THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. BANKlSfi OF PICK OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLBSHERTON. A gonaral banking biiilnesi transacted. f> ' ift* ntnnl and cboqiie* nahe<l at umiil rat. Money lwaya available foT leKituut bimtnun* -Mt.irpriae. Omcc two doori north of Riofcardson & Co't. Vicinity Chips. Characteristic r the Past Week Carefully fulled for the furious. Dr. Sinclair Coming Dr. Suit'lrtir.rlm well knewn and popu- lar and i-U'VJ-r *|>ri;uiliHt. of Toronto, will ! at th Munshaw hotel. Flesherton, on Wednesday, Oct. 1st. The Doctor stands at the head of his profession, and has had a long, practical experience. He tr>"iU only canes which he consider* unibli!, hut can tell what may be the in at i cr in all case*. Consultation free. East Urey prize list will appear next week. Thursday, No*. 0, will be Thanksgiv- ing Day. Johnny gut ynur irun. For a Cheap Tweed Suit try c. .1. Leitch'a 910.50 and upwards, guaranteed all woel. Those who are needing boots and shoes for fall and wiuter vt-ar will find it pay to try Clayton. I. H. 1. HIM" barrister, of the linn F'.ishi'p it Lui-ait, Owen Sound, is at the :'.i of \\ in Lucas Jt Co., in Markdalu, 1-vi rv Friday, and in Dundalk every Saturday. r'n-ili arrivals of bts and shoes fresh from two of the bunt inanufacturie*. Vniir attention is invited to a choice and carefully selected assortment at Clayton's, Flesherton. A vary tine two colored poster, printed .t -he Fleab>*rtoii Advance office, hus l*en received. Tlie enslaving by Mr. Tlturston is a very creditable piece of work, and the printing is good. [Streets- villo Review. A communication from Mr. J. R. An- derson pive the gratifying information that the family arrived safely at Monso- 'oin. Mr. A. says the weather has been very wet, and very little grain has been stacked. lie promises us a letter when he -,'fts settled. This will be anxiounly looked for by his many friends here. The old familiar Farmers' Advocate comes regularly to hand. The Septem- ber number contains two lithoKraphod plates. Our space will not admit of a lengthened review, but we will nay that no farm house should be without this excellent publication. Remember this when you are ordering your literature for next year. Address Win. Weld, London, Out. The station intB along this line of railway have all decided to reform and are marrying as a preliminary step. Last week the agent at Berkeley in.-irriud to Mis* Hannah Kyan, of Orangeville. Our agent here has tint, yet f.illon into lin-, but this last affair will no doubt give him something to think about and make him wonder if ho don't feel lonesome. Solid comfort and durability in boots made by Clayton, either sewed or pcgue First class leather only usud and good workmanship done. The family Herald and Weekly Star i Montreal, has its enormous circulation because it docs not encroach upon the local country paper's work. People everywhere find they need the Family lleiald and Weekly Star, Montreal, in addition to their own local weekly. The Family HeralJ and Weekly Star has an tnurinoua staB' of hixh-salurinJ editors, and spends large sums in gathering en- oral news of the world at large, beakles employing money freely In adding to its literary miscellany. MVrehaiit Tailoriiiu For the latent novelties in worsted goods scu C. J. Luitcli's Mock. Wanted. A tailoreas who is a good pants maker, apply to F. A. HAKKR, tailor. Lost a Hand. Mr. Jas. Inkster, wholiwa nean Max- well, had hi hand so badly crushed in a threshing machine on Saturday afternoon that it had to be amputated. Bear Killed. A large she bear w killed n the farm of Mr. As. McMullon, two miles west of Proton Station mi Thursiky last. Two cubs whi<* were with her escaped. Grain Buyer. Farmers will do well to mnrmVr that will have a second grain l.ny- f. Xr. McCuUough, uf Dundalk, will buy jjntTH here so soon as it begins to move: We learn he will be on hand next) week. New subscribers to The Advance will get the balance of this year free. Roll in your dollars now before we repent of this great otfer. The Owen Sound Advertiser is waking up and will publish a semi-weekly hence- forward. We received the tirsi number Wednesday. Harvest Home. We are requested to state that the annual harvest hone festival of the Methodist church will take place on Thanksgiving Day, NOT. 0. Envelopes. \Ve have a job stock of envelopes on at present which we can print and Furnish at ?- and $2. '25 per thousand. Five hundred furnished and printed for 11.25 and f 1.50. First class envelopes and dirt cheap. Order some at The Ad- vance office before they are all gone> Another Prize. There ware fifty school prizes given by the Witness of Montreal, for the best showing of stories ent in, these prizes being distributed over the whole Do- minion. Mr. Win. Irwin has received intimation that the Flesherton school has won one of these prizes, a nicely framed picture of her majesty, Quoen Victoria. Tally one again for Flesherton. For Friendship. The girls have a new fake. They gather coppers from all their friends, and whfii sufficient have been collected a gold "friendship" ring is purchased. The idea is a bad one, for if a fellow hasn't a copper about him he must hand >ut five, ten, or twenty-five cents, as his fiiiTomty prompu him, or !>e considered too mean to marry. But after all, per- haps it is just as well for a fellow to spend his money that way as to give it for the beneKt of the heathen in foreign lands. Let the home heathens have it. WANTED ! 500 men, women and children, to buy boots and shoes. All ready on hand and waiting for you to call for them at Clayton's. More Good Cooks. Mr. Wm. Pawcett, of Heathcotn, was a visitor to the fair on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Win. Fawcett d one of the beat known farmers in the county of Grey. Ho is alu an upicufe of no mean order knows a good piece of beefsteak when he samples it and is a general all round judge of cookery. He desires us to say that Mrs. Branitf, of Eugenia, and the Miimcs Dodson, of Hocklyn, can down all comer* at cooking steak, possibly barring the two ladies we mentioned l.tnt week. He claims, how- ever that nothing can beat the ladies he brings forward. Wedding Bells. Ou Tuesday last Mr. Robt. McXae was united in marringc to Miss Minnie HolU-y, Ixali of this township. Tho wedding |varty was a largo one, sever; 1 friends from a dUtanco liuin-,' present After tlio ceremony tho contracting coujilo with all their friends in attend ance drove to Fleshertuii station, IP.HI whence the bride and groom took train for Toronto. We have only one old pair of slippers and they aro broken-backed, iop-sided and moth-eaten, but such as they aro, here oes. A New Papar. We ;iro in receipt of two copies of the new "tri- weekly Sun," printed in Owen Sound. The paper is something which Owen Sounders should be proud of. We predict for the Sun an almost cloudless ky. It is wh:t was wanted, and we much mUtako the people of Owen Sound if they do not ^ive it as huarty a recep- tion as was ever received, by any news- paper. It is printed as a weekly and trt- weekly. Its editor and proprietor Mr. Joseph Laiix', is an old printer by trade and a writer by instinct. As editor f the Kincardine Review he niado a namo which is widely known We welcome him most heartily to our iiiidnt. knowing that Brey county journal- ism will bo much advanced by his advent. A Pig-Headed Pig- One of the funniest things we have seen wince our last tmvth was pulled took place on the evening of show day, Mr. Win. Itioharuaon own* a pig. This pig escaped from its peu and strolled into Mr. Richard.iou's drug store just after dark, probaoly to see if its master was short handed. Mr. II. told it to get nut, but it wouldn't get. The several employee* of the cklabluhiaunt, by all the known and unknown methods, endeavored vo persuade it to leave, but, that pig had decided to take up quarters where the delicate perfumes of eau do cologne, seltzer water and jockey club could tickle his aesthetic nostrils with their aroma. His grants of satisfaction as he poked his nose around among sweet scented candy pails and smelled the nice clean floor were grunts of too utter enjoyment. Finally Mr. Richardson be- thought him of the swill pail. This was procured and held enticingly before the door. The temptation was such that Mr. Pig exalted his nose and marched out on '.ho quick march. Good sour swill is something no pig, no matter how aesthetic he may be in his tastes, will ever be able to forego. General News. The Birchall trial opened in Wood- stock on Monday. Joseph Irwin, of Leamington, i int.. had been missing oats from his barn, and set an old fashioned bear trap to catch the culprit. Next morning on going out he found an old man named Knight fast in the trap, hia-lug badly lacerated. On being liberated the old man fainted, and when he recovered was sent to jail. Knight's son in revenge attempted to tire Irwin's barn, being caught in the act of pouring coal oil on thu hay. Irwin says Knight has threatened him repeatedly and he will push the case through. Notice. "TO WUOMK IT MAY CONCERN." We the undersigned (at the request of Pliny Loucks, Esq. , owner of thu flour mill near Flesherton, bettor known as "Plewe's little mill, ") having visited said mill and examined the flour, sweepings, etc., in all parta, corners, and receptacles of said mill (wheru flour would be likely to accumulate and remain undisturbed for some li-iujtli of time) do certify that in no case have we found Mie slightest trace or sittn of any parasites or flour moths reported to- havj been in some flour sold in this vicinity and manu- factured in other mills ; and wu lirmly believe and are perfectly satisfied thero aru none whatever of said parasites or flour moths in ur about said null. Signed THOS. CARTER, M. D. R. J. SI'UofLE. Klesherton, Sept. 2'J, 1890. In connection with tho abovo I would gay that those bringing bags to my ini'l must thoroughly cleanse them before bringing, otherwise they will not be taken in. I aia free of the pest above referred to and am bound to keep free of it. See that your bags are thoroughly scalded before bringing them to me. P. LOUCKS. Flesherton, Sept. 22, 1800. [*J)VT.] Wteci n*hy IMS sick, we gar* hw OMtorta. Whwi ah* WM a Child. b erted for l.'aMoria, When the became Ml**, ihe clung to L'Mtorla. Wine she bail Children, the garo thwn I'aMurla CASTORIA for Infants and Children. I r * rt * t T 1 T"TrflMi l )l At! " , 1 y- . F ^ . ... __ i tome. ' H.A. AflBBsV K. D I ia " " 1BBi mao.03tfunllJ.W.iJWuyn,5. T. | W> Tin CKTTAVS OOMPAXT. 77 Murray H.T. TO AT The world f:iiiicd St. l.oon direct from prii:n in I'. (,'. As a blood puriiicr for all disorder*, to restore and prcniote hiuhvit health, Hlrength and lift - long pleasure. Kveil physicians dn -Ian- it "impossible to overrate its virtues. 1 ' Call.get testimony of professors, doctor.^ I tliu wonderful cures. Purchase- and drink frri-ly "t nature's RMTVellotM renu-dy. A thorough teat never fails to bring conviction to all. MAIL CONTRACT. SKAI,KI> TKNIi: tliu Port muMm i .I'M. i (il . will " r <-. until iiiniii, 1 ri'lB.v. I7tli i)i:t.iilir, IHIIO. f..r rh i-Kiivi'vitncu of Her Miijuxt^'x .Mnils. mi pro| ('onlraot for fuUfc- )uurn fr;in tlio 1st January no.xt. : ,-wni'n Murk lull- iui.1 railwuy *tatiii : \vay. 1'riutetl niitici.-^ coiitainiii|4 furtlutr i:i- fnl tllat it'll H . ' l:s ;>( 1'T' '!> I i-iiii:rm-t. nmy l>o HWII mul lilduk turmii of may be obtained at the Pottt Oltlcu at Karkda4 aod at shit i'ii ors i tJlco, } Btrntforil. I S.'|it . INW. 5aA.-l,OUU-16-7-'W. II. (I. IIOPKIUK, 1'ont Olilco Inspector. Feslherton Livery Stables. D. CLAYTON, Proprietor, First O)M hot-Mil ami vehicles for hire at rea*onai>le ralea. BUblea oi>i>oite Munhaw't htal. SpooUl attvotiuii paid to coimrcia THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY BE HERE. Get your Feet Protected With a good strong pair of Boots. The place to secure these is at JOS. SMITH'S. I have a large stock of ready-made boots on hand, of my own make, from which to make a selection, and if you cannot be fitted among these I will make you a. pair for a very reasonable figure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the place, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. Photos, Photos, Photos, ft e are nou> turning out work fur superior in *ylu and fmith t any ever pro tluced in F'alurtvn. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUEE FRAMING done in nil its hninfhea. .1 y,n,,l stock of FRAMKX ,in,l MOULDIXCX krpt <;,Hst,iiit/>/'>ii ii-inil. WM .!,'< /H t Wn the new BKOMIDE PORTRAIT. . /i!<-tnre tli<it M ,/>,',/ - ,,tii-f siitix/'ifition wherever introiluced. SAMI'L /.'# MJ lie een at my GulUrjf tchcrt all part icvhtrt at to Prive, Style &c., can bt atcer- tained. FKBSHEKTON. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAYS THE PILLS Purify tlio Dloud, correct all Uitovdura of Liver, Stoiituvli, Ivi \\*y*, and UO\VON. Tboj -invi .UK:, -: -h Di-bilitatoil (\>nstitiitiun. nn.l I>1. malst Of !! tgs*, KorCllildluuauil tho ar luvHluablo in ley aru pi . T HE 01 N T M r j aniiifallibloromcxiy for H.l l,iv. Hn.l Hn.u t>. i'l,l \Voiiinls. SorH and Ulcom. It j H fauiuur (MM sod Uhouuiutisiii. KordiHOKltnof-tlioChuat it Inn uo u<|ua For SO If./-; TlllW.n, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS s.auci all Skin it has no rival ; and for contracted ami stijt -.t like a charm. M uuifactorod only at frofussm Id >I,I.OWAT'H KstnMii.hiiM.iit. 7S. v- Oxford Street < l:ii .*>:(. Oxford Street ). Lvndon, and aru nolil at Is. IJcl. ,-.!. <!.. 4. M.. Ho.. -i.'.. ami :w. tiftch Box or Pot, aud nifty bo bail of all Mud ciiu- Vendors throncliDiit tliu World. 7 > rc/Kuer sln>l>l 5S.?, f> f hr. LabeJ rm the Pott and lioxtt. Ij tht aJthtuv it ,..( Strut, Luiuhm, WMV art FOR SALU. Park lot nf Si norea within a mile of FlMlwrton .BK I'M'-"' '" 1SI, J'nl N. R., Ar*nniMift Titrnia liberal. Apply W. J. BELLAMY. March tt, 1SW. Property for Sale or to Rent. HOIIM and two loti on Oolllnswood atrmt in ?1<hrton. Uood wator at th door, laiu.i tab)* .to Will b iold on eaiy t*rm. Apl'lir to B J. KPRUCLR. rimhertoa or to 10BT. MORBOW, Mai , B|*. 18.UIW.