THE FLESH ERfON A D V A H C MS 1 i Ml, TltlUMINO, 110R8RHHOR1XO. WOOD WORK FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBER. LATH, 8HINOLKS' JOB WOBE. FOR VEHICLES 1CANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESH EHTON, ONT. fllCK'H LAND ItuI.I.Kl'.s tlOWKKS. BINIJKItS. 1'LOWS Our Waag*n* the Host. our BMRVU-M tin Our 4 mi. r i;., our I iii|>rvrd Harrow* thr HTBAW CL'TTEHS, BCUHFLDllS, TUKN1I' DRILLS, GANG PIX)W8 4EALT1I FOR ALL. UoIIoway's Pills and Ointment T HE PILLS Purity the lllnod, correct all l>lordn of I .1 v r. Htomacli, lv Kin' N - and I t.\\ <-i~.. Thayin<rigorati<an1rator to health I)MMtat<l Ton-tit utioin, and are Invaluable In com- |>laiutiiiui<luutal to Koiiialut of all agM. Kor Cliil.iivn ami ilm aK*dt)iey are |>riceleu THE OINTMKN T u Infallible riMiie IT for lta'lt*. Ra<l IlroatU. Old Wo'Jnda. Horen and Ulcer*. It ti fauioui for Oout and Kheuuiaviitui. rut diar<l*0 pi ill* CUt It lian uo u<|uat For SO til-: Til KG. 17, /HfOJVCltJTIS. COUGHS, COLD& Ulan JuUrSwulllnn. and all *>kln nincarin It ban no rival; and lor contract*! and ttifl j'unti it ac-tH like a charm. M uiufa.'t'lr.-.l.mly at I'rufmnor lll.l.< > Ft.tal>linlitl>nt, 7K, *>w Oxford StrM-t ( i.u :.::::. Oxford Sirrel ). London. and arould at li. 1J<1.,. M., 4 M . JU.. 22 , and xn. i-adi H..I <>r 1'ot. and maj be liad of all Me.' Icllir Vrudorn tliruiiKlii'iil tliu World. . 'lir LuM on lli> /W. <iml Hoses. nl Stri-i't, /.<. /(.,.. tit, ,i , -/ Pnrrh<trn thmtlil in "l AT iiour, mi I )i*Y*nowftnt my new promiwi flttt-1 u|> ftiul kin pnfkMVd tO do All bttWMM iO B] llii with nnatncHia an -I <le|ticli^U(I am tri tw*tt<-r j- L r i- -fi tliau ever l t irint to ttie wmiti "f in v < u"!iu- erp. AurowiiiK bunine nhuwrt a ^r WIIIK cun* flfletifr ..t \ n h.Mjtn and b<x* tuax1 at tho Mtabhahiii* ut "f N. B. We puarAteo satisfaction. CARD OF THANKS. Thf MiHliTriiwI denlrai to tbank the |Kxi|il l Klr.ln it<ni nil lurrouiidini; . unti \ r.r tin u vary libcinl |iatroiiafdurin|{ tlio year 1NUI. and aollciti a roialuuatlon nf thn tame. WtahliiK my patrona une and all a prnnpuioim year I remain . !-;. Hmith, v Slio< iniilf. r, Flfslicrloii. DON'T READ THIS. Tin; ni. i KKI.IAIILI: Sydeniiam Mutual l-'tre Insurance Co. IH yorf li. f , i ' i ' I'licap ii ! (lie in ul i litiapeHt, anil HH Hii(r> us Hi . .i!,-l 'Iti. uiilv puii-lv KKIIIXI- 1'i.u |nv ll. tin. |'it Ol I.M\ ,'..i.t IMI lli.i !.<! f.'i . i.iKli- -t lt> Polirj*. linn .'v.-i |>m I TheByraDbain : at iwi> ll in I th. actual valm nixi i \>u\t HIM f 1 1, i ii .mi .if tliu rikk. \V* A I>.\\\MV \uunt. \\ .I-..IN WANTED : fUl*?mii t > hutiillu our liiir-U linr-* of Nurs rjr Mto-k. 1 1 tut 1 1 u tlit f i > , - 1. IMtillil, ., ll"lli -.'Hit lin',. llulM- I'll -il;,^.-* It) 4 aiiM'l i uv.'i tli n t \ vi'iit * M" i ^ - <'iihr ,n,r< i .( i mi*: in. n if tin y fulluw our it. d i.. t u iii- ' oinpaii>, Oolborm SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! in Tjii'lfi -i^ut-.l )mn Htftrt'<l a n'W carriage Hifitfiiir) HM'I H>|iiiii'iiiK *hop in I lenlirtou, .tn t;- t v" ;i M i<.tiit done on vhort ( t nil 1 nil I ( >f i II <!'' 1 "i I JIM Trimming. ruiiiling. Impairing. ami rvrrvtliliiK in tli rarriitcn making liuu Ju mo a call. HatixlKi-tiini Kuii.rinti-.Kl Shop over McTavish'a Shop. Black- T. Hamilton. FUiUciton, Jau.2l, 1HU1, Sclontlfle Amcrloan Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MA K P COPYRIGHTS, etc. r Infonnatiim iui.1 tr um, (!!>..<>' n>tr IlINN & ' 0. . I 1 ->. i .<>. t bureau f'ir B<urma i ' ; patent taken ojr u ...r ubllo by a u.ituia ITITOD frv o^caarvi '' Oi* Scientific 'i lit l-ii t.-i nt* K: 4 'liaM- Rroftirr* N u. M i i>.i ii Steal Swears Drink By your n WD as from couii- A truth y /ry lk;/<j/ R. A. ]*KATTIE,tllC D. C. J'>T says about work. w ' House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, J'risco, Can- vas, and Glays Painting. All work GUARANTEED. Next Door to Baptist Church rlrnuUtlnn of ny ctentino papor In tha arid. hii-niii.llr Illwtraud. No inn>lit<<iit man liiiuiil l wliliuat U. WMkli, H.'i.UI) a r; II..-U li niuiilhi. A.Mr<*i Ml'N.N A CO, ui.InUMU, tt\ lin.lway. Now York. A Trip to China. MONDAY, Nov. 9. We saild out from Yokohama at 6 a in. I waa awake and 10 got up to take one more look at that wonderful city. It ia very beautiful to we tho lights along the fihore, and what made it IUOIT in tei-eetinx there were tlirm man of-war ships unchortil there, and tln-y were all lixhted up. We passed the great Fuji-Varna volcano this morning, and we passed otic yesterday. It in wonderful to see the smoke issuing out of the earth. I do praise Him for t.'i\ inij its tliis beautiful weather wl ile [Hissing through this intorusting part of the eastern world. We have wo niiicli to be thankful for. Kvery oue on sijip board is well, except one sailor who met with an accident, lie in uiucli bttler. We have been watch- ing the sunset which waa very In.. . and we saw a number of porpoises jumping up out of the water, ami une small whale. \Vi- hav had our lliinl meal and are on deck watching the moonlight on the water. It is tiiuu for our nut-ling, so 1 must go in Good night, dear ones. TUBSDAY.NOT. 10. We had a !jood meeting last evening. We had no particular leader ; tha Lord wai our leader. It was an open metting f'n prayer, the principal subject of all prttyrrs being for more Holy (iliusl power. It was a singular aay. In I the morning I read the 2nd chapltr of the Acts, and the Lord seemed to lay that Mibjcct on my heart very much. 1 noticiil at our noon prayer meet in,' U waa the one tiling most <lu*ired. \V< arrived iu Kobe this morning an. I -i;i\ed till in. on. I went ashore timl saw some of the strange sights of Japan. Ki>be has a population ol M nit til), OiKI. \Vi took a I mi,' walk ihto'itfh tlie ilrei ts and then c on Mif. Italian!, whu hibon.l for many y< nm in China. Mr. Kall.ud du-il a'shiirt tiiPH' :v;o, and sim-c thn' time ^ht lias had cliaro nf thu SIMI home, whioh is a heantit'nl piare, situati .! ii.i the side of onu of t!i<< tine niiiiuiluiiifi. The mountains art) bo putty. They have terraces made on tin- : i.l-.-s of tiiwm to cultivate rice, toa in id othiT prodnits. It waj nice to Hi-t our feel on land once more and .. i 1 the beautiful things that 'I'h.. Kindt-Mi remind one of what oirs look like in the month of July The ,i IMS here do all the teaming. I i.l nm se u oiiijilo auimal oxcopt a at. On r< turning to our fillip w ook a jinrikisha, which is a small riiitfv just large enough for no person. The man on in and thtn gets into the nd troU dH'. Wt rctiirnuil to mir hip rraily for our dinner. Tlie board ml ui-eoiiiuiodations of our ship me eiy fjooJ. Duriiig the aftt-rnoou we ia\i MM sailing through tin uUiuU f Ui sea. It is very beautiful. \\mi.sKHiMY Nov. 11. We arrlv.-.l n Naoitnaki at 2 p.m. \Vo '' ..Inn and hinl a lout; walk ll*>>ii'-:)i In- city, then we took a jinrikislut und >vut up to the temple. It was the iiitiiinal tempi 3, and while looking at M in hjwmg and goiii^,' tlini!i;li PMC!I > ii ii-maiifea. th thought aiu-.- to in . li) hhonldn't I go to China and itach those dear people about i . .lesiiri, when 1 have I" n IM!I -i i to know Hun who is* the i^ht of the world V Tlie :lioi. lie sha,>e of a horsc-ihoe, an. I tin- ci'y H around the ilgo of tl.e \..\' i. and i.u-l. of this a hoautiful nin^u of iiumitnins \\itli their ti;n.u-i * 1 .iii^ed to climb one of them, t'n f >ii ij;) is !) pretty. \Ve ie(nrnd to " ir ship tired of tin strange si^liis. They n.ixi- Miini- animals heir that look liku mi horses and cows. The >IH , veiy narrow hut clean. The In. are low and roofed with thick tiles. 8omo of the women and children are quite pretty. TIM-BSDAV Nov. 12. We sailed from Nugasaki this mom ing at 2. We are now tailing on the Yellow N-i out of M,jlil of land. When we wake up to -iHorr'iw morning we shall be in sight of China Wo had a very piecious meeting to-night. It was a testimony meeting FUIDAV, Nov. 138 a.m. I have looked for the first time on the land of China. "Delight thyself also iu the Loid, and he shall give thee the desinr (if thin' hedit. H. first puts the ilf*irc into our heart and men permits as to sec- them fulfilled. 11' am Ancliored, and have cmburked into a coasting boat which will take us into the harbor. 12 :u. Lauded at Shanghai ; thu frioniU are here to meet us - JIM.- Muc nrriVfd at the llo-ui! and had a good dinner, and .-ttk- 1 i.i a nice room to ti,,i!i writing. Tlio bird* are singing in thu truth n Tliu ll iwtrs are s: i and nice. All the windows a"d doors are open. 1 can truly say with D d "iYttise tli i Lord, O uiy soul, aud for- get n jt all his bem. tits" Boar for Service. Well h .-Mt I,, i ,..i t ^ uaj h I: . Ai dcoSIM liih. for hcrvi--.. ^i>l l.v iurlt tix-k.nii Int I.' W T it JOHN \V. si IN-.ON Proprietor I. ll . .11. ii . i C A U T I N E4CH I'l.lU OF THE MHTLE NAVY 1H Sit I.I- M. T,&B. IN HHOWI LETTERH. NONEOTHEHGENUINE Our Cam Cvrrttpot. /<><. Thf r is a great deal of sickness in tiii-i vicinity ut luvss'ut. Mr. THUS. Hiiichiiijon. wliO i"" been in i-i iti. -:il t'onditiiiu f.'uu a iek of c in-'estioti ol the Iiiiv-Ji'.is iu>w considered out ofdaOtftT. I >r. (ireeiilaw was Hit- physician iu at- t> n I nice. Miss lleit) NicLolU w yet sick, but much impiuved. Mr. -Mm K'lddiek's youngest i-hil.l died on Wednesday last t >M m'arlet fever . l-' took id He'.;, 1 >-y "ii Tliurs- uuy i <m Lens w*y, nr M is improving rerjr fut. Bb< IMI iin.o her long siekne-.* with cliiis'ian fortitude. A! i - ' In sutVering from mi attack nf cry r 1 1 Mr. Jolin AXUC-V ai- 1 >!!, of Allis- tou, are Siting tluir numerous l'n. i'd-> IM tin- locality. Mr \Vin. dialiam i.s busily engaged (ii.-puriiig tli material for ins new house. Miss Maml \nnctrong is gone to Owen Sound for a time. Mr. Samuel Waikley :mJ family are goiu^ to the N. W. T. to ti-y their U e wiuli them all success Mr Y..\ h. Ha'nes is also going to tin- N. \V. T. shortly. C'liitf Iti'il Skin is o;i tho warpath ! He lins uuintlmlk'd hi.s braves at lil ISKlllOll. MrJ.isi.tli Ko.xclwroiif'h returned to tlio't'i Medical school ou Mou- tiny la-it. Mr. Siii:i Knscborough is gone to 'i.\ n S >und to attend tho Collfgiate lustuuu. IThn Pahy wa lck, w gar her Oaatorla. Whn tlm waa a ObiM. al>e erl*l for I'aMorta. Whi iiii hrtAin. Ml4. >h e!uni{ to CaxUvl*. If h Notice. In Position -FOR- AND Position is Everything. Ci Al^I^Klt V Is fully cijuippcTl with re- quisites for turning out v per- fect class of work. All kinds .;'" j.iotures taken anil finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. IMrtnre rraeaii done in all its branches. ! : \ i h.ive Bboppivg to do and pictures to j^ol taken on UK- saline day please nttend to the latter first. Careful at- trntion will be iven to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Ilivinii i-i-'iu-.l tli Htaai. mill, iniowii i rilll. 1 Mil! !", (MM- t (.< .!( All ,i loft wood ftuu ! 50 foi . HOJI U^M,.."m, . la IV O. . \ .| ,in. i; ..f .Iry l.n.i'.ui- (o. Hi, JLI. II. To owners of horses and The public in gcueral. HALT I'eforc ejoiiiR furtlier and examine the lu^o stock of hone K .[uisr.i -i kept in stock by thu Itf 4^ TJC C E I To young men drsn i i < : i 1. arn the art of scient tic cutti'i^' I hav>' decided . a t niyht school for tliiit par- iios'.', to com nonce oti the lirsL day of Jniu:;iry, lasting through tlio winter moutl.j. 1 will guaninti'c to learn any smart young man in from ono to two months the art .if inning. so that lie will be able to command from 30 to '." il /liars a week Bahtry m any city in Canada or 1'iiitfd States. Now. I'uniu r's sons, everybody, don'l this Bplondid chance. You will \-\\ in the city $100 and $.jO for board wink- learning to cut. I will inako the price in reach of every y<>m>x man. My syxtuui of garment i the only cDinplcto system nt .1 u inrAsui Min'iit ever |>r.>cluofil wliere c\i'iy uieasun- taken um bn |>|iUd to tlio .haft. A" t" my tidility ail emi- nent scinntitic cutter I .in nivj toHti- .in fmiii oniu .if tin- li'a.hi"^ inou in ('.in. i la and I'luti-il Srni,..<, liuvin^ nerved ;il"i _' term at tlui t.-nl nn.' in Kngland, in .ill lliir'.een yuaro, liani.K i.ikun my uiiiliima aa a cutter in l..>inl.'ii, Kn^land, 7 \ :.i-* a>!<'. 1 will ilely any cutter iu . i.. ,-.,ir.;iute. S|.ivil term* with T.ulora that have Hy-Htviii8 that don't IT '*e iticceiwful. All intuiulinij lu taku ii.lviiiita^e of (iiM HjiK-n.Ji.l i-liaiK-o would il> i well tu come early or DorrMpOAd by mail. us I will only take a limited number of i'.i|'il. A'UlrcHi .ill ',, i.i-i , to I'"". A. Unli.-i-, Tailor, .'1.', Kle*horton. SAW LOGS WANTED! a Flesberton Station Steam Saw & Shinto Mills. Hi 'i pun |I;IH.M! tl, :iK .vo mills from J. E. .\' ..i , I will take po- ini, nil i>r :t' it thu Km \ Mill Yon and mo, we make the boss Harness U a very iva>"ii;ili!o fi;;im-. (lied workinaiuhip, and no apprentices allowed to i \[" riiui. at on work wu put out. There can be no con- That our stock of Btiiidriea ia complete, sistinir ,,f sl,-i B h belU, whips, trunks, v axle greaso, curry combs, and everything conceivable which ho require, (.'ull and examine and be eonviucud. D. CLAYTON, FLESHEIBTON. FOR I\V JVi\TITY Or M.M'LK IK. H, CHERRY, KLM, TAMARACK, SPRUCE, BALSAM, HKMI.iH'K, UASUOC.]), i R. R. TlKS. SHINOLE BOLTS, Special attention given to custom w.nk. Itill Stuffs out t.i order on kliorl notice, ily fair ilealint; and prompt at- tentiuii tu buHineM 1 li.-) e to merit a >haire of the mirrounding patronage II. 1 '. I .'Ullt O