Flesherton Advance, 25 Dec 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE- LITTLE MILL. llnvins entlrrly renoratnd my mill rturini; the pant yMur,|iiittiuR in a lAr^u aini.Miit ..( n. % i.iacDltii'ry, I am uow |iparn<l t Kriml Hour in k niAiiii, T xt-ron I to ii. i inili. i 111 Ontario, and n ilm ihortul u OLD TERMS : 1 y twelfth l>uhel. Seven cenla per hiini'.n-.l for chopping. Done ev.-ry day. P. LOUCKS, Proprietor GOOD BT.VBLI.NO FOIt HOUSES. FLESHERTON PLAMVfi HILLS HaTinx purehaned the Fleahcrtnn Planin* killl frU U. J. Kpronlf, KMI.. I now .1. In to inform the PUBLIC that I am in a position to do ALL KINDS -OF- Oeneral planing mill work, ueh ai SASH, noons, DOOP, I-HAMHS Planing and Matciiin^, re sawing, etc. <.ool Workiniinship ilunriintocd. A arge quantity of good dry pm lumber on hand. IF. /*. 10 A T T E X D- i\:rlte& Business (Jut- \Y Yor I 'i -n.i 'I'o GET A GOOD 13UBINKKS Kl>t ( . VTION. HumlrodB of yonnK i*teu and women havu takuti u biiHiiiyti.H coaro tlurin^ tin- pit-t t-ti st'in n wtioatu now fUcct'Ksful in hu^iiic'sn or till- ing lucrative |>ohiUoiiH. Tho buMiit.^ cuuihu u/ Mtii'ly IK by far ti.- i t tli"iu^i) <.;.} :i i'uhii'ltt '1 IxMU M KH iriiirh ill th juniur ilcpartiiieutaA iii thu rntiu- <'"UrKu of "f thu M>-ca)lHl buinu*>H C"]ii -. - '1 )iu -nirM- i ti.t'inii^li and cDinpIi !' r-rnd for a i'ny "f Uu* Annual Atmnuii'-t-tnviil CNrtBlalnfl full partlculam. It id *cnt free to au v ajJdiUdh. C. A. FLKMINd, /V.'/.f./w/. D. McTavish, HOI5SESFIOKK AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. follincwood Street, jFLESHERTON, - ONT. I Manufacturing "f Wacom. leieh". HtiRiflea 1 t>..i"o T.t , t,- HoracshixilnR prompt!} nl I r> Special afentlon Riven to contract- I *d or loader feet niul Plow rhnliis slaiilly on in i. . i. WM. LAUNHOUSE, BOOT ANf) SHOK MAKKli, PLKSHKUTUN. 'INT. Dwlr'< to ti nk lili nuinerniii custnmarn for th vrrv literal patronaff FXII-M.II <l in tin- l>a>t, and Ii uow|ir*iird toflll nil <ir>i,-rs mill oiBin|.tii>Ki. Hatlkfaellon (iirautiwl. Twiht IMII Iu L>UII|UH ill ru*Bh<i tun, nuil bont-*t .!lin wall K.H..I workuaniblp.titTi mail hi i.aia well kuMKo tliruufbAnt tlo TIUIIUIV *< work a |Mrialtr Uot jr*ar Ixxic aiudr b/ Win naioa>. flvikwton. A large <|iiantity of Uood Shingles MY OWN MANUFACTURE ( ASW FOB \M> MII i ;-siii>N S.DAIYIUDE, Kl.r.sHKKTON". 'oi \TYi\D HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLO WAYS PIILS&OINT 1MB ril.LS I'urifvthe Wood, corrupt ull !uoriieof Jvi|,, < 'y K> n.n<l THE OINTMENT -sr^^is ;.r i!^:.^^ r ^.rci :;::;;:,. " ' For SO UK Til l!<). n, l>,i;<L\ciUTIS. COUGHS, COLIK (iln,lulrSwlllug.,audll Kkin Dl.m.,^ It lian no rival ; aud for contracied and Miff oint It irtn lik a cbarni. Mimifactiiroilnnly t lv.l.'K..r Km, 1.0 WAT'S Kt|.llliment, 7S. Xcw O\f*rU Street < late *:w, Oxford Str-rt ), London, t .4 arc >old at U. Hd..'J.. Od., 4. M . IU . . ami .11. ...ri, It.,, or pot. and may b bad of all Jld elnr Vviiilum tlir<.ut;li.Mit tin- \Voild. Furehtuurn thuulit /..t > '!, l.nlal ../. II,.- !'( ,! H,,.,,.,. Jj (he nitdrtu ii ,,t fM, (./..!./ fiti'ii-f, l.innli'11, tlieti art ;iurunu. AVind & Wktei*. ji:rm:-.Y Aiin.r.v. Mfr. of \vimi MiiiKnn.i I iltii|>n, Maik<lalu, lint.. If von n. . n I ... |. of any kino, ami Hill fiivni n,e uilli rolll ,,.l.i I ill ,;u*t i ilnli-n to Kive Hatlnfaelloo i". < I V t.lllM. I rail htlit >oll III either li.'ll. lll.i -, i Iron. TKH4K Utqinll Ing oath { new win k auott date t j.p.ov.'.l notes if .lenir. .1 '..-low 1 Kli'e 1 fuW t.-Hl Ulol.lrxK : II.-KI -MI Tb* two pnmpa you pot In form* r e Kivinit me *pleinlnl ati*.fai;tloii >ne of them i .11 ilceji, t!io other 'ill. I HIM well pleated with i i, -in I'oHiKut'n, Heanorloii. ii J \tiTi.r.v, Hi ai M; In n nl\ t.i vour'a of thn l-'th Inat., 1 w.iuhl aay thai the imtnp \..n put in for me iia ii.nvBil very atifacton. It heinu ilnralilu lill.lv .-'|L. I. Ill low.-. I l.ltMWtt tlllll #J, b^laiiua fa, pninii. JAUKM.IOH- n i-ti-rion AT J.T Thl l toccrtif) Hint I riHVr had ri at tnnihle and expen -t- with my ' . pmupit until I i 1 . t 'Ir.J Vrllri l,. ..verhKul II . itlliuf then I lime na.1 viitirn niaUcf action ^. v lit Liu ho), MI ytuiin i I. -i.i .-,11. it. im it ulouly. Am HI k JoiiKi.ToH, Vaudclcnr. Jnn li'.lh. 1HUO. Ilita. M. >.. u f.ivnr tn hand cnqnlrlnR how w* uot alou with the Wind Mill I n.iui.i --at a n.l nn . l. Hi, tit, in put i i i, i: K i,, : cih.T. 11 i onrkinu -iilei. n, I I it.- |.in,ii, ,1,,. - n work all iiKht Mil. n, <irklii|i of th Metor Wind Jill TJT ninuh ItRnreriM Itmiolf mealy in n '-IK! i wlii.l.an 1 lt'...nk it fr more ilmahlv than a uaMltuill -. Di sin HV, Mealo i.i loJarrai-.r Aainv.Mark.1al.. s " I"" I". nip I piot-haw.! from \ oil fiir.T f ipt well glv..K c..inpl,.t,t atlfai-linn 'It wnrlta i thenraalMt aaM, for thaquanMt) of >i Whm Hahy wai >trk, irn ear brr CaMorlB. Whn hwaa a Cblld, ahr criad for Caatorla. Whi iJie livemnc Miaa, ahe oli( to C'aatorla. Vlliuo the had Chiklren, ahegme tL.m Caatorla GET Yolk Fun K ,V FI:KI> Fltov PEDLAR, Ill's tin boy that keopg the beat and iiKviiys lota on huud. Also a good line of CONFECTIONERY. ALL MM. . OF on .en, l rwualn, voan Farm for Bale. w AcutA**. M HMill r *laa oao.lltlon fram hvn a*t*t. tn* liable muUriiUi. MaUnlal for rl*k nnara> bou>.,ii Kroiiud. |IHM| *u and Vapal J. ..11. Well .ai.ir.l 1 mil. from a. 1 *hMM ra. . , , 1 1 milai from railwar F U . twrM. bnrahM, *M ..>;. li in* aJaaw* Mat iwma i.irM CA.1VXKD C1OOI3S. Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Rolled Wheat, Graham Flour, etc. Also Vinegar. All kinds of Bis- cuits, Cured Meats. SHOP nest door to M RicharJioix it Co'i. R, PEDLAR FLESHERTON. MeaFord rufuauci to craut the bonus to Mi. Hut A S,m. of M:iiUil.il<-. MeaforU hiub (chiwil will ! formally peneil on Jan. 13 l>y tile Minister of Mr. Malcolm Black-, of Glenelg, picked up a mail Ims,' m-ur I't.r. vdle The K. >A avs tin ie must l> uarultMX Work im-whciv Urn. Lain/, of the Owi-n Sotinri Sun. wan royally l>;inpietted liy Ins Kincardiiie iieiidn a ctiuple ot w.-eks 11^.., and pre- eiiten with a <_'..M-h<.-.i.il--.| . A boy of fnurtuen yearn of iwi- niuii'-il linn (.let naway WU.H coininittt d to -_'u;il ''ridiiy l"f va-jrancv. Ho I* one of the :> i:irn:ird.i luiporta <>f Lmidon street .iril.*, ho are IM-IH^ periodically dumped into 'anadn, -by the philanthropist.-, (i) of tile nother cnuiitiy. lireonaway was nt ivre from Kuplirnxiit for trial hy tin- tiunty judu<\ UMIIL; unahle to earn hia ivini;. haviiii; a "rf foot and a uem-rnl air of L r o"il-f.ii-ii'.(liiui;iifhs :il"'iit l.im la it riu'ht that Can.i.U should 1x3 ma li- the iliiiiipiiiir L'round for the riff-rait of Knvlisli citiea f-[O. S. Tinivi. All Men ;, i.M, or mi.lille uyed, who tint) III. in ..!..- iiervous, weak uudexhaui>teii, nl, , >.r" .r .kcii down from cxccsHes or otr wi.rk. re- milting in many of the following aympl.-iu-: Mental ilepr<->>i.ih, prrmature oid Hce, loan >f vitality. |oh of memory, bad dream*. iiunieHH of Bight, palpitali'in of the lie. ill. miaioun, Inck u( energy, pain in the k d- hi'Hilu"he,|iiinpli K en the face or lm.lv . idling <T pi i nil-it M n-.ilKin about the i-cro- tiini, aliiiK of the orjraua, diz/iue8i.p<-i-k>> licforp the t-yea. Iwitchiuj! of the iu . li.ls untl elsewhere, bashfulneai, dtpoaiU in the urine, loas of will power, trntlrrDena of the scalp and spine, weak an-i ll.ii.l.v in r -.i In, ileairi toklerp, failure K) be hy aleep, conatipation. tlullursii if hearini:, IOM of voice, draire for nolitudu, xtltabtlllT if temper. Kiiiikeu eye* currouuded with I.KAI.KX inn I.K. oily loukinf! i-kin, etc. .are all aynifitniu* nf nervonii debility that It-ad to n. sanity aud death unlea* cured. The K|>rin'.' or vital (urcu havinj; lout it fusion ^ (unctiou wane* In conHe-ineiio.-. Thoae wliii Ihii-iigh aim t.inniittt .1 in ignorance may In- peinmneiitlv cm.. I. S. u.i your ad- iliVw d" bom on ll diaciaea p.-uliar to man. Addrem M. V. M'ltdN, M Front St. K.. Torontti, On, Hooka aent frc- aealei ll.-iirt diaeaae, the aynii>t"ma,.( whioh are faint pjH-lla, purple lipa, numbueaa, pa'pita- tion, kip beata, hot flavbea. riiKh of l-lot.ti It. tin- hea.1, ilnll pain in the heart * hents utronj;. rapid and im^nlsr, tin- ,e< ,.n.| r . lit I. eat tpiit-ker than the lirat, pain abont the br a-ttbiuie, etc., can ponitivfly be enn-tl Sii eurr.no pay. Send li.r book. Addrcut M. V I.r BON, , V) Kii.nl Street East, Tor onto, Hut. MM*. aa a r~r i< iH-ina- <** r J- * i. > >.i "-'"'""' ~ lw*l, , ,,,,. 1 h- w l.-.-.n !,... &! ! -U 41 Id- .l.rt, CMl man 7. Hi _ IH. II . I, ..ir. .,!... ll)M)|^rlur furr.lt.li. 11 ) I I. 11 .1 1 . Joseph Smith, 1 1 I:SHKI:T(IN, I)elrr to i ; nk. t.. lii nuniorou .i-* fur Ih. ir vorv lil.eial i HI.- rvt.-n.le.l to him III the pant, anil w call attention to the Init that lie l hen K and n.i.ly to All all orilula with pr..n,| and cnarantera aatiKfui ti"ii .\>-r\ in...- An liv ke.-i.inc the IXIHI alock in the market an aiftaodug airlotly to bvalaaW IM ha^ won fo hiliik.lf a place ainonij tlni lr>t Khoeinakura 11 UDtr) l..i Ilim' allilUelltA 1 sewe'l W.ir H])ecialtv. K\,-r\ iMiriwm lonie and ^l boututl a J. SMITH'S, Flcsherton. THE ODELL TYPE JffRITER. will hiiYthuOUKLLTYFKHKI IT. K with 7s rii4i.rt.i-. niul fir> (01 tlK>M||i|clr4'aM> Odrll. warranted lo ,1, In tt. -i w r 11. mi any machine made. Il . ..mi-mi-. -"MI i i. ii , with i.i ..u. iin Y HpKtn, KARK or oi'KUATiox, weara ImiKt-r M ith- outcoal of repaira than anr other machine Max no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It in SKAT, HU8HT.II1IAI,, IlifXlc pl.ltcll, pvilrrt .ui.l adapted to all kiuiU of type ikt a i.iintniK prcs, it ]>rodurci clean. loKiblv laaiiUacripU. 'Two or ten cnpiei call bo luadu at ono writing. Any lit penon can become au opeiator in tor w), . can itpul tun work of the IMtllbl'.' < ;i i Oil> II ile Agent* niul Special inducement* to dealer*. JM.;. I ! TYPK WHITER OK. h:. and N? .Mil Av CHICAGO. ILL. AUCTION SALE F Valuable Farm Lands IN The Township of CwllinKwoori. I'luler aiitl hv vh t no of the powci nf*a]<*in A raltnin nioi U-n-.-i 'l ..in l>T|.h l,mille?il lit til, veudor*. which will t pii>iiiu-t-il ttt nine o( aala* ail-1 "U iifanll Ii* . ->r i t>- m puvintnl of tin! tinilicVK therein in nil titt, tlmre will lit) "tf.Mel, tor pal* bjr public auction hv ill-man Mltchi-1. auctiouoat. at Mullor hotel in the villKico of t larkAlnil'K, u>. rin'K.lny tlitiiftlth clv of Uiutiin- 1*1, I.HUO.nt a nVIoi k pin, the full. mini; |>ro- r i tl . nal'ieU Til.- h.illth west i|nintot lid )ie nnrtlt half nf ih itoulh-tiaitt qnartxr of lot linliibtir tG ill the tenth ctiuowmtoii of the towii- ithip of ColliiiKWOod, containfiiK t.^.-vtu-r ' > novei more or Ittaa. Ha Ihw prwmlHtw n- aaliVIo linalramo harii au.t IIOIIM aad the i<tiipity u aitiiattKl in MMHtaM l>u>l laiuiiud Jiktiicl^ ui luetouutv lrn.a in irront at time of Hala. and t*r thahalance tuniii *lll Ixllbeial, auj xilt t ujada known at llmaof aal. I'm fm tn.-i particular, apply to I \S II AM MAN 1-'.| . I Urkil-Jii at I.- Mots, Barwlrk at at*d ted Jar of Uea.uAti 1DW. for Infants and Children. "CBaioriai a to well adapted to rhadrratliaxt I CiatorU tvm roM<% I {RcoimiM^ditaaanperiortoaaxpreior.pkoD I }<0 " r Stomach, t'lirrhwa, tjiiurjition. known to me." lit. L*~. M. D., I K ^^ T' k ' lve * *** "^ I" 04 " <"' IU So. Oriurxl 3k, Brooklyn, N. T. | WUbout'lojurioos mttUettkn. THE CBNTira COKPJNT. 77 JIurmy Street, X. V. CUT FLOWERS. MK- JAS""JBEECU()FT H'ill tr ill ill In fill fut'-i* fni Kri'l'tl. I: ,,f Until, II. y/.//.- >l. >!"". '.<, III'" I Illl^ l.lllli i nt'H-k- /.'- tly. Orders by mail promptly attrix!- ! to. I .i' ; i;>/'/ (/ J/i/nVj and Prr*h t,\, tulil--.* "n hiiml. Flcshrrton il CD ISE THE t'ELEBlUTLD- "B. LAURENCE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOH AI.I. DKKKCTS Ol-' VISION. Ik'LI AUESTX, FLESHERTON. My221y WILSON'S PLANING MILL - A N D- CARRIAGE :-: WORKS. To our old customers and the public generally : Onv new Planing Mill nl Cm i \Vorks ImviriK bc-en completed, we are now in a i>sitiou to do your work in , iili. i- the buildup or carriage wood work line, in u lirsl class manner. Get TOOT mwoti, Bteigh or buggy repair* done at NYILSON'S. Also HANDS \\V1NC, SUAIMNC. TruN".M;s, Mori, DISCS. SIDlN(;s, SASH AND IM>ORS, KH\MKS, JHT Price of Repairs Reduced Pl.KASE KNO.V1KB AT THE FACTOKY ! Coll ins wood HI .. Flesherton! ? Photos, Photos, Photos, We art now turning out vorkftir tuprrior i ttyle and jiniih to any ever j<> ducedin Flrthtrton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING done in all ill hatchet. A good itock of FRAMES <<? Mf)^/.I>f^(!S /<;- conHantl,/ on hand. Will altu int^lxct tht < BKOUJbE 1'OUTRMr, > picture that it giving tntin mtitfactiv* wherertr, imtrwliicnl. S.\,Vl'l. f'X n e ittn at w\y Galltry v\trt ull jxtrticuluri at to 2'riit, ^Vy/Af., run *>t <ncr< tuimd. XfMS.

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