Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1890, p. 7

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THE TAP-ROOT OF POf Bin (Ooa tinned.) good eana* the \*sa of the younger Garriton U doing work worthy the too of man aiii*. T**, the worid improve* : For Ha-nanuy -WM|M oaward. when to-day tb* >r OB Ih* murrcw cruueha* J a ]ae with tte ellTer La . far ahead Kb* craw atandi ready. tad tlie crack- linn iwou Oara. While lije hu 11114 uuib of yeetarday in aileot aa recaro *o (laau up U.B ipaitarad Mh* into UiiViry i ffledan aro. The adv .. ai< of tb* Singl* Tax reform have pa.e i ir rough all the variou *t<tt Of Ibe p*rt<= u.i.jni of ihe lime. That benign method of (bowing oar lor* toward oar brethren *ho ditacre* with a* barn- ing t the lute ha* gone Badly oat of fMhion ; the ihambecrew and the boot hav* been relegated to the ma**am*. bat yt\ only ilowly approach ing the BJASOS SHALL COSTBOI. ma i The SIB*!- 1'ix advocates have throQKh the period of contempt, of and innuendo**, and hav* emerjed into the ad moil welcome one of Thai oar wee i Hrootj one fa Baad* clear by ih* tmaoai tflort* pot tsrtb to ctoae to* month* of iu eloq- at advocate*; by the number ot emi iaj politick! ana social eoooomiiU who joining oar ranks ; by the tendency tf iT :. or the perterbttioo it oo- i in the camp of the common enemy. nous ot the rifhtaonsn*** ot the i we a.ivo-.".ie. oome snoots* 1000 or i it |BI wt ka >w that it mail autlj , erd it*. .iui{ en the rock of Jaatiot, guarded by ib = thield of Troth, w are oontent tu *:tl l the iword of Beaton and defy the allied power* of richei, and political expediency to do their Thoie for wtijm the god* fight oan be patient. Think yiu T.-u.b a farthing raihlifbt to.be hd oir. wiMn you will iiciaJ iagrt and your pollti- r u!d a w.jwlaa fniab, to be hiaden oat of I bu block eye* stay not tewtyea dotne thinf thai u no: ritfht '.' But th* Dottiiue* oink not *o. Tatheirjaif maul cbu.ber 1 jre OOBM BO Mood* of popular clamor . Lbr Kauic ur luit 1 *' U noi blown. Towr majo nut toay reek not Tula yoo grant. tu: f ea u lay TOO difl.r wiin UMOI I >ou or tnev ' Wbionit " Patient are tbjr a* tb* in**ct* that build Ulanda w ibe daep : bail out f bolted thunder, bat their lieu t way tb-v ka*p ; j* tby oav bee*i tbal we know : when euipir iurl i bat wan not jou ; Uk'j.kij( il* fox terateoea la a IM* neap ol duit." At Ihe oo^ ol a -ion of the aidreti a f ree- and eeey diic.Mton and many interro^t toriee and at.wers followed. A vote 01 thank*, move l by Mr. B. Hopkin* an< saooDdtd DN K-v Mr Morton, wa*tendr Mr. Cam k aud bn.fly a3kaowl*dg*d . Lo! Thr Wei Mr*. O Sr-ei, the u lo the VBM. woman whoee charm P.r:..li and have pnoipitatod pfdi.i.i^l oiiu* upon Great Britain ant Inland, wa*, according to tha London cor respondent ol to* N*w York Commerci* Aduertu-r, th* mi.trwM of an *x governo ol tha Bank o' England before the marriw O'Shta aaa H the u*t*r of BIT Kvi>n Wood, a d it;::*aihd Kngiiih Baldier, an a woman cf KP at beauty and aocompliih menu I r.- itatement of UM eorrwpond sot jui5 | 10. rd i* cewi to th* American pnblio. bni i. it mad* with a potiuveaei that attaint* in absolute accuracy. Par nell'i intimacy with ibe woman, it i* .id began tixct )<-er* ago and was wall known to hit BMociatti of th* Iriah party and nven to olber member* of tb* BOOM ot Com nous Suryrite is expressed in *om quarters, ih-rvfora that th* men who hav all along kuoontbel Parnell ha* frequent! ncgltoted hi* (lablto aati** to pay eourt K the wi( ot another man ihoold now d* ntaod hi* reiir>m*nl from Ihe leadership ol hi* part.. Roek'tter Herald. Bav. 'liST CE.NTCR\ LOVERS ; L Tale of the American Revolution. Th* iky wa* of th* deepest beat, reflected in lb* ripple* of the littla inlet tbal wa*b*d almcst to their feet over the Mssotb land. Aaron the water, beyond UM meadow, they oooJi are th* whit* pillared front of Lord I Otft. Tha mtsat, aatnmn neldt, in tbe oft air, war* veiled here and there with haze of bmab-nre*, blending into th* purple of tha bonbon. There are not many young men in tbe neiubbornoxi to make it gay, an there, ? " a*k*d Tom. No, infl*orl ; and that U why I was vary tad when I heard yoa bad come back. Yoa tew, il i* to dull. Bab i* mott baiy, and innt Clem i* moody and rather item. have no friend*. I often thought of yon when yon were away, and I have the half penny yon gave me." She was looking away into th* bias with eyee a* bloc, (peaking with the atmott simplicity. Well, are yoa glad I have come home, now that you know ma? B itty lock*! at nitn lor a moment and aoghed. Ye*. I ana ; though, to tall the truth, I il not lik* )ou maoh th* other night. 1 tboQKbt yoa too modiih and oonoeiud." Upon my tool, you are a piece of can- dor ! 'Gad ! yon ar* no more what I fan- aied yon th* other *vecing. Yoa ar* at changeable a* Mother Habbard 1 * dog. and his moods were far from mliabie. Now, the other evening, kince yon mart know, I fancied you rather m:t*yith and aff.ctro. 1 I knew il," said Betty, devotedly. " I KMJ affected, va*tlv to. 1 protett thai I do not feel natural all decked op in furbe- low*. 1 want to b* mincing and aeymx Ob, Lad ! ' and patting oo all the air* and in tb* wcrld. I can't breathe or Bat what a pleaior* it is to b* nat- ural, like thi*. without powder or bcopa, in v dohatiUt. 1 fat I a* free at ihoe bird*." 52*?.' With whirring from tbe a task of wild dock* gnat, skimming the too wy br*a*t* whit* again*! th* bio* as ihey wheeled aloft. Sb* was a childish ilip of a girl, a* ah* at looking op at hicn from uodor the ahede of her big black hat, the tonlixni failing on ber dimpled, fnckled lac* and *lim a<ar, clad in plain blue gown, big neckercnUf, and white aproo. her tun-barned topple ficuen playing with CaMiat'* loot hair. So ycu teal lonely ? " *aid Tom- " I hav* (ell lonely, loo." H* gave her a quix- zical kltnoe. " There I am of tb* lame complexion a* yoa. But how ab :at Will Rianrfold ? i* h* not in ivmpatby with yoa T " Botty was ilowly nibbling a oooky, which ibe gave to Ca**ia, not within^ to b* nterrapted in tbu interesting oow variation. In tune way b* i* not the MOV," ahe aid, " thoogh he writ** poetry. B* even write* poetry to aw." Dor* he t Tb* conomb ' By h*avn ! tb* f cil->w moil b* mad. Bit bow does it eeern d 9 .-reel with me ? " Y-a do not prat* a* mach, bat I feel that >ou rtaUy lor* Aaiar* mar*. Il eem* like home, thi* water, aad a* thongb w* belonged to it, and ihould love il alway*. Now, when it Icok* thai quiet. I f*el bk* gjiog out with the rippl'i, a* free a* they. The reason w* love tb* iky and tb* world around a* mast b* like Cat*iu*'i love for a*, becaass it has a meaning w* cannot undertiand. But do yon know, it mak-t me tad tomstime*, Tom, to watch a tunaei or a twaoliful view T II most between** there i* no on* to enjoy it with me ; bo." now yen hav* oome il will b* different." Tom wa* ulenl before reply ing, imiling ioto her *a(er. uplifted face. I think." b* taid. gravely." that w* hall be great friend*, dear little uirl Whenever yoa feel leaely, Bind for m*." Betty was vary happy to have found uch a friend, and they ware both quiai over tb* compact, Betty tiazing at the rip plea, always changing, always the lane at on* tpot wb*r* a line cf grass eorled like Moody 01 a/aArw : " Yes, I us. He a wawr make, uulil it teemed that the simply SMkhsi all th* money he coold ' water wa* Hill and that ih* and Tom and because be bad aright. Well, then an jib* pine-tree were drifting ilowly over its lot* of people in Cbioago who ar* jotl like pla:ia toif ace out out CHAPTER VI. February 14;h. 1775, and mow him. Notice one thing aboat Matthew, thooith. be gave op his till* Nowhere through the Bible will yon find the *er- 1 1 vant* of Oud ntlog any title*, and I woold bad been falling aioce morning. Betty, advue you all to avoid it. Don't go aroaod ' ipeodiog tbe day in lb village. l Mi** oalling jour*flve* ih* Rev. So and 80 ' Stacy 'i little cottage, weaned with ber When a man b-gin* to want a title he chatter, a* nnoeaiing at Ibe tinging of th* doesn't waul to be a ewrvant of God. If copper tea-kettle over tbe fire, tat on a you want to b* nied by Ood don't have cht by tbe window, looking through the litle*. Ther* ar* too many big men imall, iqoare pane* at tbe people patting already in the country. W* want more down Ibe road lo Mr. Atkina' nor*, for small one*. A bi< bead it a dangwoai du- ; tbs opening of th* forininhlly miU-bag. *a*r Tbe meet useful nun and women Tbrouxh tbe veil of mow, falling thick and ar* ihote who ar* low**!. ' fal in bu flake*, lb* landioap* *bowed a* in an etching, barely soggettive of tbe hi J- A Lovely Woemn dtn color. Overheard on* aay of her, " By heaven : Biwen th* w*ste, wail* tract of th* he's painted"! Yes." retorted ihe, in- garden, where ibe tv*rgr**si were beading dianaolly, aod by heaven only I " Rnd Jy ben.alh their heavy harden, and Ibe watte. health mantled hr cheek, enthroned on the wtaite tract of Ib* meadowt, Ih-re wa* no rose and lily. Yel this beaatifol lady, line ot demarcation save a faint uue of onoe thin and pal*, with a dry, hacking woodland. aoogh, night a-weau and ilUht ipiltings of " Belly, if yoa tee anyone going by, be blood teemed .'ettined to ftU a oontump tare to tell me." said MIM Stacy, tive'i'urave After a-pendiog hundred* of i i be room. o*ed a* dining room and lit dollar* on phveician* withonl benttit. tha tried Dr. Picroe't Golden Medioal Dia- ling-room, wa* aromatic with herb*. On tb* wall hung a mural memento of Ibe late Dr. Andertoo, in the thap* of a tilk ampler, representing a dfjeoted female under a dejected willow. On tbe bare, It U th* only medicine oS it* oiled floor Hood, at regular intervals, told by drougist*. under a pwiiiiu llraiijhl, ipliot bottomed chair* A dreeter that it will bentfit or eon in all furoiibed with dithr*. a cbeil of drawer*. | and a table completed th* umple faroitore ot the room. Mi* Stacy lal in a rocking chair ; on two low itooli on either lid* of b*r were ber don Norval. aiicep. and her oovery ; her improvement was soon marked, and in a tew montbe the was plamp and rosy a*in. tb* picture of health aod it i* recom- _ o( diteat* for which mended, or money paid will be promptly refunded. The Prlvtloc* of Ac*. 1 My object in calling thi* evening," he Mils negro maid Judy, who** round, black f*o* wai bedewed with tear*, for she wa* __ began, with a nervone tremble ol hi* chin, learning to knit, and every mi*Md nitob " wai lo a*k yoa, Katie I may call yoa wai vnited upon her head by lharp tap* of Kali*, may I not T" , her mUtre**' thimble. " Certainly, Mr. Longpipe," laid Ihe On Ibe mahogany work table, betide* cweet yoot>g girl. Ail of p*pa'i elderly tb* piece ot eewing that Betty had thrown friends call me Katie." < down, wai Mia* Stacy'* lortoit* *hall muff And he *aid nothing further about bis box, from which the now and then extrao- object in oallirg Spore Uomenti. j led a dainty pinch of rappee, indulging in I the luxury of a toppreeeed ineeaw, oarefol The Aoitrian General Baron Knebel von not to awaken th* ilomberiog Norval. Trauerechweit ii dead. He wa* the only i The hand ot Ihe high clock wa* nigh apon general who won a victory over the Pro*- four, and Betty wa* baginaieg to be impa- ian* in the campaign of 1866. I tient lo tee ihe mintnger whom Mia* Bab From th* wieemed KpiMpk ot To-ib- had promiied to Bind for her. on* nontain* another. She had begun oo the labjeot of tb* Vaagban family hiimry and an old lov* affair of Miai Clem'*, which, by aome atroaitoui proae**, Ud to the fallowing sags aphonia : Yea oaa't aocoont for th* height of Now, tbars was By dear d*Dsrtad to tall cf ttaior* that the joiser said n* watlhalongMl ocrpa* h* ever m*a*ored, and I'm nothing mnoh. And then'i Judy, her father wa* a Game* nigger belonging M Mr. Pecs, and seven feet high, na Judy ' little Uk a dwarf -ba. it all of Judy'* having, in early ,ooth. knocked down by son* animal. Wasn't yoa. Jady ? " ' Y'i'm," laid Jady, d*marUy, with the air of on* wno ba* learned a leaaco by rota : I ran a^in a pig an' tt itmlcd me." W-li, t is Mr. DeCooroy, that year Aunt Cl*m wa* a-going tu marry, wa* a gentleman of good height and panooaol* part*. They doted oa each otr.tr. and u all but broke ber heart when h wa* fcU-xl by a fall cff a bars* ; mad then, father and mother died of yellow f, took on *o thai the hatn'i been tbe same line*, \i my mud. though the alwayi wa* od/iiah." Here Betty, who** face had b-n hid Jen by me moalin oonain*, uttered a iinle ex :itr.tioo of lorprtss. " La ! Biiy . what is il ? Wnat do vca s**7 " " Peregrine. Tarn Kozier't b jand men thai ba brought with him. bai joct gco* by in a *l*igh. Mia* Stacy, I think Ih* po*t- bag moil t* open now, and I'll pal oa my wrap* an i get th* Utters " " No, indeed, *hild, Jady'il go. Sore a* you're born there'* a visitor coming. My nee* ha* been itching oa tb* left iide ail day for a lady, and Jaly'i oa the right f jr a gentleman ; but jady'i never fart. Don't go oat, *cmjbody might com* while yoa w*r* gone." Jady, wi4 for frtedom, ilippea s ibawl around ber and was oat of MM door aid away from tbe delected yarn and nB*rll*s. Pn**ntly Belt) taw ber with envy, a tl -el ingtilhoalte on tb* white groaad. dit r er- ing * flock of drooping fowls. Tnei Jady ! " aigbed her mittress. Woold yoa think it ! b* i got idea* of dre** and flnery : came to o* the other day and asked oae it I thooxht pink cr bio* wrapping* for ber wool bec.med her ml '. Sat now, Elmbeth." taid MIM Siacy, toUmnly, beudinx forward with impretaiv and uplifted forefinger, "now thai we are alone. I wi*h to ipeak to yoa *rr>oa*ly, aad I want you to toll m* lh*> truth." Rooted to oar:o*ity. Betty row with her hand over ber heart, bo wad aad taid, with excellent mimicry ot Will Rmiucll's unkky vois* : " r'oar* tret kxnbU umuw. UUimtittlU. " That jolt it," said MiM Stacy mytterioualy. " Nobody knowi what h* by each gtbberub, and yon a poor girl with no on* to *p*ak to yoa and warn yoa Bab knowing a* mac* d tb* male BOX a* a babe unborn, ana Mi>* CUm to high mma*d and mighty, with her thcmhi* en book* aod poetry not that Bab'* co- fond of poetry too, when th-r'i washed up tb* di*b*. Bat tbey'rc neither of them alive and activr. aod I'm only (peeking for jour own good." Speak, prithd*. tpeak. Ana4taia, more plainly. Unfold tbe dread myitery. the tortuuut wmdiog* ol thy fevered imagine lion." Oh, ye*, yoa may laa^h if yoa p!m* and rant lik* tome play-actor for all tb* world, bai ther* no knowing what tbeee travelled young gent* mean. They ar* sad rake* for the matt part, and wo* to thi fielding fair who gives ear to their per jored vowi ! ' MIM Stacy *c*md carried away with delight it her own unwonted 1040*00*, continuing in tb* tame rapid and turgi J (train : 'Ti* for naught thai I have read the bittory ot thai tweel creator*, Clarit*a Harloc, writ by Mr. Ricbardton . I know tb* wile* ot these Lovlacee. with their allurement*, laced ooals, and Fnocb phr*r* ttealing into th* htart For all Will R D^xold t each a delectable ipark. tu not for good that h* ottle* and aigh* ." "Oa. Staoay," Betty'* and mofad. from tbe window, "do not tell me teal yoa ar* no* safe trcm bis bs- Kailing art*. Fly, fly from temptation Oat UM* 13 a nunnery.' To thick that tho** gray hair* ." "Hoity-toity, child! my hair'* a* dark M it ever wa*. and th* Audertoo'e ntver gel gray, though my mother' i aunt'* that wa* a Poesy wy uow-wbit* at tbuly but it all cam* in a night, bacao** cf i Kboaiiheeew. I'll 1*11 you about il in a mitute. Bai 'ti* all very well for yoa to change tbe tubj-ct, aad refute to oonnie in me whioh i* ihe favored twain. I know for all yoa'r* to cJo*e. and a real mom budget. Tut! I'm out of all conceit with yoa." "Ab, oow, it iin'l angry with me yoa are ? Why won't you believe that my ffaotion* are disengaged ? Like tbe miller o' Dee, ' I ear* (or nobody, ao, not 1. And nobody carat for nia. xcept Bab and CeMiai " "And me, Beit v Alas ! no. Tb* heart which of old mine bai been Kiven to a rattling bladr bight Will' Sweet William." Bat b* ware ! " laid Betty, gaziag at if into Otaianio futurity, and mouthing ber word*. "Dark lower* th* tempeet overhead -Ib* wall* of Ih* oottaga ar* d**olat* and di* mantled the blue eye* of An*tla*ia. tha sstmvd to brightly tntwbile, ar* bathrc in de P*haw ! how paltry. What gibbfriih yon can talk." " Forbear ! I *s*."oonlinaed Belly wildly " a dark form ipproaob 'til tb* sabii minion aha bear* aloft a message o love " Her* Jady entered, panting and COVWM with mow, having been ported by Johnn; Atkin* with inowball*. " Letter tar MIM Betty," the announced It was a folded thaet of paper, directed in a di*gui**d hand, and th* interior bore th* following verss : YJLLXXWK TO BBTIT, Fortoaa. ciftina PhvDU fair*. atada bar wrteflnc, iAmnmtrt; ^,_ --,J lt>t por. and ww*. I. aad twawt anft B*vlV Hone. A. T . il i* learned that Sheriff Slaughter exped* toon to add to th* popu- Ulioa of th public graveyard. For hoar* Mi** Stacy had been holding a disconnected monologue, * involved a* the itorie* in th* " Arabian Nights," whir* uri to Mi** Ravrasay, who i* a fortune, ul 'tu UM twteuM tain**. I pro****." Il irriialed BM* lo hear MIM Staoy eak so iCTirViwatly of Tost, whom ahe ad loog BOO* neased to regard a* a "con- prig." H* had **amd lately to _ to herawlf in tome intangibie way ; alone, knew him wall, and il wa* tnurd for otbav penal*) to fancy th*y daritood him, thoogh. of coon*, ihe wa* oil* indifferent a* to whether or BOS h* a* courting Mi** Ramsay. Bar futiagt didurbed and contradictory , ihe came) inidenly depraaeed and weary of i** Btacy and tit* ticking dock ex penan ing a sensilion cf relief when Jady. who nd returned to th* fray, ruriwd to iha oor, acnnnnning th* approich of Mr. Tcm oatr. Stacy pointed triumphantly to her rcpheiiic nc*:. " What did I tail yoa ? " 10 whupered. Betty wat so anfei^-aedly delighted and roial in her grewim., to Tom a* be) came , roddy with cold. Urge and sauii in hi* long, graen (xwat-coal with three cape*. lat tho impntQon* yooog man leiied Ilia* tacy, in lieu of a better, and gave her a nearly embrace. I've ban to the boos*. Betty, and Mi** ab s*nt me f it j on. I wa* only loo happy r an ex:oae for gazing again apon my ir, my Anaieiia,' flt ! " MIM Stacy flattered, elightedly. W* were looking tor yoa ; :tty half eipecwd yoa. ' Tom glanced at iity. who lookad oolly oat of the siinw. W* MW tb* ilgh go pas* with that man of your*. For oaraaia. h*'. an atlaw. - Such a pock marked, sorry- coking rcgo* 1 " Peregnnc'i a* honeat a raaaal as yoa xald rind . play* oa the French bora aad ha* nombtrle** acoompluhment*. I left im just now a* UM lav.rn, mixing a brew o for UM pereoo. and talking iigioo and politic* ; bat if hi* views are oo lioeral the parson will MB oonvincirg u(ument* . for be i* on* of tho** who will Proyehi* By apoawJa- Seeing that Betty had mantle, with it* boa cf dark for, above .nich ner (ace lookad lited a miss) an in th* Mvers setting of th* das* hood, Tom also rote, and took up hi* pointed wr. Stay." pleaded Miss Buoy. Tb* humble contents of my larcer are at your t*rvio*. If yoa ctay I'll aawks yoa a aaniy podding, and, wwil mad*, tb. more delictoot to tbe palate. ' " Oo. no." taid Betty. W* know your itne* too well UM oak** with which yoa pouoaed oar youth and over which we waeted oar day* in trying to pi A oat the ot deUotahlt oaraway BBad* with which h -y were fUvorejd. No, I will bear Tom away from your wii**." Leaving Mm Stacy bobbing oaruie*. they ec*>p*d into tbe keen air and wen soon far away from tbe low cottage. Soand )iWantit. To B^ty Koriona, Ooedes* kia<ta, , , t and Bevliee : , kia<ta, Oave Fb>llia race and UkJoe t MiDd*. Blty held it, beaming iil*nt deligb while Mi** Stacy put on her ipeotacle* an itudi<K] every tin* critically. Merely another lure. Bat what olever youth Will is ! for it never was wr by Tom, h* * loo high and mighty to trtt with your affaolion* ; betide*, he is " Aa tdlar i* a M wM*M*aaM eat tt Ala* ! how many WOOM hold and ch: drwu need ufce*arily me. beoaow -aa-:act,rti _-, A D AM l 1 r FAJIJL Fe**l* Jaunplac rrurn Traiaw. Judge WnrteM, in the Saperior Cosjrt at Mouirsal, gave jadgmani Wednesday ia favor of tbe Grand Trunk Railway in a* for 10.900 damage* taken again** by the susiir of the young rho was killed bv a abool a year ago. Tit* >anion*, who were makiaaj their way from Lake Saperior in tbe best manner they could, bad boarder] freight) rain, the reiuli being that young Boaibil- lier fall under tbe wheels and t*ceiteal injinM, from tb* tffct* of whioh h* died aa bear afterward*. The plaintiff* pre- tsaafsnn was that the y*o saaa was powhaai cff the train by one of the nffliw*!*, bat the defence produced evideaos that he umped binueif from the train, aad a inch aironstanaM th* ootxrt O O m U 51. wax tbeir sarr. aie offering from Heatae poooliar to ibcir MX. To all Dr Pierce'l Favonte Preecrpuoa U prrciua* ooon, tpnaUy ufltatmation, uloerauon, tormenting proUpeoa, bearing down " teneationt, morning rifiannsw, bloating, weak itnniaoh. a.rv.at protlration. and tendency to oan MM. In all iboM ailmenu called ' final* com plaint i," it U tb* pec flj known to modern raocrcJ Mefarwa. Cbijaico Ber^d . CoMom i* cruel to th* iviog ta it* funeral propri*tie*. It add* nothing to UM esteem in which the dwad an held, and cannot aetoage in the tho pain thai U caoaed by their away. Homaaity and right reaaon aJike demand that burial* aball be private ; that only UM t*w cboeen by tho** directly ct.re.ted eh all attend thm ; and that tb* ewakvr memberi of a tafl<rtag family ahall Miaducvdto remain away from a ipwc- tach that it hsartrending. bat whioh they MBBOI aoflen by their pnieano*. Tb* in- lumanity of permuting th* weak and Ihe burraved to lofler UM Dolly ostlt** torture hat matt always aocompany tb* echo of olay upon a coffin will gradually have th* ot making cremation detirabl*) a* rapidly as it beoome* oonyenieot. No Biatcer wbai tbe ecaool of phyate. Tbey aaob eaa ear* aa aene or uouiiaie A' toavat ut aaid Ibay eaa ; But aa oetaatt tame Ike wheel Mill faner And *.eee*t *D< biguBj To a* taart *OOMB a i h^sW tnttf itsl tkaVlft WUD Wb i uaa and prateehi* "fiteaait ratJeav To* Piaasanl Pargativ* Plla*" of Dr. Fierce, though gentle in action, an thor- ough, and) new fail to oar* bUioatne**, or torpid liver, and oouitipation. IN GOLD To Be Given Away. In order to introdoo* UM circulations* oar Monthly Magasin*, Th* Inter- national," i hich will b* leaned in January) into all parts ot Canada and ths Vniaws Slat**, w* taks Ihi* mean* of bringing it bef or* tb* public and Mooring for it oo* ot ibe large** cumulations of any " Amerioa. W* will give to ending in tb* large*! lut ol English* oonstraoted from th* letter* oont UM following word*, Th* In* tl.OCO in Oold to lit. 5OO lu Oold to 2nd. 200 in Gold to 3rd. ICO in Oold to 4th. SO in Oold to Sen. OT3f f~*1 % T - l_> I.? I *V f Q ^r^J^^AAAj 1 IvlX. r.>. Th* followinij Special Prut* will be liiven daring the oompatiticn : 100 to th* Udy Btoduig in lut during tb* w-*k ceding Jac AO to tb* *trl (under 16) sending" in tha large** lut daring tb* w**k sniHng Jacaary 17lb. 100 to tb* gentleman anding inth* lar***t li*t danng ths w*ak and ing Jan e- ary 24th. j JO to to* boy lending in tb* l*rgs*. list during Ib* w ending January 31st 150 to the person in Canada Binding ia th* first list cf over 50 word*. WO to th* psnoo in taw United Btntwe la the ftm list ot ever M word*. I* in stamp* fa* list of Rales " competition. M*ntion this Cootert otosss March lit, li'.'l. Addrrsa THE INTEBI&TIOIiL PuBLISHIlS CO Hamilton, Canada. FARM FOR SALE. IT 1 ABU CONTAINING 100 ACRES. A TO acne cleared, eisaeawl lot It. lib ** Bavaaa Towaahia ancaoav. oo P roa.1 10 ml a* KAVASiUH. : wrwaUty. Aunt PnakM Bow vain Fanny is Old Cru.ty Y* ; jutt liks th* sax. they drink it in with tbwir mothers' muk. Aunt P. Then yoa an qoit* roog. Fanny, I know, wa* brought op on Ibe bottle. Old C. determined to lave tb* latl word) Y**, trom oeited fool of a oow. Tbe girl who runs away with th* hind man it held up to ridicule, bat ih* fre- quently doe* belter than UM on* who marrie* a poet. Mr. Fuller to Clarence, foor yean old Why, Clarwao*, how moch yon look like yoar tir. think I te4rv<it father. Clarence, r**ign*dly Yes, Everybody say* thai, but I don't Bermuda Bottled. > "Yea mut *; te Brrntwwa. U ! vwwi tie Mot I will nolkHfi 1 1 *! ! *.-tr. 1 ran aUi.rJ avrliarr ! ' ilwr aer thr atonrv." "Well, If taat la Itaawmleir. try SCOUTS EMULSION i OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. : I aoawrllawr* rail It Mrrwauata. ' ilral. anal ruan> rae*e( CONSUMPTION, ! Bronchitis, Couyb or .Vf rerp CoM \ i I havr rt Kl D wim it: aad taw > ' adtaataarr U that tar m*t rnl- ; iivr tee*ark ran take U. Aaotarr ! thi IMC WBIv-b rowimrnd* It I* taw : -liruulailnx prvprrtlr* of thr By- ! p"ej*i PtUir* vthlrli It r~ ' luu will and It tor Mir : Uniarcl'iV In ! ) iur ion irrt thr . ao>TT . it.\\ M. at wrnB>Br. Ftto't Beianty tgn Beu. L_t to Caaae-K CATARRH ScM trr t-vf&fi* vr*--: - - r- !' < , Wama. Pm^ I CVJRFjJ TO TIIR KDITOBl PtBaM inforai TW reader* that t haT a poettrre reeaedy above oaawd dlaane. By it* tiaier* DM tbnawiertt ol >eo*a*aa caaea ^va beat nirw/ewm l thowM>da ot aooete** case* y raeaedy to aay < I ahall b* (tad to wod two botttet of mj rawaedy Pit I SI to aay o. yoar reader* w%o aaaaptloa i/tby will xod oMtlMir EmraWaad Poat Oak* Addnaa. Reapactfu.'- T. > M r> ^~. **~>m*Hf * ^a>OM^O. oairaino I CURE FITS! Ot- BOTTlEal GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. mWbeo 1 aay Oitra I do oat aw** merely to .tip tbrn for a tw*. ajkataaj an thai retan araia. I MIAN A RAOI SAkCUMB. 1 lure avid* tb* dtaaaawof Ma. MI*t*y or Palllns; 8*ekn*a a sadou*- ttuJv. I warrant ay raaaad* to Owrwfl wont cue*. Bonn** other! hT falM i* mo m KM tor notaow recaMac a can. ScnJwV pee fn a treatU* aaxl a Fr-a>e eVrttl* or my InfMlllbt* Rrnvedy . Give E iprar fot OBca. It cost, yon m."h nr far a trial, aad It will care you Addrw* *V Sk (V *> nu*cii otileo, us wtr ADCLAJDC STRUT, YOUONTO.

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