THE WEEK'SNEW S f Lord Bishop Williams died at Quebec the other afternoon. The navigation of the St. Lawrence is now open, and three ocean steamers are on their way from Quebec to Montreal The Baroness Macdonald has returned from Lakewood, N. J. to Ottawa and will spend the Summer at Riviere du Loup. A ten-year-old Chatham boy na ned Stri- ker,whi49 wrestling with his brother, receiv- ed internal injuries from which he will die. Winnipeg intends to spend nearly ten thousand d->iUra tint summer in erecting permanent building* for exhibition pur- poses. The wife of Mr. Michael Kavanagh, mer- chant, of Ottawa, ou Sunday, being unwell, took a dose of carbolic acid instead of medi- cine. The poisou proved fatal. A machinist named Conrad Buhl, employ- ed in a sawmill at Kim wood, <>nt , w.m in stautly killed on Monday night by the breaking of a large driving belt. The Rev. J. EHgar Hill, the well known pastor of St. Andrew s church. Montreal, has been presented by his congregation with a purse containing 31, .'WO on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his wedding. It is announced that Mr. L. A. Tache, Mr. Chapleau's former secretary, will com- mence to publish on Sunday next in Mon treala large Knglisr, weekly, which will be j JeAloB , y ^^ ErBMt Ripp to ihoot issued and delivered every Sunday mom- hu wlfe ^ d oMU anj tbeQ blm ^ u al + evening the Roman Catholic church in that place was assailed by stones and badly wracked. It is believed the man who was forced to toast toe Pope is the leader of the gang. It is aboat 73 years ago since the parents of the Queen who were living abroad, hast- ened home in order that she might be " horn a Britain. 1 ' Her "3rd birthday occurs May 24. Lady Somerset has been interviewed on American politics since her return h<>me. She thinks the prohibitionists and farmers' Alliance folks will ^et together "shortly and make the temperance question over- shadow the tariff and silver isitues. Mrs. Oaborae is said to be giving her jailers a good deal of trouble. Prison dis- cipline proves very irksome to her, and it is reported thai she dally declined to perform some of the offices which fall to the lot of a prisoner, carrying her refusal to a point at which it would have been dangerous to en- force obedience. The Prince and Princess of Wales, who are in the south of r ranee, are literally un- able to stir out of their Hotel without being punned by well dressed men and women, armed with cameras, and regular picnic parties come over, equipped with lunch baskets, to establish tiiemselve* in and around the hotel gardens for the purpose of catching a glimpse of the still gnel'-slricken royalties. *T\T*>. Parisian magistrate* are pleading various pretexts to shirk to* task of preauimg at the trial of Ravachol, the Anarchist. Prince Bismarck received .000 congratu- latory telegram* on his birthday, and 12,- 000 visitors called at. Firedricharuhe to pay their respect* the veteran. The condition of the Grand Duke Georg of Russia is very serious. His long ilisessn is becoming worse, aud hi* death is BOW re- garded as inevitable. It i* said the Sultan of Turkey was in- teciely annoyed at England* dipliitic victory m the affair of the finnan of inves- titure of the Egyptian Khedive. King Teburimc of Big Makiii and Little Makin, island* of the Gilbert group, has returned home from San Francisco. He came to request the L'niud States to es- tablish a protectorate over his kingdom. The post of house surgeon m the largest hospital in Adelaide, Australia, ha* been given to Dr. Laura Fowler. This has been a pretty healthy year for women in several of the professions. An experiment in mobiliz ng tlie garrison at Thorn, Prussia, was tried recently with a rather amusing result. The. Russian sentries on their side of the Drcweni con- ceived that the Germacs were about to in- vade Russian territory, and reported to their superior officers, wbo kept a large force ou the bank o: the river with fixed bayonets, and it is said there they remain- ed till long after the German* had laughed themselves to sleep. ii' k i \i. rs> i n 1 1 u r.i. i - Till M. -HII t- Jones thinks that a man is fortunate who has his will conUsted after dsata only. He ays hi* will ha* been contested ever sine* he married Mrs. J. Tramp (entering broker'* office; " I am sorry to have to beg, sir. but I am broke." Broker " I am sorry I cannot help yon, for I am broker " * DKBAH rn . r cS t MI i Mather t *4i*>4 IB lee* *r Ber . Some seven -and twenty year* ago there lived urn London a certain Mrs. Z , a widow, well known m society. Mrs. Z had at that time three sons and two daugh- ter*. Of the former, the eldest, who was in the diplomatic service was then an attache "Do y* kape butter here'" "Kape butter, at the British Embassy in Pans ; w fails' the > greeuhorn : I've kept butter this twenty second, who w*s a lieutenant in the Royal TheOnlario Government has appropriated fl, 000 for the me of the commit tee having in hand the celeb ration of the centennial anm- venary of Upper Canadt to be held at Nia- gara on July 16. R H. McGreevy, having returned to Que- bec and given himself up, was sent to jail for one year, the judge remarking that but for bis running away he would have been sentenced to six months. If rain doe* not come soon there will be a panic in tb lumber market. In the ln-nberii)g districts north of Kingston the riven and streams are so low that \Oft can i leveiieo me once portion or csperoi Charboneau.who was shot at Tweed, 0t, Several persons were fataliy injured. nine or ton days ago by a woman whom h* cose, X. V . the othr day. A $5,000 load of contraband opium WAS seized with the steamer Michigan at Port Townseud, Wash. Johu Hand, a teamster, an I sixteen horses were burned to death in a fire al San Francisco the other day. As a wind-up of an evening's Debauch in Chic go, Friday night, Lewis Powers shot and killed William Maddigan. John Garvey was drowned near Ogd-ns- burg, N. V.. last week while attempting to cross a river ou a raft. The earthquake of Thursday, completely j levelled the bnck portion of kspeiolo, Cat. yean. ' " Well, kape it then. It'* too ould for me." The Angel Gabriel (preparing to sound the last trumpet) " Silence now 1 ' Ex- cited younc Man " Hold on just a secon J ' I've sent a %>y for my kodak : Bertha "Grandma, i* oor teef good V Grandma ' No, darling : I've got none now. unfortunately. ' Bertha -" Then III give oo my nut* to hold until I com* oack. " McFingle Cutely call* on Mia* Plain- face every night. I don't see how iie can court her, even if she hat a pile of money - sne i* so homely. "Oh, Cutely turns the gas out.' Judge Clancy " What sort of a man was it you saw commit the assault r' Policeman " Sure, your honor, he was an insignifi- ! cant cratur about your own size, your [ honor ! " Reporter" Here is an item about a boy who went wading m Florida and was swal- lowed by an alligator. U'nat head shall I give it L'h-.or " Try Wade and Found Deacon" How do you like the minis- ter '" Mranger "Very much. I have i nothing but praise to offer him." "Yes : I noticed that when I passed the contribution place m your pew. ' Navy was absent with hi* ship ai a distan: station in the Pacific. One night Mrs. Z dreamt a curious and disturbing dream. She fancied, in fact, that the ship upon which her sailor son was | serving returned to Portsmouth at Uie close of its lengthy cniise. and having been ap- prised of it* arrival, that she bad hastened on board to welcome a:m home. But. to her great surprise, no sooner did the cap- tain and other omcers of the ship perceive Mrs. Z on her stepping on deck than they immediately turned their laces sorrowfully from her. as if unwilling to communicate some information which must inevitably cause her disappointment and distress. At length, unab'.e further to conceal the intelligence, with the utmost kindness and consideration the Captain informed Mrs. Z that her son had died in a far distant land. At this precise ntcment she awoke from her disturbing dream. The following morcing Mrs. Z , wbo wai in the daily habit of writing to her eld- est son in Paris, forwarded to him a full acrount of the occurrence, to which, of course, neither be nor she, however, attach ieen Whe Fare Dsscrr with ssaall *U- ed :he \ try slightest importance, though iBB<-e.ri.BslB S Osi 4 live .tranger " \ ery much. . the former Kept this letter of hen. ash* ' Yes I've been pretty badly scared sev- ' """"f? t"' P"" r" L> ^ V* ' * dld " otn r com""""'--'.'"*- t that period noticed that wnen I passed the contribution , _k, ->, k. , er*l times since I began railroading Qltssn | , , e . yean ago, said au old freight conductor, i } n Ju course H. M. Mup did event- " *nd don t really know which one was the , ' no-" V\ hat ar* you going to do with ually return to England, when an official worse, although of course I always thought th *' "" ** Johnny Cameo i from the Admiralty, an intimate friend of the last was. We re all of us human ind " L ** " fcr balt ' t ' um * 'astonished the Z family, hastened to Portsmouth to li a man tells you he doesn't get .eared rail " For b*it ? Johnny- 'Ye.: Im going meet young Mr. Z-, for th* purpose of roadmg dou't ye beiieve*n. I've seen i to trv nd c tch omt **** mcilitating if possible, hi* securing his im- lou in the papei* about henoc engineers Berth*" I wonder what make* our ; <"* leave. The fint piece of intelli- wbo stayed at their post* and aacnficed raother so happy to-day. She ha* their !i.'-s trying to save others. When tinging all the afternoon." Albert " I you *how me one man that lakes those suppose she ha* thought of something new gence, however, communicated to him upon reaching the so. p. was that on a certain had insulted while intoxicated, died at the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on Thursday night. All m!i persons seeking shelter for the night in the police cells of Kingston 11 hereafter he required to give three houit' labour in return for the lodging, if not pi y- sically incapacitate- 1. About 700 immigrants left Montreal tie other morning by the Canadian Pacific rail The Pennsylvania railroad colliery at Uinenville, Pa., was flooded the other day and it is said eight men were drowued. ""*> At Denison. Ohio, George Moors, shot his wif* and Edward McClelland and then committed suicide. Jealousy wai the , . tr A negro who helped to assassinate Post- master Kaufmann of Reisel, Tex., was ( caught and hanged to a tree by a mob yes- way for Ontario 'and the North West. The I t * rd J- majority are English farmers seeking settle | An Indun died at South Bend, Ind., on meat in Manitoba. Friday, who is known to be 105 yean of It i* reported that the band* of the Berlin ' * bt " he claimed himself that he was 110 and Waterloo musical societies have beenen- >" r< 'J- chance* for humanity's sake, a* they say, to scold papa aboat when he come* home. " I'll show you a hundred who stayed just She" I really don't think it i* nice of because they were too scared to jump or von to go and borrow money of papa so soon ' didn't have time. d tar , engaged.' He (greatly sur- i ""- " A man thinks mighty quick sometimes, prised Why, you are the fint girl who but he doesn't always have time to think ever objected to it in all my experience." >f anybody that . behind him. When a ! CuMmtt _. t It U less than a year sines fellow . running aero- the country a mil* you stuffed my poor littie parrot, and the date, and at a certain tune, young Mr. Z iltad been missed, and that, though a long long him, nor any trace* of hi* remains had though and careful search nad been made tor a minute in pitch dark and all of a sudden a big bead-light dashes in his face or s pair of red lights show up in front he is mighty apt to forget what the paper* will lav about a hero at bis post. If he can move at all he shut* off and throws her over and plugs her with one hand, working the air just because it's second nature and he can't help himself. It's what they call mechanical, and a man will do it without lealiy know- ing what h*'* doing. Then he'll jump i: he gaged to play during Canadian week at the Chicago World's Fair, and that they will receire fl.OOO and expense*. Mr. Nicholas J. Power, who entered the service of the Great Western railway in 1 vV, has been named u the successor of the late Win. Kdgar as general passenger agent of the Grand Trunk railway. While Charles Leslie, night superintend- ent of the Bell telephone in Montreal, was inspecting some wires on the roof of the Ex- change buildings on Wednesday night, he fell tn the ground, a distance of 75 feet, and was killed. Mr. W illiam Saunders, Canadian commis- sioner to the World's Fair, has been notified by the director-general that space has been allotted for the exhibit of Canadian live lock at Chicago as follow* 75 horses, 'JSO tempting to extinguish a fire. One cattle, 300 sheep and 100 swine. These ' was fatally and two seriously injured. The silver men o( Colorado have decided to support for the presidency, irrespective of party, the man who will pledge himself to free coinage. In Point Coupee parish, La. , on Monday a wealthy planter named Cotter was shot dead because he refused to hand over $IUO to a robber. The robber was lynched. The ferryboat Cincinnati, of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company, ran into the pier at Courtland street. New Vork.ou Tuesday afternoon. Engineer John Gray was killed and a number of passengers were injured, including " Pi anger ' Walton. The oil house of the Allentown, Pa., roll- ing nulls was destroyed on Monday niglit by the bursting of a csu of dynamite which one of the employe* kicked over while at- man feathers are falling out already.' Natur- alist I stuff birds *o naturally, madam, that they moult just as if they were alive.'' A. D. Is'Ji Father from top of the stain' "Charley, what does that young woman mean by staying so late * ' Charley m the hall, in a loud whisper' " Father, be quiet, will you ? I think she'* going to propose. Girl Friend " Do you feel the same for your husband a* yon did when h* was courting yon V Newly -mamed Lady " Well, not exactly Then most of ths time I wu iiad for him : new Host of the time I am mad with him." This very date and hour were the ident- ical date and hour at which Mrs. Z had dreamt her distressing and remarkable dream. A year, or a little over a year, after this, the body of the lat* Mr. Z was found upon the island on which he was lost. WAB*' THE I " Talking aboat these heroes. I'm one of them myself. I've a big reputation up North a* a man who d stick to hi* post. It was when I <int went to railroading. I'd been rned in my snpsrintendant's family and when 1 got old enough I went to firing ou the Milwaukee. About three months after I'd got a regular run I wa* oat on a freight over night. W ed had a rush and I "> excuse for any man. wns pntty tired, and about li the head ' That s rather rough on both rfcr fevers*r-4.earral f 4lT)a W|*sm ! >H|s(iir the Pierre Teswresr*. M. Fonreau, the Governor-General of Al- geria, has recently led and expedition ins* the Sahara desert, south of Algeria, to lake possession on behalf of Franc* of large n- float along th* roots between loaalah, in the desert, and Ghadamet. on th* western frontier of Tripoli. He has successf ulry ac- complished a part of his work, and has es- tablished several poets wtiich will help figures will he welcome news to our live tock men, an it was not expected that they should be permitted to oxbibit so many. Petitions are being presented to Parlia- ment by the farmer* of the eastern counties nf Quebec praying that m the bill now before Parliament further to amend the Fisheries Act the clause prohibiting the catching of tish for the use of manure may be struck out. In a sermon at Kingston on Sunday, Rev. Dr. Jackson, a Congregatioualiat clergyman, spoke of the proposal to use one of the mar tello towers in that city as the base of a monument to Alexander Mackenzie, and suggested that another tower should be used for a like purpose ic memory of Sir John Macdonald. Horace Talbot, late of the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, aAVi charge.! with defrauding the Government, was cslled for trial at the assizes in the capital on Monday He did not appear, and n believed to be in Ogdensburg. N. Y. A motion was Made to estreat the bail furnished in his case, amount ing tn all to I2.2CO. Nova Scotia's coal output, according to the report "f the Provincial Superintendent of Mines, was larger last year by OXI.UUO tons than during I SCO, bringing the season s record up to J,iM4.7 > 4 tons. The bulk of the output is consumed in Canada. Quebec takes 775,286 tons, Xova Scotia (V3i',7:(7 tons, and New Brunswick '.MV,.!I,~> tons. Only some 'JJ.UUO tons were sold to the I'mled States, and Ontario is not credited with having purchased any. Although the increase for the year was sm*ll, the figures are significant, inasmuch a* thry indicate th.l the home market is yearly becoming a larger consumer of Nova Scotia coal. CRKAT KKITUX It is reported Piince George oi Wales an 1 the Princess Victoria Mary of Teck ate betrothed. Thomas Turnbull. who died at Wh.tby. Kng. , the other day, wis the builder ot aboot 100 firtt-claM iron steanwbipe. Sir James Joseph Alport, chairman of the Mhll.uid Kailway Company, of Kngland, is dead in London, aged 81. Henry Irving, the famous actor, is very ill. Ht liai partially lo*t his voice, mid since Thursday has not appeared on the itage of the Lyceum Theatre. Hchas>'oue to Hastings for a change. Miss Helen Gladstone, daughter of the <* Premier, is the vice- principal of Newu- ham College, the women's annex of Cain bridge University. Miss Gladstone years old and of a very retiring disposition. 1 he Duchess of Albany is of an inventive turn of mind and has a patent upon a com 1'ined school spat and deek which is coming into general use in the English svho-'lv Soii'e '-me since a inenioer of au Oiasge piovs*s>t> tear Portadown, Ireland, was Plimmer Turner, a burley negro living at Niagara Falls, N. V , was enraged on Mon- day evening by the crying of a little colour- ed girl, three yean ot age. Knocking the child down he stepped on her. and then gave her a kick on the temple which killed her. A New \ ork cigar More girl has j ust been j awarded &.~<,000 damages for breach of pro- mise against a rich bachelor, Louis SchulU. It i* an open secret in Washington that the President is endeavoring to secure an in i tsrnational conference on the silver ques- tion. Sunday was a dry day in New York, all the saloons being closed and clcsely watch- ed. One hundred and twenty prisoners were taken. Charles Miller, only eighteen years of age was hanged at Cheyenne, Wyo., on Friday, for murdering two companions ruorv than'a year ac-o. The Rev. Father Huntington. the Episco- palian monk, a* a variation to ths usual slumming, intends taking a party of the poor of New York through the mansions of the rich, John Little, a former sheriff of Cherry county. 111., has been arresu-.i charged with cattle stealing. He is said to have been the head of one of the wont gan,s of cattle thieves in the west. President llarruoo has issued an execu- tive order promulgating the new modus \ivendi between Great Britain and the I' lined State* for the protection of teals in the Bearing Sea. IN MINERAL. The King of Italy and the Austrian Em- peror will visit Berlin simultaneously. Rtvachol and Simon, the French Anarch ists. were found guilty on Tuesday and were sentenced to p-nal servitude for life. William Amor died in Pan- on Monday night of heart disease. He was worth be- tween fifty and sixty million dollars, the greater part of which is invested in New York real estate. A great German authority says that the new Italian ritle is the ben yet introduced. The Socialists of Berlin and Paris con- tinue to make extensive preparations for May Day. It is reported that the Republic of San IVjimngo has been practically sold to the United States Government. Kmperor William has donated 3,000 marks to the society for the encouragement of outdoor gain?s in Germany. The St. Petersburg newspapera announce that the prohibition of the export of corn will he sBsinUiBsd until September. Large nnmlwrs of distressed Russians are endeavoring to enter Germany, but ar* being pr*vnted by guards a' th* bnike'tnan" took the fire for awhile and I it. your worship' went to sleep. I wa* sitting on the front " Dear me !'' said Mrs. Hobbs, just be- nd of the seat, dead to the world, when a ( for* the gneits arrived. There are six- couple of red light* on th tail end of a teen persons and only fifteen spoons," cabuos* showed up. The freight ahtad of i "that * all right." said Hobbs. "Fannie us had broken in two. and we caught th* j Harkin* and Dave Fislisr are engaged. One hind end in a cut. The engineer shut off, spoon will do for them." but he didnt have time to throw her over oi t<xm*i>-" 1 don't see how a little and plug hsr. and he and the bo> C man <x>th woa> ma like you succeeded in capturing and jumped without even waking DM up. holding a big burglar a* vou lid. " Ladv " \\* hit th* caboose pntty hard I tell o( ,hliouse " It wa* dark and I-I jou. but instead of breaking her up or ditcb. thou<nt lt mv husband Irying Judge Divver " You *ay that you did , assure the safety of traveUen in the Sa- not know that you were violating the law. bar*. Ah. but, my dear sir. ignorance of the law He report* that he regards it as Mtally Prisoner nec***ary that France should at once assert of us, ain't her rule in the laigs region between Ghad ing tt that we were on a siding and that the en gineer had got off, leaving the engine in for- ward motion and she had leaked or sprung her throttle and gone into another freight on the siding ahead of us. " 1 jumped over to the engine'* side and threw her over and plugged her hard. It didn't take much to stop and I stood there for a imuule commenting profanely on the engineer's leaving her in forward motion. Charles ! pant* du sleepily - Have you tried ammonia T" Eph "No. sah : I haven't tried 'em on me. Bat I knows dey'll fit me fust class. A smvll boy who hai mother and gone off to play, was with the greeting " W by. Johnny, aren -. you ashamed o* yourself" To which the boy replied. " Yes, ma. but Id rwiiier be ashamed than miss all the fun I had. ' Irishman hid a correct appreciation i, being asked by ames and Insalah. R* say* that there no security in that country. The band* of Touarrg bandiw attack travellen on the caravan routs* at least three or four tims* a month. The routes are practically in tn* bands of these brigand*, whoes only indus- try consist* in Healing camels and robbing caravan*. The caravan* cannot escape them. because the only water is along these roejts*. At present it is a country of absolute liberty, to far as crime is concerned. If th* I caravans are very strong they may escape injury, but if they an attacked by a fores stronger than themselves, the.r canieis ar* stoien and the men an killed. Mi^ht make* right throughout the Central Sahara. The Governor-General desires to create a num- ber of strong posu so near together that bandit* may be punned and punished. He say* that all that is necessary to give to this region. with it* many fertile oases, pros- perity and comfort i* to overcome the ban- dits, who now render life i imping you bet fellow would ha\ think of some other and I'd tried to beat the matt out of the c*b window." j a (.-;, ru4 . v isji-' Anthonv K-am a Bavarian, was'sent from "one of the outlvisg wards of Buffalo, New York, to the citj been the hero and brake- 4BlBsal freBllarii Australia ha* a rsl'bit plague. Now the sting of a be is recomnwnxled a* a core for rheumatism. A hone will live twenty rive day* ou water without any solid food. sevssUsm days without eating or drinking, but only five day* on solid food without water. A single pair of sparrows in ten rears will have ?.\<M>. descendant* if all the birds are permitted to live. In a single year a pair will rear twentv young ones. A favorite food tish in Japan is the tai. It contains two bones, which the Japanese call, from their shape, the hoe and sickle. U lun eating the fish a mother will tell her children, "Now wait until I get you the hoe aud sickle," and the children use them as playthings. la both Scotland and Ireland the en- trance of a bee into a cottage i more particu larly if it I* bumble beel is looked upon a* a certain sign of death of some one then residing there. In other localities if be** in swarming settle ou dead wood it i* re- garded as |U*lly ominous. The brain of the tortoise was one* sup- posed to contain a wonderful stone, which was efticaciou* in extinguishing fire, and when placed under the tongue would pro- duce prophelic inspiration. Another stone, possessing the latter property was found to be in the eye ol the hyena. Captain .'oel H. Uidgw.iy. of the Barnv eat Life-Saving stauon, found and immense nah stranded in Barnegat bay, about two miles west of the station. The fish was about twelve feet long. Captain Ridgway estimates that it will weigh about a ton. The captain wanted to secure the carcass for the Smithsonian Institution, bat it* condition prevented his moving it. It is thought that au effort will be made to pro- c'irv the bones for the institution. The name of the fish i unknnw M i li 1 1 '^ men. sell whisky, if he wa* of good moral char- ill m any way in particular, neither was be acter, replied "Faith, yer honor, I don't well. H* hart the peculiar notion that hit see the necessity of a good moral character ( neck was made of glass, and foi that reason to sell whisky. ' he wa* afraid to move hi* head, fearing that " Reginald, she said to a wealthy young the result might be disastrous. \\ hen ins dandy who had been paying his attentions superiutendant had listened to Knm's in- to tier. "Iwouldlike toaskyon on* very gesiou* explanation of hi* evident pover-y. serious question. "" What is it, my dear*' ".and also noting that the roan wa* very he replied. " Would you object to marry ' meek, and humble in hi* demeanor, he eu- m.uiima if I refuted you ? You see, w really tered him on the books as " Anthonv Kram : don t want t lose you. ' ' Bavarian : pious crank : cause du* to reiig- A gentleman lately dismissed a clever hut ! ous < * c lif ""T" 1 . 1 9 mc . V ")P' OI ' "**> tokSs, ^dene,' Fo, sake , f h,s ^^fjyZjff "Z ease, was evidently correct, the men who brought him to the almshouss having awak wife and hi* family he gave him a character, and tins is how he wordaU it I hervV certify that A. B. ha* been my gardener fo'r over two yean, and that during that time ha ha* got more out of my garden than any man 1 ever employed. " My wite was onoe my autocrat. Rat now, alas ' I've two And all my pride has fallen flat At what I m bade to do. For yean she ever had her way With some rebellion, maybe But now ju*t listen to hei say, "Come, hubby, mind the baby !** 1 tsirll lr..yu Mountain lake aud ruh.n: stream. Waking from troublc.l Jre&m : a%fci pine and maple Juaib. Know that sfrtM at last ha* come. In the clear depths hidden now. FouUnali*. where art tho T Soanrm oitprey. screaming gull. .Vejron'i cnattw. otan'< lull. South wind <nU} nowinffrvm Sunnv sand* whence sprinc has com*. A it. tber. reckleesrover. BOW FontlnalU, wave are tnou I Bluebird'* capoL robin (one. Duncllng nottw from blackMni I ftar*tmi( buujn *nd bees low hum. Swvll the tcrpotinic. ' -tpriua; Han come ' 'Neftth the -beltering Aider tK'uitL^p*** i..-. whtrrv art Ulow ' Come! 1 1 otrsssls Woo the*, u-uipt. w I*onlsaa4t*. w tned him from a sleep which the neighbon affirmed had lasted twenty days without in- termission. He was given a bath, a change of clothes and furnished with a supper, which consist- ed of the regular fare of the institution. H* wen*, to sleep apparently elated over his hang* of quarten out never awoke to toe appreciation of hi* new found benefactions. This was a* already noted, in FeSraary, From that time until Vettnary. ISM, two yean almost xactly to a day. h* slept the sleep of the just, never in tke slightest degree, even wnen dosed with milk and tonp. which were fed hm rsgularly three times s day. IVath, wftish occurred on the 7:<4lh day. the pay*ician taut, was dus to exhaustion, superinduced by narco- lepsy " Sleepy ' Harne*. the I'tica, Minn., " sleeping wonder, has slept almost coo? tinnally since K7. nearly fourteen year*. At one time between the Segmu4i of IMO and the endnu: ef ISM, h.- mbsnt coat ly for forty foor enough to utteran^^svMins. Hi* **al thn* yeazjU** Harris. He r a Uemian, at aco*~rt* wa* oteeptag on ail uttw i>*aeav*or. U is easy for tk* small bv to " make I clean hreastofit.' r^'-t> OHMS wKa ou wast him vc* wash Us) **. \