Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1892, p. 5

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THl I* L E S H E K I o N ADVANCE H.l.VKi.VO OFFIV* GEO. MITCHELL FIjESHERTON. A (eaaral tonkin* Iniiiaaiis transacted Draft* ' 'Vi.- l I'll chs ine-s cashutl at tmual rate* ne* always available for Ittgitiiuato buaine^a Orf ifK two doora north of Kirharrlnon 4 Co'i Vicinity Chips. t'hiira. |. r..n, * wf the Past Week Carefully Colled for the Curious. Hiuiitftu notico among liteali will be fh'iri/fil 'it >}>< rutf i if lor, prr lim- f"f ^tch iimrrtioH. A rvlurtion will ' matte <JH e<mtr<tet fur IW lints or over. Sleighinir hns departed. Council iiii-.'tiuif uii Monday next. One cnt load uf HUgu just received at M. r>ichardoD & Co's. Mr. M.titin offers a great bargain in n improved farm. See advertisement. Two female a| prentices wanted to learn tailoring. App'y to F. A. Baker, WASTED A cooper to make butter tubs. Apply to Joseph McCormack, Flcsheiton. To RKXT Comfortable brick veneered house and lut and staSle to rent. Apply to U. J. Spruule, Fleshertoii. Mr. D. Madill ia a^ent in these parts for Frost & Woods' implements, also for Wortnian & Ward, of London. 3 One car load of salt just arrived at M. Richardtju A- Go's. Mr. J:is. (;,i!braith, of Michigan, was visiting with his pareuts near Fleshcrton during the past week. Messrs. Merchant Brown and Dr. Hut: i 'ii, of 1'nceville, paid Fleshertoii a visit on Friday last, and were welcome callers at our "den.' Mr. I). ISiiiir left fur Detroit on Mon- day last The well wishes of many friends ^o with him. Mrs. Blair will re- main heru f'>r the present. tires* Vood<t it prices to suit yon. New tuaterialj, new coloring for this lesson t Bicuardson & Co's. Mr. Thou. Blakely, of Dundalk, be- came too familiar with a circular saw and a* a consequence is nursing sore tinkers. Still he would rathvr do that than have no tin^tri to nurse. Ladies, I have just received the largest stock of tube- paints, all colors, ever brought into FUsherton. Curtain pules ud baby carriages, an imiiietiso lot to choose from. U. E. McNea. Our Me.if..rd Road correspondent ends in this week an excellent synopsis of the life and character of the late \\iii. Buchanan, who died last weA. Wo refer our readers thereto. A lirt-o M.x-k of note heads, ttatument lieadn, envcOopos, visiting cards, memorial cards, etc. , just to hsnd at this olli.-e. Any ofabo\e furnished for alxmt what you would pay for blank paper. We were mmUkeii in announcing that a meeting of the township council was held last Wednesday. It appears that a meeting had Uon c:illd l>y 0110 of the deputy reeves, but said meeting did not material i -. l.'l. LiK-asbnrrister. Markdule. has HI, III. pn\atc funds to lend on fv in nioi 'j:i_ r i-i ii. i in lim next few months at lowest cuireut rates. No conimisH- ions, no delay", expenses low. Apply at office ill M, nk. I, ilc during the week or at Dundalk ottu-u on Saturdays. It has been conjectured fi.it the secret uf .intediluviau longevity was some method of keeping the blood pure, warm and vigorous. Moderns accomplish thu same purpose by using Ayer's Sarsaparilla - the best blood medicine ever brought to light. Dress <.<> 04]* Direot import irom manufactun r , in Britain juit opened at M Kicbardfiou & Co'i. Baruum said some years ago : "I cnn out-talk any lung on u;tttli but the printer. The man who can stick type and talk next morning to thousands of people while I'm talking to one is the only man I'm afraid of. I want him for my friend." The Bpworth League sociuty of the Methodist churc'i, Duyenia, held their Hrst social at the residence of Mr. J. B. S'oaii on Monday evening last. The company was not large, but a jolly one neveitl.elcss, hence a pluasai't evening w,n spent. The Advance was repre- sented. No medicine has had greater success in checking consumption, in its early stages than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It st>|>s coughing, soothes the throat and lung?, and induoes much needed repose. H uu- dreds have testified to the remarkable virtues of this preparation, Rev. G. H. Cobbledick did not praarh educational sermons in the Methodist church on Sunday :ts itnnounced last week, the death uf Mr. Win. Buchanan, ir , making a re-arrangement necessary. VIr. M. Richardson occupied the pulpit ,11 the niurninir, and Rev. Mr. Tvnge preached in the evening, his discourse being one of marked power. The Shellmriie Free Press publishes a list of debts for sale, mostly subscription*. and in the said lists we notice one or two old friends (f) of our own, among them being one Lazaius, of Montreal. We presume there n many another news- paper man in Ontario whu entertain* as deep an affection for the gentlemen re- ferred to aa ourselves. Our account a.Miimt this individual is for advertising and is only five dollars, but e would sell it at a big reduction. We hope the Free Press will be successful m diiipobiiig of its accounts against the dead beats. It is now pretty well understood to be a danguroun practice to attempt to palm off Worthless imitations of the "Myrtle N.tvy' 1 tobacco for the genuine article. In former years that practice waa the cause of much annoyance, and Me-s. Tuckett A Son were compelled to rotort to the law courts to put a stop to it. Though they hare not met with any Mm of the kind lately, it is always a safe precaution for the purchaser to see that the trade mark T. <& B. in bronze letters n stauqwl on each plug ; no plug ever leaves th factory without it, aud to appropriate the trade mark is a punish- able offence. Oh, What a Cough ! Will you heed the warning. The sig- nal perhaps of thu sure approach of that luore terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the suko of savinc 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experi- ence that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. j n.i L'l New Shoe Store. Carpenters, painU-rs, etc., have been busy for the past couple of week at Mr. I o. Smith's, Colhngwood street, and the cause thereof is now explained. The Advance called at Mr. Jos. Smith's on Monday evening and was ushered inta a vory neat little shop, containing a coun- ter and largw stock of readyuiade boots mil shoes iiom the bent manufacturers. The repair shop has been removed to a more retired position, ai.d some dainty lines in factory made goods are displayed in the storo wiudow. Preparation for thene goods was what caused the uproar Mr. Smith states the fact of the case in >ur advertising columns, and we refer >ur readers to his announcement for full particulars. Neufurd Koud. It is with feelings of regret that arc called upou this week to report the death of another of Artomcgia's early settlers. Mr. Win. Buchanan, sr., \vlio departed this life on Fiiilny, the _'.") Ii iust. Tlic deceased was burn in tlie county of Tyrone, Ireland, in ill' ar 1824, and was then-fore in liis JStli year. Coming to Caimd* when a young man, lie, with liiy wife, rcsid ed l'ir a short time in the county of LVcl, uoar l!rani[.'toii, huv bfin,,' satis- in! iliat tin 1 cliunc. s ui a yoiinx man. witli small means of procuring a per- naiiont home, were more sure of ai- itiniiiciit, in tlif new setilim 'iits, h. , with coiuuieiidablu energy and pluck, removed to th county of (>i-py, mi I -.'led for a short time on the faim low owned b) Mr. \V. Guibraith on ue gravel road, and eventually pur- liaseJ the present homestead ou tlie Mi -il'iril Kiiiid, wl-icli he lias lived to i'i- trausforuied from a wild* rnes-s in- >o a well tilUd farm. In private life 10 was i|uir - aud unassuiiiing, of a nd and uhantable dispogilioa, ever iidy to i|>. uk a kind word or leud helping lininl to those that were in i*'i il. In politics he was a liberal, and in religion a Mi thodist. 1 hi wife and svven clnklrcii survive him. The funeral on Sunday was largely attend nl. 11., remains were interred in tlie I r win cemetery, gravl road. The burial service wan conducted by tl.e Uev. Mr Idiik-e In many households this winter there is left a vacant chair aii heavy hearts, whoM! only source of comfort is that the dar ones for whom they mom n have goue to the realm of eternal biiis. Expired While Talking. II. I . Clark. M. P. P., expire* in his* seat. At 4.30 o'clock Friday afteru....u Mr. H. K Clarke, one of id,, m -iiil>..n fur TlTlintl) ill till! lirXltl.l'ill I ad- drew* th Hun*.- UI>M a liiil wliie.li had boen introduced by Mr.Tiii' > aiiuttd ilia Assessment Act. II - , -..r .1 m<j- meiic r two in up|M>niii i, (.. t i 1 M,<| had just utieroiT tliBHj w,m. : "The only aiucssiiient at pre-eni ,- > -tintf - " fcsM "a dropped into his eai .11 I <in*<l immediately. Mr. Clarke wan the only m. ml.er wh>> erer died in the chaiul>ur On Kr.cUv. Feb. iUJl.jitfHl, Dr. li.ik.,, i!'.-.o,u, waa stricken down with .I|I..T,-,-V ,- .> : iiiniMPii Is alter the House un-t, Imt waa carnud out, ami <!>,! two i, ., * half hours later in the ruuHptiiui r ... u. Ur. Atlmr'i'ii, Church ti.n- . is Mr I'lirk'a physician, and had Imcn att.Mi.lnn: him for two year* f.ir hiMrt <ieiisj. 1 1* ad- vised him somu tune );.> 1.1 t.-i . fpun active legislative duties Mr. Clark first sat in tin- I. . .1 Legis- lature as inemliur f. n- U'..t T in' in :! and was re-elecrfd i.v ;.n..e maj- in 1887 and M!M). A- |.li'i,-..n Mr. Clarke aclm-veil idin * ,i, a hiifk place for hunm-lf n >? ,, Legislature. He WAS an "i|. etiVtt < .u r and had mi reijuatml . - -up ported hid leader. Mr. Vereilii h, in Mi active duties nf let;iiUii..ii HIM! did ,;, od service tt> Ins party mi the t)"-'r of the HOUAO Mr. Clarke wa an Oraii^e'iiav. havliiL' joined the ordr in 18t:i In 1.SS7 lie travelled extensively m Km ope, and on Ilia return he delivered a .no,t n>t.-iet- in/ lecture, entitled ' lni|>reni.iiia of a T"iir in Europe.'' He beloiiu'cd to thu t church. The lUiuii'iiiM' stuck of piiut* iii new and beautiful "olum and dem^m it liielmrdou it Co'i., should be Hf^ii l>v iTcrv la.ly. Over SO" cidin*ui reacl.ed \Vmiii|>,'K Friday nielli to take U|> I.II-HM in Mani- toba ii d ilia N'irtli-wet. S, DaraiidsW of lands for Sale, Why PI-HI n I'ariu when > on ran bu> al half t:ilur and of payment li> Mill you '.' ParcilV. I l.i.t I*I<.I>M. ii. VtilaiKthiiu. N. S.. 100 arr*--. I-' \o-<-<i:nul\ rlit'Ap. l'aio-1 No t~ I.ol H.i!< -.11 -'. M. '.itne linn M cre. llltcro* e.letic.1. uuixl <.-!> Lmni .. i; hollm) an. I <<ul)lu a 1 for *;m l'm.i-1 \ i II. ^ W r. ,t Sroad. Holtaiiil. KKI arri'N.TU acrtM elar'l. rliv loam, lo! I ..... H '. -Kiiulmi'ii ttii.-l.irni. Cl'Jjil. I' ,..! N.I 1 l..i^t half ol N i. 1H. ..n i. Vin aiamh li 11 - cl.'Aie I. 7o ,ic.o KOI| woodlaitd. bone* aad imrti. -IHKI I'arr.. ... , ! ,,it VJ c.< I. H.) laili. SO atlu. glXHl tlllllHT. <I<M. l'a...iN.i . I ,i jt. ...in 7 M I Lit 'U. con. 6, (ilfu.-'g.'Juu ai:r. a good tiinbui larm. rr"el No " S.'iilll half "( Ota No-. I and con 10. Hh|ni> . . fll Uli/li. r.i.- with liaiil woo.l 10U acrvn 10UI. Part.'. N I "t ii. cun. II. Vrt..ineia, 1M) aci *.-%. 1 tiuitnTO'1. 41000. For inl.n tnatiou r.^&rUiiii; an v of tli.- above flin|'|il> lo Ii. U VMI !>!:. _ Klr.l ,-i ""Like Magic," THE effect produced by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Colds, (.'oiif-hs, C'ronp, and Sore Throat are, in numt raws, iin> mediately relieved by the use of tins wonderful remedy. It strengthens the vocal organ. 1 *, allays Irritation, and pre- I vents i in- inroads of Consumption; in every stage of that dread disease. Ayer's Cherry Peo- . toral relieves cough- iiiK and induce* I refrenliing rest. "I have u.d Ayer's Cherry P. toral In my family for thirty y<;ar ami have always found it the hunt remedy for croup, to which complaint mv children have been subject." Capt. U. Carloy, Brooklyn, N. Y. "From an experience of over thirty years in the sain of proprietary medi- cines, I feel justirlnil in recommending Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. One of the best recommendations of the Pectoral is the enduring quality of its popularity, it being inoro salable nuw than it waa twenty-live years ago, when its great success was considered marvelous." R. 9. Drake, M. D., Boliot, Kan*. "My little sister, four years of a(?e, was 10 111 from brom-liitis'that we had almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family phyxirian, askilful man aiitl of large experience, pronounced it use- less to give her any more meilicina ; aaying that he had done all It was potv sible to do, and we must prepare for tba wont. As a last resort, we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , and I can truly say, with the most happy result*. After taking a few dones she seemed to ftrnathe easier, and, withiu a week, was out of danger. We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely wall. This hasgiven me unbounded faith In th preparation, and I recommend it couddently to my customers." C. O* Lcpper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, lad. For Colds and Coughs, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rtar AUD BT Dr. J. C. Apr ea Co., Lowett, Mas*. rnol , mr^iLe.. M, Wwlta ft DOM^ BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, FLESHERTON. A LARtJE ASSORTMENT OF Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, SeMoi\i\b1e GjootM. Slippers,- Trunks, Custom work and repairing promptly attended to The Safest AND moat powerful alterative Is Ayer's Sursaparilla. Young aud Id are ai.Lu b<-uelitud by its use. For tho eruptive dis- eases peculiar to children nothing ela IseoelTortive aa tbia mcuii iue, v!>i!a its aj;rc!'a- bl.) flavor makes it easy to adiuin- <: > JwsS^r?/ . "My little boy d large iM-n.fu- v.;a ulcers on his lli:ck at'd thrust ^w5^B^ from which he ^yf - Buffered U-rrihly. Two pliy Brians 1 'in. t>v-; ho crew continually i- ihrir rare, and every h<Hly irecf. ,1 In- .1 l.i.l heal d of . .... If rurus effei-U'il by Avar's i --d to have my i!y after li Ix-nmt to '.ike tlii.t M.-iiit in,., tlio ulcers com- i: ne* i l!c:i::n r. .-mil. alter UMIII; several l-.-trl. , |..- -.MIS . :i':n ly i-nrcii. He is row a* healthy Mini s'.rfint; 03 anv boy f I i.* :._' " Wiilioai l f . iHiughurty, " In May lost, my Toungftst child, '.irrteen miintliHold, beean tu lia\ i jra'liT on iu lieail and ln.ily. \\' a ap- .aiiniis simple n-iunlirs niiln-ut i iu nnmlier ml '.: .->!>. A pliys.eiao i'.f. l-'iT ihe Horra continued u> i iltiply until in a few nxuulis they d'.s lii-ail uuil !KM!V. the na <rf Ayer'a Bar- <apu:il!a. In a few dnrs a iinti U.-il i luiii^e for tin- l-.-i-r wiw: manifcHl. The . raeawnnwd n nn r l:ea!;l.> eoinlliioii, 'lie <ii - r-i gradually >llmin. .l.i'il, a:i. I MI .'/ i,-u>i^l alii'cc-thar. !'!. --liilil in in.'li..-. Ha skiu is franhur, anil il.s i -r 1 1:1111 we h' . "ii- .01 Mionthd." r'raiiU M. Cii iflin, Long t'oint, Texas. "The forni'ilA >-.{ Avar's Parparllla pie>eii't. ii.r cliri'iii:: dlMSVes i I i very lii.'i I, ;..f !- 1 reinei'.v ktmn n to t!ie inf.li.al wnrli'." L). ^t. Wilson, M. D., Wi-tf*. Arkansas. Ayer's Scrsapariiia, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mat*. rrlc$l; ii K.i:'.i-p.f.. V.t-htji C A U T I \. 1-i.n. or TIII-: KETLE NAVY IS MVKKKH T.&E. l\ IIKWN/K LETTERS. NONE OTHEX GENUINE SooTHir.Q, CLEANSINQ, HEALINO. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossib/e. NERVE I NItRV | oiTi-rj that .in.- Uk> wur<t can* 'f Nrrv.iu* ]>eliilitr. Lu4 Vitfur and Pftilii.g M:uh."-l : reau.n* UM I hj im-r-wurk. ur Uia eirv.ru ur r i- r-ir-gn-TMM-rwr-* iii<i<i nf ynnlh Tkte Rtni-d} ftb- v>lute.]r cun4 lliu ini4 ulMlinkU) CMC* h,i il ..thi-r ras&TiiBNn hc fMled i io rvlier*. ..uUl l.) ilruf- |wu ftt |1 ;vr (MuJiaM, -r lit for 9&, or unit by mul ou ^DMptuI ptekfadiratBf THBJAMU MH>K'IMB IXl, TurooM, Us*. Wnta tot vwilllkt. buU la- Klonli<i;tou by Wnj. Bichardftoo. Harris. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. KUISUEUTON, Co. QUIT. r\IVIHI()N COI-UT CI.EKK COMMISSIONER 'Ul B. B., Cuuvuyitlivor. Ac A.ut for purcbaM *" ?,,.'' : "" ; ^ ''II'"-'" I" I L.t.(oii). n .v -. >.. ( ,eu M,,,,.. v to MONEY TO LOAN. T)io iiiidi-rKiKiivd has a large amount of money to loan m fo/o on town ,<r farm properir. S. DA\lCUE, F W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Cl^rk. Artvmeua. Convevaneer MMMM auir.t, fio. Drnls. iiniit|>sKf>i| lcas*, i ic , prepared and pn.prrly . \ieiitd Ini-iirHi..e iiiTietnl in tint ulai> cuuiuauies, Mfuey to If ud at lowest rates. DR. HUTTON M. D. C. M.. M.I- |. , v s. Out., Price T-l.e. RfKiileiice ai.il oilire uno door wn.t of the Mi-tliiiilut C'hiin-li. Kinroh. Si. Office days, Tui'suuyi and Sturd\ s. DR. CARTER. M. C. I'. 4 S , Out Ph'Meiiin. surgeon, 'to.. 1- :. tlierli.il. llflli-, Slraiu i block. lU-Kidencp Munrhaw DR3. SPRODLE & EGO, Maikdalf. Hiit. iinli-e Maiilv s drug ->t..r... T. S. SprniiU-. M. 1).. Kte. Auus KU. M. l> . Ktc., lalu .if I'lilifiiliaui. Out. 1 'i r^" ill b found at tin MuikJuie House at uigbl. J. P. OTTEWELL, \i-iiruiarv Surge.. n. lineluuie if Ontario Veler;inu\c .;,_. . .,, j, ,,,.., ill<t J( MM of Leicli lailor lu-u. fl>liru>o. J. P. MARSHALL, I.. H. J-.. M. I>. S . 1) ,.t .. v; M i> Maik. thu I ^t uiiU :trd U -ii,. -,i.n ,,( ,. KC .|| in. mill. Mi^hfituu tucli Inp ou l!ie day ollowiug. J.W. FROST, >|n.. ale'* bouud HV S,.n,.!,,i. i I.I.M \uuei r. Et. cillle- Ni- x t l|,,. |,,, ht offiet, ..u ri,iirK.l;,B. Uwei blllldlb. ~P" McCULLODGH, BurriMti-r. Si'lieiti.r. Kie. onion ,,ver Me- Farlaud otun-. Markdale. Money t Loa>. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, Banteftera, sotlollor*, <'<, IWCM S..NH-I out Klenhultiin <.|ll..- it Mlt.-M. II M l,l,k. \\,.,in,..<lj Of c-m ll wui-k MDIKJI lo U'uu l ;,,M, ..[ in], . W. H. WUIUUT, B. K. I.1MWAT. H. Js Sprcule, 1303TM ASTKR, Kle.Hbeil,)ii,(',,iiniiihion- * er in It. R., Liivnxil Aucliuiieui . Con vcysnoer, Appraiser tad M. HM l.emlvi. Keal EstuU and liiMir.-ui.'v Auxut. Vvtdr, Miirtiia^cK, Li'unrs aud WilU drawn up aoJ Valuations made on nlinr'eKl uotico. Auc- tion 8l--it ailriiilfl In iu HU.Y par; of tbe CouutT. Mouey to l-uii nt lowest rates el interest. Collection* attended to with promptness nuJ doKpntch. Char^-s low. Agentfur tli Moniiiiiini Sti U.I.M,M i oin|iaiiy. Cheap tickcU from Kli-hliei ton to Liverpnul, Ukwgow, London or auv of lli British . orts . Partien intoud'iig to vuit l-'.Tujlanil. Scotland or I V'AJI.! . will plant auk ralrs fc- fors pi- rckiiing their tioksts elsewhere. >li>. rhlli||>N-O||o*it<- Wi- di>t ni u i h. i it- N;I,- 1 1 ,, M Dr nu<l iiim.tle innkint in nil !U limnelm*. pfsaari K.llHllitK altim.le-l to liri.iii|.lly anil I ftHtitifftetii>li yiiiti Hi.ti i-.l QeOSmMD'S nulls mail* up ill KIHH) si % I... when . l.-l ii in bron|[ht ready-out. I bnv alf*o iiciir(l from MailRm* ((mmll the ft^vucy for s fcujHirior line uf OK* drd coi i April '1 VI. .

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