Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1890, p. 5

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HE KLESHER10N ADVANCE. tficinitfr Chips. t faararteriHtlrs of the Pnat Week rarefully Oilled for the . A merry Christmas to our subscribers :tl> tn t!i<.u win) lion-ow anil read llid lUcdard Pedlar will bay any quantity <>f mink or fox skins for which he *iil pay Rev. >fr. Ti'n'e i-x.:h*r.,'ed pulpits <>n Nunday It.-.', with Mr. KyUi-11, of the uplir*sia circuit. Rev. Mr. EHIVH (iivacficd the farewell Heriuon tn lii conj'rei.'auoii he'e ou SuS- i Miu L>..i!nil.-w>n, teacher at tin- utation limn-,' the pat year, will have charge of H school near Berlin for 1891 Miss M.t:~r.f Miller, of Owen Snuml, will ho the Hachcr at the station next year. LOST X gentleman tart'or-iiit dollars, in thia viUVje r vicinity, <T. Friday lu>r The tinder will He to*X\Ay rewarded by , at tlriofficf. A little thaw cn un<l:iy, alittlo fraftze oi Mi>.!.v, t1--i "f uw and wind "ii ".'m--.il.iy. with [irospecU of fair sJ for Clin.iiiims. High tch- M.I f nt rune e examinations are IKJIU^ kflfi in Fleshertou this week, th.-re Imiiii! fovrty-four young people writim. Mr. \Vi Irwtn and Inspector Campbell urc the examiner*. I. B. Laciix, barrister, of the firm Bishop A Lucas, Uwmi Sound, is at the ttice of \Vm. Lucas A Co., in Markdale, very Friday, and in Dundalk every Saturday. Dickens' <Muup!et works, twelve "ol- iuie, when taken with Tlie Advance, f..r only T" cent*. Knoti^h reaiiin^ luatter to lat you a year. Order early as they are oins{, In seloctin-j your Oiriatmas and Now Year ^ifts. some article, of beautiful an<l ornamental furniture is alway .1:0. Call and see stock at the *. .11 warvroouis. \Vm. Clayton, the old reliable agent ''ui.nl.i's leading TKiuor. the daily and weekly Globe, will be tflad tn renew sub- M-riptiotw to all old subscribers and as many new ones as would like to take it. NOTK.-K TO KaKMKM Ml "er>n de- licvrinif a rain at the Fleshertuu elevator are hereby notified that uncloancd zraiu will not be received. AH jjrain must be t rojier'iy cleaned in the future. ?>. Me jjli, \V. F. Cole. 'r :,.,Ml New* for Christinas" is a beau- tiful little pamphlet issued by the C P. 11., and printed in the very highest style of the typographic art It is. as the title liip says, "full r>f wi ws," aud is worth preserving. "Rob" 'st-tlt** cirrip"iideiice from Riverside. Vw Vrh is Rob ? Nothing Roes in this rail r without the editor knowing who tlie writer is. 1Ve would I'f happy to -receive correspondence froiu Kob if he would acquaint Us with his lOgllOIIIVII. Farm Sold. The eatt half <if lot 3, con. 9, Oaprey, containing M acres, wfcs sold by auction at Munnhaw's hvtfel on Friday last to Mr W S. H*iabU-v for the sum of $460. The purchaser _-ot a xr*at Imr^iiii. The Chistmaa Star. There is treat disappointment through- out the Dominion at th annouuceinent that the piil.li-.liem of the Montreal Star are toi> busy with their regular ul>.vrip- tion and iidverluiuK business to allow of their oonipl'.iii!( a C'hristiua* Star this year. Those Christmas Stars ore such xeniH that it is very uenenlly Imped the publishers will nee their way cioar tu con- tinue thotr publication. Sabbath School Anniversary The old time aiinivrrary of the Metho- dist Sabbath school will be held in the Melhodiat church, Fl.-.-tu-rtou. on the first day of January, 1891. TV* will be nerved from 5 to 7. 'JO p.m. A xpleiidid program of chou- reciiationa ;! u'l.t loi(ues by the pupils, also music, ainsjiin: liy the school. Anuivi-rairv sermons will he preached ow Sabltath tli.- ^Hth tlay of Doormber by Kev. A. \V. T.m.-iv Tickets of admission to tea anl enter- tainment, -'"> cents. Personals. Mr. Frwl Lxjitch is home fortheCiuisi. 11111 holidays. M ,*v'ii.i< ( ij-'ninsin retunred fn-in Owfti SOUIK! on Fiiilav l*.-<t, lu-ie she I'as 1'et-M Htfi-iMiui^ NchtKil for .>iiie tirnr, uU'i Miss Ada Spruule ft om the .'<. ;!_! Uti' MIM Lincie CiMtuer. "f O*proj-, is a (juest of'Mrs. lUti'S t!u wccU. Mr. 11. Itiukeivillu i siwndiri; tl< riirn>lm:u holidays iu FU-alicriou wilh Mr. and Mm. Win. P>anihouse 'are auendiiij; Christmas with fiiend* 111 '!' . VI.'. A Good Showing. J. W. Henderson, Kwj.. inspector cf the North of Scotland Mort. Co., of Toronto, was in town this week. This popular company has just cl<>d another tiiooafulA*ucial veru. They have -i. jr a)>out four million dollars invested in this [>rovinco. On thu llth Nov., IM'J ). they only had 0U 1^ months past due. .Jt-ii'l of 10 per out will be puid this yer and ?60,000 added to risk ac count. At present they havu only six pieces of property on ham! ill real estate iit. Theic inodt) "f operation i is the it loan plan. No lines, modi-rate < ..-. and si{Uare dealing. Our towns- man. W. J. Bellamy, En|.. u the valua- tor in this section^ ami Mr. Henderson, tlie chief actn.i; ortioial of the company, u an ojij Flesherton boy. Che89 Meeting. Ti !.- aiiiiunl iiieetnuf of the patrons of tiie Kleahertfjii cheese factory for th purpooe of winding uu the |>at year's business and the election of officers for the coming year, was held in the Town Hail. Fk-siierum. on the 13t!i iiist. The total out put of the season wan lnj.xlij liw. of cheese manufactured from l."70- Tttl Ibn. ..f milk. Total receipts $0. i:W.- 1<*. E^peodituru S-.'^'o 71', leaving a lialaiK-e to the patrons for their milk of , > W. The following were elected olho-rs for the next term : President, i; Si,-wart ; Vice President', W. Wilcuck; Director., J. M.K.-e, W. \Vn-ht, \V. Hill. J. Teeter, J. Orakain, J. Sinclair. W Parker. D. McKeniie, T. Wrisrht. 8. Irwiu. S. Phillips, J. Hargrave, J. Johns ton and (i. Wardrobe ; Auditors, J. i ir.th.im aiid W. Sinclair. Opening the School. The new school at Inutio^e was opened on Friday evening the l!Hh inst. Of course there had to be eatables provided, and an eUhonittf display was hastily de- iiiol:liHii. after which Mr. Edward Rosa was called upon to take the chair. A program about a yard Ion;; waa gone through, consistiou of readings and choru.te.1 by the chilitren ..f the school, v.-cnl selection, liy Mr. Kvans and Miss Clinstoe, of FleebertoD, a courtin; farce by some of the ynutr; people, and two short, interesting x.ddre*es by Mr. Itich- i and Mr. Thorp Wright. These gentlemen are able talkers, and to be ap- preciated must be heard. A very inter- esting feature of the evening was a pres- entation address accompanied by a photo, graph album and Hible mail.- by the pup. Is to the teacher, Mr. Wright, who 11 about to sever hr.> connection wilh the school to take charge of a more lucrative jxisitiiiu near IVkering. Mr. Wright, though taken by surprise, mode a very l<eo>iiiing improiiip'.u reply, pfakm\i in kindly terms of tile school and the pleas- ant assdciations of the year. The meet- ing was cioaed by singing the National A nr lii-iii alter which every one went home pleased. Gratitude and Confidence. At a meeting of the session of the Presbyterian church here, held in Mr. Joseph Blackburn's house on the eveii- inu cf Dec. loth, on account of Mr. Hluckburii*s long illness, not U-ir-x able to att-iid 'i-.vme ^ervi.;e, tho sacra- ment of tlv 'Lord s su[i[K-r was observed and other imp.n-.aiit church intercuts attended to, after which the following resolun-w was {.Kissed by the session : Movud by Mr. J. Blackburn, seconded by Mr. \V Neil, and a-reed that the iiiembers of this session at this the clos- ii:.- Mie<-tiiijot' the |ustora'<* of the Rev. L. C. Emes in this coiigrvgatii n, desire to express our sympathy and love for oar pastor, and also to place on record <>r gratitude t > the Ureat Head of the church for the harmony and lore that has prevailed between the pastor and his peoplu during his ministry here, and for the success and blessing that has attended the ministry of the Word, and we will ever pray that heaven's hlenaing may descend rulily upon him aud hi* beloved wife wherever thir lot in life may be cast, and that many years of usefuliKuis iu tlie service of our Cii-d u yet in store for him. Notice to Creditors. Infix* inatHT of ilir estate or DIUH-UII .<-or^i- II ro<, laic oi* tho luwnshi| of Oxjirr- ill tin- coutity of trey. d.- -ax.-<l. N'OTU'K U Ill.KLUY IJIVKX THAT Al.l. |Mu>iin. limn or corporiLtmiM having nv i-liiinii iu.-iuii>i D'lnoan tii-ijruo Heron, latv ..( the Uiwulii|i,,f Ob| rej . in the County of \ .".limn. :'.ti, 'iiM-J. r ln'iohv rwqnlrad t.i iMiiia iu thvlr iMki'ectiM* mvnea, reitiUvuoo*. i*oi*l u.tlce vldruo-v." u.l prfrier>li uf their ren|jc- .ictu* duly vi'i-ilimt, r*H;if viug the n>tur* o( ttwwctiriu .if thoui rel'ctive- ly, toMill^r ,v l>:iiLn. r..oi-i si. Bank of Oom- 01 HIT of KiiiK ftuii k>r<)uti -ti --.-i ^. 1 1. ' >rm far tlM administrator .f luc -.luti' of tl><- MIL I l*te Uniicaii < ! I ion, en ur before thu l.Vh rtayof Juu*rv.A !' .''I \ii.l iiiiuco M lieirl.\ KIVI-II tlmt alter tli aid IMkdajr Ol .lnury. A U . IHUl, \VilHaui M. "ii. tb >lil .!l'oni.trntor. will prn^uwl to ii-tnlMit* th a-m-i^ . ( t>... siii.i lt Duncnu H'-I.MI. .locpasei]. amoitu tin- p&rtioH 1-11- titlu.l tliii-ti.. hxvi:i- i.^r<l onlv to tb claim> "I wh:ch iKtu-,- Hlmll IIAVI; So.-n ti\'on KM sJott*- H.II i an. I that ho wi.i not bn huhlu lor tlu-anwU or BUS part t ,. | K to Dunouii CloorK t tuaiiy .- |.i-i-tiu. nni:si.r ioii'onuiou of wiioro ilvlit* i .'huiii* iiiitw h!I not huvehean Riveu. ami il>i. i'oti< is i'iv. ii pursuant to tin? Kvi0 !-tati:t;fi>f Ontarin l(r. chapter lln li-iu- 1 kt Toronto tin. Stb <ly ot 18MO. MU.I.Kl! A I'VM \N s. .'i. -iior (or Wllliaui Heron, siliiiii THE MARKETS FLESIIEllTON. Varcfulln Corrected Jhtch M'eck Kail Wheat - .- l W to J i* 83 to M 'M 90 l-irl'-y 411 K "" 40 U II 1 co o to Huttcr u M n i.-i Ki;-:a. rrwli ...080 U .'' u IS 7u Po-k .1 u< K j Hay i . ion f no u> in - 00 j 00 W f.k M i on >" ,'6 OM '"*>" 9 01* l'!iickn IH>I oalr OM al LiurktitM pr. ., o M n - . U 04) TO THE RATEPAYERS Or iht- Twu*bi| o( Vririn, ia. un th>! ttrnt Monday in January you will be called ou lo teli*ct Ii 0111 ani.'HK yuunwlvea aome uiio n miccn-.l Or. I nmiov in tlie position be lian to ably filln.l lurini; tlie |m.-t Hiiteen yuan. AuiuiigHt tbu many naujttu iaantionU as |HMfti- ble caudiitatcs ui > own uun o haa beu Iruely ineH T have been repec^Mlly urged by iu> friuiiija to publicly announce my lutdutiuu of aocuptiiii,- a i. -in. i:.:, ..... | :1 ,iiti|j ao I will imuly uoiinne mvMlf u> what uiav l.e couiid- eradiny claim un \our nuffrm||e. I liavu bueo for the la*t aiuht >eare n member of tliu ( .inn. ! ri'!>i.>uiiti::e Wj.r-1 N. 1. I have Mived turau \t-ai-H an deputy reave, at Ulo Xl/t of my null Tbe expurionuu I have KMued '.iiri::,- tlju eluht yean of my municipal Hervicu <iuiyld b <jf aomo betiunt to in, felluw rntal'avun. My r-H.-or.lM a urn- nifiiml offictr ik Ix-r.ire you and will iu somu enable v.in to futile of my fltlieu for ion au.l form an uxiimatu of ui; ability to |ii-r!cir.ii the dutiu* det-olviiig on a reeve, aud, n elt-ot.l 1 will nut be eluct- serve any ipecial interest or ae tlon of the towniiliip. I .-i <:onfldentially appeal to all raU'payerfl for support, pmuiiaiau to work in tbe future an I bitvu ,vivu:i to .iu iu thu patt, for tho l>et inuireat of th.j township, and wrreyou bonently to tbe bet of tny abiiny without fear r favor regardlM of cbnMx{uen- cea. AppeailOK to^tli fur yr.rr vote and iu- UL-nea, I am. funtlemeu. \rv bnmlj:i> iwrvaut. J. M.-ARTHl 11 PrUxmlle. Dv l*h, VM To the Electors of Arte- mesia. Ltvlin and Gentlemen : I have consented tn accept the nomi- nation for the reeveship of Arteinesia, and kin in thu held as a candidate I >r your sutfrattes. 1 was elected deputy reeve two years successively before the ward system was adopted, and since that tune -have not been a candidate for mu- iuci|ial office. Believing that I can serve t!i muuicipAlity of which I have been loiiv a resilient. t th<s important junc- ture, I rcspec'fully solicjt your votes at the coming; muiiii-i: .ii .!.< non. M. RICHARD-' >s To the Municipal Electors Of Hard .No '. Township of Artr nir>ta '?men. I IKI; most rmipi'ctfully to state, that at ,-n .-: of u nuur.iiis electura 1 hitTe de- ci.lfd to be s candidate for the office id Councillor for your ward for the Tear IxVl. Sh'.uld I hT opposition 1 kindly solicit yur vole and influence at the column flection. Your obedient seirant , THUS. KELLS. Dcl83in. To the Rate ayers of Arte- mesia. Gtnti-'mtn. Allow mo to say that I am a cu.liilnto f.-r tin- r- 1 vtship of Artemisia for the year I vi| My p.i-t municipal record, ruiiuiug ortr souia HUH) or tru year*, it the best gmtrautM) I cu, KITH you that Tour interest will be safe in tuy hands, should you S" Ii; to i>lcct ui''. Your rote aud mil-rent rvspeetrully Milirited. Yours truly, is.i..-c3in. To the Ratepayers of Arte- mesia. a,tA Gtntltmrn I wih fc> intimate that I am in tbe field for lli reevenlup of Arlemema agajust all coui.-n. Your vote and inHu.-noe are ra- requvstud. JOHN BOLA.ND To The Electors. Ward >'o. 4. I bes t i .inn miice to you my intention of Ritain snhinittinu my nanin as a candi- <litt- for the ..rtice of Councillor for ward No. 4, for 1>!1. feeling assured that frt. in my I'lcwnt knowlud^t) of iiiuun-i;.ul attiiin. that I i.-an re|>r>-nt your interrtt l.-ti'-r thnn an entire stranu'er to the liilMiieso. 1 ask your vote and influence for th coming election. Thanking you for your support duri><,' tlie post, I remain, ladies and fMtisMMft, your oU-ilu-nt servant. GEOHGK THdMl'SON, JR. VALUABLE PROPERTY 'IN TUB TOWN PLOT OK EUGENIA, In tho townnhiji of Artomonia. i:i tt>e county of t,: "\ I '.,i.T tiin iH.wi-m of AAiecoiita:ii<-.l in a certain nmrti:iu.'e to tin- VUIH|OM an 1 which will be i.roJuri-l lit tin- tiiii.* <>f salu, ib*rc will be oiiered by publto auction M Muii'hawN Il . i. In tbe Village of FI>hrrton, in the county of Grey, on HWn<Wy, the Uth, 1S91, at 4.30 o'clock p.i.. tho followln valuable pr.v. m-rt> 'I .'Wii lot;* 'Al au.l t?l. on llin north aide ' .: i uM ' I'liil r.-.'iv.- N.-. J. Hituate OS: n. i Hi Mrtt-i.f Turd* >ti"fi. 'ii..i"parti.'n!jly ribi-<l 111 the aai'l uirtiu(. and containing oa. 3 rooiln anil :r> i <e or lt-n. . of Mlil|'on Btrnet : Town l.'ln IK. II. '.i. Ill, 14 an. I I.V en the -outh ni'l* of Hatflnn -trci-t ; Lot .: i uM ' I'liil r.-.'iv.- N.-. J. Hituate thi- in. i Hi Mrtt-i.f Tur deribi- 4 aoroa. MiK anntbitr ].oition ,.f serve. ^ITM itf oil thi->uth niile of Piirrtv trH't. mon partloulHlT dwwrload In -*i-l iuort;jti-. coiititii.iiiK 1 ri>o.l. !.' |H-rclH'i*. '..M.I'> or \efrn, n]] ol whii-h ai.l land" ar*4tuat in tbe town pj, t ,.f I .-. -nm H'. -i-ai. I. 'I'll* i' an. .n.l lo b on thi' ! viiilT"'^ i fraii-" h-Mi-i-. two frni-j bru*. SAO mill latli mil! aud a good orcL.i. Terms aud Conditions of Sale : The pro|-rty wMl > offereil for sale in one i-nri.-1-l. nubjeot to the rowrTctl bid. Tin. imri-hiuu-r at tn tiln* of aaJ to i.,iv .'iioflfth ofhl* iflircbiuH inouur aud the DnlaiK'n tlinri-of withlu tiortr .ia\* therewfter !iU>u-t t 'ryi-n pi-r i-*nt Yh-othor con- diti. n ' of -ale will be inadi- known at tiu:o of sale, or on application to the uu.U.r-ii^i}--.l. 'SH. AfcSWLDl * M ACKK.NZIC. : ICtli. IWOi 103 l-*j t.. J VVm.Clayton, Boot and Shoe dealer, lias a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- shoes, Felt Boots/Franks, &c. ; new goods, and sell- ing* cheap. Homemade boots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. -THE POPULAR- EARL STOVES CALL AT And see the $12.00 Cook Stove, 17.00 with Furniture. FARMERS! LOOK! MONEY ...I n. !K..r * .<* An T vt I.. T.BLAKELY, !! *ur '.mr to tb# M 1 1 . . . nci MOnUrrrki MI. > >m Mi lo ** i- i i -.... Flesherton, Sells the beot farming iinplcmenU manu- favtured, invluJinj; ,^r ir- flmitic T* n*t Itttl* . nl ftHil !. h >o rutfc. No 1 r . : . , "- 'fKl E A CO.. .. -. Came Astrr, Bruntfont Light StoW KM. r ">,.l J/'l.vh /'<.;'., -'.' ti:>l Drill (II, ii $ Tinitll .^.W. C. Til' H'atrrlw Fhm-f itit'l Thrrnhrrt. \ .yniid Dnniiul'i Hayfork. Tin- ?.'! ipi;!itiK of th.ii- implement* are surtn-u-ntiy ku.mn i:ow to s.pek for therustluM. without any i-\ti\ Wi n!s froRi : .|nii 'iii,; mi].). iuem in tills l:lli- Wolllil << .. MI.I-* if not ul'vndv uc'iuaiiiU-it vtit!i tin iu. C'all on U14 and 1 will In- |I.I;M ! i'i...i'U ta ^ood qu.iiuit.-ii of tlicHK maci. Y. A. ItLAkELV, Flcslierton. Durham Bull for Service. Came to tbe prvmiM.-* of ;' 111, COII. -'. N. P. K . Al '.I-IIIOKI.. auiiiial. alH'tit -n- >oar olil. on 01 Oi-t.'ht'r l.-t The owner in r. .; .- I Al"' l'ric*UI P. 0. .net), lot i.l l.i.l the 1-t |-r.- . aw.> . Christinas * Tear o J'nntk Ititil'i . /t. / i . Dec. Th iiii.lr-<o>''l hai a thoronlii.rMl.;i^-'i((r>:l, Onrhaw hull ( .. . WHito Htnvkin^f*." for Mrvi<^* at l-t vl. W*at M.lVlt. . Ukc.ui:, alc.,S|<n|T V. tltP |>ri.-tor J f~ T|\V Otl. ui, 1*. :] rteliik>i.. P. O. Good for return until UF.r j uu Ueo. :*l*at & .1; 1-, Good to return until Jar i , ana one third on l.'in-t-inli.. i rt i,...Hl for return utiLii Fur I n for mat Ion kcls apply U Ticket Agettf. I rl

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