Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1890, p. 3

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gX the niggnlj Man I U* work* t *r pa ; Aa' be i the gude*t Ban ever you law I B*> eonee to oar buaee every day, Aa' wtiera tbe hont* aa' feed* em hay ; Aa' he opeu* the *bed- aa' we all tot laoch When be drive* gat oar little old wubble-ly Ml Aa' ten. rl uor hind air' *ay*b* can, B* Bilk* ih. ouw f.r 'Liubutb *nn, iln'ih. t i fnlmmil inte.ljMtn' lUggedy I haggedy ! baggedy Mao Wy, tb* Bagtedy Man be't ut good Be epllu ibe kindlln' an' eh p* tbe wood ; A*' neo be fpede* in r. or garden, too, Aa' doee mo*t tbicig* 'at b y* can't do. B* elumbed clear up la oar big tree Aa' ahook a' apple down tor me t Aa' 'aolher 'a, too, for Liubti b Ann ' Aa 'nether 'n, too, ( tbe Beagady Man! Alu t h. a' avfal kiad Itiggeily Man? lUggedy I Bageiedy ! Bagfedy Mao I Aa' tb* Kaeiedy Man r e know* mod rhyme* Aa' telit 'u> *f I b good *e*a*t.aMeV Know* l> u> Uianu, aa 1 Onffai.* aa' Elvee. Aa' the bqu 4 erum bqaee* 'at (waller* their el vet I Aa' wit* b> ii. pomp la ear peJtare lot Be *h'.wed me the bole 'at th* Weak* 1* got At live* 'way doep lo toe ground an' can i Into mo o 'UUabath Ano ! Ain't he funny old Kargedy Mao 1 , I rUedy I Uggedy Man ! CHRISTMAS IS CUMINQ. Therefore Light the Lamp ud Let the Heedle Fly. GUTS 10 BE HIDE AT HOME > or nin* W.i Bleb *>k*nSlver> prove KKd HOW i IB* With auaa fane May avldnee flat* Hen h* Bagg-dy Man- one lime wbn b* Wax matin a lutlo buf-'n arry far m. ay* : " * baa you re big Uk* y< or pa i*. Air > oo go to tep a mo> More like hi. rebu An b* a nch m rcbont aad war One cloihe* ? Kr bat air y u go' w be. goodneea know* I" An' neb be laa.hr d at Liiabulh Aon. An' I : -'M go' to be a K*Medy Man- - Im >*i go >o be a aloe Heggejy Man :" " : H*.gedy : Eaigedy Mao! PTTHIeome Rt.ty, M I'M Cmlnry A row Chrt.iina* Mottoee. Here are torn* Chrmrnai moltoe* for the aw of tboee who, with needle, pencil or krath thtmteJve* make tbe gift* lby teed to In- id, : - It 1* the ble**edChritma* tHe. Tbe c.bn*taieji lignte ax* all aglow * Above oar bead* tbe joy-bell* ring. Widumi Ibe bppy ct-u^rna ting." - ITkltrMr. " Kindle the Chriitmu braad, and then Till ionnc-**t let it buns." -Brrritk. "Give t be honor to thl* day That >eee Dneabi turn d to May ' -Herrie*. * Let wicter breathe a fragrance forth Like a* the purple *prt-g " Himck. ' The neighbor* were fmrdlr bidden. Aad all bad welcome true. ' Otd Song- " A man migbt then behold At Cbrletma*. In e*eh ball. Good 8i to corb tne old and meat f. r great and iiua! 1 ' _ -Otd Sony. Hlgbt la BU Line Baffklo Sf<f : O' half tbe night he'd walked the door Wi b Unit Willie. iijlaat u oath did over]^ ar In aocenuahrilly. TT1 Eprigiuo*. i.'4in,j patience, *wore I b J a billy Be'dtbump tho |wky offtpriog ore And knock hiiu iilly. Baid Mr* S from downy bad, Bofaotl) parri. X " Why, Spri^ip' .j.'aib ull praiee. Instead Of ' na* dvmamng . That pa>uni>' quite in k eping, Kred With yuur preferring: Tour BOMo ii yuu'vei f *n *aid ' B op aad *tirring " Bu*4nru U Warr*D Tnt*nu : The aatnma leaf u falling." *aid a lov*r to hi* lae*. -The fr.t will toon be biting like a neifer at tbegraui The timr u pa*t for fooling aad for ipooning in tbe tbad* . T2he time i* cniue wbeo matebe* that are pend- * ing tbould be made." The time i* com* for aaelikln*." the aaiden made rvpiy. -Doet thu k yuu d Ilk* to bay 'em for *uob a on* fit Boat th u a Qaeen Anne ecttage. a revenue to matcli ? you haven't, then go get 'am or you'll nevar land a catch." uirpt by Aldermeau Record : Ex Preaidenl An dnw White, of Cornell Univenity, in an article on " Tba Government of American Citir*." in Ihe December Forum, *ay* : " About a year lino*, I ttood upon tb wbarvet and in the itreett of Coc*ianii o pie. I bad pa**ed from one end of Europe to the other ; the** wen th* went I bad ten tine* I kfi home, and there came jeer me a tpaim of homeiicknee*. During all my midrnce in torsion citiee never before had ihe remembrance of New York, Philadelphia and other American centre* kern to vividly brooght back to me. There ! Constantinople, a* tbe retail of Turkuh wai th* tame hap- hazard, It**, dirty, corrupt tyitem which we in America know to well at the recall of nob de*potiim ; the eeme tumble. down wbarvn, ihe *arr.e lewage in tbe dock*, Ibe ame pavement* faoged with morderon* Monet,' the tame tilth, the tarn* obetaolet to travel and to lrffij." Biamillah ! but lhat U hard. ALL thi return* an not yet in, bat . _j have been received to make it cer- tain that th* Melhoditt Epitoopal Church of the United State* bat an* were J in the affirmative ih-t quetlion, " Shall women b* admitted into the General Conference at lay delegate* ?" The following U a turn- mary of the returns r*or v*4 : Obnrche* Heard from. For. Again*! OanOe ... ' ."'""' ~"'.... 9 le *> Mocth^rn Sow York.. TO l.OIT Mew Y rk Cit> ST 1*8 eetoD and viclnltv 61 noiDnaii and vicuaty .. 87 i.6o* Ui Baio t-ao rraadaoo. Omaha ............. Wa*liiAgton. .....* .. ........ ..* * In ihe mailer of be me- mad* "Cbritt- ma* gift*." gotd mother, CPL'I detpair ! 1'be infctnii at women will bavt no uifn- colly in faebiooing any number of lii'l ihiuc* which, if toiled lo the needt or ta.lv, will be tore to on welcome. At the fair ladie* of Hamilton are interacted in ach thing* at the preeint tune, th* folio*- in* hint* may b* utef ul : A friend <.f .he wnter ha* jcn made a baLdy-ban," M be in>prndt< by nngi to tue Undo cf the oloaet door. The material wai biae oenim ; the edges ware bound wuh cardinal wanted braid. Tb* aimcntioai i.f ihe flu (.art or foundation of tb* bag wtn about tour feel by two and a half. Upon thi* were moan tea j.cck. t* f varica* tUx. Tbe lower one wet wide end oep, and wa* labvltd " pal- '!.*' in outline iti ch wuh md ootton. O-hen wete for anoti, robbert, tiipper*, p*t>er*, itring, liueo, oultoo and loadrie*. Ihe lop wat col in deep point*, lo eaoc of wuiiih aa town a brae* ring to hang it by II wai. in fact, an enlarged aboe bag, which -ry woman knowi how to make. The c,ii wai trifling, bol u it lafe to lay that recipient of ibit tuefol bag will hie** tne giver every day througboot the coming year. Ib* change* have been rung indefinitely oo ail niauuer of bagi. big aad litilr, orna- menial and Morally netful, uaiu every one La* nnlimiied tuggbiuizi* on thi* poiui. Wny repeal Ibem ? TBI iT*iiir rux'-w. Very mach it* a* me thing may b* (aid of C.O-IIOB*. aiibcngh thtm an faahiou* m the latter. One . f Ihe lateit of ihe.e it the roteleaf pi. o* (fiiled with drwd r e Itawe ) A charming cover for cne of tb> to r> fined cuehioc.* i* mad* of creamy India tilk. upon, which ii mounted a piece of belli ololb painted wiih a dnaixn i f roee*. Tbe mouniuig it dour with fancy litcbe* in pink ailk. A bandwmo bow of riboon al on* corner i* a pretty edition. A little pot pourn mixture tcatiiend through ihe roe* leave* ii an imprxvemenl. TU ILCMBAB "J'J CCBJUO8. Anoibtr Lew cuihion it Ib* tlamber beli. wnicb i* mace tf ribbon* tewn to fc*"h-r. or of ulk or Velvet, or in faot any in .1 >uf . materiel. The i*i u elevtn iLchti ! i ii and twenty wvnn inchc* wi * Gaiter the end* of the riaboct or what not oicetly together, and noff with any of Ihe material* a*ed for the purpote down i* ib* brei ; nut i* feather* of good quality. Fiuiah the end* with pom- pon* or boot. " IKPIOOM ILIfPKma.*' A pair cf bedroom or invalid ihpper* with Loped lining* coold hardly fail to be acceptable on!*** on* i* already (ap- plied It* direction* for crocheting ine* an oofitd (rum Dtmorttt'i Jfoa<iiM : Th* mateiiel tequind u wool in two oolor* and foil avlee. Tbe tiipper it worked from me loe in ribbed row*, back and forth, in ungie oroouot, laking each t>iich up Ircm ibe back of the one in the pr odiuv, crocbeiiux in ihe looptd lining al ihe *am lime, which, in thi* iuitance, wa* worked of dark blue and light blue wool. Begin with tbe darkeet wool and work nineteen chain, and oroobel four row*(bicb will make two rib* ), working thne *inche* in the centre eaoh time kOiug back, which will make two in orreie in eecn rib. Thi* inona** of iilcbet u rep aed in every reiorn row that i* worked with the dark blue wool, while tn* forward rowi are worked with the light wool, and in tbu the Icoped lining i* worked. Crochet, hower, tbe firil two and tbe lait two iiiichttof iheee row* in the dark wool, to a* lo have a dark band next to the aole. For th* loop* at the back afur fvrrj inlch par* ihe wool over and arcand an ivoty ki i> ling needle. With eighteen dark blue rit*. or thiriy-iix row* (the la*l row rbcold number fifty ux ititchet), ih* top or mi idle of Ibe lij PV r i* reached, and tbe nai rowing lid* pitot* begin. The nnt row for eaoh tide piece, numbering uxteen rowi. ort%htribe, oc ant* eighteen *tilche*; th* la.t, lour, which leave* fcorteenitiicbe* on the inner ed*,*- Tbe *cge of th* tli^per it Hi iihed with tb*ili if fear doaaie orootel each of tb* dark wool with a tingle horl crochet between each. For the looped linirg of th* *ule crcchet a puce of tb* 1 ape in tb* light wool, only taking up the tucht* in front 10 a* not to make il ribbed. When Ihe *ole t* lined **w tb* alippar to it, and crochet a tbell border aroond the tide* and heel, and floiah with a pompon. A OOXVI31B1IT WBTTDia 4.&D. The tame journal giVM for a oonveuicnt writing board, be madt at a very trifling outlay of money and work. Il i* a plain wooden board, 33 by 18 inohe*. and can be mad* narrower if preferred. It I* covered with dark blue l.oej oloih, though any color or material may be '"BJ need, and the variooi pookeM an of th* jt lame fa*tend down with fancy bran- .-.i headed nail*. In ibe onnlra it tbe blotting ' pad, held in place by triangular piece* of J2 1 leather or eloih A tlrej^bt band of cloth, a ; divided by row* of the bra** nailt, hold* the paper-knife, penholder, pencil and pen- oil-tharpeoar. Next to tbeinktiand (which U a leather-covered travelling inaatand gioed on or htU in place by a map of leather or cloib). it a calendar and on the th* third a pal* blot, aaing th* tarn* oolon, only more whit*. Tie th* thne fan* together in th* thap* of a large olovtr leaf with a big bow of blue ribbon. A VAIBT LAMP. Another novel o*t for tbe palm-leaf fan i* to make it terve at th* foundation for a hanging fairy lamp : Cover a palm leaf fan with yellow obina ulk gathered loctely toward th* handl*, wind yellow nboon roond Ihe handle, letiing r. end in long loo^t. With MroDg wire attach a jt-llow fairy lamp in the otoirs cf the fan, add a itroog loop behind to hang it by, tod on* bat a very dainty ornamtnt for a bedroom wall. Trmperaace Mote*. Oc* year ago there were no Woman'* Chrulian Temperance onion* in Prince Edward'* Itland ; now then are eight. The women of Nw Zealand, when fifty yean ago cannibalism exitted, have oow tbe right to vote for M. P't. Mitt O. E. F. Morgan, Bockingbam Palace, Brecon, Sooth Wale, England, ha* been choeen Mcreiary of tb* World'* Woman'* Cbruiian Temperano* Union for Gnat Bniain, and will work there upon the great petition tgaintl the traffic iu intoxicating liqaor* aid opium. Mia* uortao it an earnett Cbtutian, an ao- oomplithed lady ad an xperirnd phiiaotbropitt. She it a friend at Lady H-nry ckmeraet, who recoomend* her for tb* plaoe. Tbe Yoong Men'* Christian Aa*ooiation have porohaatd the famou* " canteen " which i* litoated 10 near tbe parade groand of the State camp of initrociion at Poekj kill, M Y , a* to virtually b* in th* eamp, and when the national guard next y*ar KOM into camp Ibe banner of thi* attooia- tion will be djating from theee builduutt ibat wen formerly to objectionable . and nluiio* tervice*. rncetting* of *ong and harmleai garnet will take tbe place of in- tcxioaiiog drinki and their degrading accompaniment*. TO LOBOU LTVBSa. An endeavor wat noently made to tbow that total abetaioen do not ii?* to long a* Ibo** who contome alcohol in moderatiou ; alto, tirango to aay, that bo often drink to *IO*M oatliv* the) teetotaller*. StaMmcnit porporting to come from the medioal profeation in Eog land wen addaoed in lapport. Tbe whole lory had a u-tpiciouJ appearance. Th* fact* wn evidently oooked, bat eo tkill- fully at to deceive unwary people. All an aware that an *xoe**ive ooDtomptioo of alcohol lead* to ill health and a high rate of mortality. But many an not convinced that even what i* called moderate indulgence tndt to lemn tb* duration of lie. The United Kingdom Tempirano* nd G-reral Provident inititation, Lon- don, England, hat two clatae* of ineuraaoe. on* for total abetainert. and another for temperance people who are not total etMtainen. All iatnraooa c ffioen carefully avoid ioiuring tbe livt* of drunkard j, or of tho** whom they lutpect to be iac'ioed to over mduUenoe. Thai of iitelf i* (umcurnt to tbow that th* noivertml < xptrieoc* of life omoet i* that alcoholic xor*t mean* a high rate of mortality. The director! of to* before men Honed inititation at their lad annual meeting reported that for th* total abeiineoo* Motion on the whole nombr of life poli.-ie* for every 100 el%im* Ntimatad to fall da* by th* eota ry'* tablet then had been only 59 death*, bui that in the g*n*ral teotion lhat it among thoae who drank in ttrici modara- lion tbe deatht amounted to 86 ool of Ihe expected 100. Therefor*, oot of equal numbers of two Ion of iotonr* total abitamen and temper ale men the ab- taiown abowad 45 per oenl. better than the temperate drinker*. Toronto JfouJ. Boetoa BtevortlB)*;. Boeloa rrm*crip . Interviewer Mr Swelbed, I have come to get your view* on the proposed change in th* curriculum of ibe urammar *cbool." Mr. Seelhed " Curricolom I What' that ? I'm agin it, whatever it i*." Mr. Swelhed ( reading ihe report of Ihe interview) Oar diitingaitbed towntoan, Mr. 31 T. Swelbed, we* found al hit charm- ing home, inrroanded by abundant indica- tion of ripe eoholarahip and ttardy com- mon >ea*e. In reply to oar nporter't queeiion b* taid : " I do not dteire to force my opinion* upon th* public ; bat thu I will tay. that I have Mven to tbit qotalioo long and itaduni attention, inotdently txamining into thecorncola of inttitniion* of learning both at home and abroad, and aliboogh I & id in th* exiating ooon* of ujy not a few matMn for oondemnatioo, ttill, upon the whole, I cannot lay that I tboold advite any radical change until I have farther lime to examine into th* *ub- jeot." ByOreorg*! that feller'* got my exact language word for word 1 And he didn't lake no note* neither t By George, what a memory thai fellow moil have ! A branch of the) Ontario Bank ha* been opened al Sadbory. Gold to ib* amount of 1350,000 ha* been hipped from London for New York. Tba body of Joteph Bute, th* engineer who loil on Ufa at I^ohin*. baa b**n found. The Imperial Board of Agriculture * in- quiry into ibe Atlantic cattle irao* ig pro. greening btiikly. Navigation clotwd ai Owen Bound y*a- letday. Twenty nv* veneJt of all daacrip- liont will winter there. A daughter of Edward McCabe, King lion, fell from a high chair and died from ccncuion of th*> brain. Engineer! tnppoeed to be *mploy*d by the Canadian Peci&a are Mnking a Un* for a oaw bridge at Niagara Fall*. Sew* of the death in California of John C. McGregor, a well-known commercial traveller, hat reached Toronto. An Indian constable wa* impended at London ytiterday fortnppiying liquor to the Indian* on the reservation. Advice* from Wellington ttat* that th* general election! in New Zealand resulted in ihe nturn of an equal number of Gov- ernment and Opposition candidate*. A mati meeting of Iriahmen, convened t Montreal, pat*ed a reeolulion of oonft- Cecce in Mr. Parneli u t political leader. Emperor William ha* ordered that pra)er* be cffred in the chaickee for the ate itetouelument of Empnit Tiotona, which u tx^ieoted to take plaoe early in January. Ibe return! of revenue and espenditar* for the Dominion for the month of Novem- ber thow largo decrease* in receipt* a* compared with the oomiponoing mcnta iatt > .-ar. The negotiation* for a tnaty of com- merce between Autlria, Hungary and Germany art making no progn**, Ihe jot f rence in teetijn at Vienna having ihnt tar been barren of reault. Th* cold it to intente at Qoehec thai an ice bridge ha* formed acre** the St. Law- nnoe River. Thi* i* the earlied period for the ice lo form on Ike river within the memory of the oldeal river man. A prominent Colcbettar farmer lay* that Colchetler South icwnchip it prac tioally run by a gacg of thievti. They have beoome to daring of late lhat the rtwpectable ciiucn* do not know what to do. Wm. Wolverton, a Grand Trunk engine driver, known a* ''Billy on time, ' dropped dead at the Bonaventur* depot, Montreal, on Saturday afternoon. Inteetinal perfor anon i* thought to bav* been the caote ol death. Chat Klop and Emil Votrt, Eliaabrtb City, M. J., Anarch:iit, oonvicied of in cuing to riot al a picnic in Augott lait were Saturday tentenced to Slat* Priton ih* former tor two ) tats, th* latter tcr ux moolh*. Clerk McPherton. of ihe U.S. BOOM of Rep-teentauvei, hai jut bad printed the uiitffioiel litl of memoen-eltct of the next Hjuar. ibowinit 88 Republican*, '234 Demo- onu, e) Farmer*' Alliano*, 1 uncertain and 1 vacant. Two children of Wm. England, of Am- htntbarx were playing, whan the eldeit got bold of a belli* of liuimeat and gave tome of it to her hill* brother. The child wai toon ttricken with ipatmi. Docton wtre cailed and uted a ttomach pomp, but dcaih re* oiled. Sir Richard Cartwnght will ipeak at Mitchell on Monday, December 15. and ai Clinwn on Tneeday. Deoember K. Ai wen foond lying againtt th* raill, when the wave* had aaaoed them. Wm. Rowland*, formerly of th* to*m*hip of Uoward, Kant cjoniy, *er I lo ihe pem- teuiiary for ataooting hit wife, died oe. Tb.or.day. Hi* body wat forwaroad to hi* home in Chaiham to day. Hii sou William in Kingtton on Beioraay tiaud that hi* father waa noi in hit right miud when h* Billed hi* wife. Dwpalohe* from India Mat* that whil* the Second Battalion of the Third Goorkha BfgmentwaiOB ihe march in th* Cbin Hui* e*veral of the man were Mnckan with) cholera. Tb* troop* went into camp at Gutthait. Then were thirty men out of total of *ixly attacked, who laoeumbed M the di**a**. Tbe banal co inb*M)oetitly brok* camp aad ntorned to Bangocn. During the march many mor* coldian war* attacked by cholera. Let the Klaaiael go On. Cleveland flit* Dtaitr : Mn. Frank Letli* ha* recently written a duautauon oa kiaaicg ; not th* ' tool/ml poll " ert at kitting that Amelia Rive* tell* akomt whew giddy youg ipoootn auow their m* w be aiiracied wwardt each other when tb* moon i* behind a cloud or the (M raaoead) to a hucgry ipark. but Ihe ccmmon every. day tort of kiiting. Mn Leaua'i direction i* good, to u her theory in part*, loch a* kiaurg a child or one t grandmother. JSat why ihoaid ibe draw the line* to taot om girl* that an wail, girl* that look ku*aol*. act it*ahlt and an kiatabl* ? Ha* Mr*. Frank forgotten the day* of her girihood I What le th* ate o( hawa* girU in tht world if they an not to b* knurt ? W* dp not) advocate itreet corner or t*a party biking beet. Far fi*m it ; bui w* ttand up for the right of the girl*. For Mn. Loalie, now lhat the bat done moet of her kiteiag, to pal all girl* on itarvaiion allowanoe of imc* i* ad outrage. What inducement would Gen. Sherman have to visit young ladiei 1 aohooli wider twah a role ? What inducement woold th* moon have to go under a cloud ? What would railroad* be good for ? What would be- oome cf Copenhagen? N.neenee, Mr*. Lrta*. Com* off. Let the girli enjoy their innocent ceoolatory indulgenotl and let tb* only remaining paiiime of in* poor editor remain a* it i*. Most Keep Hie A general craenng a battle hu not to confuting a talk a* th* cbinf of a An bri- gad*. who ha* to cjntrol a campaign xlendiog over a aquan bait mile and loroee which arrive on ice toene be knowi not hen or when. The chief baa to know th* building and the ntooroM of every hydrant witn regard to it. B* ha* to decide whether to call out the whole brigade and whether the mam ecint c*n be advan- laneouly otiUxed. He bat 10 plaat each ladder, reel or bow. where .t will nrve it* beet purpo** in oonoect.on with th* r***. He hat to keep in mind extotiy when each part of the mechanuin u to a* not to dupii- cate or waale any. Tbit hat to b* done, not afwr deliberate thought or planning. bat oo th* inipiration of th* tx momet. when on tb* -avii ( of five ate* depend* *aoc*** or d*ftat. It il < tor tb* crowd to admin deed* of daring and even reckleeenee* on tb* part of tbe brave men, but Ih* cool daemon* on which th* iucoe*i and lately of the men depend can only prove tbemteivet by geaer** mull* .keMreui I Guelph on Saturday he addn**ed a pleodid meeting of the farmenof Welling ton c juniy . Ex King Milan ha* relarned to Parit from Englaxd. He ii ureeitly mraged at the nfo*al of (jaren Victoria, tbe Prinoeof Wale* and Lord SalJibory to receive him. He ha* hind a palace in Part*. Bis annual allowanoe u .30,000. Three cighiy-horre power boiler* in ib* eewmill of B)er* A Co.. Columbia, Pa., exploded Saturday morning. Tbe boiler C. Sieger. The Total _ * 17.* Thia give* Ib* women a majority of 6.719 volei cat of a total of S7.957, or 61 per otnt. of all boe* who oa*t a ballot are in O|>poaite tide a penwiper and a note blovk. favor of admitting lay women del-gale*. I Th* tablet may aleo be fitted with oloth Wh'lc the neull of thl* popular balloting flap* at -ach end to fold over and entirely will not be binding upon the action of tbe , ouver thi top when not in ute, or to oover next Gen.ral Conference of th* Mlhodi*t any work which may b* left open it, prominent olinr*men of that Keening Him Oowm. New York Tnoumt : A prominent oletvy- man give* tbi* deeoription of Ihe life of a m in iiter : My (xparwooei with oharche* make OM think that miniiten are like oati. When you go to a n*w plaoe ant everybody M: Com*, powy I com*, puny I nice patty.' and yoo com*. " Then they begin to rub you for and tay ' Poor pu**y 1 poor puny I' and thin they lay : -Scat I" Tt>* ***aon l rapidly neariag When we 11 all take a ride And go gliiiing. ii^it^t_ glimmering Down tne Toboggan Slid*. " Whil* I wa* in Parii," Mid Ih* n- turned ballet girl, " I law Bernbardl a* It wa* wonderful." " Wai ibe Church, prominent clergymen denomination expm* Ih* belief that it will have a very gnat iLflaence in ihapirg BOW TO Bill AM OD> Oood Umuekttftni hai al*o dueotioni for nlativi to btjialation jwMtion. Cora Wonder why th* inuter oall* a* 'lamb* Dora On account er*alwa) i catting A man who doei a good deeervea no orcdll for it. a Bomber if inexp*n*ive, oeelmi and pnlly thit int*n*tlng >rllo | M . Amo*g Ibem i* an odd *pla*her. | To make thi* lake three palm leaf fan*, pretty yonnc , n j lu oil* tint ttarm according to the oolor- cf Ihe fold' T i D ^ of the beOTeooi. If bio*, for one ud* anything like CUofttrt bereelf, at you nmemKr her T " aimed tbe jealoui ohoro* giri. The rag* for colored candle* i* over hoot* wa* deiiroyed. and B. R. t'orcv, a mident of WUliamiport, and the unman, were terribly former will die. Pnlty Alice Smith, one of the moil in- tending of tb* witneetci for tbe proeeca- tion in tha Birohall trial, it now Alice Smith Bloanl, having married Joeeph Blonnl, the Niagara Fail* policeman. Tbe marriage wa* eelebnled in Buffalo City Hall at 4 o'clock yeaterday att*r- Boon. The*. Savigny, a yoang man employed in John ArmitrooK't provuion *ton on Water irrel, Peierboro', fell Ihroogh an open trap door laii night and bad hit no** nearly torn cff by itrUiotr hi* bead on tb* edge of the board*. The almott dis- membered organ wa* Mitched on by a phyiioian. Emperor William, in t recent tpeecb, fln.n fault with cramming pnpili in the H-gb School* with Greek and Latin to th* neglect of modern hiitory, which, b* lay*, bat the effect of predating maddle-heeJe* 1 would be nformer* of lociity and hunger candidate* " for the rank* of journalism. Two employee* of thi Ontario Paper Mill, Watertown, NY, met with terribl* dralb Saturday. They wen lowering th* flood gate* at ihe flame when a long lever with whiob they were working ilipped from their gra*p. and iwong around with great force, itriking tbi men and indicting injar- ir* from which th*y *oon died. Their name* wen Soper and MoLanghlin. Saturday morning Jndg* Born* looked over Ihe ewirace in th* oaat of Aid. Egan, charged with iteeling latter* f rom th* I Windsor pottcffloe and then ordered Matii* t-ate Banlett to nleaie Egan on tll.OOO bail. The bond* ware furnished by one for 18 000 with Euan'* own name, and 14,000 with Samuel Blanoing, V. T. O'6h*a and Aadrew Craele,PleaB* A newer. According to a newipaper report Andrew Carnegie r*tntly oommiited himeelf to A very curtoo* ttatemeni. Hi averred that Ib* annual ealary of tbe Prince of Wale* would (office to keep 30.000 people for a year. Now, ih* annual talary of the Prince if Wale* it loao.OOO. Divided up among 30.000 people, ii would amount lo jut 119 apiece Mr. Carnegie teem* to hav* vary queer idea* a* to the tarn of money thai would tap port an American woraingman, or. indeed, a workingmao of any national- ity, and enable him to provide th* necee- arie* of life for bimeelf and for hi* family. Bat a ttill mon intonating jueeuoo ia thi* : How many m llicnain* of th* type) of Andrew Carnegie oould be lupported upon the annual aalary of the Pnnce of Wale* ? And it it not the leatt bit indeli- oate for a member of the gilded brotbubood) to be a**aiiing a comparative pauper like) the Prince of Wale* ? Bow to Feltea Tvrmtlmr*. Tb* new servant girl triad two kind* of furniture polith on the roeewpod dining table. Sht declared that American fnrni- tan poluh " wa* no good at all. at all." She got half a pound of while bee'i wax. two oake* of oa*lil* toap, and a pint of turpen- line. She boiled tbe toap and wax together that U, the malted ibem until they ma together. Then the poured in the turpen- tine. All Ibe hard wood in the boo** hue* like mirror* glai* BOW. " 'Ti th*) way they make th* ban thine in Dublin." laid ihe. Sen York StM. A Bleiw to a Bottle Him*. Jnitice* Day and Lawrence on Wednes- day held, in the eate of TTrmitoo vs. Whitcleg Brother*, that an agreement by which i number of Laaca*bire mineral water manufacluren bound ihm*elv** for a period of ten year* under penaliie* not to eell mineral water* for lee* than 9d. per doaen bottlee net wa* an agreement to pmt money into the pocket* of the member*, of the Mineral Waf.r Manufactured AMO- ciation at tb* axpent* of the public without oonnderaiion, and could not b* enforced by law. Leave wai granted to appeal. o*> Vnt WetUy Dttfateh. Whil* wax U th* order of tbe night at* Jo*eph Maiaonville a* *uretiei. Egan wai light. Boitor ha* a very good opinion of hi* father'* celling, which u that of clergy- man. Still be thinks there an other pro- fftior that lake eqeal rank with it, and released from jail at noon. Daring th* hurricane whieh iwipt tbi Atlantic ooait on tbe lit init. th* Mary- land wit boarded by a ternflo tea, which daahed tboee on deck in all direction* and How It Oril A man named Gallagher WM oppoeed to hi* daagbter voiog out to late dance* i tbe country. On* evening tbe girl went to her father, in the pretence of a few of hi* friend*, and a*ked nermi**ion to JO to concert and ball. Be nfuwd k*r nqu**t. whereupon tb* company, elmoit with on* voice, exclaimed : " Let her o, Gallagher !'* Hence ihit laying thai i* now known ia almoit ivery part cf the world. It ii *aier to manage a twitch than a train. Tbit i* a fathion not* or a railway tern, jail a* you plea**. Barly to bed, early to rite, 1 yoor bweiMM, toll ao He*. ebeiaDdi- Pay roar debt* i Mr*. Gaxaam Who an 'the gnat an- waihed,' Oeorfi ? Gaxxam^Tbc** oa horn th* gueen bat never eonfemd tbe Tyler , order of the bath, I inppoe*.

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