Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. U publihed Every r rhui-dfey, FRO TH Otnem gydenham Utrt* - - /<***, Ottt TEBMBOfr SUBSCRIPTION: 1 per auniira when paid rtftjtly Itt advance 1.90 pe' annum when noo pO/l. Oneoolumn, r col. do., ADVEKTI81NO RATES. hmlf do ' Transient a Ivmla*a*n charged at the rate r line for n>.t insertion and tat*. y W. U. THTJRSTON. JtdUor and Proprietor. Malcolm Me Inure and family re lo lor the MI me place. Mrs. McLc-au lia moved from the 3rd line to < ileu Huron to reaide with In r ou-in-)aw, Mr. Taylor. Mr. Robim, the mull carrier, is moving into her houae. Mri. .l.ii- Patteraou, the Swlnton 1'ark merchant, ipuut a few ay* in these part* lat week. Jim loolu Wfll an, I report* duiHg good business. Oar usually qniei village witneoaed a pugilistic encounter last wek between two of our eiiiscim. ARTEMESIA FALL FAIR. Once more the Artemesia fall fair lax proven its claim to the proud dis- tiucnon of being the best township fair in thi* county. Year by year it is grow- inj< in public favor and general ex- eclknce. Last year it wa ftmnd almost impossible to get the quantity of stuff together and hate it judged ull iu the oue day, coueequcully it was made a- two-day show this year. The result has demonstrated the wisdom of tbis urtp, for tb general verdict was yesterday, "Better and better and more of it," Not only was tho exhibition mucli superior to last year, but the attendance was also far iu advance. Priccville people are proud of their show, and well they way b, for it is a grand institution for them and amply repays them for their fostciiug care of it. All con- cerned in this show appear to "go iu to win," from the secretary aud president down to every individual member, aud the result is seen in the H>1( iidid exhibition of tins year. For live stock of all kinds this show wan fUy up to lmt year and that is awarding a high praise indeed. Of heep we new saw a finer lot to- gether. Mr. R. Oliver and son, and Mr. Wm. Meada were large exhibi- tors in this class. Horses were extra fine in each class. Two-year old colts were something to bo specially proud of. We did not learn the i. mi. i ? of nearly all the exhibitors, and cannot give the list <f prize win- ners this week, but noticed that Mr. A. Osti andrr showed a beautiful 2- \i :n <ili I | MIC] ii n, ii ami alsoaclydes- dale. Mr. Ronald Morrison, of IVtiiiuessan, exhibited a very handsome J-vear-old filly which, wo believe, took second prize. Cattle were fully rtprtsriitcd in all claimus, Mr. Oliver xnd Mr. Cairuk being laige exhibitors. The inside show of roots, graiu, vege- tables, uiidduiry produce was also ahead of any year's exhibit thus far. In tin- hall Mr. It. Oliver showed a very handsome cahe of minerals, the large majority of which oame from his mine near Thcssalon. Judging by tbM Hpccimt'iis Mr. Oliver has f\ illicitly struck it quite rioli and we trust the ultimate icault will prove thai lie lias. MiniiiK hut been known to piy better than rinsing sliecp, but *liM>p as a gnu ral i nle are a surer t:o|i. Tlu wt-alher was glorious, mid I'liccvillo bnsiiifHS men did a rushing trade. Dancing waa the order of tic afternoon in Watson's hull. Our thanks arc tendered to the director* for many courtesies, The I'ri/i! libt may be looked for next w ' I. . To tht fditor of fhe Advance. Dtun SIB A mfci anonymou letter baring appaaftd in flio lant iuae of The "Advance," ukicg for iun<t*y infor- mation, re financial rap<irU of tbe Mftliixlint CbDFch, Fletberton, in reply tlirr^to we beg to inform "One of tbe Oimgreg&ticn" (or thr writer of said letter of enquiry), tfot the booki of the pw itew- ard aod treaauror are open for ioapection and tbe foiled inTeatiation, to "One of the congregation" or any oue else desiring In- formatlnu upon the suted queitioni, and Umt tlie uudernigned will alwnjt feel it a pleaoure to pennnally (id MIT eiiquirrr in hit march Itftcr knowlcd^ Iu tlio direction of tbe (|Uitioni put lit "Oue of tbe Cuiigre- JOHN W. ABMSTROSQ, Pew Stewart). WILLIAM CLAYTON, Treasurer. FleiuertoH. Oct. U, IS90. Maxwell. from our own Currrtptmtlrnt . It hti been rumored that we nhll hare a we tiding to record ueit week ; that we are Kiug to have winter soon, and that the Maxwell correspondent it dead. Tbe tlrit i* a (act, the aecnud may occur if we hae patience to wail, aud to tbe third we uaj, he i* not <li a-1 but sle|>eth. A few daj* ago a young man living near here wa* *euu Koinn in the direct ion of the paritonage with a look on hia (aee wbieb ex- pri'iwl both aorrow and happine** aorrow because h* i* about to letlle down in mar- ried life, aud happiness became he i* going to be with the one be lore* through the re- mainder i>< hi* life, or ''until death teua. rate*" Therefore, On oo* eheek waa the brightness of youth, On tan other the signs of old age. Ownw to the abacneo of the Hev. H. A. Brown (oar paaturj, who preached mission- ary MTUIOII.I at Arlie, Banda and Li tie on on Sunday last, the pulpit here wa* oeou pied by J. V. NlohoUon, Ad that at Buck- ingham's by R. Heron. The people here intend having the) Me tho diit flhurch removed about hfty feet nearer thf road, having it rtpeiml ai.d a new abed built. This will add greatly U the beauty of our thriving hamlet. But je correspondent tlnnki that a new chinch would look better .till. We unddfiland a nuiuWr ol the people round here are Buffering from what l thought to be a mild form of "malaria fever." Hut we hope nothing *eriou* will reault from it. Hurrah I hurrah I lor Maiwall, Kor ahe will !.< a towu . Hurrah I for Oiprey Tnwushlp Tbu beat oUl Township round. CALVES "AKTEAT Htraynd from lh premises ottt-siii:*r<lgDl on or alHiut HIM mill h>e|,tinbr. four eal>s. one n<l liull ml( out, lirln,IW stoar calf, on a frajr liuifer oalf ami on* rd heMor calf Infjr niatldii an t<> lliKir wlierualxuiiH w'l, b* thank fully received by 11OMT. I HAST, Kun*nia 1' O.. SOCIETIES. wa ! * c .< kx Oaelerla. Wh**>ahe tweaaie Mia*, ah* ! to Oaa*ar4av Whea abeJutd OUlilrwi, ah* f*r . UMSB Cae*ar1s, Mrlulvre. i-ur uirn. Tlie farmers. iu tliii viniuity have done T, iv litflr llin-l :I<H rpt, Iwvui^ been unable I.. (,H( inaoliiuea. He^m.w, Inkater A Oi- l.,,i in- from Matwrt? tlivc 'it riyc.l with their inachinwi us) fttnttair A MoKadden (rum UriTnl 'MM& kr>n coaia ( .n Ui* llli lint. Tl.oae li.it iiic tlii-i-lir,: rapurl. (he yield v.iry go<;,l *nd with tbe,froy*j|U n| better Vtieee U,.e> la* < year. Th*,f araji.,r (eel* tbal hit abori In** not Utt,u rata. Mr.. N.- 1 1 Meluty r a^l jUouIr are leaf i..g IliU we*k tor Net+mjr to HO er l.,., prided, her U.I V rig Q"M OF TEMI'KKANCB -This noclrty fj meet* iu Dr. Chriitun'i Hall overy WwluM- lajrsvenliiK at K|> in VUitintf brotbvra Invited. Insurance In connection ROYAL, TKUPLAKS UP TKMrKkANCB.- UeKular Council nttota ovary 'I'uowlay ven- 1 ng In Bproule's block at 8 p. in Select dnfre innuraucoi meet* ninuthlv. tho Wedne*as>|r tbe iMud of each John W. Armttrong, KHToN, Co. OBIT. DIVISION COURT 'I,KHK, COIIIII88IONH i ii II K., CoDteyadocr. At. Agvlt for purch aod iale of laniU. Appraiser forC. L>. C. C aud V. P. 11. ft 8 Hoolvty. Honey Iu Loan on most re*t>nable tortni. IMI KII of M AKK1A LICENSES NOTAMY PUHL.IC. MOJSfEY TO L Th Undersigned has Amount of Mono/ to The Advance from now 18H, for only one, dollar. until Jan 1, The Advance a Large at 6J 0,0, OX TOWN OH FABM PBOPEKTY. 8. IIAMUDK, FutiHUTON. W. J. BELLAMY MM'. 1:1 I HK AIITf Ml M. 'i; YA.\< -EJi AWT <tC DKK.US. Mulc'l'ii \i,l-> I.I \.-,l > Ar preiiar d aii'l iiru|>rly eaucutud. lniur>iic>. aDw- la WM-WSM OOOkpaaiM. Moucv tu lend at o wot rat en Medical. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A 8., OUT. PHYHIIA\, M lii.l ON. A.,-. FLK8HERTDN. OAc*. Strwln'i block. Itealdence. JO Itaaseft J. Gf. Sdtton, Member of the College of rhjiicia.ua an SurniHini. Ontario. Knqutre at office .one door eaet of Urlcrtatot r AUIaaon'a Hitel. l'r1cTill. Not 19. IMS. DBS. SPROULE & 60 MARK D ALE ONT. flee i-Mnley'i Drue (More. T.H Si'KOULKU U..lc ANUL'H K'.tt VI U . u laUof Totlrnuaiu. Out. Dr.Rfo will be found at MarkdaU Hbaaeat uib J. P, OTTEWELL, VETERINABV 8UBOB01.' N Graduate of (Ontario Yei, a HKHIDKNCK 0)1 COLLINOWOOD BTKKtT blith Door Kat of I rl, unau Churoh, KLKSHR:tON. Jeutistry.. IP?' M-ARSHALl, . H., M. M. H.. l> I VI is I ViiiU Mark.Ulo the lit and rtl Wodnei Jay <jf oaoh mooibi Fleihertoii each trip on the day following . m ',Svllcilor, C'vin-i ytncer Ktc. . _.jci, IIEXT POST mi Smoi LaxbilMti.Nu, (in THCR.HIUVH. OWBN HOUND OFFICE. Fo*rs Hrii.ni P..MCCULLOOGH,- Barrister, Solicitor, $c. Oftl. -, ovr M. I arlmi.l > Htore arkdAlr. Monry to i JHH. R: J. Spromle, IJOSTMASTRR, Fleherlon,('ommltion er in U. R [ ^aj-uvd Auoliqneer, Con veynuner.. Ap;)rys.e, and Mcnof Lnder Real Kutate ai.d ]ji"nrinna Aeent. Deedi MortuageB, Le.icfan.l Will* drawn up an Valuation* made on slior'CKt notlee. Ae tioo 8alf aiin: Jt-l to in any pary of tb Connty. Uoney tp I i t loweet rate* o interest. Colleetinni attended to with promptnen> aud de*patcu Charge* low AgeDtlor the Dominioii HtcamshlpCompany Cheap tickets from KleaLertpn to Liverpool OaMgow, 1,<miii>n or anT of iKe Brltiih orts. Parliei intending \p visit England Scotland or Ireland , will plrnae askaUe be for* purchasing their ticket! al Flesherton Livery - Stables . 4 14VTWN, Proprk|r. <ia*e korw. and r*>. Irl.i tar MP AUTUMN, 1890. E. TRIMBLE Takes Pleasure in Stating, TO HIS NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS THAT HIS STOCK IS COMPI.KTIi IN FALL GOODS, i CARRY FULL LINES IN THE FOLLOWING Imported and Canadian Woollens, General Dry Goods, Tailor's Trimmings, Gents' Furnishings, Ready Made Clothing, Suitings ao4 Pantings. Woollens;. Iu Men's and Boys' Sliii u and Pants, Top Shirts and .ardigu Jackets, White and Colored Hlanfccts, etc. Hats and taps. A Beautiful .' bsortment Men's soft and stiff Hale, American an . .1 La*** StyVea and Best g^iality. Boots and Shoes. . A Large Stock iu Men's and Boys'. Ladies' aud Children's, in Best and Prices right. Millinery. Thia Department will be jp full bluqt next week, with all the Ncwct an y oit Jaahiouablc Good*. It Call, is Solicited from you when you visit the Town, and Trust that you will Favor me with a Liberal Share of your Esteemed Patronage. Yours Respectfully, R: TRI M BLE. SS| T. BLAKELY, aw** wk mn f** 4p*s> r -i '."uL. LiT *-- * . mA Ik. ii^*rmi,. Flesherton, Belli the best farming implement* manu- factured. including All Men , old, or middle aged, who find thero- eelvfi nnrroua, weak aAdexhanBtud, who are Iri'Vu down from viceaae't i>r urer work, re- nultjug in maiiy of the following symptom*: Mental deprewion, premature old aip, lose i>( vitality. Ion* of iiii'ini'rt . bad Jroams, dimnva* of aittht. palpitiition of tbe heart, (miiiioni, lack of Der|{y, |>aiu in the kid nay. headache. pimple* .11 tin- face or body, itrhiii|( or in'oulur teuaati'm about the cru- tiun, Kuntnik; "f the orgaui, duiiura.puk( belorr the yr*, twitchiug of tho uiuacle*. ey% liJi aud t-Urwhvre, bmliluln. s, depoaita iu the ariue, luuof will puwvr, tniuVrnewi of the acalu ami tpiue, weak and ttahty muaclee, desire to oleep. failure tu be rr.l. ,1 Vy tlwp.oouttipatiuu, dullneu of heariuu. ,!OM of voloe, driire for aulitude, cxeltabilltji of tvinprr, muki-n eye* tnrrounded with Lti'*N cmc'Li, oily Uwkinff >kin, et .are all ayuiptoiua of uerTutu debility that lead to iutanilT and death lllilM i-nrrd. Hie gp/iii^or vilal f ur luuuutf loat it t-i. jji.n rvrrj (unction n, iu . < 'iMuiiiuui 1 *-. 1 h'bae who thi>'Uli abuse coiumitttd iu i|iuora^lc nm> In 1 ,! iiimu'iith cufil. Send your ad- drraa for book on all dineiies urealiar to man. AddrvM N^ V !!!;(* .. Front St K., Toronto, Chi/ Ilooks eiu free x-ulr.l Heart diraie, the tymptoniof which are faint M>i'll, purple Hpi, ubmbueai, palpita- tion, (kip beats, hot flathn. ruh i>f blood to tht hrad 'aril-pain in the heart with *aU atrong. {pid and irregnlhr, the second heart beat qniajfer than the flrit, pain ibout the brvutbone, etc., can positively b cirrvl. No<mr<, no py. Hend for book* Adihwt- U. V. LUBOH, 80 Frout Street last, ftr- onto, cm THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. <<.,-,;, t,<i Kurh M'rrk Light Sterl Hi>ul>-r t ,, t ,t Mwrr. Uiium DoMe-Qwrvd l>nU ami fyrii, / TWA Sttdfr. Tlu H'ufrrioo Pltnc* mntl Tinker*. Xeeby and LhuruiuT* lluyfttl:. The good qualities of the*? implement are (uOiciently knonu now to *p r at for them*lvet, without any efclra worilri ln>-.i me. Anvkody rvi|iiii iij> inipl.-ineiits i;i Ihii line would do well to r-n^,,\nt mine it not alreadT acquainted with th.ni. Call 01: rat and I will be happv t<. exhibit tbe good quitMie* of t Lee machine*. T. A. Iti.tki.ii , FleshertoiK Flour Fall Wheat H|irlnt,> Who i'ti. . OU BO to 1 l I'l to u.. Utt.T KCK*. Iraab Potato* Uiuli . I'ora Hay per ton 40 1 M 9 '. tt 1 > .% I.' i I FLOUR, FRUIT Mr. Wyvill wishes to an- nounce to the people of Flesherton and surrojndin^ country that he has on- hand a large and .splendid supply of Graham Flour, Rolled Cracked Wheat, Fruit, and all kinds of VEGETABLE S,V and ,in ,faqt .everything found ' in a first class feed s;tore. W.. WYVILL, OLD SI AMI',

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