Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1890, p. 6

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n _.!__-.- RAGGED AND FAMISHED. \ A HARD MASTER. Irimh farms*. and Lboren With Their WiT*. Md Ohildm MTBODBLT APPEAL FOB HELP. 1,1. Mary l Wmmt from Couaty Cork Notbli.c I. ui DiMM*d ruiti. i- Wrpl Hllterljr U*e>na* Therti We* Mo WOT*. A London despatch to the New York AIM ) : Telegram* from Btbberetn. county Cork, state iht * heart- rending scene wn witnessed yesterdiy at the mteiiug of the Board ol Guardians for the Poor Law I'nu n of Bcbull. IMieving that tl.i ^cardiacs bad the power of reliev- ing the diatrt-ts c*cs d by the failure of live potato crop, a crowd of ragged famMii aod laborer*, lorn* of them bringing thir wives snd children, flock.<l n.it" the town from Mizenhctd, Gookhsveo and other remote seaboard dis- trict*. Not a few were half caked, and all bad a starved appearance. The lympa thir.inx town* folk formed the poor crea tare* into a tort of procession, which marcbid to ih<- Board room. Borne of the viailori carried on sticks blaok cloth ban- ner*, upon which were written in rode character!, Work, not obaritjr, we want," " TbooMod* for coercion, not a penny for employment," aod other similar device*. They besieged the Board roam to the accompaniment of lobe and wails, aod told Cible talc of their Bufferings, y declared moet of their people were already half itarved, and the only tbu gs they could get to eat were diaaMMl potatoes. They were axxioos to gat work, aid would prefer that to any jah*r form of relief. Borne of the Gaar diana were deeply affected, bat they were oornpellid to tt-n their wretched petitioner* that ibe law did tot permit the Board to grant relief in the form demanded, although if any cf them claimed ihelter room in the wotkhcnte molt be fonnd for them. The people wept bitterly upon receiving thi* reply and retired disconsolate. There ie grave rtaion to believe wriooa dUtieea prevail! in lot- rimoier ditltiote not only cf Cork but cf other count in, bat the aatho rilit* are mil ecgsged upon their prelimi- nary iEquirir* OaOMIA K i r ii 1 1 I r.,.., n i.r. .,,,1.1.. Kgr<> M...I la a Tar- pvntlae Krot War. An Atlanta. O , deepatob lays : Ooly meagre report* en be obtained oouoeruing the reiurwn rao> riot in CcfTe* chanty. Fonr whit* men were ebot down, B. . Me Cleudon, Frank and Thomas Been and John Hendrix. None cf these are dead accordion to the latest report*. TheGover nor received a r< quest to crder oat the militia, on the ground that the white people are ait the mvroy of an armed mob of negro*!. He accordingly ordtred the Way- eroee Kill e to prooeed at onoe to the loene of the ooi.rtict. The negroes are being led la riot by one L B. Varn, a white man engaged in the turpentine buiinem near Btoket' turpentine mill*. Btokea and Varn and Tbomee B.-rs had a diipate aboat a tract of land. Varn put bil men to work un the timb* r, and Been tbot one of the negroes and drove the othera from the wood*. The* returned in the afternoon and fired into a crowd of Yarn'* hand*. Varn'i negroes, to have rivtnge on Keen, armed themselves and made an aiMnlt on th settlement, with the above remit. At laet soccunta roali r j were somewhat quieted, and it I* believed there will be no ether trouble. Toe Starving TensjiU of German Duke. a Wealthy THEIR MIHKKA1U,K FOOD. Berlin d<* patch to the New York ' aayt : All laet weak from Tneeday to Saturday the aristocratic fsmilies of Oermany were bniy reading letter* of invitation to Caatla Randen, where the Dnke of lUtibor celebrated with elaborate feitivity the 60tb annivartary of hi* elevation to ducal rank by Frederick William IV. The Dnke, who i* a brother ol the Governor of Aleaoe- Lorraine, n immenaely rich, and the landlord of fifty weaving village* in Bileiia, where there are 20.000 inhabitant*, tbe pooreit aod moet neglected of the entire Kmpire. Belonging to hi* domain are the diitriot* of Uybnick and Bohwientalowitx, where hanger never quite oe**e* to levy it* toll of victim* all tbe year aroond, and where the women and children have to nut on a diet of weak coffee, poor potato** and a *oop mad* cf *onr floor. The men at time* enjay the tbe Ituory of a piece cf bacan, or a aauuge when pay-day oome*. The town of Mlplojitz alao belong* to tbe dake. Tbi* i* tbe plaoe wheie a few week* ago the fosr weaver* ran a line over tbe river to tbe Austrian Bank to which wa* fastened a bag on a pulley to bring over into Proeaian territory nne.ll ijuantilie* of floor, that neoeeaily of life being 35 per oent. cheaper in Auitria than in Prnisia. Tbe Dnke'i guard* toon (topped tbi* and the weaver* went on ctarviug. In all th aooount* of the Puke'i jubilee there ba* not been a line to indicate that be ha* made it an oooaiioo for bettering the condition of tbe people. Thry were fed on pork and beer for onoe in 60 year*, bat no permanent benefit ba* been afltctcd or promised and not a (ingle newipaper ha* been oalipoken enough to remind toe Dake of hi* doty to bil luflering *erf*. TBE VOIUE OF THE DEAD- r AH OK ALIVB r A Maltar Wrealvee Mrnn Bxp fr.fl l> Mhti Alive. A Lsnoeele-r, !' . despatch lay* : Mr* Caroline Bettley, of New Holland, a imall village 12 miles from here, received a box by cxpreis f rom Ml. Verr.on, (> , on Randay, en whiob, above the eddrtu, wa* written tbe word moide." When the lid wa* removed Mre. Betlley wat horrified to find that it contained the bolv of her daughter, Helvn The woman eummoned ph)iioian* aod atked that a pott morttm examination ba held. Ai the doctor* were assisting in removing the body they noticed evidence* of drath were not there. He nxidily wa* apparent, not a sign cf decomposition. The girl wa* placed in bed Mid a oloter examination made. Tbe hand* were found to be warm and a iligl.t flu>h appeared on the cheeks. Reetcrtiivt* wne applied, but to no avail. Tbe*e condition were the lame through eat the night tod all of yeiterdty Tbe Phyiioian* are puzzled and wonder bow it ia possible for vntign of life to lemain alter tbe oonflni ment in tbe box for >aoh a period. The ulh >riti<* bivt been notified and are doirg iheir ulmoet to *olve the myatery A Montreal d>ip*tnh *ayi : Three River*, it apprar*, bed fatality a* well a* the larger oily. Tbi* mormug a young man Damrd Tetrcnll, aged I'.i )eare, went to thn gnat milliog eetabliibmtut cf Roai, Hitohi* t Oo . near the Triflavian oily, and wbile looking i the mei-.hmtry in motion, atiidiiiK n-ar t*o ciroular *awt, hi' legi were .rulei.uilv itrnok with a block ot wool, throwing the poor follow aorou the aa>w* in question. Oo* o( them oat tff the left leg in an lottant, while the other made a fatal wound in tbe abdomen. Willing hand* at onoe fitrioaled Tetrault from hit tbrrible poeiti' n, but nothing oouldtave hi* life. Af ' . r eufl^ring urrible agony, daring whiob the laii riie* of the ohoroh were admicittt-red, rlrath came to the youn;: man'* r*li f. Wbile the victim WM being oerried i..i i* home h upreaaed adeairatu ee hi* mother befrr dylnr, bat thin lam wiah 'nui him, a* the vital ipark w*>otpol rwfor* tbe bciune * reached. Rt-o- nlly a ph)*>oian reported four oatei of Brmhi' diatu* of the kidoaj . which he treated with oortimon n a* the one medi- oii.al r>nr-ily. The *nVoi* appear to have beem muat marked, for nf oue oaae be, in nbeunoe, aay* headache, dropey, low pirtt, g*n*ral weaknee* and poverty of biooi gv way to ju.t a reversed ord*r of ibio<<, ami the patient, who a f*w day* Ik-fow gloomy and daiponHtal. i* now fall of life and hop*. Bottom Herald aTABBKU H1.1 i.llil - HKOTUBH. A Wetwond 1'uutli ! Bound lo Have HI* Kir I ml all ll.fj.r.1.. A Petrboro deipatch **y* : A (tabbing oaae oocnrred at Weatwood, a village in tbi* oonnty, la*t evening. A* utual, there i* a woman in the oaee. Jame* MoDonalii i* a farmer, living near WeMwood. Hi* daugh- ter h*i brcn keeping company with a neighbor'e farm hand, a young man named Robert WiUon The iir !' | arent* forbade her to aiaooiate with Wileon, and ntpect ing her int*ntinn* warned nrr that il *be accompanied Wilion to tbe Norwood eihi bi'ion laat week *be would beboraewbipped. The young woman, however, diaobeyei ihrir command*, and waa aeen at Norwood daring the exhibition in company witn Wilton. Faaiing to return home the hid from her parent*, and her whereabout* i* not yet known to them, though Wileon i* btlieved to know all aboat her The day after the fair Wilion wa* met by the father and mother of tb* young woman, who demanded to know what he had dona with her. Not receiving a latitf story aniwer they ai*anlt<wl him and left hi* eye* in mourning. Wilion came to town on Satur- day to demand legal protection, but did not enter an action. Laet evening Wilion and young Bam McDonald met at a black imitb'* ahop in Weitwood. A qatrrel enioed.and McDonald (track Wilton, and the latter retaliated by drawing a knife and itabbing hi* adventry in the *ide. '1 In 'oand wa* not errioo*, McDonald being able to get aroond to day A warrant ha* been i*iued for WiUon'* arrtil. He doe* not deny knowing the girl'* wbenabouti, bat refuee* lo divulge tbe lecret. It i* believed ihe u among friend* in Beymoar townebip. Maj Barttelot'i Diary and the Ohaffrei it Oontainl Against Stanley. A London deapatob aay * : The diaria* and letter* of Major Barttalot, tbe murdered commander ot Stanley'* rear goard, are publiibed her* to-day. They contain aeriooi obarge* againil the African explorer. The book wa* edited by tbe dead man'* brother, Waller Barttelol, who in the preface aayi : " It i* not likely that tbi* book would have been written or one word of it* oonlenti ever been pabliibed bad juitioe been even partially done, or even kindnea* tbown, by the leader of tbe expedition to the officer who wa* left at Yambaya with hi* impedi- menta, itoree and baggage." Charge* of malignity, ingratitude, miirepreaentation and deiertion are then brought againtt Stanley, beaide* other lei* important aocaiationi. Mr. Barttelol a**erli that hi* brother'* diarie* and letter*, a* well ai ihe teeiimony of the lorviving offioeri, ihow that Blanley made it utterly impoaii ble to carry out hi* order*, a* he took all the (Iroog, able men and thoae of good obaraoier with him, leaving to the rear gaard the lick, feeble and incorrigible. Major Barttelol 1 * diarie* declare th*t Blanley threatened to blait tbe major'i reputation with Lord Woleelty and to ruin hi* career in the army. Mr. Barttelol givti bil brolher'i ord( : " Afterward* turning lo me, Mr. Stanley (aid that it wai in bii power to inin me in the lervioe. I aid to him that tbi* wa* an empty threat, a* it would take a great deal more than he ooold lay to do that. He pnnithed me afterward* by making me march to Leo- poldville wilt) (evenly men who were noted for lazioea* and incapacity for carrying PMOBABLY HOT THB BIPPIB. Another Fatal Hallway \t r. . A Kn*a* City, Mo., deepatoh *ay* A t*it end wreck occnrred tbi* morning at 7-20 o'clock on the Union Paoiflo Railway, one mi o and a half wett of Armondale, a inbnrb of tbi* city, in which nine perioni were aerionily injured and Ibe engineer of the Hook Iiland train wa* fatally hart. The Rook Iiland on* the Union I'aoiflo track into tbe city. An eaal bound freight whioh leave* the depot before Ihe Union I'aoifto panenger train wa* delayed near Ihe (oene of tbe accident thi* morning, and a* there wa* a very heavy fog the train men placed torpedoe* on the track lo warn the following train. The pa***nger en- gineer, warned by the torpedoe*, ciopped hi* train, bat before a flagman ooold be lent back lo warn tbe oat bound Rock Iiland train, whioh waa fallowing, the Roc 1 - Iiland train araihed into the Watbena I'allman sleeping car of tbe Union I'aciflo train. The Rook Iiland engine wa* com pletely wrecked, and the engineer we.* baried under Ibe rtebri* The fireman jumped and probably aaved hi* life, bat received etvere brni*e*. The damage I* animated at ftiO.OOO Ugly I -.ii. r. To Cawrr. A Booorro, N. M., de*ptoh *ay* : Yei- terdty morning a* a aooth bound train on the Bauta Fen railroad polled oot of Boo orro thne men boarded it After the tram pa**rd Ban Binlome the itrangeri enten-d the Pullman aleeper and locked the door, then drew their gnu* on the portrr and conductor ami relieved ih in of their eor pine oaita. They then Introduced thnm- lalve* to the paiwnger*. going thrtuxh moil of them and malting quite a haul They jumped from the train in thn Baeqne de Apeohe iirant, taking to the hill*. They got abonl 11,600. The robber* were dr*ae.d load*, warning me that if 1 lilt a load I moit itand the oonaeqaence." Mr. Stanley refaiei to be interviewed on tbe labjeot. 1'be following i* a typical pa***ge : " Mr. Blanley actually tell* a*," *ay* Mr. Barttelol, " that he loggeiled that oarrieri, if Tippoo did not bring up the rear column, boald advance by making marobe* of *ix mil>* at a time, four time*, over Dai k**t Africa. No one but bimaelf would dare to | ui inch a luggeiticn on paper, for fear of tbe norm of deriiioa il woald provoke. The idea i* a iplendid conception of Ihe rilicolooily impowible. Jail think whit thi* brilliant taggeition meant. The distance to Albert Ltke U over 600 mile*. To go there by joorney* of in mile* made (our tinu* over meani lo go over every lix mile* thru- doable journey i and one tingle journev, that il (even time*. *o that to cover 600 mile* a march of 4,100 mile* i* to be made, wbioh would take them 84 weeki, or more than a year and a half, alwayi inppoiing no aooident* and f*ir roadi. Imagine five offioeri at Yambaya with inch a propoeal before them, to getber with inelrnotioni that tbe lo*i of the loadi would be absolute rain to the expedition." Tbe grr.tral opinion i* that Stanley i* morally forced to meet then charge* with a lull and candid aniwer. Horrible I onrton M.r.l.r Th- Wommn . I blld FoQMd Dead. A London cable **y* : The body nil been identified ai thai of Mr*. Hobbi, thi wife of a porter employed in London. Mr*. Hobbi left her boiband on Friday, taking with her her little child, whom ihe carried in tbe perambulator, which wai fonnd near the plaoe where tbe body wai discovered. An investigation ihowi that Mn. Hobbrf, who wai found murdered in thi Booth Hamptad locality on Friday night, had no qutrrel with her husband. The mur- derer ilole from hi* victim a gold ring and a pone. Tbe child which Mr*. Hobbi had with her wa* eighteen month* old. It is till milliog. Eorther inquiry develop* the fact that Mr* Hobb* on Fridav itarted to vnit a woman named Nellie Pieroey, an intimate friend of her family, who wa* married but bad aeparalfd from her haiband. A learch cf the house in whioh tbe Piercey woman reeided resulted in tbe discovery of blood everywhere. Tbe window* were iinaabed, and a bloody oarvmg-koifeand a bent poker meared with blood, and to whioh edcered ever*) look* cf woman'i hair, were found. Mr*. I'ieroey wai aneited charged with murdering Mri. Hobbi and her child. Hobbi, who i* inspected of complicity in Ihe crime, is being oloaely watched. Tb* dead body of Mri. Hobb*' child wa* fonnd to day in a clomp of farze bathe* in a field adjacent to tbe road in the neigh- borhood of Bouili Hampitead. It wag discovered aboat a mile duttnt from the place where it* mother'! body wa* found on Friday night. There are no external mark* of violence on tbe body, and it is believed tbe child met it* death by (mothering. When found the infant'i clothing wai latur- ated with rain. I \l M % M M AMU 1HK KA7.OB. A Canpbellford Woutmn'e Kaeh Hutr to Leave the World. A Campbellford deipatch *ay( : Mri. Beattie, aged abool SO, wife of Jai. tieally, cabinet maker, committed loioide at noon to day by catting her throat with a raaor. While her two eldeit children were at lobool be left the baby, aged about one year, and went npitairs to hir room and committed Ihe lot. Evidently ihe had prepared for it, a* her brooch had been taken off and placed on tbe waih iland and htr dr<** w*i un buttered at the neck. The wab -baiin wtn lifted from the wash-viand and put on a box to the left, and over thi* ihe itcod and madr the fatal cut, ai the ipurting ot the blood on Ibe wall ibowi. The raaor fell on tbe floor between the box and Iba wall. Con iderable blood ran into the wa*h-ba*in, and then, becoming weak, ihe fell to Ihe left on her fao* and thai wai found, probably not more than fifteen minute* after the deed wai done. Un thn wash-Hand beiide tbe brooch itood a wine-glas* in whiob were a few drop* of laudanum, and it i* preinmed ihe> had taken a doe* of thii a* well Melancholia with inioidal tendency was likely the cante. as the has been in a dri p indent mood for two or three weeki, and told her hatband that lomethiog terrible would ocoarr, bat mentioned nothing par 1 1. uli r. An inquest il not deemed neoenary. FBHIAM* I* IBtMOM. The Omth ef eecncy AbolUnn! -To ! Momr For WarPurpoae*. A New York despatch sayi : The bi- ennial convention of the Fenian Brother- hot d oloeed at Pateraon, N. J., last night. More than two hundred delegate* were preirol, representing all leotioni of the United Staiei. The moil important action of ihe convention wti the nnaoimoui endorsement of a recommendation of Ibe general eroretary aboliihing tbe secret oatb ot the orgacizalion. Htreafter all trans- actions of tbe Brotberhnod will be open, and Ibe public will be free to attend all meetings. In bis ret oil Ibe. general seore tary atlribnWd tbe disruptions in and dis aeters to the Iriib organizations daring the pail two >tari to the faol that men with aelflih and peraonal end* to attain had, throogh tbe miinae of the aeoreo* clause in tbe constitution, forced themselve* into power. A ipeoiil committee was appointed on tbe future of the organization, and in iheir report recommended that tbe Fenian Brotherhood hereafter be an open organiza- tion, and ibal military and naval com- panies bf organized, and 90 per cent, of the rtoipts be devoted to tbu purpose- The companies are to be known as tbe Fenian Volunteers, and will be held in readinen to aciiil the United Statti in ctse of foreign war. -mi I IM. TKOUBLKIt. War ai cowboys. The railroad company offered 11,000 reward for their am at. ha. What the Olrle Can i . . At Ihe Y. W. O.T. TT'v. annual meeting yeiterday Mr*. M. L Well* declared tbat if young women ihonld try they ooold make yoong men be temperate. Young men, the laid, do **lh girl* *ay. Why doe* a yonng man eat with a fork iaMead of a knife ? Because the girl* lay It i* not nioe lo eat with a knife. Why doe* he pal on hii ooat when h* ails down lo the table? BeotuM the girli *ty hesnuit Wat king Im Pott. A man I* fre<]aeotly knowa by in olgar* he rtokf *. The Mew Urlraea Harder foelely. A New Orlean* deipatch lay* : The police lay all Ibe preliminary work in the HenneMy murder oaae i* flniihed a* far * they are concerned. The aauisin* are undobtedly under arrnl, and Ibe evidenoe again*! them i* in po*sei*inn of tb* pilic*. Ni it Tnesday i* the the day fixed for Ihe examination uf tbe 15 priranerr. Four of theie are oharged with ti-ing acoeraorir* Tbe panic among the Italians ooniiooei. Deipatches from I'eniaoola lay that in tbe pail two dayi large nombers cf Italian! have been arriving in that oily from New Orleani. They are being watohtd by Ihe polio* , acd if wanted here will bri eaiily ar ruled. They are refnireei, who have Ihcughl it wiie to leave New Orleani until the txoilement blows over. Between Veeiol OwDrr* and Dock I nl n -. ni In- , ,r .1. v ; A London cable *ays : Tbe Executive Commit lee of the itriking dockmen in Mel- bourne have sent a cable menage to Lon- don ia\ ing Ibe itrike hii not ceased. Tbe men will net give way, and they have no roabt of the ultimate suooeii of tbe strike. Trie trouble between ihipowners snd em- ployee* at Liverpool will prubably end in lock oat*. At a meeting of the Snnderland branch of the Shipping Federation il was Mated tbe central authority in London wai arranging for a general look-oat ihouM tb* lailori permit in their hostile atti- tude. The Skipping Oatttte says tbe ship OWLBII' bu*ima* i* being rained by tbe tyranny of the new onionitm. The prcs- peel of an immense federation of tvery trade remotely oonnecttd with shipping hai convinced ihip ownrri tbat something inuil be done promptly. The Timti confirms the itatemint that enqairei have been been itarted at to the praotioability of a genual laying np of in Britith port*. IV WAI A GREAT BLOW. A Hortaeaeter ,-a>rtae eblp* np Leavlas; tkeaa Blgh and Dry. A New York despatch says : A furioui rainstorm has prevailed here for the past 24 boor*. The wind blew a gal* all night, reaching * velocity of 60 mile* an boor. Tbe tide* ar* very high. Along tbe Boond port the water rolled np into the villages, flooding the cellars and carrying veueli hundreds of feet inland. At Oyster Ray a large sohooner was lifted on top of ihe dock. Many trees and ttlegrepn poles were blown down in all part* of I. >ng Iiland. Ltrge number* of bathing- houae* and other building! were broken np and waibed awiy. There i* a tremendooo urf along tbe New Jersey, Sialen Ilia; 1 %nd Loog Island coasts. The wire* to F.re 1 land and Bandy Hook are broken, aod veuels cannot be reported until they arrive at quarantine. The dam*ge to shipping in Ibe harbor wai confined lo the cloving away of light ipari and aaili, Several of the piers at tbe lower end of the city were flowed. OCEAN BTKAilEB AIHCRE. A deiptitoh wa* received from Far Rock- awsy, L. I., to-night, saying a large ocean tesmship was ashore beyond Long Beach. Tbe wires along Ihe shore are down, and no particular! can be obtained. The learner wis reported to be a four- mailed veis^l, and it i* thongbt she m*y be the Obdam, of tbe Netherlands- American line, which was fxpeo'ed to arrive on Wednesday. Tbe only other inn*- Atlantic liner due and cot re- ported i* the Circaiiia, but she ii not a four mas tar. is BOSTON. A Boston deipatch layi : An old- faibioned northeail ttcrm ba* prevailed in tbii section since last night It was me it violent along tbe water front. At Revere Beaoh tbe wind and tide played ltd btvoo. Tbe Woborn house, built on the shore at the north end of Creiotnt Beach, wai lifted from ill foundation*, and Milled detp >a the land. A phologrsph building was wrecked by tbe wsve*. and thrown np gainst the railroad aalcon building. A small yacht wa* lifted bodily by tbe wind and waves and deposited un the h-d of the Botton Rrvere, beach at Lynn, R I. The bowsprit projected across the tracks, and w*s itrock by a train from Bor-ton. The boat was thrown over in such a [oji- lion tbat tbe prcjrclinK malt wai itrock by another train so forcibly ai to throw the boat back into the water, where it sank. Along the louth ibore the norm ii reported ai the moil at-veri tiooe the big norm of November, 18H8, and il setmi to be increas- ing in intensity lo-oigbt At Provinceiown lo day ihe sjhooner Emily Bell broke adrift, and i* io*a*hoie. The coait is) cloie-ly patrolled to night by men from tbe life caving stations, bat the tremmocos seas would render tbvir < (Ton* at rncae slmost unavailing should iheir services be needed. Tho storm hai betn nnotaally heavy in Southern Vermont Brattleboro' reporti two and a quarter im he* cf rain, and raining. Tbe hill town! report from two to five inc-.hu cf mow audiwollen stream*. A Jaca-the-Mlpper \ i. in... A London cable layi : The " Jaok-tb* Ripper " icare hai again oauied a atniation among the polios and the reildent* of tbe Bonth Hampited locality. To night in a * eluded part of that neighborhood pisaer* by were (hooked by finding in an obaonre alley the dead body cf a woman, whose bead bad been very nearly asvered, wbile her body showed evideno. * of kioks and bruises in themselves sufficient lo oaose death. While no knowledge has yet been obtained as to who the victim wa*, il seems evident that ih> was a woman of low repute, and thii wai mflioinnt to Mart the cry " Jaok the Ripper " Thn police actively be<an searohii.g lor Ihe murderer, but thn* far no arrest* hive been made. A \ ..in.* M ..uii.li.-i Gel* HI* l>. ..!-. A Father Point despatch says : A young man named Fox, only 19 ysars of age, recently employed on the railway, was tried at tbe criminal oourt titling at Rimcaeki for outraging an old woman of 82 year* of age at Bt Flavie* lait ipricg. Oil trial terminated yecterday, and be wa* sen- tenced lo twelve years in the penitentiary. Tbs outrage was committed on ihe main road, Fox stepping out of a carriage and attacking his victim, whom he chanoed lo meet. His brnial action was witnessed by two of his companions in the carriage, who turned a deaf ear to the poor old' creator*'* ories for help, and merely laughed at her entreaties. Fox's com- panions were teverely rebuked by HII Honor Jame Lamp, who commented in soaihing term* on their meroilees, inhutnin disregard of th uoor old creature's en- trestle* for help. THB (Jl'EHKU AKoUN TKI1I-. The Url*iarea Jtcqullted f Ihe K raon and Dd Hailed on the Muriler Charifr. A Quebec despatch iav: In tbe Dela- msre trial to-day the Crown closed it* case and evidence for the accuied WM com- menced. Oaothier, agaii at whom true bille for arson and murder were also pend- ing, was Ihe first wiinei-e Un swore that on tbe evening preceding Ihe fire be left a lighted lamp as otnl in tb bar, and waa wakened by crie* of fire. He merely had time to etcape with hi* panls acd coal on. On rnihing oat hi nolioed Oelsmare and hii wife potting on their clothe*, IMacnare having only hii pant* on. All three jumped on a shed in rear of the hooee and nuinhed thurtoileli in thi- yard. It often happened tbat they bad to lend cat for liquor whan ouitomtr* came in. After h.arug Ibis evidence Jndgf Bosse said he di t not think the prcx f HufBoient a^a'nrt Ibe accuied. and Ihe Oman aLiwertd that il would leave the cam to the oourt. Judge Boiie-, addreiking the jar), advised them to bring in a verdict of not ni!i> , a* the prrof wai ininffioient. Tbe jury with- out Laving the box returned a verriot of "not guilty" agsiimt D, lamare, hi* wife and Oanthier, who were aditutieii to bail on their own reoegnizai.oi u:l next Itrm on tbe aocUHatiou of murder. Ber H... t Bean. Huston Uerald : He (fearful of a rival) Bobby, does a young man call here nigh I* o see your litter ? I Bobby Mr. Wilkirs calls on lister, bat not to see her, I gusss, 'cos tbsy sln'l to light ia Ibs parlor when they're there. The Maw o. i. ,.,. M .ml,.,.. A New Orleini deapslob layi : Antonio Morchez, one of the Italians aocuied of oompli ii y in the murder of Ohief of Polioe Henne**y. war- arrested yeiterday. A abort time afterward! hi* ion, Aipero, a lad of fourteen yean, who had been arrested immediately afler the crime was committed, and who bad on his person about $800, but was released, was re arrested, aod with him a negro who said tbe boy had told him that on the night of the marder he had been ilationsd bv bis fatbsr at ths corner of Ham p t r > snd Baiin itreets wilh instruct ioni to whiiil twios when Henneisy ap- peared. He did so, and thus warned the assaisins that their violim wasapprcaohing. Ibe Chicago Timei say* in evident dis- appointment: Whenever yon meet a worth- Met n ,i. InateiMl f Her Lover. A Qoxbeo dtipetuh ia>* : Nnws reached town to day ot a melanctuly death which occurred in Ihe village uf Urdie> v.lie, mlu- ated on the other iiJ of the Uorcheiter bririke. At an early hour la*t evening a young woman of Freoch-Csnadian txtrio- lion, about twi nty yean of age, w*i pro- oeeding along Anderson itrtet, waiting for tbe coming of her lover, wb< n be lU'tneoly fell dead on ihe lidewalk. Willing band* were soon aroond and shx wa* raited up, bat on investigation the itiaoovery wa* made that tbe apart cf life had fled and tbe yonng woman wa* a oorpie There waa con aiders bli xoilrment in the villsge when the sorrowful intelligence spread. Ike cut wi to have been married ihurtly. TcmpentBro ........ A Catbolio teniperai c> i.i-oiion ii one of Ih- feature! i f the W.-rLi'- Fair Elizabeth Com*lock,tbt Quaker preacher, DOW ailed ard infirm, I. vug at Union Bprirgi, N Y , ba* ii. her lid-lime Minted 122 COO premier!, l;to OOOnck and Wounded soldier*, 85 000 inmalm of |x>orbcuiee and almihounee, tn both lii'ti of the water. Kor thirty ar* the toiltd in tb * flilil, and daring tb* last year* of hir active I (. wa* one <>f the mi at btlovtd member* uf the W. O. T. U. The "P Wbat a stors-bous of ohemioil orm poniidi has hvt-n fonnd in ooal lar ! The late-it aiqoisition is artificial musfc Oil Reparttrntjt: " Peril ni in aid maker* have fiund it iu b> an ti< t Hi nt i.d oheip raw mateiial for iheir porpot*, and it ii claimed lo p n PI at leaitihree time* Ibe ittecgth ol 'Inrijiiin mut-k, and being tffered at one-ha ( the price of the lattir it coil* only abcnl OLI tilth a* much." lee* man yon have fonnd some on* who Faker Simpkio* hai , veu up pro** know* a. are cure for warts. [and U going to dsvoie lnu.*elf to p eiry There i* nothing so easy to find (I fault hereafter. Waiter Tl at ia to say h* is there I* an muoh of it. oing from bad to verse

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