THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. Ifl publmhuU Kvery I h n i--4l :i .> . TS ornca tffih'rto*, Ont. I I.KM8 O* KUIiSrilll'TION: 91 IMT it.iuum when )>fti<l trictly iu advaue* 1 jj j'u' annum win li nut |'i J AUVKUTLSl.Mi KAIKS Duo ! i!iiuiii. 1 M u. ', half col., do., (iT 4 1*1 t, r . -il du , ! V Train- I.-K: 'i Ut-iti". -nuiiits chargod at the rate ol Kcta. per line lor nr.l uiMrtloii and *.-l. per linn Mfceli auuwMjunt lueerwau. W. H. THUKSTON, Kdtiur and Proprietor. T1IK GUAM) JU11Y. Although the criminal law of Cana- da iu i xjn-Jitious. au.l as a general timijj curtain iu it operations, there arc still many who believe that i: can be improved upon. The ^taiid jury it held to bo Huptrtluous and of doubt- ful merit. This feeling appears to be tatenJitig. The following despatch published iu Saturday's Empire would indicate that a change is about U be made in this respect : Tin- Minuter of Justice haa in. ooutoiu- plation t<> lay kwlore parliiiiuent in tbe near future a bill citdifyuiK h criiuiiml law of ('.inadii both M regards aulmtaiitivr law and procedure. Bifore subuiittini; U, Imwfver, lie U deiir<>ua of asertainiiii( the elatf of public ft-elmi; in regard to tbe Kiie<liiiey of abolishing tbe func tiimi of graud juriesiii relation to the VUiuiiist ration. uf criiuiiial justice. This i|ueatiun IIM ou srvaral uccaaion* been brought tn the alUMitiou of |*rltmuiut Hinl intiiiiatiitna have fruit tint* to time Ixvn inaili 1 to the) government by munici- pal l>. ili' . JM ).< "'id others interested ui cmi.inal jurisprudence tliat the abn- Ution would )> in the public interval. Sir John Tlioiiip>n IIM. therefore, cawed a circular to le addressed to all tha ju i^.-H 111 Canada who are charged with judicial functions in criminal matter*, as ell aa to the Altoriiey-ffttiieral <>f each province, asking their views on the ubject. It is our own humble opinion thai the grand jury has outlived its useful- ness. It it> no longer th safeguard which it was in former years, but on the contrary is HI .im times accused of ni|ipiiig justice in tlic bud before it e ew a chance to operate. '1 he grand jury is simply a suutrliuous CI>K iu the wheel. In the case of a simpucted murder we have the coron- er's jury, which points out, if it can, ' the pemon Ruilty of the ci mie. Then the suspected man ID arrested, brought liefoie a bench of nmgistrateH.who iu- M'blixalf the; case with tho object of ili ;IMM i in',' whether there is stiflicn-iit evidence to convict him. If so he is Landed along to the grand jury, who i," I.I-L the evidence taken by the The New York Tribune concedes the Democrats a majority of at least 120 iu the next Home of Representatives, and other papers estimate as high as 160. Prohibition is safe in Kansas, that state having goue Ilepnbhcau. Township Council. The regular monthly meeting of ArU- mesia council was held on Monday, Nov. 3. All the uieiubera present. Owing to the cn-wded state of our columns we are obliged to make tha following report as short as possible. A large number of I -ills and account* were received for various sums and paased, aa follows, on motion of Mr. liulatid and Mr McArthur: Toronto Lime Co., $27 ; J. W. Neebtt, one day survey, fl.25 ; Robert Morrow, half day survey, 624 cuts ; Jas. Parker drawing stone and gravel, 94.76 ; Mrs. Hanley, for bread, 93.90'; Dr. Christoe, stationery, $4.50; J. H. 'Heard, two cords wood, 92.50 ; John Bellamy, necessaries for Town Hall, $1.19 ; reeve', assessor and clerk, fur selection of jurors, each $4 ; copyintr, 91 ; Richard Smith, tiiinx bridge at Morey house, ItimU-r and work, t'-'Yik ; for the days' session of council Mid monthly indigent allowance ; John M >land, letting and ins[>ectiiii; road jobs, $0, our Clnbbinc LIM The time* of year ban arrived when all home their rt>adintz matter for ihx next welve moiithn. We hare an attractive Iulibiiii2 lint from which to make a election. These clubbing rates will not ntorfure with the urand premium olfun hich we are announcing Here is the iat : Toronto WMkljr Ulob* and Adrauc* l.o " Empire and l.M CocDlOpolltan nitiiazinu and AdvtUC* Si i5 Advance and Aiorriuau Kftrmur 1.15 Advance ami Weekly btar, Muutral 1 Tu !! jiort of road coiBinissioner for Ward No. 1 showing an exuenditure ol fl52..'K) was received, also certiti- catua of receipt of voters' list and oelec- iion of jurors by Clerk uf the peace. Kylaw No. 466,makin)( the new deviav- tion between thin place and the station. was passed and ordered to be engroased on tin- minute*. Moved by Meaara. iioland and Me Arthur, that on certificate from school trustees tor school monies the reeve be instructed to issue orders on tbe treasur- er for the same. Carried. Moved by M.-ra. McArthur ami Stmrp, that Donald McKenziu be pai< 912.70, beniK an nvi-r-chari{e in mi nt on lut No. c>J, con. 3rd Carried. A report of the new flour pest tin Kulmifttti) was p'acivl before tin Council by Hoard of Ha!tli OOicer Bellamy. weat Situaiion Wanted for Saw- mill, I hY portable tawinill, capabla of inning nun .i.unitu 4.0O9(et |>r day. also a chopper ID oonuvciiun tbrwitb. 1 am desifonsof MM-urina a kuitMblu iHiitU>u to iilac mv mill, and would ..k a nbJlll ix-iuu, AJdruHi all in,|uill at oncu r. W K Tott.-niiiii. Klmli.-rl.-y P.O., Out Teacher Waiited. Male preferred for eobool eevtlon Ma 11. Arteiaeti*. at Kutwm, for 1WI, Mx-ond or (hint tlur4 olue crtini:at<v Applicatinnn roeelve.1 ap to MoTember fl, IHOU. nttui >aUry and ei- perience. Aildreu 1'EDUF.B. arc trea... Kngenia P. it Ont. and pronouuco M to \vhetlwr tb*y llud a "true bill," or "uo bill." is banded If true bill, th* o to tho pulit jury, judge and lawyers, vh try tli case and acquit or cguvict. Iu cUioc caseH tlic coroner's jury iu dispensed with ud thu iimKintruto juatituUs. the in- viptigatinn :ind the wljeel turns ad IMS (.... . The wain argument in favor of continuing tlic ystnn i< that it ti-inls Io prevent persecution. It would, we think, be hurl '.> mime an instance where iua"iiitrutuB, jiioV', lawyers and Anniversary. The anniversary service) in connectioi with the Methodist church, on Thanks Hiving day, could not IM called an un qualified fuccwm, so far as number* an concerned, hut tho quality wits a supcrio article. In the afternoon Hisho;> I'jiw kins, of London, wae listened to by a fai sized audience. Hi* sermon was an elo- quent ono. In the evening a sumptuous toa wu seivcd in the haseiumit of tin- church, after which an exceudinuly inter- esting platform meeting t<H>k place up- stairs, Rev. Mr. lirown,of Maxwell, !;.-. Mr IV^irr, of IMlaml Centre, .1. W. Esq. , of Toronto, and I l~>ino tho speaker*. Tlie addresses wi-n .ill humorous, pleasing and '.nUruclive. Music was provided liy St. Lawrence Canals. RAPIDE PLAT DIVISION. Notice to Contractors, SKAL.ED TKNDKUHaddreeeed to tbe under- Higned, aiul eniloraed "Tender for' the St. I.awri'iic-al'amlH will bo received at thinofftce. m. ti 1 lha arrival of the eaatren and western ila on WsQikKiDAY, ins .ikii OAT or DK- I-KWHKU uwxt. for the couetriiction of a lift lock, weir*, eh;., at Murriaburaj. and the dee|Niiinu and eulvgetiMtnl of the llapide Plat renal The work will be divided into three aectiona. each about a mile In length. A inapof tUe locality, together with |>lana and peciflcatloiie of tin- n-npn tiv worka, tan b een on and aftor WKIIMC-HJAT, THE 1'JTH DAT or SIIVKMHSH next, at tnle offtoti, and at the Keel- dent KiiKiuwr H i xlii-K Morrlnhuril. wbere print- ed f TIUI of teudercan be ootaieed. In tbe case of ftrtui there muat be attached to the tender, the actual mjnaiin ol the full name, the tiatur.i of thu "< r-ipatiou and reel- nooof each uii'inlwr of tne nanai-. and further: an accepted chequnou a <-liart*rn.| hank in l'n ate tor the SOB of aUOD, iunt accomiwny the tende>r forwctlon No I. ami an accepted chequ* oua i tiarte.lbe.ok in t'auada, for tbe auiu of .. for eaob ottba other eeetiaM The reS|iectiveactt.|>t<><l<-liiM|ueBitiut be en- il irae.1 over to thu MlnitiT of Hllw> n I Canals, and will beforf<>ite<lif the party tender- ing Inching, iturniil Into cos tract for the work- at the ratn an I on tue terui utatad in thu offer Mjhiui&tod. The chei|iit* thin* netit in will b returntil to tl..- n.pudlivo |uutlea whoe toudvnt are nocacceptu.!. Tina .VipartuiMiitdjeo not. however, bind itself to accej4 the Io well or an y tender, Hy order, A.lMiaADLF.T. KcaxTiar Department of Uailwajra ai.d Canal*. ' Ottawa. 7th November. 1BUO. I A Change OP PROPRIETORS. I wiab to announce that I hava parchatrd the buiaeHlatljr conducted by Ur. Ix>gnl aud will ooutlnue catering tutbo public io bit old itaiid, HTBAIX'S SOCIETIES. SONS OF TKMl'.. l:\M'i: ll,: iocUty intMitt in Dr. Chii'tu* Mall overy Wdue- Flour and Feed ALWAYS OX HAND. FRUITS, CONFKCT10NAKT, 8MOKXD BAMS, VKUETABLES, CTC. Sweet Cider, Any quantity ID (took at ?*> nti per Call onme tor your bouwhold uppll*. Thos. IVyvlll duv oTrnirw t (t i' ui ll|.ll>all> iU CUUIMKtMII. TKMl'.. l:\M'i: l ll o hrelumu luvitcd. KOYAL TRUHliAKS Of IMMFT'. , Uegular I'uuiicil rutel* >. > li.-.. >> . v. i ink: in Suioule'a block a'.. ' > V ucu) meets niontbly. :' . ,n thu -Jttii.l of each in< r.ti !e* t W.U/ Cturrts. Jonn W. Armstron I'LKHHBKTON. L'o. OKKT. D1MSIUN COURT CLKHK. i L- It. K., Couvyanor. A-C. AK.-IJI : i-il le of landii. Apprai-^r fort I. i i ..... K. r. 1). * 8. Kocirty. Moni-v to Loan . i, ..... i i. Miualile torn*. IHOI I:H or MAKKU i,ICKN.Si:->. NOTAHY PUHLIC. IMOiN KYTO L FARHIls! LUIIk! LBLWELY, Fleaherton, Sells the bc* Arming implenienta manu- factured. th oir (w)io, by the way, jury Imve ever coinbineil to persooute an iitdiviUtml ui tins way. Our crimi- iul law iiiuuctj our subjects in this very thing, and f.ilsi imprisonment i .1 ciiine ciipultlw uf lii-uvy piinishiiii'iit. Then- was a time, when the operations of a grand jury v\oi an additional nifi-ijuiiril Io society, but thai u :t when |joJ*^ca! olTfUce* were uni::h- able by <l<vi.i>itati(f , a>i<l llr p litli ;it atniDnpiiei'' .i^buLLltt i '' (;ii.iunaj[ in- in .'Hi-. '1'i.ia ''.> i, ha|>pily, long |)nst, but thu safe;;aajd tuirvives. U i hoary willajj. It ii a legal Old Man of the ba. * itttuuct! to, and a cl '^ upon the *Ji".l of justice. lia. .'aifly tr.-it.-il themselves to somp new tuuaU;) with Mr. Kvun* ami Mr. I'.-l Iticlnirdnoii aa solicit*. Two dueU by Mesura. IWnfi' iii .md Riinsrll w re re- ceived with nuith f.ivor. It Mtutned very much like old times to hear in duut tlm two mclodioiK voices of thi-se urntlenii ti our., more. linltup Uawliua is a re- markably viyoroiM olii i.\.t It-man lit- will li HO yean of m* if he lives until nut Api ,4 inf* uot o|i(iear t I-.- H day older tha.i wlu-n we first miw him twelve yuan auo. Ilu yivo inU'rnttinit reiiiiniacences of his !if. Thu prmweda amounted to in the neii(hborho<.l of fifty dollars. I iiirin,' the prooeiliii'.'s Mr. Matthxw EXECUTORS' NOTICE. It the matter of tbe etate of John Hadlev late of tb twhl|> of Oeprvy In thu county of drey, fuiner, iueeaae.1. Ph.. t-rxhtoraof Thoiuaa Oeborne. late of the tewnihlpof ArtoiaMia. deoeaeeil. who died ou GI about the Mivtulh day of Auttuat, A. D , IHKI, nd all ntliora haling clatmi. t'iu-l lut tat are bore l>y nonfle-1 to aeml by |*>t. |ir- I'igil. or othurwlM deliver to tin- undnriil|in'l leculcinof tbeeatate itiid edectt of tbe aaid luve*eeil with J W Uollainy at hie office in VtjahewVio, oa or before the Mlledajr of Deoeiu 1 ^r.tlieirrliriKti in and nurnamaa. auVirMeaud description, thai full parti, nisi* dfatielr clalinn, atUtuiUHUtof their K-couiitn. aim the nature of tha- out-urine* of ant i. held by theiu , aud Iu Infa'ill till-not aud iiniue.1 lately alter the aaid luth I!MV of 1 1,-,-. IL.II.T. the aRMita ol the aal.l .'liii Hrtl<y. iUcae>l, will INI distributed am..iiK-1'li* pavtlei entitled thereto, havlnii re uard only i - claiinaof whirti tiotioe ahall have V.>M KI v.'ii at ntxfve re|tiii IM| An 1 thi* notice jilntf Riven under thi. provUion of the Ki-|m-d tatutu.if Iliititrlo. rha|iU.r 110, ec M. InHT, tl.H executor* will not I iv liable for thu taid avt "i a:iv pait tli^i.-of to any IM-IKOII of whoite rlaiin "i < Inimii notice iihall not have beun ret-nix- 1 l>v ih.-ui or their aald solicltoi at the time of diati ibutiou. JllH I.I. Mill ) fllAk i KICITT. us. i I.I/MH:TH HADI.KT ) Kleabarlon, Nov. 1Mb. law. Brantford Light Strrl Binder and A/utr'r. 3/r*,.i linMr-iSrartd L>nll and Sfiring Tuuth. Kttdrr The Waterloo l'lu\n end Thrtilieri. fieeby and Iturand't Hayfork. Tin- K"-"l i|ualilim df these implrmrnts nre stitticiontiy kuonu pow to apeak for tbeaoaelve*, without any extra words fro-n me. An} body re.iturng iinplruientf io this line wunld do wi-ll if exiuine mine if not alreaHv aeqiiainUu 1 with them. ( me and I will be happy to exhibit tbe g*od qualities of these machines. T. A. BLARELM, Flesherton. 100 Acre Farm for Sale. teVOO will iM.rcb.ui*> that *it*rlleut farm, belnf nuitilMTM MM anl nin ttk Ui In tlm MKX> ou- cwwioii or iitn^.' north of tho Durham roait, town-Ill]* i if A, in no* i a, In th- cniintv f Uk-ay. 7H.UM i-. innro or l<, uf tfti 1 farm IK iin-U-r cut tfvttiuii, ti<tl..rui> )in.i<luivi 1. rx^vpt al out * > .unii of ceiUr Th f.*.-ilii i; )H'.,-I- it I. i It : Hi k I*? K" tt'i'1 fi-:iiino.llou.>. onlv n- -ti n-nt -> P htil. I. nut hi- : . ^'0 d aild riMHii ., , limit C^BM ttn<l partly fr*in (i(H1 wutor n!in-. i ,>svh- farm A HO"! ixirti >ti of tin* I--M. tiu"- !.Hn'V inav lav tin {IK it) ( alt jnr co'it iDti*>t. ^.Miirpc tlm M*II. by iiivrtsUiut*. Vur furtbr noafa>n aptilf TI, Jons HTF.\\ U;T. Iru moi, GtU Uctobvr. 10. ri"pi u-t-.r rricdvillu 1". O.Out. Tb Undersigned has a Largo Amount of Money to Lout at 6j ;>, ON TOWX OU FAKM 1 I.uVEKTY. . DAM I lili. FLISBKBTU.% W. J. BELLAMY TT. CI.KHK ' \ I /.' V LY 'KH. i.\sl'i;.t.\rh .!.- r J.C Dl 'I'llfTI, VOKS. I I.A-I>. Ac., |.i,-|f ail and proyt-riy exorut*.-*. [nturanca snec- I ii> flrnt-clAMt compmnif Mbav ta Had a* JHtdical DR. CARTER, M.C.P. iS PHYS1CI4X. M K..OV A.-. FLESHERTON. Ofnee, Strajn'i block. Retldvaee. J.O. Ruael'e J. (}. Member of the College of l'byiciao au f- urceoDS. Ontario. ..uq'_ U-at office, one door eat of Urier'MtOi er AtkieMsi'i Bitel. Prloerille. N*v. 19. lew Hicliardaon wun called U|>on, anil if.| a Imam rtl statement of the cburuh. He alao read the following copy f remilution |Mtaacd at iieasion of the churcb InisUie board at the parsonage on tlio !28th Ott , IKItO. Moreil by II. Trimliln, eooiuli>il liy .Jno. ii-i n. tli it having in cuueort with llios. .I. ll.if.ftid.. 1 . Rii.l M. llichar.:. sou uii^iuiiiHil the ncrountH ol J. \V. Arui- Jiirclmll will liU crime at \\oo.Uln.-l- eO-lllonoW, UK- itutlim Hies lufiineil tg iulvrfar* witU bit . , execution. T.i Amorican coiixressional e)t- iioni. winch tixiU place ou Tiifvdajr of wtii, resulted in a compleU i by llio D':JuociVie prty. '* % I> i>t < stninr nii'l Win. Cluvt.iu o( i .T,, pi-, mil ex- pi-nJ'.l'Urn UK |M-W Ht.wir.l, i-lnpi-1 uti'Wani KU.l trei'iriT ul tnntci- b >Kr.l,with vonchors I'T tin' imi', uli> (lie liuiuti t'^finln-cl by ladle's: *i<l of i--i---i| t ppu*lilurn on |'iii -ouaK' 1 rt ".l church i..^it aoeouut, we l.n I all tl. af^Uilh nn I Hpi-ur.ilrly ki'i't, ami Hi every way iUhfn.-t,ii i Aud MII h.Ti In ni'i.i-1 our grateful apprroiation it the gratiiiUma UbOj-i i "ifc'i ni'-'l by tlt I i, Hi. i .n ... pew st<iward auxl trfa'Uier of olmroh iiiinl, aud the laiUvt alii fur tile graud ofk "n't the nieut |iiniihil l.y ami mitliliu titVy them. Carried. nl th.-ir HOST. TUIMHLK. JOHN HHtKN. JAMKK BKKCROFT. JOHN H. H KAHI'. 1. \KCUTOHS; NOTICE. N the D.U'-ot of the n>tte of Thomas int.- ol the tnwiKhiuof Arteiausia, U '!> Kiniatf J tiri'v, furmur.duceaaed. Tin- i ii-ilitoin iffThiiiUK* Oahornf, late of the l..nliip of A:(eju.-i.i, droeueed, who ~ on or about (In twentieth day of March. A !>., 18UO, ayU all uti.era having olaiui* n^miiMt liii >Tate are bureLj'sjiotiHwl to send I'V poht, prrpaid.ur i tlu-rwuMi deliver to the unJt-raiK-ni-.l i-moiit.'rs uf tl*H astute { DRS. SPROULe & EGO MARK!) ALE o.NT oiin , i-Hanley'H Drug Kirr. T.S SPKOULEJI.D..e:. VM.ISKV.IM late of Tottonaain. Ont. Dr.Ro will be ftxod at Miwadale Heueat nlnlii, J. P, OTT E WELL, VETERINART SflU'iON. Gradual* of t htUrio Vtt. College, Realdtute Int door uth of Ititon'i tailai bep. FLE8HIRTOX. J. P, MA L. to. s.. M. u s . , : M ; x ; VitiU JlarkdftU- the 1st and rd \V*Ui,> . day of each month.$un each trip ou the day followiun THE: TYPE _PITEB, will Ur the OUELL TYPE WKU TKK wih 7> <-lir.i.'ii-i . and >|ft tin lisr Odrll. warrnutrU to .U. better w r than any uiaulunu toivl.-. , It combiurs smrMriTT with WKMULITT. HFF.II>, CASK or orKi'.ATioN, wears louder witb- outoodt ol repair* than anv other mikchius. HSH no ink rihuon Io bitlu-r tlic up^iatur. U i.M-.ii. MH-.1MIIIAL, nii-alf pluli-l. pt-lfi-it ami iiduptfil tu all kiude of typn w ri'.inij. ike a i>rintinn prom, it pMHluivi nh.irp, olfun. l.-i-il Ii- munuarripK. Tn-n or ti-n p-i|ii's oin li made nt on willing. Any inl'll'i; 1 '"' V-ri'"! can lirrmni* an ,.|-rint..r m two iluj-H. \V,' offer tl.WNI t" nv i-p^ra- ti<r who ran i|ii*l tu work of tin- Uotllklr av,- <.! II am) S.iU'nii'ii wait'i'il nf tl-.- vtul d. . aee<l At Flraher- tun, or Io ', \\ 1'i'i-t HI his ottiou iu F1U estosv, noli' jlm fur the satid excoutom. ua or ilia UOth day of Novxiulxir. thrir chritiin aud niirniueii, addreaaws, si d drsuriptioit. the full particulars of their clainta. u slaU-ini'iil of thrir aouounts, and tlir mil urc ol thuir arcuritiua (if ally), lull by them ; and m default Ihureof, and itti- ini'.liitlu v ultur tlm ssid ttOth day of Novviu- ber, tin- aaaete of the ai id Thi<nias Usl>urn. deceased. i I be ilUtrihiitad uuioni{>t tin- parties i-ulitl.-l tlu-ititii, liuvimi rgiud only toclaiuiK ol which milieu shall have burn givu us above rvqaired. And this notice bring Kivrii umliir the provision nf the U" \ i-< I HtnlutvJt of OuUrio. cLnpter III), ea. .W, 1SK7. Uie \youtoi will n> t IM liable fur the said s fu. or any p*t ilnr.of to iiuv parsuji ol whoso claim or cUima nnti :e nhall nut fmv- l,i m rrin-ivc.( by MI--IU or their iu/r at tl's In 1 M. HICBAItUlj \V. J. III:I.I,A.> K seculars .). W. HIO.ST, solicitor lor said execators. li-ilivi tou, Uoiobrr tl(Ti, l.vl . WOOD CQfcNTRACT. To te in b> Tender. ReaUd Tsnitora ate ask<t for Ihu nuttlni of two or uar auadrwi eotxta al (our loot wood. Wood. to beeilt on luy prolwrty during tbn gata inw wIsiMr. Teudtra to be opea.l i Nof Iu. IK* fNelowHKtnr anr i.m-ler iot n inn nil. iiKtiuu al>uli t> A KI..-4NKHV, oil r 0. , ,*- tat further awl aU4rww Uuder . J AI> 16. l50 .-] ,1 in.luc. im nt-" to IValern. I in I'll un|ilili-t /IMU.; In -loiKi-ini-iita, dr. niMm-n OIHH.I.I TYPE WKITKK < * . V ud !>7 5th Ave ( lll V(.0 ILL. Durham Bqll for Service. The untlor^i^ned lia.ii a in-v2iu.\ ri n; thoion^liliru.l, |N* UK* .- 1. l> ii ham Hull. "0 , Wblte Htoekiugs," n* aervloe at lot IM. .al w. -si For tvrn>, etc. .apply to tne pio- urletor. .' (' ADAMH. . t. It. 18CO. rieabertou, P. 0- W. THE MARKETS, FIJESHERTON. Corrected Kuch H'etk Coureyuncer. Etc. Orricg, NEXT POST Ornrn id, ox Tut K-SPAYa. OWKM SOUND CKFICK. Kn.m-a It,-,,.,,,,.. P. McCULLODGH, Barrister, .Solid /or, $c. OMcr. >rr NrFnrlnmlN K(or Markdalr. Money tu Lonu. J. Spr oulc, . Fl^herlon.Coinmissiou- er iu B. R., I. i, -.-,.-,] Auctioneer, Con veyaucei, Appraiser aud .M ime Lender. Heal Katate Hud luxuiiiune Auut. Deeds, Mortgage*. Leases and Willa ilrswn np ani Valuations made ou snor*,l notioe. Ac, tiou Sajxs attinded to in any paryotth Couutj. Money tu l..iiii at l.,,^t rates oj iuterc^. ColK>otiiiA atteudod to with, prompjpM and despatch. Chargo* low., A Rent for the I'l.ruir^nn Stca i|iConjpsu> Cheap ticket-, liora Fleeln i ton to Liverpool, Olasgow, I.o U .|on or auv of th, Britinh orts. I'lirticB iu.ii,linK to vihitflugland, Scotland or I.-elaud, will please sik rati>.be- fore pi-tcbising Iheir tickets elsewhere. KI.Mir . at m to 3(0 Kail Wbuat w i.i k., hprtuK Wheat M ki.i Harley V U 04 Oat u JT u 17 Teas it If. l*utlr U 1.' KfK<. frvah M t lr I'otaloa buh IT 1'ork & 1^ | f. llav per tou c no d HWU. ... i uo fif * - "* Cb a pr pair ^ ^ ... ,, ._ a sj' ftajewl INM* a>r." ..i.naj _ Set M Flesherton, Livery Stables. . < I.4YT01. Proprlcur. Firs! class bnrses and vehlrlee far hire al. *' f " l>hl l n|'loelU'a