The FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE, Ii published I'llll t-VMl;l V, Fw*H tMi orric. Onl. TKUMS OK Sl'Hsi 1.11-TIltN I per kunaiQ when |m i strictly in adtauce 1 V) per annum whmi not o pal I AOVKKTIttlSd UATK-i. On* column. 1 year, 30 ; ball col . do., MT <inartrr col. do , 9IV Transient ! t,.rtif m.-iit- charged at the rat* wf fcvg. pwr line for flrmt insertion and :cU. per tn eecn subsequent Insertion. W. II THURSTON, Kditur and I'ntprietor TI1K gt'KHKC KLKCT10NS. Tlic general < lections took place in Quebec on Tuesday of ibis we* It with the result that Mr. Mt-icier haa been ovtrwlit-lijjiugly deflated in the lower province. Thtre are 78 scats .in the Quebec legislature, and out of these the l)e liouclu rrillc government have won 62 with four couBtitucucies to Lear from at time of writing. The <'OIIK rvativcH are expected to hold 65 eat* whtn the returns arc all in, which will give them a tuajoritv of 87. Montreal eUcte'l 6 Const-rva lived, with niajoritit-g ringing from 200 10 2.600. Mercier succevded in holding for himself Itanavenlure by about 400 majority, but with the mall following at bis disposal he will be perfectly harmless. The Conservative party have al - ready made the following gains in the bye elections tlirs far held Lennox, Kaat lJrac,So<ilai>K*>B, North Victoria, West Huron. South Ontario, East Hastings, I'.ast Siincoe. I^oudou, Two Mountains, Vaudreuil 11. Artemeeia Council. Tli Cnuncil "f tin- township of Art.'- uiMta inrt in the Town Hall, Klmhertun, on Monday, Murcli 7, 1W2 Members all i>rMut, lh. reeva iu the chair. Tint minutes of January taaai >u wore roi'l ami continued. Communication! follows won pre- ai-nifil and read, and referred to tlm pn-p er committee! : liis|M - ctiir It. Ml' certificate uf reviatratiiin, IKi'l ; IXmald Ulack, re <lainax "' '" "' I""" 1 ' iji'tlinij ill letf lir-nki'ii on town lint Arteiucma lid <>lviil|( ; Provincial lloaiJ of Health, certain ixunpliluU ; Jmuci Hut Ur r.- Sarali Sullivan's tire ; T. II. (iilli land, ru n'amtr labor in Eugenia , ' \\ Biia'>n. |tilnii:tr, r '" LaViPrM Utute Ulmr of H'Jl ; Win .M.'l...iii;lirvy. asteaaor, re th KMrssinetil uf IrttlJ ; Pe- tition* were reciMvrd from tlie followinjj partifia : Arthur Johnson, ?t a), asking |..TI.,| L'rsM mi bu<- line in jcnr uf :tnl c MI, ,n. N. K, T. AS. road, from lOtli concession tn 120 tide road ; .laa. MrMnllrii m., I otlivr rmlwuayerm of S S N., Ill, akkuiL' t-> have I..U 142 to 144 in -JM.| in .1 :trd rui>ti S. W., T. A S ruad, mMl to aaid acliool section No. 10 Account! a* follows were |>reicute<l, viz . < W. Kuilcil^c, aawiaiii'-nt r<ill ml ti.-iliilia, f 12 (i() I Jane Tli'Hiipson, brunil to Mr*, lianley, |o 4O ; Jainea Htuart, mad woik done in 181(1 on '.' < anlrroHil under Mr. Tli'iinpion, ex coun ullor, 4 40 |'.i-| nit NIL 1 of Roail anil Bridg I'oiiiiiiiilrr, te Eui;vnia tirid^v, listing tliat limy liail riaiiniii-il laid bridge, am! i.nli-K il n'|i.iii* found neu'taitry, tn V Kcir for llrVOO, that the work liad al nn>sl |K><'|I (iinplrtril, ml tlmt llir con- tractor ! Jiaul (12 >m account, Mid the lialaiicu wlin i,ik in < ipletetl. l(f|>,,ri No - f Itoad & liridffe Cm Illllt) B IB "IIIIIH'llilfcl tllU Olilill 1,1 |>alliiiiatur, J. W Itt-iiaon, U- niiKiHiii <: in the inalUr of Ov ,i^r Law er'i *t>tut liklxir thm the inallur of the prlilum <,| Arlhur .liilinaon, el al, l>u lal<i ovvr uu Id a|,|'i"| ilitH'in arc made, also rrrm in 1,'lmv |.J inelit of mvount of Jainea Bluail $4 40 cf-rliln ! l,y <M-U. 'Hi nn|i Ii, ri'fHirt of c-iinniiticv oh ('oiiiiiiuiiica- n,,iia .Hi,) Mi'iuoriali, rnooiimiuMcJuil tlml nil |ia|,i-i.. from Croviiu |l,iaid ll>a!(ll | rrrlitril In- rrfxlrril to tllli I,, Ii..! I ,if Ili-.ilili, and ili.ii in (he matter of 1'viin f .l.ini. M, Mull. -ii, el i i,,,|ii-f in i\ll |ir(i.- >HJ Kiveii by the ilu.k n I In' council ilin-i i '1 lir Kinaiicv coiiiiiiilttrci rt'|Mirt recum inrndi-d lliar tln> f. ll.iviiiiK nucounti tw (.llii, >!' <' W. ltutlt<d|t, MWMIlll-Ilt loll, etc , f 1*2 IK) ; ili rlrrk rn-jininir' (.. tl. r i4D ; .l.ih,. Ti,,. mini, n, brrad t M, . II .,.:-). ., 4" Mr. li.iiuiiil.. ,11'rmluoil l,)lw N, 44 to a|i|Hiint ov.-rmvn, fvncvviewen and (Miuiulkct-in'rn for 1H'.I2, wlijch wat road a lira! lime. Mi 1 1, nun, I- niMTed, <!., >H,|.M| by Mr. M. .Miilli-n. thai <iylaw 4UI b now lead a i-.ili.l linn- (.'nil I'-. I |l)la 4K4 n-Hil n iKond tune. Mr K-IU in ,.-il, ni-iuiiili-il liy Mr. iViilm, thai ('i-iiin I j.i, mi., i-nii.iiiit ii- (.1 llix on |i)Uw 4 -4, Mr. Damude Ii, Hi., .'hair. ('..iiiiinlUM aniae, the rwr in tlm chair. Mr, p4inikle prMented bylaw 484 as tilled up in committee of the whole, and asked leave for the cutn- luitlve to sit again. Mr. Kills muted, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that this council take super- vision of the roads in this township for the current tear as follows : Ward No. I, D. McMillan ; Ward .No 2,T. Kellt ; \Vsrd No 3, 8. Dainude ; Ward No. 4, S. JYi'.lar ; and that all orders f. .r |y- menu of w irk or u.ii<-rwie, be mnilo in the <'|>-n council. Carried. .Mr. KulU moved, tecondvd by Mr. Dainude, that S Pedlar an4 D. McMillan he adtled to the K<>ad and liiiil^o Com- initif.-. Carried. Mr Kclla inored, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the report of committee on |, 1 1 ni in,' be adnplfil, and that \V. H. Thu t ton bu paid lialance of his accuuiit, $."> 'Ji">. Carriril. .Moied l>y Mr. Kclls, nvcnndril by Mr. McMillan, that report of Hond anil Bridge coiiimittee Iw adopted. Carried. Mr. McMillan moved, arcninlrj by Mr. 1 1. in. inlf, t'ii- report of coininitU'e ou Petition* and Coi unications be .atloj.t- ed. Carried. Mr. K.-1U moved, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that tin: report of Finance foiiiiiiittvu be n<lo|ited. and the following amounts ! |..-ml C. W. Kutlnlj<-. 8JX6O ; W. J. IMIainy, ri'jislrai '* Irtil, 15.40 . Mrs. Thompson, 95.40. Carried Mr. Kells moved, seconded by Mr. Pedlar, tlmt tins Council cannot enter- tain the demand f Joeeph Watauin for refund of taxes on Int .'Ui, conceaoion '.'ml. S. U. K., he havinif fitilhd to eaUlilisli any clintu. Came I. Mr. Kells moved, seconded' by Mr. .M Millan. that thu Commnnicati Jli of David Black b laid over for considera- tion. Carried. Mr. Kells moved, r-cnnded by Mr. lUininle. that tin: rrve provnle |>mpt)r lujlit.H for thu Town Hall. Carried. On niiitioii the ('"inn-ill adjourned to meet in the Town Mill, Klt'sliertun, on the ftrst Miiinl.iy in April, IWr-J. OVERMUCH* Or HIUHWAYM. B. Colman, A. S. Imu, W. Hi. i nctt. Jjhn 1'uriis, A. Cnrr, \V. Slurp, C. \V. Bellamy, W. U < Mr. 'i.-n. M'xire. (ieo. Ludlow, K. l.udlow, Win. I'uriis, 11. McLonjIiii-v, C. Irwin, Jacob Hulley, Price Tsi-U-r, Kiibt. Mcliruthers, A. W. Wood. J. HUck nurn, Ju. Kchill, James C<>ri<licl<l, jr . Kdward K-ns, W. .1. Reid, II. P. Wilson, riiaa Ifc.yil. .lohn M.-K.-.. K -l.i 1. MiMiilK-M. Al.-X. Stew- art, jr.. eo. Hinkm, .lorl W.,rt, K..I. ii, .I.uin-s Nellson. D White, Win. Kci'l. Unlit. MU-itkr ,,,,( ;.i Watson, Tlm-. T,i\l ,r, Jr, Archie McLean, (Jro. llmldy, IXni/nlil Currie, Kol t. Olivi-r, U'tmlil Ki-niii-ily. sr. , A lei. M, -l.i-n I.Johit Muir, tieo. Tli'iiiipnoii, sr. . D<tvul Harrow, llaiiry Stot.e, Win Chard. W T Mi.-K.-e, l'ln'i|i Martin, I! I* >rtci>u*, lion K.t,lli-\ . Sain I Smart, sr., Js*. Siiiniin-m. .lolin K. Jainioson, Win. Mppur, K I'laiiti, lio-i Turner, J no. Itnland, W. Coiiln-y, Jim. M. Aitlmr, Win. llntcliusoii. A S. MaUill, (ieo. (iorilou, |).m I McMullun, i>. Freeman. Kdinund L"ina.i, Jiio. Itran- iil, Hui'li Walt. loeeph l'.-.l:,ir. K. Campliell, S. Itold*, sr , D. McTnvieh, Win Strain, Jns Heinpliill.Jolin Ailaina, H K Smith, John K. Willut .In,. A Iloyd. i m r-.ii.wn> Ward No 1 Kirlnml Wlnt.ikr, J. Auaeuin, A Muir. I). Currie. Ward No. 1! II I). Irwin. K. Shannon, Win Itluir, Wm. 11,11. W,. ri l N,.. Il-Ueo. M..or, C-., St.-v.rtrl, C W. Iti.Kainv, Kil Uoee. >\...iV. I U. || H,.,,,,, |, ,il. J. Hick 1,11 , J. It. Sloan, (ten. LatisMM, M. ILilner, A. |:,I-I.M., II. W ,.!,!. A. Miinabaw, . Sliii iliul'/.. 1). Mcljfan. Mr. Jas. I'.i-nly, sen , pisnvil awny on Saliird.-iy aftern,.,.n H! Torontd, having attnined tlm yreat age of M. Mr. II. I 1 . Moore, of the Ac-ton Free Preai, has been elected president of llie I '.ui. i, I, in I'I-.'-H AsoLMatiun, MH I Mr Al. \.ir.l.M I'LL , of llie Dui.da* Idinner, Vice-prtMtident. tlir In a V. n tlio lc<! mT. M Auction Sale. K VuluaMc Funii rrimrrty In Township n : OKprry. I* niltir a>i,l I, , MI I'M' nf the power of "Ale rertain n.m t.:u^<. fn,in J.i'.iu Still >!, t.illie fli>ri*,wl,l> ti will I ),, in, .',1 at tune of sal* mi ilifnnli lii-iiu iiia<l>- In |iaviiM-nl nf mono>s tlieitiliy sec ired, there will lie nf in, eajebjpablls u-ii'.n, hy W .1 H..II A,| I ln<ier. ut MailiM's llotitl, in the Maxwell, mi Tink.1.;, (he 29th <Ur nl Va .Ii. 1892. at nllr n > I,,: It . |> in tlin fallowing |ir, n uu, ly nnlnli-i .''0 in tl), i not-null coures* MM n unit), nf 1 In, hniliHin Id, ml. In tlm aa.d Ti-wn-hiiiiif lieprev, iiintalnini AO nrri'i in,, re or lens, of wliti Ii aim,,! 3O iioiMNlil to lie i Iran ,1 aiiil cult IVK'I il ( 'ii Hi i nr,nni,'S are ssl<l t<> be a i rilar ln( house, also a lux barn ami he<l Til ins lu |MT i flit i,t titniiiif sitlii. an,l fur t 1 e Iwlaiioe terini. will he libeial, anil will lie n aUe kiMiwn at nun- nf sale. Km finlliut pattirulara apply to Mcscra. Bellamy ft Hendeison. KI.KHIIIlltroN Or to linns. IAH ic a A KKAMS. Vemlor's Hollollors, Toronto Dated 7th ilayiif Marrli. IMM. nilu.l Hotice of Dissolution of Partnership Notice Is tirrtbv ||len that the |rlnerablp barwtofore existing Initween David Illair anil H. T. WhlttiMi narryllitf on tho busliities of hiarltmnltlili || ami ss>ITIMsmaklnf uinlr tlm naiiixof \\lntitin A Hlalt. In the >i'Ur of i ion. In theOoentfOf Orwy, ha thla day IIWIITI iiisiMilvad by luntiial convent. All ilelits owlnx to Hi.. %aln partnership are to lie nalil in II T WhltttMl AFtawMftWI aa aforessl.l. ami S41 elalnis SHaJutt Die nal.l psltliernnn>hip are i i IH. |Mi...,ntil ti.llin ia K T Wlilltaii by wliom the same will !' Furniture and UNDERTAKING |i,i.l i H... I, ui.,, i this eighth <1n' March, A. U INM D T VfllUTKM, D Ml. AIM W. J. Bellamy-Witness. We are pleased to be able to say that we are again in po- sition to serve you in the above line. Our Stock is now very complete And we are prepared to offer such bargains as will astonish you. In several lines we are manufacturing our own goods, thus saving heavy freight's and middlemen's profits, and lor such specialties as we can- not make to advantage we Irtvc succeeded in complet- ing arrangements with some of the best manufactures in the Dominion as enables us to handle their goods at con- siderable closer prices than most retailers. You may de- pend we shall give our custo- mers the benefit of our long experience in catering to your needs in our several lines. See our cheap Loungrs, Itcdrooiu Suite*, & (hairs Of all descriptions. J. E. Moore, Cabinet Maker And Undertaker Show Rooms aiid Office : Strain's Block, I-LESHl-RTON Good Hearse in connection. WANTED : loo cords of dry orgccn wood in exchange, also any quan- tity of Hemlock, him, Bass, wocd or Ash Lumber, which will be taken as cash. J. B. M. NEW iu *>AiiCID?NT > n III* ma- eon.poeo4llna- a snlotlcHi a i-.irt was acclilentij sfiillrd on Ami i n wwtMi'C M fi >tM-J it wrs d.acoven-d u. u t ,}.r hair pirl*-l>' r^n- ^ ' - - i .....,, iijn, w .1 ,l^rtul |ire^sratl nmrLi-t*ii,i v.c.i u* oe. -. UieeesuMkS' that we are now in. ._-..__ U mri"jli"iu Hit Hvtid until . '.lie name of i^uean'e Antl-ilaiiiue. IT 18 PERFECTLY HARMLESS AKO SO SIMPLE ANY CHILOCAN USE IT. IJT the hair over and api > tl:eir.ixture for a few uiH-ui.i atul the iliiapnraraaalf br mi, ill.uul tbn.irl lest paloor Injarj Le ai piled or ever afterward i. > unlike itny ci 1 er fu*parBti< t> r\rt u^-'j ^^^^f~^*' t ri\ like ii'iriwi'e. Tbntntri4 of LA |i| I *< who have l,-n ariujrea u ih h- r,,i ihFlr F* Ct . > I < K nt <l AI'MH aitrtt Us merlin. OK.NTI I M KN wliuCi.i i n r>- 'i s I ."' i r |,,ri .1 llii if neck. |%W' '"*) *> prlcel/ae boon In <.'r,rr' Artl-Hali Inr vb rb dors sw 117 eir. wl.h K!,ln. bv rHM)Hr>c ' fiimr,- rruvtli an iiuir ImposctMiltr. Prlreiftf (Jil--n^ Anil Rrklrlne II. t>eT txilll*. rtnl lavfet. p o'llne; H, .. poati-ee pa I J by o (arc.irrly s !! romi/Murvatlinl. p -nt miner or stamps br I. ' r- wllh fnl 'i I'.'re^e rltt- n plainly. Cirres- rmnrteik-entrirtlr rnnflitentlxl Th'^ o<lprt "-irirt U rXinrst st il ir:,ih! fo-wrrd In every wi>r<l U rjnulns We Invite run to <JI w"h n> and Ton will flrrt e\ Tvllilomu. rrrrewniMl cut ILlnuul and s o4to-<flf. A<J<lm.QUrzj CSC MIC AL CO.. 174 W.irr Street. CINCINNATI. O. Ym can r-ristr rnarletf rttaor lvt Ofll-e to Injure ,-s fe dellTiry. w> l,l p7 ' on for ai.j rae orrisllureor ellehteet Injurr to anr p.irrha-r. Fvpry bottle cumrsuil* n!. *PCP,|I|-TO luluewbo lnirxt SM s-11 s>OM loelr f-lde B Bottlee of Qawn's Antl-Hs:nn. - 1 IL w. will prfeent with* 81 LK DRKHH. 1? rerds b-t silk T.i-r* Lre Bonle and emmplee "^ ^waws ofellktos MKStnwslsMvsMWllaeewjSS'. Oood Salary or Comuusion to Aseute. \Vi- have tried tlm above and find it all that is claimed for it ED ADVINCK New Carriage &. Blacksmith Shop. The undersigned beg tears to acquaint th public with the fact that they bsre opened U| a new carriaije ami blackauiith nhop in Fleslicrton. where everytbing in our hue w.ll be atten.lcd to in a prompt mauner and good workuiaoship gurauted. \Ve make a specialty of HORSESHOEING. And orofess to hart a mechanic who KIPS entire ati-f/w % ru,i every time. Special atten- tion totenlvr or contract.- I f"et. lutrrferiug p.>silivrlv prerenteJ. W O D W O R.K I N G Iu all Its brancUen. Wagons, bavgies, demoerala made to order. We believe we can work up goo.) busincis in Flenlu'rton I,T fair and square dealing au.l careful workinam-hip. Kii-l nolitit tbo public to tjt our merits in our Tanoni lin. *. SHOP OPPOSITE fl'R\ITI UK WAKKIUHtMS. IH'KH.t.V ST. WRITTEN & BLAIR. To owners of horses ami The public iu general. TT A T rT| Itefore poin^ further and examine the largo stock of hore- JiaW^AiJj JL men's requisites kept in stock by llie undersigned. rac ' we tna ' je tno ^ oss Hnrnea il a very reasonable fixnre. Good workmanship, and uo !i[Hreiitico* allowed to experiment on work we put out. There can be no rp--A Ow! V*. n AV*. c That our stock of sundries is complete, con- JLWU WplHAUlld sistiug of ^i K h bells, whips, trunks. Talises. axle grease, carry combs, and everything couccivabU wliich horsemen require. C*ll and examine *nd be convinced D. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON. Steal Swear ; ;iDrink i w *7 By your jjown as from coun- A truth Dad company try IV fiat R. A. BEATTIE, the D. C. Painter says about work. I louse, Sign.Carriage and Ornamental Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and Clays Painting. All work GUARANTEED. Next Door to Baptist Church DR.WILLIAM TOR'" ALE EOPLE I A BE NOT a Pur |* v > itJvo aiedi- clnex They am a i , -. i. an, I llr.iox- STBfCTOH. aa Uier ply In s ot>ntU-nstxl 11 tlio suliittanri'g t, tally needed toen- 'i the liliHHl. eiitin dleeaaes cm-n'M cm r.niK and \\ v RY Ht. .!>. or from iriATMH HIM ni In lie lu nun. anil all - i vixnratti ainl III i n r t.-ie BLOOD and HirrRat. when broken down 1 v oTfirwork, iu, , tal .rr) . ill ..'Sjiii, i-treasv- and liitliMre- lioua Tber hare a ^ri i irn ACTION on. tlniHrxi ti SVK i KII uf bi'th men anil women, metorlng U>RT TUioa sod correcting all [LAaiTUW afij ln,l his mental fao- dvil\ or fallinff. or . ,-. . J.shonld take these I'M i a. Trier will restoiebis loet euiir t iee, botb phyaioal ami inonta). should Uke tbem. They rare all aup- whloti luevitablj EVERY HIM sDOTalesJ p.'^r fla n. i. a. Tflny will restui ytioal ami mental. EVERY WOMAN ' revious and Imsftuejiwas entail slcknoaa when net YOUNG MEM suits uf tuuUiful liatl ba shimlit tke thes* PILLS. They will cure the re- ,blts, an, I struiiirtbvu too ' YOUNa WOMEN i b u.r tilfft Diak., tlieui regular. For sale by all dmisrlsta, or will be sent npoa reoeipt at prioe(IOe. pe>r boiX by ad>tree>lii( TIIK UK. WlLllAX*- MatX > r.Oisi PKOPERTY_FOR SALE- For wlc on ouy terms -l.ofi 02 mill, ID the lit Con. Kiuth of tin- iMiliani UOH.) in the town ship of Ol*s>elf . ee*tlaln( 100 IHTM *ij<nini.>; tin- vill4ii- of PncTi U' former! r knvn M tbo (ibent Krm " There Is K good Urno dwell! nn bouM in I commodious outl>uil(tioi;i tnuieon. ati'l tt to .10 acres uu 'rr cultivation For |-r ticulrt p|>! to M. KiohitntKon. Kloberton. or to the owner Will. II Hruuw. ufficu over Hnk of Toronto, Toronto Out. !( Auction Sale -or Valuable Farm Property In thtowntipof il' cniM.a,iu th co-tuty of - ou At I o'clock in the afternoon at MuiiNhnws Hotel in thr of Flrslirrton. H v virtue of powers of aK>coutaiiiMl in a ew- tain mot t;aife whuh ivil! l>o i-nnlin-c'l at tli axle. >h following: ]'i"|HTtT : Lot 37. In the aril conct'tHion vouth nf Durlmiu Ro<l of t)i* town- hip of ArWlneftia. i:i tlm count* nf (ii*y, con- taiuiuK8Ua<-rm, more 01 Uu. IIIMI..-I. i TKIIMH-QO|M-rcfnt. i-f th* imrclm'.' mon to |. pan! down on the ili.y ol aj Kor ti)auc terms will be nia>le kn.'\--i at llie salo. Kor lurttier particul* r t. K|<|>I v to Jones Brcs. & Mackenzie, Solicitor*:. Tore:. to St , Torocto. OrtoR J. RprouU. Kiq.. riherlon. feblKt BUIJ-S Two ftne Devnn Bulln.oiiv rear <'.'. and ee i-y*ar-i>lit To l> eoM flia|>. Kii*t class am- uiall with giKxl I'ediiinti A"|>'t to JM-. (1I.IVKR febTilmo r., ..ill. |- u DRESS MAKING. MI18. OJERDIlfM de .ran to announce to t he |>o|ile ot Kimlm t i"l . . ,. >u< t 1 1 1') ar ''I to tin .Ii .liking to i h" it ifi- tion of thoae wh .1 MI u with tliair or. I. I- I I1H latfMt f%MUll,M 1>I tt' SlA'tM. ( tiain 1 . HaiiN'ariion i; mrnl<sl \,-,\ rea r- at>lc \nicd" tthop ' . !l> Hnk. ltiuhar<l-ou bl .'k. I li'.'i.-i on. Instruc- tions KlTen to flitii. K anil Clltllut m '-u r .^ ticale." SOCIETIES. rc|, SONS OF TRUTKRAXCR.- Thll meate In Dr ClirlFtiip'> Hull nvurv ilaye<fiiiliiKatNp.m. Vintting brethern Invited. Insurance in coiiiiwiion KnV.M. TKMTHliS UK TI'.MPIIM.XNCK. llecular Council m*et i-vei > l'nr*<lav even. Inn in Hproule'i block at M Hlert dcie linsuratiool nuicta luonthlv. the Wednesday precedliiK thndiid of nai'li mouth K AKTliru i.nncE NO ;ui. A F. A A. M . meet In th U-, ,,!, Hell strains bli>rk. Flealiorton. every Krli'i%\ on ,ir liofore the fullmooL. A 8. Vauduieu W U;B-J Hproul*