Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1892, p. 1

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jtbiranrr. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XL, NO 55f FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1892. W. H. THURSTOff, WATCHES AWAY PIIR Pll We will Sell A 3 UNCE - OPEN * FACE SILVEROKK SNAP BEZEL, WITH HEAVY, FRENCH- CUT CRYSTAL. WATCH. FILLED WITH A SPLENDID, 11 JEWELED AMKI'.ICAX MOVEMENT, KEY WIND, Foil 475 WE WILL FORWARD THIS SPLENDID WATCH To ANY ADDRKSS ON RECEIPT OF THAT AMoCNT ARMSTRONG BROS. FI.KSIIKKTO.\ H-.lTfim.lKEttS JC: JKH'ELIIS. D O W N :ALL The Merchant of The Advance. ' tawasaga, has leased Mr. R. Morri- I'KAR Sin, We would humbly beg sou s farm on the gravel road aud is of you to grant UK a ibort space in moving tliere this spring, i your highly esteemed paper to correct The Averill family have leased the some statements that, we understand, j old McLean farm to Wni. Veitch,nd have been written by some one at are moving back on their old farm, Eugenia to tin: Markdale Standard. I which has bveu occupied last year As that correspondents not connected by Mr. A. Bell. Mr. Bell ia moving iu any way with our Orange lodge, on to his own farm lately occupied by we consider that be has taken upon Mr. Veil -h. himself something that we never gave j One of those pleasant events took r-p . , , , authority for.and that was to criticize ' place on Tuesday ot last week, at the J_ ElllOr W.QO D.3,3 our teamecliug, and trying to bring residence of Mr. Newell, by which Mr. discredit on some who are not descrv- ; Louis Moore and Mr. Newell's fourtli Hrif] ^VlA OD.Q llIlQ ing of such. \s for our Kimbcrlcy dinghter, Ellen, were joined iu the * wl_lo J1J.1C7 friends, they do not merit what he is ' bonds Df Matrimony, by Itev. Mr.Trol- j. afn H TT TT A-vn trying to put on them. The conduct j lope. The young ci.uple have the uO SuLLQy yOlir ID." of the young ladies, who favored us best wishes of the community. Ku-ry- with their presence from Kimberley! tiling passed off pleasantly, but Geo. was above reproach, aud the youim delayed his departure till an early gentlemen wbo accompanied would not stoop to anything so low as to come to disturb our meeting. If one poor fellow was unfortunate enough to hour. Rev Mr. Johnson, from Maple Val- ley, occupied the pulpit here on Sun- day evening. terests in. C. J Leitch BUNS be overcome with a glass too much. Miss Mary Ann McLean ia ill at are all the rest from Kimberley to be present, with indainuiation of the dragged into the mud on his accouiu ? VUISM, D;. McEwrii ;.; 1U utien-saiice The Eugenia correspondent to the! Mr. Julia Douglas, sr. , is slowly Slaudaid must be au immaculate per- j recovering from a severe attack of la son when he is able to throw stones grippe, fallen brother. However, 'at a we 2. . O O ! H->li<-ri.;u Station /; / OKI -. A ITU C:iinn|>.'ll and Arch. TWO THOUSAND In Clothing, Boots, Shoes-Dry Goods, : ; Hats, Caps, Furs. Robes, Groceries, and Crockery ware n ver asked him to throw them for us. If we have anything of that kind to do we will do it ourselves, therefore we sincerely hope Kimberley people j FerKnsiln". of aHo are visiim - at will accapt this as au apology for any. Ml . j,,!,,, M, n y s . thing that has been said HUH, . MisH j, aral) Aun Mmr .,.,, such as has thus been said never cunie i lom . llftl ,,. , !Vm lin- a few weeks visit- f:orn any member of our lodge, and we are not respouaible for outsid-.: If we knew the person m;,' f'neuds in Call don township. Miss Mitchvll, of Duudalk. left for who give wrote we him back would willingly his t wcti ty- five cents if he is not satisfied. From the members of Loyal Orange MIST bf turard into Cash by the 15th day of May Conic ahum with your >Iin:- > & >r--urt- >,unr oT the DOLLARS W.TRIMBLE. No. 1118. i i March 28. i (M-rxhain Spring has cotne, and with the Spring conies Hiring Novelties for the mcrcbaiit. \\'e aro not behind these. SPRING HATS In all the leading styles. It i* time you were throwing off the old cap which has served you so faithfully for th pus 1 months. It owes you nothing, and shall soon become it burden. What kind of a hit do you want, a cheap soft 1'Ylt ? \Vc have them to suit you in black, brown or ih;ib at 50 cents, cat-li ; better qualities at 75c., $1 00, $1.2',. $1.50 each. COW In Drab and Black selected assortment. In Urowu and Black -Choice Goods. ft/to PtfeM from $1.00 to $i.(>0 from the best American and Knflisli makers. You will do well to secure these while the si/.i s arc m stock. If we can't suit you iu a hat you will be hard to pleii Stiff SPRING SUITINGS. Sui:in<-,'s in Sc.itch Tweed ; suitings in English Tweed ; suitings in Canadian Tweeds, and suitings in French Worsli-ds. Pnut- ings in all the new stripes and patterns, sonic that will dazzle your eyes and make you wish for a pair. GOBI AND r.K i>.\y,/i,Kr>. Sprioj Shirts, Sprioj Tiss, Spring loYBlths in every lines, Fieali Cirooeris* arriving daily. We sell for strictly cash or trade, and guarantee you lower prices and ei|iial satisfaction with any house in the Dominion. The store on the hill. M. . IS V A. IS* S. our "I'-M ' A mass meeting of shareholders of the Ospiey Farmers' Milling Co., was held Uat Tuesday, in the Orange Hall. More particulars next w< . i We might say that the mill is run ning night and day aud still cannot keep up witu the work. We ure sorry to have to relate the sad end of our beautiful sm^m-^ school and while we bemoan our fate, we are comforted with the thought that no morn we'll here tbe tolling bell, no more cutter rides to Max- well. Another bereavement that Fever- sham is called u[n to bear, 1.1 the sad fact that Ted has resigned tbe Mayors chair ; thus forcing upon us Ian election in the near future IVd - reason fur resigning n> that the conn- ' try business is pressing too heavy up- | on him. Mr lr Perigo has b^-eu engaged to run the sawnnn. Mat Wnid-i, wiio ha-i been upon tin- shelf with a s >ru knee, is around again. \\e are sorry to hear that j Annie McLear has ueui ! with neui;i,_;i.i. Mi.i (! ' llrey. of Mi-at'onl, is visit j ing at Mi. ItoberL I'm -. Mi. Ill iii \ .'vi, \aiiiii .T lias now couipletdi MS cii'.Ung i (liicallnn, ai.<i We niu\ i X|i( el a li.^i i-..! -s t.uni. to be IIPI lad in 0111 nii'l.-.L. .^ll J ilni I'aik 1'iiid a sntii-t visit In his lu.. .,1,1. \\.i, l Hoys it is tun early lo. Isi nl . \['iil jolu-s. Mi:-.s A;iee \V.KWell inteiliU opi >:- i:ig mi! a liis; c,.iss dre^sinaki'i's shop iii ti. i! ne.u inture Success M it. home on Thursday Inst after a f \\ days pleasantly spent at Mr. \ Slew:uis C.IIIMIM and other fri. inl-. Mr. Alex. Mcl'hoison left last -A for Mo iiana. Altx. is a hustler, and is sure to get aluiig well ia tbe "wi.d and woolly west." Mis, C;,i, a Snowdon left for lur liou.e in (Midi li on Monday last, aft( r rusticating for a few weeks at her uncle's. Mr. Alex Steward's. Mr. Duncuu Vtuir sFnpped three car loads of pressed hay from this station last week for the Toronto market. Mr. Mark Stewart sold the farm recently purchn.-ed by him to Mi. Andiew Gilclnist. Mark saw a chance of turning an honeat dollar by way of speculation aud certainly "let her go." Mr. I). D. McFarlane, our popular merchant., is goin^ to leave our town about tlie tirst of April, anil locate near I'xluHge. He has nightly auc- tion sales, wheie goods are almost xivcn away by the coinn-al auctioneer. Air. J. W. MI.IKMV. \Ve are sorry to l>v a citizen like Mac. as la is one of those wicked (irits. Inistioge MERCHANT TAILOR SAW LOGS W A 1TTED ! -AT Legate's Mills, FLES1IEKT<\ Sit MOV HIV i|i|iinlllv ,if ShlllKl,' I!, Itx, It. R. l...e i l.ath hiulii r. f, r wliii-li I am pnuiu i In- 1 i_i; >! iiuirkct |iric<- iu cii:i. [ will ii',i ..lid a ,1111- uf PLANING MILL M.II-IHIH TV iu n !i- wcfliN. wlicn I will h ]n- p>n,l !.> ilnall kiiuU uf wmk in that liie- mi xliurl M, i.ri'. 1'iirtii s --I nlriii. |il. 11:111; liiiililniK will (In well to i-ull .Hi I gl-l cHlllUHlrx Hll I nlilllK Ill-fi'l* Doors, Sash and Frames made to order. \\ ill .I|KII ki"-p ill Htiic> all knuln of >l.)iil(lui_-~. ('a|>iiii([!>. Cox** and KouuiU. Hand Kuilinu. !Wwrl and UaluKir:ttl<-> in IttliMllliill glVfU 10 CUBtolD pluiiiiiii mnl luntcliuiK. cutting sbinglft m.d lulli. Hi 1 1- <>( lumber out l<> older, (joud wor kiii.uislnii K 'iii uitwil uui piiuvn right. l< P. I . u " EUGE1TIA PLAIOTG Miss /'/il ;i . ' .., i- ~/ifiili/. ul . \ : I I I ,i.ll llel'i! lia^ been nugjlgfllll . ' ..() ll'tlU j ini[i.Ji .u.it i v, .!,>. imt wul iry and bo more CM .C' ,u i ; nine. Nli . l> ai.ud \lrlu, \ :c. >n tin' gravel ro.ni ku< (UapOMd ol' Ins stuck and impli nn ul.-. mil lias ,>,,! Its farm to Mr. M.i. i-,i. in Mclntvi.'. Mr. D Meloi,yre wun nis wife and family, and Mi. i>. V .-a.lden and Mr. .\J. Mclutyre, wife and fann y, all intend leaving in a lew day for Oregon. Mr. Thomas Parsoua, from Nut- NViiile liii>id!jn^ lumber some days i,"i Mi. Robert Mctjiiay had a sliver ii-cidciitiilly forced under the nail of a lin^c-r. which i. suited in blood pnisim ing. leaving Mr. Me. in a serious con dilion. The b> si in, Jirul iiid iii the country was procured, ;md Mr.McQuay is now in i K'""' way to recovi'ry. Mrs. (ieo. ll.u, !ioii is ux'itin con- v;il-'sent. Mi. Win. Maxwell has removed to his farm at. Z on. Mr. Henry (hillalipr has come to lurou Nlr Kidianl CampbelTb old farm. We hid Mr. (',. a hearty wel- i-nni iiiii.niesi us. The Yicinri-i clit'i-s.-s ftctory will be iii full (>j>cr:i,io:i tins seuso'i. Mr. Win. Hani. ;- i^ yet. the |iro|n i. TliM revival SITM.VS (-..inlneU-d hciy- dnrin,' tin.- hist three weeks by M;-; Willi.ims it) wr b.-oiight 10 a close (in l-'ri.l.-iy eve:ni^' 1 i - Asa n suit, f.irly prrsnns w< n; iv .! on iri.il, in the C. M. church here, six of tlu-m |)iil)li('ly receiving- tin' ri;.'. 1 of l>a|)tism. The cluircli In re iii~ a|ip:irc;itly received a great sniiiin.il iici|i. I Living lennetl tlii- l>uf mills [or n terni of yern. we (If mi" to iiifmiu the iiulnic tliat we iiiiiiiiifuutur nuil kv>\> in .-<l>"-k th (ulliiviuu : Sa*h. lo<rs. lr's>r<l Flooring. IC:ii<isiers Hand ICailiiiu. < orncr KI<H-KS. (he IM-S| <ii S|ru<-<- l.ath. >o I A Muck Mii:ii!l's.t er;iiMia I'osis. Veranda Fuiiim. and done Turuiiigs of all kiiids to order. All k ; n.U of M, uMiiiKS kpt on hand. M.niMud c,ittiiiK fur iui(l>- tinixli a N|i<rnlir. \ , ' till' Illii^l (ll'Hi|{lll'k 111 )|,1M. li'lli-h iiiM. C. II iiinl 1,1-1' Ui Ix'fi'Ki |iliie.ii,! vimr iivili r. HH|IIIII{ by utraujlit'orwnnl. In m-*i ileiilmx In n irivi' it -.iuirc D( tilt) public put- , HI :nc VI.M-I truly. T.a.lic* |I|TI i-i.iti- Ami DtinilriilT from tlio i.v tllorouijhl v rntn.n'iM l)an,l- nnf witli tini-i- ,!('); ., n t ii'iiH. hut M|O)>S "'. tlie linn i , .its ori '"'"i i-'nl tna't'-t it s-.rt i\tnl I'lialili Ii'iixiii^iiv null, ,iLin f ,li i SM, 111; iHtini: rl" ir m <-i \ Htal. , l-'iui to tiKe, it i* a valuablu ricinnl it.liont A Viiliir... I-I.IPI ict,r IToiiito of Commons InuU'i sli,i|,, DitdW.1, sr< A miinliiT o( my 'uiert arc uiiim Atiti l>nn irufT.ftinl it givuti tin. iwHof tut ifc io-i in I I conm lor It a 1110- COH for Hi > i nriMs a I vai'tiiw*.. Ma,.].. liii-Kii-id, Suft I'miliiT taken iu (juQiitily of Koud dry Kim mnl 8h 'n-l fur work. l'in <-n The Markets. ;ir.'lull> < orrt-c-tt-d Earh Week. Flour fall \Vlirat Sin IIIK \\lii-at lia !.-> Oats. HulUir ............... KH>;-. fl.'sll ........... I'otatofM bu .......... I'oik ................. .. . Hav |>iir tou. RiJ Turkey* .............. ( hi. ki.'im per pair. . Hiiclci per pair \Vol ........ in M. .'.7 || 10 40 8 Oil W 1 111 CO I 8 40 M 18 t,, (O to lo to to til to to to to to to to to to to 7", HI M., M W i r. 1 . in M A K 10 M a (u i ou

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