Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. T11E ADVANCE. Every FBOM TUB Orno /,.. Htrret, Flahtrton, Ont. TKKMSOr BL'HSCKtl'TIOH: 1 per annum when paid itrictly In advance I.JO per annum wheu uotio pai'J ADVEKTISISO HATI'.S. One column. 1 year.tWi half col., flo.. * quarter col do.. $15. Tran.lci.t ajlTerttaemenM rhar g <l at the rate of "ot. |~>r line for flrt inewttou anil So**. p*r lino each lubtoqueut laeertion. W. U. THURSTON. Editor and Pmpnttor. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES Societies, like individuals, come and go. The w'. C. T. U. flourished when we first came to this place better than two years ago.butnow it is 110 more. In f*ot it is some time since it" lait remains were interred. Why this diath should hare occurred we do ot know. Perhaps there was not hufficient interest taken in it by the members, and pcrhapa there were so many chnrch societies in elisteuce that it became hedged around so thickly that it could not live. These columns were frasly opened for a short department to be edited by tho ladies, but our offer waa not taken advantage ot to any extent. We were bony to see the branch breathe its last. We wcic also surprised, for it is w ! lorn the ladies undertake any- thing that in not pushed through until tli result aimed for is arrived at. We do not imagine that this item will have the effect of resuscitat- ing UM- defunct society ; it is simply given as one instance where female energy I 1 " PP rcnt| y failed "* good cause, and as a sort of moriam." lu M- As a set-off to the above, a new society has recently bocn formed in couiuction with the Methodist ekureh, called the Epworth League. Tiit people of thin town btlieve in life insurance. We were making a calruliUron the other day, and find that there are over on* huudrrd thousand dollars held by members of benv lit societies alone, of whicb |00,- 000 js held in the A. 0. U. W., $82,- 000 in the Royal Templars and the balance in the Sons, tin) exact figures of which society we did not learn. This is all outside the regular liue of lift., insurance. It is a somewhat re- jinukablo showing lor a place of.,suh n i'.l Droportions, but it proves con- cluKively that we are a thrifty people ml desirous of provi ling well for our member (hall reooire due notice of the annual muetinx. " I accordingly in itiiird all nirinln'pt, some 8fl, I treated the editor* iu the riding alike. The editor of the Standard was of the opinion that be wa a member also, but he adapted the more Christian rul, ''o and i.-ll him his fault between thee and him alone.' 1 When I mentioned we had no meeting in Markdale and I did nut re- member him |yiiig mu, he admitted he had aut. I did nut kuw it was a diacnurteous act mil to iiotily the urea*. W have chaiyed for Midi ci.nrti'ny when the directors thouulit there would bo no charge, some editors charge for items that others do not. The directors had a meeting two weeks before, but did not instruct me to put it in tho presn. Von paid an annual fue on the 12th- of Jan. 8U, I liav nu knjwled^e of any having been paid since. Be sure Advance you neter dune any- thing to incur my displeasure. Yours sincerely, /. I. OR 4 HAM, >-. 0. Q. F. I. Vandeleur, Oct. 2J, 1800. The letter given above was received too late for publication last week. It is nearly all taken up with an ex- planation' that We are not member of the society. It makes not an iota of difference whether we are a mem- ber of the affair or not, there are a large number of our leaders who are, and they desire a report of the pro- ceedings. How can we give them these reports if not notified as to dates of meetings ? Therein lay the '-dis- courtesy" Mr. Graham. "We have been charged for such courtesy wh*a the directors thought there would be no charge." So far as The Advance is ooncerned.it never charged for any- thing in the shape of notices that it waa not asked to charge for, therefore, the insinuation is utterly objectless. "Some editors charge for items that others do not." Now what silly argu- ment I Did you ever make anybody or any society a present, Mr. G. ? The whole matter in a nutshell lies right here : The members of Centre Grey Farmer's Institute wish to see published reports of all meetings, and The Advance will report them if the secretary will let it know when the meetings are to be held, when they are within reach. The secretary him- self may not think it worth while to have press representative* prescnt.but. other people do, and he should bow to their wishes, held here last Sunday, the first to be conducted by K-v U. W. St< veiwon, of Creenioro, and the second by Rev. Trol- lop, of Siiii>liani|i(.i>n. The former was present and prenohed a very interesting and instructive sermon from Isaiah LX chap, and 1st v. The minister went .on to show that the ''Divine Light" u be'ng spread not only in our own land here but Also in foreign landn,bul thinks there in great room for Improvement yet. We think iniasiiiimritM might be needed in some PHI'S not fifty miles from this very village. The latter minister did in >t put in an appearance (we expect he will be along next > iir if lit- does not forget), so the Rev. Brown had t supply the vacancy. The trustees had the old shed of t'ie Khuol house pulled down and they pur- pore building another. Dave iitlirni.1 that he U not going to live alone another winter. We wonder who will be the lucky one ? We would call her lucky, fur Dave is a jolly fellow. Ye correspondent thought of having a sleiyh ride on Monday, but the snow U gone and he did not enjoy that soort whicb is ao pleating to children. Will looked as happy as you pit-as* last Sunday morning. "I wonder what was the reason." What do you think M. 1 * mil i FLOUR, FRUIT Mr. Wyvill wishes to an- nounce tJ the people of Flesherton and surrounding country that he has on hand a large and splendid supply of Graham Flour, Rolled Cracked Wheat, Fruit, and all kinds of VEGETABLES, and in fact everything found in a first class feed store. W. WYVILL, LEGARD'S OLD STAND,. FLESUERTO.V SOCIETIES. SOKB OF TKMVKUtVf ! ',;, int-lii in Dr. t'inir'. . ... l tlay nvt-iiiux at ft p.m. \ i-.tiiiji IM.HICIII invite I hiMiralicu In R OYAL TKMPI.AK8 WK 'i I C tar t'ouni-ll llie'V*. I't.iry iir ir , \ . i. inn III hpmulM H block t | Inli.HHULi till-* tl 111*. I. till V . I,* 'v ,'i , tli- --JIM of i u( ii i.,.ir.vi' torts. John W. Armstron , Co. GUT. , DIVIHION COl'KT fl.KI'K i r H 1: . i .. AH-'"' '. at'il wlr >( lii ! Ap|>ral>r K.I ( 1. 1 i ami K. I'. M. A S hoc u > .Mi.miy In l.t-n . n mot reaMMialJe trn. iHHiica ur 1IAK1 NOTARY PUBLIC. Tata Bsar was stek. w* (*n ker ( Whsu ske M a ChUd, sh rMl fr OsMotte. hiinai aUs. b * lo OiMarla. sk had Ckttdrstt, she UMB Cas*(1a Farm for Sale. SPLENDID S ACKR KAHM. M CLKABED tud ID > UM oonditinn. Krmrnti l.arn, lOiOO. iton* tt*U uDd>rne>th. Uau>ri>l (or brick T>uuur*4bui>Hi uo urouiid. |<>od wll ami \'um\i t( bouM. WeB waturad. | inlln from ehiKil turf otaMM factory. It niil from rllwy tatioo. P. O.. iMrM.churoh**. tc . ooljr 1900, cuh WOO. BalkBC* OMV tonui. loterMt 6 |r o*ol AH>!J H J. snOVLB, nbrtou. KlMh.rtou. Oet tb. UDO. FARMERS! LOOK! T.BLAKELY, MONEY TO LOAM- Ths Undersigned has a Large Amount of Money to Loan, at 6J o, o, ON TOWS OU KAfcU I'MO'-EUTY. b DAMLDK. H.K.arnT,y W. J. BKLLAMY. CI.K1K AKTEHKSU. AIM1 !EOH.MOl!Tti.\<iKH. 1-KAhF.S. A c .. |>rp|*r eucutod. luMimu tl lit I ITrtt-clAM CViul>AUlLk ili.L, , to > v.'-t rafe*. Ty! if p|*r flf<-- ud t Flesherton, Teacher Wanted, T*Mtr holding acoond or third laa< cortifl cat* Apply, itatii.a aalary aud ei|ri*noe, to Jai B. Kawolt.H<: Trea. > g. No. :t.Ku|ibra.l. Klmb*rlT P O. 1801. Oct. n. UNO. Duties to oouaiiL-uct Jan. WOOD CONTRACT. To b let by lender Hal*d Tcndan are aiked for the cattinx nl two or four buailrixl conin l d>ur foot WIHM! Wood to U) cut on my property during the ooo> liiil wiotor. Trader* to 1 s|ppSMd n Nov. 10. 1*11- The luwxtor any ti'4ur not nwui*.rily . , o|.t,l Kor furUier n f<|riii*tiou aio>ly to .uJ addr*M tnd*rt, JAKA. KKXMBDT. Fleahertou P. O. >M*ahrtOD.Oet. It. INBO. Sell* the beat farming implements manu- factured. including UrantfurJ Light trd Biiuitr ami Mmcrr. Matan Dimlttfiitived /*ri// and Spring Tooth SteJ~;, The H'u4r*> Plotn Mtl Thrtihert. and Duraiut'i flayfurk. Three <tueUM. families. It is indeed. higbly creditable I ! sin rton in a town of sociability ]>ur excellence. It can boast uf more lies to tli- *|u.irc mile than any t >\\ .1 ni' i'..s si/i' \vitli which we are !!, Mi.iininl. Tljoic are two ti-iuiwr- , lodgm. A. O. I". W..()ddfullow8, a gpk'iwliil MIWMHO lixlgo, the V. M. 1'. !'. A., mid all are apparently ilon milling* Alluf tli.-w with the i v . |iiion uf t^a luUw. have beeu in To the Editor / The DBAR Snw As an exhibitor at theJbtte township fair, held at Price vi lie, I desire t aak a few questions for my ow n edifi- cation. lat Is a*- Shropshire Down considered a tine wocl.nheep J 2nd- Lrtic prize awarded in tjnu wool clnav to tho quality of..wool ur to the quality of sheoB .? 3rdr Is it lawful for judges to be counseled by friends while attending to their dutica 1 .1 find no clause iu the rule* overins tsii* question. If the |,i"|'T antli.ii itira will thrae ((uestion* hall be much obliged. j< vour jiape fcL NtOU r I TS. existence foe years. 1 .')()<( Mwiy jtlaeui of i amount of Ii ut nial Roatasility which ton fiijovs in this respect. HE WAS NOT AWARE. ; Cam to th* pr*ml*> of the uiidi-rn jined (Mint the middle nf Aii(int.one >*ar!ln heifer (>wu*r can hare her by provinif property, pay- NIK etpeiiMC aud taking li away. K. ri..tNT.r.iiK*nlaP.O. Came to the preiulw* on lot , cou. 1J. O>pry, <>iiviihe*p Dwuer can ham >aiii bjcrortof Tty rd paylDH exp*ui>e* JOHX POOLJL Itauk ! The Rood qualities of these are snlticiciitly koonn now to epraJl lot thamtelfvii, witbout any extra w. i,N li,~, me. Anybody reqnirng iniplemeuti in this line would do wpll to rxriuine mini' if not already acquainted with thnn. Call on me and I will be happv to exhibit tUe good qualitiet of tune machines. T. A. BLAKELV, Flesherton. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S.,o<r PIIYSK l*\. SI RtKON. &r. FLESHERTON Ofkee, Strsln'i block. IU*ideoce. -I i> Runcl's J. 100 Acre Farm for Sale. *UO will purahaae that vxrellent farm, nillnht-ni eiwut and nine <H. 'J> in tlie Mwond .-it C*M|OB or raime north of tl>e Uiuhain n>a<l. towuftlii|> of A rtMiieia. lu DM. rnnnt> ctf (Jri-r TO acre*, more or leu. of aahl farm w uoiler rnl tivatlon. balaiirv hardwnixl. excoiit aUnil two acre* nf ewdar. The i! velllLK lioua* in limit of brick. lri3 ami rniiinxlioii. only nwven \t-ar lure biliit OVS bS*Wea 0S SJM mmny l.-nlt cifluk'iaud |irtlv Irani.-. (iK"! II.T lwn mi tit. (AIHI V K-..I I iMirtion il llio j>-. Itiouev iiiftr lav unpaid at ll p<-r r.-i,t. int.-'.- t. ecilriiii; th< Hainn by iii-rt.-;4t'" V'r fiii-llmi nacttontan apply to JOHS STTBWA8T liwi lv,.|.nu,r. l*i icfvillv I 1 . O., Out tan apply to J iOTla. Wh Octubr M Mil her of the College of i'b.- nu 1.1 t urffeoui, Ontario. .:u<|utro at ofl\c,one door canol Urier'titor r AUuu>iu' I J'ri. .ullf . NOT 19. l*m ORS. SPROULC & EGO M \KKDALK ONT OHIrr i Nanlcy's Drat T.S. srUOt'LK.il.U..etc AM, I s l.i. Pr.Rgo will he fotind at UarkcUI. H. l)..,.t c nut J, P. OTTEWELL, VKTERIXARY ?IR ,':o.\. Graduate of Ontario V*t. College, UK>1I>1 Si K ir,- ( i 'l.USUWiHIii STKKKTI Sixth IKxir Ka-i.>f r*rwl>> U<ri*n C'liurcki, rLESHKBTOH. J. P, MARSHALL, L. l. V. M. S . l> IA TINT. Viiita Biwkdale she let <\\A :<n'. Vi'tdm-s- day i 'f each month. Kltnhcrtcn each tr^on the day following . Mv DBA* Su.-t'oor artielo in Tb*> \.l> ..I,.-.- of last wrttk was the tint in- tinuitioii t.. me that you ware a member ,.f ( U. K I for tlui year 1890. To wlmiH dul you pay "hut fall," we had no liii i.tillH lt fll. '"* ' h ** n<> W ""* ' n ,f ynii liHvinK u*nl me, nor did your nan ir appear oil the slieeta handed U mn l.y tl parties wtwi touk *ha> IM aad niunes at tl. annual meUng in Flesher- i..n o H* 7th l Jaa. JaM. " 1 ** nfht you wr li* pi*n<, Tu the Editor of The Adfanet. I 'K. IK SIH, I "Mi flail indea*! t.. see you takuiK up the cudgel, or rather the pen, in defence of right roads. As a fallow sufferer I uhl,liki> to ask- this t<iwnship why they hare sjUi a ,r<>ad a* now rii fi'iin .Mini's corner to Fleaher- toii Stain n ? Tliis is the mad a large number of mir farmers have to use dur ing the fall to market their grain. la it in a tit i-Mn.li! i. ,M to UM over, or rather (Aroiir/A, with an ordinary load ' Has theru been township money expended < n SRine, and how much this year ' And is the road tatter for the expenditure 'I WM there township money expended on part of this road in 1889? Was that part ny liettur one year RIMI ? Now fellow-electors wo are indirectly responsible |"r this condition of affairs. At the coming iiiuniuipal election let the electors demand the reason why we have such roads. Who. nauaKitd tl i* ? Who wasted, yea worae tl>ai wa4ed(llie town- ship money t A school I.I-Y of 10 years i if age could do better. I^t the vluctors HM in their minht and pruvant this kind nf thing from being repeated. At a later date I may again wade into, the public iu Uy aud find bottom. Voura A IJTK,Ml-> I A, . axwrll Kriim our i>ic Corrapontknt. W have no weddings U> record this Mr. Editor, ver/thing* seems to D. McTavish, UORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. ol Waooni, lelRli*. l'."n.M-r(. tc HnrHi.h''iiii! promptly at tiMd to Huwlal attention clven to coutrart- <' or tender feot i.uu-u^ u. i**f M tlksj* Ke iniuht mi mite him t.> Accordinf to r kf and Plow Chains stuully on hand. eon- I L ft V NKW PLANING- MILL. -AND- be Tli M.ih.Mliat ohurab uas (at last) tx.ii rcmeved abut fifty foot tu ilia front a sUum wall U now Mas! built odr it. We think !> a4 the man who look t h Job of morim I* Ma4 bi tune Tw CARRIAGE_^: WORKS. To our old customers and th( public generally : Our new Planing Mill and Carriage Works having been completed, w.- are now in a position to do your work in ither the building or curriuK'e wood work hut.iu a first olam manner. Get your wagon, slstgh or buggy repairs done^at WH.^qjS'S. Also PLYING, MATCHING, BAND 8AWIMJ, SHAPING, TURNINGS, MOI LDING8, SIDINGS, SASH AND DOORB, FRAMES, ETC. Price of Repairs Reduced AT THE THE TYPE WRITER. $40 will l,uv the ODELI. TYPCWRI TKR with 7S rlniMrii r-, uuJ f 15 ful th- Hinvle Case Odell. .nr.ui'. .1 u> >l<> better w r than miy iiutcliiiii' Uj^^ . It eouibium ixi'MciTV widiMiiRM iry. HPKKI), ItHKor OrRHATU'N, Wt'HI* KilUJI 1 Hlth- uul cost of repairi than any ollirr uiucliiur Han uo ink rrbboo to bother tlio prrsU>r. It isNRAT, HVB.VIAITIO . nii'k|i-|.l iU-1. |H : !, i I and adaptrd to all kinds uf tvp writiug. ike a printinK prpiu, it pulurus sharp, clean, legible niamiitcripti. Twu ot trn cupiet run l' made at one writing. Any intrlligi-iil pcrxon can IKTOUIP 1111 operator in two darn. \V.- ,.rt, r SI.ON '" anv [^n\. tor who I-HII I'ljual tiic wurk i.f tin- l*otl'>lr (nsrOdi-ll Hrliitllr A^i'iits anil BaitMMS] >-. n:i'i.l S|nfi;il iiiilui'i'im nt t" l>i i Kor riituiphlet K'ivm^; ludornemcDta, Ac, <>lil I I TYPE WKITF.K 4 O.. 8.-. uud 8.7 :>tu Avo < lilt it. O .ILL. Durham Bull for Service. The utMeniiuiipd ha- a in^nin.-' ut vmini; ughbred, iNHU^reed, Durhaui Hull. White Htnokliia*," to, mirvlvi' < l"t 1.; S D.ll }Vr twuu, etc ,i p <lv t<> tli" pio- W. FStOST. , .So/i -(tor, ( 'mi R Ori-n r KNDAV*. Mfr iMcCUL lidi^srer, 9licitor t ^*c. Oflirr. over .MrFarland'.s Store Markdalr. >lom-> t,. Loan. H. J. I *- pn.-t..i Oct. 1. 1MJO. . ( AllAMS FleiLcitou, 1'. O. THE MARKETS, FLESI1EKTON. Correct nl Knch Week Flour ... Kail \Vlieat .. HpriuuNVheat Itml.'V Oat* 4 MO to S Oil UK to ill M U St> o IA V .14 Pea* 'i M Butter o is KUK. frouli ,. i) 1'nUkto* Inuh o 'J"> If f'"' * 71 5 r. lUv |.r ion 6 00 C Hule* 3 w 3 > >i.i v i .. ^ SO 1 On (i,-* i ] OS 00* I'liSIl. 1 JSjari U) ll'i-*V'M|.,|.air '.l*\ W j.i v tr. o *n er in II. R., lacriiRnl Wicu .liter, Con AppruiioT sml M, n.'y Leudrr Eatate aa^^'uinnru Auiit. Deeds, cas^^BSt) Will* urawn up aut! Valnntious muK a slinr'<>t notice. AHC tiu Sales attend*-! tu in any pury of tlic ('.unity. % ,l, nrv to 1-ui itt luwttt rates of interest. Collection!) n.tti<iu!"il to with promptnefn and dexpntcn. ( harges low. A^i-ntfor the Puminiou SteamsliipCompaiiy. Cheap tiokelMfrom Kl'ln i ti-u ii. Liverpool. (tiiipow, London nr aur of th* Britisli ortR. Parties iutt-iulinK t<> vn>it Euitlsiul, Sootland or Irelaud, will please ask rates be- fore purchasing their tickets elMwbere. Flesherton Liivery Stables. D. < LI YTW V l'r,.prirlr. Plrat elaa* bar*** ml reblcle* /or hire *. 'ouabl* ritr' Hthl> OfjaoarM Muahaw* .U-..on i>at to ,

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