f THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE ^i \ Tlie most complete Family Cok Stove made in Canada. , If you wanl a first class cook or heat ing stove get the PBAKL. For quality of materials durability & economy ii> service, per fection in fin- ish & design, and cooking qual ities, they have al- ready ob- tained a STOVJES ^ip^r qp ^*z> household reputation throughout Ontario. If your dealer does not keep them write or call on the manufacturers. Tbis S'ove takes 80 inch wood and oven is 20 incLcs. PEARL STOVES BUY THE PEARL STOVE, MANUFACTURED BY T. L. MOFFAT & SONS, Why buy a box stove when you can get a parlor store as cheap ?LESHERTOT PLA)!IM>_ MILLS HaTinK pnrehniu'il tin- Fli-nlii-ilmi I'hiniiip Milli fruti It. .1. Sproi.lt . r',x|., I now aoirt to inform tin- PUBLIC that I HIU in a position to do ALL KINDS --OF General planing mill work, K'irli ai 8ARH, DOORS, DOOR FRAMES ATTENTION Three important qualities combined in our make of Boots. To those who expect to wear Boots and shoes dur- ing the next few mouths we would say that you cannot do _ . ... better, either iu Factory made or home made Boots, than Business College, > tr y CLAYIWS. \M> THAT I> Till: Ifforthern and Mutnnii". ro sawing, etc. .<! Wnrkmanklilp <.n;i ra m c , I. Al nrp' qnantity of good dry pine lumber uu hand. W. I. o\v!>r The 'I'll.- 'I he The lll'll I '-t nnil luoRt prnctifftl coime of itudy Ht teachiiiK talvni. IMt MOOmiDOdAlloB fOV tii'Unt" i--t UK tho.K .if inntriictfmi -- r rutultii from timt inntructlon after H jTfutllRtf. iiiniil Mii)oniirimniitn ti vin^ pArtlculftrn lli^ thucourtin of -ln.iv I. i IIIH , I,- ,ii<ln-hi C. A. KiKMlN<i 1'HINCIPAL Hrslu rton. Farm for Sale. Offerfl will h ri-coivwl l>y thrnndiM>i;-nrd f->i th* purrliaM- of I ,i,t* .'i ami r>. Con t-_' M-|I... < olllaililljU 'J1' arf < Uii-i. < r 1. . tin- UIIIU ntlKiHtlllK lii'.^l valtlllMr |>r"j.,it\ (III OIL- farm lit urct I.'-l a lryi- coinfurtiihlH <iui-]!nii. bouMi. laiK'-fntioi- 1-iiiM uii,l ii'ln-i outbuilding! The farm n w.-ll watemd. About Inn H, i> leased and under cultivation, and all In.lni,' beeatateof thv lateja* rrawforl. win. h nm-t I*- t.ilil to wind up a(rim of ilwi-annl Knr farther particular! lotendliiK purchaser* hould apply to J08IAH OAMI^ Maxwell P 0. Maiwi.il. Jan 30, IHOO. A good stock on hand from the best manufactures. Also a lot of MODS' Boots (home made), Best Material and Workmanship, on hand. CtiMtom '\Vorli ami JtepnirinK to & WkteiVTAKE NOTICE ! PL ANTS;: SALE H.F.NTV OK OOOD sira*t IM-IT ?lm-M. I;.I-I.IM 1 1 > < .1 IK . ICi.s< Trie's. Syriiiffa AD< other Imr.l slu ul I' iv un-l Lilly iixit an I uthr |'i iMinlnU for aala ot Elexlierton Greoijhouse, IJJUKS MBI'.CKUPT.) A large ijuitnlily nf Mood Shingles >IY OWN MANUFACTURE. CASf FOR IDF.N AND HHEBPflHIMM JkDAMUDE, fLKHHBETOIT. -IHI: TIIK otumunB U 15. LAURENCE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOR AI.F, HKKKC'Tri OF VISION. RICHARDSON % CO., HULK AUENTN, FLBBHERTON. May221y .Ii:i IKI-.Y AKTI.KY. Mfgr. of Wind MIIU ami Pnmpa, Karkdato, (int.. If you n,,.i a pii:|' nf any kllnl. fiml will favor im> uttli >ni [ Will gnarantfr t*> ^ivr natihf action t-vvry in. i" linn ..int von 111 riilier Iron, ltra>. I'm t-i-hilii. or (inlvnin/td Iron. Ti-.im. RcpalrtegMMb; imw work hort dato apmoT>4 n"t,'. >f i, ii.-. i Id-low I ni\t- a fuw tt-rttiiiioniiil-t ; DmrSir Tin- two nnin|i>. \oii |mt in for me mi- Kivlnu mi' IptondU MkUlfaction ini- nf llii-iu IV. II .!,,-[., Hi,, otln-i .tli. I ainwi.lll'li<au<lwitki tl>' in Jouv 1',-hi i.oi Flimlwitun. .1 Ann. rv, li.'arhir. In rri>!> to yonr'ii nf the 12th iiirt.. I \>oiil<l nay that tin- |iuiii|i yon put in fm n-,- a-, pinv, I \, i \ Mtr f,t,-n it twillM durable -THE- LITTLE MILL. Having dlitlrelv re no voted my mill the i>ai y<iar,|iuttiiiK i * live amount of mw niaciiliiery, I >in IMIW prupr.l t<> Kriuil Hour in a 'iiHJiii. , -i !<,,,. i tn mi inilltT In Ontario, and on til* Bhortwt notlcu. OLD TERMS : | Every twelfth buihol. 8evon cenU per bag of two biuheb for chopping- Dune every P. LOUCKS, Proprietor. noon HTAHI.INC. roB HOUSES and very oaay to work. tnr)o*ed plem.e flu l.dliuir, for pump ,1 mi i JonmoR, Klexhulton. s\ n-r.M i I.-N AT I.. r TVi III to certify Uiat 1 have hud ureat trouldo and vip*ue with my well (..:. i.-.-t 1 -ni In in r.vKi'l U> puiiip until I got Mr. J. Artley to ovi-rlmul it . HBO* tbeu I have had entire Katiufnctimi M> little boy. nix jar old, can pump with it nni.lv. AHTIII ii JoH*roN, Vaodchnir. Juneieth.lHUU. Dem Mr Your favor in hand enqtilrinit how caul alonij willittiu Wind Mill 1 inulit aay i- had no ilitllrtlty in putting it toui-th. i . It IK 'orkliiKup! lid. The pump dopH iti work all n^lit I like the WOTklaf of the Victor \\in.l Mill vriy mm Ii ItRovcrns Itltelf Illrrlv III 'ft ;ii wind iin.l Itlnnk it farmoru dm adlu than a WOOMa mill. N Hi iiirnv. Mi-aford. [> JKITHKT Aiat.v .\farkdale : sir. The pump 1 purchased from you for 71 foot well Kivi- riminl, ti. Hatlsfactlon. It work* with tiuiKreatont eaku. for the quantity of water dellreiC'l, of an) i '-i i|- I have over tte<l. I belle** It U onatracted OB a niniple and dnr- abl* ininripal mid not lml.li- to i.vl out of ordrr 1 toald nut i>li fora l>lti.rpiiin|i. and ran, with tli.' litmoKt rontt.lin.i-. ri't-iimii.rnd It. Wlahlnit you ever) MII-IVM I rmaln. yoart Ac., o. J. W. bruui-LK. Maikdalu. JuiivXI, 1HQO. NOTICE. Notloe n Imridiv Riven that I will not p*)r any I. l.t root i K i . -I i>> my eon, Hobert Jaa. I*aary, he hing a minor ml luavluo home without an? iuiicaUM. JOHN LK ART. **. 4.1MX General Feed Store. NO. 1 FLOt'R ALWAYS ON HAND. SHOUTS, BRAN. HEN FEED, ETC. All klmliiut fruit in llivirat'umi. All kintU of ca,uuodgood>. Corn Moid, Oat Meal, Rolled Wheat, (irahan Flour, Smoked and Salt MeaU. ALL KIM i or I't MI i .. \i i. DRINK*. SHOP next iloor to M Richardion A Co'*. B. PEDLBE FLE8HERTON. I dcsiic to draw the public's' atten- tion to the fact that I have opened up in Floshcrton a MEW TAILOR SHOP in Armstrong's Block MEXT DOOR TO THE JEWELRY STORE. Clothing s to Crier, -AT Yonr own material made op and style and fit guaranteed. WM. BARNHOU8B, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, FLESHKBTON, ONT. Dealro* to thank )>! numernut for the very liberal pfttrontge cavtotner* hi th Cl'TTIXO ItOXE TO OliDKK. pant, and In now prepare.1 1 Oil all ordern wl%h Tp promptnaM. HatiKfaotion guaranteed. Twlv*' fj . Tan In bnilna In Ple*hrtoii, and houmt | I I I daallnf ii.wlth good workmaniihlp.haVB wft<] hla i am* well known throughout tint vialnltr. Mwxl work a ipaclaltr. (Mt jroar li*ta >>( tey Wi naraoia. rUakrt. BAKER, Practical Tado j