Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1892, p. 4

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. f BOM THE OmCB S'j l-nhirn Street, - - /Y-.iWfou, Out. TRKMS Or- 80HSCKIPTION : 1 par aiinnin whea paid ttrictly In advance 1 >i lr antuuii whau uot u pail. AUVI'UTISIXU KATKS. One column, 1 roar, (M ; half col., do., t27 <|nartrcol. do , #15. Traniient a^lr. rtlinent charged at the rate of Hcts per line for ft rut inaertiou and :ictn. per ln iaob i(t'^f<jtH-rit insertion. W. H. THURSTON. Kditar and Proprietor Since last issue of The Advance four l>vu ili ctiuna have taken place, A-i/ , London, Quebec west, Two Mountains, and Vaudreuil. In Lon- 1 Hi Cm liny had a majority of 100 over Hyman, but aa a large number of the- votes ate claimed to be illegal, Reform iiapcrti have taken advantage of the doubt and claim Hyman to be elected. Mr. Carling will, however, take the seat until the courts decide that he is not entitled thereto. Que- bec Went elected a Conservative a voar ago and did so again on Friday. This was McGreevy H old constitu- ency. Two Mountains on Saturday. and Vauureuil on Monday, both re- turned government supporters by large majorities. These gains will give the government the astonishing majority of 51 votes on a division, and fltill there are more to come. It is a grave situation in which Free Trade now iinJs itxolf, and the grave is so deep that the fox cannot tve.ii titick his nose out when stuuil ing on the goat's head. We would like to hoar Mr. Wiman's opinion, but be is down there and cannot be got at. It is probable that neither he nor Cart wright will ever bo rescued. O morn. who seek for political infor- mation these days ned not go to K< firm newMpapem therefor. They are ili.-cif. i.l> silent and t:ilk only about the vii'ti'es of Mr. Mowat's adminis- tration and kindred domestic subjicts. Two Mountains tumbled in L)IU 1 ,- on Monday aud thu Reform party Lave imt yet been diiij out. PKKTINKNT Ql'KKir.^. Here are a few quorio* which will no doubt ruccive an early reply : \Vlio is the Jonah ? Will Oliver Mowat go to the res cue (>f his friends in the, I>imiimion liousu '.' Will Sir Richard Cur'wright now vacitlo thu branch annoxiition office nn I depart to hoat'iiuarters at Stiitin Iitlund, 01 will ho Htill keep tl>e 1'iui ;i dian Hliop o[>e.n for liusineKri '.' How many member* dm H it rn|iiire to make an Opposition '.' Is thoro the req'iiriitci member on ll i I:. I. ii in Hide of the Hollne '.' Mflnlyrr. The remit thaw Ims dune much to improve i lie Hlatii of the roads. NYrililings. have born the onler ol (lie day. Two of our young nun on \Vttdiiesday last took unto tln>miiel/ea pmtnein for bolter or worse. Mr. Miilinlin Mclntyre was imiti-d in lllHtllllKMiy t() Ml. IS ('ill I 1C .Mi-l'|||llllll of Maxwtdl and Mr. MuAlvey Sorn |.. . , |0 M|KH I'. Ill, 111. Of I . \rl lll.llll Wo extend congratulation to llir happv conpli s inn) wmli them a long hfj HIIC! a Intppy issiiu. ^ll.A.T. Heron, of your village g>e n a short visit last week and WVM ;; nl to hear from him that Mrs. !! i, MI M recovuriiig, thoutth slowly. \\ ! imilei stand her many fni'inlh hen will In' glml to hear of her entiro re- COM i v . Mi - lUlla Miiirhead is living in Fl< slierton ul pr-'ient. I. i;ii|'|'e IIIIH hi en ipiite prevalent In i e. ii goodly niiniliri- having been lt ii-l.. ; with it. Mr. mill Mrs. A. Melntyre uni Imih able to be around gum. MIHH hlora Mrl'hnil is get- in,: belter. Thos. Hoott'i little girl ii much improve<l. I < n sham From tnir oii'n The miller has returned 10 his post, and all parties can be supplied with gristing and chopping. Mr. John Hudson secured the con- tract for reflooring the school house^ Wo understand ihvre are breakers ahead, but then the trustees can't give tht job to everyone. Mr. Henry Alexander is at present in Flesherton learning the, art of cut- ting and fitting with Mr. l.aker. \\e believe he opens out here if he can make arrangcmeutss for a good front room. Such a one is in the village, and we hope- he will secure it. Mr. R. T. Mtliirr has been to Tor- onto for a few days. Hand sleighing is the order i,f the day, young and old taking part in the health-giving sport. Mr. fr'.C. Hruce. bus received a load of flour from Clarksburg. It is strange that he does not patronize the home mills. We would like to hear bis reason for going so far. Nfllliwil. Hy (>,,r Miss Kuowdon.af (iut.-l|>li,ii at Mr. Murk Stc-wart's. Mr. John !'( i Alison, of Caledon.lias been visitini; fi-it:inj.4 iii tliispait. Mr. Mii^'li Mfl'liiTHDii. jr., liit his foot with the sliaqi Mtle of au axe u few days ajjo. No doubt the axo lift its mark, as tlmsu wicked things al- ways do. Mi. Alt'xundi'i- ll.inirili 1ms a i^aiig of int'ii m McFudyciH swamp taking out tiinli. r I', ii- a new livi-ry sub!. . ' , be erected in the u-ar of tho Hotel Stulllf. Tlitrt- 1ms hi'i-n a considerable dust in (Ins Innoli o\i r fiiittiny the tail off a doo ()iu> ofour oiii/i'tis took this as u weans of tiratnio himself to a little iniiuci lit l;nio|i. only for fun you know. Hi! oot u It'llow to hoi. I tin* |'l' I i|rfl-HC<-K-!>* llil|{. Willie lit; cll'll,|l, ll tlif tail oil'. Qinti funny warni'l it '.' Well In- huj a "rent bi^ lia ! ha ! A frw duvH uftt-r Mi. Owii'T caiiie aloiif- anil siinl Ini \vus k'oni"; to cuti-r tin action ii:Miin>i him. Tliea the icicle inn iliiwn Im I,, irk. .fi'i ii|i aoiiin. and linally I'iciiicil mi. 1. 1- Ins colliiribiittoii. Aft- r miisti'i-ino up a little roni;i,-.-, and o, ttiii-; a still' ujijiur lij), hi- w.tn 1 nl to cniiii' to a s.-ttli mi-lit, hut of lit - Hi- iivml. as ill,- OWIIIT was iil'r.ii,! hydrophobia would set in, and the do)> do snniii ori'iu d.imuoy. !!., A, r liy tli,. "ilciuili t ' jiaynu; one dulliir, l.reitliiio ;i t'.'W liini'H.iiiid if/ii . mo to shoot the eainiie. ;iiid tnke lli, carcase away, |-e would ho let i> In . for tins tune, as this has In n his Iii. -l attack, and prc.inisino in ver iiiuie to inlerfi n- with the MM l.tl .i|, of the caimi!) speciei. Knurtoen hvei wuru l<t by the niiik- ini; nf ttn> H(. Miner Fnri-nl yiirrii .,rt' Khmli. lull^ll, Kle,' . (ill Friday infill A Fact WORTH kno-A in- ts that I,!. . ,1 ,ii v fiuu' wlii'-h all nthiT ri-nu ,lii..i full to cure, ylolil to Ayer's 8araaparlllik Froah runtinua- ti"ii of this state- ment comes to hand dully. Even BUch ili'i |i-iMti.'l ami si nl'l" i n i . 'Mi- (ilalnts as Klnn- iiiallnm, Hlii'iiina- ,! (ioiit, an.i tin. lik.-. are il,i,[,,ii-'i- ly eraillcuti'il liy the USD o( tills won- derful alteratlvo. Mr*. R. Irving limit;.', 110 \\Vit 1'JAtli utr.'i't, New York, rertlllax : " About two yflnrn ago, aftiT miffn itisf for nnarly two yearn frmii rlii'iim tti,i Bout, iH'int; alii" to walk only with grt'nt itiHcuiiifiirt, nii.| having tru-il vnriiiiK rrllDvlli-a, in, hi'linu mm. -nil wiltrra, wiilinut ichrf. I saw by an ailvn i n,-- in, nl In t 'In. in;., nnprr that a iniui hud IMTU rolUred <i( uiin illntroitaliiK com- plaint, alivr lonv sufTcrinff, by tukiiiK Aynr's Sarnaparllla. I thru ilm-ldml to m.iku a trial of HIM meillrlnfl, aud took. It !'. -ill. uly for (tight iii,'iiihi. I am plnuniid to tay that It rlT.'i tr,| a rom- jilntn ctir, and that I have siure had im return of the dlseaan." Mm. I,. A. Stark, Niwhna. N. H.. wrlti's: "One year ago 1 was taken III With i lii-niiiali ,ni, IMllIK i-ntililii',1 to n, v boimn alz nionilii. I rnme out of tho sli-kn*M very inn, Ii ili'lillltated, with no ap|wtlt. and my ayacnn illsonlrn ,1 In every way. I coniiminrol to une Ayr'A rtaniipm ilia and boftan tu Improvo at i,n, i', gaining, In RtmnKth and soon r<>- rcivorlna my umial hralth. 1 rannot say ton inn, h In praise ot this well-known medicine." "I hare taken a great deal of tnedl- tine, Imt unlliinK ho* done mo so inu.-li go<Ml as Acer's Hatsaiwillit. I full Its ii.-nrii, nl i-ii. ,-u N (. 1.1 I had 1 1 u 1 1 flnlshnd one bottle, and I run i,-..|v testify that It Is the brat bliMxI- ,,",11, in., I knowof."-L. W.Ward. St.. Woodland, TVIM. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rmrni> BT Dr. J. C. Aysr * Co., Lowed, Mat*. Frit* |l i i boulM, IV ^Csrid a betUe, J Oil COMFORTABLY WHEN YOU RETIRE What is there more pleasant, more restfulj than when iiprn returning liome after a day's hard work and fatiguing busi- ness, feeling very tired, wt-ary and out of humor, you retire feeling that you have a com- fortable bed to sleep on one that you cannot fall through during the night. And asrain, DO U BELIEVE In Having a Comfortably Furnished Home Can anythirig be found more pleasing to a husband and uther than to see his wife and children enjoying the benefit of all modern conveniences in the shape of household furni- ture ? And the same hus- band and lather occasionally likes to drop into a beauti fully upholstered, chair, or recline on a comfortable sofa .is well, and take a few min- utes rest from duily toil. Both are pleasant you say. f*w n..mK. j. ar.1 . -rslpain or Injury akrw NEW DISCOVERY ID compounding a lolutlon a pan waa acc'JeDiiy ni,iji< d un tb* hacdl p**u>iy rein . '. '' .1 ': ;>iu Ou*. wcwd.-rljl i,iHjariil:,,n. f.n lh* markrlatiU .i *r>-ai i..t-. i.*--r< t.'ir ynmnd Uutt , n .^ i,< w intrtMlui'tntf It luruuarli'.uL tl.' vr.,l ui, .Ire Uir nuur ol <<u. ru , Aull-iiairiur. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. . Ijy tbe hair OVPT and up; > tl n ji'ur 'hair dlwapi am as if by n>ni.' wilLuul th f r n '!h |.urr>.-*. '1 rionard ,,' 1..A I .-hi.*.- ! . ,-n u, 1., > , J with lu.lr . -i IM.-ir F \< r NK K Hr I A ' . . att-t iM n,rnln. <i KN'T I I'M I'N . t:o 0., not ari r- - .. -- ... u ... i ... their nrrk. f n,1 a prir, l?a U-.:i In 'n*-n'- .% nl - 1 " .,i iitf w l.u-h doc*auy . 'i Sli-v n;, r,T -pdpHr. In fut.i- F n.li an eilrc tSBpowWIitr. I'lwn 1 ! An'l nilrlnKtl. perbottl... Mni In ar'etv rrfllnr bo.- polrc r nld b . r ustSfcotrly mi ub-u-rvai'oi). Snd rnoorr or nanipl by 1' IT with ful! KiiV^orltten r'.alni " W|n"vlt v.,-1 tn'd| !,(, . ,,,! . W |it flnrt vrjtl,'n* aj-'rcrrn^n'-rt I ut iMx.iiianft i ndl,>-day. Artdr,-. QUFRN CHEMICAL CO.. 174 Mnrf Street, CINCINNATI, O. You c:,n r^-r'^t^r rour l^tMr at any pmt OTI.*^ to Insure in '.i'- o^ 1 . r> %\ ill pny gr *>* f>r any ca of fallur** or nil ^ht rat Injury to anr i", 'ch:**T. t.\rrj hot t le cuarnntecti. ?OCCII|-To lrllMwholnirodo n-1 11 mon'r 'h",T fntodl 38 Bo'tlea of Qnrcn'a Anti-HairlTi*. UU wwill pnatntwitha 8TLK DHFSS. if yi>r*i bi ii'.n XJTJ I.ir. Boul* aadwnplM ^^^^ l of itltc v "*laet from " wlb on3e-. Oood BaUry or Comiaiawoi t J Ac^nt* \Ve liave trit-J tlie above and find it all that is claime 1 far it ED. ADVAHCE. New i'arriajie locksmith Shop. WELL Since you are not enjoying any of the above mentioned blessings, and would like to veiy much, you cannot do better in any sense ot the term than to drop into II. E. McNHA'S Furniture Ware rooms on Durham Street, and after examining the goods purchase tin- proper requisites fur such enjoyment. Those who are still experiencing single blessedness can find things there they are in need n| .is well as those united by "the bonds of holy matri- mony." The rooms are so will tilled with all kinds of goods that it will probably aid you in choosing it we name over a few of the articles kept in stock. ^ of tl\c ftakoon) There are Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, other kinds of Mattresses, Washstands, Huteaus, and everything else belonging to a sleeping apart- ment. We would also \ei\ modestly mention that .ve have a number of cradles just waiting to be filled. We have Centre Tables, Hulicrty Organs, beautiful I'.-rlor Suites, and nice pictures set in nice frames. The Dlniiig Room & Kitchen an 1 also represented in our lar^e stock, but we will let you judge the furniture for those department! yourselves this week, but will describe them moiv fully in the next change of advertisement. U. E. !il\i:A, FLESH KKTON. The niiJernigned beg leirn tu acquaint lb" public with the fact tbut they bar* openej tif lien- carria^'f in I l'ln..-k-miili> liop m Flesliriuu. where eTcry thinx in oar hue w.ll be ullt'ii'U.l tu iu a |,r,.iuj t luunr-r ,n, I pe.'.l w. rkmauohip yiiarauti-e.l. \Ve m.ike si'ioiulty <,f HORSES IT O E I N G. And profess to harp a mwhanic who ^ivt-s rutirc ati-f >ctio:i evorr time. Special tton- tidii to U-iidur or uciitractf I f I, ! f v, ,iti J. WOODWORKING Iu all Its branch) . Wu^,,ni,. luij^ii-i. d, HUM'* -i?< ni;il,. :' i:,l.-r. ">Ve bflievn we can work lip a f IHI.I biisinciiit MI l-'lflu-rt,'i: l>y fair treful w,,rkiuaii><hi|i. an. I m.luit the i.u!,;: t., t .->t ,,'ir in.'ii'.s in ,,iir v ,ru'ii lines. rrn.\in in: M'.I/.'/-;/;OOH.S. in L-JI.IM ST. WRITTEN & BLAIR 1\> owners of horses and The public in general. TT A T fTI Before going further and examine die large stock of hore- Xl*ij Jb men's requisites kept m stock by the undersigned. T5 i n i '|iTTTT7'T7^T Yon nnd me. we make the boss Harness il a very * * i^JJX'l reasonable figure, (i -od woi knuui>l:ip. and DO ajiprentices allowed to experiment on wjrk wo put out. There can be uo ^PBIMA A*ik! wa M That our stock of sundries is complete, con- 1 WU V^)lillUJIid sistin-nl sleigh bells, whips, trunks, valisfs. a\le grease, curry comb*, and everything eonOMTsbu wi.ieli liorsetuen require. Call and exainiue and be convinced D. CLAYTON, PLESHBBTON. NASAL BALM II U * r.r- t i . ' . .,f J f ,| SOOTMINT CLEANSINO, nEALInU. Instant Rtlief, Permanent i Curt, Failure Impoisiiti mll. t.'dl t.|r'.l, . . k. ' Wl.t Utll- ! Un. iu,.u, >..-.'.. , I at- ' bafij. ..Til , . '.a .i* ( tru In 1 1,,",* iu i.. .' to ol 'Mil'i! l Bull. I'. -. - , ' uU ta h**4 r t :. r . rULFOHO CO , Brock. tile. Out NEVER FAILS, Farm for Salo. A aple:i,li.l f ii'ii for ^al,- on ,-. tt'rtn*. bfinc lot 4. con ''. II-|M,.. itainiii^ ii> acre*. uu)r ,.i U-^^ Good buildirm*, new l>>.4!ui>; .>rcbat<l. veil watand. I hi n aurat lurtain for .>uu. .',, Appljtoiheowuer, A XKKKCHMK. fi-MIJt .Maxwell P. O. KrV FOR SALB- CATARRH Steal Swearl Drink Iway fly from * c Bad IOWQ as ~~v. A truth try \\hat R. A. BEATTIE, the D. C. Painter s.iys about work. House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and Glays r.untinj;. All work GUARANTEED. NoxtDoorto Baptist Church NOTICE. Th tnnlnMi hrtofor .-arrlwl on l<r M.-lv-n aid A Kvani aiKnral inonlianti In Daahiir Ion. will iMcoiitliiuml In luturn !> the uudar H .11. EVANM iCTtoo Fb. 4. iwa, f.n i.it For NIe on ,'rtv t< - utt. Lots ,:' m I \. in the 1-t i'.Mi -,.;.t 1 1 ol tl: > Dm ha iu Ut)<l in the town -hip <>f iilft.i- .:. i .Mitunii'i^ liM vrtfM inljinnitit; the \illiu:pi>f PrlcwvilU ii>riiuTi\ known as tb* "iiliont Purii) ' Tlioru U * ^u-'i li^,- .(welling ti.Mi-o an.) oiMUPitHiiouA (iutl":i!>iin; th*ron, ami it> to .) *rr'# uti-lt-i >"ilti\ mion Kor par- lu-iilai * n|i|i|\ to M UuS*ni^ou. Klt*slttrton. or ti> tltf owner. Win H UroiiM*. office over Hank. of Torauto, Toronto Out fobftttt. Laud for Sale. iiR part of Lots New, H mil 0. in the Mb sMvni >if tli'- towttiitii)i of Art.-nu-ia. in tbo aKtut ono liun>li < i *-<> n( oxoellout hut. I (in tln> r,'.' t on thrit i- to IT ttold ar r- t-i-tod a frainv )<.ir ii *!i<l stullti nlso* larice tuid OOMiaMdiow fr*mv dwvlll&fl, well fimxhiHl ! tuitnt>lo for * 1m ^.- fumil v . On tho f ai ill thora i- H ^,o.l limrin^ >>rr1ianl with ,-h.u-o fruit, ft H>o. l well of e\ft 11 on t MAter an-i ab*>tit 00 acr*** of oltMkrin^ftiul kvUiut (otv> AI rv* of biicb. all haHlwood, ooLidMtboof boeeh, tn*ptot vim anil t>il\'ll. ItK iltHttitK'f fl.MH KlolltTtOII HtAtk^M. Oil tho I' P H .. monlv tiit> unlo. .ia -, tiool bout* in t tlu- fu'iit ri iu*t of tin lot. Thin it oe uf tho l>*>*t fai MI* in Ar'tcivirsift. is aJuo confniut MMl In A MOd nuuliNnliooil ICIHM of pay- ment* will IHI itDulu tvaftoiiithlo tt> ftuit the piirrha^t Anv furttu<r inform At u<u can b oltaiiiKl bv wi itiiiK <>r JK i>iin.vll> by applyiait to MM M^Phrtil. KiecuUll to tbo twtat* of Arohiliahl Mcl'hml. ilm-fa***,! fi-i'lsiit Klo*hoi ton Station P.O. Artomtla,IHli Fb Ml : Auction Sale w Valuable Farm Property In tht* towti*!ur of \i !-ni iiry,tht<rt will bo noM on auty of 'H llo.rl In tho of l l' nn i. in. J". > virtu* of power-* ,tf <ali' coui^iutHl in a cr- tain inoitKUc n tiu'li Mil l>v priHlui'txl al the aaU. vh.lollonii'i; i.r"|.,.,(> I ,'l ,7 in thy :ir<l conowwlonwiuili of Dniliam Ho-t '( Ihv towu- hip of Artm'Ma. in tt, IVMIMI . of (iiu>, <x>u- talnins HUai'rcd. ntoto or Ifw, tiiiibwrvd. TKHMS ai |n ! cvnt i'f III" I'lin'liaM' inonT to be pai.l ,li'n on tlir.lav ( noliv Ki-i lialauce terniii will b ma.le knoirn at th<- >al. Kor luilliti |'ricuUi i'|'ly to Joiiea Bros. A M-u-Kt-nzie. hliritt>i.. Ti'i,-iit st . ri>rrio. fabtIM Or to R J. pn>"U K.I.I.. KI..IH.H..II BULKS KORSALB- Two fln*P*oii Hiill,ouo ynar ol.! an I a 4-yeax ol.l 1 aol.i . -lit<a|> Kiit .'lilt abl- uials with soo.1 |<edir<. A '>j' ( N >s t ' 1 o , IV1|B fe>liuu 1'rice'ill* P. O-

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