Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1892, p. 5

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THl FLfeSHERTON ADVANCE BJ.VK/.VG OFPIC& iOM GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON. A (loral banking business trinnacte.l Draft* i-i.i.vl an<l <:hn.iil cailied at umial ratoit Mw:i.n lwyi available fur leici<IMt liuou-. riM. E two doors north of Kickanlson 4 Co s. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of th* Past Week Carefully <nU*d for th tin' ft (i;)iO'7 lottll* will be rl ,,-,jf,l ut the rate of lOe prr fin fur ttvk (,(**rti>i*. A rrrii>'-tion ici'U fee wn.i* OM contracts /or J(W Unet or tttr. K.:v. Mr Hiubaud. <>f Priceville, ex- changed jjul|>its with Rev. Mr. Tonne <>n Sunday oveimii; last. Tenders ar called for reflooriiijZ of baaeautut uf Klesberton Presbyterian dunxh. See miall bill*. The provincial Orauxi Grand Lod-j* i* in se*"ii at Owen S mad this week, be- ' un Tuesday last. All member* of the R. T. uf T. are re- quested to attend the meetm* <>n Tues- day evening next, as a good time is ex peeled. The R. T. t T. social in their rooms oil Tuesday evening was well attended and all eiijoyed themselves thoroughly. Proceeds $11. At '\ic cattle fair on Monday tht ani- mals offered were p<>r and mostly niilch cows. \Ve believe that nit a single ani- tual changed hands. Coinmunioii service will b held in the Presbyterian chur:li on Sabbath neit, with a' preparatory service oc Friday afteruo 'ii. JiOTICE-I ha for sale a Sue 3 year old cult, suitable for single or double harness. Ho is bred of Terror. For further particulars apply to Alex. Moure, Durham Road, Lot 31. l.l.. Lura*.barrUtrr. Markdale?. has $10,IMX) private fund* to leuduu fa-ui mortiiaues within the neit few months at lowest curreut rates No coiunji**- tons, no delays, enpetises low. Apply at estice in Markdale during the week or at Duudalk ofhc* on Saturdays. Mr. \V. W. Trimble, who was delayed in getting In* clearance papers, did not open up his store until Tue< 1 iv of this week. He is now in position t<> wait <>u customers. S.e his important announce- meut on our nut page. Miss I! -!. 11. lledloe, of Burlington, Vt, h.vl a disease of tht) scalp which caU8.nl her hair to become very kaiah and dry and to fall so freely she scarcely dared co-.nb il. Ayer's Hair Vigor Rave her a healthy scalp, nod ruaUj the bair beautifully ihiek and icl'wsy. Messrs, \\hitten ft Blair hare dissolved partnership as stated in our advertising columns. Mr. \Vhittun will c.mtms the business and ha< en^a^o I the service of an excellent bU.-ksiuith. Mr Blair pur- pose.) removing to Detroit thf Utter end n( the present month, where he has se- cured a i>o..J situation at a remunerative salary. We are sorry to low D.ie. He was a /-. -1 oittuin, Pr. E. T. Miller, of Cross PUins.Wi.., hv* r i pressed the opinion, for obstinate MM of ivplulu and s.-mfula, Ayer's Sar- aipnrill.i is unquestionably tile most ef- fvlive remedy known to pharmacy. Wonderful cures have resulted frum its use. The only variation in Duality which will t-UT b found in ''Myttlo Navy" t<>- KUVM is in the dogrees of in >isture which it contains. Tounc.:u in a very ready ab eorbciit of moisture, and in uiijsual stales of th* weather it may Wcome a lit- tle too uioi.it or a little too dry to suit the but of 111:110. This i< a minor in tt tor, ho.v.'vi'r as tlio essentul quality of the tobacco i- not changed. In comliua t 'on it a little slower or faster accord iug to the degree) of moisture, that is all. Tlu< darker the pluu the greater the moisture, and many prefer '.Iv dark. In each caiMy, however, the preference for either can b mat. At least two fine buildings will be er- ected in r-'leshertoit during the coming summer. We have already mentioned Mr. Clayton's, which will t>o erected 01 what waa known as TiiiuM*'* comer. The other is a handsome residence, plans fur which we hsve been shown, to be built hy i ;ir enterprising banker, Mr. Oeo. MitchH,on the oerner of Peter and Clifabeth streets, where a lo* has been purchaaed fr .n. It. Tnuilile. In both J eases Mr. Win. (.'lark is (he architect. These two luildmtfn will be creditable additions to Klehert m' already itib- stMitml architecture. Somethlug Pretty. Mr. R Beatty tint week painted and frosted The Advance office windows. The public unite in saying ours U now he prettiest wiadow of the kind in tn. Beatty is the D. C. (defy eoinpotiU'iu) painter and his work is the work uf a genuine artist. Auction Sales. There will be an auction sain .-f certain village property in Pleahertnn on Friday, 25th it.at ,at 1 o'clock p.m., th* property >f the late Andrew Whitten. See bills for particulars. An extensive auction sale of farm lock, implements and household furni- ture will le held on lot H.c.'ii. lO.Osprey, u Wed. 30th inst. Everything must sold without reserve as the ownr,Mr P.K. Bums, ia giving up farming. John Sneera, auctioneer. Bible Society Meeting. Kev. J. Suiuerville. of Owen Sound, representing the Upper Canada Bible Society, delivered a very interesting and nstiuctive address before a i.nall audi- ence in the Preobyterian church <a Mon- day evening laat. Rev. A. W. Tooge oc- cupied the chair. Officers elected forthe ensuinj* year are, R. Trimble, president ; A. M. Gibson, secrusary ; Wm. Hender- son, treasurer. Twu collectors are ap- pointed from each church. till Friend Bollinger appears to be raising cain out in Montana. Hu latst feat hu hern to successfully acc-uplih the tyini{ of the iiiatriim>uial knot, or in the vernacular lias thrown his lariat and pyed in one of Montana's fairest loud ens. This is prima facie evidence that Tom has not degenerated since truing to the woolly west. May family cures sit lightly upon him and his stock of joy bo at a premium. Personals. Mrs. Win. B-ix.of St. Marys, is visit- iug with her daughter, Mrs. B. G. Evans, J. W. Armstrong, ECI. , was visiting relatives in tlio city this* week. Mr. W. Lout-ks, of Russell Co., M vis with his brother, Mr. P. Loucki Misa Minnie Walker, of Markdale, ia the L-uvst of Mias E. Oamude. Mr. U. H. HonJen.m, traveller for j Travellers, was in town on Tuesday and favored The Advance with hie hsnd- me presekcti for a short confaK R. H is as full uf insurance a* lunbur^f r is full of fragrance it sticks out all around and one can even recognize it at a Jis tance AS he approaches. It is because he is such a genial, pood -hearted soul, that he i i so successful. Why, his persua*i*e eloquence is auvu that the mau whom he cornen believra it a positive sin to re- fuse to b insured. We havo sinned a couple of timee in that way ourselree through dire necessity. He is Modest. A letter elsewhere in this iaaue [nun the pen of Mr. S. Damude with regard to at. item of news which appeared in last week's paper n something uf a sur pr>ae to us. We cannot conceive what i>rc und for grievance lay in the item re firrrd to. The fact waa maj known t us that this extra grant of one IiunJrec dollars had boon made to luiin^ socinties of tlio Ontario Government, ami as live publishers we of course- nave it currency And by the way The Advance was tin only newspapor in this province which an nouncfd it last week. Mr. Damudi. appoan to think we were premature, hut subsequent events hare continued the news, and instead of being ungrateful Mr. Damude ahould thank us for beini; tint to announce the good newt. We distinctly said last week that thia result had Ix-cn obtained by "efforts put forth by the officers of the various association* in t!n province.'' That was not exulting >lr. S. above the others officer*. The idea tirst emanated from Mr. D.tmude's brain, ami was vigorously seconded and puahed by every society in the pruviacd. As Mr. S. snys, our own president waa not one whit behiini the net in rigor, and he waa of course included *heu we wrote the sentence quoted above. Mr. Damude in modest, that's what is the matter with him. Flesherton Planing Mills. Moore. A Wilson, proprietor*. Manu- facturers of ewah, door*, frame*. tnouU'- init, turning of all tUicripttoii*, flooriux siding, sheathiiia. moulded bao, etc., etc. All kind of custom planing done promp- tly , and in firnt c'ass utaiiner As out fac- tory is iiw thoroughly equipped, and in d i. i king order, we fWl confident n saying we are in pneitioti to give good afactK'ii. A large quantity of dry iard an.l soft W<MX! lluoriii'.' on hand, which we i 1 sell at rt*ax >t>b'e prices. Those ci>nteniplating buildiug will do ell to consult ua l/ef. re |'lacint their irders. MooEB & blew Thro' His Whisicers. A funny episode occured at the station HSt weuk during aouie general clenning up. VI r. Alex. Hannah opened the) tove d.-T t tlirw in aome rubbish which uiifoitiiiiatrly contained a package <f L'unpc iwJer. A lorririo exploaiou oc- urrd w!iii:li spread the stove out flat. Cite s.nliirai part, however, was the fact hat Alc. lost the beautiful whiskers r in uiie siile of his fc.ce, an>l he uow us a kind of lop-aided appearance. The Advance touders its hearty con gratulationi to Hr. Boyd Thompson and in lately acquired belter half, Emily ii, n.-- Miss Momou. Mr. Thomp- son is a j"lly. whole-souled Irishman, the lero of SMveral battles in the late Ameri- can war, and The. Advauce trusts that us sut conijuest will prove his happiest. upid's weapoint in the hands of II 1 . Thouipaon appear to be quite as deadly u the musket, and Hymen'* altar a* at- tractive as that of Juve. Not Spring Poetry. But -..m, , inn. >in. n Better. Prints) *iU b largely naJ (or Dims Goods this spring. The new ct>l"rinzs and patiems are superb. S* M. Rich- ard-ou 4& Cu't new stock. Prints are now mule to rival in appear- ance tho Sliest silks. The new Sateen Prints jiiit |>eiiOti at Richardson ifc Co's are very beautiful goods. Prints I'.v the e-lebiated \Vlfr Crum mpany, and Jim. Athlon A Co. , mak- ers of world wide reputation a !:ux and beautiful rau^e at Ricliarusn & Cu's. Prints n ") eeiits -wou lerful value Wider and in-.ivier at 8 cents, but tlie 10 cent faiia 's make your ryes sparkle, aud the 1-' cent style* are da/.lt>n, with some 'i.-e !>.. luin-s a st.ade higher, at Rich- ardsun t Co i. Prints- U may seem ridieuli/n^ to saj so much about SprniK Prints, but R c'l- ardton'a Prints thus sa,>n will set the ladies talking so we can't ^-t a word in edgeway* miles* we hsve our say now. Prints Y*. that's what we're talkli.g about, and when you have seen Kicli in sou's stuck you canuot help thinking about them and talking about them tuu PrintS-whi*pur ! They are lovely ! But you might be too late in gutting 8 t choice. Kicliard*. in 4 Co s t >ca is very larye and choice, but first comer* get the plums. Amamla B. writes : WIT COUGH, \\J HEN a f evr dose* of Ayer's Cherrr f 1'ertortU will relieve you ? Try it, sleep U injhs) house. You are liable to bare a cough at anv time, ami uo other reoMHly ia so effectire as this world, jrenowned prepara- Itlcn. No hoasehold, ' with young children, should be without it. Scores of lire* are saved every year by Its timely use. Jxnaer. Xorthampton, " t'oaiuion gratitude im- rls nie ti) acknowle<lge the (Tea: N-nc. flts I have derived (or m.T children fn-m the axe of Ayer's roost excellent I'N-rrr Pectoral. I'had lost twc dear ehlldren from croup and iv.i*iim]>t>oii l ami bad the fiTvatrnt fi-ar of I.HI i^ niv only re- maining daiiKliti-r and son. us they were delicate. Happily, I find that by giving them Ayer's I lierry Pectoral, on the flrsi symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they are rwlievi-d from ilanp-r. and are be coining robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1889 I took a bad cold which, in apito of every known n rmxly, grew worse, so that tbe family physician consul eri-J nn inciirablv, sup- posing me to bo incoiMunjption. Asa last Resort I tried Ayer' Cherry Pecto- ral, and, ia a short tin**, the cure was complete. Slnco then I have never been without this medicine. I am fifty years of age, weigh \ or 180 nounus, aud at- tribute my got .! health to the uo of Ayer's Cherry Sectoral." O.VT.Yoiiker, Salem. M. J. "Lsxat winter I contracted a Mrrr Cold, which by repeated exposure, be- came) quite onatiuate. I was much troubled with hoarsenra* sMid bronohlal Irritation. After tr.ving varionn nn->!i- cine*, without relief, I at last purchased bottle of Ayer's Cherry PectorsU. Oa taking this nn-.li.-inc, niy cough ceased almost immediately, anil I hare) beea well eTwrilncw." Ser. Tho*. B. Rusaell, Secretary Holstnn Conference sod P. R. of the Gwnvill* DUtrict, M. K. C, Joo**)boro, Teun. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, AND SHOE DEALER, FLESHERTON. Boots, Rubbers, -A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Shoes, Slippers, Overshoes, Trunks, Gfootte. ffckgoifable Prided. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to Fe>r Or r Vltlj Years Mrs Wiualow hoolliiuK Syrup baa beeo uax* by mtllioaa of mothem I M ctieir cliti.lr>.ii whil ti>etbinu If ilmturliml at nitilit ami broken of your mt by a ifk child Buffurinti and cry iug with paiu of cutting; touth iuil at once an.l uct a l)tlleof ' Mr. Wm-,1. > elnl.lren teetbinu. It willrnllsre the po--r little Nuflrr iwuiiKtijttely Lsp*u>l upou it.uiotbmn thora u no luutaan about it It cures L)iar- | rii.i-a. reituiattf* tb- fttoiuacb anil twiw--i^. cure* Wlad Cdlte. aofleitsstM Gwcos, rdtic inflatu- inatiun. and give* tone and enrs;v to tli whole aystem. Mr Winuow Sootbioit Syrup for childratetbia upla&uut W tb tail, and i* th* proscription of uu at tbe oMiMt aud beat f-oialt phrrieiaa* and nnroe in the fuitod nissrt Prie* *S MM* a bottle. Sold by all druaMiat* tbroufboal th* world. H tore and aaklbr atn. W. ;-!<. . ijotbuu Syrup. 1 Cards. Dr. J. C. Ayr * Co.. Lowe*. Mas*. lrH*i)I; slaissilie.*!. CO-UJ1PTIO" CUKEO. > a old uhy ticiaa. . urd from practice, har- io bad plaf 1 i* hi* h&ad* br aa E* India miMiuaary ISM formula of * slsnpU vsejeUbl* remedy far the inii aad perwM>au< con of Consumption. Hroochiti*. C'a'arrb. \*tbtti* aawft aii tiir.>t auj Luog AJfectiuoa. *>lo a puitiv an 1 rt.lu.-al earn for Nrvou Dt iliiv ami all Nir%.>u> coiuplainta. after barine; Metvl it> wonderful euratira powvn in thouia- cane*, haa felt it hi. .Inty w tuakv it known to niuffarinii(ellow. Actuatad bv tlu< uiviv* an.l a.laair* to relieve haman uffortnu. I will en I fr of chaw, 'o all who Jwir* it. (hie rui)>e. in Uvriuan. French or Eniillab. with full directioim f"r pntpa^init and uii: ""t by mail by a.Mrmuiinn with t>mp. naiuinn thia paper W A. >oa, sju Fowr' Block. RoehM- tor, NT. IvVarsWI C A I T I \. E4CH I'l I , OF THE NAVY II MARKKK T,&B. IX itKOWl I LI 11 Kv NOME OJHEK GENUINE OFFICE HELP WANTED To take tlw pkice of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. For Halo by .W . BirhardaoN A .. D. llrTsn ish, HORSESHOKK AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Colliugwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. MniifctiiHm O4!i>iior*se, Ktr. Hor>4 t in.u.il u>. H|MH'i I or MDdeff fet. prtimvtlv ftt- giveo to ooatraS' JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FUUUEHTON. Co. Qaar. rjIVIBION COITKT CLEKK.CUMIIISKIOM H A'iL- H. R., Osstweyastssr, Ac A.JI-UI for purcbaie O'l uJa at ln.i Appiaiur for C I. ( (ria. M r P B. 4 S. Soemty Money to I . i, . i, tL* IHMII rauw*blii trriiis IHKIXH cr MAKhlAOK LICKNSES. NOTARY PUHLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a large amount of mon y to luau at i * on town or farm property. >. I A.\i IDE, Flrsliwt. n. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. ArUmevia, Coovetancpr Inturanea agent, etc. Iweda. mortKe*, lease*, ete., pr.-j.ar.d aud properly rxerutfi In.uranee aff<tU*l in first clas oomi>ii me* . Money to load at lowest rates. DR. HDTTON M. P. C. SI.. M.C. ,'. A S. Out., r-rice rile. ResidVuov a&d Offiev on* tioor w>-t of the Velbilit Church. Kinroe* St. Qflow days, Tuettiays aud SalurvU DR. CARTER M. C. P. A. S ., OBI. Thweisiw. sr,- . etc., FlesbrrtMi. OdSee *toau s > Beaideuee-Munabaw s botol. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, MarktLile, (>ut. Office Vaclv's drug; store. T. S. Sproule. M P.. EU-. Ancu* Ejfo. M. IV Ktr . late of Tottenham. Out. 1'r Kco will be (onnil at the MarKJaJf HUUM at night. J. P. OTTEWELL, Vetermarv Sur^nti. (irnduatr t>( Ontario VetertnarvCollfgc K -i i-u.-- -Kirst door south of Leteb'a tailor shop. Kl*beri.<>n Jrntbtvy. Lzslssg nn.l PUw Chain* e*>*> tantly on ha net. J. P. MARSHALL. L. D. N. M. P. S . D.-uti*!. Visit* Mai k dale the Ut an.l :!nl Wcilur^lay of ruch, month. KlohtTtou Kach trip on liu- da olluwing. J. W. FROST, Kfe. Barrister. Solicitor. Corveyaneer. Fleiiherton olHc<-- Next the |x>t rthce. Sproule's buililin. ou Tliursdavs. (.'wcia Suuu I ofliou Frut s McCQLLOUGH, Brrinter, Solicit. >r. Ki. 1 . Fsrhuui 's>l. r<-. M ilili.-e , vcr V'e Money u> I.u. WRIGHT & LINDS\Y, narristen. solicitort. .'t>- . Owen Soitu 1. Out. Ms*nwrv>n oUlcp at Mitulioll bank. \Vc.lub,ty of each wli. atouc; to lau at k <-t iau. W. H. Waiosrr, s c Li>Deav. * J. Sproulc, 1>OSrIASl'b'.R, rVulierlun.Coinniissu n- et in B. R.. I.KVIH..I Auciixticer, Cou veraneer, appraiser and Money I.tini, , . Krai Estate au.i Insurance Agnt. L>t *., Mortttages. Leaars and Wills drawn 8(1 arj Valuations mailv .MI shor'riit notine. Ac tiou Sales attend-l to in HUT pary of IL* County. Money to IMAII al U west rate* ut interest. CoUertuin^ ait. :-.'( to witst promptoeu auJ Jenpatcu. Charjce 1. w. Agent for tli* IViininioo Steaa-sliijAVuip >i ' Cheap ticket* from Flrsbertcn to Liverpocl. (.Vugow, London or any of th* Brilicb orts . Partie* intend'ng to v,ii Euglanii. Seotland er Ireland, will pleas* aok rut> W*>- for* prrcsteiDi their tickets elscwhrr*.

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