Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1892, p. 6

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THE SEA TOOK THEM. WM Death by Fire or Drowning for Oapt. Boytl and dis Wife- *>ri ii. ii- i In I _!'''"' Miiaarr < I lln-lua lo Ilir .lliib'i.im f tut uii in|. A ii .in in r ;i..|i l h. a Ihe |ar nnnp|>r<l and IfceJ MM ' ' Mere xi < k \\l xi ; l. wo ..t<ili llrlrnn i.liane. i:sane I" " lr>;>ernie lluiil. lr I euilerhl|. To the south ami cinlw.ir.i "f Lbengula's ital i.s ilu.ited Macalacii Land. It wan d fcf ttotdghtj( monarch's father, MiMilik.ii/e, and "till remains subservient t.. the MatabIes. The approximate position of my camp at the tune I wi'uesacd the scei.e 1 will eudiavor to describe was lati- '''1 N v.n, of the winter ..-a. more thrilling tudc '.'1 south. |.,n x ii,,.l. M M* nd piteous than ih.tspuo the other day by The country surrounding me was marx, Lo! . .Mil,..,.! K. .lounlaD of the lou.ly attractive, although only nd x e y KtfVi.'ian Monarch ha. leu heard in cabin or , sparsely covered *ith huili, therefore totally ecastleformanvaday. Ins of the loss of iiKlen. for agricultural or pastoral purposes, the Nnvi S.-otia oil ship l.oodiaii*. She was but through the Hat veil'. surface, at irregu- burned .vm mile, east of St. .lol.ns, N. K.. or ' lar intervals, rose copje* of immense block* bout in midoce.in, on Jan. I.i Hi. The of tne, piled one upon the other, that re cable ha* reported that two living men were , embled the debris that might liave been aee<n clinging to herbowspirit, but soon dis left after Titans had built a gigantic city or appeared. Il wa. not two men. It wai ] mammoth fortification. These eruption* 4,'apt. Boy<t and hit wife, and they periaheil from beneath the earth 1 * *urfacc were cover before the .yes of ihe olliceni anil men of j ed with parasitic 1 plants, decorated with . Monarch. II was Second I )ifieers .lourdan'* watch on budge of the Kgvptian Monarch, east inott attractive fruit or - A species of aloe, too, wai numerous, the ward h.iun.i. from midnight on .Ian. 15 un til 4 o'clock the next moitjiiig. He bad beer ,,u duly leas than an hour when he saw a unti hll u | eK raph pole*. Hare over the port bow resembling Ihe T (,,. coun , ry i.noi destitute of water, as ' I upright item which bean iU flower having moring He had been ^"J .triking resemblance to civilization'. light of a sailing veMvl displays when a steamship is clow upon her. Theses", torn by a dnv in.' hail itorin, were high This country i* attested by the numbers of balloons, mon- keys, and leopards that fre>|iieni the copjes, zebras, and guinea fowl "" ' I and the antelopes, /.-bras, and guinea fowl I and for the brat time in her history | Umt wmllller l)T Vr the data. Possibly the in tbe Kgyptian Monarch used oil on them. ,,,,. Bushoien know where to find this At first glance, >.-< ond Olbcer .lourdan nfr ". eluljtv , |,f,. | )llt i|,.e astute mvage* thought the tlaie w-w m Ihe neighborhood c . reflll i concealed their .ecret from me and f th. ship. It wai really nearly ten mile. people. I was riding slowly along ad away on the horizon to the northeast but m ; rm 't( ie beautiful colors of this distant u bti ttM so mirrored in the innumerable drops of hail as lo appear ilose by. Mr. lourdan got hi* glass, and as he level- u , llUcmDe _ i n Masaara guide. attendance was my My reverie was broken by an unknown sound, which echoed and re uwnn M> i Mi- Georgia raises red cotton. The I 'i,r id Slate* purchased Alaska in i., .1' tin- rate of lisa than a cent an acre. An umbrella twenty -one feet in ihaim tr lias IM-I-II constructed for a king of the Afri- cans, A man has invented a machine which will register the paces and thu ground cov- ered by a horse. (iive a boy a name thit the other boys can tease him about, and you help Satan to run? bis temper. A prim parlor at home too (rood for use is one of the l-*t promoter! of the saloon and public louliug place*. Some persons never get further out of their own little circle than the wooden horses in a merry-go round. Ky a recent appliance to kitchen ranges the refuse from the kitchen U thoroughly dm d, converted into charcoal and used. Kecent improvement* in wiredrawing have made it possible u> draw platinum and silver into wire that hair. is finer than human led it in the direction of the tlare a geyser of echoed from the surrounding dags. It wa* (ire showed that there had been an explosion not the honest hark of the halioon, or the re- on some vissvel. He had sent word to < 'apt. i verberating voice of the lion, or the hyena'* I rv m, and a'.! hands .'ere called to take in , discordant laugh, but a combination of all of ail. This was ijuickly done, and the Kgyp- them, uttered in.|Uick,successixegnsp, Un n >n M..IIII h wan headed a', the top of her mi|uiry from my follower, he informed me peed toward the burning ship. Three- that kameeli IgtrafTe*) were the originator* tjuarters of .. n hour later, or at P. o'clock in .,( the iinnnnwn sound. Tin- Maaaara beg the morning, she rounded to under the Loo- g. nine in 'ollow him. This I did, and so ill ilia's lee. became witness of one of the Mr. .liu : dan left the bridge in charge of r rATKAmii.iN xi;v -.I..IITS thi Captain and went below and called for , w ,|,| ijfeihal J had ever seen. Thoae who volunteer . lew to man a Iil.-U.at. < nly ,, avr l(wc | t , ,(. ,l,,n,,i Kail have doubt three sailor* came forward. Chief Officer i,.| y well , na |,. , am els light ar.d noted with K.-jJiain and ihird Officer Kay, with Sec wl , a ; ,,(,,,.,. N .,,,.,. .,,,,| vi.touinea* they ond Om.-iT .luurdan. also volunteered. Ihe , ry ,,., disablemic another ; bow they reason I here were not more volunteer, from ,i ir|t . k wlth r . g< , oxer ,. advantage that ths) lorecal|. . Mr. .lourdan say*, was lie t | le y ,,1,..,,,. ,) veil with pain wln-n 1 1 .-> .au~- Ihe steamship had a " scratch " crew ^ aeverely hurt. A girafte duel much re- i.i laudlul.U-ispickid up at liraveiund. semblee a camel'* as will be seen from what Mr. .lourdan returned lo the bridge and I proceed toitate. discovered for the first time that there were The rivals were not well matched ilia living people still aboard th ship, which, , taller was out of eondiiion and v. iv n d : f|i in >tein In (tern, wa* a great sheet of the other was in splendid Imm and in the flame. Not a veitige of a maal wa* viiibls, prime of life. I conclude.! that a tiglr was nd the only pa untuuched by fire wa* the imminent, and had no difficulty in deciding jibl,..iin Aiiidc of *! was I'apl. llnyl, which would In- t he v |. tr. They roared in itnd i laapmg his wai-' 'shmd him was his unison as if each were lr) ing to drown the lltlUwilc. They wa-ed their hand*, and othet's v ou-e. Sometimes tin* would cease The microscope shows 4,000 musclea in the body of the common caterpillar, ani that the eye of the dragon-fly contains *J8,- UUU polished lenses. 1 luring the past twelve months the Sal vation Army food depot* hve supplied J.'JiNI.SoO cheap mei In to the homeless and i.irxing. Of these JIO.UCO were d . There are now twenty one law linns in the t 'lined States composed of huslnnds and wives, and there are about 'JOU American women who practice law or control legal publications. A velocity u high a* 2.887 feet per second has been obtained by a projectile from a rapid-fire gun. This ia at the rate of l.tms miles an hour. It is th* highest vel'N-ityyet recorded. There is only one vessel in the Hritiih navy winch in the last thirty yean has lieen IMI.I \4 \O ft.lLHI*. la I Birred! BC Article Ikr --.i|r. i y Dr. Hsrlaeaa. Information has been cabled of Dr. Mac- agan's article iu the new Nineteenth ' "ry on " IntliH-n/ji and Saliciu." The arti- cle ia striking and abound* in interesting pninlH. While asserting the cow almo-t nn iveraally-scceptrd belief that the poison* which give rise to many of the most impor- tant diseases of mankind consist of minute organisms, Dr. Mai-lagan states strongly win the the fact that the knowledge we poraasa of these poisons is not derived from a study of the poisons themselves, but from a study of tne disease caused by them. B. fore the microscope had detected the organism it perfectly well known, from a study of disease, that the organism was there. Uf all those diseases of which the organism ha* not yet been discovered it is perfectly well known that they are due to organisms. This i* evident from the growth of them in the system during illneu. The sufferer re- ceives only enough to poison himself, but gives off enough to poison hundreds. It i* evident, therefore, that reproduction i* K""'f? un . a1 "' nothing in i in -i tt i IK tin . na ture U ever repioduced except an or- ganism. Fut I.ern or s these poitons, like other organisms, breed true. Smallpox pro daoea only smallpox, just as dog* produce dogs and roae tree* roses. The fact that the diseased system gives off poisons is not the only proof of reproduction. If you give a man a dose of any ordinary poison, like opinin or arsenic, the full effects are shown almost a* *oon an it can be taken into the system. But it il very different with the poison* of smallpox, malaria, and kindred diseases. A period varying from two days to two weeks elapses between the reception of the poison by the system and the first evidence that it is there. The poison has immensely multiplied in the interval. This i*, of course, evidence of reproduction. If the full itrength which the ponton has ac- ijuired in its Taller stages were introduced engaged in a sea fight with a hostile war into the system immediately, the patient ship, the Shah. She is to besent to Bermuda would die from Ihe attack, just as he die* from a dose of arsenic. However, the effects are scattered over many weeks. In typhoid fever the period of incubation is ten or twelve days that is, that many days belween the reception of the disease Dragging a fapllve In nvealh. Civilized Kurope has frowned upon the African slave-trade, and tlie British are continually lighting over it. Strong effort* are i<inii made to stamp nut thi* awful . anit Christian ia arrayed against Mi>!iamnicds>n. Death, except ao far a* aelf i* concerne', i* regarded lightly by the Arab *lave- trader, and the . 'insolation* of hi* religion are such that he can even look upon huowndtaih withe<|iinimity. Where In* aavage black brother is concerned, an Arab teem* to exercise about a* much - , ! humanity aa would be looked for in a tiger e ' of the jungle. The religion of the Prophet is decidedly (elfish, and was probably mouliled to til jiuitiuch men as make up the bandi of slave-hunters. Picture a little village in Darkest Africa. Whatever may be the condition of life, it is certainly as the inhabitant* choose to make it ; and however savage the people are, there ii no <jne*tiou but that they must enjoy a certain freedom of existence, and hold family tie* that even the beait* are not )>ereft of. They know of no better life ; but there is the possibility of a worse state always before them. TUeir creed i* war, their virtues few; but for this they can hardly be hold to blame, for to .lie a hulk. A Frenchman has invented new and in of a piece of chamois and electricity in .-on mdcrab!ci|iiairitiesis generated by the trie- IIOM. Two fish hooks made of the pearl oyster shell of the Indo 1'ac-itic IH-CSII weru leci-nt ly plowed up on the north shore of take On THE I'ALI. Or D.tKKNbM is over them at all limes. Suddenly a horde of Arabs sweeps down upon them. The village i demolished : every one of the in- habitants is captured by the hunters. To resist means torture and death. The life of eajh Mohammedan must be paid for by the laughter of the young and old, which is accomplished with the most terrible exhibi- tions of cruelty ; and eveu if the Arab* make their captures without loss, there is no pity felt for the poor negro. Those who are un- fit for slave* are told that they may go ; hot as they sneak off, they are run and shot down by the brutal captors. The Arabs have DO regard for life. They will tie a rope around t'.ie snkle* of one of the help- f a first appearance table which shows the rate of mcreaae. 1 typhoid fever the germs multiply four time* each day. There are four germs at the end of the first day, it the second, and their minified voi.t il-.wn .11 i In- vi .nd i" ving for belli carre >'i men on the steam- The success of the French postal savings banks, which were established ten years) ago is shown by the report nt IH'.si. At tlie : tli.it year the total deposits were O'.i",ii<i. the niiiiitn-r nl depositors num brru.g over 'J.u.i.ii Ml. A new cement is attracting considerable attention in Kngland, owing so iu a.lti.i ing so strongly In iron, wood and stone. It is made of twenty part*iifgs>a tar, seventy lor a few moments and then begin again |j >e | r t, ,,t c |,y and .aica earth and ri.'c with renewed strength. Presently the belligerents came within a lew yanln.it e.n h other Then . ommesjoed parts of natural I ilpbates. Kitchen Maid no Irish valet, who has just returned from Italy with hii mast Cell me. I'at. what is tin- Uv i I hear the master talking no nrich aUiiit ?" Irish I 'apt. liv.n st-a<"-4 t windward and bouled " lie of gi- d I r '" and he saw a scene that battles nil description S. I.', th. . |.r. s-n.n mi the fa e of ihe-kiplH-i |,...|,1.- nu.'ht , til it ludicrous; i I was far and his wife lhat they ' a I h.-ard him. Ihe more, it was side splitling, and, but for my r valet il.i.-.-' lon'slyi "Only a drop of the 1 1 1. -I N..it waa swung out, add the volume, i -. .(. -u. to see the end, 1 must have given way ' L . r t. i M feeing 'I.-.' iii. v wi ! ^ . l" - to eonv nlsiniis of laughter. Although the w:i ling sea, ! .d i.ady t >luw.. at giraffe |io**e*ss a certain beauty when at Now, a parasite does not grow ail over ihe liody. There i* generally only one part where it can grow. The parasite which rl grows in muscle will not grow in the skin, n.l the rev.-rse. Why thi* is so i* not k'lown, nut it is a fact. The locality n I Iver farming is one of the ex ils complain- Command. The bit' nin^' ship was hesdi-d to the Wind. 1'-adl'd Iiy hi l ttow ng u|ot 'in, -he ili|i|i"d h' i l~iw inaglani sea. and when -!.. MI n was a forwur.l rush of lire *nn h nearly env. loped the skipper mid ln wile. T hi Ii. . I *ay snp|Kii ling the JI!.|N ni had l<-en burned away, and win n th id the heel of lln- -|..l It snapped oil The i L mil. n d in lower tlielioal had been j;leu Hill befini. Ihe InMl Ion. lie. I I h>- ea < 'apt lloyd in-l Ins wile were In-yon Hid. They wic si-en clinging to the char rrd jibbiniiii tor a moment, th. -k | |. . 'nig Ins wife with on.- arm. The. next ( ,(, lw ., m ,,, m ,,ih umlaut a wave dashed the sjiar againat the flaming hulk, and man and wife disap|x-ar rd. The order lo Uiineh the lif.-l.oat wap conn tclin.uid. I. All Illght the K^yptlHIl M..II rch iteamed around the wreck Linking tor piMsible survivors. At dawn she steamed n miles to leeward, in win. h due. IH.I | rest, it lose* its grace when in iiiot i.m, and the greatei n- -^;\ ihe ni<.i>- uiuainly i" ed of in the. \Visl. There la a leu.lrncy Ihe "'ii|i IxiaU if any were lainicheil, would I .m- di if 'e. I. None was neen, and ihe tl>Kllli.hlp A "lit on her i inline. Del ollicein U-l lev e that all on boanl the l...i..li UM | i ii.li . I The (..Mnliaiia left New York with a car ,.. M| i. inn I p. troleiini in .ie on Dec. .'II ^ll. VV..H in- ii. I !..i --(II.IUNI ln U i-.,l-.. r , \. S . M..H, which |mrl nlie Inille.l >h> ineailir- il I.S-lP toni .iii.l was limit at IIauti|Hiii, N : It apjiear. Itnt when t wo nmtiie bulls 1*- gm to Walt/ and do violently al-nind each other, each endeav orinu lo outdo the other in agility, at the same tune mumbling then jaws mill emitting I I VKI I I I V Hl~ OKI'IVT Hull.-. H is . ertainly one of the n.nst aUnid > ights human eye evil looked ll|lll. I have often seen a crane -lance a function common i iioiiKh north of the Vaal Kiver ; it is in than funny It is iidu-ulou* but cannot ' ""I 1 for an instant bo compared lo the anti. ..| n. in. .Ill brutes. Their great _ to the (irotesi|Ueiiess of thin U'havior ; but even if the Iwast* had been i>" higher than i;oals or sheep, the absurd maun, i in win. h they HW nng alnnil their In t, contorted their bodies, and swayed their heads must have moved the most phlegmatic U e lay hidden, and i|inet whila rivals ainoiiK k;i icwltunstM to endeavour In cover stnall|xix. scarlet fever, and measles have too inn. h gioin.d. A bltle larin well tilled then nidus in the skin, and therefore in is really nun. pn.liiable than a Isige farm .Ine.-t coiiiinuiiication with the atimwpheiv, indilleiently can. I ti>r. S|ieakiii^ ii|".ii tin- thai they are so .-Diitage >us. Typhoid fever, nn tlie other hand, is not con'.ageous Its nidus ,, Hidden away in tic ' It is obvious that this hunt.. subject, the pi i '"idi -ill nf the Winnipeg Itoaid . if Trade k.ild leieutlx that the sys I. -in of fanning pui -ncd hy a ^'xl in my IHIWI'!. farmers is that nf alt. inptin^ lo wmk more f ilie nidus l* a fortunate fact for the mf- land than they can properly ciiltixate. feit-r. There is a special something withm When ih.-ie is a lar^e crop, as in the past the nidus upon which the or^ini-ni feeds. season, the harvesting cannot be attended .in.lvxhcnth.it s.nnet him; is exhausted the lo in lime lo nave it . thus ten. lerin| urles* ' organism dies. That something i* soontr tbe whole of the work en'ailed in preparing exhausted in soire i-anes than in others: less one*, and faslening il lo the saddle of horse, compel the lesser brute to drag the x ictini across the desert until life is extinct, or nearly so : the latter suits their devilish taste much better. The ilavea on the line . of march bear round wooden yokes, and are Dr. Maclagan ive. a linked m pa lr ,, wlth thelr | ia - u U oftei , tled . Any murmur against their captor* or re- fusal to eat in fact, ihe slightest act of in- subordination mean* instant death. C'rosv in^; the I ; real Itesert lhee slaves suffer the agonies cf thirst a suffering lhat wecannot appnviite. v-nrea fall by the wayside, and are left to die as best they may : for, in the height of their ex (tnsite cruelty, the Arabs deny unto these men the merciful bullet. When the well* are reached, these pool slaves) expire within reach of the water that they are unable to drink, and the rob- bers of the desert show no sign of pity. It is hard to think of these Arabs as men and human being* : yet they are men who glory in their religion, and often show themselves worthy of higher influences. They regard life as lightly as possible, and it i* u.l of the iireat mimlvr of captives that begin the march vn. . .- KRT v .TV few ever reach the market*. The route of a Slav e caravan is marked by the dead that lie upon the sand. nullook is one of pror.-.ise. Already these Kinds of slave traders have been dim inislied, an.l earnest men are engaged in the suppression of the tratli .-. Kngbxnd has been deeply ml.-i ci-U'd in the siilncct and i; will prokilily l>e but a short tune In lore tins horrible ti tide is a thin; of thepist, The and the e; -lit Icr int!ue:i.v ot t hri,i.u.it \ IT civ ill/ c. mi call it xvh.it you will may soon e\'ciul to l>ark*t Africa, and w:pe out the , nut ge of the poor native. these organisms produce is evident from the fact that they feed on the same materials that tissues of the body Jo nur.igi-n and watet. Xnw comes the question. Why do not these germ* go on increasing indefinitely T In nther word*, why doe* anybody get well ? The answer is that the material upon which they feed in the lyste-n is limited. An orvnin.*ai which grow* in and it tne expense of another organism is a parasite. , which the jtarasite grows is called its nidus that is, nest. In smallpox the nidus it the skin : in t \ phoid fever it i* a particular net of glands in the Uiwel. It is It-cause the land and putting in tile need. l'rcti al farmers are seeing the evil of tins sy ->iei i ol overfar are seeing iinng, ami the teinlen.'y is now MI. i ..i .1. - 1 Mare am Karlh. T h" coldest *pot on the earth'* surface is Dear Werkliojaimk, Silieria. "Th.-re, 'il i* said, "the culminating |Hnnt of excessive i Innate I* reached." In other Words it U the (Kile of the grnatest known uold. The lowest readings of the thermometer, taksn Iiy Sir lieorge Nares, were noted at r'lotierg Iteach, where for eleven day* in mi. . i-m..n ihe i.-iiip.'iii!iii.- ranged Iwtween Tsandsl degree.! below /em, Ihe eoldrwt lienig HI Kalirenheit. For many years scientists *un- JHH.I! thiit Yakutsk, 4'KI nnlen fnnn \\.-ik liojitnxk, wa* Ihe rold. t place in the ..| i-l T In- lnwi l 1 1 i. lint'- of the Kiihrenheit (her in..'iiet.-i at Yikutik, how<-\ er, nevsr xceed i I , ! glee* lu'lnvv /.-i ... I . i ..1111101 Kmperor's refusal lo oln-y I he do, ini s ordeis lo keep himself and his childi. n away Iron, ihe l-'inpress while she is uttering from inlluen/a, on the "round thai in. h . ..lulu, t would net a bad example. lo I.I-MIMII hnsbanils, in likely to appeal lo .iitiineiitiilist. the world ovci, but hardly lo |i. THOIII of conitnon R.inse. The Kni(iei or, whethel he is llioveil by self will in l>> i Heine ib vi. n. -ii to his wife, is really sel- ling ihe worst (nsnble example to I, is sub Je. 'i by duolieyniL! Ihe order* of hi* pit \sician* in the first place, anil in the econd place by voluntarily subjecting Ins , liil-li.n lo id.- danger ol infection simply to Itralifv a sentiment. Kven in the lick MHIIII nf an Kinpr. *s ihe dm-, lions of th* do. to- sliould be I lie supreme law, and Ihe tempor ry loss of her children's society f r Ilieir U o..d IS .i -aivlllce Ib'il eveiy lll.ltliar sliould More self o nil.. I. e ' |o .-ndiiie. More self control, evi n ill the family, is ii led by liimbands and W1> , . i, Ciinid.i as Well i. in i:.ininy ; i,,| i,..i II...L offiisive, unreasoning affeetion, - - -- nf.mdi self control , nld how to bs l,.,,,py. ju.t aa we leain how to wen- getting clusor and clowr t i .-4- h i.ih.-i ; at linu'li, when they were nvarly within .inking dmlance, nininll .un ouU i n h iln.|i|n ! u|ion III! knee* and --.in men. -I'd lo l!t and twine Ills l-.n_; n.-ck abinil llml of the oilier, Milh 1'ie evident pnipon" of -. I - ing lil mlv.-i-ii v throat. 'lln l.iled n.'Veral minutes, but lith were "skilled o( fence." and nllim.it ly i.-mi.|iiih. .1 llni style of li^liting and iiiiiinled oilier lacllrs. 'I'bey iM^an M-.illii){ as if 'o I tear each othei down, their mo.ilhs all the tune o|H'ii (o giip if nppoi l innl v M HIM d. At length the violent exercise be- gan lo tell upon the elder beast ; he made nine mistake in a party, ami the younger sei/ed with hi* t.-etli the foot of the veteran, who in return laid hold of his opponent's ear. For tome moment* there, was a pause It was very brief, anil then thestruggle wa* renewed. With a gigantic effort Ihe young er giraffe threw I he old hero upon hi* haunches. Me looked very much as if he had played Ins last card, but there was pluck in Ins aged hear! yet, though the bat lie was not for him . year* told again*! him and victory lay with the youngiler, who 1. In .it. d it I'V trying to drag the \ani|in*h ed after linn. Tin* operation nni-t 'in. 'ceii (willful for the, shrinks lh.it the defeat ed warrior n(leied wen- lic.irlicn hn^ After a final wony, t lie lien.nl the hour walked oil. middled i In- t wo hareniH of I idles iiijetli. -i , mid, willingly followed Iiy all, look Ihe Ii u.l Not .me of the /ennini ol the falliin i In. ! turn.-.! a head for an institnt t . see what had In-onmc of him. 1 feur it is much I ho same am,ong our own race a* it i* among the Inferior animals. II." veteran finally tiled to mill himself together, but he wa* dreadfully knocked almul, a* well aa very lame. With anxious eyes he gsyed in the direction t he herd had taken, |H>s*ibly winning to follow, or with a hope that one of hi* wives at least would return lo him. Not 10 ; the poor old fellow wss doomed lo iliaapjiointment, and appear ed to teall/e that he was deserted. Th life before him I knsw would bo ode of misery, then-fine, what belter i-onld I do lull mis. my iillr, ulnnee along my night, nid send a bullet through Inn heart. It was n siid alternative, but after all I think II w.n hum. 111 towards working lens) l-tml, with U-iter cul thirty liv-- i.-nts for Km'words, less three tivatii.n, which, 111 the end, will yield much letter reu!la than a larger acreage piHirly tilled. It is slated from Ottawa that renew -d . !'.! is are I .-nil! m i.l. t.> in. In. e the^ov .in i-ient lo l ike "vei an I .'|M-rate the \.iiinii lines of telegraph of tlie dominion \li. I N l idnniie, *u|>t<rintendenl of 1 the government tclext.iphs, bus preiiai ) in i I il.ni He 1 1 ip.-i mi III.' siilnei-t wlileli will U' preM-nted to the House ol Cominoiil at the coining session, when it is pmULle th it II . |-|. HIM Is an art, and we have lo Irani i..., ill . ,,,, example examp " i ,. , x,,e, ten Ii >in r'niiM'Mir William. ' H ..... ' hence the varying periods of these diseates. People do not have the disease the second tune Iwcaiisa this something in the nidus is no longer there. This something is, th.-rclore, not necuasary to our exist, n-.-. ami has, perhaps, like the rudimentary tail, IM-.-II leceived from our anceitors. The harm which these organisms do is due t the fact Unit they consume nitrogen and w iier, np.ni which the tissues of the Ui.ly al-in live. It i U-cause tile or<:ini>ms consume the water that on^ht lo ^" t" the tisanes thiit tin re n nuch thirst in I Tin- patient has .Iclit -iiini U'.-.iii-se ol the cnn Slllll|i|:nil h\ leW OffajBlIMM ol llie IK.. - which shouiil ^'. lo nourish the l.i.un. The -i in- pro.es* ^ms nn when the In- u ' i- .n legislation will lx> ml i .due,-. I to elf t tin teclded. \\ lien the patient dies of brain (.ill 1 1. in si. -i ot 1 1- e line..| the v ar lolls ci>ni|tanies lure or heart failure he liny lie said to die of Mr. i.islnirne th<> acute starvation of the brain to the fed. -i .llile^ov.-l 1 1 iii,-iil. advo. ales very itrongly that for the |nn poses of trade it will lie mlvmabll 'hut all the telegraph lines liould IH- |int iimneiliiite ly under the control of the poslnllic de P.II imeiit a<i they are< in Kngland Me sayi then- are thousanda of letter*) tMiisniitted from one |rt of the dominion to another which, if the government hail control of the wires, would h exchanged by telegraph. The revenue from ,VN),INM) messages at cents for delivery, would be .?! In.imii plni the press news income. The following (inures from an advance statement of the I'nilnl Stutcs llureau of Statistics show Ihe i-nnriMoim increase ol the i v 1 1 n t* of Ineidsliilla frniii Ni.rlli Ann-rica, that is. the I iiite.l S|,it,.s and Canada, for Ihe litnt seven iiiinit lis nf ihe current tiscul v. u un ..mi pared in I he I'.porls (nr llu- . 01 roapoiidinu Inuntlis ..I the pi cccdiiii; 1 \\ 1,,'lt. Wheat limn r..in I ol ii meal Kxe Dais I >a I meal. I '. u lev . . . . \.-u Isirj. ""Mil eiJT.'.'.Vl i ?.Mi 1 4 S..I-M.4III -',iis7,74- .'Illl.tis;. Totals U.M4.;tM |1M, 188,474 During Ihe same pennd them was but little change in the. export* of heel, hog, and dairy products ai compare.) to the same month* fur the preceding year. (U i-.nnse I ".in.idi.in trail* willi the I nile.l Status i* not inoluded in the for(|olng. "Well, Mr. Iti.tiisim," nunln dominie, " I hope yon il.Miv. -d pnilit frnni tlio sor V |. s I tns liioi hlnr; ' ' "Mr." let I Broil "ii. Illi'linlllkj I" I"' III llC" int. "! I-.'.:- rOV I ill )! I'lfUies* on a S i.i I iv nidiktt -I -I .i'ii vvru nn hop,. ,.| pi.. in. acute starvation of the brain or hearu II is the doulor's husinesi to keep t lie In un innl heart going by food and stimulants un- til the poison ha* cease.! to be produced That isalmnt all he does al present, but l>i. Maclagan has great hope* that in the future he may do mure. In the first place, people may lie protected against many diwase* by inoculation, a* they are now protected from smallpox. In the second place, diseases may be cured in their earlier stages. The second of ihese is al- ready done in the case of ague and rheumatic fever. The poison of ague i* un- doubtedly killed by .(Uinine. It was the extmple of .pnninc which led lo the di> cox cry of the remedy for rheumatic fever. A .-ui M us ta, -t alHiut malarial fevers is that tin- nine. in-. have usually Ivcen found under tin- same climatic conilitinusas the diseases. I Ii.' cinchona tree, winch produces iimnnic, trows best in couiilrii-n in which malaria in most (lie v alcnt. In the same vv .v n - though) a remedy for rheumatic lev cr niulit I .- loiind in pl.i.-cs xv here the d.-. i i- niont likely to lluurish, th.it is, in a low- l\ HIL:. d-iin|i Inc.dnv and in a cold rather than in a warm climate. It waa ll'.ni^ht that willows grow under such conditions Willows contain in ihnr Kuk miter essence called "sallcln. This was tiled for rheumatic fever with a success which exceeded nil exjiectations. Il cures rrnnima ti lever just a* surely as i|uinme cute* ague. It doe* this by attacking the disease in the earlier Mai-en, It lieing, of course, eaitier to kill III.IMM germs than 'Ji,iHl,im. It issalicin xshtchDr. Maclagan very strong ly recoinmends a* a cure for intlnen '.i. itnd he makes the very imporlant aaaertion on bi-balf that u does not in the least depress vitality. A whale nieainiini; 1:1 feel II inrbes, and IU feel in ciicnml.i nee, vv * ciinghl in tin- Wash, Lincoln. hue. on Tliin-d.ix week. Aliolll I- wt ot hid.!.., k, >i luting, and I'tliet lisli wi-n taken n. i Us mouth. H s Hairs llr.a.llk It WM a Kelirimrv d.iy. with a warm fun a, id a v'hmonk wind, fimu the I'-.cui,- (l.-.-in inciting the snow. All nloi'ij tiieti.nl, aa we wound up the inoiaitKin side, great masses of snow seemed to overhang us, mid morethan once 1 noticed how anxious the griuly haired old guide seemed t" I.e. Only a narrow iwth had tven cleared through tlie snow, and the twenty mules followed each other in single file. Half wax- up we came to lour cabins cccnpicd hy mm.-rs. Tare.- brawny men in red shirt* st<Hl at the door of. men! t ' .- cihuiK talking as wo filed past. Salines were exchanged, but we had no -. me ii to hall. \Ve had gone about .'".! feet, and were Knit lo make a linn in the trail vihen I halted to look Inck. I he guide was ahead 1 c.ime c. mid. The line of mules were strung out fora .(iiarter uf a mile, and nn foot uniong them were live packer*, all half breeds. I heard no signal of danger no cry of iilarm. With the sn-it'tiu-asnf thought ihe snow -VNI feet up the mountain liegan to move. The width of the avalanche was about half a mile, and it moved like a rlaih. 1 wu ! Hiking lull at it, but it* ipred con (used the eye. There were thousands cf ton* of *now, hundred* of trees, hundred* of great bowlders. There was no rumbling, no crashing. The rush wa* almo*t noiseless simply A sound like a gentle wind blowing among i he pines. In fifteen seconds it was all over, and a cloud ..' what seemed, smoke hung over the spot. It drova olT.low-n the moun- tain after two or three minutes, and 1 look- ed fur our pack train. Not a mvi nur a mule had esca|M-.l. I looked for the cabins. They iiad dtsappi -ued. Aye ! t'i y TV trail hail b. . n MU (it d-iwu into the valley a mile be- low sml almost iicn.ss it. For a space half a mile w i.le there w.is neitliei- tree nor shrub nut a yard e! earth. 1'hc avalanche had ground it -^ vv i\ il.iw n I., the rocks n cave. I up in the convulsion nf IO,IK>O years ajo. I t. lined and lo iked al the guide, wondering it U was all a dr.-am. " I'urty clu ca'.l thai '." he whispered as he pointed In Hie well deiine.l edge of the axaUnche, not a yard lioni my horse's heels. " Come on. All thi men iu Montana could not dig them out ! " The (Julf of lieorgia i* n>porte.l to be al- most choked with large schools of herring. I In- Washington and British (V.umlna fish- eriiien are catching the fish by the Ion with no trouble whatever, and are making good in!iey l>y packing then' for shipment Kasl. A very remarkable andheaulifw sight, it is said, ii to he seen at night from the deck of a lo.vnl>o.it. I lie vessel seems to lie tin*! nig on herriiu's in I :li>- tih d.irl i ; v I 1 ..in the Low-, in Ihoii-ninls. le.ivin.; phos phorc like lllc llashmgol leti meteor*.

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