Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1890, p. 2

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WON Bl All ENGLISHMAN A LOVE STORY. The crowd utaide. which, alway* grea a the** occasion*, bad attorned Urge pro portion* *a haaiiag thai a biiofa, as Bo *n*s sailed il. had occurred, nheerei Diane over tad over again ; and aha beom quit* to (To ted with b aihei, ti in the. athaiitam, a rain of fljwar* we* ebowere pon bar, and a butt ol oomplimeniar ajKth i. beitowad. At the noor tf the earriag*, ju*l a* I wa* ahowing Dian* lato il, Raymond de Chan tali* ehook ate warmly by tha hnd, an< slt1, in a luud voior, ' My ooniiraialation* nephew, but do not do il again," whiob Eaierd loud Itunhter at my e,in-a. Adalbert de Mouolpin aqaoe)d biatiel aer Ibe carritg, and ceiled out lo ma ' luoky fallow." la the crowd, Kivdaloogu wved hi* handkerchief at DH-, and cent m Iko* writtro on a piece at newipaper I tae effect that " Alrxti-der b%d fleeiroy the u till of Thebes, bai Paryne bad ra built itwm.'' Tba whola thing wa* aburd, beeaute Pnryne wai a hetaira. and tba waa DO aUowtd to bund up iba wall* u( 1 hiuee wilb money obtained by bar beauty ; bat it waa a* eounplirui ntery to my bnda oleol Ikat eoald ouly laogb at Kivolaluogua's mjrtbo l*,iatl lOJiiLitoenoe*. W aaid 1ml* to eaoh olhar on tba way to ho booM. but we Mttltti lo hav* a walk BB ht- r own garaso ai aooo * we arrived. I am 10 me ), ' aba aaid oaca. " I fae as if I bad lived a whola lif aioot yeir *Wy ; aod it i only ri<bl, ia it uot, mother Ikat I ihould real a liitla In iny own garden with Heary. ai.d that ha ahonld try i aake op to uia for hii OBkindce** iu aver coming to a*a a* 7 " It waa vary faoiish of at, bat tbit made * all or r. Pcrhtp* it wai that wa wara ail stil sfl-rio* (rent oerir tied *molioai, auc lht WB teogbl rai" IB taara ; but Low aWereot wara oar > 1 aauiimeala I Uitue waa >vrt ; .1 in oaa idaa that ol aakis)|' op fet teal me. 1 was rnxroaeec by the dread tkn iba toroe in whkh ebe ha 1 played so hr part would provo ia a.-h lor bar he*lth. aod tha toua o( br VJoio* |.'itt>d to a aimilar ftar exieting iu Bjrrerir. Bur parent* kind, hooeat, gooC .o.-le were vrn.uly moved. Wbao we reached tha hoaea tha **rvanlt vj'no were on tba f iu vivi (or oar relaro, ra eeivjd 01 iu reepeetfol eileooe uot know- BU* rsaotly what oaa their mailer would give tbim, aad determined in their French tWelily, to watch hi* muv.meou Wore they aaanlfeiled auy *ipre**'Ou* t-f fxrlmg oo >air swn behalf; bat the mtr<|Uie, who Jenew iL in writ, ldn.tJ them thai ai wa u tared ibi ball : "My frinada, bara ii tha ho* Send of tba queen ; and loyalty to tha *over*ur,n n the raia ol my bou*.' A load oboar resounded ; and it e*amed to me ai if thii obeer ai all Uiaoe ia quired to maka her p. rfrcil > happy. Hha wai raally axqoiai'ivrly loiel* at tfci< moment. Hue pat op brr band lo bar wail, which with a a ight graiafal mo taut kh threw off; a i aa aha did ao loioe pin which liad ap her bead draea KOI aniantjed in tha veil, aad tba laxariaat baaaty of bar dark *oUea hair oitplayad ilf at it fell ia profusion do** bar ahoaldari. Her yee aparklad with dalixbt ; aid liking my arm and enol .IK u in boib hair own, aba aaid, with a obildnh aaivvta, Hat not tba quean wa:l oboMn f " where np jn thera waa aoo'brr, and aaoibar, and yet aao'her ebeer, dariuii wbioh Made aoiaalla Oaroni oania down lo witaaaa thii at range toeaa. Tba poor waaoao bad baan ao faalini, ao oaohmxly loyal lo in. that wa both grealad ber with an af>oiiooata ambraoa ; aad w*n her timid eyat diaoovarad that Diaue'i pareaU were nol wroth with m. r diiaoaed to check the impnlooaity of wur mavemanM, aba ooald ooly exalaim : ' MOD 1 >i-n. mala o'aat la ftea del Icnooenli," which made 01 all Ua<h tha Aral real lixn of for^etf alaaat of tba pail whiob at yat ah B^HJH at Tha next diepoeuioo wai avinoad to forgive all aroand wai the appetite wa Brought to tha bra*kfaet iht a minvta ba- tore no one would have ton ih*d, bat which ow we wara U ankioni to do jaitioe to. It WBI not BB oo tiioa far lotite, Bad I hex! taat enoagb in my heppintia to fraia from driuhin* Dieua'a health. That aun waa tha vriaoip*! lubjeot of ennvnrieiiiiii, and we bnrried lha meal aoa< kaitcn the moment when we cuul.l at Uat h* together. DariaK tha repaat, however, tha mar- ajnn' aye fell upon the blue favor wbiob I wore, aad ha a-ka i ma tha roa*uini( uf it. " 1 1 Ii my n r i and laat >okin of IOTB," I Bid, Whrrupon Diaae jebing rtd with axjn-ti pride, aa4 polutioK lo her owu little Mae bow eo Kreoetaily aewn on to her druai, ail to bar fatber, See, 1 ba* one tao." " What children yoa are I " remarked her father. Toar obildreo," aaiwerrd Piaae. It U not for me to recount all that took wlaoe in the Harden. Tboe* who have i>io wa what love ie - wbat happioaei it kriogi in the height of Ita power will beat auidrritenil the jay, tbe biiii. Ihe blrenag C that ini aumlarropted boar of our be- trothal. Thoae wbe) have yat to learn are ao mooh to be envied that it ia aurlni lo let then Into the eeoreti of that eoblimeilof human agyeterief, l**t it ahoald take a*>ay from w> air heppiai B when that hoar bai aoandad lor their initiatloa ; but that any one oan Tar boail of being ao loved by ao pare, 10 fentl*, BO lovely B being M Diane da Breleailla, U what I may be exonaed if I oneider impoaiibla. We wni through the evnU of the pait fonr week! oar fear*, our hope*, oar eliffloaliie*, oar reaolvee, and oar tn.lt. We reheereed oar nioeit momvnla. We Itailed the worti a* elaiini for happy oom- neatioB in the fotore, and oar lip* aealed tba vowi oar been* had long offered op lo aoh other. Time flew, and wa wara flill at the be (inning of oar conversation, when Dian* wae bailed by her mother, ai . . 1 WBI atked X) o into the marqnu 1 ilady. A i we parted with a pronroe that I houlii retara to dinner M tbe evening, Plane laid, How U it that wt love ear.h other T " I oaMBOt tell," I laugbiii.l;' aniwered. Ion only aikad ma to be your aaad, aad yoa proved that I wa* friend in WM In teed of a tulle wife Then you bate tattled that I ibtll be our wife T " I looked alarmed. She innU d. and exolalmed, " Afk me the e^aretion ; for at praeeal yoa bav* oul; atked tbe oonieat ui my paraotej." Diane, darling/wilf yoa be> my wife) r " I will " ; and, imtiux ihe acuon to th word*, ihe kt**ad ma once m ire, and wan off. UanhioK a* the fl*w Into tb*> hooa*. ' My dear f rund," obierved the marqoi ta me a* I WM aeated in hia atoar a few !uiiMiteilat*r, "I will notgo hack uion tbe bat 1 mud say you Engliih have a way of ingratiating yoanelvas with young Udi** whiob i* not our way. 1 oaono M*m* you, ho *ev*r ; for in other rt*p eta I own I oannot find fanll with th* oonluot too htve par*a*d since my auforlanate deoiaion in a mttltr in which epptreolly end to my surprise, I flud tbtt Uiane'e parent* had no concern." I n-niled. ' Yoa mty smilr," h* went on, " bnl though no doabl in thii ca<r, mttitn may and will tarn oal for th* beet, n 1 1 haw *eldcm kn )*-n th* wiib** of pir.-nl* a*t aiida with inipanitr " Hat, monticar," I Niver mind the peel, my hoy. I know U yoa wi re going to eay , bat I htvi cH.d )oa ia to apeak of the loiarw, and not of the pall. Yoa know my condition. ' 1 know that yoa wish as to lire with yoa." That i* a first and tbsolat* condition of my consent. ' 1 1 am too bappy to labioribe to il." In th* nexl plaoe, if ohilircn art born to yoa. tbey (bail be brought op ia their moibar'* religion." " Wbioh i* alio mine," 1 replied " Thirdly, I know nol what your mean* are; bat hall of them mad ba muled on Liiniie, and the whole on hr ohildno, if you lave any " I will insliaot my nun of baiisesa ao- cordinifly.' " Fourthly, you mart n^ht M. d* Men part" It il com. try to our English Mets," I aid; "bat there ii no ooaditioo tbtt yoa may Ity down to obtain Dienn's htad that I am nol ready lo aabeoribe to." Ik <iie well; and lailly. yoa will corse to tb* Chateau da Hreleaillv with ni when we go iber* a*xt weak. Yoa will take a loate in ibe village near ui, and nuke thai luaae yoar domicile for tbe parpotee r* jairedby law. Yoa willvitil L)ita* when vi r yoa lifca, in tbe eame way aa yoa muhl lore, nowlbalyoa are her raoogniiad lailor, iud yoa will be married thie dty month, ery quietly, in Ihe village charoh." Mty I have a friend al the ceremony T" YOB tr* entitled to on*." " U* i* an Englishman, Lord Btookville, aud 1 wuu him to be my beel man." Another Enxliibmto 1 " oried th* Mar- /ii', wuh a amila. "Toank goodaaas, I eve nol auuther dtaghter I " Y u o juld not have another lit* Diane." " Di*o meroi," re|lied the old mtiqaia ; and now that all i* aettUd botweu ae, wa X(ifOl yoa at dinner at leven." Wnen I got home I found two (ntlemen waiting for me; and at I *nt*rwl they *ed very politely, but tqoally itiffly, and nformcd an-, tlmoat in me aame breath bat they were deputed by 1* Uomt* d* Maaperl lo < a!cr me an apology. It. numbering loddenly (i was too fall o! iiu to think of any Iking bat h*r weet II) tbtt one of the c jn niioua of my mar iage waa to ti <hi thi* ceini, I exoltimed u rather an imparioni mtnuer thtl I bad lot yet bad tint* to eeleot two frUad*. bat bat I woald Ml abiatil at onoe, aod ad tree* them to Ihiee ganllemen. " Moneiear," tail tb* alder of tbe two, we (hall al way* be glad lo eeo your friend* .1 any errand of honor whioh you may DOOM to ecleol them fir; bat our unrpjea n doirg oarselve* th* honor of calling on ou i* to deliver to you tbii letter, to w nob we are ineiraoted at tb* lame lim* to re aeit an anaw*r." 1 hit th* Utter : " MoNtiBSB, Tb* ixiremaly painful vantof ihi* morning had > pawerfally ab orbed mi at the time Ibtl I permitted my. aalf an act which, I acknowledge, we* nol _ oar relative poiitione. T .u had *v*ry right to remind sne ol y inj* lioioui vieit to yoar room*, tnd my ui.-iuory oaghl nol to htv* failed me in re ard to it. Bat strong even ihta that on is ths tact whioh I abonld hav* re aollocted that Iba Mtrqais de Bretamille would never unction lha marntit* of hi* asghttr with on* who wt* no K*ntleman. I reqoeil, therefor*, that yoa will bliterel* from your memory tb* alter- not* of my woanded pride, and direct th* uiii IUBH who ttke thii apology to yoa to uy of yoar friends whom yoa mty etd.ot o be yoar -oondt. I bold myxlf in ratdio*** when and where yoa platid, bat I plead for urgency. " Accept Ih* nor. eiion of my hii(h oou idartlion. ( 'out i MurT." It did not take ma long to dtspttob three oles on* a formal acknowledgement of the hove, and Ihe other two relocating Rive! longoe and another to call on the count'* IBII.'M next morning, tad arrange how beat could kill or b killed. I htd no fear whatv*r. My tlaorily waa HI <ti that ail nctlday I even looked orward to th* duel a* Mtling in blx>d th* >ve I bad won.anvioiptling witb hope that blood aboai to b* ipilled for Diane'* ake would b* mine. It happened a* I had tfht. Wa want oal to a *>de tlley in ha Boil d* Boulogne *l a very early hoar it morning. We bowed, meaeared wordi, buwedagain, craned vwordi, bowed third time, tod then fenced. But I wai Koor weak* later, M a bright aonar day of July, Bob, who had arrived the Bight be- fore, aad who wa.* act in the beet of baon, tooonapenied me to the little village oiinroh of GombM-la-Bceteill*, wbioh b* pro- noaooad to be very dirty nd vary jiaffy. end then gave) m* away to the girl whom be afterward* prunoanoed to b-, oal and out, the lovtliee* cr.aiure be had ever eeen io or oot of hie draaau. So atrrnok waa he that he amaaad u* dor- iogtbe weddioK breakfaet by mformiog the) Uomteaee de Breleuille thai, had h* known iba girl I luve.1 waionly ha f ao baaotifol, be would n*vr have allowed me to i*e ap promotion for the xpree pnrpoae of keep- log my frienda away from a picture ih< y all had a right to admire a* a "chtf-d'cBavre. Thi* wa neatly pot. nil on ihe whole Bob eo<iaiiid himeelf well ; bat he oonld not iwellowFrenoh manneriam, a* be oallad it, *nd therefore left by the train following that wbiob carried Diana and n aalf away io tha mountain*, at an altitude whiob would bring ae nearer to hraven, to bleee ih* boor that bad given ber oorgi to ipeak to me in ihe pa*try-oook'< h <p, lo oonae- crat ihe color which bad proved BO Irme to love, and to recite onoe more to each other, before beginning a life of eudleee happmeaa together, that chapter of little nothing* whiob make life, attar all, io pltatant and o iroJy dcliyhtfmL Bix year* after thi event* joat recorded, n one of the old-laihioned villagx* of the Uanphine, on an afternoon of March, 1873, t in n. with a little faded blue ribbon or vor in hi* batton-hole. w* knelia^ be ' r a tomb covered with flowers, and from which aroa* a mtrble cr >, on wbioh wa* written ihe following inscription : " Bt romelle a veeu ee qae V|T*B| iMroMB l.'ae|iace d un noalla." Two lilt!* children, drened in blue, ware on eilber tide of him. toying witb the ] iwer* on the tomb, while the man lobbid >i if hi* heart wa* breaking. An cl ler man older looking in man- ner than ptrhap* hi* feature* warranted came op from behind, and gently touched Jim on tbe ehouldrr. The children looked up alarmed at the itranger; the) children'* father wepl on io ileooe. " All U forgiven beyond the grave," whin- wreri the elderly mtn. Bat not forgotten," replied tbe other. The hiatory of a life, my paar friend." ' Death la life, yoa moan? " ' That waa) what I felt on that morning whrn yoa robbed me of wife." That i* what I feel a* i kneel before her ear rcntine." " Lei a* be friend*." The younger mn (hook htnrle in illenoe, and over the grave of Diane de Brelcaille he only enmity *h* had ever brought about wee forgotten and forgiven for her iwae>t WOH Al'l INTUITION. IH *- o excited ibtl I laid mytelt open lo many tbrott whiob, had I bad to deal with a e** gentleman-like advtnarjr, might hav* roved deadly, and I wa* oallad to order. .1 th* vary next lame the oounl'i a word iaroed through my wriil in a parry to the hi- et, and lha blood ipurline; oat wa* th* ignal of the end. Bienpanvreoompepietioal" olaimd ae count, a* b* oami natr i i aiMrlaia the xtent of Ihe damag*. Tbe doctor hav- ng awarad hioi he *xpote>d n* evil re- nlti, and finding that 1 had not even lost oonioloainea* though, of c >nre<>. I mail BV* looked very ill Ih* ooaat bowed to i* and retired. Honor waa atiited. My wouu.i haaled rapidly. Allweatv- v* bow all doe* right ilealf qniiUy I In ea* than three days 1 wt* baok tl Mi* Ilotel firettailla, having fulfilled the hat and io*t tenon* of the condilioua impoetd upen by the marqak*. etea. Th* inoreaea of temperance eentiment in h* Btptui Charoh in Walee i* indicated iy a **nt*noe from Rev. J. Daviei, who *ya : " Of 600 Bpii*t miuistar* only tOO were total ahttainer* ; bat oat of fifty three student* la Ih* college* only one wai not included ia tb* ranks ot abstainers." Mrs. John B. Ooagh I* in B orilietl oon- dition from apinal trouble and ia tlmoat belplets. Fifty thouaand peraons paraded al Dah- lia led wok ia honor of the memory ot father Mathew, th* aposll* cf temper- ance. Th* W. C. T. U. ladies will be delighted to e** tbtt th* Hon. W. E. Uladdone ha* taken a* ptrt of hi* platform " Temperance and Womtn Suffrage." Biahop William Ttylor, replying to an invitation lo attend Ihe Ntlional W. O. T. U. to be held U Atlanta nrzl month, preeent* iu his brief letter a driking oom mnntary upon the evil* reiall ng from thi h I i >r tr.fb in Afrioa. He styi: "It woald td ird me ipeoiel plctiure lo toaapt, were il poiiibla, for yoar* Ii Ih* reel ieea* of th* day and of great import, not only to Amerioan ham**, for who** defence you ilanJ in the name of Go I, bat. aleo, in it* relation to mieeioo work in beathea land*. Poor At rict'a deplorable condition under tbe ram oar** i* darker than when tbetletling of million* of it* people oaueed Ltvingiion to call it ih* " open aore of th* world." A hundred deamihipt that aail from European and Kogluh porti to tbe west, aonth and east coed*, narry apnnoiptl cargo of ru n and gin. Htrnburgalon*. by two line* of teamen, exported lo Afrloa 200 000 tone of run lad year ; and many other citi**, including our own Beaton, ar* early Alentfa KJhi an lev In Bea-a**! t Ceaaaaew Th i.. An old geolleman over Mfenty, came iato th* dty froal him farm, without his overcoat. The day toned chilly and be ta obliged to forego his viiil to tbe fair. To a friend who remonstrated with him for going away from borne ihm anpreptred. be eaid : " I thought it wai going to b wtrui ; my wife told me to lake my ovar- ooat. bui I wouldn't. Women have mor wnse than men anyway." A frank edmieiion. Women 1 * good MOSS is said to com* from intuition ; may it not be thai they are more oloae ob>rv*rs of little thingi. Oue thing u oertain, Ibsy are apt to alrika tbe nail ou inn head, in all tbe ordinary problem* of life, mor fnqaanlly than tbe lord* of crea- tion. According to Dr. Alioe B -nnelt, who recently read a ptper on Brighl'a dite*** before tbe Punylvanit Stale M dioal Sooiety, p reon* labjeot to bilijas aittak* *nd niuk beadeotaee, who btve orawaag enaatioot, like ihe fl>wing of water in the head, who are) 'tired all tbe tim*' aud btve unexplained attacks of to idea week- neee, may welt be impacted of dangerou* tcndeuoie* iu tbe direction of Brigbi'i dii- ease." The veteran newspaper oorrvapaodent, Joe Howard, of the Now York Preu. ia not- ing thi* (tatement, soggeati : FiMtiblv Alioe i* cirrect in ber diai(noais, bat why doeeo't *be giv *ome idea of th* tretl- ment T I know a man who baa been ' tired II the time ' for ten years. Ni^ht before la*l he took two doit of calomel and yes- u-r > h* wubed be hadn't." A proper aniweris found in the following letter of Mrs. Davis, wife of K. v Wm. J. Dvi*. of Besil, O , Jane 31it, lb J : " I do nol heeiiet* to say that I owe my life to Warner'e Sf i Core. I had a oon Haot htmorrhag* from my kilnetn for more thas five month*. 1'h* pbytioian* ooold do nothing for ma. My bubtod iprnt hundred* of dollar* and I wa* noi relieved. I was under Iba otre of the most eminent malioal men in the elate. Tbe hemorrhage o*e*ed br fore I had taken one bottle of the 8af* Cure. I oan lately and do oheerfally recommend it to all who are tuffemr* of kido*)* trouble*." i PHOB- run arM < Ore** efceaaa for tave H. ii.r r a* Hewn u u engaged in the neftrtooe buune** of tarn ing a Miitierippi of death and destruction ii| o-i tb* daf*n*el*e* African*, aanoally doimating whole teolion* of that country. Oar only bop* i* in the goipel. Qod bless ju in yoar great work." Maaaen of . No man is as great as he ii gwlng to b*. No mtn oan please hit opponent in bnainee*. No mtn *v*r loit anything by keeping Ilia month abut. Age ba* a ijuieting rffeot on a man that we have never noticed on anything els*. There are eom* metiture* and aoma man that yoa might as well *top fighting ; yon oannot mtke headway agtiud them. It a man ever Mln B lie tb* dty will orely come when il will ftee him while be trying to condemn I tUehood in another. Wa>l*l*7 on th* Saloaeu Lord Wolseley has receatly written a very earaect article in " Stead's Review of K VIHWI." in whioh be r*fer* in plain and bold language 1 1 tha m utl and material effect* of the drink traffic on the Britiah nation. Here are aoma extracts ; tbey are the word* of an earnest, loyal mtn, tnd larely tbey oagbl to have their wtighi. Similar itatement* oan be truly made in regard in mailer* a* they itand in Caa*/ia. Lord Woleeley laid : To me, Loud jn i* a pr*l houM of infamy, of terrible im- morality ia He wont een**. I oaonot go a hundred yard* in any direction without teeing a public hoaaa when large placard* 1*1. yon that Cream Gin " is sold cheap within. Outaioe I aee a drt'n or M who hav* now vaioae in the menaicement of our pnbiia afftire. mora or lw* tip*y. Ttk* a torn in the Strand or in Piccadilly at 9 or 10 p. m. Wbo do yoa nod there T Look tt yoar thievee' qaerteril The horror* and tboniinaliona of London would not bt tolerated even in Cairo for a da>. We only make oareelve* ndiaaloa* hy declaiming againit what waatyla lioilhat we aauotion aroand a*. When I *ee elroog meaeare* taken in England to prohibit the ale of p lUoa* io tha form of ipirii* of all aorta, ibtn I ihtll believe in the new Briiith iUformilioo. It i* to m* in oar praeent Hate a monitroas impoti- lion and humbug to preach abroad what w* dare nol oarry out al home. Th. re i* a gre)tl deal said in thii artiole tboal eoldier*. Now I am oxrtain thtt 1 know far more of on' solditr* and of ih ir man Den tnd ooitom* and code of morality than moil wriieraoan, and believe me that, man for man, oar soldier* are far more moral than their brother* tod oooiini in civil li'a; ihe elrinl di*aiplin* aaier which they live aoooa it* for thi*. Toere ii maoh lee* draokenne** ia th* army than ia the claeeee from which we obtain the larKeal proporiioa of our reorait*. Do let a* give ip theory Bad 1*1 a* deal witb fact* as w* 1 id them aroand a*, and if we maet loet our theories let a* d j so at home. L ! Ihe praaaher d*al wilb tha foul dieeaae* which b* Bad* eroaad him, aad waen he b** oared that, then by all meant let him travel further tii l<i " Daring the k* five jeers ph veiotan* have trit-d with graiifying ** ats* a Dovsl treatment for dyapepsia aod etnoer of the etomtch. The prootsa) at very simple and nol dang*roai. A long, fl-xible pips is passed down tbe throat ontil one) end ie in the ttomeoh. Tha upp*r end has a foiiBel attached, into which be>t water is poorad until the tomaoh ia filled. Th weight of the) watac io the pipe and focnel ^ivne a bydrasJis) pr***ure inffiuient to *li*;htly ditnd lha slomaoh. The) pife baa an tprrtare oig enough to hold a lead pencil. After tbe itomaoh has been filled Ihe funnel end of the pipe turned down until it i* low*r iliu to* bottom of tba stomach, n 'he atotnteh i* emptied as a br el ot any fluid i* entered through a mp'ion. I ..- process oan be repealed aevrra timi-v. Tbo reeolt that the nudist-ate i fund and mucaa are waibed oat ami the hot wau>r oloeee tha blood veaeel* and rtxiaoas n dtmmaiioo. The relief i* immHditle. The dyspcptio may have hi* >tomoh w**hd oal before a meal, io that ba can take a fre*h start. After the eUpte of a euffijwnt time for ordinary digcition, the *ii>ma>b may be waihed oat again. Th- prooaee has b * inn** in th* N w Y rk h >-pil for *)n* lime The utomaoh pump he* been mainly/ oned inoaeee of pjinonin* aud ia oonaidered to be the flrtt eisential bafore administer- ing antidote*. Bat tbay are to aaldosi oeed that few ph)tioian* have thorn. Recently in a oaee of poieoning three prominent physician* werv app led to tot* the ueof a itomach pump, aud n-itberof them had one, and tha u*lint hai to ba taken to the hoepital. Ntit York Sun. lha The arrival on Wedoe*dy night ot the) MoDongaJI deemer Coigtte Boyl renew* the peculiar intere*! in her. 8b* did not come do*n io fact Ihi* lime a* on th* (jrevioa* trip, for the reanon that aha had th* barge 104 in tow, which aba left in Ohio with ore. She did. however, tow tha oarge from Detour to Port Heron in zS hour*, and on the up trip nhe aailed from lha Stall to Djlath in M\ hoars. She encountered rough weeib>r. too, bat ep- pear* oot to mind toat maoh. Baas break over fcer, but do nol beat againal her a* M the CM* of other veseals, a* aba presents BO fl*t luifaoe to them. The shipyard at Superior ha* tt present seven wnib. ki on the e'o kt three learner* and four btrg-e. Qua eteamer will ba tbe *m . a* tha Hoy t. bsl the) oaa intended for *all wab-r is built abort enougb eo thai the will go through the Walitnd and St. Lewnnoa lock*. She is enough deeper aud wider to mtke up tor the lack ot length It it th* in eulion lo build three more n*x> year, two btrgea and on* (learner. An iffjrt will b* mad* to pro loo* a iO mil- boat in Ih* ranter. With th* aeveii whal*b*<ki in oommiaaioa) bare ia atartad and proj -ot*a a float of IT ve <!*, five il*am>-ri aud twelve barge*. with a carry ing capacity of nol leas than 35,000 too*. It looks as though the American Steel B*r K e C impany had tha rourage of it* oouviiitions. BtffuUa Mm. Umbrella* In UaaUMd. Ia a recent June th* London Standard gen- Frobably one aloog ao well v that thi woman 7iever aiki the) man for money .A tcAieea < . '*. r*BM>'i why oonplee gel hnn they are engtged i* WAXTKD. , 'r,.m 1 .if. ) Two trma aroi.o 1 my neek entwine, A nicwtb ohofk i .-!. prneaee iuia* t I kuow what ueri otrceeee m an And In uy *btlr 1 backward loan. " Whi U it. daughter uilue?" 1 T, " Vthtt ! It il.'. you wo.nl t-dy V Home nori) new dr-e *, nr t bat T" " N i, der i>i>i> t. It Uii'l tbet " " I hoptll IMII'I lt*i, tl enf ' " Yiu ilftr i i.l ii jum UH again " " More dt*riaudi, ur p*rti*i> t p*arlf Not Tbn whttdo vim wtnl, my cirlf" ' t don't waul auythlDa ; }ou toe It'e Tom Hue lime, aud -be waola ma." *> John Uacklay, who ha* givan a 1100.000 library buililing to Ma*ka*)on, Mich., worked bis way from Baltimore to that oily twenty years agOi P" r b7- on a umber v***ol. H* mnd* B fortoji* In lam gives th* following item of trade and eral uittrnel, implying far-reaohing px*i bilitici for one uf our mm vi^oroo* indos- Iriee : "Nj article sent oul to th* Congo State, where then are 40.000 of people and any Dumber of email poton!tte*.is so popalar and sell* to readily for a large earn ae ihe hag*, gty umbrella, of whioh Braa**li now prodmoe* lone every year. These ombrsl- ' are, in a oerlaiu way, th* iaslgsia of royally that i*. they are maoh prised by the bleok kinglet* who lit brnetth their gretef al *hade. What the otnopy o*ed to be to tbe travelling monarch* in the time of Ihe oruiades, Ihe umbrella ia to the in Dumerabl* feudal ohief tain* ot tbe Congo to-day." _ Crael. What ls it now, dear T" mid to* gentle mother, t* her married daughter oameinto the bout* and flung heraelt nobbing into hc>r A -iun Wweaaaa IHin'u." The *loai woman i* always atking what b* *hall woar. N .w tbeee, aooording to the Naw Yark Sua, ar* M>.a* of the things ba inonld not wear: She thooid nol woar a tailor- mad* laik filling hr figure aloeely. It brings oat vary pound if flesh for th* benefit of tb* looker on. Sne eboald not wetr a roielte at her boll. She ihoa'd not wear B loe or ribbont ruche abuot ber neck, ibou^b tbe soft feaihar on* i* pdrmixibl* if II have loaf od*. She ihould not wear a short ekirt. So* ihoold not wear bar hair loo- on bar neck. bha should oot wear a string of friiBB about her aeok, ring* in bar ear*, or, if her finger* ar* iborl aud fat, mauy liag* on them. 8n* thonld avoid high *le*ve* tnd glove*. Bh* ehoold than obtmpagne. Bh* tboald bat* ioa-oram. arma. Oh I mammi," said the heartbroken yonng thing. Cbarlia i* to cruel. Laat veniug 1 told him I wai lure bis imuking would rain the drapery, and without a word h* went to work and look down every ourtain in the houte." 1'tck'i Sun. Oo>*ne Uuue..ilr to Theaa. " I hav* fifteen olooks I'd like to sail you. " " I don't bay itolen good*, sir." " Why, they weren't *tol*n, my dear air. I was married ye*lerday." Maw. Onmso You can lead a bora* to water, but yoa otn't mtke him drink. Banks Just th* sam* with a Colonel, Isn't lit _ '1 he words tbsMmion* and faoetiooa ar* said lo b* th* only on** In th* Enli*h langoag* that contain all Ihi vowels in their | regular ordav. Baroaaea Hr. ,,... Mivatiam I aeetq Tbe Balvaiiin Army in Berlin has fouad a new aud unique recrnit in Ihe Bara Mtrgtretbe vun Lill i.kn ui /, Bbe w I lifai and thirty year* out. Bh* ie tb* daughter ot a Bwedith ki.ighl and th* widow of a Bwedian oaptaio. Befureher conversion to the prtucipire uf ib* army th* led a Kay life in til. IVi r.burg. Htuoknolm and B. run tooiely. Th Btlvatlou Army ba* nol, ho*v*r, a* tneoonvemon of th* Bareness might iudiote, had a very easy tak trying o " reach the sinners of tb* Btbylon on the Sprew. ' Tbey htv* been m uamerooe row* in Berlin. Iu a realaoraa* in tha Rheiniberg dratee tan day* ago *ix warriora who ware attempting to oouvtrt th* workingmen driaking thr* got oonv ple.t*ly "don* up" by tho crowd, who os> Jaolod to beiag dieturbod at tboir Naw York H trait: tt'tlikin *acque in Ib* l<lu*b coat in th* rear frand." "Maybe," returned th* you're Lolhing but a kkin." Bah I" laid th* front p*w to th* on*, "yoa ar* a ploih. "bat A DlMawblttr. New York Sun: -I* Mr Jon** aikrd the yoaug man timidly. " Yr, ur, ' vt ibs reply. "Then please hand my card to Miaa Jonei, ai.il tell her I'm terry kh U out " rlarnd thebashlaj caller, ecarrying away. A Protection^*. Drake'i ita t <ui** : "Why, Mr. Brown. ,?, ,.' re .> ou n-'linK op yon front gate I" Well, with *o many daughter* I have ta ttke aoma iteps for telf protection." Whit* pin* board* are now mad* by i*> dnoibg small trees and limbs to palp tad pretiiog ia molds. A drovs ot hogs in Hndaoa. Mich., be- oama mloxioated by drinking tbe eoaam from a sorghum factory, and in Ih* orgiafl whioh followed on* hog was drowned by ths gay debtnobea.

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