Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1890, p. 1

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FLESIERTON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE F.IVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JVO1 MEN.' VOL. IX , NO 483. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEBER 6, 1890. W. E. THURSTOff, OL'K STOCK (or this fail wns never equalled in this sec tion of country. A magnificent line of AMERICAN MOVEMENTS, C.OLD, SILVER AND GOLD FILLED CASES in endless variety, with :i few special LADIE'S size in tfold and silver. An immense assortment of Gem Engagement & wedding rings. Come in and see the tasty designs and at our prices. WALNUT & NICKEL CLOCKS of the finest make and best patterns. \Ve still lead in watch, clock and jewelry n.- pairs Our facilities for ex- ecuting fine work are unexcelled. Al! work warranced. ARMSTRONG BROS. .1 Lrttrr from .tloosoinin. To Hi' ;f The Advaw. mnuiiy this year are grand. It is , there on rented farms, paying big generally believed wheat will average ' rents, and atrtiifglint,' for a mere cxis- jall round 2ft bush, per acre, oats 60 ; tpnce.lo those I would say "Go west." Than are thousands of acres of fertile lund waiting for settler.- to break it up. and in a fvw years with care and economy become inch pc ml, nt Mootomin is a town of 100C iuhabi i and barley 40. Hoots are a tains. <itiut,.d on ill.- mam line of the '-"Ht crop. Such potatoes and cabbage C. 1'. 11., in the midst of a good farm- l uevur bcfor beheld. I had the in- '-juiitry. In this place the;-.- are privilege of attending the Moosomm four -..-iii-nil stores, thrco hotels, two ful1 exhibition on the 10th Oct., and I banks, four churches Methodist, ! tel1 vou tue fall- wollld lluv( ' l nlt to MU Churcli of England and *ame many of tho Ontario fuirs.both Uonmn Catholic-. Nearly every trade '" P' ut of * and the excellence and profession is fully represented, j of the articles shown. I saw a span Now, Mr. Editor, my opinion of the " f heavv draught raares.which.I have country is as follows : It is a (treat doubt8 '" ny mind, could be beaten country so far as I have travelled. at tu " Toronto industrial, also some There are Waps of good land. 1 dou't s P'endid thoroughbred shorthorn mean to say that all the lund is good, "** *f 8 ood M l bave seen at the but a large proportion of it ia good. Ea8t ^rey ' a " 3 "*. I formed my judgement of tho quality ! also some Pol 'ed Angus and Devons of land by the crops which 1 saw. on I s " own wb - lcL were t aU y 8 00 *- In my way out. Such immense nelds of dair y products the show was good.but wheat on either side of the railroad .' ln root8 and vegetables liave a homo of their own, and \\ havi- to work so hard as they do in Ontario. With best wishes, I am yours, J. IS. \. Men WJOU \VOUK- FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER S 11 < WN, LUMBU, LAII!. S111.NU1-. JUU WORK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hcard's Carriage Works, FLESHEUTON, ONT. UlCK'SLASD HOLLERS UOWUltS. PLOWS. Our Unifies the Beat. Our Slmrl's the Best. Our < 'nt;, -is the Best. Our Iiuprmvil Harrows tha Bent. Our t'atent (lulu The Heat. tstuvuns Improved Spring Tuotli Harrow tho Best. STKAW CUTTEKS, SCCKKLKHS, TUH3IP DKILLH. OANO PLOWS fft iotliin This is a new de{M.Kmcnt witli us. and bffore purchasing we exaniimv4 the sample.-; of several leading clothi- ers in the Dominion, and from long ixpericnce in these liiu-s. we are now prepared to offer lite public a choice peltction of suits and overcoats. We -do not believe in keepiiv,' the real cheap suit. If you pay $5.00 fir n suit of shoddy, and it wears out, in a month or two, you will com-ludu the merchant lias cheated you. and de- cide it will be your last dealings with him. For $$50 wo can vive you a genuine wool suit, one which we will guarantee to give satisfaction every time ; better suites at 810. '10, $12.00, ftc. We can suit your boys rvury time ; make theui neat and tidy for very little money. The cold weather 'will soon be here and evory man needing an overcoat should be look- ing out to find where he can secuio the best valc. Wu dont want to talk for talk's sake. An inspection of our overcoats will convince you that they are about as represented. We have the long heavy ulster for teaming, with a high collar to keep your ears from freezing, also to protect tho bad* of your neck from the blizzard. We al.so have the plain and fancy worsted cot for finer wear, a! cheap line ia Nip Coats for boys. Overcoats cheap and durable, ranging in price from $5. 00 upward. Ordered clothing receives our most careful attention. Our tailors are sei-ond to none in the country ; care- ful workmen and reliable every time. No need to travel miles to try and get a stylish suit when a careful in- spection of our nobby tweeds, worsteds. trouserings, etc., will satisfy the most sty luh yomv' nu n in Ontario. Mat- ri:no!iia! suits a specialty. Hoots and shoes. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Hides having ad vaiuvd to such an extent boots and shoes cannot bo replaced at the prices now quoted. The wise man ia the one who buys first this season, ami dozens are availing themselves every week of the oppoitunity to secure the bargains offered by us in these liiit'3. Long boots, from the bo*t split to the KCnninc kip, made by the best maim factures in Uutario, also boys' at the lowest possible prices, Ladie's boots from $1.15 to $3.00. Misses' and children's in largo varieties. We have nut space to t-.ike up any other departiueiit of our well assorted stock, but would invite all visitors to Fleshcrton to call and sec us. Our salesmen are vo.y iikck, and will not net vexed it' you nialiO them tear down the wholi- stock without purchasing live ccntH worth. I*rice I'aitl for Gutter an<l i: as far as I could beu ! Field after field was standing thick with shocks of grain. When I arrived in this country :i little over a month since, very littlo -rain ImJ bee,, stacked, it excelled seen. The in roots and anything I have ever turnips were excellent, carrots, radish, caulidower and cab- bage were great, especially the cabbage. I saw lots of cabbage heads .veiling, old, or middle aged, who find th. m r st'lves nervous, weak and exhausted, wlm are There were i l)ro '' en <1 " wn ' rom " or oer work, re- ' ' nulling in muu.v of the following xymplomv Menial depreiwiou, premalure old '(?<, Iocs of vitality, lost ol memt>ry, bad dream*. dimnemi of JKht. palpitation of the heart, ,-iiiisMiiiiii. lurk ( 1-m-rny. pain in the k:d- IH-VB. li.-udacbe. pimples on the face or body, Itching or peculiar neugatiou about the Mro- maugolds, i turn, wasting of the organs, dizzinexa.ipecka bt'for* the oyj-8, twitching of the uiuHlen, eye li.is and elsewhere, baahfuliiegH, .lepi.Mti- in the unno. Ion of will o , , and s|,ine. powor, trndtroppfi wuak and Hubby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be resi by lep, oonstipatiun. <lnllnm of hearing, owing to the continued wel weather wlcli would not go . inside of a half diirmjj the lauor part of August, and b "* iwl - So much for th. fair. flrattwow - [.teiulH-r.b.it IVo.u . Now M to the houses the people iho i:.:!i bcpt. to the 7th Oct., I never 1 livt -' '" Out ,' n 1 ^ ! mtr y II , u i * ,-I-L saw finur wealh-r in Ontario m June, usually a small shanty, about 12x14, H ynipt,,ui 8 ,,f n u rr,, u ., aoi,,lity that le.,1 to rtlid th.- fariii.-i-s nnUle ^ -ml use of u , i "' 3omo cttses bmlt of 8od - but most ' 1 . v ' in(< Ilil - v ^^ (le t " "'" <=<"** The ,.- tli.. ...imirrv now it -i tiirpat if ot l'"ber and nearly always occupied iprmg or vital IBM hamatlnl Hi tension. hv -., bac-l,,lor In fact, I don't think "ry /unclu," warn-, m ., .ejuenoe. Tbo^ ntacLs. It is no uncommon thing to | t ^ M , ,_ J f ^ wbo ibr,-, lg b abuse c-,,miuiit,-d m see a farmer LU.VU Irom twenty to thirty stacks f grain, principally whi'at. The difficulty uiavhiiics ia to a bachelor. In fact, I dou't think there would bo much room for a part- ner. Now, vou will be readv to ask. t Kl 1*1IJ t I'* Ht**4|/I* 1 T I _ lenity now is to -el "' u l' L 't )le *Hl couUin and are ) ",'i it threshed. I tlie - v P''Priiig ? To tue tirst ot ., these .mentions I would answer yes. Threshing iu this cunniry is done ililiiM.'iit from that in Out., vu., the man who runs tho machine furnishes all the hand*, so the owner of the crop Of question* course there are yes. exceptions. There are some people who are never content,, nor over will be iu tins world. Now as to the second. The man who is industrious and careful is doing well. I find the mm who mini: to this oouutry with means, say i from one to three thousand dollars, has nothing to do but bag the gram and slore it. There are no barns iu this country such as thero are iu Out. Indeed they would be of very litlle , use here. Mostly every farmer has a from ne to tbree thousand dollars, graiutrv in which to store- gram when aru lh _ e P Br8OD8 geneially who have threshed. These are built of logs and , not ^^ 8Ucce8lt - rhe ? covered with sods. Stables for horses and cattle are built entirely of sod, i and tiiev aru comfortable aud wartn. i Farmers use very little straw for feed- ! in:; ; it is mostly burned up aud some- 1 MM, spread on stubbles and set on fire I to assist burning the stubble, the ground for another crop, which is fre<|iieutly [nil in this way without ignonnco may be jicrmaiu'iitl.v ounul. Send your ad- <JreM fur book on all ilixtuRcs |>eoaliar to man. Addr8i M. V. I.I'lJCiN, M Fronl St. K.. Toronto. On. Bouka suit free KaM U.-urt iliwime, the yiiiptonibo( which are faint rp<-IU, purple lips, nunibnecR. palpita- timi. nkip In-lit,, lint HiiKlntN, rnsh of blood to the head, Jail pain iu the heart "i beat* strong, rapid ami irregulkr, the scocn 1 heart beat quicker than the tirst, paia about the bn:utliunn, eto.. can poulivoly be cnrr l. Nocuri', no pay. Smd for book. A'l M. V. Ll'BON, 3() Front Street Kat. Tor, onto, Ont. is ni'i iii-uiiir uum ni i.i*i.-5 TW, m>.iivuw , , n , ... M plown'g ; simply olap on the harrows' . f 1 . 10 rett8O '" P'am. They 4 ...* . * till not mnttiwu ur^rlrp.l t and seed drill. Such crops are usual- ly good. Mr. Editor, you would be astonished if you saw the crops raised by this iiii-uiis of tilling the ground. Breaking is usually done in June, or should be. It is considered vory hard work for the animals but easy tor men. Then the backsetting is done aftor harvest aud the ground is ready for crop next year. It is rather a novel sight iu see a span of horses and one large ox hitched up together on a self binder, or one yoke of oxen and one horse, or, if you please, three oxen harujjsjed, bits in their mouth and lines on. Tin; driver mounts the binder with a long whip and gives the word, "Get up," Jack, Bill. Jim, etc.. and 1 tell you thy get, every tiinu. The largest portion of the work ia done by oxen. Mostly all farmers not been a success. They went ahead too fust aud now tind them- selves under heavy mortgages, while the mon who ciimc here wilh scarcely enough money to pay for a week's board, as a general rule, are getting on well, have their one quarter suc- tion of land free of all encumbrance, have a nice litlle stock of animals, and are on a fair way to independence-. were care- ful, economical, worked at anything they could get to do, got good wages aud lived within their income. That is the kind of persons who will aud must succeed. Dudes, and parsons who think themselves too awfully nice to work are of no use here. We are not without distinguished visitors in this part of the world. Last, Sunday morning, m the Presby- terian church service, wo had the presence of Dr. Washburu, of Con- slaniiuoplc, one of the professors iu a college there. I uudei stand wo au- to have a visit from the evangelists, Messrs. Croiley & Hunter, on their return horn the L'acilk coast. 1 find tho people generally kind hearted and obliging, and I believe anxious to have the blessed Gos|iel preached to them. I notice tho plate COME i INSPECT SELECT Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Markud In Plain Figures PRICES LOW. Quality Considered. E6TBALMED NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. own a native pony and buckboard for colleclions are most hberal.and would odd jobs, running into town, etc. P u ' to shame sonic of our more pre- Thc country is becoming settled, but tcutious congregations iu the east. uot so fast as it should be, owing to Now, Mr. Editor, I am afraid my the large tracts of land hold by specu- letter is alrudy too long, but before i latcrs. Fancy one man lioldiug six draw to a close I must tell you we sections of laud, each section contain in- liW acres, and only tilling 700 ' acres out of the lot. Now, sir, I claim this is a serious matter iu a new country. There is too much of this kind of thing going on. Tho N. W T. L. Co. hold large tracts of land, also the C.r.K. aud th H. B. Co., besides many private iudividuals. There arc no t;i\es to pay except for school purposes, anu tlioy have to be Warrants Personally Signe-i and kept good. havo no potato bugs, no worms, and tho people tell me lucre aio no sn-ikca or loads, bill I lull you what there is plenty of dome. Oh, Mr. Editor, L wish you were here. There are thousands of wild geese and ducks, prairie chickens, wild turkey and jaok rabbits. Thcsu are all oasy to bo gliot excepting turkey. It re- iiuirvs a good rirto to felch Uiern. Wu have had auuudance of all thuso game paid by the actual bc'aler whoso land , except turkey. There is about as is under cultivation m thai particular inucli meal on one of those rabbils as section. Now, sir, I claim blioeo laud there is on a spring lamb, and 1 toll grabbers should be made pay their you they are hue. Another pest we portion as woll as the poor perso'i nave not got here is the Canadian struggling to make a home for himself lliislle, 1 have not seen one al a 1 ! and family If these fellows weru wnce I came here, although I have made to contribute sharply on their \ helpel to draw and stack 120 acres of OPTICALLY FIT ED. IS Yeai^ at tl\c FINE WORK On all Grades of Watches, PERSONALLY DONE Charges Moderate property to funds of tho Dominion they would he more ready to dispose of their farm lauds at reasonable tignrcR. 13m enough of this. Tho crops ia this particutar com.- gram. I enjoyed the work well and have excellent health. Now, I dou't want to m\'e people who have com- fortable homes iu Out., to leave them aud come out her, but URIC are men I W. A. lUKWN, Jeweller etc. SIGN OF THE "BIG SPEX" MARKDALK

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