TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XL, NO 548. FLESHERTON, ONT-, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 '.80S. W. H. THUR8TOK, Oar Special Line ( ) for the next thirty days Rings. In.stitntv MfCtlng. ' in liquor. then by strawtieirii-s various fruit* in their season. WILL BE 15 /, Jem, Engagement and Our Wedding Hin^s are all fine 18 K and 10 K with our own mark bearing guarantee as to fine quality. In Gem and Diamond Rings we are showing goods of such a quality and at a price that defies any competition. Our discount prices cannot be touched except by spot cash buying. REMEMBER a Written Guarantee goes with every watch and clock repaired by ARMSTRONG BUO:. The Flesherton Watchmakers and Jewelers. CHRISTMASii THIS MONTH. As an assistance to reducing our stock, we will, during this month of December, offer the whole ot our large as- sortment of Winter Goods in Fur Capes Long Boas Muffs Gents' Fur Coats Rorj3 Persian Lamb Caps Also some beautiful and the A meeting of Centre tlrey Farmers' In : the .summer of IS'.Ct they intended to ask stitute was held at Thornburr on the tha local ,".vrnnient to bear tho expense ' 5thinst., Jhn Irwin. Vice President, in ( of oillectuiL.' mid thu D .million to carry the chair. Mr.Irwm said he would have ] them, and u it was a national honor it i like 1 to have seen more out at our i was expected that parties having O>od i nioiniii',' mectini; After spcukinx a , fruit would ijive it, bui they were willing sh. r' tiinu he nitrii(liu:ed Mr l> K Smith | to buy the. l>et. As this section had! whose su'iject was "does winter dairying uct' a reputation he unted them to pre- pay (" Ho explained the system adopted para to produce the bust. Rcforrini? to. t raise the standard of cheese on the I his nbje< t, ( )rchard as a part of mixed British market, and that the same plan ' fanning, he reccomiMided to buy from wiuild require t" be adopted, of pro- mirown nurseries and direct. The or- 1 din-in',' a unit'.rin ','radi- of liutter. If we chard should be cultivated while young produce nine Ibi. i.f 'food but fcr and one ami pruning at any time if limbs are of poor, the inferior Ib. would spoil the : small, but to avoid cutting Inrue limb* Canadian reputation mi tlit liriusli mar- and especially ii':r the trunk. He refer- i 4- J r-d t.i th manner in which some <if the tO SuUQV" VOUT 1U~ American, had swin ll'fd the public in grafting, by repretientiiii; that they had the best variety and then tmnu the poor- est, but weiu SUIT to uri'w, and by plac- inv ID') .(raits in me tree, and two scions ineh in diameter. Three The ket. He said they had adoped the plan of harimt t!i"ir drop their calves in the fall and keeping up a continuous tlo* of milk fur nine or ten months, allowing them to :;o dry in the miiiiile of summer, when pastures were plor. They could raise butter calves, had more time Mr , , FOR Fli hlLORiXG CALL ON The Merchant Tailor who has but the one line terests in. (5. X Ldtcfc MERCHANT TAILOR NOTICE. n,. ,,..t ,,, feetlinu and inilkint.', and thf price 1 of ; t!i%a were i.avensary in grat'tintf. i> i i T wi* mil :h h ghjr in viMac and I aeion should en^lit. Tho fillil.ol c Mte ainpi-jMieii' th of ih iciuii ind thn it"ck should mc<-t, wliole T er-- wn tli- ilvaiiuu ,,f i aill l t|j e wnj nhool.l be rij-ht. ti"d wax h.iviiiL' moro and b -tir IICHMPI. Thur could b Hindu a. follow* : jr Ib. tallow w* no lo-w in selling b'i*t.;i ..If thu farm 1 ll> li.if.wa.-:. 2 Urn. rin. In the mat-] Tlio iin,]rind.,<iveinip uf nnv .itT'Mint. Tin- \ti':n "f fmuliui; ter of ahippina frtiit they wre urj(i"H on nf int. rui-n. -IIK-K a a f.. V ve-.ri ago that of ;e d:n.' h.iy.Mraw th- ^orrriinn.-i.t th- f of having '^^.' ' and grains .(.-,! JH .-i:iin p.-r day, while n;i inspect T ipp.uute 1 -i that any person *HJ*\M><-I uld ship his frui'.. ha*) it inspect- .1 nnlingly. He Storrn Collars Misses Furs Gloves Rugs K>ods in .ijsil.iji; niily cnht from 10 ft II cents per ' d.iv. li<*iiii( a |f. een foul and u'lrmn . < th" butter. Tuey u<c.| the shot ' truu cans, whioh i>ivu the best results | with !'-. I'h' iii' si cream n ^iveii by piuuu.: th- milk in the water while u is at about 1" Should it lie. -OHM cald after m lUnni it is h -a'-l t , Ill de- :r" 1. aii. I then placed in tho wiiicr. Bv this the cream in all secured in l. lionrs. i hi beiii", asked what each cow nei'ed per year, said he thought about i. but tbi' they sold pjrt cream and part in butter, t'ruani paid Ihe best, briu.-iiu fl.OO per Ballon They fed 40 I hi. of unsilrt^-.j His. of b.-au some hay and straw. Tt.e afternoon meeting w.m much larg- plTmrtW Sll i Inn ftrtnft, M i M f b y r n win M Kir- 1 rt i brand -d and s >ld I uwtnphiiii I <t tliH s'.npi in : uh.irKB* beiin,' i t'i" lu^li tor til,: rvpon>dbility aasumed. 'I'h.'V woiiiil not I.e responsible fur boxes I or ciwea bein-.j rotumed. They would I return them, but they wero throwu off itiii .1 iM.l if y Hi .jot them it was al! right . He b,fn charged 83 cents for barrel* g)iu to Montreal, from On- tario i.i Liverpool for 7"> cents. Ha spoke very 'uglily of th" R.-ixter apple, Krieuds, I', i.ii v an I I'. <i,r,,ck pears. The lime wn <:nmiinf whon spraying would lnv, i.i be .1 iiit!. Those who tried it found if paid well. About \ teaspoon- ful of Paris irreea to a pml of water was all tli e used with safety to the fola^i-,but it had mently been discovered Thwi itiiiihhnvl Berkshir.- Boar "STANDARD tEARER" fnr '. t>t It, Uon.7, Tw|>. . 1. W. W <4 t,u>r. Lands for Sale Fann proprtion. iin al>o village pro|Mirtiui. ntT-'l HI:'| uiuinproTad \ J. W. All i O. Tea Sotts Lamps Glass Setts Naples, Etc. AT A LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Stock aborted and now. With tins rvluctiou off our already figuresthcrocan be no q-a-j-ti,,, .- to tlic.r beiug lower offered in tl.o village. TlIK COKNr.H is already so wull known tlnv ih wn.m of tkfc i other ootnm are only necessary to make tins intimation to cusure a call iioin every intending i.i,.,,,^! f., r tM . 3 .,,. , wt h ..f wo.,1. \i. puicliastr. WishiiiK one auJ all a nierry CliriMt;ua.s an.l :i I v \ear. tralm wa* a Kroat prAdaoinc ooBBty. An 1 :uil yours, etc., >V. *\ V . 'fl f 1. >II3 L^IC. ' , .1 h i. -M ship P. S.-TI.O l.i K l. t .. t pnc. 3 ,ai.l for Mink and Fox sk,,. t . er. The Vice- President called on D. Rae, from fiuelpli, who ,?a>-o tlie reason ! that by adding a little li.uo wator, double for fating pifSent "thai Mr. Zavit/ had' that i,uantity might be u ed. He mved ill in. I VH ii'ia'4 to leave his bed the evapoiatmg ol all | o T fruit.and ship- and Im had b.-eri asked to tk" his place ' im; only the best. A |wrs>-n in the hsll I until he was again able to join the de- said ho met, with a London bayei whv low in. U.: said the suhjeg ln> would j said our appli;* wrei ii"' true *o names or .,.,,|.> II' s.nd he')od that he kuaw a packer who pUtow) goo I apples at buLt'iin and top. \\ n- i told it would ' spoil our reputation he said h.' did not' earn as his* was nut goin; to ship next year. D K Smith announced as his subject tho "Silo and Knsilai'e," and said they I had four vo*rs x;ieri:i''e with en.silace. The first year tiiev tri id thi siiuthern Corn, the second year bad Iried red eon | corn. These made s.<ur en-<ila^e, as they did not ripen Biilficienlly. Corn fur should be t.Ki ripe for Tenders Wanted. il tcndsn -1|. T.I 'nil ^ t run 'in- aooautsU. went to London, . HARSH CONDITIONS Were no more severe than many pernicious and of those imposed by the hawaful CREDIT SYSTEM. You are bound to pay double price, be pestered by collect- ors, dunned by mail and on the streets, and wherever you go these words will greet you "Pay your bill and save co^ts." " AYOID IT By paying dish to us and save 25 per cent, or/ your purch- ases. Cm n your own goods, and be able to look every man straight in the face and say I owe you nothing. THIS MONTH Special Bargains in Over Coat<? ( Boots and Shoes, Tweeds and Flaonels, in fact everything away down. MCDONALD & EVANS. ~ > ^*^ * and Inns;. Australia and |>rdiiee the three grades. I'.in.tda |'r'iiluce no lino wool. The downs are considered mcdiuin The (.'.mad i. in mauufiicturvrs are usin^ a i<ieiit deal of shoddy, <>wini( to the do inand for cheap U".l. T! thousands of Ihs. of old ra^s bi-i:ij ground up and s|iun in with the H ...I winch in crtoitc'd tin- bulk of woollen \'<MI;|S on th 111:11 ket. Tlie, eli ds were not the best. It wai .1 f'i :i thai file old home- spun y irn *"" ih' 1 ln'st. the til>ej of the I wool not bemn broken. All the Ion .- comb'j 1 w.iil in Cinadi noes t>> the States, tin- wool fri.iri the sheep skins goes, to thu (.'anndian iiniiiufauturi;rs. l,oi.i{ W"ol i.t d : Vidcd into 'hroe i>rilos. The eoar-est. is u-ed fur c'arpvt work, the !!. 'nun aii'l lini' am u^ed lor liiit'orui^ VMIII. T!ie line wo,.! !. 1. The v'l'eaL trouble w t'i Canadian wuil was weeds. It is redu d 'w ' "r I'ire-i eeniH in vain thereby. In c.irdiiu '' docks lueak .ill u;i. au 1 ill H 'y w iv t them nut il ' -i o^euiic il which "i is" - ' Ii" '1 " . to bi''!k O() Jt'iii is blown awn 1 . l>ut< the wool. , || ( .|,| [,,. Tile South (owns are ill' bM nritlon I 0;il ,|hii, (L slie.-|i 111 I'.iini IH. I. ' ' >.r.<ld and Ii in 'in im t'ie nio.t i us -.1. Hiilfi'o is our in-iiket. for lani'is. I' 1'i.iltiw are the hest ill at L;" !> ill s' ite m n kel . He ur^ed t'l br-ediiu of o;ie cla of alleeji and cilod the ca.if ol un breed-!!' who --"III lil) sheailin, 1 i mil ov auction for ?-_"lil ea.'h. The shejp that aro used for iniilto.i in Kii'.dand are nil c!-'>^s In- -d I.;, tWM iinl S uillidowii ra u<. if continuing t > br.-rtd troiii 'h L ewe will use a Shfopahipu ra'ii Yf* sec- ond ti'ii -.'i -\'T a SiHithdown. T'ie lueii in.iTiire i|iiicker and aro larger. I 1 not kej> cnms bred awes, but. s.-ll off aid buya.'iiii. The first cross is .il way < Hi- best. Mutton i (Hie i'f I'm best foods in Kii'j'ii'id. They use twice that of the > ' * and thru'- or four |ti'iies of ii The heaviest sli"|> brin/ tho highest pi-ice, as they are shipped for so niiii-li ;!' ! ' uton ws introdiioo:!. O.i coming forwird he *inl it was lik carrying c >l to Newuastln to com from th* county of Sinicoa to Thornbnry to spe ik on Horticulture. A rupre'eiitative wits sent by tl.t< Kruit Growers Association to at- tend the various Institute in tiiiKS. The Kims (.irowers Association h.ive a*ked f' i space at lh.: World's at Olucsgo and intend to keep it tilled tirst by Jfuit MM." - th. wu,t tuijilrtin t. v - 1 r \ 1. 1 1. . i - - MI.<WI> 10., II.ML.XI>. by jru tible^'isH .> iii-ii cut. Tin third year they ttied" 1 . This waa w ;' corn, but did not ijrow as hiuh | i, the other. This yea' 'h*v had tried .1 I'.ih idiii" vni"fv cilteil thu lii.'h mixed, i I r.ti Ir. Baldw%, of < 'niches- I ter. Tins -^rew fr mi S to 11 ft. high, had _'l rows of corn to the eir and Corn to the very end, and tin- 1 MVI-A reinain.-d ,'rei'ii t" the ,']"! n I wlieie th- other' wnulil be ,|ijite d:y t .v i or t'.iree ti-t hi^li. H dry . ii.e together in the silo they will mus'.. This vaiiit. would ripen for seed and _;ave uood sat- 1 v * wed it null the drill, all tlie spouts but two, sowing ten i|iiart i ( the acr". Tins quantity itavc t - il:s. \<i.oniisit was ii]> it wai hiriort-d. It WM afturWHrds cultivated and th"ii ho.vml. I.i filling tho silo two boys cut the corn in the corn ii C'lt in one inch stalks and leaves am mixed they full ill the silo. It costs about $i7 to iroduc- an a -re which would I'M!!' 17 ton. A -;!o mi^ht be fill- r'i-' as po-.sibli*, .mil r* Mured no ,-. .veii: . nii.-ii-lv round up the t .!. - - nt who hsd tr.ed ensilan*- npnlca very hiithly of ir, but would like' to have turnips alv>. At the eveniiii in -n.' M,\.r Hay >nd oci-iii I il.e ch IT, the band bi'ia in. and tuiiiisbi'd Hood inu ... I 'IK ehairmaii xaid he considered it an h > mi- to pr-.ti,),- a* i nn-etiiii/ of this kind. H almiiud the men who had the .mi ije to 'i'i into tin- i"ii'-.l aini hew out hi'inos for them.selvos and families. After s|i.>akiii'{ a shm-' ti n h < ciMed on D E S uith SuU| -et. "\V:iv Johnnie left th h 'in-steal.' 1 Mr. Smith said ;ir J "essim<al men's sons did not (oil '.\ * I'nir fathers' calliii'/s. a'iv more than farmers' sons. I'n PMMnM for son ch ioiiw other ralliiiKs thui tiller failii-i s v\a> thut I ev could sou more of the dark Hido of their fiilh ' . ami T eweil others fiDiu the liriabt side. Too many oi nnr bent wns leT tbo fa r m. but SiilUii oilKhl to leave it. The fnrlll Wnlllil be licit -r with th "in nft the'u. Une i-.iu-e for lei'.ini; tin! farm w e> that of cridinR nut A farmer was not able to give all bis SODS Continue 1 "ii !' *) Ayer's Hair Vigor IS Uio idoal" H.iir-dreslni stores the color to (H'n.v hi'.' a frosh and vlgoron grow ' < form m ( maker the npans a . it but la.sting pe Iinur. M| and i ' : ^ , . . lni;d. I t remedies, lint tliev illil no c ly bought bottli and, aft.-r IIHIM,' only ;i |-:'it of tcnta, my heavy growth of hair. I rwoiiiinuja viiir preparation a the he 'n (pa w.irld."-T. Mnnil.i... sl.arijul ,a;vc, Ky. I havo itso.1 A.V.T'.S irfFVlRor for ( nnmher of -ujlitt ^-'- " iven me satisfaction. JPis .n <ng. prevents jft hair frntrt i gray, lnures fc viauspn^ K"J 1:1, nuo keepa tho scalBdlt anil clean."- Mary A. JacksofirWllem, > "I have used Ayer's Hair Vic"r for promotitu 'ho growth of tln> 'niir. iind think it une.]im|pil. For nMtoriii!: th hair to its oriuinal color, and for adrnaa. iiill. d cannot be surpassed." Mrs. GO. La Fevur, Eaton Kupidss Mich. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is a niont cxMl- lent preparation tnr the li.i.r. I speak of it from my own experience. U> uo ami or is lau'lr'i" j. w. uwwen, Bdltor "Koqninl," \nhur.oido. "I have UBd A; Unir Vie r for th naattwo years, s. .1 found it ill it m representeil to be. It restr Uie natu- ral color to gray hair, cause* tlie hair to jrrow freely, and koeps K soft ami pllant."-M. M. V. Day, Cdioea, 3. Y. ' My father, at about the nffe of fifty, losl afl tlio hair b>t,n tl-.e topol his head. After enn month's trial nl .Iyer's Hair Vigor the hair IM-KIIH r.'uring. n.l, in thrna montha, he li.i.i a tiM croA-th ol balr of tbe natural" 1'. J- Cullon, Saratoga Springs, N. V. Iyer's DairTigor, promotos the growth of new b:i r make* it aloaay and soft. The \ also a cure for dandruff "^9- W. l)*we Dr. J. C. Afr & Co., lowrtl, Mm. T>ratilw uid PnfmnMt*. '