TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. VOL. XL, NO 564. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1892. W. WATCHES AWAY "Wo will Ssll A * OUNCE ' PEN FACE - MLVERORE, SXAP BEZEL, WITH HEAVY, FREXCH- CIT CRYSTAL, WATCH. FILLED WITH A SPLENDID, 11 JEWELED AMKRIOAX MOVEMENT, KEY WIND, FOR 4 75. WE WILL FORWARD THIS SPLEXDID WATCH TO ANY ADDRESS OX RECEIPT OF THAT AMOUNT. ARMSTRONG BROS. ^ FLESUKKTW WATCIIMAKEltS JC JErTELRS. D O W N IlifMl To tlu E'lit'ir of T\4 Almntr. Tha following verses appeared in a Glasgow paper which came to thii country r.ver thirty years ago. Lai them copied off and bare had them ever since. I send von a copy, homing you will give tueii a place in your valuable paper, They portray the triumph of the cLristmin iu the hoar and article of death. W*. HEVDIBSO.N. THE DYINU CHKISTUX Mjr d it Jippin i lh wet. tu (loomiB* wi me DOO . I hoar ih *ouh o JonJtn i wr iht I mftua UT, 1 tnro Yet u> n JonJon'i wi I f*r nor trmb! at th tnf. Butob. UTB .uuJriu o beftrU thu !' o eta and wif. ther will b any "fish itories " for ' next week ? If the streets an public dumping places for all kind* of rub- . bish ? If there is any possibility of the projected railway striking this burg ? AT- I I'l'lll- > -. C. J. LEITCH'S Goods must be soUl ! ISOTiT Til K: KO 1,1 <> XVIX* 1'KICES : GROCERIES. No. I Cooking Raisins, twenty-eight Ibs. in box for $1.00. The best Rice, 24 Ibs. for $1.00. 4 Ibs. of the finest Japan Tea for $1.00. If this tea docs not suij, your [money refunded. PROVISIONS. No. I Long Clear Bacon, only nine cents per pound. Spiced Rolls, eleven cents. Smoked Hams twelve cents. "BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' Buff Shoes, hand made at one dollar a pair. Gent's Buff Shoes, hand made, at one dollar. MILLINERY. No time to say anything. Every person busy getting orders ready. Whftt tho w km o' better <!T bun When lit fni ftr* twilling u. u fvlU'W UU. ThU rvnJiu' o' IM tiller <i.". bout fob****, Ob it trim |'uir buuiftn Ofttuie u< lath :v fftlnr wl Ibftt tether From </wr yirn ( Sding is almost completed. Mr. Robert Whiiu-n. of Flesher'.on . Tiaited this neighborhood on Sunday. We wert pleased to Me Miss Maud Dally oat after her rt cent severe ill- ness. Miss P. McKnight Las returned after a somewhat lengthy visit to friends in Braapton and dranevitle. ordered clothing ac the Mr. Robert Gilray visited the Queen city last week. Sabbath school was re-opeued on Sunday last, a < ood attendance, under last year's staff of officers. Hare you planted your onions If is tiuie jou did Houseclean- You will find a. full line of all the latest woollens, and you will find it to your ad- 4 vantage to purchase your Mer- chant Tailor's. *, Gfte rai ni br the Bible wife while ret I'm fit . to***. ing u pretty well tbroogfa with, and Er * d "^'^ F . ." m> '" Mnf * b<mk " *^ nowpeopta will plant a lot of guden An' lt u g ft pftrtinf before we uu , For CDLI aft* 'au( DOO. I bm DM Io< u dree. There, put the pillow to HIT back ftn eftxi me W up * wve. AB brinj th.rr ft to uiy bedud* to tee Ueir now peopl* will plant a lot of they will nver need. The first of May was nice. We did cot see anything of the witches Inch are said to be dying around ou <m* K*. 8 ' f l - , tatfy party next week. Wouder wil1 ^"ny of the taffy. we H* wild, b WH tb prtlO( *a<. Ut w flr in kill cl<i&r. Aa<i ra*d tb fonrtoiuth o St. Jobu. nor did be bed a teti s f ituwi tbciawio' Uo<l wba IifVt Jay i Jrx i duJM, >' future fcr><U>turb hii miud. at* rueufu bkia' Maxwell Ob but ii gM DM grot rll*f. UM najln o tht &!!. My C!T wcruiublm' f w p . uij >i>.nt auo Ki ow trog , My witf.tuv wwDtw. 'mtaa prt < -Imnt From tftr<>rn Spring has arrived ith all its pleasures, aud we are uot sorry. l>ave gave us a call a short time But diiibt tli t*tr* fTM ftff <our fftce uJ let at m prayer Aa Ut u> join in prftyer to Him thftli wmtui UM w', Tbftt he uifty be ft fftithfa frieo' nd ffttber to M A He turncl bisKl*tii 'e to be*T*a aoJ nu>J hi* withered h*l4, Noo (<!> iliro Jordan we he reachetl the lanJ. Our I'm * ill. ItiKlurt From our 0101 (.' rretf^'iiti- tt. The gardens iu tins vicinity are be- ginning to assume a more pleasing i aud symmetrical appearance. Tho notes on "Poultry Rait;: will no doubt be very acceptable to gave us a call on Mmday, the 24th. ^dersofTho Advance. If the The late Mrs. Million, a daughter tirst article is any criterion wo caa of Mr lu-iliet a thorough exposition of tu * 24lh. the subject under consideration. Mrs OwH, who has been suff.r- M- . \Yiliiaui I'onkey left Priceville ing for some time with indamruation. Ian Thursday for Chicago, where l.o i* recovering. has secur*xl a good opening for the We '-< ***"' o( bavin* as fine a iii-,jsec'm<m ol his trade. Mr. I'onki \ V" of road foi a few miles each side has boon a> usi.Ieut of tin's vilUx-' for a u umber "f years, and by l>u re- movul we lo-<e one of our most M .-its MaJ:!! A S:.,i w. L: :.< Thombury a short time ajjo and brought home some tiue fish. Miss blakely returned to her home iu Flesheivon. The Uev. Hall and wife left for lluir homo near Kincardine last week. The cleared land on tho farm of Mr. \Viu. Stokes was nearly all plowed by an intensive turn outofth farmers of this locality the week bo- fore last. A number of our boys, amongst them bring (.'has. Schenimau aud Wui. Kettou. left for Parry Sound h*t wiek. The Potts Bros . from Collingwood. S, Bart's List if Liiis ftr Sill, Why r. MI a Farm M hm >ourasi hm at half >.nlur and jrt leriu* f payMK-Bt to Mill >ou t Pftml No. 1- Lots* co S. ISdMMfcOB. X. I. MSfttfM. Klcwvdln^lv ibwap. Pftrcwl No. * l>ot UMCoo i. MtlftnethoB U rit*. 10 aero clw*ml. food cl)r loftlu ..U* LOUM KU 1 t> i 4 1 ( jr M V Yu -t M aad SSUS. W. r A S.roJ 1. KC ftcra>. W fterw clw*l. cly 4. I loj hou*. (ruu* br D tkrm $1SM FftTMl No. t- K*t bftlf ot ^o > . a J. Ao ftrmotb !.' ftcrr*. Ji 1 ftcn* clrd. TV et go- 1 d. boiM* MM! bftm * (dDcoa. 1. Uo.'lftn.l. M ftcrtt uuibvr. #OO. Puvcl N. o-- Lot J3. con T ftad lol 34. cun f O1D%. AW ftcrta. ft (ao4 t.iutMr 'vis: \- . 1'irvwl No.7-Soatbbftlf of lot> Xo& 1 ftoJ eva : !1 Uubr*d with bard wvc.1 liWfti-n-i Ptrwl No +-l*x & COB. 11. ArliuM, IM tfrMWvllUIlltMVwd. S1UUU. for mluruuiioa ra(nlin nt of tb ftbox fftruit *i'|'i Vo S. DAM I UK. EUGEHA MILLS ! Hating Uawd the above mill. (* term . I TMrs. we linir* to luK mi the uublic that uiauufftcturr auJ ketp iu lock the (uiluwin^ . Sa>h. E ADVERTISE BECAUSE \VE CAN reach you through this medium bettor than any other. \Vo pay ham cash tor .idvertise- . _ ments, and ask you as a favor to road then not to note how badly or how well they may be worded ; not to see if there are any funny points to make you smile, but to see if what we are offering will not benctit you when you next come to Klesherton. Keep the store on the hill in your mind when you come, and if there isn't any word in the advertisement tor you a call will convince you that wo study the interests of our customers much more than the lining ot our own pockets. Don't let any smooth-tonguei! shoddy pedlar, tea agent or Jew talk you into something you don't want, but trade with the men who are always with you, then if the tea don't come up to what it is represented, or the goods to wear to your entire satisbction, you can get even by cussing them to their face instead of behind the pedlar's back. No satisfaction in that. We keep full lines in the following departments: BDV fflfllK l t HUT UUUll) \\ re^ i a few days wuh fnouds aud relatives peeted townsmen. NVe exteud to Mr. lloro C. our lit arty wishes for sue, ** 0pa, of Ku^euia. is go- Mi ? s M.nv McC'iae was summoned "> t" priAch hue on Sunday uioni- llantl Kailiiu < "r:iri . l lit- IM i ..: l.aih. >u I A' "t Shinjilft. <*ranl:t >cr;inla Killin^v "iliii;i. >. . W i>kt -. and W Inmn r> . >. of Maxwell as is in the county. Mr. J M Phillip*, of Towuto. spent Turnings of all kinds doco ^ _ to OiauxeTilleUst we.k to attend -fay sister, who is ill with the typhoid fever. The widow Kennedy is iu a rerjr wietelu'd aud piliable stale *t prcscut. The if-idi-nM of ihis village and others petitioned the council at their Us: luecang to IITO her removed to tin hospital, which was granted The meeting of tlie quarterly board \\jrk at K-.iu'enia -ii ;ire bx-ing carried away iu large numbers fiom here lately. >l. . !,.r"l K...I.I PRF.SK.NTATION .\M> AI>I>RKSS -After the usuul prayer inertnii; m Wesley church on \Vxlut*.iity oveuing last. Miss Kells who was about to leave to order. All k'tiils of MouMias kept on hArol. M iiMfJ iMMing* for iutidr tiuisb t tpecu i We bftre the latent detinue* in bouiw fault* uijjs. l\.ll *nd MMI ut bvfoiv plarinx ! orur. Hopiug by Irxi^htfotwrnrd. huaett Jealiuj;; to rfceivw tbare of tlie public pal <* are TOUT* truly. OS A Lantf (|uanliiy oT \o. I Lalb mi hand. Make I" urt ha^ x of u H*W. rebii.iwt.itr ami kVursteJa, l\<ttonadcs anil Shirtingn.l^rinU and tiii>shm,l!l"T and Hosiery, and all novwltiw m tmall watwa. lOOIS & SHOES M '" y MiM< *' ^._ STORE CN TH HILL. B. a. EVANS of the Methodist chuu-li last Satur- ,; u . a lengthy visit to Ireland, was day was fairly attended. Quarterly pr *senud by Miss Smith with an al- service f T the cux-Mit was held at one ^um. j^-wel ease and purse, aud the of tho Kgivuiont appoiutiueiits. Hones .ire a scarce article of coui- metce around the village, at following address was Sinclair read by Mitt I * 01 MlM KILL*. HuTinK lee.rnd that TOO are a* i very ossified retUUant of all kinds abut to Uke >our depwturw from our rnidtt of Uliaduipvds was Carefully ^,'.l i-ri-.l for a lonKthof lime. ftnJ feelinjiour obliffttiona in' last Saturday by Ihreo keen-e\oil > you for tiu-fnthfui w in which you hare, Ivmo collar- u>rn" v '" >>1 u " for * '""' y "* r * ** tfr Koi of our .... >-huroh ftndSftbtthMhix<l.wukethiao|>por- M i s. Loss paid a visit to friends ui , uillty of ,, r . n , in ,, > itb thta ftito>. jewel BvamptO* last week. jc-<eaua |>une. M ttuaU tohene of oar retpert Mr. and MlS. Urandor Speut a few for you ml our hMjh appreciation of y>ar ter- lavs of last wek in the Queen citv. "'^ ' w * "'<> wi^i you . t. NUggie Mor^hoad i. Lome K-S.TW5S4SS US t;om lotouto, where she has beeu i-e- s.^-a o b.hif of the church fto.i Siding for SOU10 time-. IsSbCwi. K.MM* SMITH. SAKAI The t'u st appearance of llr. L -__>_ Meb'ailtxne's liaii'lsouie covered stat;e J*n* U.well. the rUtuna tl ai j m caus'd niiite a npple of excitement iu "leeied iu WeliaiaUoii thevillayi. Travellers will not be ' w " In Toion slow ip appreciating sir. McFai lau' j to proyidwlfir tbeir comfort UL/nTUk tn.ut WMfhing 2SJ lb. unit stitflr > tfjaait LM) \ l*-^ ' .... ^ -wui' ^* ht w kcow : lf qaaiot the inSabittu>Ut<(Kt>.herii.>. ftliti SOITOUudmg OOlHlUT ibjkl L. luu purclikeJ the Flour. FeU ami in..r \ Store, from Ricbafd IVilai. . ir- d conlioa* to k-p on baud a good auppljr , r CboiM Flour, Feed and rnifis. (.Viiitfsy and gquirr IVatib^ b the order .'f th Ja at S I o r- We hope, that the will continue to patrouli* ling ol u*" oae> in %f Etsf* rrf ad FL : Hand. \l . > . _