Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1892, p. 4

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H e, FLESHERTON \UVANCE THE ADVANCE. ll publulled Kvtii'V '.Tl.iii-wcl.iy, FBOM turn urnrr Bydt>nm Xtrttt, - t", .<>.</<<., Oi.f. TKKMS Ot HUHSrltll'TION: 1 pir aunuiu whn pai<l -m -tly in advance 1 j ' I'd- annum wbu uoi |'ui I. ADVEBTISIXO K.\ Tl>. On* rolninu. 1 year, (30 . bait col , do., $27 quirt.-, i ol do , (15. Traii'init ailvartlMmcDU charged at the ratu ol i,-i iwrltuo lornrmt limirtlon an. I Jon. pur >u isacti ul>!-ei|UBHt iuavrtion. W. II. THUKSTON, JtdOvr and Proprietor 11UUON l:nl'I.I> IN. Alter one of th most fiercely con- 1 political battles cvvr witnessed in Ontario, Mr. Pattcr<n, Consei v,i- tive, was returned in West Huron on 'i'l'i -.lay by a majoiity of sixt. i ii. Me. Calm-ion, the nim-aUd Kefurnn-r, lieiil the si-Hi by 379 of a majority. Tl.is is a reversal of nearly four liumlml votes iu that conslitil. m-\, and makes tbe twenty-lir.-'t Conierva- livc victory out of twenty hix contest* 1 . Till. JAMlNi; IN 111 SSIA. How many of our reader* huve In u J of tbc terrible famine now rag ing in Itiuma. or having heard of it only allow. '1 tin ir mimU i dwell iip- ou it momenta) i IN iiin< n ' tifui of) and not of great int. : t I" UK in '.' Ik-yoiul an occasional t:ihl in. telling the unphu^uii. i>. v. -, our Canadian press has been singularly reticent on the matter, :unl us for a rd- '.iiii. ii'latiiiii t. u - i -i t .> -M:I'. ii . r .i| | .am u. v. i to have b. u t /lit of. Not so with tin; i' of Kii.;l.i;nl, and iml HO with tin- I '.. -,( the I'uiti ' A ^ " 1 Miils thin mnnili I. : i V inent i U) hand. The new men at the helm are Mr. JOH. 1'. Downey, formerly of the Herald, Gnelnli, ami ilr Joseph Itickaliy. lately of the Guclph Mercury. The uiiinber of tin- C'onfec'enite before us gives evi- dence of considerable ubility, and the "two Joes" will no doubt be very ac- ilile to the iMnrni party iu tin- vicinity of Kit. Foreit. Two election* took place on Satur- day last, resulting iu a gain of two more Beats for the government. These constituencies were East Hast- ings and Small Ontario. In the former Mr. Northrup cap'ured the i>eat from Mr. Aylcsworth by about 4'Jj of a majority. ISoulh Ontario, where Mr. J. 1. l)avidsou held tin -eat since last March, rvltirneil to the Conservative fold on Saturday, giving Mr. Smith a majority of 157. The Conservative party has made marvelous strides in these byc-el- fctiona, as witnessed by the r. given below. Thus far there have In en twenty six contests, and tbe re- cord stand* : Cvntervulift. lirfurm. N"- th l.inark, liicheln n. (ih-ngaiiy, Lincoln, Solllun IV-il. Uichmond. I ' !>. Vii-t',ii:i. N S.. Kni-.N.>. 5 (' ninl'i i Liii'l. il, l-aval, Kingston, Sale of a hUh Farm I ..-.. liiU-r . HI. . ., . 1 FO . i.l b) rntii. ol ' ly of ..nr of , Hill til* -1*) by (.iilili,. i I i ill.- nil ..... 1 i ll .'at of .'.;. Iw .v ii V).. ck IH...I: i fit in |.r .'1'i'in namely : Alii: par- i .1:1 I i .tT|..s i ... . w. II watmt'il an.' hn ii-l the l.i -. i. I I'e aV i < I l.i li h I .. . i . Ill till tin. .U . nf - - - ii - i iiliui twunty .lay* iU..,i>- r<>ii>liuoiis ami particular* will ha male Ht lin- tlllll ,-t --- 1-J..1. dt. !'. licituri. Kat.1<,ri.i)t,, liail>.>i !> ni ing about r..i"'."<- of lluiir f u the sUiAin lEiixsian. un.l I land is malting largo . ly (.mute Biibgcri|iU ni. Win'. KiMri.-ui gnvernliHMit ha* iln-lm .1 iti- aid she has ii:tuu.i'.. il (Ii i 1 piv.it" aid will b.- w. Icome au>l thankfully in-rivt-il. In i.i.l. i t>i il ! . 11 ;ili- the t.Tni'l'- < Hi I'd HI in I; . i \... \\ill iju '. ii .in tin- li. \i, v\ i I lii \ii-WH, 111 vvlin-h a Mr. .1, of the mule. nf Sat: ih '!!. in, tayi : .-. i >ni,li<TH of ii:i-!i ill tin ii ii.h drawn, t"iiy f.irei iiml I. ill! till . inl.ir W Ivhrard, Kant Mi'Uil- KllBt 111 U' South \ Ninth \ id. >i i.i. S.iiith On: u i,i. U. lli||..;i Jl. Of the al> Hasting, Soiil.nu'ei<, Smith v - llurnii anil N iith \ ..- liii 11 hiivr U-i-n wrut'-il fi'M.i th< . . \Vl.ll-ll IILlltr . ^:till of !' mi lii ii \.ili s mi a ilm-i':i in tl,, :ui.l :;i,-i -I til-' r : iveiuii. uf i:i. COMIN; 1 I I .- IHiNS. I'l'IHll- * riwUon l 19 1 ... il 111 ia (liaving si.ld ill. i. iiml i I, il In ii ; l,r in il.. I,. . n <Vl.iU-i \\u-.-l K ll., \ .Mill, I III. Wl.li, h'.lll, 1. 1. in \\ ill I ' \\. iiiy, u lull- ' W . , ecittM in, . .- II.IM | u \\m il inn- winter doll w.- I i ., i. M i "I for a I ! t i.i -lii. 'II. n is noiliing Ii fl to 'ill. U , ml iniri- a dy nil-writ enl.i ifwul |>ii|>kiii ; many li:n.- n I . \. n II...I S.<ll:l> nf IH Mill l.-l'.. II litlli- In , ml in:ul.< '>f elmll. ] .iin.l, I H, mid n little hail'-y limn Hi. 1. 1 .i.i Inokx I ill. a cindi i . 1 1 ;i< u lii Hi -r In ., iiml raiiKi-M Muliiil In ulnclio ainl nniimii finlii the |i,iiiinv Many of us li:iMi mil l.uti-d >iif fuuil fn I In. i. il:iyn. lluvr lui-iry mi IIH ; v,. .IK 'lying.' And \\liili. h>- ^|.ialiH. in a low, .|iin I vim r. I . tin- t. .n 1'iwly Welling fioill the 1'VeH of Mill \\,n I Inell llll'l falling nne I'V one mi (hi II- inllgli |HII|I|H in- tin' f|.. ii i-i'inii I. No c<iiii|ilaiiiln. i;.' n h ii ; <l. .nl j-ilnir.-.', V>MiJn*n n'il\ |.y ll.. ! noun- v, i in, ni iiml 1 i li i i.i 11 f.n awiiy and llio ul.- of puff. mi;' leiu-ln-H MM R4 hut an <s-ho. \.lall men arc bretlien n. \\>>uM it n. >l. then, he an n.'l of Clinstiaii l.iii.lni' iii.il NII r\i'l. i.ce of nriually ling aMII|iktliy, for the |n.i|ilo of (^' innda In aeknowUdge in a tnngihln wiy (he fuel that tin \ .In n,. i MI w l ll ilnllllvl|.|IC4) tie Mill. MII|-H Of (I., n fellow men in fnr off llusm ' v, . nii.- \ I'l'll. Mil It | H Smith 1'i-ith Miiie'n :i M.-iirk ' !l Mnntin.ii. ncy ... " 4 '. irtlinnilMilil " H 'I he I ni|.iio il.H'H nut ilixplny a rlniiifiil.il- il.'iiwi tin HO iliiM* On t'.i' ciinliiiiy it in vlyoroaalj mj;.iKil (Hiking tl.' 1 (lli'li in tin 1 iilm and I n. .eiiiiK n :hl out. Tim flrit l iiinhei uf tin- Ml. Kuront O>nfJ-iaU UUdtr tho new nmrn^c . . I II li '.I i: A luili- "u I i .in. >l \\'iiii "M , I n. i, pail ..f l.,,iliii-; H.ii.'r i\l "- , ..I .In . fl.'lll ll.T lll|lll li'j. .li.|i|>ll ll \\ , I u i iininll ,1 f, liial Mi.iiil.iy "H n ,luir ;. uf j .-ijui \ n . .iimiT'ion willi lli., \\.ll.iinl i-|.-,-li.. ^|| .l..|in 1><1..i|i, (In- niVininl.-it .;.- li.nili>r of tl... (', h'l-i \ li>i. puilv in Vi. I. -II I .-HII.lv, I..I1 I.I I'll . ill., I |o til Sriiiili-. I:, l.i-i I I 'mi... II.' w.llVlniwn III ' 1, , \|,,.|l. i ..I |ti iinpl.ni, (liril a. mil' wlnl ii.l.liinlv Rl l.m IIK mil mi S.tiir.lny Hi' xrita in Ini N.'inl \ . u Land for Sal>i i iirt of lx>U Son. H nnl V. in ll ..I tin 1 t\\ !il:li> (if An. :n..*l, in ll.c o,n.t> (tl - , , IIIIK la* * tUnit one liiirnli . t ai-- <>t excellent in I. <ni 1 1 ,- p. .,t mi i.tt IK t>, I. >. :! are e .1 In aUo a ' rt.no ili Hint;. w.'H ni . i u 1*10- r.in..; i'n th. , i in MI. a U.HI i l.c ii MTK <,ii IIAI .1 willi ,li. MI trull, a , i > I' .! i.> an. I al>.., it 14) a.-i f . lea. li.i,-i. an.l iilni it t..i t , A. i of I, -i. ij.ili. I' In ( r IL i. , ,i. ..r. mil*, i I i li. I. ( fat n. - i \ t ! ii| in a reau.:al,]. \nv f nrtli. r H...I,:II^ IcPlial . ni ' ,'-.' "f , I'liall, daceaMd. il.'U..-.ia. 1 Farm for Sale. . . M. f. 1.11H V 'I K !IMl:. I I'llnl'KKTV FOR SALK. NOTICE. - - . ,r. liaii'a n. . Ill tin- niiillrr ofH. W Trlmlilc or i! i- illa-:r <! i IrshiTHin ill Ihr . . i , "Like Magic," THF. .'fl.'.t pnxliirrilliy Ajfr't Cherry IVo|iir:l. fuld*. l'inij;ln, t'roup, anil Soro Tlirual arc, In in. .-' . .IM-.. nn- iiicdiati'ly i.licM>il by tlio 11*0 n( ilili It iit-Ti4tli>-ii! the viM-al ..rj;ii. alU.vi Irrilati.'ii. an. I pro- mi^ii inpi Inn ; In <>>.'f xlH^e .'( that ilmi.l .IUr, Ajror 1 . C'lHTty 1'no- , torn! ri-liovc* iiuiuh- anil In.luoi Ir. (n 'luiii: r.-'i- "I lmvru.'.l Ay.'i'-i rli.-rry I'-.-loral In inv f.in.il> fur llnriv VMIH ami liv nl n< f.'iin.l It tin' I'l'il r.'in. .ly for . t.i liirli eomplalnl mv .liil'lrun ' l ! . t'arlojr, I'l.inp. t.i liirli eompal in\.. i. n nl.|oct." l' nt....kuii. N. v. "I'niiii an cirH-rli'nro of over tlilrlr in lli.' aau .'f pi,-|'rl.-l.ir\ 111, .11- i-inon, I f. i-l JiMlllli'.l In reo'iimi' n.lliiil ' Auction Sale "i Valuable Farm Property In Llif I - \ i 1 1 f \ili<iii*i* In I'll t . nut > of ) .I'M 1 IIMI .-Will I.. . l.| i.ti tlie 21st da; of lard.ll)] Al I ,..!.>. I. I,. !!,. (>, ....... i nt M;III.|I.I'H lli'K'l In I In- of Fl |l( \lilno ofp ., . .nf al M.lalni'il In a . . tal HiKaitti wl.i.li mil I,.' i In, . ,1 at Ilia .!.., ,!, f.ill,iwll,| |,l..|,,.ll\ 1. I.: HIM ...n Kiith MI. Itaii. II, >n I nf 1 1 1, i i ., M l l|..if \ltOIIIOl III till* l. ''I'll t of Illwv. Coll talMlnil Hi' a,'i> . nunr ,,. ! lin.l...i . I IIIIMH ..H|i. i i,nil uf tll> I'Mii'lmir IIIOM..V li. In* i<a> I il.iwn on tho .lav <*f *!.' K, ta. in. will l>o i. . a, lo I. .1.1 w.i at Mm tala. 1 ,11 i," i II.H i ,i . ', . apply to J.ilH-n ProH. ft a.,ll,.U..i .. T .noiilit HI , Tor J Spioni. i:.| . I'lMl.ittoi. , Ayer'n I'li.'iiy I'l-i-lornl Om> iHwt ro.'.itiini.'ii.Ull.itiii .'( Ilio IV.-t.iral It tlicrn.liniii); quality nMu popularity, it tvlim IILIUI nnlalilo iiow lli.iu It a IwenU 'n,- >. ir 5i>, wlirn lt Ri.'at . wiw'ei'nul.loriMl limn .'I.Mla." It. H. Drki, M. !>.. lloli.'l. K:inv "My lllllrt alnt.T. (.mr j. '" "' 8 l . WIW n III from bronchlUl tliat wi. Iin.l alin.nl ulvon up li.ipr .'( hi'r nvmorjr. Our f iinily pl.yalrUn, n akilful man anil of I no' .'np.Tii'iu o. prononncod It n- lo In ulvo lier nv nii'io lnr.lirin*. ; navliid Iiml ln> Iin.l <K>ni M H B* |~- Nil.li, t.. tin, nn.l wo in. i-t pri-pnro fm lli. wont. An n litxt roKni i. " I- ,1, i, iiniiii'.l t.i try .\\.-i'" I'll. -rry I'.'i -l.'inl, iin.l 1 can ,v , \. nli UM tnoal li.ippv n'nll. AftiT tiikhic A fiw <|I<M'< ilii< orini..l to firrnllir oaaMTt nn.l, wiililn M wok, M out of .In.. ;IT Wo . mil mi, -il nn "'< Ilia r... i. M.I| HI. i ll aitilnfliol il> .'"i in 'ly * oil Tl.li b.i ;lv on IHO iinlxiiiiulixl fallh In tlio pri'|nnlon. an.l I Mcommand It rontlilonllt to tny euilmiiKrt." (' l>. l*l'|H.r. I'lncifiat, Furl WB.MIO, Intl. For 1'nl.li uiul (Vni|(lii, toko Ayefs Cherry Pectoral, rnaraaao BT Dr. J. O. *yr * Co., Lowil, Mat*. l. .1. win-. a M. Richardson & Co, Dry Good Merchants. We hnve now commenced our annual Clearing Sale. People understand we mean b'.isiness when we ad- vertise such a sale. \Ve intend to continue it till the end of" t j month, \v!u n we commence Stork Takin IFU NEED Kcmnants of Dress Good's, (iin^h time to buy. s, Winceys, I'lanncls, &c., &c., now is the n mi mi HUES TO OFFEH TUT KILL m m TO O ftSn Specia n in " S aIU ' VoUtllS* SllitS aiu , Ovcl , oats In Boot and Shoe Stock we offer big cuts while the stock lasts. .11. RicblH'dKOil & C'O. Xew Darriage &! Blacksmith Shop. I'lio uiuli>r-i.:tir.1 I j -1.1111! th, - - tr* opnil ii| u ' i our \i:if w.ll be at: ' , . \ . .i. \ ,.( II K S K s II K I X G. ..'. -- .. I . a i , ii . '- il i '..' ll-IHl I I'. , .Ultr.irt. I 1 ,!. 1 I 1\ p ,.;i. I. WOODWORKING In nil il !iin.-'i. -. \\ ' : I-' ,T,l.-r \\ . i !H.V< we can i.|U i'|. > ( . I : rt.MI l\ I .-.I ..I >|-|Hli> ilnllli; u'... ..Miful . nu in.'rit- 'HIM. s//<r o/To.s/f/: it it\in M u i ;.//,/>. in 1:11. ni >r. WRITTEN & BLAIR. To o\\iu*rs of horses and Tho public in jj i\l.' I 1 '''" 1 ' 11 K '"'! fmt'ier an.l e\:niiiu' til. i .k of liorC- nu-n's reijnisitrs kept in I .-.-'.> i>j tin ,.! i Von nn.l mo, \\e nuvke llio IMS* H,\:iii it a vory I . . - ".li!e t'^lll , I, i W >M kllUlllll|>. Mill 1K> ullowi vl i.i \|'i-i inii nt on work wo put out. Tin i. r.i-' i o no T>1T^1AT^9 Tli.it .-.in siin-1. of sunili us iit romplotf, roll- pllllUllia sistim; ol si, i-h K-lls. whips, trunks, vali-.-s. i-re.isi'. enri-y coinhs. an.) evorytlun.* oonocivablo whioh hottcuiru (.'all uinl i A.iuniie an>l be convinceil D. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON. The Markets. ..i i n .1 I'.ncli I M t I-'. Ml. Kail \\licat ^I.IIIIK VM.rai Kotice o! Dissolution o! Partnership, i Mull... . |.^ IV. ii IU\ |<(.i ton lli.l... 4 .VI K.\ [,. ** f l.< v.-ii.'o i li.'i. tl' to 4,s It,-., I. -I., v.-lin, If i.' v> an. I H I) Kvan- call > M I,. l t.. ! t.- 4>i to rral merchant* u.iit>, tli nanu lit KTana In tho tillad "I K l '.MM. It ,.| IM,.\. lia. tli..li I. nuiliial .'on,ini \ I , elXtnaM A IM tl> I.'. I 1>\ tin- >>.! I III. ki'H" |,r. pall I>H.' |... i-alr *'*>* .......... W to t (M to to to to V * 9 W 1 IV M > to aV i<artnilii|> arl.> Iw i (i.i i n ii Krani at V l~lirHi,n aa alorv^aiil. an.) all ,-lmun taiM>l th ai(l |>arta*i>l.l|. air to I... |n><-nl*<l ! i; a.. i II tl t.au. t>> wb.Hii the ..! will I ttJat Tl*lvroi> thliMirlh lai of . -a . * 1- IHU HOYMK M.I>ONA1.II \v .1 . J>- ' W. Aammwa. ItbllM

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