Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1892, p. 7

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THF WEEK'S NEWS. CANADIAN. Alnnzo M. Strong, ex mayor of Scaforth, it deutl. Tke Uto C. H. Waterous, ten., of Bnut- ford, left property valued at iiTtt, 14O. P. R. McPbenoo, of Toronto, has pur chaed The Essex Review in Windsor. The workingm*n of Winnipeg have open- ed a commodious Ubor hall and reading rooms. Robins, blackbirds and meadow larki have made their appearance in the vicinity of St. Thomas. Mrs. Hetlop, wife of the late treaursr of Ancaster who wai murdered, diel last week. Robert Cromar, clerk of the Township of 1'ilkington, died at Salem the other day, aged TS. The average when yield of Manitoba lait year was 'J4 bushels to the acre, oats 52 and barley 33 bushel*. Tbe Queen'* Upera hou*e in Belleville waa old at auction the other day for 97, OOU. The building coat 819.UOK. It u propoaed to ipend two thousand dol- lan in Hamilton for the erection of a ma- ternity hospital. Ex- President Cleveland held a ten>minute reception in St. Thomas lait week while en root* home fiom Detroit. The traffic on the C. P. R. for the week ending February '21 amounted to $351,000 ; tame week laat year, 9340,000. Tbe collection* at the First BJetbodiat Church in U wen Sound, on Sunday, amount- ed to 91, 100. Mr. Jot'ph Freemont. M. P., waf on Tuesday re-elected mayor of (Quebec with- out opposition. Mr. Charles Robertson. M. A., principal of the Hamilton Collegiate Institute, died last Tuesday. Thomas Joy, late of H.M. til st regiment, has just died in Brockville, aged 70. lie was preteat at the siege 'of Delhi. John Ciialtertou, farmer, aged 80, waa foDiiil Jeail iu his baru a s)iort distance west of Brockville last week. Heart disease. Henry Hilkert, of Berlin, Ont. , took a fit of coughing at Breslau bit week ; hemor- rhage of the lungs followed and he died in 10 minutes. Tbe schooner Howard D. Troop, owned by Mr. H.U Troop, of St. John, N.B., has just made the fastest sailing trip on record across the Atlantic--!* days. The nullsstiln iron works at Windsor, Ont., hare received orders from Toronto sufficient to keep them running at full capacity till June, with more orders to follow. ' Dr. Oille, of St. Catharines, a promoter of the Niagara Central railway, states that the line will be extended to Hamilton before the close of the present year. Mr. Findlay, of the Brooke sawmills, North Crey, has a contract for 4U.UOO pieces of maple for the British market, for the manufacture of mangle rollers. On Friday Kut * boat containing two men, who are unknown, was carried down Niagara river above the rapids and swept over the falls. No trace of boat or occu- pants has yet been found. It is stated that the Canadian Paci6c railway will shortly commence the double- tracking of the line between Winnipeg and Fort William, a distance of 426 unle<, to facilitate the grain carrying trade. .1 Edmonton district, N. W.T., comes to th front with mineral spr ug* which, according to an Kduionton paper, promise to rival those at Banff forcurative powers. Several remarkable cure* of rhumstism are report- ed. James Ross, awaiting trial in Detroit for highway robbery, turns out to be Thorns,* (isrry, who was convicted of burglary at Thornhill, Ont., for which he served four years in the penitentiary and was liberated trom Kingston last October. Judoe Baby presiding over the March term in the Court of Queen's Bench in Man treal on Tnesday, made a strong defence of the grand jury, which, h declared, frcm its inception has nobly done its duty vrithn the sphere of action assigned U> it by law and eastern. UUAT BRITAIN. The foot and mouth disease has been dis- covered among cattle in a shed in Edin- burgh. All the ri6V aiiJ cutlass** in the armoiiy at (Islway. Ireland, were stolen on Satur- day night. A shoemaker ot Broads won It. Eng. , kill ed hi* four children by cutting their tbroat* and then attempted suicide. The Kight Kev. Spivicer Richardson, b:hop of the Reformed Episcopal Church of England, has become an insolvent. Thr suggestion that a monument to James Russell Lowell be erected iu Westminster Abby has caused much comment in Eng- land. The Prince of Wales has been elected ( :. M. Mark M tson of Great Britain aud Sir Augostu* Harris has been elected grand treasurer The V'teon aud Princes* Beatrice on Sitnr.l*y visited the Albert Memorial chapel at Windsor, and spent a quarter of an hour benide the colh'n .-outaining the remains of the Duke of Clarence. Mrs. Montagu, of Coleraine, who a few days ago caused the death of her three year- old daughter by tying her up to a ring in a dark closet, has been found guilty of manslaughter. Mr*. Holly-en lim nett, the popular an- thorew, will-leave Kugland ou Wudnesday for America. Lait Saturday she presided at the opening of the new premises for the " I'rintirn' Devil*'" club reading-room, pre- sented by her a* a memorial of her deceased on. While tlio famous Ludlow foxhounds were out Ust w*ek they ate something poisonous. Ten of them died in iK--i tracks. At CleckheaUm, a manufacturing town iu Yorkshire, Kng., last week, a moustor chimney fell on the roof of the factory to which it belonged, crushing the wing to a heap, and burying a number of female opciativos, six of whom are known to hive been killed, and a number injured. I'XITUD STATES. The silver men t \Vashiugtou l,,uvgaiu- <! tl'cir |>oiut, aud the Bliuid bill wifl be cred by th* House. Four buildings were destroyed by fir* in Brooklyn, N V., lartweek. Th* loan was over $300,000. Ann French, a widow, W years of ace, ha* just married a man of 36 al Belfast, Maine, Th* bride u worth $10U,<JOtX William H. Plarnb, sgsd 21, of Jackson. Mich., has mat married Amanda Bvutlty. agedGI, ofi.nad Rapids. A young sisn nameil Dick Culler was lynched at Mirshtield, Mo. , fur drowning J four-ye.iroU child. As tue mult of an accident on Monday, Ccn.'uc tor Robert Daffy die* I at West Su perior, \V is. The conductor's father dropped dead ou hearing of Robert's death. The jury in the case of Actor Curtis ("Sam'l of Poseu") at Sau Francisco have disagreed and been discharged. Curtis wa* on tiial foi killing a constable. John 1). Rockefeller, the Stai.-Iar.l Oil King, has given 41,000,000 to the Chicago (."Diversity as a " a special thank offering to Almighty God for returning health. " Th* Stat Women's Prison and Reform S*saol for tiirl* at Indianapolis was burned on Tuesday. All the ininsue* were taken out safely. Loss $300,000. Herbert Penny, a young pedlar who mar- ried a 90-year-old wealthy womaa at Bel- fast. Me., has been pelted with eggs and maltreated by whitecaps. At Delrav. Mich., Perry Materaoo, .10 year* old, fell into a vat of sulphuric acid and boiling water and was scalded to death. He had been married but three days. George S. Moore, our of the most pro- minent buiuien men of Louisville, Ky.,has disappeared, and indications are t'ist he sterted for Canada. Hi* alleged shortage is $70.000. It now appears that John Ualey, who twenty yean ago was sent to West \ irginia penitentiary under a life sentence for mur- dering hi* young wife, is innocent of the crime. The supreme Court <>f the l'mte.1 States ha* declared the McKmley act M be co ,sti- tntienai. Tke newly-born third pevrtv in the Unit- ed States will hold a cosveaUion at Omaha on July 4 for the nomination of a oskndidtte for the presidency. An agreement was signed in tVaahington on Monday subject to the approval of the British Government and the I n.t.-.l State* Government, to submit the Behring See question to Board of Arbitration. ilie Sayward case, involving ho jurisdic- tion of th* United States in Behrine Sea, WAS decided on Monday by the United State* Supreme Conn against the British Govern men t. At Emerwu. Mich., the other day some drunken charcoal burner* threw Lacy Webb, keeper of a notorious retort, into a smould erug kiln and kept her there five hours Th* woman was cooked to a crisp. James Whitcomb Riley'sj income from his readings and recitations equal* a bunk pre- sidents' salary, while Bill Nys in 1S91 clear- ed $40,000 from hi* sppearance* on the ros- trum. Ms\ O'Rell and Will Carleton get fJUO a night from their managers lisorgs W. Cable receives f 100 every time he reads. J. \V. Collins, president of the California National Itank, whirii suspended November 16, ha been arrested st Su l>iegn, C'al. , on orders from toe attorney -general st Wash- ington, accuseil of smSe&zleinent to the amount offJUO.OOO. At lros**Tole the other night a number of boys found a keg of dynamite frozen in the ice and proceeded to make a Bonfire 01 it. One boy kicked th? ke.j and an explosion followed, which blew the kicker 1O feet iu- 1 to the air and knocked down the. rest of the 1 party- The boy who kicked the ke,- will ills. IK flnULAL. French Anarchist* have begun exUusive preparation for May Day demonstrations. The famous Lta'-oit leader, Boh Minlaung, ha* been raptured at Kudoung, in Buinab. Ten Newfoundland seal hasten have | been frozeii to death and thirteen other* are misting. Oat of a population of 1,330.000 in Vienna it is briitted 3W.500 are without employment. The ilistrees is terrible. Chancery proceedings will b* shortly com uicuced to decide th* ownership of the Irish fuud in Paris. Russia has officially, expressed regret for the *xpulston oi two British otticen fiom the Patniiv by Russian officers. A cofluj supposed to contain a corpse wa* taken into California from Mexico. Upon eiamination it was found to contain opium. By the storm on tho Spanish coast on Saturday 30 boats were lost and :i'X person* drownetl. Th* loss of life is probably under- rated. A great demonstration against Kmperor William wa held by ,">,CKX> men iu IWrim last week. In a conflict with the police nearly 100 persons were arrested. Intense eicitement was created in Paris the other day by the discovery ol an attempt to blow up with dynamite the resilience of Princess Stgan in the Faubourg de St Gtr main. Last Wednesday wa* tho Pope's &!nd birthday. Several An\rchist< have been arrested for fortnui^ i plo* to blow up tho German cou sulate at Kirceloua, Spain. M. Loubtt ha* succeeded in forniisg a n*w Cabinet for France, in which six of the 1> Freyninet Miniilis will resuino their old position*. It is generally believed it will W short lived. Word comes from AUieii* that l>r. \Vald stein of the American Archaeological School ha* discovered at Argo* th* foundation of temple of Hera, which waa destroyed by fire _*) b.T. TlSf E*s*rl>ae* efa Mver TsJtMsc a mark-* slfart " I've seen many a time when I'd rather be umler water than on shore. I used to feel that way sometimes. " Mr. Kdward U. Lattlafield, s native of Block Island, made Utis remark iu a story He down too slowly He told of a trick ke once played on a water pipe bos* who went down to inspect the pipes mi the bottom of Tor- onto Ray. The fellow was a tyrannical Kngtishman. and was hated by all *he men. One day when the boas was under water a workman remarked tust he'd like to shut off the air for a wade. Mr. Liatbtield said that wa* wickei, lot affted th workmen to light tlieir ps*a> and sraokv near the saying that wwsYd <Ia> vellai ahut- ny Jj*i't ail we why, A pump McJra up every- pump, saying \ aMKY IX TIBBtV r aWavalel Trits W Wassem Wits kave several a*1s Aysree. A little northeast of Lhasa*, among the mountains that cover that part of U>c frmt plateau ol Tibet, tae explorer Br-ivalot found a largo population. It is in these valleys that some of the nven of India have their bead-water*. This region is peculiar as the part of Tibet where polyandry is the custom, and this feature of social life has he was telling on Friday afternoon. was s diver for twenty -four year*, I ting off ths air. under the water or upon it, and but they did it, .. r _... r _-__ _ r -.~.j has tackled wrecks from Lake Superior j thing in the air 'or its orifice, and very short given Tibet some notoriety, because there to Niagara Fall*, aud from Maine to Port ly it was carrying lowu tobacco (make by * verv w P"*** f the world U> which KoyaL He eatimatej the number of bodies the cubic foot. Two minutes elapsed, and polyandry is practised. Bouvalot thus da be ha* with his own hand pulled out of | then the boss gave three wild pull* to be Bribed i cmstosn as it exists 01 Tibet, sunken vessel* at 100, aad that be ha* taken up. H* arrived at the surface very A family has a daughter. A young man walked out aad around forty to filty vessels sick and frig hftened ont of his wits. The ' w Dter tne fsjmly. to live under lying in varying in depth from 15 to 16* feet ' first thing he asked was if th* pump hadn t * *>' "" " m t * husband of the He nearly lost hi* life ten year* ago while got afire. Mr. Lutletield said he guessed it 'lughter. He consults with the parent*, getting the cargo oat of the schooner War- had, and ordered a nun to pour water on , *""_ ren tiage, off the east of Narragnnsett Pier, , the bearings. This satisfied tiie boss, and | " "ive at an agreeantont with to " "noont of property he is u the men went i >to fits behind his back. The man would never go down after that; he said bethought he had an attack ot heart. and lias since that time preferred to stay above water. ' My first experience," said he. was in Seaconuet Kivcr, in 1859, hunting for Capt. Beu Tallm.in's son Jerome. It was in the month of August, and Jerome Tallmon had been m tue water eleven days. They'd Tbe K mcna,tkai, ^#0 it ands on the dragged for him, hut couldn t hnd him. I ^ w j^J., [be ghoul(ler , and was MM, for Capt. Chajles Herbert, the ^ . JJJ, , ^ ^^ u eureme wrecker then but one day the regular lh Tn . Uf ^ t ^ w . 8(KH }nn tliver took sick, and a* they had an agree Tke Tbe K inent giving Capt. Herbert $5O> if ke found the body in three days, and $300 if he did not, with the idea of working at it all the time, I was picked oat to &> down. It was I right off Uould * Island, and I went down at 7:30 o'clock in the niornuur, I wasn't used 1 to it, so I took sick about 9-.3O -j' Jock, bat I got some old Cognac brandy to drink and I I went back about II. The first thing I j saw when I got down the second time wss a swarm of bluefiah. length. The largest head we shot horn* measuring .% inches round the curve. Their circum fei enee at the base was 14 in- ches, and the distance from tip to tip 2 feet 6 inches. Th* animal i* very bulky in build, and the chest girth, which varied very little in th* different specimens, was only two or three inches short of fiv* fsnt. In spite of this, it is as srile sa a chamois, and makes nothing of th* most perilous I WCXT r, IK' ir,. II THEM, and then cam* a lot of dogfish. These dog- fish are tough thing*, for they have two spar* ou the back Bear the taii, and they wind around a iau* leg* and spur him. They imaahed against me, andany number of them spurred my legj a good deal as roosters The general color is s brown gray, the head and neck rather grayer than the rest 1 of the body. Both tailandeais are remark- ably short. The coat in '.hose that we (hot was vry long and think, almost like that of a reindeer : bat Autumn was well ad- vanced, and I have no doubt that in Sum- mer it is much thinner. It was curious that we should not only never have shot, but u*e their spurs, so that! at last got out my never rven have seen, the females. All knife and went to cutting my way throagk. those that fell to our rifle* were rams, as You know dogfish will teed on s dogfish far as we could judge, from three to six that i* dead, so I ripped them open all year* old. Whether the females slways around me as they went along with the tide, herd together or only at certain Mason* it and the other* ate the injured one*. I most is difficult to say, and we were unable to have killed fifty or sixty of them, all two get any informatun from th* native* upon to three feet long. I this poisL " After I got through them I felt some- The tsets of th* nseat when qnit* freak iime VhenT tke" fcmai* (Kin* sna)lk*_l __. -* T -* *^1I .*> ' wr-aLax aliahtlv i-nlr Vint nrwttt tHs* m*v<nn*1 I!A.W t .* sent turn over to them, he take* op hi* abode in ths hut and becomes the husband of the daughter. It may be that there -e other yooug men desirous of partaking of the same good fortune They are cot at all deterred by the fact that the girl is already provided with a husband. They present themselves at the hat, make offers of cer- tain property, sod, unless the first husband has paid what is regarded in Tibet as a very large sum in order to secure the young woman a* his exclusive possession, she be- comes likewise the wife of these other claimant* for her hand, and the whole family live together in the same hut and in the utmost harmony. It rarely happen* that a yonug man think* so mu.-h of the girl he weda m this peculiar fashion as to be jealous of others who alao desire to t>e her husband. Now and than, however, such * case arises, and laen taste i* likely to 1< bloodshed. He is a happv young 10.1:1 wa j is wealthy enough to becjoie the sole lord and master of his wife. It is a question entirely of money. If the young Tibetan s rick enough he buys a wife and remain* th* unly master of the household. Sometime*, alao, ths husband acquires sufficient property to buy out the interests of the other husbands, and then they retire from the field. They are gener- ally content if they receive back a little more money than they patd for their inter- est in the. yoong woman. The children are always regarded a* belonging to the woman and the father* lay no claims upon them. Polyandry is not established by law. but it is a custom which probably arose at some i MU* w MVU MM i--ir uv^ulati'jn wss less whirl me roond. I could tell it I was slightly rank, but upon the second day i .,, toall the male and it has been wasnt the current, so I looked around to the unpleasant flavor had *ntirely disappear- ^m,,,,..*! Urgwly on account of the poverty see what it was. There wa* a bi shark off e 1 and all of u* agreed that a more delici- ' o j tac p^pi" p o lygariy is practised a* to my left, looking at m*. I'd have given ou* mutton did not exwt. Nor do I think ; w , u M polyandry \V hile th* poorest mn - that this opinion was the result of th* ap- h . v . on ^ lni .^ omi m ; ere , t ,T ne wi . petite* with which the glorious air of a th , rlch . ^ toe comraiimtv Dlk , e ! given a city to be ont of his way, but. asys I. if I go up he'll bite me in two ; and so I decid ed to stay there. I felt just as if my *helmt Kamchatkan Aitunin had provided us. '' , w..o Th* chiefs have as many a* tlicy rising up. Impposoit wa* my hair. Tender, juicy, aad with just the right de- ; , b Financial considerations, theie- \V1I, Mr. Shark looked at me a while. | licate suspicion of vemmin abor.t it, u vra* ! fnr> h ^ VB ^\ fit for the table of the proverbial Alderman : II T HI- Ilk.iKr RlilHF IN TUII, ely s lawyer CseM e U. He sat just opposite me in the tram, and from to* legal documents he waa perusing I s Uwyer. llooied to me TOLI> , for*, have all to do with iiustioca of matri Then ho goss roond me twice and a half, ! ht for th* table of the proverbial Alderman : ] mon _ aad then I got my knife oat sg*in. He turn* said if a butcher could only introduce the ^ on one side, and I could have put a barrel i meat to the British public in the condition m his month <a*y. I knew what was oora- " whicii wv ptrtook of it he would doubt lift, so 1 waited. He dathed for me. and a* less make a rapid fortune. be came I stepped one side, shut my eyes, | an<l slashed with the knit's. I caught him I in his sids, for I Werk .rtfcr tlsalxkiT Met wesse la Ms. Ctcel Hwsr Beys. Tbe old notion that Hod made creation la six .lays, as we measure time, must b* abandoned. God had no need to wurk as a common laboicr on the eight hour plan. It i* a misfortune ot oar race th.it man seeks to believe the Creator a* something IU created. It is a narrow view that picture* liod as a being like man. The propneu of I opened my eye* and found him lying on ha J no doubt that be wa* the bottom fifty or sixty feet off. the blood j out of th* window as tho whistle bUw rising from him in bubble*. I went up to note that we were approaching a large town. I 1 mi, and then something happened to me. and nnuute later teit that the car was off 1 don't know what. I luppnee I fainted, for the rail*. A half open switch had done the 1 cam* to with my hotly leaning against the business. We bobbed and bumped along for shark s, down there on the botUim. Well, : a few yards, and then ths car tilted over j M wLo 'irtfed tiieir people to cry out for I hadu t given any wgnal to my teiider, so and wnt down an embankment. "od-ss if CJod were asiewp-are like some he had kept up the air supply, but pretty We were all pulled ont of the wrecl after modern Christians who hunt for <.od as il quick I fell them pull three time*, to a*k a bit, and I found 1 had a brokeu leg and , h * ln *>* <" V 1 * 6 *- l " difficult meiflwasal: right. They said the blood some lesser evil*. I was laid ou the grass to conceive oi r a spirit wi'.iio.u giving it a all came up to ths top in bubbles before it beside llie lawyer, who was for a time un- material association or material cov ring mixed with the water. Why, that shark's conscious, bat presently lie came Wand If we could do >, and understand spirit in liver 1 cut h*lf of it out couldn't have ! briskly observed: "Open switch- train 'its hi.:,, pure form, then we could comprs- been got into a barrel. 'derailed culpable carelessness won't sci heud<iod. " But af*r all, 1 had my greatest expert ! tie for * cent usder W.OOO :" . The MX day* of creation ences in the two yean before toe war. The He seemed to feel of himself for two or time I went down I to fsvt, th* deepest 1 three minute* to find out how badly he was ever got, was in l!WO. A vessel went down hurt and then continued . east-northeast of Point Judith, and the Cbn- " Worse than I thought for ' It appear* tain'* wife aad daughter were drowned. I that both lugs and this left arm arc broken, went down after them. They talk to me and I think I can also plead interral injur- now of going down 300 or 600 feet, but 1 ies. I'm gnod for six months iu the nospii- don't believe it. Alter the first 100 feet al, svsn it 1 poll through. Damages not . , , won't supply a mail with air, ex | one cent less than $10,UUO. and don t be in >pt inside hi* helmet. Before that it wHI a hurry to settle st thst figure ' ' circulate around his body. When it only! There wen people rushing about, (till en reaches hi* helmet hi* colthes begin to cling frag*! ln lh* vor 'i f rescue, and three or tioned in Genesis are eternity. The world in being atade now. It is still under the can- of the mind from which it came. It won't run on it* own natural laws. It need* God'* care and direction. The wave of human 111* rise- higher and broader in nature, increas- ing man's dull**, opportunities and re- sponsibilities. His world is growing great- er aad greater. New impulses, new aspira- Uona, new destinies open befoi* him. Activity develop* intelligence, intelligence _ develop* sentiment and sentiment develops tohiin, and hi* pores How ot alTthe water four of a* were groaning and taking on oiose I v* andpassiou. The tocreaee of the race in hi* body It is a terrible seo*ation. by, but the lawyer wa* in BO wise rattled, -estimated uow at 1, 300.000,000 with its Now. I got down to this >essel, and *t*rtel He was svidently sinking, however, for his "! disposition* to good and evil, impos- to descend into the companiouway. At th* voice was much weaker as be said : *j awful responiibilitie* upon men. >>naH first *fp I began to feel nsmb all ovr. It "1'apers, cards, and envelope* on the ws meet them bravely with the intelligence was the pressure of the water above me, body to identify it by. and they 11 telegraph | onr activities have given u.. or dessrt them and as I'll Keen told about i. I went back my wife and ship mangled remains home by , beoaase we dread the work they required ? on the deck of the sunken vessel nnd climb- express. Hurt morse than 1 thought for. j Mn' avti\iie* on high and Uue lines ed into the ratline*. I hadn't gone up more ' Quite sure I'm going to die. Will drawn ' * token* of <xl s majestic power at work than three steps before 1 felt better. Then and everything in order, and l*ft not* on I w*nt back again. You can continue this ' my office desk for my wif* to sue for *-'',- right straight along and go deeper each , 000 in case of my death. Clear case, and time. \\ hen I felt numb again I went upon jury won't beout five minutes. " deck sud . Inn'iM .1 outo the rail. I was all J If he said any more I didn't catch it. I right iu a minute, aud then went into tue was just then buy figuring up uiy own i-umpamouway again. All this time the damage* and groaning away in four Ian- vessel was waving from tide to side with guagea. By and by th* people came with th* swell under the water. Jours and shatters to carry n up to the resting th* world. Thny are guide-boards to an ere where allsuiind* are muic, where the majestic in .ve o: making roses from dew drops arm s i:n.i . shall bo clear to us and where the light ot (iod'a glory shall sbiue in t'.c fact:* of men. Now, it s >{ueor, nut there'* something depot. As two of them were ready to pick me np I said " I think the lawyer here is hurt worse Beware of desperate steps ; the darkest day, live till to-morrow, will have passed away. [Cowper. The friend who becomea a lover continues still to be a friend ; bnt the lover who be OOSM* a friend ceaae* forever to be a lover. Mr. Veripoorc "1 am drunk with love of you. dearest one, Muu V'eririch "Aud now I suppose you want to try the gold cure.'' Muley Huuwn, the Sultan of Morocco, ha* a strain of Irish blood in hi* veins, for his great <riilmoihr was a blue-eyed ughter ol tli Kmtrald Isle, '.be widow of a Untith t*ri<e.U)t of eu^iiiefn. Mulcy is said to be as bright as he is stubborn, and U* reason socias about bodies under water. l'id you know that if you went into the cabin of a vesssl when* on* wai that it would start toward than I am.- C.iv* him the preference," you, almost a* if it were alive? It i* that 'Oh, lie that make* the shock so terrible. You can't stone deed '. avoid them. They come as if they wanted !ok a brief look. to be taken away. Well, the Captain's wife and daughter were in the stateroom at th* foot of the stair*, and I had to open the door. , I took some blocks and braced my whole weight agivnsl the door. I weighed -W pounds, and the suit weighed 'JC."> more. I i UIKW there'd be A TIKI,!' 1 X HHtX K, so I got all ready. Th* door gave way st last, and broke into kindling wood like a flash. The concussion of the waicr flnng the bodies toward me like lightning. I shut my eyes, anil, reaching out to grab the bodies, caught the womaa s u she dew toward me. 1 sigruUUtl, and was taken up. Then I went down to bunt for the little girl. I foui d she had come out when her mother did, n ' Moated ninlcr the cabin table. \V hy, that table wa* set just a* when the vessel Are 'i , i . Considering tli-t there are fifteen or twenty millions of people m our country who use thread more or le, it i* apparent that th* making o: the spooia upon which it i* wound must be of itself quite an indus- isat in a bit of hurry h" lrv replied one of the men a* he Yhessare made of hard wood, birch being preferred and generally tisod. The material i* first *awn into sticks four of five feet long aad *ev*n eighth* of an inch to three inches square, according to the me of the (pool to be produced. These stick* are thoroughly ne.'. Ths) are sawe.t into short blocks dried in a hot-air kiln. At the time are sawed, hole* are bored perueu.lica- Isrly through each block, which is set on It was a fact, and further, I waa in the court room when his widow received a ver- dict for &O.UOO. Landlord (Suspiciously I " Yon are an actor, you aay. What i* your role?'' Booth- by Hun, "Ism playing tho heavy, sir] , ^ ne " v Perhaps you took me for a *ape V Landlord i mr fy "No: from the sic* of your wardrobe 1 fancied you might be doing Cleopatra. '' It is not generally known w* imagine that the United States ha* pensioner* in all parts of the world. Official statistics show that there are permanent residents of forty-seven other countries who are drawing pensions, aud that there are ninety-nine Mid under* rs>pully-r*vo',v,ug. long h.uikvd auger. Next, one whirl of each little block against some little knivoj that sre turning at lightning speeJ, fashion it into a spool according to the pattern desired, and that, too. at the rate of one a second for each set of knives. A row of small boys feed the spool-making machine by limply placing pensioners u '2.64O, of whom i. 313 reside in thc blocks in a *pout, selecting the best and Canada. 496 in Ureat Britain, and *03 in throwing out the knotty and defective liermauy. On* such pensioner reside* in stock. The machine is automatic, but there sunk, aud there was food oa ths plates at | remote Samoa, one is *n toying life in Bar- that very time. I was pulled up with the muds, and two have found refuse in the littl* girl. " Fiji Islands, whither their pensions follow them a* regularly a* the pay day oomes arouiul. A bill is now proposed in the Pausing, the old diver began to laugh, and wheu asked what it was about he said it was the air pump. In former times the pumping had been oy hand, but uow it Hou.i>> which look* to the removal of these pensioner* from the rolls, the proposition by stoant. H* preferred steair. for it kept , boiiig that no pension shll be paid to any up a regular supply of air. When it wis ' person who is not a citizen ana bona fide done by hand, it a diver wanted more air resident of ths United Stats*, exception be- they were liable to pump too fast, and if he ng made, ho wsvor, in the case of persons limited this wa* so thoy very likely sent it raveling or temporarily resi ling abroad, are some thing* which il cannot do; hence, the employment of the sinnll boy above menUuiied. After the spool* ve tunifil, they are placed in a large drum, and re- volved rapidly until they have tik-non tine polish. For some apecial purple* they are dyed yellow, red or black. > -o--. ; .inn to taste. Wheu one sec* a nx>l ; ;hread marked "^OO" or "SOU yards,'' it does not signify that the thread has been measured, but that the spool has been ga^c1, aad iu amffuiml to contain that amount of thiead.

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