Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1890, p. 7

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AMONG NORTHERN ROCKS. An Autumn Holiday in the lorth Ontario Lumber Begiou. 100 AOBE8 OF LAJD FOR $1 Yon can aao tome rough country in a taw hoar* travel north ward from Hamilton. I pent a brief holiday thia fall in and around the township of Rama, Ontario canntv, and at tha rilk of baiog dabbed dialoyal I moat sy I found it, from tha standpoint of an mrioolturisl, a moat an inviting neighborhood. Originally the soil ooverin< the granite and limaatona rook* waa thia enough ao thin that tha" bonaa" protruded 'f-~iuenly and tha plowabare often skimmed the rook bat tha frequent flrea which have iwept over tha alaahinxi have barned off the aail, until vagi area* which once grew mammoth pinea exhibit little aarfaoa save rock, or that mota which mdioatei that it alone can sabsisi on the scant ramnanta of aoil whioh have eoepert. In other plaoaa where tha aoil i< of a aandier nature, or wbara by reaaon of moisture n baa escaped deatrnotion by fire, aorub birch, balm, sumach and other nader_roth have taken poaeaaion. TIXBIR. OSCI PUtSTIKl'L, ia no '"IK- r mttter of nicety of choice oo the pti of 'ho lumbermen. The country waa called over first about thirty yeare a.,0 and i> ties been luooeanvely vuited by axe- u( all !greea of careful or careless ti i . ua> i no* hs chief auoply ia ob taiued fr n : i the Head and Blaok rivers and i ' viral branohea of ths Severn. Thern \< U c.e timber on la>nd not deeded that i- f value and what there is it ia diffi cult to obtain partly bv reaaon of it* in- eooes-i ji i.y, but chiefly became of the dog in the -manger policy of those who con trol the lioeoaes. WigTE Cr PIH. Some of these lioenaaee having culled over their limit! will diapoea of tha cu.l timber out or standing on terms to permit ita being utilized ; but many make it a role not to sell and prefer to see the fire devour millions of feet to making a sale to rival lumbermen. I was abown over large tract i of land on whioh stood much borne d pine, some of it already worthies* because cf " punk spots " and more that will aoon become so, that is owned by licensees who simply refine to allow it to be worked up into lumbar. Kvary year or ay a big fire els in its ork ana the dead timber of a former year becomes foal to feed it. A couple of years ago at great fire burned from the railway a abort distance north of Longford, aaatward. Thousands of aoree were barned over, millions of feet of timber were destroyed, whioh, had it baen sold at the local mills would have been turned into money ; and the nettlera and mill men were obliged day and night to aland between fire and ruin and work as only deaperate men can work to save their all. with their little aobooli eaoh with its dozen or so of pupils, and here, too, la where the divinity atodentej are ten* to work where man of bigger aims, if some times 1ms real ability or zeal, oonld not live. A young man named Davidson seemed to be doing a good work, judging by the eateem in whioh he is held by tha mill men and settlers. I attended a couple of service* in a little boarded up school something like one I studied in twenty-odd years ago and there seemed to be juat as mnoh earnest- neas and truth in the preaching as I have heard in a uiaob more pretentious temple from a aeveral-tboaaands-a-year preacher. Thesettlera are a simple-minded, hospitable and generous people, and viewed the time when he must rename hia monies with sorrow They support tbe services to tha extent their means allows, and they are aa muah worthy ol aid aa are tbe Celestial* of Tohin-tcbio. By the way, I found that being a divinity stndent didn't interfere with hauling oat 3 In. base with remark- able frequency. BE4CTITCL 8CIHKBT. There are numerous streams whioh traverse the country eaat and north, and aa most ot them run on rook bottom there are many picturesque falls. Cooper's Falls, Washago Falls, Bevern Fall* and many others are to be found within a radios of a few miles, all eaaily reached by the lines of the G . T. H. In one place two streams which not far above left the same body ot water come together. One haa an easy fall the second haa very little fall until within fifty yards of re-entering tbe other, which it does from an oblique angle, and compressed within a narrow gorge, and the tffeut of its l.'i-'iet plunge over rocky steps ia quite picturesque. Camping parties from various parts of tbe country put up there during toe summer, and reach Orilue by boat. 1 wan told some Hamilton people had spent a few weeks there shortly before my visit. They were recognized to be from Hamilton by the remains of the camp- some flas* bottles with " Paiiley " labels on them. Bnt tbat would uot go down in a oourt of law. Farming ia dona at a diaad vantage in TH BAU. IDA UI1 H VAN. A aWDDBUT : theee northern townships. Tbe seaaon U very short at best. Tha rocky nature of the country makes cultivation patchy and drainage almost impossible, save where il ia natural. If the aoil ia not drained it U worthless. Cropi most bs got in early to do well and to gel them in the aoil must be dry enough. If they are too early sown they are liable to be frozen. The timber baa heretofore been the chief reliance of thai settlers. The milling industry haa, however, eeen its beat days, and unless minerals are diicuvered large stretches cf country will revert to tbe ludians ana tha bears, some ot whioh still roam at large there. Of the taw mills more anon. ew lntf AS)s<ssa) Travelled In tttjlm Im Mlafcwgh. We are Indebted to an Edinburgh oorrea- pondent for the following amusing story : The strike of Edinburgh cabmen, whioh haa been the cause of a good di-al of inoon- veeienoe, waa the means of affording a noble lord on Sunday morning last a novel and not altogether deairabla experience. By the train which left Euxton station, London, on Saturday night, and arrived at the Caledonian sta- tion, Edinburgh, tha following morning at half-past seven o'clock, tha Earl of Aber daen was a passenger. In ordinary cir- cumstances his valut, who alao travailed in the train, would have secured a cab and despatched His Lordahip to tbe club, fol- lowing himself in another voh.jlu <M auoa aa ha had collected the luitgage. But to the surprise of the Earl and tbe dismay of the valet, not a cab waa to be seen within the precincts of the station nor any other vehicle of itreater pretensions than a porter's barrow. For a minute or two his lordship waa no plunsrd, bat he qaiikly decided on the beet coarse to pursue. Leaving the valet to mount guard over the bagga^e.ha sallied forth in search of a oab. Prince's street, Lothian road, and the neighboring streets and square* were searched in vain. Not a linicle vehicle waa in eight. While in thia plight hia lordship'a attention waa at- tracted by the sound of wheels, and relief aeemed to be at hand. Il waa only a milk man's cart, however, whioh waa making ita morning rounds. But the Karl was eqaal to the occasion. He hailed tha driver of the van, and, explaining tbe situation, invited his aid. The driver readily con- sented to come to the relief ot His Lord- ship, and at once drove into the station yard and loaded some of the luggage on to the van. Tbe Earl got into tbe milk cart alao, and, sealing himself beside the driver, waa quickly driven to tha New Clob, much to the astonishment ot tha officials, who are cot in the habit of seeing their visitors arrive in such an equipage. The driver was suitably rewarded for hia ser- vices, and went off highly pleased with hia morning's adventure. Another paasing milk van waa chartered to convey tbe valet and tha net of the luggage to the London hotel." \t<f cattle Lkromicle. a* may be anppoead, are not the beet in the world, altnongh that fault is not due to lack ot " solid bottom " or stone to repair them. I drove from Fawkbam pat through Seabrighi-e kind of oaeit) up through Digby and Dalton. Considerable Government mon.< y had recently been spnt in repairs, but wsra the roads left to the local municipalities I fear horseback riding wonld receive a stimulus. Hilly, winding over rocky, broken etre tehee, with on occasional croaiwayed swamp, with huge boulders Leaved out upon tb* flat surface sometimes granite blocks aa big a* a large room lying oo flat limestone aa if to irvile wonder at the subterranean forces tbat burled them from their atrata. theee thoroughfares would not be ohoeen for pleasure driving. Yet that and the Oravsnbnrat road are Ihe beat in the vicinity. Ou some of the road* there are portions wbioh menaoa even a careful driver aud sure-footed horse with broken limbs. LAJCD U VIBT COStr, and it ought to be. A man who wants land usually wants it for the use he oan make of il, and nnlaes a man ooold dis- cover mineral deposits thatoould be ad van tageoaily mined what would be want with thoee charred, rook stretch** ? The whole township of Rama is asseaaed for little, if anything, over the value of tbe sawmill* in it. A few year* will see them removed. The many streams necessitate numerous bridges and expenses are high. What will the corporation do when tha timber busi nees ia no more ? I learned that land i ' ia very much of a drag, even at tax sales, 100 earn having recently told for |1 I And the purchaser is said to have remarked that had he n t known where there waa one green pine tree on it he wonld not have bought it at that prioe I A ?BaUCH*m's OPINION. Apropos ot the question of the soil, a reverend countryman of mine is said to have been vary mnoh straok with the poverty ot the country on hie first visit. " Indeed, Dewvit, an' I'm thinkin' this pairt o' the country wasna' dune at tbe creation o' man." Not don* ? What do you mean ?' said his friend, whose bump of veneration is particularly prominent. " Oh, jist that the gude Book say* tbe Almighty looked on hi* completed wark an' aaid it wa* verry gnde ; and be surely never said that o' Rama." Whatever may be thought of the preacher's opinion, the geology of the discrict will prove an inter- sting study. RICH IS gJMB BM8P1CTS. Scant of timber and barren of soil a* it may be it i* rich in some resource*. In no part ot Canada have I aaan so many wild berries. Raspberries, thimbleberries, high bush cranberries, and huckleberries abound. Thousands of bushel* were thia season picked and shipped from there, white* and and Indians dividing the work. Strange, in view of tbe plentitnde of food that bird life should be aoaro*. Frog* in million* are to be found and, as might be expected, garter snakes, the froga 1 natural enemies, are plentiful. I was told that in the earl v summer black flies are a staple and are eo little appreciated tbat they be seen lying in shovelfuls on the water at the booms. They divide the summer honors with the teetive mosquito. Tne other articles of plenty are good water and abundanoa ot flah. a H>MIJ KHSIO* rilLl>. Here I found tb* pioneer sobool teaahsri . Mm Aze Liar*. Detroit 1'ree Pnu : The other night, after tbs thandtr shower, Jonee dropped in on a neighbor and found a dozen people aaeembled. Well, well, you look cheerful after such a close call," growled Jooes M he removed hia bat. What does call ?" " Why, ligntning struck ths barn in the alley not a hundred feet away." Oh, dear." said one ot Ibe women, " bnt I knew it. One of my arms haa been numb aver since." And it affected my foot," said an- other. And it eat my heart to palpitating." " And my elbow baa fait queer aver since." very one in tbe room remembered to have bean ahocked, and every one was lhankf al over the narrow escape. By and by a boy, who had been thinking deeply, gushed out . Why, there is no barn in tha alley !" Amid the deepest silence everybody re- membered thia fact, and the boy clinched it with : And how ooold there bs, when there ia no allay T" Jones had lied, bnt eo had all the others. Oot 8hra After Muon. The best time to get fitted to shoes U in tbe latter part of the day. The feet then are at thtir maximum of size and sensitive- ia. Activity measurably enlarges them. When tbe muscles are in play the flow of blood in the arteries ia increased and the joints alao ; oontequantly they are more tender. Even gravity affaota the venous circulation, so that standing on the feet alone tends to enlarge these members. It is gravity that produoee varicose veios in the legs and feat ot persona of relaxing fibre who are required to be much in the erect position. Uenoe when healthy per- sona lie down at night their feet, being relieved from the weight of the body, resume their normal size. Try on the new shoea with moderately thick stockings, too, and yon then have a margin of roam by putting on thinner onee when the feet are ill at ease. For tender feet fit them late in the day with ths aid of heavy stockings, and the next morning, clad in thinner itockiugi, those fast will rest in the new, almost as comfortably as they would in old, shoes. BtraUof Health. Tim bereey aoandal in the Honeywood district of the Methodist Church is exoitin a good deal ot intereet. Rev. Jamea Thompson, the minister in question, is said to be a genial fellow, a hard worker and a popular preacher. Mr. Thompson frankly admits Ibe charges and offers no defence, unless it be that he believes bis view* are scriptural, and thinks some ot them are in harmony with the teachings ot the Moth odiit Church. The text ot tbe sermon that caused the trouble was Romans ii. 7 : "To them that by patient continuance in well- doing aeek for glory and honor and immor- tality, eternal life." The heretical ohargea are based on the following statements made in the sermon : " First, that man was only conditionally immortal, and that by the fall Adam lost immortality, and consequently all the rao* a* hi* children are without it ; second, that Ood alone possessed immortality ; third, that even Christ himself had been created somewhere in the remote past, be knew not how far baok ; fourth, that immortality might be obtained by seeking for it by patient oon- tionanoe in well-doing." The Tarn O'Bhantet of velvet with an >'* quill on ths side is worn with tb* OB. of Maay. " Say," oallei out the sharp- featured woman, " do you warrant theee musk- melons to be ripe T" " We do, madam," said tbe grooer. " Well, I want to get one." " In a moment, ma'am. Juat as soon aa I tie up this ^ " I'm in a harry. If you can't wait on ma jnat say so and I'll go to some other store." K loose me just a moment." tha grooer said to the customer be had bean wailing on. " Now, ma'am, I'll be happy to" Yon say you warrant them 7" Yea." How much is this one 7" Forty cents)." Mv land ! I oan gat 'am like that over here at Hamilton's for 25." " I think not, ma'am. But we have them all prices from 40 cents down tc ' Take M cents for thia one 7" 14 Couldn't do it, ma'am." How would you sell three like this 7" " They would ooit you half a dollar." " Sure they 're ripe?" " It they're not they won't ooat you any - thing." Well, they oughtn't to. Yon make profit enough on 'em anyhow." " I make about 60 oents on the entire lot, ma'am. Did yon say yon would take those threat' " No, I didn't. I don't believe they're ripe." I assure yon, ma'am, they are all ripe." (To the other ooatomer) : " I'll be thtrs in jolt a moment." (To the sharp-featured woman) : " I'll let yon have the three for 45 cents. That'a exaotly coil. ' " M'm :" mused the woman. " You. say yon warrant them 7" We do." " Won't take 45 cents for these four, I reckon 7" Couldn't poaaibly do it, ma'am. That'a lest) than ooat." Wouldn't eell theee five tor 10 oenta apiece?" Would be glad to oblige you, but I couldn't let them go at that." M'm' I'll take thia 5 cent one. Hen's 16 bill. It'a the least I've got Give me tbe change ae qaiokaa yon oan. ' Yet people wonder why grocers have a bald spot on topot the bead and contribute so little to tbe support of foreign misnons. Pitttburg DitpaUk. - -fit" -^ ~ a Didn't Like the Teat. London Society Timtt: A very good story is now going tbe rounds of the press about a certain oantakarous old clergyman who bad to mnoh difficulty with bia flock that finally be resigned. On his last Sunday he preached a farewell aermon, choosing for hia text tbe words, " I go to prepare a plaoe for yon, so tbat where I am ye may be also." There waa not a word in the sermon to whioh any one oonld object ; bnt the text made the congregation furious, for it waa well known that ha had applied for and obtained the Chaplaincy of a large penitentiary. Hudi of tk B.ppr Coupi. Tie* T**etker with silk Thnad. A missionary describee a marriage cere- mony which he witnessed in tbe palace of the Governor of Cambodia aa follows, saya, tbe San Franouoo ArgmoM : " I waa uahered, amid a tremendous din of gongs, into a large room beyond the raoeplion hall, when were seated tha Governor and about 100 noblemen and invited gueata. Tha bridegroom, a young man about 'JO yearaof age, elegantly attired in silk garments, waa alao there. By the time we foreigners were seated a procession headed by the bride, supported on eitne* side by demure looking matrons, composed principally of aged or married women, all elegantly attired enteted and slowly uutrohed toward the Governor. " The bride waa not particularly interest- ing aa regards personal charms ; aba waa young, however, and dreaaed riohly and in good taste. Besides her silk draea aha wore a gold embroidered soart upon her ahonlcers . also gold rings upon her lingers, bracelets upon her wrietaand armlets above tbe elbows. The bride took up her position near the bridegroom, both silting upon tbe floor, bat not looking toward each other , in fact, throughout the entire ceremony they both were perfectly impaaaive and nonchalant. " The marriage ceremony pro^ur now began. A number of wax candles were brought in a salver and then lighted by one of the noblee. The ailver waiter was then paaaod around before the company eight times, each one in turn saluting tbe couple and wishing them good fortune by waving or blowing the smoke toward them, thus axpreaaing some thing like tbe old Kngliah custom of throw ng the slipper after a newly wedded couple Ihe band of atringed instruments playing the meanwhile. Two large velvet cushion* had been previously placed before the bride and bridegroom and opon them a large sword. The leader of the theatricals now came forward and went through, for a tew momenta, a moat fantastical sword exercise. " Dishes had baen placed before tbe ooupla upon tha floor, with covers upon them. Nothing, however, waa eaten Next the hand* of tha expectant conpla were bound together and to eaoh other with silken tbrrada by the women attendants, probably some near relative Thus were they truly joined in Buddhist wedlock. And this completed tbe simple yet effective ceremony." WOBTaT, * AUTOCRAT. Th - Who alakee as>*> Da Few Canadian women who have Europe are unfamiliar with tha entresol om the Avenue da I'Opera, in whioh Worth. the monarch ot drcaa-makera, holds hie court. Worth was ori4(ineUy a shopman in a large London dry goods store. H was promoted from the ooonter to become) a buyer for tha firm by which he ws* employed. In that oapaoity ha viaitaal Pane, and there oonoswad the idea ot tba> dress- making business, which haa made) his name ao familiar to women. Worth'* rtannar ia i>otocratio. Ha fully appra- oates the fact ..ut he hae aoL.i , od great i. He lives in a pretty villa, buried n flower*, at Villa d'Avray, the suburb ot aria ,here Gambatta died. Worth re- ceives woald- be customers with the digni- ed air of a veritable sovereign. He listens! o their indications of the styles in woiob ley believe the forthooming ooetnmsi bould be created, boa he doea not always ollow their snggaationa. Ha refuses to ba> altered in any way in his " oreationa.'* 'he interview ended, be wavea his fair niter toward an adjoining room, wheiw Idlle. Louise, or some other of his chief sustants, perhapa " tries on " a drees of he style described by the caller, attends to the details of her order. She Bqalrcd It. Detroit t'rre Prmt . A middle aged woi lied at a Grand River avenue drug stores he other evening and asked for morphine* and the clerk replied to her requeet with : " Ia it for your husband 7" " Oh, no, sir ; I haven't got any." " You don't tnink of suicide .'" " Far from it." ' What do yon take it for?" Must I tell, sir ."' " Yon must." " Well, then, don't you think that a. woman 40 years old, who haa had her area offer of marriage leas than an boor ago. naturally wants something M quiet her nerves and give her a good night'a sleep ."" The drnggist thought so and she got hear nerve soother. HI nil to HouM)k A pie or custard will not burn if in tb ovsn with a diah of water. A gallon of lye put into a banal of haic water will make ii aa soft aa rain water. Shrunken , half -worn bed blankets o comforts, paat using on a bed, make goot pada to put under the stair carpet Tbe mnakmelon usually haa nine ridges whioh are separated by narrow atripa amcoth skin, and if theae stripe are gram the melon ia a good one to leave alone. There is no better diet for children than milk, not cream, which ia apt to be a littln too rich for the atomaoh. As a soporifio nothing equals a glaaa of milk taken just before retiring. Raisins may be eaaily atoned by pouring boiling water over them and letting them stand for five or tan minatea. Dram, then rub eaoh raisin between tbe thumb and finger till the seeds uome out clean. A simple and tffeotsutl remedy for ivy- poisoning is said to be sweet spirits of niter. Bathe affected parts two or three times during the day, and tbe next morning little traoe of the poison will remain. Tbe old-time gimp loops for lace curtains are passe. They are seldom seen any more, the curtain being caught baok by bows instead, or, la fact, in any graceful way aa long aa you avoid the conventional gimp. To take iron stains from marble use an equal quantity of fresh spirits of vitriol and lemon juice shaken together in a bottle. Wat tbe toots and in a few mm ntea rub with soft linen and the spots will disappear. To make water-proof writing ink, an ink which will not blur if the writing is exposed to rain : Dissolve I ounces shellac in 1 pint alcohol (96 par oant.) Altar through chalk, and mix with beat lamp- blaok. It yon wish your floor mattings to look ae fresh and bright at the olose of the sum- mer aa when they were laid in the spring see that they are carefully wiped off after eaoh sweeping with a soft cloth, wrung oat of salt and water. M.U. R. Burvtya have bean made for a tunnel under tne Detroit river for the Michigan Central Railroad. Tha Vanderbut lineal will have to oome M it. Tha Grand Trunk has recently finiahed a tunnel under tbe same river. In theee days of faal travel paassngera wonld prefer not to wait for the) alow moving ferry between Detroit anal Windsor. A one track tunnel at Ihe plaoa indicated would, with approaohae, be 6,500 feat long, and coat M.000.000 , for two tracks. 92,000,000 additional. have Off for a Holiday. " When yon asked for a holiday ya day, Mr. Boimmerman, you should stated the facts." I did. air." " What, sir, a holiday and all yon did waa to see your wife and bar mother off to the railroad station 7 " TUB centenary of the death of Wesley will be celebrated in March. It ia pro- posed to raise 7,000 to be applied in building a new and worthier tomb over Wesley's grave ; to aet aaida Wesley's) house aa a museum for Methodist aniiqui- tiea, and to thoroughly restore City Road Chapel, London. The present wooden galleriaa under tbe church are to be re- moved and handsome marble pillars placed in their atead, eaoh to oosi tfiOO. Thai Methocist Episcopal Church, the Metho- diat Episcopal Church South, the Canadian Methodist Church, South African Metho- dist Churob. Australian Methodist Church. West Indian Mtthodiat Chnroh and thai Irish Methodist Church are expected to) ooniribote a pillar apieoe. D U 45. . * rightful to CoBta Every time a oow moves her tail to switch a fly she exerts a force of three pounds. In tbe oooree of the summer a single oow waatee 5.000000 pounds of energy. The oows of Amerioa throw away power enough to move every piece of machinery in the world. Thia is exclusive of kicking milkmaidsoff the stools. Detroit FntPrea. After Mils Ruby Lips had been kissed in the American way by a swarm of her feminine acqualntancee when she got back here from London aba spoke of it to a con- fidential friend with a demure face. " I like," aha said, " the oscillatory habits of English woman, who when they kins eaoh other, do it on the cheek, or on both cheeks, not on the gates ajar." New York Sun. Twice within the year baa Jay Ooold refused to serve on a jury, and each time he baa been fined 1100. The World says that next year, owing to the high tariff, Mr. Oojold will try to gel along with one re/neat Haw to Close the BaJooaw. Nashville American : " If avarbody fol- lowed my example," announced an en- tfoaiaatio temperance advocate recently, " every saloon in tbe city would close be- 'ore tbe end of tbe month." " How's tbat?" asked a rubicund faced auditor, who had not before spoken. " They wonld oloae for lack of patro sir. I never drink 7" " I eea. I can go yon one better, though. It everybody followed my ex- ample, every saloon in the city would be oloeed before next Saturday night." 11 How's that .'" asked the temperance advocate, eagerly. " They would run oat of stock." " Only think," said Maud, " they used to aay that the drama wae going to tbe dogs. Now the puppiea aeem to be going to the drama," and aha swept with her eyes the rows of eeate filled with turbulent immaturity. If Bermuda Bottled. "Yon mitNt ico i" lt:Tjiidn. If you tin not I will not In- r<--i><-nl- blp for tbe mn-i-<|ii<>Br*." " But, ilnriiir. I ran afford m-ulirr tar ilinr iir (hi- -m>n->." "Wi-ll that hi liiipuK*lbi, try SCOWS I OF PURS -"<,: '.VECIAN COD I'.VlVi OIL. I <>mriltnM m>l II utcnumlu Boi- iled, anal snun> cx u< CONSUMPTION, or AV'K'/v CoM 1 have n KM) Hlih It; and tke iiilvuntjurt- in that Hie nto-i. rnl- tlve> HteiiiJtrli run inhr It. tnoihrr (bins; which rommriid* It l th .llitiulBilnir pro|V"<ic f Ihr Hy- popawophJ i n'i -n It contain*. You will find ! nnlr at yuiir iiriiiii .. In *:' wrapper, ate ure you arcl the -. cunlnr." NCOTT .V "I.:" > K, Hrllvvlll* J I CURE FITS! Of BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 say Cure 1 do not mesa) merely to sttp tlirm lor a tiinr, and tkasj kav* them return a run. I MIAN A RADIOA L CURE. I have m.i.l.- the dlscuaof nhj) Kpilepay or Failing Sicknose a life-long study. I warrant :ry tetnedy to Oure>aka Wont cue*. Because others brve 'ailed is no reaaonfbr not now receiving a cure. Sends?' once for a ueatise ami a free) Bcttl* ol my Infallible Nomewiy. Civ* Expre"i am. IPoet OAce. It costi you nothing for a trial, and it will care you Ajdren M. O. ClOOaV M.C.. tVmnek Offio*, mu WIST AIMtAIIM tmtHT, TORONTO. * CVJR5 TO THK KIITOM:- Pteaj* Infona your r**der th.i> T ba a posttiv* retnei above BMuasd date***. By its timely u* thtm: .t.i>>% ur '.i*teM. i,.i% K v beea penasuMatly ct 1 shall be (lad to nefld two bottle* of Miy irmr.ly I KKK tu ..uy o, your nMnen who buv if the r will Mod m* their Kxprfx lad l'*'t Oifcv Mdreaa. twe* AsJeaam* c*.. TOsieMTo. ON TJUUO. U.apecUully. T. jfra "i"- ittaB meaUyc^B vho h;*T* A. a iLOot 9I * 1 "^^

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