Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1890, p. 8

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1 HE FLtSHERTON ADVANCE THEY LOOK WELL. THEY COOK WELL. JTHEY y ciiin|ileti' Kniiulv COM Stovp mado in Canada f Vy Hi A"Ri WELL. TbU S>ove takes 30 inch wood and oven \ 2'J inclieg. PEARL STOVES AND BESIDES ALL THESE IMPORTANT AND USEFUL QUALITIES, THEY ARE The Cheapest Stoves of their Class in Canada. BUY ONLY THE " PEARL* LIME " STOVES. IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT KEEP THEM, WRITE TO OR CALL ON T. L. Moffat & Sons, MARKDALE, Ont. The cheapest Stoves for the weigh t mid Htyle we make. "HEALTH FOR ALL. HOILOWAYS PILL ilili TILLS I'urify tliu l:io-l. oorrert all Ditordurtvf i-. Ktoirn<jli, I v iu".\ -. ivn<l tioweM. Tbeylnvtg-orateaul reiit<>ro to hitnltli IHiliilltattxl Conntltntloiia, and are tuvalnable in ulalutiiicl.ieotal to Female* of all atix Kor i hil.in.n au.l tin. ni.v.1 they are i-mvluea THE OINTMENT an Infallible rrnnnny tor liitil l.-r. lla-1 Itreaxtii, Old Wunm IH. Son- anil t").-wa. It In Umoua f (lout anil KhrumatlKin. Foi iliaonl. is of tin- i > t It liua IKI t-ijua Why buy a box stove when you can get a uxrlor sto/e a 3 chcaf. ATTENTION JforSORK THHO.-n, nitOM'lHTIS. COUGHS, COL1J& OlamlulerMwelllngi.an.l all Skin niwaara It hni no rival; aud fur contracted aud lUff etnti It art* llVr a charm M uiufacturuil utily at l'ror>ur Hou.owAT'a KntaMtah merit, 7H, New Oxford Ntrrrf < lair .-.:::*. Oxford Mrrrt ). I inl<>n. and are nolil at la IJd .i M ., 4 (M.. 1I , *> . nml :.IH. wach I!..* in- Put. and may In toad of all Med clnv Veailort tliruuKhunt tho \\ or hi. 1'nrrhatm /kii/.J limk l( >hr l.nin-1 nn tin- 63't, Orjunl Ktrrrt, Aiu/"i \\sn. thfaddrtu it nut I deaire to draw the public'* alien- i tion to the fact that I have opened up 1 in Fir Bherton a TAILOR SHOP in Armstrong's Block Wir\l TAKE NOTICE ! NEXT *: DOOR nit FLESHERTOU LITTLE MILL. Raring entire! v renovated tuy mill durum the punt year, putting In a large amount of new machinery. I aui now |>rep*rn.l to grind flour in a manner ei-mnl to no miller In Ontario, aud on tliu iliortuat notice OLD TERMS : Every twelfth bushel. Seven coiita per bag i>f two bushel* fnr chopping. day. P. LOUCKS, Proprietor. GOOD BTABLING FOR HOUSES. HaTinK pcreha.icd the Flenherton n.-mi Milli fruu U. ,1. Sjnoule, Esq., I now aiit tu inform the PUBLIC that I am in a position to do ALL KINDS --OF General planing mill work. inch M SASH, POORS, DOOR FKAMES Planing and Matcluo^, re sawing, etc. JKKKKKY AllThLY, Mfur. of Win 1'iinip*, Markilale, (nil , If you neml a I .iti:|> "I Ktit ki-i.i. ami will favor mi- with your i . ilei , 1 will Kuai antoe to Kit . aattufaotloti nvrrv tune, lean i-uit von in either Iron, I'.ia-- 1 in 1 - I inn, or ( iitlMini/.r i Iron TKIIUH K.paii ITIK catli . ni-w work nhort date I>|>H>ve.l llfitna II -I' below 1 Klvt- a fuu l*-i.t!i.i'iiiiala : Dear Kir Tt>e two tninjpa )oo put In f<-r n aie HlVIIIH II If #plfllllll HAltnr rt Hill lolllM.f till-Ill It, ft Jeep, the other ICIi. I all! well liluKnuil with them ,1 -ir. 1'i.i.u ol H, I lenlielUili MM. i AHTI.KT, Dear Kir *ln reply to vonr'a of the 1Mb Inet , 1 woulil nay that the j.mnp vo\i put In for me tiaa proved very aaUftfertorv. it- |T|III{ ihnal.l.- and vary eaiy to woik l.n. lo-.-l i.lnuiiennd -'.. lialanre lol pump. JaBM JmnWIOH, Klenherton. HAIIHK4I TI'.M T I.ADT - Tl.l In tn l-eltlft that I hate ha.l urnal tiolilil.. and ex|H-n^K vtlth lot well i v*> r<<< i i in i> in i . (...I .t i i wmipi uoUl I >ot Mr.. I Artlrv to i.verliaullt , ilBoetheD 1 have 1 1** I entire - ti-fii.-tti.il Si v little l.oy. i.|x yi-arH i.l.l, < it). |iuni|i with it til. * \\ AMI Ul H .I'.II.SH ION, Yftl. .if]. 01 Jillin ir.th. If.Kl Dear Hli Your favor to liamt ein|iiii hii; lu-w we ot alotiil with the Win. I Mill I nii-:l.t aav we In I no ilintr-tltv in |..itin.i: it tiiieilmr. It IH worklnu nplen.iiil The |tiimn dtMifl itn wmU nil liuht I Ilk-- III. n..ikli| of II- VlctOI \\ni.l MTU very much I' n-.i. . n Itnolf nlrr!) in liU'h wiml Hll.t 1 think It f-ir in on- il inn I. If tlntn u i. o-l, n null N In vni in, .Meaf.-nl I'o.lKKHihT AHIKV, Markdale Sir. The I.IIIIIP I |.IIIT|IH>-.-I from you forll foit wll h.- i olil|ili! HI It v.. .-k- with thuKreateet eaae. for tin- .j-m-.tiu --f nnter 4-ellyen-il of ttnt \nilnp I liate t-vei tet*id. I .I.elleva It l unnatrurted on a miiiple and ilur hie i)rlnci|il and not llnlil to KI-I out of 01 ilei I i-o-il.i not i -I. fnral.ctti-r pump, mid can, with .the utllliot . .n. ll. If m e. leeomti.elid It WlihliiK )-,.. every KIHUM* I imiiain. yonra Ae., A, J W. 8rmn-i.li Uaikrlale. General Feed Store. NO. 1 FLOUR ALWAYt) ON HAND. HilnliTS. JttlAN, HEN FEKD, ETC All kludioffre.lt in their aeaioo All kind* of fanned goodi. Ciirn M - Oat Meal, Kolle<l \\ lu-iit. (irnhnn Flour, Sinokoil and Suit Monti. in. KisiiH nr TKMI'KHATI DKINKH. A iiu-c qtttntity of good dry pin* i on hand. W. /. TO THE JEWELRY 8TOEE. 1 li' .. Clothing Mai: ID AT Eeimlle Price ! si; THE < r 1 1 in: 1 1 n> B. LAURENCE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOR ALL DEFECTS OF VISION. RICHARDSON" $ CO., IOLK AUKKT8, FLBSHERTON. Farm for Sale. SHOP n 'vt door to M. HicliaruV>n .V Cu'l. E. PEDLBR FLKSHEUTON, NOTICE. Welleela herehv ilr.u that I will Dot p anr tU b mf K.n Hobert Ja. I ..a. v ,.. a.< l...i WM. BARNHOUSE, DOOT AND SHOE MAKER. PLEHHKRTON, OMT. fceb^e.a Mf|ute< I P.HV lla kerlee to thank hie numerous eqatotnen for tin very HVmral |)atronaf intended la the i-ait . and li now in i- i-ai e-i to All aU ordcra with |iielnpln ratlifar.tlon cnaranted veart lu tiua|*e In KUiberton, u- _ d.lin f .. wlih |..i.i orkuiMMt)|p,tia*e n*j4a> aaMt well k5i tbroMheut tbta vielnlti " - . .- ^ arnaeje Your own material made tip and stylo and lUguanniteod. Cl'TTIXO DtlXK TO IT PAYS TO Offer* will be ret-t-Htil t.y h-'ivi,li.r<ii((n1 foi (be purrhaw ef iKiti 9 anrf A. ( nn \l in>pr>-T Killainini; AUitcrm moir or K-i>. the iiiiiw eoatlHtitii; a nio#t valaable v'l*'!" 1 *^ On th. farm ( -T. -'I. .1 Uitc aonlerubM dwclhnc houat*. larvofrain> Iwrn an-l r-'h.'i ontbnildinu-4 The farm ll writ waterxl .\r-mt MO *,:,, .I. mi- 1 itn.l iiu.lrr ruUlfittton, anilall lx'in thot'^tntf of Iht- ltc Jan t raff.l. wMtih UIUKI, be nold to wlinl tip affair* of ili>c**ed. For farther portlt-ular* urtnnlin- i>urcha*r tiuuld apply lo Jiistvil (, Ui'-V Muxwt-11 T. O. Maiwoll, Jan. 30, 1 WO. e.*1 r a.pMlalif Get ie k IhMkhMM, r leekMi AND THAT IS THE Northern Business College, PLANTS! SALE PI.KNTY CK iu>OD Strawberry Tlnrs, l;iv[il). n > ;IIH .. Ko*r Tr-rs. Kyrlnaa Aui other liardy nbrurw. p,.,.uv and Lilly r<x>t-< and other veruumaKi t.-r sal< ot Fleshertoii (J^MFS HEIU'llOFT.! A large quantity of Wood OWN MANUFACTURE. i ASH FOB KIM" AN* MU;i,tsliH

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