f h e. FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. I* publl.bed Everv Tlturwclny, KBOM THS Ornci 8ydet im Strret, . - Flr*herto*, Ont. Tl.KM-i O* Kl'HSriill'TION I par annum whim paid trlrly ID .rtrance l.Wpwr aunuui wbou uoi o psi-l AOVEliTIKINO RATIOS. On* column. 1 y*r, SO , b.lf col , do., WT quart, i <ul do., 1 > Trau.lent adTerllutneDt. chr,-(-.l at the rate Of AcU. perllne for Ant liiM>rtti.n and Ji-u. per 3. each iub*<|uut tiiMrtlou W. IT THUKSTON. JUitor and Propntior A Patron Spruit* To the E-lilvr / Tht DEAR SIR, In a recent issue ot your l'|n-r you i>av* ui yi.ui <>|iiiiioii upn tlie I'ali'iia of Inilur.try and their |iUtfuriii. lid an you are not a t'atrun, and I am, 1 hu|x) jc.u will uire r<xnn in \..ur column* to infiiriu your rrndrs a little on that subjrvt. Tlite inlrntioii, or at It-sat tin- trlitimicy of yur srtu-le u tn injure the Patrons' cau-.e. I cannot see yur object in tryinj ! |.n-i-nt the furuicit and Uu-.icn f" 10 uniting, one of their ob jtcts bfiiiK to protect thvnmelvrs from uei< li'irif in iii<-ri-nsiiilii- 'I'liii we rv !' IM: by grtting IJIM.I ti-ii with cost f umnufacturuiK, and In I'une canes the manufacturer. \Ve want to introduce a tore dirtu-1 l rail* with each other, and do away with at least a m.<jnty of the amenta and iimldUiiieii, wln>, in fact, are (treat di-al wo ran than useli'sa in their (ireat-iit riii|>luyinuiit. We have plenty of utrfiil work in thu country for them, and profitable t>xi. There 11 plenty of good faruniiK land in Ontario ran be had Iii-Hp. mini- rif H for tin) kPtthnj! on, that anta only clearing or ft'.mir.', maybe draininx - that will ({ire an ind -prndent comfortable IIVIHK to any 111*11 that will work .and this work addi to the wealth of our o. unity . while buying from owe man cheap, and arllini; to another man dar does ii'>t, and n oftrn dune with a ifrral dr.il of imsrt-presenlaliuii. Another tiling we are doing : ii.tro dui-iii!! a rush lyitein as much as poaeible. Win!* creditiiiK haa in '> u ie rases been r .n\. ni.-nt and neoMui v, it has il'.in- mote to keep pi-oplu |KM.r. nnd force them to mi.rli;i:e thnr farm*, and in many cases loau tlirin, than any other cauae I know of. And how Mr, Editor, your objection! to ui ukniL' a political platform. I can tell yi .u Mi K-iitur it u f-irn-il on ui hy the combines ami iin.li'>|><<lies that ki-i-|< ill' prnra of loine |,'id< for orer wlml it coat* tu manufacture or produce thrin. Our platform i* inch that fanner*, and laborer* of all claaaea can support it. Tlif nii.i-t ohji-i ti'.iii come from <>hl polm.. il Imi-kii who are cxpi'utini! aoinrtliiiiK from III.- i ity for | aat aervicen, and frar tV.it I' in. HI success will ruin their political In . on Your prediction that our politic* 01 platform aounda our own il.-ith kni-ll la not likt-ly to I HI n-ril'u .1, ai we are only two yt-nrs in enlisting HHI.IKKl in Uniaii.i. Nw at that rale of incrr*a we will be able in contend with Mowut for the treasury iM-nches by next pro. vinciul i !ivii"ii. \Ve an- I .lu'i-il f'ir your advice* as to iliudnnt politic* from linaiu-i-* It may b well niraiit. but it la imt pntti. .ii \\ i- object tn do all the woik and havu lnwyi> and KOIIIJ nlheia do all our lr^i. lulu ii ui.ii I.Modlin^. \Vo winli to t.iLi a haiid in it. \Ve may not improvr on it. I u.n.k we cannot do any worse than kaa l.rcn ilonu at any rat*. 1 lit-it) i* another claaa *ho object to Patrons. That la the nit-n who buy ,-. ...U at any wholesale price* and wnt to iinkK majln- lilly per ct-nt. Ho my* it ii a bad inntitutuin. Wo are willing to allow a fair pti.lit ; you *ay ton p< r cent. 1 knuw raaei wlu-rp wu huve at- lowi-d twenty p.-r cent., and thiV i* more than wu _-.-i on farm ioveatinentii. Nuw in cnncluaion, your ohjcction mi I- -niit of iiiinthini{ like i*. l.i-mi; in the Htale.i la IIHI narrow for anylhini!. You ah"ii!d idiject to the telephone to be con- iiiai.t. A. I'ATKoN i Our i'i K-I tiii<- from imr nim Tli i nii.lili- of Mr. .In ,. M, t M.H.U, . iii.ll run 1 1 lieiinl tally and lutr, .-, a rtltlll (if thf U.-UBl IIICICHH, of ll.lllc liniiicdialtly precfdiii); f-|"inx'. FaiiiuiB ui > itisliing in tL u fiivis at piitt-nt as ihtrc ii evei) iiidicutiou of u i .in ly H|)iiii({. buKi--uiukiiig will, uo doubt, gnon U ui full awing. Oui trtth >vc fair- ly watering in anticipation of an m viiation in the near future to a "taffy- pull." Dr llntton purchased" a (inn blood colt last week. This is an evidence of the wideuiug practice of our popular doctor. Mi-.-nrs. Mitchell and Becker, of Diirhum, were in town last Thursday A ftleigh load of church gor wag iiuldenly upset Sunday evening, on tho bi^ lull east of tin; village. For- innately no one was hurt. In the eveuniK discauisc last Snn- day, the Itov. D. McLeod spoko in forcible accent against the practice of attending theatres, shows, etc At the time of writing Mrs. Malcolm I'l'l.. .in u very ill with inflammation of the lungs Mr. and Mr. Neil McLean, of De- Iron, wh,, were attending the funeral of tho former'* father, 'are staying in the villairo at present. Mr. Daii.MuLean meveil his household to r It.lnTtoii Station lut Monday. The tint of the season. A co\r took a ""I impromptu bath l.n-t Monday nion nit; in the Sui(i-eii. The unlucky bo- vine had to be fished out by 10 -aus of a roj>e. ^Ve ar Korry to learn of the continued illness of Mr. Cobourn. Wo trust how- ever that he will soon take a change fur the better. Lout week we unintentionally omitted mentioning that Mr. Dougal McCortnack has L-OIIIO to Pncoville tu atay. Wi- heartily welromeour ctteeuied friend, who ne of the nnxt successful and popu- ar auctionccn* of South (iruy. The attendance at tliu concert jriven under the auspices of the K. C. church, in Watson's Hall, last Thursday evening. won very small, considering the attnu- tiva f.-ature of the pri-tjram. A ws ad- vertiseil, Miss K. C. Slron-:, Canada's fa\orit<j Mt-zz.i S<i| ran* vocalist, took part in the entertainment. She snj^ with prvat effect : "Annie Lnurie," "llniiiu Sweet Home," etc. The dis tinctive prnininence of Miss troiiVa artistic Iriumplit is so well known that no eulogy of her iiu-ril* from our prn is necesaary. The rendering of "Tho tlir.- U- in-* c,f the Shamrock," " Die SOUK that re.ichua my heart,'' ai,d other pojiular soiii! by the Rev. Father Mealy, were I oudly applauded. The humorous, side i'littinif, c miiic son-.'* of W. .1. lU-n-iii. f.uily l>Mi^ht down the hoiue. II in n-n liticin of "Medicino Jack," an. 1 "(!il- hool)'s supper," in costuino, bron-lil tears I" man,.- eyes - not tears of sorrow. The r.M-li f.iinily fnriiMli.il iintriiMiiuI.il music uf a hiuh rliar.i-trr for the oc- DIHI..II The uniipio playiiig of "l|. im ui'i-l ll'iine," deaervrH npecial mention. i llntton occupiod the chair. l'i.. reeds about |30. A friendly curling match was played in Durham, on Wednenday of last wwrk. In-tween a rink m..de up of four IiUliiiinn ti .in I'rn-eviili-, backed up by four Rons of Ki 111 fiom l>tiili;un, slid four S.-ol.-h- M i.-n from each pl.icc, respectively, niiliin){ in a victory f..r tho ranny S.-..IH, by 3 p-iinta. The 1'rn-evilli- riiiliTS expressed them -i-hr an luyli il.-lijliiu.l with their dip, and the ei. usaite '.hey received from the hand of their I 'HI IIBIII brulliron. Ii linbi r!i- /'mm iir virn (',,,,, ,,,,,,/: nt. (>tr KOK Oltio MVSM-II. H. I)., H. O. and AI. x. C.irriitli.-i i, atartod for K.iu pint i. I 'in.., on Monday. U I> ini.-n N to r- linn 111 .1 or 4 m Milln ; Hut otl.ur* will hl.iy. A paily wait In-lil mi their be half, at Mr. K. A. M,-('onnellV, .in Thumdav evening last, wlion the i-li .ir of thu Mulhodiat i-l. null, who yot up i|,,. lit! ui, presented Alex, with a beautiful bible ami an addrviir Mr. 1). WalUi-e has (jot the t;rip, aUo Mrs. .lames Myls. Mr .liilin Alexander, brother of FVvi-r aham's miller, has been contiued to the houe for nine weeks with a swollen knee. Rheumatism, or some other mm neenis to be the trouble. It. .1. M. Ki-n/ie haa I.e. n ill with bfonchitis. K<I ..f in ntten lam u wax tliH secretary's report for the L'. !>. H. on Kahbiith last ; truly a goixl attendaice for a country place. A few more days of sunahiiic will are the .in-i fly on the struuta of Knnbery. Mr. (iraham i* prepnrini! to start Im saw ami sin^lA null, llu has lie lamest stock. in this season he has hud since he came here. Youi .-. i n-f |... n. I. i,t is sorry to li-.un that Miss R. O. Thurston u leiiously ill with la k-rippn, but hope to report an u. - proi eiiient next week. BICYCLES THE- "COMEr Bicycle LEADN THE All the best riders ID the country ride the "COMET" IT 18 T1IK STHON'GllST. IT IS THK KASIKST RUNNING. IT IS TUB LilGHTEST FULL IU)ADSTKH. "~ ~~ FITTED WITH SOLID CUSHION OH PNKl MAT1C TIKE. Send for Catalogue. Comet Cycle Co. 24 Adelaide St., Toronto. SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! Thr ntiilttniKntxl li itartod a new uianiifa.'tiirv an.) ri-piriiJi: H|IO|> in Klotttii-rton, wli. i*- ' , i tn tjt-i >oiir repairs duow uu short nolle* anil on r-*M>usbU terms. I'arriaKe Trlmmine. PaliitiiiK. ll> pairing. and everything In the carrl*e making Una. Give iu* a call. Satitfsctlon (uarwU4 Shop over McTavisb'* Black smith Shop. i;. T. Hamilton. Floslierton. Jan. 11. IWI. ange -t- of * Business. HE iinilt-r>i|;ui-J bogs IPSTB to ae. quaint the inbabitautsufKlenlierton snd Mirrt'iiiiilin^ country that he has pnrcliimr.l tli* r'luur. K il ,ir..l dnceiy 8torr, (n.iu Ricl'sril IVillsr. wlirre lie will i . nt i> ii>- t t p i ii liaiiil a gi <1 supply of I'll. .n-i- KI. ur, 1 i . .1 tii.il (iri.t-fiie,at Luwciit 1'iin's. I'liiirti-xy iiinl .Si|iuro l>>-aliii|{ will l.i- :lie i.i.ii r n( tin- iiav ut llrii<lrrs*n's Mnr- Wt- l>).. llmt IliP Old i H.-1..I1I. i.- ill ciintiinie in |'tn.ul/.e us aiid a spriuk- ling ill new ones. Eggs Taken ill Trade. Plcwoa' and Fords' Flour Always on Maud. Wm. Henderson. Lands for Sale Farm pr.i|.i>rt if*. Improved anil nnimproTed. . also f IllaM propwUss. A|.i.U J. W. AKMSTKONII. PlMheriau ) U FLESHERTON PLANING MILLS MOORE & WILSON, Props. Manufacturers of *\>ll, iHidlts, KKAMKS, Mori. I). INt;, II ItMMi OK ALL OKSL'Kll'- TION, KLiN)KiN(>, 8II)IN(j, SI1KAT1IINC, MOII.DKD HACK, KTl?., KTC. All kinds of CufUoin Planing dune promptly, uiu 1 in tirat class Miinner. As uiir fB.-ii.ry is imw ttmr Ol|lli|l|.l'll, Hill) III t;iH)ll Wi.lklll-J nlilfl. wu luul oiinliilunl in s:iyini| we art) imw in a IIUHIII.III in i{ivi- I>IMII| satisfactiini. A liii .-.- .pi inni v ..l <lrv li.u-il anil soft >.M,I| ll,,.,i ni_. mi li.unl. liu-li wu sell at ruasiin&lilr IHUM Tlimi- ennsHiuulsting buil<lini( will do well In ciiimtilt us Iwforu pluoin^ the r nrtluis. Moore Wilson. Til* e.Utii of Ihe lain Ruv. Dr. Slkf- tiinl. nil.. <ln .1 in II. uu. U is valued at 117,021. The undersigned bc^s to announce to the public th;it he has opened up a full stock of MEN'S and LADIES' BOOTS & SHOES. Consisting (if both fine and coarse, suitable for wear indoors and oat. Our goods will be SOLD at a LOIZ1 And we are determined to satisfy our customers. A s\ lendid assortment to choose from just to hand from best manufacturers. Hoping to icceive a fair share of the publi; patronage. JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. Do You Lie Comfortably WHEN YOU RETIRE ? What is there more pleasant, more restfulj than when n pen returning home after a day's hard work and faumiiii},' busi- ness, feeling very tired, weary and out of humor, you re tire leeling that you have a comfortable bed to sleep on ere that you cannot fall through c'unng the night. And Again, do you Believe In Having a Comfortably Furnished Home ? Can anything be found morepleasing to a husband and father than to see his wife and children enjo\ing the benefit of all modern conveniences in the shape of household furni- ture ? And the same husband and father occasionally likes to drop into a bcautiiully upholstered, chair, or recline on a comfortable sola as well, and take a few min- utes rest from duily toil. Both are pleasant you say. IV W I I Si nce you are not enjoying any of the above IF III I. I mentioned blessings, and would like to very much, you cannot do better in any sense ot the term than to drop into H. E. McNEA'S Furniture \Vare- rooms on Durham Street, and after examining the Roods purchase the proper requisites for such enjoyment. Those who are still experiencing single blesseduess can find things there they are in need of as well as those united by "the holy bonds of matrimony." The rooms arc so well tilled with all kinds of goods that it will probably aid you in choosing if we name over a few of the articles kept instock. hr tho R F H R fl I) II 1'here arc Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, ill DtUQUun other kiiu!s of MattresseS) Wash , stands, Bureau, and everything elsebelonging to a sleeping ?partment. We would also very modestly mention that .ve have a number of cradles just waiting to be filled. For the PARLOR We have Centre Tables, Doherty Organs, beautiful P?rlor Suites, and pictures set in nice frames. The Dlliiug Room & Kitchen are also represented in our large stock, but wo will let you judge the furniture for those department! yourselves this week, but will describe them more fully in the next change ot advertisement. H. E. McHEA, FLESHERTOU. New Carriage Shop. The nn<ler8i|rrie<l ben lesra to ac(|iiitiiit tli" public with thn fact that they hare opcnej n[ a nw csrriaK am) bUckxiiiitli iiliop in Klt-sliertoii. whuru uwrvtluiix in our liue will be uttemlol tu in a prompt manner anil ^""'1 wurkiuitutbip gUHrauteed. \\ i- iimki- a speciultv of HORSESHOEING, And orofess to have n inecbanic wbo glreg entire natii<faction every time. Sprvial attcn- lii.ii tu I. ml r or cuiitntctKil f.-t-t. lutrid-rinx posilivuly p.-evmitt'J. WOODWORKING Iu all Its brnnohcu. Wagons, busies, demooratH nia.la tu order. We believe we can wurk ii]> pi... I tiimiiiPHi in Klfiherton t>y fair anil 8i|iiaru ik-aliiiK and careful Hnikiiin.0ii|i, iin-l Holicit iln public to Ust our merit* in ..ur vurimu liin-i. SHOP tn'i'<sira FI'KMTI'KK H'.IHKIHHMS. inim.tM ar. R. T. WRITTEN. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF GUARANTEED ToK>nt<>. l> And drulf - in . iu.n it nurvcllui.B in my own MM . few |.t>ll.ivmi hot i.ulj ihi^w.igl.lT rrtixr.| ICMolVd dandruff " uinulti..n but mu.w.l tMC of U, bAlr. m*jM It Rttto.it Failing hair lob st^lnsl color. Steps falling of hair. Kttps ths Scalp cln. MskM hair tott nd PlUbl* Promotes Growth. \>K BY Wu. U1CIIAIUJSO.N