FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JVO1 MEN." VOL. IX., NO 489. FLESHERTON, GNT., THURSDAY, NOVEBER 13, 1890. OUR STOCK (or this fall was never equalled in this sec- tion of country A magnificent line of AMERICAN MOVEMENTS, GOLD, SILVER AND GOLD FILLED CASES in endless variety, with a few special LADIE'S size in gold and silver. An immense assortment of Gem Engagement & wedding rings. Come in and see the tasty designs and at our prices. WALNUT & NICKEL CLOCKS of the finest make and best patterns. We still lead in watch, clock and jewelry repairs Our facilities for ex- cuting fine work are unexcelled. All work warranted. ARMSTRONG BROS. PAIXTKQ. TBIMaflKO. RORSBSHOKINO. WOOD WOUK FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES' JOtt WOBK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. DICK'S LAND MOWEB9. B1NBKKS. ULOW8. Our Buggie* the Bust. Uur Sleighs the Best. Our Cutter* the Best. Our Improved Harrows the Best. <>nr Patent Gate The Best. Stevens Improved Spring Tootli Harrow the Best. 8TKAW CUTTERS. 8CUFFLER8. I'UUNIP HKII.I.s. UAN'i PLOWS I R1GHT_NOW Ver>' soon your nose Will be red ; Very soon your toes Will feel dead ; Summer soon will close Then come wintry woes. Come and get your clothes Right now. Overcoats in rows And in piles ; Every garment shows Autumn styles ; No man ever froze In such coats as those. Come and get your clothes Right now. Prices we oppose That are high ; People we suppose Like to buy Goods whose value shows Where each penny goes, Come and get such clothes Right now. We have sundry foes In the trade, But our business grows By your aid ; Competition blows, But the buyer knows Where to get his clothes Right row. GENTLEMEN I- OUR OVERCOATS, SOFTS, UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, CAPS, TIES, SCARFS, RUBBERS, SOCKS, LOKO BOOTS, FELT BOOTS, AXD OVERSHOES. EVERYTHING AT ROCK. BOTTOM PRICESJ I - Brad the re- narkable offer offhas.IMc-kens Work- in our advrrtitttuK rol- uniu* I '-n all vour we are safe in saying be will shortly be nil n-jlit again. down to Toronto to some time ago. His study nindicir e coin-so was a tbree or For th next two months MI trial, or balance of rins ywir free to all who subscribe DOW. Dr. Kt-rr aud wife, of Toronto Juno- ' abort one, as he returned in t'on, came into town ou Monday, four days. We are all pleased to Bee tbem come! The health of Mr. Parks, ar., U im- to their "native village" again. [proving daily and we believe he will Ou last Friday some thought tiie soon be around again, end of time bad come. A toot was i heard, then a whistle, and after a J < Daveo and George while Inkster'a machine commenced i"* 1 * 1 '"* 1 . [r in T j; r " 1 " t " , for 1 " )bbl ," ' wei-king. The people saw some straw b '" alley ' of ( rl ""\ Ml '" pleadml ""-I 11 v i j T-- u . i. "" were sentenced to four years ejch ill being piled up behind I 1 lelds barn From </ur 01011 Currttpondcni. Farmers in this vicinity have now their roots boused, and are busy en- gaging fur the winter. The potato crops here, as in other places, suffered somewhat from the rot, but ou the whole they were a tine crop. The turnips and other routs are also a good crop. Hallowe'en passed off without any very notable depredations being done. Not that we can boast of our boys being any better than boys in other placet), for the small ones Kill con- tinue to carry off gates and do other boyish little tricks. John MsDonald, from Toronto, is visiting his parents at |H-US-IU. We understand he intends going to New- berry for the winter. Miss inkster has been re-engaged to iubtruct the youths in this section for iinotlirr year, thus making the fifth year. The school board is to be complimented in retaining the services of such an efficient teacher. Mr. Thus. Scott was laid up for a few days last week with a sprained knee which he received while wrest- ling. Verrily youth will have its folly. Mrs. John Douglas, jr., presented her liege lord with a sou uu Thursday, Nr. 6th. Mother and child are do- ing 'well. Seme of our fair daughters intend leaving for Toronto this week, viz. : Katie Mclntyre and Katie McDonald. Since the large emigration of young men from here this fall, the young ladies have decided that every place seems loueeonio now since Johnny we Hi away. Mr. S. Scelt loit one of his pigs some tome ago, and after looking some days far it iouud it on Saturday last. It hadcrawled in between thf straw stack and the barn aud was unable to extricate itself, and when found had been in that position for 8 or 9 days without.food. The pig looks rather gaunt, but otherwise uone the worse for the fact. Maxwell frmn'tnurovm Corrfupondent. Since you last heard from as Thanksgiving day has passed, aud we shaU hear nothing more of it until uextyear. Some from our villagers went to Flesherton on that day and tbey speak of having an excellent time. Mr. Williams shipped somewhore in the Neighborhood of seventy tubs of butter to Port Arthur on Saturday. H. left here with the intention of going himself, but returned on the stage, as be has some other important business to look after. A party was held at the house of Mr. Williams on last Thursday evening. Those invited en- joyed themselves, and those not in- vited (that went) had an oxcelllut time. A Mother parly was held near here on Friday evening, and was a success also. At both they "tripped the light fantastic toe" for a time. Mr. George Gray intends moving to Mclntyre shortly. The Messrs. Heron are building a shed at the school house. Miss Karah Petit I Mrs. Brown's sister), is visiting at the parsonage. Mr. Madden, who lives near here, received an injury lately. He is under Dr. Scott's care, ud therefore P aud so the danger passed away. From there they moved to Mr. Pres- ton's. We believe there was a fine turnout of grain at both places. The boys around here go out shoot- ing at every spare moment ; and at Jackson. John Ward, get one year at louia. ail accomplice, All Men old, or middle aged, who find them elves nrrvuuH, weak and nxhaantod, who are brnkeu down from excesses or <>Tor work, re any t.me you may hear the expression, i "Johnny get your gun." Our teacher, Mr. J. L. Wood, engaged here for next year. of vitality, loss of memory, bad >li dimneu of night, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the k ; .d- neys, headache, pimples cm the face r body. itching or peculiar uensation about the seru- turn, wonting of the organs, dizziness.tpeck* before the ayes, twitching of the muscles, eye lida auJ elsewhere, bashfnlnesx, dt-po-n- Me believe that the enticement of a; m the urine, loss ol will power, tmdmiep* From our own Correspondent. Iwruvr salary than S. S. N". 4, Artemesia, ';tn L'i v, is gnini( to draw our present of the scalp and (pine, weak and Hubby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rcKt- .1 I'-m-in-r, Mr. Wnulit, fniiu uur midat, at | by sleep, coustipntiou, JallnvM of hrarins;. the end nf the present yoar. Wo are sorry to lose Mr. Wright as be ia an I'Hirtriit and painstakiiiK teacher. The new brick school houne which is .- beinn built here is at last Hearing a tardy mB * ult - v Mul . . ae>ah . Unlc8i . fiured - i ^ j -n i \ * sprinit or viLul inrrn havni" ]<>t itn c Miipletion. and will be opened for public service after the vacation. The little winged god,|"Cupid' r is still hovering between the cheese factory and the post ottiue, and nuptial matters look- ing brisk. From our mm Correspondent. Mr. J. C. Sloan has leased 'he steam saw mill on the 1 2th aud he , intends leaving our village this week. Thanksgiving day passed otf very ] quietly iu this village with the excep- , tion of the noise caused by some old caronsers who became somewhat joy- ; oiis in the evening. Mr. Wm. Walker has returned home and looks as halo and hearty as ever. Mr. Burns, of Parry Sound, has been visiting his friends in this village i during the past week. Mr. Roy has made considerable im- provements to his 1 ion sv. and now it has a much better appearance. n. .tior.i Itoud. From our own Corrftpoitdent. As noticed in your columns last week, the most startling event that has occur- red here for some time was the sudden and unexpected demise of Mr. Stam- borskie. Our school trustees hare advertised for a new teacher in consequence of the resignation of Miss Ford. Mr. W. Heath's flock of aheep was visited by dogs last week and valuable oue of the number killed. The short winter that we have been favored with has made those who have their root crop to take offj be tir themselves with alacrity before there comes another fall of the beauti- ful snow. loss of ruioe, <li-Hir for solitude. exnitaLilitv uf tcmprr. MUikfii eyes surrounded with LKAIIKN CIIU-I.K, oily looking fkin, etc.. are a, I ymptuu nf nervous debility that lead t> Thr _ ti UMl II i-vi-ry (unction wauvii In consequence. Tlno-r who th:i>ui(l) abuse committed in ignorsm- nmy be permanently cured. Send ymir ad- dres for book on all diseases pernliar to man. Address M. V. I.I III IN. ;^i Front St. K . Tnr-.'. 1 :-}, On. Books sent free sealnl H.iart liiMMuu!. the tymptomsof which are fint rpells, purple lips, immbnem, palpita- tion, Hkip beats, hut llanhuH, rnh of blood to the head, doll pain in the heart with beats HtnniK, rapid aud irntgulhr, the sreoinl heart beat <|iiics.ur than tbs tirst. pain about, the breattbone, Me., oan poaitivnl* bt> i-iiri .1. Noeurc.no pay. Send for book. Addr"-< M. V. LLBON, 30 Front Street Eiut, T..I- onto, Out. COME! INSPECT SELECT Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Marked in Plain Figures PRICES LOW. duality Considered. ESTBALMED NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. B News. Fnrm our own Correspondent. As your correspondents from this burg have failed for some time to give us news, I will try to supply the vacancy. Feverahatn is still basking in the same delightful situation. Here do you find the mystic rocks and caves deep into the earth. The Beaver river which divides the village iu the centre gives the place a favorable ap- puarauce in business respects. Our grist mill is still in operation, aud a great deal of chopping is boiug done. Mr. P. C. Bruce, our shop keeper, , is doing a large business. There are two vacant stores in FcverBham. A tint class opouiiig wonld be found hero for the right man. Chir blacksmiths and wood workers aro also very busy at llo* present. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly arouud here. King Dyer's horse wait takcu from the hotel at Fcvei sliam, j but we beUve lie was brought back agaiu to the aged man. W[r. John 1'arks.of tins place, went! ' 1 Warrants Personally Signel and kept good. 18 OPTICALLY FIT ED. lit tine Yrtulj. FINE WORK On all Grades of Watches, PERSONALLY DONE. W, A. BROWN, Jewellei*, etc. SIGN OF THE "BIG MARKDALF* i :