TMLJIGhAPHIC 8UMMAKY. ou wae hi* One thousand miners have atrncK at Bwanaea for an advaaee of 16 par cent. An eight hour league we* fonaed last evening in loroi to by trade* onion men mad Kuighte of Labor. The Cerate de Pari* had a narrow asoape frcm b> ii g killed Ceiling on hi* train at Plaltoborg after it had started. Wm. H. Pickering, of Kingston, wa* assauiud ry fto<pdi late on Tbnriday veriing Iney robbed bin of 112 snd an artifimal aim. Premier Whiteway and Lord Knatsford have been holding many conference* in an M>d< avor to ffexit a bet tie me nt of tba New toundlaud difficulty. Remi I aniouia. ue. who i* to be banged ia Sberbroiki. Que., on December 19tb, sffi-cts to be as cheerful a* Bircball in Woodstock awaniug a similar fate. Tbe Captain of th* Oregon, which rsoently we-ut aground near Quebec, aeys tbat the nigi-eliing and lighting b-tweeu Cape Rusier ana Fame Point are veiy de- fective. Foreman Roche, wno was presented at Wbitby ou the charge of causing the Louost Hill oii. r on the Canada Pacific, was acquitted yesterday by order of Jncge Street. A jourg Rnetisn wbo luceseded in saking hi* eaeape from Siberia after having nerved fourteen years there bss arrived in London. He lefuaas at present to give particulars of tbe condition cf the prisoner*. It is understood the Dominion Govern ment has decided to abandon th* project for deepening tbe Beaubarnoi* canal, ana will u,* rail bnil.i a new canal on the north aid* to meet the itico-aiug requirements of th* St. Lawrencu route, A Urge number of French Canadians, with their wives and children, from below (joebao, arrived iu Montreal yeeterdey noruing ou tbeir way to Worcester, Max., to engage in cotton weaving, being tired of the poverty of farm If.-. While a number of men were engaged unloading timber at the Cove bridge below Loi.don yenterday a h avy piece if timber inppe-u iff out xoente uly and fell Wm. Lawrence, a trackman, who standing beside tbe car, bieakiog both kg* at the ankle. Jam- aCalder.a huhlv respected and well- to-do farmer of MiKillop lownabip, tnree miles north if Beafortb, was found in his barn hanging to a raf .er yeelerdey, witb lifi extinut. Mr. Caider was a bachelor, about M years of eg*, and no cause can a* yet be assigned lor bis action. Tba inVial bulletin announcing tbe popniaiiou of the United States was issn-d y Superintendent Porter, of lhe> ( enau. Bnrt au, to-day, and i* 62 400,540, an in creaae ever the census of lltMM) if 12. 324, 764, or 24 67 per on t 1 hi- is a great au- appoiotiueut to mat y wbo bave insieie.i that the tjtal population would be 65,000, 000. It will be remembered tbat lent Wednes day an escaped lunatic named Blais made a murderuue e*auit npon Cont*ble LaJBOuiiea and Sh. r ff Larean at Laoolle. Qoe. Hi* victim* are now at th* point of death, aud tnir muni, ten i* already d. ad. He we* taken into caeiody and lodged iu the jail at St. John'*, and last night be eomuiitled luiuide by haniting himself witb rope made out of nis bed olotbing. Patrick 6 w tin, arrested in London for stealing a borne aud boggy from St. Thomas, was rr.i. n ,| at tbe Police Court yesterday. He pi. a led gailty and was senlcnovd to four yer* in the penitentiary Hs wa* Uk .n to Kingston tbi* evening Swain Serve . five years in Kingston befuie, having been sent from Hamilton. He also served BI ojoi.i I H n, tbe Central Pri*on and a teim in ill- Reformatory. Ten WIUMI eg^ers died of typhoid fever la*t month. Bismarck is going to bave a brewery at rriedriahuah*. Mrs. McL-cd, of Birsoartb. Man., 50 year* old, got lost on the prairie ana lay down and died Count von Miltke will devote to charity hi* tirthdey contributions, amoaniinv to 160000 maiks. The new American cruiser, San Fran oisoo, will be placed in commission on November 15th. French manufacturer* intend to start beep-breeding iu Central Asia for tbe production uf fiue wcol. Henry Livii> k slon, a farmer living on Hickory Inland, near Kingston, was drowned while rowing home. Tbe members of tbe Iron and Sieel Insli tate were entertained by the Privy Cuunci. at Ottawa on Saturday and then proceeded to Montreal. Biaoe tbe outbreak of cholera in the JapaLise injure there bave been 98.425 oaat* and 26 '.HI death*. Tbe epidemic has almost subsided. In an interview at Notre Dime, Ind.. Vicar General Bradv, of 8t Loii*. mate tbat Arobbishop K nrich wae soon to be oieatej i a Cardinal. S r Richard Cartwright will sprak at Barford to morrow e. veiling, at Norwich on Wednesday evening and at Ottervilte oo Thursday evening. Mr. James Noblio, a highly respects ait i Ben of Bom*uviUs, dropped dead in bis garden Isst evei ing. Apipiexy sop posed to be the cauw. A party of biien foro-d an sntianoe into the hooee of a forester near Preasburg in Hungary, an j after inaril. ring the for- ester pillaged tbe bouse. High Jepenete offi -ial* express regret htoanae Coree in turning from China to seek tbe protection of Russia, and predict trouble frcm inch a policy. Tbe Oooaoil-Oeneral of tbe Department ef Seine. Infeiieure at Rouen bas refused its aanemi to a scheme to rende r tbe Seine navigable for eta g nug vessels to Part*. A oolliiion of freight train* Sunday morning on tbe R a I ing Railroad at Rogeraford. Fireman Duyla was killed van oars wars wrecked, and ttsffio was delayed several hours. Owing to the vigorous measure* take* In Markham, Out., saoh as oioeing the) Lhiola ai.d uhorobes, and isolating those d, dithiheiia, whioh threatened to teoome spidemto, b%* hcso alsnost entirely stamped onl. 1 he Japajisie man of -war Kongo left Eabe fur Tarkey on Ootobor 10th with tbs survivors of >he Tsrkub maoat-war Brtoogroul. Of tba 600 person* loet oo the Krtoogrcnl the bodies of 950 have b**n waehed *nhore. Tbe Duke of Nacaan goes to Lnxembwg to-day t'i open the Chamber of U-potits The Duke wai averse to ranQaiing tbe functions of government "' UB w " aainrec] the condition of the K ug of Hol- land was hopeless. Tbe presents of tbe Daki of Connaaght at a given in Berlin ou the anniver- sary of the battle of Mfti ba.e given annoy- anoe to France, and M WadninKlon ba* been i OBI rooted to demand an explanation from Lord Balirbnry. Advices from Yokohama, per the steamer Occam- 1 , state that a telegram from Oaaka, dated October 14'b, } that two( r.iuen men-of war, booed fiom Fat-on to Jinsjen, bed founders d in a gale ou October 'Jib, 60 miles from the latter port. It is stated that a vptcial ii miuie will b erected in Berlin at ihe> coat uf the Oov- ernmeut for Dr. Koch's i xperimeota with hi* announced care for consumption, the establishment b ii'g cocduottd uu tbe name general plan * lh Penirur Inttiinte. After argornvnt in trie Winnipet: libel caie a plea was pat in by Mr. Luiiui/i oooniel thet the Ctfeodant btlieved that what he pnblinhed wai trne. Ibe judge qnaehd th plea, and Mr. Luxton wnl have to fhter anotbsr. Tbii ia flnt bluod fur Attorney- Ot-nertl M*rtin An order ba* been untied by the Boston Board of Health declaring; the prtsenl method of producing weter gas by tbe Bey S.ete Gas Cooapany, I) r -heater, a unit- auo. , and ordering the City H. ln-itrr to apply for an i junotion mtrsiiniag the com I a .y from it* manofaoture. John i'. Tarlinuton, the notcil^eiDerado, who has bren confl'iid at BJOUIV<II>-, Mi, in the connty jil for tbe paet ix monthi, ff -oteii hi* e>u*pr last ui K ht. Nu tree uf him has b-en diauovemd. Ha murdered ex Sh-rifl Cranmrr, and wa* a lelf-ogn f clued train robber. He was under aentence of death, bat bis sentecce bed bren eppialed from. A Urge crowd of Cephalonitn* forced ih> ir wny iato the Gretk i barob st Oalais yesterday aud prforaied their devultoni by thrin it Ivcr", in the atMeaoe of the priests, as a protect against the recent general closing of the Ore k oborcbee. The police at drat offered rruaiance, but aoon yielded to I he people. Wuhran Pay he* again bten arrested for Armenian intrigues. Yfilerdav a iaH accident happened at iUini-i, which cart a gioom over tbe inhabitant* of tbet plaoa. The bleu which bad been prepend tailed to explode iu the ninal tima allotted, and a boy uamed Urondin, accompanied by one of th workmen, went to aee the oani* Grmdin bad oommenopd blowing on tha tune to make it bnru U.vor. wheu nd lenly au exploeion ID k place, tnstai.tiy killed yoang Uioadia and lev.r-iv woandioK tbe other man, wbo happened to be a little further away. The first mow of the leaaon fell in Mon- tr 1 yesterday. The tt>a' Parliami*nt of the seventh L>*gii- letur* tf Qacbto v. ill bs opened tbi* afttr- ncoa. Dr I erne, of Uri*wold,M an. .eooiden tally shot off one of hie armi yesterday. He is doing well. Doting ln we, k :t4' arloarl* of Cana>diin nickel ore were receive 1 at the Waibiogton navy yard. Tbe rate of taxation in London, Onl., ha* been flud at twenty-two and four i.'ntMs milis. It ii stated that Mr. Mercier will ask p<er from the J i-bec Lt^mletore to rales a loan of Jti OCO.cOO. Jchn Scolti, inventor of tbs looomotivs cab, died of heart dineane on a itreel oar in Baltimore on Sunday night. Rabbi Dr. Ji-el, the great Oerm*n thco logian, died yeste-rday. The death ia also aiinouiiot d of Oen. von Weybsrn. Tbe Br in Colonial Ulan states tbat a leve-d-akr tinned lirhim was hanged at Bagemoyoon Stptembvr 33rd. 1 .1 ni Schmidt, who was tri'd on tbe ohar^H of betraying plans of Croustadt to a foreign power, has bteo found guilty and hanged. Tbe Allan line itramer Pomeranian, which is now tt Montrnal, hvl a narrow escape from\wreek while ooming up tbe go f in a ht v Tbe rota judgsmlikve mads an order ohi,gii g tbe i>laoelk*al of tbe North B u -. 1 rovii ctal ilfouon psiition from W.Jkertou tu Port El^in. For attemp ing to photograph a witness giving evidri cs yeeternay at theli^perery trial* Mr Patrick O'Brien was comiuitkd for a wo k for contempt of conn. The barrel* c f several new nd * mid for rtni'kelen powdf r bnrat during praoiio* at Wm. nborij and Stettin. An inifniry irtn the cants of the accident has been instituted. Nllie Byrne, a Kingstocin, i> suing Wm. 1'ui him, hotel-keeper, f r breach of promise of marriage. Hf dnie having made any proposal, and admin marrying another KUI. It is expected that 11 soon an the Pmi- dvnt return* from voting he will issue hi* proclamation calling an extra leaMtosj of Congrers, whioh will open on either tbe llth or 18th ii st. A young too of Mrs. H. C. Battel w' killed al M >o*e Jaw, having fallen into ih machinery of a mower. Mrs. B*ttl l-i-t her husband and another boy by lightning daring tbe summer. Thomas Cbarlswood, reiiding at 20 Th< in ion itreet, Toronto, iaittn< d a severe fraotara of tbs leg yeilsrdav after noon in a i>r at tbs corner of Samsoh street and Wilton avenue. He wai r<-moved to his own borne. Thetu.' iteamer Mrcart, al one tinr the orack bott of tb* harbor, was nmtil. .! and s.k at her moorings in the btHin, Qnebco, oo Balnrday evening. Tin hall wan pretty well consumed by Urn How it originated is unknown. Mis. Timothy Oredy, of Aipbotel town- ship, an nl I lady of partially ui.e- u .1 mind, wandrred away front her son's hoDse OB Saturday and was) found dead in her brother's fMd yestardsy naorning, ' ibont two miles from bom*. An spnleroia of meoeles prevails at St. John *, Nffci. Fivs buiutrerf eases and 100 deaths are Mportsd withis two months. In addition to this it i* nnuunoea tbat tbe perosBtags of deaths from diphtheria is gr> aixr tbaa at any time daring tbe rpi- deoaio. A man named Carter, wbo deserted from thn police near McLod in January, and Afterwards j>ined the American army at Fort Asti.iix ins, Montana, was transf. rred to K rt Buelliug, and there recently killed himeelf. He blew off hi* head with an army rifle. George Sotter, a farmer living about three miles from Milverton, was found dead in a ditch on Batorday night. An iitbtwiju held by Dr. Shaver, ojroner, and after the examination of a large num- ber of witresses the jury returned a verdict of accidental death. Thira arrived at the Toronto Union tation yenii roay, from ibe sest, sn Irish family ocnaifctirg of the father, mother and 14 children. Ol the latinr the eldest was 30 years old and tte yoanittil 4 months. Ibe father, who is a carpenter by trade, prop< sei to remain in Toronto. Aicbdeautn Ftrrar his written to Seneral lio. th promising him a donation of Jt JO, end > ulily oommeiiding bis pbilen- in n i.uai KI hi me, which he regrets was not originated by tba Cb tin h of Erglard. The arohdeecon will preaoh en the sntjtot in Weetminiter Abbey on Sunday next. A Rat Portage despatch lay* : " A ter- rib y bad aocintnl occurred tbia afierroon tt Keis, Hall A Brown's siw mill. John ; Bvan, the mill foreman, was engaged fixing some) machine ry , when his foot slluped and | wae caught between two cog whet In, and leg wa* ioatanlly drawn in and citubad up to the kuee. The patient is at present very low. The iteamer Pennsylvania from Phila- delphia U t .ber 33ud, arrived io O/wens town this morning. She report* Having enounateiei a liurnuanr, whiub I ailed four da) H The wind created heavy aeas, one of which boarded tha steamer, imaabing a ifeboat. Tbe pauengers were kept below decks for 60 hews. The tar ff negotiations between Germany and Aaitria bave resulted in a reduction to three marks of the duties on rye and wheat mt-orled from countries having oom MI r il treaties with U-rmauv and iMiria, ojuteining the rnoit favored uaiiiiu clause. This will include the mi |X>rta of theee oereaJs from tb* I nit d State*, and exclude tboee from Rn-sta. While Bailey'* traotion engine and threshing machine were paeeing near armel Motbodnt Chnrob, Car>wright, aet week, a young man Darned Wi.liam M%bnffy, in attempting to nati h tbe poiu-r whioh was ilipping off the engine, I ml hi* bklanoei and full before the wheel*. I he nginr wa* going too tail to be Hopped qu-oklv, and the threeher pasted ovsr his iit , tiiu-hing it frigblfally, and oiniiog death in a very short time. A sad accident happened at Elgin, near King-ton, on Hallo -ve'en. Some young noya were fli ing gnna for the purpose of Khti-ning an old ooapla living near the viiUgx. l<aau P. Merriman and Amaaa W. Uerrtman were n-turiiing from fiituog, their horae took fright at the noiM>, and both were thrown from the buggy. When piuked up I*a*e wa* unoon ion*, *o that be extant of his injurim are not yet known. Amass bad ons leg broken and wa* fearfully braised. A TIBLE OOLL18IOH. AB Opermtor'i Blander Bad* Trains- Urashing Toother. TUB UMOIHB WBBOBBD. A Well Known *eh>eeeer, 1 Owned In Hamilton. Veuuuored 1st FOUB KII.I.KU AMD JIA.1Y HURT. A Syracuse despatch of lest (Monday) night says : An accident, most horrible in detail, occurred on tbe Delaware, Laoka- wanna .t Western Railway at Rook Cut, a atation about three miiei south of tbi* city, through tha undue anomoiouiuess of a boy telegraph operator by the name of M. A. Clark. The accident occurred about 6 40 o'uloi k tbi* afternoon, and the blunder- n. 14 of the operator retailed in the death of four periou* and tbe injury of many others, and tbe destruction i f teveral thousand dollars' worth of rolling st> ck if the r ad. Tbe Mew York Pao.fij day express tram from the south, wbiub is due in Syraonie at 5 55 p. w., paese* Rock Cut at 5.40 o'oloi k. It doe* not ktop there, but panes the station at tbs Ukual rate of speed, which is abi ut 40 miles sn honr. Before the expnsi wa* c De at Rock Cat two coal trains f i om By ra- cues bad arrived at the station and bad been run in on a switch on the north aide- of the main track. Tbe engine on the firm train ibat went in on the switch itood prstty well np towards the east end of tbs vide track. Engineer Jas. Doyle, of Scran- ton, Pa , of tbe col train, was in thu oab ol his engine) wail ing for the expreu to pan, when he would pull out. Michael Tieruey, brikemen, was alto in tbe oab, clean ng bis lantern. The second' coal train was behind Doyle's and about 70 foet from tbe cabooee of the forward train. Clark, the opeiator, wae in his room in tbe italion, a few rods sen of tha switch. He WHS on the look-out for tbe express. The latter was on time, and as the headlight of iti engine oame into view it (lashed through Clerk's mind that the switch was open aud if it was not closed the express would d b into the coal tram. No sooner did tbe thought enter his brain than he dasbed out the door, ruabed to tbe switch and swung it over. Then b realiztd, but too late, hii mistake. Ai the twitch was turned the expreee swung uu to tbe ii(te triok and th oreeh of tbe engine* rpikt ibe re*ull. Like rm niters they ground eaoh oiher to pitc- 1. The. noise of the oulliiion was lost in to- uries uf the passengers within the ooaobei of tbe express train, 'the fl-eman and engineer of each rngine weru oanghl in tbe wmck and ground to death. Their names were : Jeines Doyle of Suranton, Pa , and Myrtle Fernard, bis n reman ; Michael J Burke of Syracuse and Jeremiah L-e, hi- ttremen. Tbe body of Engineer Doyle was found lying by the fenoe on tbe north side of tbe road. His left arm was severed from body. Tbe body of Fireman Fernauo we* fi and buried under tons of wreckage burkes body lay under a great mea ol twisted u ou and wood on the south side cf the irack. Tbe body of Firemen Lee wa* found tightly wedged between tbe body ol bis engine and tbe oab. Meats . ,.,i.. Ersitus Wimsn believes tbat there is luck in keeping a Newfoundland dorf around the bonne C>rna W. Field ha* a piece of tbe first laid between America and Europe. l'-i Mr Field it is invaluable. Pierre Loriliard is a nrm believer in the efficacy cf ths horseshoe. There are a .1. y. n or more rnity horsnhoee around hi* Henry Villard cherishes with atudioae earn th* grlden spike witb which the last ril that marked the completion of tbe N rthirn Pacific Railroad was flni,hl Jay Goold has a mas x>l. He has clang to it for seventeen years. It is a pen {per made of bile velvet. It is always U|n>n Mr. U.mlii'* deek snd be looks it in Kpecial compartment when be Isaves the < MI . A conspicuous object in the office ol Knsiu-II Sa*e is %B auoienl II bill io a glass frame. V r. Sage proudly informs bis friend* who gaze at it onrioatly that it is hie lucky dollar, the nrit dollar he ever made. Washington E. Connor carries an old or-pi*r cent 'f tbs ooirags of 1881. When he playi ortbbaxe or billiards he pnU* the ancient coin cot and look* at ft. H* generally wins after going through that performance. Andrew Carnegie's maioot i* an anoient hrm telegraph ke>y, saoh ss operators use. Hf ahows it to i-very viiitor, and bs would nooiier part with one of his rolling- mill* than rh the cml IHIII of bis early labor* John H. Ntarin has a mammoth It i* in" tag Wil)im H. Venderbilt, one of the* Urgeet and handaomest boats of its ki <l in tbe woild. Mr. Starin believe s ih. n- ia lack in having a boat named after Mr Taoderbilt. George Gould carries his m%soot in a locket wbinh dangle* from hie watch chain. It i* a miniature painting in oil of hi* harming wife, nee Miss Edith Kmgdon. Y nng Mr. O ulH has a strong belief in its i jo we. r to ward iff danger. Loveliest ef Kms;llaa We>uaea Ths description of the wedding gown ol Lity Helen Dunoomhe, sister of the Uoohe** of Lln*ter, who Is said to be the moet beautiful woman in England, is ijiiite ohorming. Ths gown mast have been refreshing in its originality. Thedrsss wa* of port white satin, mads perfectly plain. The hodioo was made with high, foil -.eve*, flnikbed with frilliof point degaoe, whioh the front was trimmed. A girdle of rings of sequins panaed twice onnrt the waist anrl tell in long ends on the ikirt. Tbe train, suspended from tbe shoulders by rnp*s of whit* itlk and silver, wae of rioh white "ilk, on oa t*o) with large white liliee of St Joeeph outlined in raised embroidery, the stem* wronght In pale green n Ik aad tbe rt*mrni in yellow. Tbs veil wa* point Isen, and the b'i-<e carried a b>oqn tof aatnral hlits like lho*e ambroid rad oo her train. i. r MI i ,.i,., ten, ... ' That fallow'a a tooth !" " Yea." Ha'd hold you np at night '" " I believe it." " He'd rob your hones I" " I think be would." " Then why did yoa give him * quarter ?" The above conversation occured between two gentlemen standing on ths corner of Broadway and 14lh street. " III tell yon why," said the one wbo had promptly handed out the piece of silver when " struck" for lodgings money. " Ooe dsy two or three years ago I was down oo Caual street. A tough looking chsp asked me for money, and I uol only refused but threatened to bave him arrested. I didn't i xtolly mean it, but be thought that I did, aud in his hurry to gi t away be ran in front of a big truck team, and was knocked down and ran over. The wheel crushed hi* htpi, and be didn't live over ti n minute*. T helped carry him to the walk, ei d I'm tell ing you straight when I say that be k 1 pt his eyes ill-eight on mine until lhay closed In death. There was that in hi* look wbiob made me feel oonlemplibl* oompr d to s worm, snd for tha next month it seemed to me tbat everybody in New Yurk looked upon me as worae than a murderer. That man died blaming me for his dieth, and I d have given him 1500 to at* him live. That's why I come down whenever I'm struck ; and if I hadn't bat half a dollar on earth I'd divide it if called upon. Ni York Sim. The Ii daatrlun* Liar. A great many stories are current abost Birchall, but they are made up of whole oioih, and oan be traced to the wits about town. Ons story is to tbe effect tbat K v. Mr. Wade, while praying with the prisoner, asked him if be desired to go to heaven, and that Birohall replied that he had fri-nds in both places. Another I story is to the effect that Guard MoUee, wbo resigned some time ago, wished to banish a large, black cat that Birohall pets, snd which ' was almost all the time iu tbe cell with him. Birohftll asked him why hei wisbed tbe oat removed, and McOee said that only a few day* before be had read about a bla< k oat tbat had sacked tbe breath from a baby dur ing the night, and the child wa* found dead in the morning. Birohall replied that it would not be that way in bis oaae, ai it would be the oat that would be found dead in the morning. Y*t another story is to tbe efftot tbat Birohall ii in the habit of donging with witter anv prisoners wbo happen to bo in the j*il yard and wander under his window. Iv quiry proves that theee stories are all flotiiioui, and in some case* manufactured BO as to injure him with tbe pnbiio. A drspstoh to Mesir*. B. Crane 4 Co., of Toronto, iuiioiatee that the soboonsr Uudine, C. plain Alexander Ure>. b* foundered lu twenty five feet of water off Charlotte, which harbor sha was trying ts> make for ehelter during the norm ef Saturday mi lit aud Km. day. The arsey were got off aefely, but the vessel is, it U believed, irreoovertbly gone. The cargo ef coU. 400 tons for ilesrs. Crane, was in- sured, but tbe>re wae uo anderirriter*' risk ou the wihoouer. She i* a fora-and-aftev of 196 tnni register, and was purchased thin summer by Cspt. Ure from Myles, of Hamilton, and - apt. Johnston, wbo tailed in ber previous to the change of owner. Aitauohoraft, she wae thoroughly over- hauled Isit winter and classed A2. For awift sailing ijnalitie* ibn had not her tqnal mi the lower lake*. She wa* honasl from Owego to Toronto. An Oiwexo do* pal oh nays : THe schooner Undine, owned by Capt. Alex. Ure, cargo 400 tons coal, from Sodus, bound for Toronto, was oargbt in tbe gala last even- ing when about twenty mile** wilt of Charlotte port. Tb* schooner wa* pot about and beaded for Charlotte f er shelter. The sea was bsavy and was breaking over tbe veuel, knd Ibe otptnin was keeping a* close a* pottible to tb south shore in order to avoid the ses. When paesing Braddook'l Point, about 8pm, the captain was da. oeivert by ihu derknea* a* to tbe dietano* from shore, and hi* ve ntel struck ons of the rock ledges, which at this point rna nut into tbe iaks nearly a mile. Tb*) Undine itruck a itlanoii g blow, immedi- ately freed her' elf and was headed out. An examination we* made end it we* leesi ihe wastt.ling rajiidly. The pomps were) jut to work, but .ere onable to keep ber r H. and the crew, consisting of the cap- tain, four men and a woman cook, took M i yawl boat and nous too soon, as the) veisel sank immediately. After a perilous) trip ths crew monad Charlotte about midnight. Ihe Undiaeii* owned by Cap*. Ure, is not inanred and will probably provsj * total 1. The cargo was owned by 8. B. Stuart it Co. of Rochester. The oauisUB wae unable to fay in what condition ins) eei lies, bat tbiuks in about 30 feet of water. He has gone this morning to msks) n examination. Tba crew loat every. hing they had, and ons of them, Miohael K lly. had his aukle badly sprain**! Tbe Uodine wa* boils in Irttia by Mr J. Lavelle, bip bailcVr, of tbi* city. Tbs) boat wa* bunt for Hewers. Tbos. M)Ies*k Son. Mr. Charles Myles wa* much iar- prtaed to bear of tha loss of the veenel. She had the moet remarkable luck," aid he this morning, " of any boat I i ver knew. For twenty two years she sailed >hrae lakes, touching at svery port between Dululh and Qoebeo. During the whole of ihot time I nevsr beard of ber losing s> mast or tail, and ah* was as dry and tight this summer as shs was the Humour .be was built. She was wild to Capt. Urs, I understand, for 92 UOO Shs wss a remarka- bly fast craft and come fine racts have taken plioe between hsr and the Ell* Morton," LUA ! THB ITOIM. On Saturday nigh* the sohoontr Kllft Marlon arrived at Kingston from Faie Haven with 635 tons of ooal. Capt. Sana- tiers experienced vary roo^b weather before) getting into port. The Prlaoe's Memory. The Prinoe of Wales has a royal mem. ory f< r feoes. Some time ago he notio-d an elderly > ntlernan gravely aalnting him. Tbe Prinoe immediately remeoi- bernii tbs feoe bnt ooold not rroolleot where be had seen it before. Hespproaohed tbe ki mli man and aai ) : "I believe I have mot yoa bf fore, bat or the tiinini in I forget yonr name." i be i > ntlr IMM replied : " Made yoar breeches, yoar Royal High ne*s." "Ah, yes," said the Prince : "of oonnr. How d'ye do. Major Bridge* 7" H* was on* of tb* Prince'* tailor*. HI II.IM ><i A l.Anut VaVMIEL,. The male of Oaltrornle, far Traflle Bet* Hoooul) u * fllaasew. Tbe State line of sieamsnips, running between Brooklyn and Olantfnw, are thnrtly to augment their fleet ol veaii ! nith s) larger ons by 1 000 tons tban any yi I in the line. This v***l is tbe State if California, which i* now being built by Al. xander <t 8 ml, in Glasgow. She is to be in length 400 feet over all, 38 feet 8 inches in depth, 7 feet 11| inches betwma upper snd m*in deck, 7 feet 11 lucbes) het*een main and lower deck. She is) (i 000 tons meamre. barkantine rickfa, D. io funnel and triple expansion engine*, and ii in every respect up to tb*) most exacting requirement* of the) Bord of Trade. Tbe vessel i* built entirely of th* belt cf iteel. with cellular double bottcm divided into neven compartment*, and has water tight bulkhead*. She bas two droks, main an4 lower, entirely of steel. Ths iteerirg ap- parel n* is ran by it earn gear, and is so tine thst she may he easily turned in her own length. Special attention bas beea pai I in tbe designing to the comfort ansl Accommodation of tbe saloon pasvenger*. The promenade deck i* another fealuru ot the new iteamibtp to whioh a great deal ef Attention bas been paid. It is eight feet abovn the upper deick knd extend* fro** the front of the aaloon 152 aft, an4 tbe whole breadth of the vessel. Th*) accommodations for iteerag* are fulrjr ventilated by ventilators of tha mott isa- proved pattern. Tbe vessel is lighted by i li-i:i rii-ity throughout, and IB aid to bevw a builder's guarantee of 14 knots ru.-esl per honr. A Hewneaper wsTer. A novelty in newspaper entrrpriss ha*) been introduced by the proprietors of The l.iint'iihirr Wetttly Jinmal, who promlss) to contribute tSOO toward the eleution tm- prnees of the Labor oaodid*ta for the next Parliament. If tb* candidate i* aaootsifnl they make a further L-ff r of 126 weekly toward bis mainlenanoe if the nrculaiiosi of The Jotuntal goe* np to 25000 ccplee. Tbe proprietors further cffar to start aLSl maintain a seociid labor representative oa the) earns terms. Th oondiiions are that the constituency mast be Lancashire, the) candidate must belong to the Labor [arty, and tbe circulation of the paper mast b*) 15,000 oopt-s. There is tbe ra. An In,,.,, rid n I P, S. " Dear Mr Hicks," ib* wrote, I am orry that what yoa axk I cannot grant. I ii* n not beoome jour wife. Yoar* sincerely, Ethel Barrows." Then the added. "P. 8. On reoond tbt aghts, my dear George, 1 think I will marry yea. Do come np to-night snd set) yoar own trae Ethel." the New _ Gazzim (l tcr be ha* inooeded io wakinsj his wifi ) Open the dorih 1 Mrs Oazzam (heed oat of second ilory wiodn) - Are j on sober? " Yeah." ' Than *ay ' reciprocity. "