Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1890, p. 3

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Blreaatl. Mvbtotbar. when I look upon the vaaiahed The v..ieeiM peat, wn*r* all my bopea lie dead. 1 am aa on* from bis own kindred bamiabed Vac aooie daik crime to a far country fled. Is no crime vet a great shadow boven, niiiu that keep tba mariner from tboie, j ihe ialaa of peaoa which bop* dlaeoven la aarly if (rum ma for evermore. elifet unant bored bark goea drifting vainly. Where ruda iudi Tear and kalian wte roll nigh. And aJl my actiooi have thi* ending mainly. Wanuiug to I fa tba worm tbat will not die. If jr aim wai once to aid whom fortune (lighted My bent to baoeflt what trouble crushed, Tba fata of ihca* who trusted ma a blighted WboBi I cuuld taacb bare for my tolly bluaned. Wbua waa tba n*e. O Heart In all thy hoping ? The bowl U br^kei. and iba foantain dry Poor (iriaxued Cyclop* ruuod hie cavern groping Fur >uiue luat door waa better on than 1. J. K. RAMUT. A Sensitive Smbject. A (Ireet car incident which bat ocme to an Eaetern i xcbange seeaa* to illustrate tbe nncoucicuaue*e of apparent age An old lad) on euw-riLg aoruwd>d tramoaaxhi the alrap and by onence look her itaud directly in front of a lady passenger appar- ently a old aa herself. The pOe*es*or of tbe aeal wad op in a mom ant. " Have my seat, madam," ib exclaimed with audible courtesy. You am older than I am." Older than joo !" retorted the other . " I beg a tboaaand pardon* for contradict in* my alder, bat indeed, madam, you ere mistaken Keep your aeat." " Bui I am (are you ere older thin I." " And I em equally lure thai I em not. Will > on be good enough to reeame your placer " Mot while an older woman stands." Tbe ulaation we* growing interacting ; but, IhoQKh all miled, no one seemed Bkoved to relieve mettere by offering a eeouu'l aval. Both old pcreone were pretty well warmed 'y this time. Kir.t one miffed end than other, a* old laduteomeliuie( will wben aorely tried. The vacant ieel waa ilill before them. Finally aa overture of p-aco came from tbe owner of the t*i, tbe laat ipeeker. "I don't went to be disagreeable, madam, and it I'm older than you I'll tit down. Let'* Kit our age*, and the older yield*." Tbe egKrievtd woman did not relish Ibid much, but the pressure of an audience for- bade a retreat. " Well, madam," ebe replied, forcing the semblance of a imilr, I aball be most beppy. Wnl YOU aunouaoa your age T Toen I ihall taku pleasure in telling mine." " I wae born lu March, 1817. And) oof" - What, March. 1817 I Good heaven* 1 Bo we* 1. And whai day did you arrive, pray ?" " Tbe 7th. And you T" There ware bright red (pots on th cheek* of both old ladin now. " I bave nothing more to say." we* the reply ; my birthday i* tbe 6tb. I am much obligee for tbe aeat." And with admirable dignity *h* eat down amid con- siderable laughter. Uhoa*y in. i.. i,.. The hiatory of the Amazonian warrior* of Dahomey ought to give a strong im- petal to tbe women's rich's movement in dispelling the otj-ouoK that women are wanting in the ooureg-, uerve and other high qualities ueonwary for eucoeaefnl com- peliiun with men ID lh battle of lift. In he State uf W>oming women aol merely (xeretae the suffrage, but complete with men for important civil offices. Toforoe their way lulo tbe proluaaiuu of arm* and to oonteel with tbe men for the highest military bouor* woold be the Anal *tp in the aaaertioii of their rig bid and privileges. In the evolutionary progreee of the women sjf Dahomey it my be mentioned a* an interesting detail that they have re- versed with men the cuitom of riding on horseback. While tbe Amazon* ri-ie ealride, tbe men *ii in side- sad Hi faahion, tie saddles being merely gayly colored cloih Tbe men are lifted eo and off by alien lenta. who lead th borers and needy the rider* in their preca- rious poaitioo. Even hi* Royal Mijo.ty of Dahomey cut* a sorrv figori* hugging a tall grcom around thf ntck, wb 1 > aouther put* hi* arm around the kiugly want. To thi* oodom i* doabtien* <iu tha great itart which the women of Oehorney bave gained over the men 1'bts bint should not be Icel on oar womtti'd right* advocate*. If they oould praad the mm to rtveree wiih them Inn ou*tom of borer back riding, the ultimate ami omi>lte triumph of the woman'* rii.ni* movt m- in would not be loK delayed Pkiladelfkia Kecord. THEY SHAVED THE TUBKEY. Howard FlaUiaf ud Maid* Prepare a Ckrutmaa Dliaar in lit ibaaac* oi Br.dget- i HIUHLT I1TEBL8TIJIQ EIPEKIE10E. The Bird i . . w. ,1. i, Shad*. lion-" i in pleura ulh-rwi-M uni x -epliona- bio am ofttm to clxwlv overhung with tre aa to b- in a *tat of humidity by pretetniiiij a free oironiation of air end by obetruutifg tree aiiniiBHinn to the tun'* raya. Tree* growing agaiom tbe wall* of bou ee and ihrob* in oji.nod plaoe* near awelliDK* ere n j irioo* Uo *e favoring bumidit) ; at a proper diataoor, on the other baud, trets ara favorable to health. On thu principle, > a noted Eogluh ph>iuian, it may b uoderatood how the inh*bilaute of o e bouae loff-r from rheumatism, h*dfhr, uervou* >ffotion* and other c<n*tqu DOT* of living in aeon DDC<<, humid i.m |ilirr-, while their eareat nt-ithbortt wlnuw hou*e* are other- wia a>tnipi, -t>jov good health, and even bow one ni<1e o( a lar.e building tally eipcerii u, the *uu and to a free oircula tion of air may be healthy, while the ether tide>, overlooking damp, (haded eontt* n i grtien<, u auhealihy. Hamid, oounowl aituatioa* eutj 'Ct to (treat altera- tion* of ii mjKia'ure between day and night arc most dangerous to human life. Dry urea with a free) circulation of air and a loll expoenre to the inn ere tbe material thing* to be atteudod to iu obooiiog a residence. w> Sarah Berohardt u writing her reminis- Thorn** Q Beebrooke will next season star in a oomedy written by Bill Nye. Ada Ilehan ha> purchase d a reeidenoe in New York for 121,500. She is now having it deooretrd. The hvari of a atndant at tbe Univer- sity of Khaikov ia nn bit right tide, hi* liver on hi* i> ft and his spleen on hi* right. Si right Incg u leader, than hi* Ml. F urni.hr. Meat fur Many i Qboat Laid at Laau At the coming of this seaaon memory always carries me back K the nril Cbri.t- ma* day in that honaehold of whiuh I am the nominal head. Hot a line of the picture fades beyond recall ; partly because I date the bent oleuing for which any man can offer thank* back to that period, and partly btceuae tbe dinner of our flat that day left an tverlaaling uupreee.ion upon my dlgeetiv* apparatu*. We had been married but a few weeks, and I had much to be thankful lor. Maude, too, setmtd resigned. Even tbat dirtier, if 1 had known that I we* to <c,rvive it, might bave bad a ulver lining. ll id natural to inppow thai we oould bave wiihod to dine by the light of the honeymoon with only each other for com- pany. Maude, waa to proud ot her home, and I wan so proud of her, and we wen both *o proud of me, a* a man whom tvan the most lodiscriminalingacd near-iigbted observer would recognize as a model ho* baud, thai we rtujive.l to ask lorn Hey nold op to dinner. I will remark, in paientheiu, mat Tom being discriminating and f ar-iighied stayed awayon thu occasion but we tipected him, and made prepara- tion* to ti>l him with turkey, pie aud a dctire to turnake the lonely pain of oeli- bacy. lh servant told me to order my turkey in advance, and *oe laggeeled an eigbt- puuuder ; but aa I walked to the batcher' e bop IDJ warm, expanaive geoeroitty cf my Heart rose up and protected against inch uifgerdiineae. 1 orJored a fourteen- pound bird. It happened that on the evening before Chrutmaa our atrvanl went to oall upon some triend*, and 1 am sorry to lay her abaenod waa prolonged tnirty days beyond her original intention by judicial interference. out the turkey arrived un lime, and he was a fine biped, as I remarked to Maude, after receiving him from tbe band* ol the batcher's boy. Maude looked uuivum, aud aked it 1 didn't think Bridget would come back iu time. 1 (aid 1 diuu'i, and then added that I was ewluuy aorry my own little Maude would bave the trouble ol oookiog the turkey, but tbat Ibe p.eanute to be dtrived from eating a turkey which she bad cooked would until a man lur properly appceotal- inglbejojiof paraduw. 6oe luruid her taos away, ana bad a small, convulsive ipam, wmoh I attributed to gretined vanity. By 'J o'clock it became evident tbai the preparation of the turkey would devolve upon Mauje So* we* ^ ale, but outwardly calm. Wo invaded tbe kitcban together. The turkvy lay upon the table, aud his dimeuaiom were im^oiing aud awful. Uaadu ceel une long, pallid alare at him ; then drew a gaspiug breath, turned sud- denly, and ded. I found her with her face burled lo a pillow. What'* the matter. Mead .' I atked. " The turkey won t bite you ; ha'd dead." " Ou away, Uowdy," .aid .be, in a voice intercupted by sob*. You will never love ma aoy more, 1 have deceived you ; oh. cruelly deceived yon ; 1 oannot, cannot cook. Leave iue to my remorae." " My deariai love," >ai i 1, endeavoring not to laugh, you never told me you could co^k. If I inooght so the responsi- bility u wbully mine. The mistaku aroae from my natural imbiiiiy to imagine anything wbiob you could not do it you tried." Maude an* her head into tke pi.ljw, and pemieied in aayitig that >he waa a wicked, Ueoeiiful womau. 1 perceived that a change of tautioa was neoedaary. My dear," aaid 1, "ariae, and aee me oook. It will do yon good." Sne allowed an *y* to be vicible, and there wa* ao incraduloo* look in it. Cau you bake a turkey ? ' the atked. People doo'l bake turkey*," *ald 1 ; "they rval 'em. 1 don'l pretend to be a ipocialui ou the lubjecl, but 1 can cook in a general aotl o( a way, aud li'e my opiuiou that belwetu us we oau gl up a dinner uoh an Toai never ia* before." We weal uui into the kitcheu and ilarled a nre. It wa* gettiug late aod lime wa* pnci.us, to 1 aurinkliid tbe luel liberally with keroaeue ou. opened all the draught*, and let her hum. 1'taeo we approaches tbe turkey. " Mauue," *aid I, ' thi* bird i* all tight ticept bid complexion. He ha* a lark, dianipattd Icok which 1 don'l like." ' i t'e became he baaen't been thaved." Maud said. The little feather* bave to bu cat cff clone to bis nkiu." " Don't they barn 'm cff ? I've beard heaid about tingeiog fcwl*. Of oourae ibey do. Ju.t lift iff that ttove lid and we'll improve big pertooal appearance in a hurry." Maude lilted tbe lid, 'and a column cf flamfc rue bait way up 10 the ceiling. " You'll burn hiru all op if yon \u\ him iu there, " cried Maufle, and *he hastily replaced the cover. We utver can serve him up with iboea wbiaker* on him," *aid I, looking ruefully at tbe turkey. I gnes* we'll bave to come back to your original icggettion and ibave him." While Maude prepared some bread crumb* for "Homing" 1 got out my razor and tried to icrape the turaey into abape. Bat he didn't take kindly to a dry *h*ve. I had to lather him. 1 felt *o much like a barber while I waa engaged in this prooe**, and the poor turkey looked eo human and wretonta, that 1 got to talking to him. 1 called him Julius Cauar and asked him hi* opiniuu un variood topic* tbe tariff, tbe weather and the condition of trade. afterward I inquired whether he would have bay mm or "Ionic" and then I gave him a wet ihampoo in a large pan and calltii "ut \t " This* trifling plca*antrit* put Maude in good humor, and ibe said thai cooking was a good deal eaiier than the had supposed. We had a good deal of difficulty in stuff ing the tutkey with tbe bread orumoa Maude had prepared, bat Julia* Cejar waa finally ready to be roasted. Ibe stove, while we ware busy with the preparations, had become red hot, but by boldibg tbe blower from the parlor in front ot me like an old Roman shield, 1 managed to get Ibe bird into tbe oven. , Altar. while w* iaipeoled Julioj. A great and alarming efasnge had some over him. He did not appear to be burned, but be bad swelled to the iiza of an ostrich. Hi* akin was as tight as tbe head of a drum, and it had stretched till it transparent. He was luoh a fearful ing object that Maude rac away to weep, bat the sense of a deep responsibility would not permit me to desert my poet elected a long fork, and approached tbe oven. Julius," said I, (tabbing him with the fork, what make* yon aol 'hi* way." Julius replied with a long, plaintive whistle, after which be resumed bid natural form or thereabout*. I decided that hi* sudden inflation bad been due to from tbe moist bread crumb*. I told Maude that tbe danger of an explosion wa* over and she consented to return. Together we watched and tended Johns wi i affeo lionate care during the next two boon, and si ibe end cf that lime be wa* no mean bird. We had discovered ibe myiteriee of basting," and Maude had ooucocted gravy. We had baked sweet potatoes, machine-made mince pies from the grocery store, and oafe noir of my own prepare Hoc, which waa as much blacker than ordinary black ocffee as a negro is darker than a white man. But Tom didn't come, and I was greatly dijappointed. I wanted to point to that turkey with pride and say that my wife cocked it. Then if Tom noticed anything funny about tbe turkey be wouldn't blame me. We bad to eat it all alone. We only made a good beginning at dinner, and we dined so late, after waiting for Tom, that we hadn't much appetite for supper For breakfast we hadn't mach appetite either that it. not for turkey. I bave a secret su*picion that Maude launched off something else, for Julias showed no ligod of diminution when I returned for dinner. Maade bad tried vainly to gel another ervant daring tbe day, but *be had tailed ; and ao, to save her tbe trouble of cooking anything we bad Julius for breakfast, did not eat heartily, and neither did Maade. When I left toe house I advised her to take a good tquare lunch, and I remarked, by way of inducement, that the wai looking a little thin. Tbe ghoet of Julias baaoted me during the day. I had mildly *ugge*led to Maude I hat we might have acmilhing vise for dinner, but tbe raid it would be wasteful. I took occasion to invite several friends borne to dinner, but they all bad engsgments. Tben 1 med taled lending a telegram to Maude thai 1 wa* detained down town, but thai we* loo mean. I c> ulj not laavs her to fsce Julius alone. Maude bad endeavored to disguise Julius in a slew, but I recognized bin? at dinner, and my appetite fled. 11 Maud*, ' raid I, "don't yon think cor poor old washerwoman wanid like tbe reel of ibis stew?' No aee. Howdy," raid Maude, " this is only j MI part of him." For tire days nobody came to help us out ; but at la.t my sister in -law, hearing that Maadu wa* without a ervant. came around to *<-e n*. Soe agreed to cook tbe dioner, and when 1 took my piece at the table, behold.there were tbe bone* of Julius in a soup. Maud took one look at him and left the table. "Jennie," said I, to my sister-in-law, " is all the turkey in the soup ? " " Why, yes, Howard, I believe to," she said lurprised. I lifted the tureen from the table and poared tbe contents oat ot the back window, ll struck on tbe janitor'* bead, bat I paid him for a hat and a veil and an injured dignity without a murmur, for tbe ghoil of Julia* was laid at last. DOWM on turn mm.- TBLiBQKAJ'HlC SUMMARY Talk of tb Store*. " Waved " hair is a New York fancy. The best theatre bonnets are tiny. Girdlee of dailies, bnttercur.s and violets are in favor. Tbe latest imported hat resembles a tambourine. Lavender (ilk and ortp; tea gowns for econd monrnicg. Clath bonnet* trimmed with sealikin, (able or Persian lamb. A becoming bonnet in amber velvet is trimmed with ble tail*. Bad appear* very prominently in all tbe decoration* of the day. Ball dree* bodices are compoeed cf roee petal*, poppy petal* and hyacinth bloisoms. Foor- button luede kid gloves an worn in tbe West, but will not prevail in New York. Man may wear black or lell colored ititching, wide or narrow, p*re poiote or only ibe plain cording. The plainer the decoration and the finer the kid the band comer tbe glove become* for women's wear. Several retail dealers are now wiling tbe tinsel ribbon effect*, tbat were wonderful novelties four month* ago, on tbeir bargain tables. Dry Good* Economist. 8*iulbl* ChrUtma* Hints. Buy no more than yon can afford. Oive no gift where yon do not delight to. Shop no more than you bave tbe itreogth for. Kniertain only within your means. Kep your Christmas nsrve, and muscle, and heart, and hope, and cheer, flr*t for year own home, your own fireside, yoar dearest, yoar closest, yoar sweetest and then for tbe homeless, tbe flreltsi, the unloved, the " undearcd," and be true, true, true to tbe last Christmas card tbat goea to your post office, or the last " Merry Christmas " that crosses year lip* t Ws are a yeoerons people, and a happy 1' '(!" * 1 " 1 Christian people, and we mud keep oar festival with sincerity. honor, intelligence and good sen**, if we would keep il alive and in Hie name." Khiubnh Stuart Phelpi in Chriitmai Laditi' Home Journal. *> Prof. Koch i* a blue eyed man of only medium height. He talks slowly with a lisp, dressrs neatly, and is one of the quiet- ed and most modest of physicians. He has no sense cf fear, and when in India investigating the cholera be bent over tbe corpse* in tbe dissecting room without a thought of contagion. THR BOSTON UllL'H CHSUTH4S. Bbo tciMHl her Cbrintmai toyn aalde. Her face with duappolntrnent frowning. "Ob.dvei! it Ule maideo nlghe*]. " 1 did ao want another Biowuiug'.' 1 Tbe patriotic newspaper man grow* tired of reporting murder* and longs to write np a hacgirg oooeiicuaUy.- How Ihe Author of i he ram*as Song Bit Cawai the riorleta stream. " Did you ever bear how Snwanee River ' was written ?" "Don't think I ever did." " Will, Sieph Foster Stephen C. Foster was his full name was in Ibe zenith of his popularity wben he wrote the words," said my frisnd to me. " He had written the song in the frame house on Ssuduaky street in Allegheny, bat be couldn't find the name of a river that suited him. Finally be went over to tho office of his ir, Morrison Foster, tat down on his and said : Morrison, I've got a new darkey song here and it complete except the name of the river. I want a Southern river with only two or three (yllablei. Give me one, won't you ?' " ' Morrison suggested several, bat they didn't (nil. Tben he took down (n atlas, ran bis eye over a map cf the Southern States for a few minutes snd fiaaily said : Here's a river in Florida by tbe nam<9 of Buawnce, how will tbat do ? ' " That's il, that's it,' exclaimed the song writer, jumping from the desk. It's just what I want, and picking up a pen he inserted the name of tbe river teat his einoe become the tills of ooe of tbe tweeted snd most pathetic melodiee. I believe thai Stephen C. Foster never thought very much of the piece bimseif until after it had taken its place among the popular ngi of the oouutrj."Pktladelphta Preit. BBAUTY. -. 3TTLK. Id far Woman w. ho Wl.h to Look Wall and Live Long. That a great deal of comeliness may be gainea by a little tbongbt and cosmetic thrif linens (so to ray) is well set forth in toe following item from the New York Tnbune : The treatment cf the faoe snd throat to a bath of water ad bot ai il can be borne at night before retiring holding the faoe in the deam and gently rubbing the skin while it is still warm and wet tends to promote peripiration, dimn late Ibe por( and free them from hardened matter which so often forms " blackhead*." After tbe faoe has been thoroughly treated in thi* av, alway* remembering to ase no harsh (riotion, only gentle robbing with the hand, it is an excellent thing to rub il wilh some *imple, pure vegetable oil, using only enough to be absorbed by tbs (kin and not enough to be perc-ptible. Ibe very best oil for tbii purpose is a perfectly fresh, pore olive oil. This amount of oil i* nourishing to the (kin. In the morning wash the faoe care- folly in warm water aod afterward wilh cold water to give tone to tbe com- plexion. B*wanl*a at Laat. Rochester Herald : The multitudes of women who bave been looking under Ibe b*d for years will be gratified to know tbat one of their number, Mr*. Al en Dee*, of Cainden, Sooth Carolina, wa* rewarded the other day by finding a colored gentle- man under there. She seized a revolver, ordered the darkey oat, conducted him to tbe yard and made him milk a cow while one of her children went for an officer. Ia this way she WM able to keep np with her work. Me waa r.llias:. Shot litcordtr : Lady visitor James, your father un t looking well ; I fear be is failing." Little Jimmie I gaess be is. I beard him and mother talkin' it over tbe other night for him to put everything in her name an' then fail an' oflir ttn osnta on a dollar ! A ralat H^pe. Miss Artiste) I am so fond cf painting. Indeed, I may say that I am wedded to my art. Jack (htr admirer) Would it be any use to inquire whether you have any cjnsci- sotioos (croples sgainst bigamy ? tiuin Chewin K UlrU. Buffalo Netct : A prominent New York physician said a tsw days ago that the constant chewing of gam has produced weak minds in 14 oases of young girli now under treatment, the coodant movement cf the mouth cauiing too great a strain on the head. tfea; lo b* BxciiArd. Rochester Htrald : A movement has begun in New York lo designate in dinner invitations Ibe fsol thai wine is not to be ssrved by placing a knot of blue ribbon to the lower left band corner of tbe invi- tation. The regret followi by return mail. What the follc* Found. Chicago Newt : 1 be other morning some ingenious gentleman heaved a cobblestone through a plate-glass window on Wabaeh avenue and fished a fine over- coat oat throagh the hole. The police are (t work on ibe caw. They bave already lecared the cobblestone and tbe hole. A Dreadful r !. Pittsburg Bulletin . May- What a droDg, noble faoe ! Ethel It id indeed. The face of Cootin George. A finer fellow never faced a dreadful fate. May Oraoioui ! Is be dead ? Ethel Worse. He has joined a football team. A gueitloa of Height. Puck : Pretty girl (at the florist's bluih- inn) -I(o't that mxileloe very high? Florist Well. Mus. youkuow it has to be high enough for you to (tend nuder it. In* Stag* Htiat b* KU-vntr.l. Pottsville (.Hrmiifif : Eva Hamilton and Mrs. O.Sbea might play Oircfle Gircfl.. Not to be out of fashion, " said ths turkey, " I will give thanks thai axes will cost more tbia fall than they did last." Miss Entile Clayton ie reported lo have said tbat there is lo be a combined move- ment of aotresne* during next teason (gainst extravagant stage dreading. HI 1IKTH ilxJNO WII'HOIT 1C. Tbe miaileto i now buug up To aid poor lovesick man . And wben tbere is a > uittletoe He doe* the bed b* can. Secretary Windom says the money stringency in the Toiled Statee is cot .need by contraction of the currency, but by tbe people looking up tbeir funds through Isok ot courage to uivest. William Gre.soo, ibe will known Ens,. lnh tcmpertnce advocate, i* dead. Joseph Muon, member of tba British Columbia Legislator* for Cariboo, ia dead. The icfluecua bain appeared at Tokio, Japan. The cholera u fast disappearing. On Nov. 'J.h a train overturned at Okaysu, Japan, killing and wounding 26 person*. Tbe bye- flection to all tbe vacancy in in the Commons for Napiervdle) takes) plaoe to-day. Mr. Lianer will address a meeting of New Brunswick LiberiU at St. John, N. B.. on Mond(y next. tion John Dry den, Minuter of Agricul- ture, will addresj* a meeting cf West Elgin farmers at Datton on Wednesday. Tbe Austrian Government has received information that the training (hip Villa d'Anven, which ws reported lost, u rate. Col. Bedson, warden cf ths Manitoba Penitentiary, i* gradually sinking and il is not expected that he will live ovsr Cbrist- mt*. The will ot Daniel B. Fayerweether. tbs Nsw York millionaire leather dealer, gives) H, 100, 000 to different colleges sod U5,OOQ to hospitals. Tbe report ha* reached Winnipeg that two Icelandic Debermen were drowned too other day in Lane Winnipeg, near Grind- done Point. Il is understood thai a n amber of Cans- dian (teamen, of the tramp variety , have been probibileu from jarrjiEg oattle k) Great Britain. Oa Sunday night Ihe rotUeooa of the) Aribbisfcop of Valencia, Spain, was) dam- aged by tha explosion ot a bomb which bad been thrown at il. Members of the council of tbe Board of Trade and s cumber of representative/ citizens) of Toronto left for .Sidbury 1st! night to visit the nickel mine). The impreinicn ia Toronto oonotmiDg ibe alleged case of plearo-pceumouia among a cargo ot Canadian cattle id that it 11 nothing mere than inflanxatioo. A beat containing thsoaptaiu and four, leen men of ibe craw of the Japanese train- ing ship Monja capsized c :f ibi ooaet of Japan recently and all were drowned but two. Cholera is raging in Guatemala. Edward Eliott, a London broker, failed oo Saturday, causing lome trouble on the Slock Exchange. Michael Dtvitt says Sir John Hennesty tba ami ParntU candidate, will be elected io Kilkenny by a b'g majority. Two white men. Jack Bridges aod Bark Robinson, were killed by Apaches in ths Guadeloupe Momaiain*, Ariaona.Friday. The Bolton Cotton Association baa voted in favor of unking nut week unless wages an advanced 5 per cent. Tbe itrika will affect 25 000 band*. Mr. Hitt'i reciprocity resolution will likely be considered by Congress vary too*, and there are good proipecU ol its being passed by both House*. Iba Armenian Patriarch officiated yes- terday, which is taken to mean that tbs difficulty between the Porte aod the Ar- menian Cborcb has been settled. All of tbe railway men in Scotland will strike on Sunday next for horter h un. There is a prospect of traffij btiri: en- tirely suspended during the Cbriatmaf holidays. The residinoe of Judge Putatm, Sara- toga, was barnssi lad night. Tbe hoiss * filled wilh valuable paintings, rare oario*. etc. Tbe loss is ever 9100 000 actually, but many of the most valued articles oannot be replaced. The by law to prohibit the sals of intoxi- cating Jrinki in tbs township of East Lather, submitted under the Local Option Act, was voted on yesterday and defeated, tbs vote being a tie at 119, and s maj jrity Ming required to carry tbe by-law. Tbe laborers on the railway tbat is) being Snill from Galwey to Clifdea bsve (truck lor an incrtaie of wages. Tbs road ie be- ing built by the Government, and tha work was started as a part cf Mr. Balfoor'l scbeme for tbe relief cf unemployed work- men. Jspanese sdvioes state that an tgreemeot Qai been arrived at between the Japanese aod Hawaiian Government* regarding Japanese immigration to Hawaii, bv wbioh ihe passage ot each emigrant, Ji',.'r. m de- frayed by ths Hawaiisn Uovernm nt. J. Pierponl Morgan baa sent telegraphic invitations to tbe president* cf all rail- roads weet ot Chicago to meet in Nsw York on December loth for ths purpose ot discussing Ibe railroad situation with a view to renewing tbe president*' agree- ment. The b?dy oi Birse, tha brave Grand Trnnk Railway engineer who lost bin life at Lacliine, was railed from the water vealerday. Al waa forftoM by Kir Edwards, tbe engineer'! hand wai it, [aliened to the air brake, and gnat (lift. oulty waa experienced ia removing it. The, features were perfectly natural. Andrew Dsly, working in ths woods OB. J. R. Booth's beck river limits, f(U on bit) axe and inflicted such a wound on hie left leg that wben be attempted to get back to tbe ihanty th boon mapped. He bad to mke a journey of 150 miles in s ilnh to the nearest sldion of the Canadian l'ioiflo Railway, and arrived in Ottawa yesterday moroing. At tbe Central Vermont New York xpress was ooming into Montreal yester- day and wben near St. Lambert the pas- senger* in tbe Pullman cr ia rear of the trsin found Ihemstlvex in a dangerous, position. The rear tru.k cf tbs oar had jumped tbe track, and aa tbe train was running at s high rats of iptcd they received a severe thakiit*, as the heel* jumped over ibe tied, ploughing into the bedway and teariog up tba rail*. For a few moments matters looked seriooj, when tb* conductor oanght the rope and brought tha train to a itandgtill. George Manville Feno's nw novel. " A Flattered Dovecote," is to be published at once by D. Appleton it Co. *| Don't messure a man by what b*> promisee : meainrsj him by what be does. Marriedpsople.it is '(aid, livs lunger than single one*. It seams longer, tn\ way, to many.

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