Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHER1UN ADVANCE. DAXKIXG OFUVE OF- GEO. MITCHELL, Itrafti. -.-iiM 'i'i I T^-* i )* canbert at utmiU rat*-* Monoi alway* available for litiuivo boiue.< Owce two doom north of KicUardnon A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. l'liar:i-j<TM n-. of the Pa.st Wrek CarefuUy Tailed for tb Teacher wanted for Eugenia public See advertwemeut. Women's, niiu'i, children's boots in k.'rit varivty, clusay aud i^coJ at Clay- tou's. Tier. Mr. Ernes changes his place of ruaidttucu tins week. lie will resiove to Flesh* rtou. Gents' and lixjUus' rubbers, a full supply at Claytmi's. Try thvin aud keep jiui feet dry. f tar Indian Mummer. "I vet the {Muplrvr- buying furs at Uiekarisou's al- cei^y. > i. r -i* The bnrtiiMVtt *<( the Station lixle L. O. L., bau<^M0ttd on Halt'iwe'ca and had a ;J'-aaiit time together. Teas ae steadUr winning Uvor. Wx A sample |ackac of th Kant L U Uranil tor trial at U. Kichardsou A Co's. Mr. Will ArMUtniiK is IB Toronto this week porchaaiag fall stock. Look out for KMoe chaste designs in jewelry wrwu he retcrns. the reports about th advance in price o r boots and leather, all eoinen can be supplied at aid prices at Clsytuu's. Dr. Sinclair, ts well known specialist, will at Mueskaw's k.tel on Friday next, Kur. 14tk. See tesuuoiiials, etc., Miss Bdith Kichardsun left on Tlianks- viviu^ Jay for a proluaged stay in the city f Turonto, where she will take lessons iu German and the vwlin. T. R. Lucax, barrister, of the firm Itishop A Lucas, Owen Sound, is at the .'licv of Win. Leoas & CV, in Markdale, very Fnday, and in Dundalk every ^atisrday. Winter dry (!, % Where to get choice ail J. good valsw is an im|H riant coa- .-idiratioD. The rfeek carried by Kkhard- *.m AC*, is net excelled in this eunnfy. Direct impertauoas. Hurts, Ms, Boi.U, Md, Beots, Boots, B.H.tS, just tiic thinK U keqri your feet comfort- able this ikinii eV weather at Clayton's. We w*re favored tke other day with a pleasaHi cv.!l froiu Mr. Bruce, Ferer- *hm s pusli.iif and popular inercliaiit. Mr. Kruce has no immediate upposition aud is doint{ a (rood huaii Rev. Kobt. Hughes, erf Chelsea,, Que. , occupied the psilpit of the Prosbeterian hi--ii '!! Sunday aftenioou las*. Mr. llu^kus has reoeived a call to the fcprey circuit, but it is not thought patbable that he will acoef i. 4 ftrintnia* lit r*Mlac. >nil Prd li* bpen huay fur a week opening gomls ;it liicimrdM.il >V Go's Chili* . A mairaiooent stock of silver plate goodx, erurts, cake baskets, fruit is, pickle jars, etc., et. The (Iriiiisji'villa presbytery met on Tuesday. They had fr consideration the resignation >>t" Ki-v. Mr Kuics, f this rharjrt. Mr. Emeu lias seen fit to tvnder li t,ieaionati in, but what action, if any, wan takeu ttpuu it by the presbytery we have not learned. Advertixements iu The Advance a 1 - ways briniz quick returns. Two weeks SK<( the trustous of Ktniburli-y puuliu scluiol inserted ail adv^slijemeiit for a> teacher, :u,.i on time was sutHctei:t, the teacher *as seoared. We areoblij|rd to call on those owing us uioney, > ithor by subscription or otherwis, to \wy \t\< at once, and tlivretiy etrible us U meet oj own lialjil, Jo. Tlis sums ari^sinall and can be seized v>r hout injui inn you credit ; tlierut>re to it at once, if you please. An extensive auction sale of farm lock anU implements will be held on ll.e farm of M*, Alf. Dywn, lot 35, con 5, Acieuiuaia, > Tltursday, NUT. 20, wlien a lar^e ;iiin uwt of farm stock), incluilmx .3 ewes, wi^ be offered fo*. sale. Sie bills for particulars. J. VI. Morrow, auctioneer. Mr. R. Reefer occupied the pulpii of the MotUodsst hvuh <>n 8abbath uiorn- laj. Hr. Keefer is.fcrery .. jiiij - * man, and it wu his trial sermon. The etf'rt was highly spoken of by all who Imteiifil tu him. Tha AJvance wuhus Mr. Reefer success in hw ministry. R. Mcljill, Kq. , our worthy gtatiun aifvut, a taking hii holidays at present. He left u Wednesday lant fur Milwau- kee, \Vis. F. L. Tliunipsun occupies the chnir ai relieving agent during his absence. Mac. well deserves a rest, May he have a |>leasant time. The half wan nut told latt week in con>- nectinn with the Hallowe'en eacapadea in this village, but out of cixiside ration fur the feelings uf (lie ladies who dressed u|> in men's clothes and shinned around town scaring the inhabitants, wu will no*, aay any thing abuot it, nu>re tlmu to invite them to call on us tr next tuna they undertake anything uf the kind. Otherwise we'll be jealous. We were much pleased Uwt week to receive a visit from our old friend and late fellow- citizen, Mr. J. li. Russell, nuw f I'.irkliill. Mr. Russell remained with his friends here for the past week, roturinii.' to Ins In. me on Tuesday morn- ing. H still thinks that he improved his prospects by. changing his place of business. We tr-Jit he may always re- iu.uu in this delightful ignorance. Mr. Runstadtltr made his last ship- njeut of ejtga for this season on Monday. One hundred and forty thousand dozen JW* or one million aix hundred and eiighty thousand sens have been shipped by him front this station during the past hammer. This represents fully $16,800 ..:ch has been left with the fanners of th.i section for this item alone. Who says our hen p. julation is not an indus- trious OM ? Ovrrroatv What kind to get and whore to got it. tlial is the question which Toa can answer easily after lousing over the stuck at Richardbuu d Go's. Ispiicf, ntvle or quality an object ' Y.m will find them prepared tu dou auy coiniwtitiuu iu tlwse ma. One day laat week a little two-year-old daughter of Mr. John 15.. yJ, uf Boyd's mills, accidentally secured some arwuical poison winch had been used fur poisiiiini< rats, and swaAowed it The dosw was so krv that it produced nausea and vomit in,' which saved the child's life. She was immediately brought to the doctor, who administered emetics and put god the somach of its poison. It was a iiarr.-w call for the little one. \Ve have received another communion- ti"ii from Mr. J. I. Graham, but feel that the questions involved are nt suf- ficiently iiiijHirtant to continue a contro- versy iu winch the outside world is not interested. We thought Mr. Graham purposely avoided giving us notice of the meeting and naturally felt incensed, but now that we have his assurance to the contrary we ask his pardon for these suspicions. If Mr. (Iraham will call upon us some day we will he happy to talk the matter ver privately with him. \Te have wane extenuating explanations to make which we do not care to publish j* it would probably involve others in se dispute. The November number of The Old Homestead, a literary and domestic monthly published by Duvis Bros. , Savannah, <!.v , U.S.A., is now ready. It contains fnrty large p&gcs nl original stone*, sketclioH, poems, assays, etc. Its household department, handsomely illus- trated f;nln m paxes, children's corner, select music, ami premium list, together with ita complete and serial "tunes, make the publication eagerly sought by people of all nationalities and sections. There is not one line in its columns that will offend ilelic.-Ui- tastus, and the matter throughout is carefully freed from sensational effect*. The subscription price, unlike the costly magazine*. : very low, bsinv only $1 a year. Sfiwl for sample copy. free. DHVJR Brov , put- lisherx, Sav:*nah, (.*, U. S. .V. The Sons^f Temperance held a pleas ant "at home" to members of the ldi(e on Wednesday evening last. That in, there was somethin^special on the tapis and every tueuil>er ns notified ts> that effect. The soinethiaq special was coffee and cake and a presentation ot an en- grossed address to Rev. T. Watson, who is about leaving our midst. The address was presented by Dr. Christie, and a littini{ and fueling reply wan made by the receiver A program of considerable merit was th proceeded with, consisting of readings, recitations and music. It was very pleasant evening uf sociability. We iaay be taken tu task for divulging the business dose, as it is "sgiist the la,' " but wt g*jn..t forego the uleasuru uf letting tU public kucw V l sociable evenings this society sp*nd to- gether. The younx Udy members, to use a homely, slaniry, hut expressive phrase, are hustlers f riml wa y l,ack. Millinery. The large im'a at Mrs. Trimble's are very elenaut, while the tiny, iuiall ones have.-* style all their own. More nuw hats this week. Bargains in brocaded silk mantle velvets. Leave your orders early in the week. Dr. Sinclair Coming. Dr. Sinclair, the well known and popu- lar specialist, uf Toronto, will he at Munshaw hotel, Ffeshertmi, ,,11 Friday, Xor. 14th Rriuember Jie day -uid date. Jonathan Busehart, LUtowell. says : I spent all my muiiey and pro- perty on mfdiqnl men fur what they termed consumption and Dr. Sinclair cured me. (ieo. Kowed. Blythe. says : Dr Sinclair cured me of heart disease ana dropsy when all others failed. D. Rrohertson, Carl ton Place, says : Dr. Sinclair cured mo of catarrh. Mrs. Mary Woodhaven says : Dr. Sinclair cured her of fits. Dr. Sinclair cures all pro- tracted cases of pnau- nature. Consul- tation fre . Examination Matters. The in-\t untrancu examinatioaa in South Giey will be held in Flesherton and Xeustadt on DecemW 22nd, !nl and L'Uh, 18IK), beijiiiniiu at 9 a. m. un the 22nd. In addition to tlie drawing book heretofore submitted, candidates are now required V submit a copy book 1:1 writing ti the examiners. The- work in both these mipt be certitied by the teacher as being the candidate's work Intending candidates should send the following information to the inspector before November 22nd ; (1) Name. (2) A<o. (3) Place where* candidate will write Flesherton or Neustadt. (4) Fee uf 50 cents each. The next county pro- motion examination will be held in March 18'Jl and not in December 1890 an at first suggested. This will be no injury to the schools but will better meet the wants of rural schools and the wishes of the teachers. It is proposed U. base the next promotion oxanuuati.m paper in history (from third butk to fourth) scltly on chapter VII of the Canadian p&;tt of the P. S. history. Social. On Monday evening a very pleasant social was held in the basement of the Meih.Hlist church as a sort of supple- mentary entertain went t > the annivers- ary services> The program was an. ex- cellent one, Slid consisted of readings, recitations and music. After refresh- ments were partaken of, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Ton ice, was called to the chair. The social was made the occasion < f Bearing, onco more, some beautiful u-irctions from our old and now partial'? .divided glee club Mejsrs. Barnhotiso and Rus- sell, Mrs. Blackburn and Miss Damude. with Miaa Millie Vanduscn presiding at the rt;aii. This was most heartily en- joyed, and those present could, apparent- ly, not get sufficient of it. Mrs, Irwin gave a recitation and a reding, Miss Annie l*i Jiardson a recitation, Miss Leitch a reading and Miss Hrundrett, of Port H<>[w, a solo, accompanying herself on the orjjan. After the program had been completed several cake* were put up at auction *d brought high prices. One gentlemen paid 05 cents for a small cake that would m.iku about one meal, without Straining a man's stomach. The evniiing was a pleasant om>, and finan- cially was a fair success, bringing up '.he receipts <>f these anniversary services to the neighborhood of sixty dollars. A London despatch sayx Mr. Steven- son, t'te father of Mrs. Uircliall,. has uni, word t<> Ins daughter to return to Eng- land without delay. Who* Baby was *ck. we gav* her distorts. When ifce was a >ll<l, ahe ciifd for Oastorla. Wasn ib> tMcao^XJbs. sbo clung to Cast. ru Wbso ske baJ OiiMren, she gie Um Castor* ADVIOB TO MOTBKH. Are you dUturbed at niurit V* broken of your reat by a nick ctii'd HUlYttl.W ft'i'i crying with itaiuof Cutting Teotll. If i> send at wiice and got a 'Mttln "Mrii. \\ .> alcrw's BooabiM Sprop 'or I'oiMrun Totttbaia It* valSe li Incalculable. It 'will reltove till poor little tuSji-rnr iinmmlia'.viy. I>|HIII<I i'i>..n it. iiiode.'A ; thura ii* uo uiiS|aa* about it. 1> c s OfSSBtSJtJ sad Uiarrlnca. ruxulatoa tho tttumagh and Bowels, ouiei Wflirt Colic. *ofu- is the OuhiH, r*<t*lco Inflainntioh, aud tflva* tone anil VIMIKS to thu whole ayiitcia. "Mrs. \Vin- nlow sriootbiusi Hynip" for children toulliintt Ik pluaaut to the tate and in the prewnption of ona of the oldsiit ati>1 host ffiiale ph.VMicla.ii* and uur<*us Iu she I'mtvl status, and it. for aalc. hv all driiKi|0ta throuKhout the world. Prlov twoiity-flve cents a bottln. B nurn and a> k for MBH. WI.XHI.OW'> 8VBUI-." and take uo otiiw kind n a Tiiiln*Flhr.in b.<ln< |r of Lxrt isi. ad s K, Artcueeia Auplr ^V; UBJ.I.AMT. GRAND PREMIUM OFFER I SETT OF T.HJLJ SITIH, wheru subset CBABLXS H In Twelve Large Volumes, Which we Offer with a Tear's Babacription to this P&per for & Trifle More than Oar Regular Subscription Pries. Wishing to largely increase the oironlalion of '.Lit paper during the next six months, we have madx amenta with a New York publishing bonso y wu are euabletl to offer as a premium In nnr Iiers a ' Warh. of Churl*! Dlck- .11- in TwelT* Lars;* and Hmmlxm,. Viilumn, with S vear'n miliecriptiori to thin paper, lor a trifle mor tlian >mr r-K"lr \il Bi-ri i linn price. Our grt ufler to Biibsoribern echi aes any *'ver heretofore made. Cburles Dickens was the n-eaUiet novelist who ever livrd. No author befure or since his time has won ilie uunetbat hAj^sitved, aud bis works are even in6re rMipuTIr to-day than ilurm.; his lifeume. TUBJT aUiund m wit. bamor, psiln . masterly delineation of character, vivid descriptions ot places and inciuenm. tbrilluiK and skillfully wrought plots. Eaoii book is intensely inieresling. No faomeabould be without a set of these great and remark- able works. Not to have read them is to ha far belli in! the age in which we live. Tba set uf Dickons' works which we offer as Coium to onr subscribers Is handsomely printed from entirely new plates, wiih new type. twelve vnlumes contain the following world-famous works, each one of which is pub- lished comfiett, unchanged, and alaviuleiy unabridgtif: DAVID COPPERFIELD, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, NICHOLAS NICKELBY, DOMBEY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE. LITTLE DORRIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, PICKWICK PAPERS,. ARNABY RUDCE AND CHRISTMAS STORIES. OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPEC- TATIONS. THE 01.0 CURIOSITY SHOP AND THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELER. A TALE OF TWO CITIES. HARD TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD, The above are without question the most famous novels that wars ever written. For a quarter of a century they Uuve been celebrated in every nuk and eernef of the cmliseil world. Yet there are tuuusaiida of homes iu America not yet supplied with a set uf Dickens, the usual high coat of the hooks preventing people in moderate circumstances from euji'yuiic this luxury. But now, owing to we use of modern improved pruning, folding and atltchuit; machinery, the extremely low price of white paper, aud the great competition in the bouk trade, we are enabled to offer to onr subscnban and readers a set of Dickens' works at a price which all can afford to pay. Every home iu the laud may now be supplied with a set of the gnat author's works. Our Great Offer to Subscribers to The Advance We will wnd the entlra Mt of Dlckeni' work* in twelve volume*, as abova described, all poitaKB prepaid by ourMlvM, aliw Tna Kluahwrtou Advance for one yr. apun rcpt of II 75 wliu-h is only 73cmU mor* than the regular mihwriiaiun i>ric of tint, paper Oar readers therefore, practically get an-t of Dickuiu' work! in twelvu vuliiiii* for only 75 "out*. This U th" oraudmt pmnuiiin evor offered. LTp tin. tim a Mt of Dickani' works has usually been Slu to or moro. Tall all your trtesjds that tbey can nut a wt of Uicku> works. In twelve Volunu. with a yar K nubiicriptton to The Klwhvrtou Aavaat (or only 1.75. Subwriba now and art this great premium If yoor aubBrlptios bwluiit yt I'lpirwl. it will make Do .llffereoco for It will b* fl- tusdudoo* yearfrouj daiaofuipiratioU, WowUI alao KIT. a act of Dickons, an abova, free siul p oat paid, to *_) oue soiiJlnt uaclubl 4 yiwtly nubscr.bt-rs Addrass : 'ADVANCE" Plesherton, Ont. THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WitL SHOKTi-Y DE HERE. Get your Feet Protected With a strong pair of Boot:;. . The place to secure these is # JOS. S?vHTH I have a large, stock of ready-made boots on hand, ol my own make, from which to make a selection, and if you cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for a very reasonable figure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather- is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the pbce, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to thq Marble Shop, Flesherton. Three i) rtan.t qualities ownbined in our make of Boots. To those who expect to wear Boots aud shoes dur- ing tho next few months we would say that you cannot do better, either in Factory made or hoiae made Boots, than to try CLAXrON'S, A good stock on hand from the best manufactures. \lsx> a lot f Mow' Ik>oi(hoine rjaade), I'-cit Material aud Workimnsliipv on Laud. \Vrk to

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