of glass were removed by Dr. MoEwen, a* well as aome fragment* of bone. He had a narrow eeoape. A runaway accident occurred at Por Burwell which reaulted in the death of Mrs. Thome* Hamilton. Mr*. Hamilton wa* returning from the farm with a smal load ot bay, and while dososnding tbe bil leading into tbe village a part ot tbe bar ness gave way, when tbe horse began ran uing and kicking. When near tbe bridge Mr*. Hamilton wa* thrown off on her him and shoulder*, sustaining suoh injuries to cause death in about three hour*. A terrible accident occurred on the Denver & Rio Grande Railway at 5 o'clock Saturday morning, near Adobe, Col. Th train was running in two aeotions. Th first Motion bad two day ooaonei loadet with laborer!, and had become derailed four miles below Florence. The seooni section daihed into tbe flnt with territic force, completely smashing the two ooaohe* and injuring from 86 to 40 men and kill ing a number outright. The bodies ol live intu have been recovered, and twelve ar still missing. The wounded are now bain) oared for at the depots of Florence Coa Greek and Canon City. Physicians are in attendance. Wm. O'Brien, speaking at Meelin county Cork, laid it wonld be Ireland' own fault if a single child starved. Th tenants ought not to pay a penny of ren until their familiei are provided tor. The: bad no business to make begging appeal to Irishmen abroad, bat should look to Mr Balfour and bin aublime schemes. It wcuU be perfectly within their right to daman that the boarde of Guardians oompenset sod New Testament Greek under thedireo- /them for the loas of their crop*. If tb - .,i !). AifM<i A Wrioht onirdians had the oouraue to boldly reliev tion ot Dean Alfred A. Wright guardians had the courage to boldly reliev Several boys <vere sent to prison yester- day for housebrcaking in Toronto. The Quebec Legislature* is to be called for tht) despttoh ot business on November llh. The Monoton (N. B ) Manufacturing Company is in an even worse position than the Halifax concern. Work on the C. P R. repair ahop* at Weil Toronto Junction, to employ 300 handu, will begin at once. Tbe gates of look Iri, Welland Canal, have been roplard, and vessels commenced to lock through yesterday. A medical examination showed the pre- sence of oholora bacilli in the body ol a person who recently died in Berlin with symptoms of cholera. The Ontario College of Physician* and Surgeon* is considering the advisability of proceeding against a Christian Sciential at Toronto under the Medical Act. The Montreal Himrrr regret* that so few French-Canadians take part in tbe Domin- ion rifle matches, and regards tbi* a* a freth proof of thtir apathy in military matter*. A paint al impression baa been created in Italian Government circle* by the fact that oertain officers of an Austrian man-of-war sought an audienoe with the Pope before officially calling on the Italian Ministry. The preparation* for a national ovation to Count von Uoltke on tbe occasion of the Din anniversary of his birth include a pro- posal to bay the house at Parohim in which the Count was born and to present it to him. The Italian Minister, Crispi, ha* declared tbat the presence of the French fleet at Spex/.ia on tbe oooaiion of tbe launching of the Italian man-of-war, besides disturbing Italy'* foreign policy, would annoy Ger- many. By the explosion of a coal oil lamp early yesterdav morning at 154 Germantown avenue, Philadelphia, the house wa* set on fire, and Mr*. Sarah Mclntyre, 60 years old ; Mamie Mclntyre, aged 10, and Annie League, 17, were burned to death. John MoCullooh, from St. Thomas. Ont., a farmer, arrived at Montreal in charge of ame cattle. He was taken obarge of by wo sailor*, who enjoyed hi* boipitality nd then knocked him down and robbed im. The men have been arrested, anc IcCullooh was retained as a witness. The other night two daughter* of James Cotter were left in the hoaae on William street, London, alone, when they heard and tavr a burglar trying to obtain admission by one of the windows. They tired a market at the intruder, smashing all the window glaai, so be skipped oat in quick style. Mr. Aaron Buckler arrived at Montreal rom Bnwmanville, Ont., and stopped at he Albion Hotel. Tuesday night he blew nit tbe ga* and went to bed. At 10 o'clock next morning be was found unconscious, nd, though every effort was made to reinioitate him, he died at <\ o'clock last evening. Tbe New York State Board of Arbitra- ;ion continued it* examination veaterday nto tbe trouble between the New York Central and tfce Knight* of Labor without browing much new light on the situation. The investigation will be continued at Ubany to-morrow, where there are a large number of discharged railway employee!. McGill University is in luck again. The Principal. Sir Wm. Dawson, hat received 'rom Sir Lyon Playfair, Chairman of thn Royal CoomiHsion for the exhibition of KM. an intimation that tbe university has been elected a* one of thn institution* in wbioh a scholarship of 150 per annum, tenable for two yean, shall be open for competition. A remarkable case of fecundity has come to light. Mrs. C. Clermont, of Bord A Plonffe, Qne., who ha* just died at tbe age of .i-j years, left 303 living descendants, and bad all her descendants survived her they wonld have numbered 448. She wa* married at the age of 1:1, and had seven- teen children, 146 grandchildren and 286 great grandchildren. Tbe opening ot the Congroes ot the American Forestry Association took place at Quebec on Tuesday amid a ureat con- oonrae nl distinguished visitor* and the elite ol (juebeo society, among whom were several Mima-ten and Hon. W. Laiincr The inauguration speech was made by Hi* Honor Lieutenant-Governor Anger, who welcomed the American members to theold capital, Word ha* been received from Parry Sound that recently a mortar for bruising oorn wa* found in the root* of a pine tree on one of the Christian Island*. The mortar bad an engraving in Latin, which being translated says, " Made in Paris, 1046." Thii ia the year of the persecution of the Jesuit Fathsn by the Indians, and aiTordi confirmation ot tbe retreat of the French pioneer*, ai given by Parkman and Father Laborean. Wm. Butts, of Butt* .V Robinson, pub- lisher* of the Prntector, the oftioial organ of the United Workmen for Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and New Jersey, died yesterday at Baltimore from the effects of morphine, which he took last night to kill himself. Mr. Butts told tbe physician he took the drug owing to fear tbat ho might become a confirmed drunkard, a* he fre- quently drank to exoea*. Mr. John E. Boomer oonfeotioner, Lon- don, il fond of mushroom*, and on Monday vaning sent to a neighboring Dandai street dealer for some. By rome mistake he ate toadstools, and had only swallowed them a few minntei when he wa* taken with violent pain* in the stomach. Ilia physician wa* sent for, and after emetics had been applied he recovered somewhat. He still feels the effect*, but is getting over hii experience, and will eat no mushroom* in future. At Nijni Novgorod veeterday a young man named Vladimiroff aoooited Governor- General Baranoff and requested aa inter- view on tbe pretence that be had an important secret to impart. Th Governor- General wa: about to acquiesce, when the) young man suddenly drew a revolver and fired at Baranoff. The ballet went wide ot it* mark, however, and before be oonld fire second shot tbe mn was seized by by- stauder* and banded over to tbe police. The funeral ot tbe late Rev. James Broley, pastor of the Mo'.hwiist Church at Fergus, who died on ToiMay at Palmer- *ton from neuralgia of tbe heart, took place on Thursday at Fergu* and wa* largely attended. Rev. S. E. Conch i* expected to finish tbe conference year at Fergn*. A* the train with Seno.* Canovas del Castillo, tbe Prime Minister at Spain, and hi* wife yesterday left Vittona, a jeering and hooting mob made a rush for the Pre- mier's oar and smashed in the window* of hi* compartment with atone*. So far a* known neither the Minister nor bis wife wa* injured. It appears that the New York State Board of Arbitration, which ii at present investigating the cause of the trouble be- t-veen the New York Central Railway and i he Kuigbtsof Labor, has no power to en- force any decision it may arrive at, it can only report its recommendation to thu next session at the Legislature. A boy about 15 year* old named Walter Cannon, whose parent* reside at Bloom- field, Ont., was working as a farm hand for Mr. J. V. Cooper. While riding yeiterday to tbe field on horsebauk, the hone ran away, throwing the boy, and bis feet be- ooming entanieled in the harneee he wae torn limb from limb, and died immediately. Yesterday afternoon, when tbe (.35 ex- preai for Toronto wai about four miles from Owen Sound, it was met by a train of even box oar* loaded with oorn and door and ice, wbioh bad broken looee from an outgoing freight, and were ooming down tbu home grade at a fearful rate of speed. Im- mediately the engineer saw the unginele** train he applied the bradei, whistled danger, and jumped from hi* engine a* it oame to a standstill. Tbe box oars ran completely on to the engine, badly damag- ing it and a mail coach. Three of the freight oars were horned and, the nit broken up. No passenger* were hart. Huw Quid la Shipped. The Bank of America il the largest single shipper of gcild from New York, and, in- deed, from tne I'nited Stales. Shipments are made in stout keg*, very much like tbe ordinary beer barrel. Every one contain* 10,000 io coin or bar gold. The latter is the favorite for these shipments, lino* ooin, in a tingle 91,000,000 shipment, i* liable to ION by abrasion of from eight to twenty ounces or from t'i!> to 04, while the bar* lose only about three fourths of tbat value. Where ooin il vent double eagles are prefer- red. Ibey are put in stout oanvai bags, each one contains , 125 double eagles, or 1 1,000, and ten bag* till each keg. The only precaution taken against tampering with the keg* i* a treatment of keg-end* technically known a* " red-taping." Four bole* are bored at equal interval* in the projecting rim of the atave* above tbe head. Red tape i* run through these, crowing on the keg's head, the enda meeting at the centre, where they are eealed to tbe bead by the bardeit of wax and etam|ii-d with the consignor s name. The average in- surance is about 300 per 200,000. Then there is an expense of abnni 8s. per keg for packing and cartage aboard ship and the inevitable los* by abrasion, whatever it may prove to be. There are great Wall street firms shipping from 5.000,000 to 8,000,000 annually. St. Jamei Qtuette. How UliK M Tr.u-hrr* Uft Fa>ld. It i* no small job to pay off the legion of Chicago soboolm'ami, benoe tbe modus operand! must be a systametio one. Two set* of books ar* made, each containing tbe names of tbe schools and teachers of the different sections of the oily. Beside the name of oach pedagogue are tbe figure* which indicate ih amount of her salary. One of theee books goes to the blonde cash- ier, the other io a member ol the board. Thii latter individual sets tbe ball rolling. Degining at the front of bil book he calls aloud tirst the name of a school. The teacher* there gather around him. Then he shoot* ont the names slowly. Each, as her name is oalled, comes Io hi* desk, signs the book for a receipt, and pa**e* to tbe paying desk, where her money is passed ont. When one book is nearly finished, a sign indicating the next seotion M be taken up is hang ia the largest room, where the moit teachen are, and it warns them to be ready. In this way the work of paying U done very rapidly, though tven then it takei tbe greater part of tbe clay to pay off Chioago'B teachers. Chicago Newt. What .MliiKlfi Letter Will Do. In a recent lecture a professor of lan- guage*, in commenting on the difDoaltiea foreigner* had to overcome before they oould master our language, made mention of tbe following philological odditiei : Tbe letter o change* lover into olover, d makes a crow a crowd, k make s eyed keyed, g ohanges Mm into song, 1 transforms a pear into a pearl, s obangm a hoe into a shoe, t makes bough bought, and makea omen women. Breaking It lieui ly. Lynching party (whispering before Knockm*) Break il gently to her, Ike ! Alkali Ike- You bet! (A* the lady ot the dug-out appear*) Howdy, Widder Hosley ? Mrs. lioalev What do you mean ? I'm no widow ! Where a Hank ? Alkali Ike I triumphantly) Ye*, yon air ! See that thing bangin' on the jack oak limb, over thar in tbe edge uv tbe tall timber ' That'* Hank ! Lost to i hi World. Another secret i* lost to tho world by the death of the only man who knew it. Thi* is the Sterling Dyeing Company's prooee* of dyeing a perfect faat black. James Pike, who knew the proceai, had for year* been manager of the oompany, where he had made a fortune. A few day* ago he dropped dead of apoplexy, and the Sterling Com- pany is grieving over the loss ol the secret, Mr*. Thomas Hamilton, of Bayham, over GO year* of age, was killed near Port Burwell yeiterday. She was returning with a small load ot bay, when tb* hone took fright and ran away, throwing her oat. She died in about three hours after the accident. *L