Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1892, p. 2

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\EBIAL NAVIGATION. Ii the Problem Approaching Solution? -LK4 1 K TK KLVK KTHKK. [Mr. Walker, lh editor of the < 'osrnopol ltn MKi/ii'e, ha. taken up the subject of Aerial Navigation and ha. been for tom month* in communication with the most noted scieutinti of lh <Uy regarding that suliject. under whoso direction a number of HiijHirtant eiprrimenti will lie made. Mr. Walker presents below a brief review of the present condition of the science. J War. which has been the mother of many inventions, aave an impetus to the atudy of movement through the air. "Ne iniul get out of l'*ris,"sail the I'ariaian envoy*; but how, with a Krupp ritle commanding every appro*. I,' A balloon served the purpose. At the close of the Franco- Prussian War the French government gave the sanction to ex perimenta liy engineer officer* which .hutild nave been given years before. In conve frozen ui f -v>r the schoolboy who aends by force of arm a thin piece of slate sailing high in the air. Ill" aeronaut* may b* termed the old school, while the more modern school, em- bracing noted scientists, attacks the subject radically and clam, that the matter ha. re- solved itaelf into a i)iioi>tioii of motors. The well known inventor, Mr. Maxim, belongs in this school, and it is announced that he ha* succeeded in perfecting an H>*> horse power engine of weight so dupropoi tionate lo it* power that it u hardly worth calcula- ting, and which may lie safely used to opsr It i* ate an aeroplane. probable that the first experiment we make will ! in thin line of combining the salient feature* of the school. Practical aeronaut, have not been' the moat sanguine in regard to the future of the balloon to lie driven through the nir by power. They have been accustomed to the voluminous gas bags required for any con tinned travel in the air the expenditure of gas m order to descend, the expenditure of ballast in order to ascend, requiring a lifting power vastly greater than would be needed were the gas preserved in a metallic envelope ee quence partly of the impetus given by the am , e | e . tion or war. and partly by the development made m Kftm r ar t , ^ a ^ mn .. electric mot n. ample me.,,, were confided | ro|11)(|( .j b . llt . lwork of cordl generating to Meesr*. KreU and Keynard to push ex- push periment. in this line. The result of their work wa* an elongated ga* bag with car, to which wa* attached a two bladed propeller driven by sn electric motor. Out of seven trips made by La France the name given to their balloon in five they au .'cemle.1 in re- turning to the point of their beginning. I'rogres* was made in the direction of light ness of motor in the conl ruction of elongat- ed gas holders and the efficiency of propeller blades, but the experiments did not involve any radical or novel departure. In fact, La France involved no more than the fulfilment of plani .ubmitted to the French govern- ment sixteen year* before by an American. Three men have done much toward the consideration of I In* subject in this country. T .f first, Mr. Kdinund Clarence Steilmsu, pott and author, at the risk of being deno- minated a crank of a high order, did not hesitate to publish in the Century Magazine, in the year U7 U , a delightful article out- lining the possibilities, suggesting not a few point* that weru practical in character, al- though be did not pretend to attack the suliject a* a scientific .11*11, and calling at- tention to thecuriuns phenomena presented, that while thu particular invention outvied in importance all other mechanical subjects it had been confine 1 friction, swaying with every puff of wind and completely at the mercy of the most trilling current* of air, it is no wonder that experience haa caused them to doubt th* feasibility of a con.1 ruction which maybe driven in the teeth of a gale. Rut the ex- lerimcntaof the French engineer, demon- strated that a spindle shaped object is cap- able of being projected in the teeth of a moderate breeze and that the overcoming of a heavy gale i* only a question of motive power. TIIK Bill'KlMiS- TfBE. In (peaking of hi* invention M. Tronve ay* " Attention is called to the extensive cooling of the surface of the Hourdou tube, and the direct contact with the air, which will be clover as the velocity is greater, and will keep it at a moderate temperature Yet there will be little danger of it* getting h oted, for the simplicity of the mechanism, the absence of all rotary or .tiding part, for trans, masion. saves la** by friction and doe* away with the necessity for lubricant*. " X. Trouve believe* that the .< mlun.-d ad- vantage* of the geiierator-motor-propeller render it the lighted aviator that it it poa- r'.iile to construct. It possesses, hs believes, every warrant of esaential pocr and ~J> '. return. IOUIM < o - i ui i- i n: noi si. 1. IM I K UHIt III MIX. II.. ...li.i ..,l.1 * Miner fader tireaad wllk :** Black idler* ! .nr.l Th.ni. Morocco ha* a famous treasure house which, although not so important a* it wa* v ^^ ___ __^ once, still contains a larye part of the Sul at'Fort Spruce, and "in tan's accumulations from the heavy taxes! t, n .Uv.p n ff.,* r ... ,,!. imposed on his people. There are at pre- sent three sul>- treasuries where a consider- able part of the country'* revenue U kept. Thu chief Expository, however, and tho only one which i* well kno.n, i* at Mikna*. on the road between Fez and the city of Mo- rocco. In the course of time an immense amount guarded receptacle. The treasure i. in the Mae* b*rlnr ! Ike Backlet Mew Ike Hon Bird follre Kill Mis; tame. An officer of the force writes: "For three, years our detachment was stationed pany with a brother officer, an ardent aud accom sportsman, I spent a great deal of the mountains. The winter huntiugwsa alwaji beat after a fresh fall of mow. The old trail* made by the animals were partly filled up and the new traili could be followed easily. Still, this advantage was about balanced by the alwence of foliage, and the consequent great distance at which the hunter became <ft v "" hle *'*" toe g'litening white surface of ___ torn, of gold and silver, a good deal of it j the'sno'wTt up^e'rece^l. coined and a great deal in the form of bar woo( ,, am , W( | , lad , o uke this rough-and-ready method to fst home- quickly. .Sometime* hauling, sometimes sliding, we at laat arrived at camp where tie deer were i.'uig up to lodge-pole*. Then supper ata an early bed. rv.pl.- Maele ! <U all Herts .r Iklnc- - Wrr. ft*** Wklle SJ> P loll/r.l. Hypnotism, of the practical advantage* of which we do not hear so much as former- ly, is nude the subject of an able critical article in the Nineteenth < 'entury by Dr. Ernest Hart. The paper U mainly devoted to askarp discrimination between perfectly recognized natural phenomena and the non- sense aud humbug which have grown up about them. ' well known. hypnotism It is well known that through can be put to to sleep. Th all sort* of thing* of th* thickest _ i -....., ..... nv ...... v<* take the utmost care I to avoid beiug discovered by the game. Then I hypnotic suggestion Morocco is not a very expensive (.overn I too> wnen the thlkw ^ froft a i Mratjted t h e j sleep or can put ment to carry on, although the people are | TOOW . crusM became thick and the sound can be made to do burdened with heavy taxe*. The Sultan. ,. b Diking through could be heard which thev are unconsciou. and which "they outgo is chiefly for the expense* of his , dutances. Kven with inowihoe* this ' cannot help doing. But they caanot read court, for the payment of bis pen.lon roll, | Cau4ed the , of mMly a promUin _ chance i with lheir ey ,, n<Jll g ed or ' give the oum . '. , l " Ket wltNI " " n "t of gnie we had followed I beron a bank note which they do not see. for hours, and sometimes it sent u* to bed ' These pretension* have been put to the test lupperleu. , time and time again, always with the re l'be hunting ground decided, our first i suit of (bowing them to be humbug. In .. ._ _.i - ..__:..!. .L. iwv .i._ j-rench Academy appointed which amount* to a considerable sum theological schools, for the entertainment of his guest*, and for his army, which, how ever, is not a heavy drain on the treasury The officer, of the State coat the Govern ment comparatively little, for they are ex care was to find secure spot to pitch the tent The thermometer often fell to 4O de- grees and 50 degree* below zero, and a shel- tered place near would and water, wa* a necessity. The very best (belter wa* in thicket! of " lodge-pole " pine*, so called ' 3,00uf. was next offered to anybody who commission to investigate the claims of blindfold subject* to read without us- ing their eyes, and the pretensions of all of them were disproved. A prize of pected, in their own provinces, to bleed the people for their personal advantage, and they live right up to their privilege*. Very little iseipended for street*, roads, bridges, prisons and other thing* which cost* most 0^,,.. tb e Indian* 'use them at pole, for I could read without the use of the eye., and government, a great deal of money. The tbeir .. lod ,. or tmit . th ^ cloi< ^ , ix ^frfa^ who .p,*.^ to claim .Sultan hoards a large part of the sums he together that it is of ten impoasible to squeeze it all failed. In 1*40 the Academy decide-l r.-.'Ait-asi fr-<t in f*tv*>*i t f\ mill tit htm TY^*-*&itns>] . .s j- *_**** .. . . * receives from taxes to add to bis personal between them. Crowing tall and free from that there wa. no such thing as animal . fortune and to pay the expenses of war, bran C i, M , ,! on i y t wo or three inches in | magnetism and refuseJ to respond to any should he be so unlucky u to become in- , ammeter, a sufficient space could be easily ' more communications on the subject. volvrd in trouble with his European fnenda. Our hed( were made of the frag- I Some thirty year* ago Sir James Simpson . The debt he owe* Spam on account of the nnt enda of me and Umarma bough*, cov- l offered a five- hundred pound note to any unpleasantness between that country and | ere ,| with bu(U | o , wd blanket*. Then ! one wb< . . _ ... _.._. ...... _ ______ ._ ___ who could read the nomber on it, and his own years ago is not paid yet, although j tne Sib , gtove llghud| we could def T Wlud the DoU WM never ^m*!. Mr. Labou- the sum is being diminumed rapidly, as . ^ weather. ' chere's expenment with the thought-reader Spam takes one half Ai ^^ u lt wu i iRnt m the morn i ng we I Bishop, is of ver>- recent memory. cooke.l our brvakfaat and were off. | The t-xplan.vtions of the phenomena a* Our hunting suit* consisted of heavy under- j doe to electri. ity and magnetism have a long dutic* collected at Moroccan ports. Nobody know* how great the (um of money is that i* held in the tre-Mure boxes we(lr "prairie broadcbth" (canvas) coat ! hutory. Mosmer, at the time when he was He aavtf in concluBioti of the He iv ii*Mi ijsrru i" 'i. mi*- i in 111 _UUHIT-I M-II in . , / i ,, , the past almoit exclusively to dreamers and ;r,nt,on of hi* machine :-" \Ve .hall be unscientific men. That where** million! 8 1 ** 1 lf * have .ucceeded lu conveying to of dollar* bad been forthoornmg for tbe de- ' J"' readers the fitith we hive in the possr v.lopment of almost every machine that ! *>''"* and th r realization of practical promise,! usefulness to the numai. race the "*.'({> ' 'he air. aerial (hip alone had been refused funds suttici.nl to try even the most simple ei- perimenta. Mr. Mtedman, since the writ- ing of hi* article, ha* been a close student, and is violating no confidence to say that rival the va.tna* of the panorama seen from h* is to-day one of the firmest Mievcr. in " ' r ih 'P- Al *" "I'vation of two miles an early aolulion of the pro Idem. w * have the running of many stream*, of cascade* MUMBI over riM'ks, the sighiuu ol TO I'll I I'.lt \TK IIV r.iNTRA.sT. Another literary man, Mr. Lorettu. Met No ingenious combination of words can convey an adequate idea of a day spent in the basket of a balloon. No view that re- wards the climber of the Alpine peaks can the nale through the forest*, the roar of breaker* upon a far away shore ; the tinkl green ! village home*. calf, for many yearn the editor of the Korum, ing of Mis ; drifting above a (livery *ea of tak*sa*trong inteiest in all mattters per- i clouds we see through the rifts pictures of taining to aerial transit, audit i* at his ' rivers and green fields and the white dot* of (uggettion that the subject ha* In-' n taken actively in hand by tbe Cosmopolitan Magazine. Mr. Metcalf would like to Me the setting forth of an American aerial ship on the Mth of August, Is'r-J, for the shores of .Spain, four hundred yearn after tho sail inn of Columbus in search of the New World. While the most sanguine may not hope for nch a probability, ye*, the idea is one that * ON TPI HI V* - PrmlUr ii rlilr. f a Helar ill. i I* '< Vlilble Astronomer* aie intensely interested just id just develop- B, take* a strong hold of the imaginative mind ' *" a* the moet filling celebration of Ihu four "'" ln the R reat " !"< hundredth anniversary. ' ' "" the CMtcr " llml ? ' 'I" 5 illn - '!? After M, .-Stedman, the man who came mean, of a piece of .moked glaa* anybody next to advance the , oiii.l,-,ati,,n of lh i. . rnsy obaerve this great chasm on the sun's nnpiirtant subject, was IVofe,.,r I'. S. fs.v, and it will Woll repay obeervation. A Labgley. at the head of the Smithsonian In ! warning must b* given however, against mtute. Standing as thi, foremost repre the me v pen. -need use of an opera gloss m entalive of scientific pursuit* in thin c.-un tl "" '.'"'ctnm. the concentration of the try, I'rofeowr Ungley ha. not he.iuted * powerful rays is sullic:ent to crack the to toy pla.nly and uu,inv,,eally !* r burn iheeye. that the subject comes properly Sun S,K,U w.ll proUbl, be much talked of under I he domain of science ; that ,t is tin. ye.jr .( .. |M,t p,-n,Kl now appr.ch- worthy the attention of the ablest engineers ' "'If' ' 1 1 -'""nit a maximum the sun . surface and inventors, timl that he U'lieve. it to I* " ** ev r free fr..m them N,m.-t,,.,,. in a fair way to an early ...Inlion. II,- h.s ln liv fort >" or fift > Wl11 " v " ll> ! . Rl liuwle nunieroimev|ii'riineuls which have de- mount rate.) the ensi' with wltn h a plane may be driven ihrnuxh theair with e imperative ly slight expenditure of power, and he has sin i-'.le.l. it is laitl, i* protlucing a motoi which eonibims greal energy with marvel- li.us ligbtnets. M. i MAM ri'- si < f Morrocco, but it is suppoead to be enor ; and tmujer,, mO cca*ins or rubber boot, un- j th wonder of Pri* and his room* were mou*. Morrocco ha* a population of about der which was worn aeveral pair* of stockingi filled with revalue, and ladies of fashion, 8,000,000 people, aud although most of then a fl nne l ,hirt, and a close-fitting cap that had two Urge, highly complicated tube* fill- are very poor, th* tax gatherer* contrive to icou | d be pu ll d down over moet of the bead ed with the supposed electric fluid, which luee/e a good deal of money out of them. case of a blizzard. Bot uch was the vio were connected by wire* with handle* M iknas has been the royal treasury for Kmi* l en t exertion of thoae mountain climb* the which his subject* held. But no electricity centuries. The treasury building is a *bort c^p wa . iever woru unUil we had to face a wa* ever found in the tuba*. Manner pre- distance ouUide of the i ity. It. stone walls *u,rm ; it wa* habitually carried slung to the ' (ently Uft France with $80.000 which he a. > very high and thick. To get inside belt and an otuinary white handkerchief had mule with his cure*. The fashion and these wall, one ha* to pass through tnree wa , tled aroun j tne | iea j. Our appearance ! the faith died away, and there were no more great iron doors. If t L h ' eve .^ u . ld k .8^ 4 > with thi* head gear, and our face* well care*. The wriur tells us that he ha* him- hi* in- electricity bad the moat - - - eesing, but the comfort was unspeakable, delicite electrical instrument* failed to show abundantly supplied with lock*, which u lei *<, ^t,., living ^.np t h coats would I that there were any difference, either in hi* into the stone flooring, and leads to an | o |i ow t h caps and be slung to the belt, or ' own electrical condition or that of his ub- un.lergrouud apartment, where the traaaure tn . !<,_ ltrong rop, that each, carried jects. He satisfied himself also that the is kept in a large mom called tne treasure around ibe waist or over the shoulder. ' will had nothing to do with it. The patient chamber. The building is guarded con- On cold night* the deer leave the lake any treasure away, but to add to the the ng it is easy On this particular hunt my friend and I did what he thought the operator wa. will- really did edthe he did .1 u >,.., , _.!. *- fn coin iiikTiim me ueer leave me moun- stantly by a*, negro .Uves. who are a part , mm ^ dOj aod , )ot wh . t . . of he Sultan . army and are never perm.t- ihelur jn ^ bruh ^ ^^ ^^ , wil , hlm ^ do- j f lhc , ent Wi . U Tn: Z^OKSSk only once a ' l ' '"~ k ' ^ "" Vh'""^ V" %"'* H.w .^ly rtTo year. At that time the Sultan either come* m y U "7^ n< |' lu 1 '"wl't? in nemoii or Mnd. one of hi. most t runted " otb^a,. ^w-. <*,. .. - . -:K"^:^^Z early and as they The writer mentions the caae of a young approach unseen. lady staying in a country house in which he " " was. Sh* had a bad cough and could noi sleep. He thought it a good opportunity tor a control experiment and tether down on an old deer trail well i.-ten in tSe deep! 'wfore a lighted candle, having told her (now. Kxpecting to nnda fre*h trail any >ht h* had mesmerize.) it. The cough minute we put on our snow-shoes and a* it ccaaed and the young lady went to sliep soon were, walking along the first plateau ell beat taxes a sufficient sum tr meet all the ex- pense* of hi* court and government. A* a rule, therefore, unless the Sultan ha* had an unusually unpleasant time with the Her- ben, who are in icbellion often, and deter- mined, apparently, to make the Sultan'* life a burden to htm, the accumulation* in the , trea.uiy are not diminished | ,. fc djgUnt ohj , Qn , fc gid ; ; ^^nVent to sleep and had to be led from The .ub-treasunee. which have exi.ted ^ m]/e gulch ^ JJJ ^ , inei of im |be uh , fc N<ltwll s uUlailmg the d- to the contrary, she re-naiii"! was a little late turned offup the side of the ., lnfficient , and did not wake till noon of the next day. Sh* sat opposite him at dinner aad still Iw- lieving that he wished to mesmeri/e her. vythm ll,ev,u,l few year, only are at Fe* m eandring trail,, le*l,ng from on. a**uranee. the city of Morocco, and ui the oaais of .^Lrfl -sjsTnd to another. The nex', convinced that he meant to me*merize her .ument w.- dncovere.1 tlist three deer were and wa* *o const \ntly drow*y that she wa* The third name to whn-li America will !M> indelilnl, if this n:atter ever reaches a sue- onasfiil oinclinioii, m Mr. It.tive Ch.inut.-, urendi-nt nl tin- AIM.M 111 Institute of Civil r.iiKnii i i - He hn. not only slmlifd . I-..- ly, lint has writlen, wiili . nnii.lrnri- as to the fiiliin-, a iiunilir of articles cali'iilated to excito interest in the nuliject and induce UM li-i iMnn liy the invenliM, nun. I. Very curioiml/, in reading one of Mr. Chin- te's pamphlets, wiittsnin IM!"I, nd win. h only iame t the iMitn-p nf the witter nfter while at a minimum not one will lie s- en tor weeks. The spot period is about i'|i". eu years. The last maximum wa* in I -v. M,' bin il wa* a year behind lime. It ha* been establishml that there is a tie- i nle.l cumin-lion U'tweeit thvee violent dm turlwiice* on the sun mid so culled in t^nclie slorms on earth mi.-h mwiifesliilions, for example, as the gor^cou* .iinor* Itorealis. i in, in luding a part of his revenue lu ii."-"rt of Sah ua. isproviding, undoubtedly, for the possibilily that he may l eoni|'lled to leave bin throne and seek safely in flight I some day. He propoae., if t Lot -inbappy event o-.-ciirs, to hat u money enough for a rainy day in a region that i* not acces.ible easily. It i. (aid that the treasure is kept in the oasis is very much larger than the .iin nint deposited m the other sub treasur- ies, and that the Sultan has liecn consider- Sun spot* are vn ' e.niiies on lhe |.'i.it.. Sfihere of the mm, and it is us yet um-crlitm whether they are caused by or are I In nans* of eruptions un tli.u in tensely -heated lumiii ary. They are usually found in two /ones extending front .' to 40 of latitude north and south of the nun's e.|tiator, and ilevelop rapidly, lasting leit i eomparative!y short lime from a few ditys Ui a month or two. One spot was known lo have lasted for over fifteen in.'iitli', hut that w;ia an ex.-. ;iti>.it. . - I hey aie usually iiuile irregular in shnpe, th. pr-^ramme of t he ro.mo,H,litai, ha.1 U-en ; am| ^ ,,,,.,./, ' two ^ _.,,.- a,.,,,,,,,,.. -il.hfre is foun.lyu^e.tion which, (lm , (>r {l ^, k ,.,.. ;. ,, Udar r<uni i. le almost iilenlically with Ihe plan .( i.rMiln.n ailo|it4-d liy Un- i ..inii.|.oliln. " Siicceiw miKhl l>e mucli baslened," siig gest Mr. I haniite. " by an aswictatioit of eareher* in this In-ld of inquiry, fur no nne man is likely Ui lie mmultaiieomilv an inven- tor, lo imagmr new shapes and new motors, a mechanical engineer, to design the ar raiiKrnient of the apparatus, a mitlhemali- cian, to calculate it* strength aud stresses, a practical ntei ham c, lo . unstiu. t th.< parts, anil s vyn.lieate of capitalist*, lo furnish the ii. ' I-. I funds. It i* piulutlilr the working out of a romplei in vent nm requires so gieal - I Tatilale'i, south of the Atlas Mountains, among the Filali people. The shrewd Sul ;j ))>V(M1(|] f,,!,;., they had seen us wewould sent back to London. "This mesmerized candle be able to head them off and get a shot at wa* very like the tree which Mesmer me*- them. merized in Paris and about which people, Retracing our stops until we reached the joining hands and looking intently at the fiilcri adjoining this we silently iinw-hoed tree, would go to sleep. The explanaticn rapidly p it. After ascending a half mile of hypnotism is to be found in the nature of we crossed back and approached carefully, the orain and nerves. The brin is compos- looked about for out game, but no Jeer was ed internally of nerve mawes, which are to be wen. - .'ted with the involuntary action* of f.iiuinuii'K on upwanl we reached an ' the body, and on the uuUide of that gray ovcrhantnm cliff when we anw our 'hree matter in winch the will and the "a deer emerging from the mime culch we had directing power reeule. At the hue inn seriously lhe advisabilily of c*n, > K ff . rafm |lv toilod up ,n order to hea.1 Ihe-u of the bram i, a circle of arterie. which ^^^^^tol^V.BB^tol^L^rBnH^SmtogflHtBl^v^imdont M.,.,1 veMel* through all natural sleep the part* of the brain, a* we nui they were pursuinitacourse '.hat soon know from observing the brains of animal* power it is tkely that one of th- t .t enter- w(mM ^ ^ w|thn ; Moy ,, lu . h .,, u<n nmov ^ )<Mft iu u , luk , prise, would 1 to get p..essmn .,f he 4 ^^ (ronl thtf , ,, h /,. hff Ve mad. ' pink color ami ^-n,e* almost bloodies*. r ourselves comfortable and waited for them. This is due to the contraction of the blood When they got close wo took positions teasels of the brain. The same contraction where we could s e. but not he *een, settled ', takes place when the upper part of th* brain. lo whom the first shot belonged, opened which is tbe home of lhe will, is under the fire, and were fortuuate enough to gel them influence of hypnotic suggeation. As sleep all. | may he induced so may the hypnotic stale Then came lhe prosaic part of hunting be induce.!. Th* writer has little to lay 1 ni;e name hulchci IU K - it. My companion upon the subject of tho value of hypnotism and I had reduced thi to a science. \Ve 1 in practical medicine, conleiiuu^ i ways huiiled together, for (he localities we with a statement of the natural facts aud of '"'I". off. For some reai,,, they had rroad over, -nd out M.od Uttalet. M,kn.,i.onther.d olhe.ity ,,,.,, i, wurrly f ;,,, owe d up in ou r .rta of the brain. .,, Morocco, and should the > Sultan be in foo outer and upper p M,h.,l ,,, w.r "h an invailui, Kuio,^.,, .Vey were pur.u.nK.cour^ that x,n know from oUservi, and a varisty of tah'itt tbat progress has been so low. " My ho|M- m lltri mutter lie* directly in these linen. Already the auistanei. of nhle men him liren proiiiiM'd lirauis ftiruisbmg all the M-.|in.ii, i fin a proper solution of A problrnt wliic.i ID, nfii-i nil, entirely t.itlmi tin. In,. tin of icniili. i>. i-<ini|ilinhi,ient, ,.' we lake the. wnid of tliose. who h>vi. a right tu n|iriik. I'lir work of the ( will lie to assimilate the plans of the various inventors and HIV- prsrliral form to those beat i-aluUti d lo serve the purposes of serial transit. TIIK mtMRNTDiSlilTlllSX. The oouililniiii of aerial m-ien.i' for so we may trim n may In' divided roughly in- to two divi....n, hrsl, tbu work of ,h aeronaut*, win. Ii involves tin- biinyanl forms of gas f >r it* o|M'. .1 1. in. second, il.. I-.JH n mints of thoae who hope to il,ir il,i..n x l, the air plaue* whicb will ,l.-|.. n.l for their nppori up. 'ii lhe |nit, iple. known to ilir *kl'r who travel* with rapidity ovrt it thin Wlt |, ,. lK ,ler ga... tly abnorli light ; and the ,,,, vapor, cause till.' I which i uiiMi|iienlly fringing gray jienuiiilira. consisting of long, featheiv lilatneuts leacluni; inward the mid- dle of lite nnihra, and usually very lovely in form. The diameter of an umbra varies fun, i .Mm to 1. 1 IK, null-, iu a small spot to trrinrmloiia rents of . r >'l. mil ,,r ID.IM, n.il.s in a large one, int.. wlneli our Intl.- earth mi^lit In' dropped many l mi -s w itlinui mak ing an Mnpif->nni on die jieniiiiihra. r. .. i . - - I.. Krleare. The long -lakrd of nttli. .iin-t, of lhe force of n. r. in wiives has Ix-en niu'crssfiillv put m ptai'tiri- on I Mr i ui,-.! of Krauc', where this power in lined to lift heavy blocks of granite. It his In'i'ii found that by the use of the sand bla*t the lettering on loinb.lons . .in beat urnatly reduce I cost, with no ficeof lietttify in the rewurt. A Frenchman named M.HKMII liai ed in isolating Hum me KIM. Its allinity for other nul.nl iittren has heretofore rend.ri'd this extremely dillu-ull. Mi. Italy of tin Colombo Museum has discovered that .- u Imh/i d oil is one of the IM-I preservative* of the color* of fish .in. I other animal )< inn UK. Klrctric pnh buttons, using dry ltterieii are in nuccosaful iipcrnliou on the cable road in Sn Mirgo. U has been discovered that colors when PIUMIIII! through a prism can I..- matle to pro dtice sound. treasure slaves who f.iard Ihe house are calleil the black gti.ird. A great many fables and ru 11 .ill ui tin* treasure house have been n-< onled. but the foregoing facts arr unex RL-Kei.kted. .aid v.-ry little, more known, .11 lu.illy about the treasure. A i .. n, .11.- MiursM la .. ..i .n ' Tin- Cenni%ii Kinpei or m for lite first tun* most fre.|tiente.l were ru^g.-.l an.l danger- the sharp dislinctiom between these fact* ( fronted by the united opposition of the oils. e.pe. -tally so in winter. One of our and the delusions which ifiiaok* have mixed many parlianien.ary parties included by the brother oHicers had lost It in life fro/en to up with them. He mentions, however, one lc.rm Lilierals. The strong front np|>.i<d death while hunting, and wo found a de- instance of the practical employment ot this lo the lull f.>t the introduction of sectarian cnle.l comfort m IKMIII; together when dan- 1 aen.-y whicliisinterr.ting. Horsesare under- t. 'Hilling into the schinils is cM.lettc" lliat ' ger came upon us. s u olten did ; besides ] *tood to be ve-y nb|e.-t t.i hypnoti atioii.the tin- l.ilieral puly ,* learning ita n^ngth, I it lighteneil our work. mrthml lieim; to auiid in lro:tl of ihcm so and limla that U can cope even wtlh favorite ' \Ve always luilcht-red our game, and in that they have to I. ok atone fixedly. The selieiues of the Kmperor. Thia ui.i.l.ni wintei dialed it into camp, sometimes pr.ictuc was tntnvluced into th* Austrian p.iima lo a neiir future when the |..,'plc vll live inilea In hiitcheriii we took the UplH army liy a -ax.ilry othvcr named R\la**a, .i.-eii tlieir p.ier, and, lhat.nieele.ii-iit.il rojws that we carue.l and swung the deer and hence i c-\lle.l " lU'.asstren." It has mil not In- l.xn; U-'ore the de^iadin^ milt tip by Ins hind le^t" N't ween two trees ; lli, U-cn adopted by law in Austria for Ih* tsry des|B>inmof lo-immv U-. omes a part made lhe work coni|iaratively light. sh. -rwfiit hotsee in th- army . The three .leer thus diposeil of, mvle ___^__^^_____ tea in a till <|uart cup. melting Know for water over a little tire, l.unch over, we f lhe paat. The Kinpcior William ha* m nmny n slum n linn-ell a man of no mean alulllies, and llmt he is capable lo nn iinus Hill ile^lee of l.'iill/mg Slid roping With the ipies'imii of the tune. Kill hm o|iinion. on the divine right of soverei k ns and all thnt hangs thnrol.y are me.lievul. C ipe with it as the I i.iv.Tiinienl mity, whelber In r.-kn>i; to forestall some of its deniAnd* by Ii ^i-U tun,, or by the endeavor to supprea* it in ntlii i iluertniiiK, mK'hilim is a rapidly in- rMalng power in tho liermaii Kmpiif>. The In -I instil nl nm toll.- neriouiily attaeked will be the military system. Ke.-cnl o|Miiire of the iTin'l practices of lhe mil. .rdm ile nrmy otlicer. are small compaied with the grievances felt at the severity of tho auto- ratic rrgiilaluin* for lhe preservation of the lignity of the higher otliccrs. Not content with robbing men ol some of th* heU year* of iheir lilc, the military system demand! u. -h al'ject deiHii Immil from the private as ln-iiei befit, slave* than the eitmns of a it- ili/od and enlightened ouintry. I'ho fncling i'ainl tho enforced military service is such a growing on that the smoke may luirol into flame at almost any moment, and where t he conflagration will cease it in im to foretell. A trade circular just issued from Montreal tic.1 the ropes annul 1 the neck* of Ihe deer t. t'anadian millers y: " We are exceed- a h.tlf lnlc>i being taken anumtl their noses, , ingly son v in sw lltal the ditt.. ultics U- and then lhe Immew .in', haul commen.ed. t ecu 1'ana.U And Newfoundland over the Keeping aln{ tltc niounlain *id<< we fishery i|e.slion have brought alxiut a finally gained a |)o,nt nearly alnvv* our iliflrrvi.tml la\ on all Canadian ll..tir camp. Then we put in practice a labor sav 111$ Newfoundland. This tax ia }i|.tV. a devi.v lhal generally afforded ns nuu-h barrel, while all l'mle>< State* flours arc ad ing i satisfaction. Selecting a brush, one of the deer wan let to slide down the deeh\ ity. The other two. now still, were arranged as tolxg^an*. slope free from tree* and nutted ..M ill" tormer tanfl of MO cent* a barrel. Tins .iitferrnce of 7."> cents a barrel airainsl us is simply prohibit.'! y t>.i tl-.e Canadian trade. Sewfouiivllan.) rf>|,,ires I hetr ' every year :iin>.UHi |.> :v.<i.i<l barnls of tlcur: , , .. , hoails point un; down hill no that they would and we are certain that there will b* no lido will, the K 1 the hair. Then sit ling a-stride and holdiii" on lo the fore legs, down over Ilie thick crml we tU'W. When the crimt was Imtd tMnnderable spiTi" would l' attained. Our only fear was that our nnmov i.e I tolmggans would- and they often did rilhrr brvah through a weak platv in Ihe crnsi, or strike a pri.-.-i m $ l.i-anch of (omr fallen snow cver<l pine; in either eaue wi and our lobtiggani instant pat led c mi over. company And went rolling over Hut our experience weir never enough to .Icier u* froni taking dillicul.v HI Canadian uiillers securnt); the bulk of thu trade if wo are placed on e|iia terms with our American .,.mp*iitors. Canadian llovm are on a level with or little below those ..f Amcricin iiitlUr^ We fully rely on your aid in this matter, and >ng](**t that every miller should at one* coinmiini- cate with the representative of his district in I'arliament ami also writ* to th* Millers 1 Association in support of this efloil, other- wise the sharv of Newfoundland's spring orders lor flour, which certainly belong, to t attada, will ga to the Amen -au miller*. '

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