Flesherton Advance, 18 Dec 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE- LITTLE MILL. Hiving entirely renovated my mill during th. i>at year. putting In a largo amount of new niarliinary, I ani nuw preparud to |{rlnd fluur In a manner ee*x>nd to uu luillor iu Ontario au.l vo the iliortu.t notice, OLD TERMS : Iferj twelfth bushel. Seven cents per huudred fur chopping. Done every day. P. LOUCK8, Proprietor. GOOD HTAULING FOB HOUSES FLESHERTON PLANING^ MILLS Harm* purchased the Klesherton I'laninf Mill* fron K. J. Spronle, Ksq., I now aeiin to inf.. nn ti,,, PUBLIC tti at I am iu a petition to do ALL KINDS OF General planing mill work, such as SASH, DOORS. DOOR FRAMES Planing and Matching, re sawing, etc. iied Workman-hip Guaranteed. A argb quantity of good dry pm Inmber on band. W. J. Fleshcrton. Farm for Sale. Offers will be received by thenndenlgned for the purcbuoof Ixrtii ujilo. Con. u. O.prey Containing WO acre* more or leu, the same ronalatlng a moat v.'iil ],- property. On the Ittm in erectwl a lari;>- comfortable dwelling I ou.f . largo frame barn an. I o'hr c,utliul)iliui{ Tin. farm li well watre<l. About 100 acrea cleared and under cultivation, anil all beiu the estate of tbe late Jai Crawford, which uiua be nold to wind up affair* nf dnceaned. Ko farther particulars intending pure hould apply to JOBIAH OAURY. Uaiwell IV O. Matw ell. Jan.; SO, 1800. TO l I I I > l> \:: I!.::;:: Owen Sound* Out* You DKHIRK To GKT A GOOD Knt'CATlON. HuodreUi of young tiiou aud wcmen have ttvktm a buvineu coune during the i>**t ten roam who are uow iiuccttMiful in buitnmw or nil UK lucratiTu |>o*itloii. The bunlntwH courw of tii'ly in by far tb moHt thorough and com- pleUi in Canada. There an mucb in tbe [uriinr <lc partiiH-ijt a 111 the until** court** of many of tbe MO called buniiieM collt^eM. The * hurt hand course in thorough aiirl coujpletu ifii'l fm a copy uf the Annual Aiiiiounctjin* nt conlatu.iiK full particular*. It in tent free to any atldreuft. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. IK McTavish, HORSKSMOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH Collinpwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT Manufacturing of Wagoni, laieb*. BnggU" >morats. etc Horseahoeing promptly a' t i>nilfi n Bpxclal attention given to contract I or tender f ei't and Plow Clialni -lam I on hand. con A large tjuantity uf looil Shingles MY OWN MANUFACTURE CASH FOB HIIHx \M SHEErKKINH S. DAMUDE, FLP.SHERTdN HEALTH FOR ALL. 1HE PILLS Purify the Kload, correct all L>l>oruen oif Liver, Stomach, , nntl TLey Invigorate an 1 rentorn to health Debilitated Conetltutlons, and are Invaluable In plalut. Incidental to Komalei uf all ae*. For Ctitldrun au<l the ae.l I hey are prieelcn fll - - -- THf OINTMENT n Infallible remedy for It*,! I***. Bad lireant*. Old WoiimU. Soren and Ulrerr It i* famout I Oout aud Klieuinatliot. for diordri of tue I In- <t It bae no qua For SOUK THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLD* Glandular Bwelllugi.iud all Hkln DUeanp* It liaii no rival ; and for contract*] and itlflf oluU It acU like a charm. Manufactured only at I'rofummr I<I.LIIW'I KnUlillihment, : ". N Oxford M ! i ( lad -.:::;. Oxford sirrrl >. London, and arc cold at la. ltd.,r M., . M., Us., ate., and :vi. earh llni or Put, and may be bad of til Med cine Vendon tlirowhout thu World. Purchattn Aould 1<>I. t< '/i. l.nM nn thr l'i,l* <m,l I turn. I) the addrat it not Street, Luudtiti, tlity are tpitriutu. Wind JI'.KrilKY ARTI.KY. Mfr. of Wln.l Mill, an.l Puinp, Markdale, Out.. If >,,u need a pump of any kind, and will favor me with your order, I will guarantee to Kiv aatinf action every time, I can milt you In either Iron, Jtrafta, Porwlaln.or Ualvanlied I,, HI Ti KM* Ki-pHlilngrafb ; new work nuort date apinovixl notoe If dutired. nelow I ifive a ft-w teftlmonlala : Dear Hlr The two piimim >ou put In for me artflvluK iiin.pl ..... II. I tihfK. tlou lonoof them Wft. deep, the other et). I am well pliin,l with tin-Ill ,1'illN POHTKOfl, MmueltOII. MR. J AHTI.KT, Dear Sir In n-pl y to your'i of the 18th ln-t . 1 would aay that the pinup you put In for mo ha* proved very natUfaotory. It being durahle and very eaay to work. Knclo*d iileax- nnd (5, balance for pump. JAMBS J IIINITON, BTIrACTHl AT I.AhT . -Tlllk I" to Cl'ltlf V tint I have had (riMt trouble and ciipnoie with my wvll i.U feet ourbi la regard tu iiuni|i until I got Mr. J. Artley to overhaul It ; ilnce then I have had entire Milafaotion. tty little boy, ill j,-r uld, can pump with It nicely. AIUIH u JUMIITON, Vandolenr. Juno If.ili. IWO. Dear Hfr. V,,ui favnr to )in.l ntiquirlnR how we got alonil with the Wind Mill I mluht ay we had uoditnctlty in |.nttlii It t<.KtlnT. It M working I'leu.lid. Thi> pumii ,lo It* work all right I like the working of the Victor Wind Mill very much. It Roverna Itxtelf nlrely in a high wind. and I think It far more Juialilu than a wooden mill N. Dl'xni'BY, Meaford. To jBrpHRT ARTVT, Markdalu : lr. The pump I pmrhaned from von for 8T foot wafl given ouniplate aatinfa^tlon. It worki with ihnirrealett <ute. for the i|iiantlty nf water dellverivl. of any pump I tiavo eiter teatod. I fcellave It la oonntructeo on a vimpje and dur- ableiirincipal and not liable U) K, it out of order. I , >n not wind fnr a better pump. and can, with be utreoHt rni.flilenro, reooni ir.end It. Wlahltg you eveiy awceaa 1 remal*. your* Ac., *< J. W. Bntotui. tiarkdale. GET Yiifit Fun it A KKKH FK>M PEDLAR, He's tho hoy that keeps the best and always lota on hand. Also a good lino of CONFECTIONERY. ALL KIND8 OF Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Rolled Wheat, Graham Flour, etc. Also Vinegar. All kinds of Bis- cuits, Cured Meats. SHOP next door to M. Richardson A (Vt. R. PEDLAR PLESHERTON. Farmtor Sale, _ w Acf K KAKM. <o CLEARED I **d I* a,t 14M (oadltlaav. Frajsi* barn, _ i0. atone Mart* jiieWn*a*%. Meaxrlal for rl<k v*iT*4 boiiae *e |Toa*V foo4 w/ell au.l **> heuia Wall watavest I uril* from bawl s>(4 *** fasBi. l|ealla* from raJIwa/ t*Me* > O.etera*. *a%r*hM eta, o*)ly lta*\ WM.BARNHOUSE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, FLKSHEBTON, ONT. to thank bit oumcroui enitomen for the very liberal patrnnacr eitended la the act, and li now prepared ta All all order* with f)r*mptowa. aauifaeilon guaranteed. Twalt* f**jt* In bulnn In Flhtii! aid ** A*aJI>f(,vMl) goo.1 w,.rk !,,,. hip h... al. * well ka.wa taroahai %>,! vi*tolt*. we*! wr a apeetaltf U f MB? H**? *> peetaltf U f M .,jiMc,4iix ui llrruu am agreed that L)r. Kucha tuberculosia rumcdy prove* il,---tivo "iily in the treatment of mild MM of tlio tlmeaae. Mr II H. Stovul, formerly of Mount '"irt-Ht, died euddenly at West Lynue, \I . . , i'ii Haturday while waiting fur a nn. The value of the ihip'iinit in winter (Uarten al Owen Sound 1.1 mtiinatud at xttwueii a million ii'ni a half an,) tw,/ iiillion dullart. I hu ahippinit will con- iit of Hiitoen itvanien, aix eueli, fti: Monthly Falrx. Orangevllle TL* necotid Tburaday In *acb inoiitb Duudalk Tuednd*y before OranReville Flui-hurtou Monday bfor Oranueville Markdale aturday before Ortuifuville Durham 'llnr.l 'I ii,.ilay in each mon th Ohatoworth Monday before Durham ll. MIU.I.I > , .liter atnr Ui Iwforu chatiworth Pru-avilln U,,n<lay before Diirliam Hunovar iloudav bfora Llurbam Ml Men ,ouDg, ol,l, or middle aged, who find them iv, .n ii, i\, .ii.->. wrak andexImUBtvd, whu r Miken U'lwu f m i ** or over work, r, .Uiug in mau> ol the following Hymptmu- I, nt*l Jepresniiiii, premature old aic*, loan f viuhtv. )I>M> uf HP nn, rv, bad lire-urns, mi.enB nf aight. palpitation, nf the heart. inim-ioiiK, lck uf energy, pain in the k : d- . '\a, hradacbr.pirnplen LII the face ur body. i-hin|{ or peculiar woutinn about the aero- urn, waHlinK of the orKaiiB, diz/.iues.iip*ck a-lntf the ejM, twitc-hlUK <>f the mii- jt liilx and eUewhiTH, bashfulneiia, dpoiit* n thr urine, Ions uf will power, tendernett if tho scalp and spine, weak and Dabbv niiM-U-s, desire to uleep. failure to be r. -!-'! iy ilecp, constipation, dullnew of hearing, i.-- of voice, -I'-Kiri for solitude, rxcitabilily >f temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADKS CIBCLK, oily lookinu i- kin. etc., are all xymptoms of nerroos debility tbat lead to usauily and death uulens cured. The spring or vital force having lost it tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for hooa on all dineses peculiar to man. Addreas M. V. Lt'BON, 5O Front 8t. R., Torouto, On. Books sent free sealed Heart dinease, tbe symptomsof which are faint rpells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- tion, skip beatx, hot flashes? rnb of blood to the head, dnll pain in the heart with beats atroug, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the tint, pain about the hr,-.v.thone, etc., can poaitively be cured. NoiMirr, no pay. 8eud for book. Addret* M. V. LUBOX, 50 Front Stre*t Eaat, Tor- onto, Ont. "FOR^SALET" Park lot of B acre* within a mile of Fle*berton Iwirui part of Lot IM, :iud N. K, Artcmenia Terui. liberal Apply VY J. iiKLI.A VIY. FleaJierton lUrohfld. UNO. Joseph Smith, FLESHERTON. Dfiiirea to expreM biiUiAukt to hi* numeroai cuRtoinvri fur tluur very liberal jiatrou- a^ eitemlod to him ill tho p**t. aud woulrl call attention to tb fact tbat be i* bere atill ami ready to fill all order* with promptneim. and guaraut#fi aatifacti<>n evory time. An-l by kwpuiK the bwt Htock in tbe market an<) titti-inlmt; Ktrirtly to bu*ioeu be ban won fur hiiu*tt)f a place aniunn tbe bRt *bi>em alter* in tbe country. Laxiien' and gents' tewed work a pecialty. Every pervou roai and ^t-i booted at J. SMITH'S, Flesherton. Came Astray. Came to tue prtmlm of the undoriigned, lot 10. conH, N. 1) K . Artaoietla. one omall bull animal, about one year old, on or near tbe lit October lawt. The owner U requested to prnvo property, pay t- xpvusei and taku tlieauie away M.I \ M. I I HI' I>rlcevllle P. O. TIIK ODEL.L, TYPE JTRITER. iK'iO will I'uv th OIELL TYPE WRI- TER 'l'i 7 s i'lliir.i.-i, r-. ullil S|5 f,.| tl"' Sinuh' 4';i>- Od'll. .ir.n.ii .i to do 1/cltiT w r than any machine inn. I.-. , It nnuhiiim xiMi'i.n ITS with DI:IUBII.[IT srKKIl, KASK or OI'KHATION, Wl'lim luURtT Wltll- outcutt of repair* than .-mv other uiachiiic Has nn ink ribbon to bother the operator. It i- M M, -i M- i M i MI., nickle plated, i> rfi-i t ami adapted to all kinds of t\ p i iti-n-. ike a priutiiif; preiM, It ptoducei slmrp l,un. legiblu uiauiueript*. Twu or ten copiim can bo made at one writing. Any intelligent peraou can become au operator in ;wo dayi. We iiflcr tl.OOO to auv I'pern- tor who can equal tbe work o( thu Double nHf 0,1,11 Iteliable Agcntx and Haletimcn wautvd. Special iniliir, uicnta to Dealers. Knr I'lMinplili t iiivai^ In l>-i M-iuentA, At. OII1IKLL TYPE WRITER <'O.. ofi aud H7 JtU Ave (HltA^O ILL. AUCTION SALE or Valuable Farm Lands IN The Townitblp of Colllngwood. Under and by virtue nf the power nf n l . in a certain mortgage, from Jokvph Ixiuglieedto the veudori, which will he pi.nlucedat time of aalee aiidon dvfault blnu nniilx in paymtnt uf Ibd uioneva thureby secured, thuru will be ntT,-i,l. for rale by public aurtinu liv Georfo Mituhul, auctioneer, at Alullur'n hotel In th,- village of Clarkuhurg, on Tnenday tho 90th d*v of Decem- ber, 1HJO. at y o'clo<k pin., the followlutt Io- uerty, namely : The Mouth-west quarter and the north half of the aouth-*a*t quarter of lot number 90 In the tenth oonoeaaion of the town- hip of Oolllngwcixi, containing together 79 acre* more or leas. On the premise* are aaJd to be a frame baru and house and the i.i opurty I* Itnated In one of the beat farming ulati let* in theoount*. Term* 10 per ceit at time of sale, aad f. r the balance term* will be liberal, aad will be mad* known at tiiueof aala. For further particular! apply to 0. W. HARTMAM. Esq., Clark.burf . M to MOM, Barwlr E A Frank. Vendor's Kollciturs. Toroi to p at*4 Ir4 4af f BkK**f MO, for Infants and Children. "OMtaTteM so wen adapted to efcfidnn thai I OMtorto em CoHe. Oo*[iall. lracorau>emllib*RH>enorU>urpmcnptk I ** fHomach, lilairbcaa, tmcta*rm, . to me," 77. *, M. D., I ^^^ '""* "^ "* V* a. T. I WttESi injaaloM msxUoaOoa. Tax CBTTACB CoarpAjrr. 77 M array "Hnal. a. T. CUT FLOWERS. * MK JAS BEECROFT ^ i ill In- 'it't'l t" hll in-'liii fm lirvl'il. 'UIHH/' nr It'itliiit Ifiilf K'tuif'tttf, alto 'iiii--ritl dttiyni, or cut _rfvr "/any kind i tt-H-k. llutr* a ijifCuUty. Orders by mail promptly attend- ed to. A yuoJ tujijJy nf Apple* ,'/,( l'rr,h I'djetaUtl <m hand. Flesherton Crcehouse. -C8E THE CELEBRATED "B. LAURENCE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOR ALL DEFECTS OF VISION. RICHARDSON $ CO., OLE AOKNTX, FLESHERTON. My221y W I L 8 O X ' 8 IVJEAV PLANING MILL CD -AND- CARRIAGE :-: WORKS. To our old customers and the public generally : Our new Planing Mill nd Carriage Works having been completed, we are uow iu a position to do yonr work IB either tho building or carriage wood work Ini'Mii a first class manner. Get your wagon, Rleigh or buggy repair* done at WILSON'S. Also PLANING, MATCHING, BAND SAWING, SHAPING, TTRN1NGS, MOULDINGS, SIDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, FRANKS, ETC. ! Price of Jtepairs Reduced H.F.AMi ESyflBB AT THE FACTOT I St., Flesherton! Photos, Photos, Photos. We art now turning out work far tuptrior in itylc and finiih to any r pro ductd in ITeiherto*. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODE RATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING d,<nt in all iu branch*. A good ttock of FRAMES and MOL'I. D/XGS k- r . eonitantly OH ttand. Will alto infodet lk mt BROMIDE PORTRAIT. -. ;u< (urr that ii y\v\na tntirt tatit/aetion wkertrtr introduced. S.\ Mi'LKS t* be utn u( my (T^/ftry uktrt M particular! at to Prict, Styh Ar , ran k for- taimd. MMS. 9VLXMB. 1

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