Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1892, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE c; GEO. MITCHELL FLESHBR.ON. ii. -ii AM. I !..i- liit aiiU'iuuctfineul in this !*> ,,f The Advance Mr. Pedlar will <.! t frm whicli U- purchased fr>.in Mr J* A en."-al b'ii i; bj.nios* tr*T In :: - .' utualrate* ; i always available for lexitiuaU buaiae** ui- > o K two .lo )n earth of KicaardeoD i Co . Vicinity Chips. Charartrrislirs of the Pa*t M>ek fart-fully Cullrd for the 4'tiriou*. MUSI-'-' >- ''< ' '' ITlM fc* - .''V fXf ?!,. 'iMrtii.i. .1 r/<,.-f...ii > .iwj ,ir nrrr. of i!i.- Snon Shovel "Scrawk : Scrawk Scrawk V Stoovul MM now from your broad >.iJ:k . Wak 04 U: j ..iinlibor who tigh* for a snore : B*t for :jioiu>'Ut. thu give ILU tome more Scrawk.' Sciawk ! Sci > - - iwk' Hwvl not the whirlwio.i of wild. wicked talk Taat answers rath burst of year mow >hovl din. Filing up volume* o( records of tin. Juit wli*n tin- dawn i bwginntns: to pe*p, Jurt wbra *:: ti.u true value of *lep, <i*t out th howl and all slumber balk Witb a "S^rawk: Serawk ! Scrawkity Strawkr :ixol. Division court will be held in Fleaher- t.ui t..-m-irr..w i. Friday J. Reiiitrn.lier th.t Ayer I'herry Kctoral >MU in> r. t ul u a specitic fr C"1U*. ( c..u^l... a.iJ il aJvcii.'iis f the throat aud lui.^i K r :.<r.nlv half a century it ha* been in greater demand than any ( other rtme.ly f.T uuliuoiiiry cuuiylainl*. ! All ciru^ists have it f'.r tale. people ar* Kitatinu for a ni^ht mail from Fle-herMn. Thi* i* a ,-ratuiu which they are deservi. and we ..;; llu-ir anticipalioi.* will be fulfil v\. As matter* ic>w itand the , iriver briu^ a mail from Pricevillo at ni.jht l.ut take* none back n hi* re- turn The matter can be adjusted with- out any extra expense beini; incurred, and consequently it oujht to niae. It is .]u<te pn.bat'le that you may need tin- srrvic. * of a I'hysician *.>me day; liut \..n cju [i'it;..'iie the time indehn- iy kvc|'intf Jour t.|.nl pare and your system invigorated thr-.uch the use \ - ^.-saparila. Prevci'tion U twtter than cure. the program Micceaefully carried out. A* announced by the Ull* Dr Markdale.wa* to have occupied the chair, but bein^ uuable tu attend, Mr. X S. Yandu**'!! tilled the throne very creditably. The greater jart of the en- tcr:aiiiun'ii' wa* made up of !, <rl talent assisted by Mr W. E. Ratn*ey. comic vocalist and elocutionist, of Toronto. This wa* Mr. Ranj*ey' lint appearance in Fleahcrtun, and he wa* welf rcK.-e.vrti by hi* audience. The Mi**e* Kelli, in their club (wiiigtut; and liumb hell cie* wrre neartUy appreciated. The lcal talent. !. evr. *eeiu to have lu*t f tii -ir far r f>.r the appreciatu.ii in which the (elections they gave were held was heartily manifested. The quar- tette au 1 quiutette are deaervi: _ *|>ecial notice. Flesherton orchaettra en- livened proceeding* greatly with excel- lent muaic. S//0 DEALER, FLESHERTON. Boots, Rubbers, A LARiJE ASSORTMENT uF Shoes, Slippers, Overshoes, Trunks, Seasonable uoods. The to wn i|> father* will nmve!> for regular l.n<iu;*s mi Monday neit lit the Town Hall. Mr. R. P. Legate has an no;. >rtast an- nouncement in hu cUau.'e of adverti*e- inent tli.t week. r' r *!- _ .'.! .- 'W in r.i!f - wiH c >me in early - excellent milker. Apply t" VT. Uich.mi* . K!eherton. The Forester* have en^^.-ii the Royal Teini'UrV hall, where they will hU luoathly met ting*. Meri BioJte and Meldrum were en- >;acc>] in t.iwn on the townahip audit Mi i ul ay and Tuel;iy <<f thia we< A !eii{h liwi.l .'f Fli*ahert.>n young lJira attended the Jeiaie Alexander concert in ftlarkdal .u Wet! neaay evea- iug last. Rer Mr \\ ,.11, M A., delivered an edict" tn tlio UutiilalL c>'iiitre^*tiii on Sunday lit, Uev. M. Uudoui, of l>un Ualk, Ukiiitf Mr. Well*' pulpit here. Remeinbv-r the U. T. of T. "roeette" ocial in their hall on Tueaday evening oeJit. Preparation* are l<eitit! made for a cn>wil, and an extra g<.>d time a an- ticipated. The undcnii^ne*! have a tine M. '! talUon- the well-known l>.rd Byron which thev arc dc*iriu "f Icaaun; for tlie M>a>"ii .1 '.'-' Ap;-!y t,. Ward \ Madill, Prut. 'ii Station. Measn. M. Riohardaou A Co. hare jmt nwivfd wurii of th arrival at New York of a l.iiv coni;4iiient of tpring dry goods front Mnncheiter, Kix'and. per tiamhip llostoiiian. S*aU-<l t< iu!,'r will be revive*' for the erection ar>l ooinpletU'ii "I a l>nvk hoiue in Fleahorton. Plana and (>ecitioati..n my tiel^-eu t Mit.-helli bank, or at \V. Clark's MMtlenoe. A Ian:* quantity f beautiful nquare I rip tiniltr has been c- miin in fr>'in ihjprey during th* jwnt week. It aeenn a i;reat pity il.it tiiia ti'ie tuntvr (hould be Wilt out of tin- i- nintiv It will all be rnuire<l lu-ri- I.B. I n.-:i-.li.irr ;>irr. Mnrkd.llr. ha* |10.(H'(> private f amU to lend on t \'ni niortKav 1 ''* within the next few month* at lom-11 v-'.iiniit rnte* N.< comniiM- 10:1*. n<' .lol.iv". i \|H'Mf lour. Apply t ofrioe in M.ti L.i A'U. duriiK the week or at Duudalk I'thi-e "n Saturvlavs. About thirty Son <vf Teui|H>rancr Tuunt pi'"('lo went over t 1'riiWiMo >u Thunday evening latt and njoycd tlioin elve* thiMoiiiialy. Tbey were muoh pleaietl with the receptioi, tendered them. Mr. Allan Fanjoy, of Alliaton, ha* lieen "t:ikin^ (tie town durnij: tho pant week, mnd camd away with him some thirty negative*. He wat the jjuest of Mr. W. P. Troaaley. Mr. Kanjoy de- |<artel for home on Monday. The ice harrwt i* now in procreas. While there are about eixhteen niche* of ice on Kleaher'i pond only nine invhe* are (jtxtl f.<r use, the upper portion be ing tvft. The nine incite* of good ice ar. however, of extra fine quality. Mr. \V Hi'iidenKHi, who lately pur- iliaaed th flour, feed and (jr\>cery bui- net* of Mr R Pedlar, i* now in po** Day after day the evidence accumulate* that the "Myrtle Navy' is the people'* i favorite tobacco. The demand keep* in- creaaiiu. ?.:! fr* erery new circle of conation 1 ?* wh.> have ivu induced t try it the evidence is emph\:ic in it* favor. Its c^uin qualities always hold the frieiuls they have once made. The*e qualities wiil be kept to their full ttand- ard by tlie manufacturer* of it. It i* to these qualities and the tvaaonablene** of the price that they attribute their mark ed (uccea*. To the quality they will ad- here at all co*t. and alto the price if that be pouible. Stock for Sale. >pan i!"od yunt{ horse*, a number of tine pitr and UMIIJ farming implement* in << H! condition. Apply to Mrs. Ja*. Beecroft, Kieshert MI Personals. Messrs. Mather* and W. .1. liens.ui. of Markdale. nave The Advance a come call on Friday last. Ilia* Lou Armstrong attended the Col- lexiate cunvenaxione m Oweu Sound on Ku lay evening last. Anniversary. Tlie aniiivenary of MeaforJ R.^ad Sabbath School will be held in Wesley church on WeJiii'sd.ty. M.trcti '.). tio. J pr<>cram aud i;.-.>d acconniodation f. r for hore*. Tea from 6 to "30. Ad- ii 25 cent*. Leg Broken. Tlio Advance i* extremely orry to li'.irn that Assessor V\'. McLaut(lirey ha* nii-t with an accident which will confine linn to the !i.'Ue for some tune. While working in hi* stable he received a kick from a hone which broke hi* leg below :lu' knee. tlOO. That i* the extra amount which ha* been placed 11. tho Ontario estimate* for the ruling agricultural *ocietie*. as a re - ult of the etf.irt* put forth by the officers of the various associations in the pto- tu.cf. Mr S. lUiiiu.li-. of thi* village. ha* a loin; head, and a* the instigator of the movement treasury ward ileecrve* full credit for the result obtained. He has Wen an ttulef .tunable worker. The hun- dred vlollar* will aid \erv materially to wards making the Kast i!rvy show one of the bett in the pro:i'ce. and now that the debt has been wiped off (he pro- perty we may look for a material addi- tion to the prise* anJ consequently a still more successful show. An editor died and (lowly wended hi. way down to where he supposed a warm reception awaited him. The di.-v.; him aud said: "For many year* th. u hast borne the blame for th errx-r* that the printer* njaue in the papers. The paper has j-one, alas ! for one .. Ala* I The dollar hut ofi-n f&iled t. come in. The printer* haru !: theef.-r wa.e* n Saturday night when thuu b*at not a .-eiit to thy name Men have taken the paper without paying for it. and cursed thre for u..t ^ettin^ up a better paper. Thou hast been called a dead beat and a fraud br meu that wera both. A.I these thinm thou haat K.ri.c in silence. Thou can st uot ci.ui her*.' And be tired l.iin. A* he did so he murmured to lum*elf : "Ueaveir* hi* home, and betide* if we had let him coin* in here he would have been continually duniniik* his delinquent subscribers and thus created disc, rd in my kn.jd-.ui " Wben Baby was tick, we ca* br - Wbnsb wasaCh/. t h orisi !cr i'a*toria. Wh.n til* ttwain* Miss, she clun< to Cattona. Wb*n ih.. had Cbildrwi.sbe(aTtb*u Castovia. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to for Mr. . bv niiiliuu* of IIMH he t*rtuio U disturbe your ml b , with : > .. chiMrauta saBTecer loss^ediateiy . therw is BO imk rb<re> retuiato* the M kaaiod. aa<l (ivee too ehilaveatwi - General News. <>i>n Sound up to date liaa had toei.ty *ix mayor* since iucor^>ration. T!;. I At the First Meth.nlist church in Owru Sound. >.!! Sunday unted to fl.100. Atiii Friiu-h. a widow, 90 yean of * . has just ui.uried a man of Ai at IVlfaat. Maine. The i r'.le is worth |10O.OOO. M' !' I ... > I Knv-ke **wiiiii;, X.irlh t;,i\. : i a contract for 4 piece* of ma; . ( - for the Hriti*li in*tket. for the uianufacturv of mangle r> Her*. Mr P N Craii, of the hnn ..f Robert Orai <fc >,.n. cattle expintcrs. j ..! m Branipton Sunday iu K lit. <e>i 'M. Hi* father died oi.'.y a few day* *uo. ._- a*k for Mn. . yrup. Vn:u>d ..... >n old pbvucian ..... , COI5UXPTIOI CVBID. >n old pbvucian. tetirol !roas ftmttlm. bav- - . . . i i Lunc AffKtion*. aJ- ... r N . - ^ twtwi .ta woo.torful curative powvn i* tknwaai. oaaei. ha> iuaA it k-.- ai*l bv tbl . aa >utTvrin I will and a .l wad tn* rvcif*. m IWruian. F HOB* mail . . m IWruian. Ftnu-li or Kacliah. witL fall HOB* (or prvpana* and u.in* Ik bv adJrwsaiiK with Maul*, aami li-- v \ T>m.M)PowM->-h ^ T ItilarMl \lvRKItl> T.&B. n BRUME LETTERS NONE OTHEK GENUINE of v Business. fHB nuiler*i||Beii beg* l*ave to *c quaint the inbabitsn'.o(Klr*berto:' (ml .i:rcun.l'.i'.: 0. imtry thai 1 ha* pure!'*.- i ti.e Hour. Kwl ami .< SUTV. [trill Kichard l\.i x-. hfre h* vill cntn.ne t. k^p in I'aiul a c. >^1 g-.ipply of Choice V'linr. Kl ai'.i ill, ,.!;. .t L. ft Price*. l\ urtoy ami S<{' U' IVtliug will be the ord. r ,<( the ilav at HrnUtTtOn'x Store We bo|>e that the I'ld l'ut,-:n.'!i will cuatinue to patroulx*) u* and a *pr nk- liiijj it new one*. Taken in Trade. Obituary. It i* with sorrow that we have '.o chronicle the death of Mr*. Samuel War luitf, daughter of Mr. .la*. Brodie. who ilii-d at her homo near Priceville on Fri day. I'.'th nut., aiieil 25 year* and lire month*. IVceated leave* a family of tomnall children. The remain* were interred in tne Meaford Koad burial {rouiiil Mr. .lame* Krodi* hiu the deep ivni|>.ithy of our reidnta,he having loet hi* father who lived at llratupton, hi* daughter and a little grandchild, al 1 with- in two week*. Mr. Warlinx al*o ha* our dee|>e*t >mpathy Miu Sarh Tareon. who ha* for Ion;; bt*en an invalid. paated away from earthly ! mnVriMk; at the resilience of her father, | r. ''.well l'ar*o:i,on Thursday of last week. Tin- funeral took place on Satuiday to Irwin'* burial Rround, (travel road. Flewes' ana Fords Flour Always on Hand. Wm. Henderson. Sale of i Valuable Farm In th* Towuthip of O>|>rrf . m Ih* Conntv ,.( Qr*y I u.ler and h< nrtii" .<! th.. )-. Ml* *a*Halwed mai-ci-tari niori^mi. wiii.-h will b*> pte****wd*)l th* luiif of *!, tiivv will b* offiT*.! f.'i .1^ l>v j.nhlu' aucli..!! ' tl-.' l'oumr Listen to plain facts about the B. & C. corset You can't break the bones for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have > our money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied. after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. Fr Kale b> M. Rlrhari*B 4 t- tlu- I. O. O. F. Concert. The concert held in the Town Hall lait Tuesday evening under the auspice* of the above *oi*ty wt* well attended, and i^o. ' :i *ho illaKf o! l>uuJalk. on S*t.iivlB. tilth l> .( March. l.i!. >t tli liour , f IW'-li . .. , i.vk n.s.i. tho followiiitt \Hiab'# fai in propiM t % iiMiU all tbo certain j-i- 0*U or tract* of Itttid *n.l preiiumni, jtuatt>. Iv inn *it.l biUK tu Hi* townni|* of iSj.r. iti th* ouatyefOrej u.l I.I-..\IMI* of ODMMO. .-.-n taming n- h.iii.f*sl ort-^ saor* or team bvitu ci>uii*o*^l of loi nuuilH*r H in tb neov>u<t ami thir.l iimr- north of tlie l>urh*ui Hoa-t. la th* ^*i.l toit^li,i' ,-f \t.j. ,-, i>u thi* taitii ar ai,l to b ?i -, to.l a boi nn.l a lo >tar>l(> It l< wll watrw.l an.t ha >alut>l* ov.lar tiirN-i an.t thu iainl iiit<> l> clay loam. The sal* wil! b* |ul<;e- to r, r> bi.l li-rus l'n ytr c*ot ontliaay o( >al aii.l th* blaiio within twenty .lay* without iuWr**t. vHh>. toruia, oondiuoniand iwiticulan will b* n't.- known at thu tim o( >al*. or in th* uiMutiui* u|H>a application v> UKNTON. DOOS * PlrNTON \*ndi>r>!olici%or*. 1<H V J:iJ* Strwt KaJt. Torouk) D. Molavish, HORSESHOKK ASP GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Colliiinvil Street. FLFSHERTON, - ONT. Mnii'i-lurinuo . . . Deoinrrala, M.- Horw .KVOIK |..,.I,M', >t t"<.1tsl to SjNval attention t;iven to coutra*!- I* 1 or t.-n.lrr fcpl l.*KKi*if and Plww Chain* r*> (anily kn*l. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLrix. Co. Gait. T-) - -: s nUMKNUI . - MONEY TO LOAN. The undf r.ifc-ut.1 has a large an>. iint of moy to loan at ,. e or. f*rm property. . ANi ri'E. rlrl -rt n. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Ork. . Inuiraaoa a^ i -,d>. mrt*e*. leaaw*. etc.. prvparr<i and propn-lv . lusaraaee affecwj .1 rirt claM Mooey to Vnd at lowest rate*. HftUcal. C A I T I \. i u n ri n. or THI: MHTLE NAVY DR. HCTTON M. P. c. M . v ; ll*. R of the Methodist Chnirb. Kinross St. Ofle* J*y*. Tuesdays aaJ Sa:unU\>. - CARTER. v - )'. A < . o. Ot|W. e.. rirslierten. iBe Strain, l**iin iMnnsbaw* hotel. DRS. SPROULE A EGO,~ l>ut Offl.-e M*i;l\ , Jrug : - " M \ ugus Kfo. M. P.. Et< , ui* , m . o u t. l>r Kt;.. : .U at tb* MarkUaje House at J- P. TIE WELL. - . iario \>t, r.tur >i , K - south of Letca * u. - ,. ilrutistru. J. P. MARSHALL. L. D. ft.. I - . - . ^;,k. oaietb*l*t kiid HrJ \\ , ,ir , e b m.>uth. r'levii-.Ttt'ii K.*ci trip vo the Jav ag. J. W. FROST. Bamiter. > rrtineer. Kte. Fletberton ortio* Nrxt the \;i\ cfiee, Sproule'* bui!.im k '. on Tburso*;*. Owe* Svuua office t'ront builulDtJ. P McCULLOUGH, B*rriu-r. !^ hoi.*. Kic. Office over Me- Fwlevud ' kU^re. M*uktlai. M^LVT to I an. WRIGHT & LINDS\Y. Out. l<amnt<r ...... .r.T -t.- Owen rtetkertea .*.< Miu-h*ir* bank ol *.h wvri, Mou> u- uu al IOWMI i u-. W H Wa-.utir. R K. t iv : ,, R. J. Sproule, I>>Sr>l.\STKR. FU-.t.ervon. ''011111! ,siom- * *r m It. R.. l.iceosed Auetioaeer. COB veyanewr. Appraner aud Mone.-- lendei. Keal Eitate and lunuraure Aeut. PeeJu. Mi'it<ages. Lea< ar.,1 Wills Jrswn up aud Valuaiiou* maJ on lior'e*t noti.-e. AC- tnu 8al* attended to in any par> v' tli* .'000(7. Money to loan at lownt rate* t iaUr**t. Collections HuJ-,l to uh proaiptoe** auj Jpato'u. Charge low. A(tnt(or the Pouinino Steamsh'plYi' pary. Cheap ticket* (ro Fleiherten to I.:v.rpol, it*a|ow. I.ou.lon or anv cf th Tntisb on*. Parties intenJ ; a*! to vitil Kngland, Seotlancl or Ir)aoil. will plea** *k rat** be. tor* p.rckaair | their tieket* ebxwber*. v: ..

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