T h K, FLESHERTON ADVANCE TILE ADVANCE. It punllihed Kverv Thursday, Kaon THI Ornci im Street 1 , Flethtrton, Ont TKKMH Olr BUHBCRIPTION: 1 p*r annum whan pal I strictly in advance I *i )' auniiiii when not o pail ADVKKTISISO KATKS. On* column. I var. * . halt col., do., l-"7 quarter col. do., 91A. Trannient arlvertlM>m*nU rhargMl at Die rat* of " t - |..T line for Ant Insertion and 3oti. |>er iiir eat-li ubtM.qiient inM-rtiun. ' W. H. THURSTON, /Cditor and Proprietor Jt'ritlfn fur Tltf AJfim-f. radical Poultry Raising nr T. A. WIJ.UTTH, WESTUN, OST. Now a-day* we hear farmer* mtlieolJ- . r provinc complain tl.at their land it run down, mid in consequence ll. -y can- rot K r w the crop* that they uiied t !nrty yean a^o. This, with thu compe- tition from ihf iiniiieiKu |raiii field* i>f the Niirthwrat. where wheat can betfrown :it le r.nt. in greater xlniinUiicu and f Iwlter quality, ii a fruitful icurco of . ,ni|i!aint. Why not ijrow ininethiiif; >-l*e that will meet with a ready tale, and that offni a reatonaliU* prol>al>ilily "f beinif rejiiun- iratiri>. It will lie, yeiiemlly admitted thai those farmers in Ontario and Quebec who i' iv tin- m.u-t attention to dairying and Mi'cV-niiiiiK are much more urcei ful in tlit-ir calling than their iiriglihnn wh'i depend alnn>iit entirely on UIHHI rrmriii'.' I tliiuk I am putting it iniluly when I oay that rery few fiirinera will ditpute tlni. Now we will compa r f callle raining with srowin,' aprinir chiukeni. You rama n tteer and null him when three, yean old, wi-iirliio^ athouiaiiil |I..IIIM|, for 4 cent* ]'iT Hi. live weight, thus nven 1114 forty 4lol!ara for an animal thnt you have fed for tliirty-iii in<>iitli, and have ke.pt iii.ii-i il in your barn for nearly half of tint time, and which haa hud to lie at- tended either by ynuraelf or yuur man very <ly tliat it hat been *o houted. .Now what do you propoae to charge- f r labor, t tay nothing of thu died, in ar- inini; at a* eitimate of the coet of that tocr < We will figure a little on ilia coat of producing t thnurind poundt of tprmy chickens. Twn huniliml pain of chick* f the right breed, will weiyli a thousand j.oniiil* at the . of eleven week*, and it thuuld not coat over four cent* per Ib. t.i prow them, leaving thuir total coat t xcluaive of the eKKi from which they were dateline!, forty dollart. liut the -it of the >'ft it an inip>irtant item V. i had I" *et them nhut the tn-i of K.-liruary when they were worth thirty rentt pi>r dozen, and we will iup|x>te that you tut tuven hundred, thit ^ive* a liberal allowance fur unfertile i'_',' and i -iiri!i !> after the chickt huti-hcd out, thu* iiiakinjj the coat of your elncki PT.ML Theae rhick* if pltcvd an tho Toronto < r Mmitretl market* alxiut the und of May will briiiK readily HOc per pair, thui lealiriiia: th ami.- turn of $100, of which MH-J r.n it prolit, and it hut taken jutt fourteen week* from the tune you et the i':_"_'i Now what alxiut the ttuer I If he coat you iinthini; for feed, and you I ii..* ton well that he ilnl.li-- hat a'lllcott three \rii of lulx>ur, whuli it ahout ii|Uivalent ti> what you r 1 ' 1 for him. Your th.niiaiid pound* of chichant t(ive \..u over I ."HI per eent, more clean pro til than the total amount realiied from the tale of your taouaand pounda of l*ef. You don't blie*t that tuch a price at HOc. .ui be. obtained. We know thai it .in, but tn IIIHO! yuur idea* of thii inat- tur i- will nay that you only renhtulXIr , you ttill have left tint reapactabla tum of -i.J :' > aa clear |>n>ht. Kven if you are now aatinlie.il that thin price can ha obtained, you perhapa iL.ul.t your nbility to handle tuch a !. L. and we are jierhapa pro<{re*eiiig a little too rapidly, hut I haw Hindu ihiicoinpariaoii .( beef and poultry urowinu to Attract your attention, to what 1 ahull tuUu .iiii-ntly have tu aay on thit nubject. 1 don't with you to think for a unit tli.it you could acconijiliah tint with your jiii-ti-nt inethoda ; neither could you har 4-iwk forty nc-rna of urain without tatit- i.in.-n if you im-il the <d<l tickla of lifiy yean ago ; but the modern anlf binder unable* you to uatily diapotn of tuch a rrop You ai i|iiito cimvincud *.hat nioilerii nvru-ultural machinery it an all -i. lute necaatity tn every farmer who detirva to keep paca with hit neixhhon. 'I In n why do ynu it ill . Im.- to the time honornd methodi that were in when Noah't 1 >im pair atupped HI to the ark. in management uf yuur poultry T 1 (To I Art*meata Counotl. C.iiincil met in the Town II >ll on M'.-lj, 2nd intt. All the iiieniSeia | : iotiiiit. U)i' rrevn in (ho chair. A pelt- lion mm fi M( ii, (1 .d from W. I,. Huakin lid .vMr, ru can.*.,.. ,,|,,| Klin{ .\ lvt l_.im l..v l . M , UlU ,, ,. Uli%ri) re - Keuuedy, ., inrt. M ,,r. {-,,,. """'-"'. r,.,t fr,,,,, J i.diti-u in fr,.ut ,,1 , ,, r , 11M , Dr. WaHoii, account for a Mr. M.!l K.ua^l m- j ! ; W. H. Truirston, advertising auditor. abstract, f 12.00 John War 1 1 ii.' w..rk done on road at Latimer's bill, fl.OO. Mr. Noble, of Markdale, wa* present to urico In* claim fur the reward of $2fi for the apprehension of Farrell, who it ia alleged burned Mr. Jaa. Sullivan's barn some tune. ago. Moved by S. Dainude, seconded by D. McMillan, that lliu Ueeve be instructed to correspond with the reeve of Proton in view of getting the council of Proton to expend their |>r<>|>orti'in for road im- provement. on town line eaat of Proton Station, tin* council having expended iii-.iii v in 18'Jl, Proton council having failed to do the lame. Carried. Moved by D. McMillan, seconded by T. Ke.lU, that S. Pedlar be instructed to Inspect thu work done under pathiuantera Tho*. Taylor and Ja*. Corntield on 2nd con. ea*t, and pay the former $12 and the latter $20 on account of aaid work, and that the reeve iatue order* for laid amount* an. I charge ... Ward No. 4 with *-'.' an. I Wani No :t with 910. Carried. .Mured by S. Damude, seconded by Samuel Pedlar, that the bri'ljie on the gravel road near the old ashery, having been reported unsafe fur travel, the Keeve and Mr. Damude he a committee to examine said bridge and iM repair* made if necessary, and report at next meeting. t'.irried. Mnveil by .->. Damude, seconded by D. McMillan, that a ipe.-ial (.'rant be made to rebuild the bridge on ISO hideline, tlie bnd havini; 'wen carried away by the late freshet, and that the Keeve aiul Mr. 1 1 mi ii. It- be a c.iromittee to let the work. Carried. Moved by T>. McMillan, seconded by S. Damude, that the petition of Rev. I) McLeod and other* lie entertained, and that Mr*. Neil Kennedy be sent to the I'r'.Mi., i.il lluepttal for i.iif month i .1 irc.itiiu'iii nit ion a* possible, *he be- Hi"; in indigent iirciiiintAiic.-*. Carried. Moved by T. Kella, seconded by 8. I'eillai . that the petition of \V. D. lius- kin und others bu referred to Coin, of Ward No. 1, and the petition of Jamei Xi'Uoii be referred to the Coin, of Ward No :i. Carried. Moved by S. Dainude, seconded by S. ill. ir. that the aco>unt <if W. H. Tliurstoii, fur printing auditors' abstract, in. .'.iniii -4 to $12. t* pHid.and the Keeve issue hi* cheijue for the amount. Carried. Moved by 1) McMillan, sec<mded by T KelU. that Dr. Uuttuii b>< paid 910.0U f. r meilic.kl alteinlance to I'li.'eville in- ilijrnli in lieu of hi* bill $-1 ..":<>; and tb.it the reeve issue his i-rder for the mo. L"t Moved by 8. Dainude, seconded by 8. 1'i-dlar.that the lull frum Dr. Mutton fur attendance and medioine for Mr*. Ken in-. iv be not p.i i.l. but that he be paid *.".(*> for medicilMl in lieu thereof. Carried. Moved by S. Dainude, seconded by D. McMillan, that D. Mi-Mullen bill for repairing washout on road amounting to $;'> '- Iw paid : also J. Warling't ac- cnuiil for repairing road, amounting tu (1. 00, lie paid. Carried. Moved by D. McMillan, seconded by S. Damude, that Joseph Phillip* be paid S2.&0 for repairing culvert on townlme between Proton and Artemesia, and the reeve iaiue hi* order for the same. Carried. A i-.iinniiM.ve waa appointed to examine into the claim of (>. Noble, which re- ported a* lull., s : "Your committee l>eg leave to report that, se far its we can learn, no convic- tion ha* been made of any person for the burning of Mrs. Sullivan's barn. That there are Hevaral claimant* for reward for giving information leading to up |iieheii*ion of one Karrel, an imbecile, who, it is alleged, has confesiud to hav- ing committed the crimo. That unilei I ii-M-i,t circuniatancos your committeu cannot recommend the payment of Mr. Noliltf'i claim." M. Klt.-BAMuaoN, T. KILLS. Muved by T. Ke.ll*. seconded by D. M. Mill.ui, that T Kell* eall for tnndera for the building of a bridge uver Heaver river between lot 24 in the 13th .-,,n , And lot 24 in the 14th cnn., aaid bridge to lie hud', according to curtain uperiti- rations to be *ren at residence of T. Kll>, and further, should the conitruc tioii of taid In nl^e coat more than 17 per rod, then the matter *li ill bo luliuntted to thu c luncil for further con*ideratiou. C arried. Moved by T. Kell., *e<-ooi'i-.l by D McMillan, that the wurd a|iprupriatioii for the current year. IK'.CJ.Iw m follow* : Ward No I, Ji.iui, tit*) of which IH to be e | . Ti.le.l on the gravid nmd kn n ait tile I'.illinijw. ..il and Dur- hum roati ; Waid No. 2, MK>, |IIH) of nf which i* to bu expumted on grufel road, mi Toronto and Sydeiiham line in iii.l ward No. 2 ; Wurd N... 3, o80, $|HII of said amolllit to be expended on the gravel roads in said ward No. 3 ; Ward N.I. 4, $300, 9HX) of aaid amount to bu expended on Collingwood gravel rosil in sni ward No. 4, this not tu in .-In, I limit,"* ('arried. Moved by T. Kell*, lecondud by D. McMillan, that the reeve <-n receiving a certificate from Mr. Pedlar, re the amount tli.it should be paid .1. Cernueld and Thoi. Taylor, pathmasteni, for re- pairing certain bridges on 2nd con. east, ahall iisu* hi* order for payment. Council adjourned. Mount /ion. /'<-.. i.i our Mini I'un-etpotidtiit . MISH Moutgoiner; has come tn live it'iion,- ui. Wo bid In i welcome. Sli wns attMkvd witli a very dun;;, i OIIH form of tlij)theri, but ij U0 vt- butter, The out baUdingi of Mr. Thoronn li.owu liiul a mil r.iw .--I,- 1;..- from fi: on Friday last, but owing to the ef foi t.s made, only ihe old log barn in goue. The tire was an accident. Some of the Mount Zion yonng men engaged in a fox hunt a few weeks ago and succeeded in catcLing the old fox and two little foxei, but not before one of the young men re- ceived a bite from the old fox to re- member her by. The little) fellows arc still on exhibition at Tlioiuaa Taylor's, jr., while the bite is almost better. Mrs Edward Ross who haa been on tin sick list for the past couple of weeks in now, we are pleased to state, "some better." The Sunday school opened here on May 1 with a fair attendance, and a successful aspect for a good term's work. Mr. Kdward Ross is the Hii[M-nutendaut. Mr. Petch, of Engonia, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday evening at seven o'clock. Now, Mr. K'litor, do not scold if we ore not RO punctual with our budget, and say wo are lazy, as we never were biiiii-r in our lives. Miss Esther McNally spent her Easier holidays with friends here. DR.WILLIAMS' ALE EOPLE AnENOTsPav- I-' 1 Rative M.-.li- |cine. 1 Ji.'v are a in. ..ut> In ii 1.1 u. T..MI- andUKOox- HTIII -en t) ii, a> tlir y -Ml'" ill a <-oi,.lmi-,-. I f..rin tho aubKtancea x-tually neadodtoen- icb the lilood, i urn, ^ 'all dlnaaawl eoniln* fioni I'IKIU aiui \Vr- ,f.nv HI.O.JD. or from [VITUTSD HI-MOB* to nvif(oraU> anil Hi n i. l-i- III* III.. KIII an 1 8TITKH. when brokrtn tiown t>y overwork, uu-nta) worry, diMiaao, eii-i'iiKi anil luJiuro- tloui They have a Km inn ACTION on ,t h.- KKXUAL. HYUIKM of i. ini-ii and WOIIIMI. r.torm|E IAMT VII...H ami eorrecUnf all urnuuaioxa. Who tn-il hi* mental fao- ulti.a dull or faillnii. or liii plijMral power* flame*'-" ihooUt taku tlioat? 1'n i..' Tii.-v will r*u>re Ui lo*t uor k -iu, uotti al and mtntaJ. bonld take them. EVERY MAN ipli}Mr-al JH.V.ITH r ii i.." Tiii-v will rei hyucal and uiintal. EVERY WOMAN eeilun* and irrafolariuee, tail lrkni a* w hrn nr YOUN8 MEN uiti "I \-j .i..' . adba Thrf i-ure all lu which inevi l lup- itably ould take the** PTLUL i.-v will riire Itie r<*- biu, aud (Ir YOlNB WOMEi fti - For aal* ! all drnutel*. or will b* eenl upo*i reeaipt of I.TK-* i v- |Mr K), by ad'ljeaftiiig l .1 n l'i Wll.I.IAMf HI/' i a .'f <. M.rf OaA $60.00 for a Chicken. To create an Intereil In the brewlino ( hlK>> . ! l>i>nlt-\ I iM ii.l t|m-ial iirlie of fJMO each tn tliv |MII> on ralniiiu the li>-am->( i liu-ki-ii hnt.hr. I In. in r t f |lrcliao<Kl fi.uii inn I'l* in.Milli UIII-KI nn iiniiiit*4tii.nalt \ tlu- Itimt In i-r.i uf fnnlH known r<>r tne ('*haiHaii fanner. Send for .lr.-i i|.l lv nrcular cl tint, valuable hi |-|-'I of fowlM. Hiiiin fur ImirliliiK. Kiiarnnttwil frrh aiid true to iiaiiu', rarufnllv |iarkNl In hi%k**te an) ! I|\IT1>.I tO . 1, !.. . ..|M|.|II V -.'UI |M*r >lttllll| Of ii AiiirM T, A WII.LITH. llri-i-lrr ,.( riymoiitli Kork Fnwl*. Weton. Ont FLESHERTON PLANING MILLS ! MOORE & WILSON, Props. Manufacturers of- - SA.MI, DOORS, KKAMKS, M(UI,D- IN<!, TI'IIN1N(J OK ALL DKSCIUP- TIN, Kl.otmiNC!, SIDINO, SHKATHiNti. Mori.HKD HACK ETC., ETC. All kinds) of Custom Planing done promptly, UK' in tirat claaa Manner. A* mir f.ii-ti'iy in now tlioMiighly <-i|ui|ii>t!tl, .ui.t iii i;,K>il w..rkin^ oiilcr. wo fuel r.iiiiiili-nt in ayini{ we ar now in (million lo g\;<t I>IH| Baticfactioli. A Inrgo iiuantilv >( dry hard ami luft wiioil flouring "" li-nid, which we *11 at renaoiiatile |>ricu*. Tlmif onatMlpktiM lniililiiii> will d<> wutl to ciiii'iilt ui ln-fi.ii. plHeinK (heir nrJurm. Moore A Wilson. The Markets. t'arrlully .m, . i. d Knrh Wrrk. Klour * 4 3O to $ i Fall Whual HS la Hiirlii(i What ... HA t,, Haley 411 to Data 9A l,. lVa 7 to Mutter . . 14 to K(!ii. fi-tull, 10 to 441 t !'iilt<i* ban 50 fork Hay |x>r toil Ml.!,,. Hhiw|mkln !-...> M.I . Tillkey*. I a o>i to to t on to i SO tu 1 l. In . 8 tn M to so to If t* fl or The Shojv rooms of II. E. McNea's Furniture hstaL- lishment on Durham St. are completely filled with all kinds and styles of the most HANDSOME FURNITURE That has ever entered Flesherton. They contain the CHOICEST FURNITURE In the furnishing market of to-day, such as Bedroom Sets Parlor Suites Dining Room Furniture Kitchen Furniture Baby Carriages Hall Mirrors Sideboards Bureaus Etc. It is useless for us to enumerate all of our stock, but wr would just say, and you will too, when you see it, that the show it makes is simply immense. ARTISTS. When you are in need of any supplies in your line, such as Paints, Brushes, Canvas, etc., don't send away lor them- but come to me. I keep everything of that style expresslv for your own use, enabling you to get your supplies at home. II. E. M c N E A. The undersigned begs to announce- to the public that he has opened up a full stock of Men's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes. Consisting of both fine and coarse, suitable for wear indoors and oat. Our goods will be Sold at a Low Figure, And we are determined to satisfy our customers. A splendid assortment to choose from just to hand from best manufacturers. Hoping to icceive :i fair share of the publi: patronage. JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherlon. id P. iii-in- .in.i M, i, ., w rk attended to ax ( old New Carriage &; ^Blacksmith Shop. The iin.l.-r M,-II..,I beg leave to acquaint lh pnblio with tho laet that they have open*.. ii| a iw carriax" >' blaokamlth >hop in Kleihertou, where everythinn in oar Uu Will be Ufit<icU to in t prmu|>t manner and Ku<i workuiaunhip Kiiiriiti-.-,l \\ < uiake a infinity of HORSESHOEING. And nrolfim to huvi- a ini'clianic who givit* trntire mtitfaetion every time. Special tti. tion to tender or contrax-ted l.-.-t. Intrrd-mu ponitively WOODWOKKING In all It* brain-In-*. Wagon*, buiurieii, democrat* iniidi* to order. \Ve believe we cm work up a iHMxIlMiHiiieiuin Kluxhert'Ui by fair and H,|imre dealing and careful wurkuiaUHhi|i, and xiliut the public to t .it our merit* in our various Hues snor orrosn-K FUMKnvmm WAREROOMS, in mi ni sr B. T. WRITTEN. 3 APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF druff - IM action it ... ,r > . . , -IB I..T own GUARANTEED n. .un itJUMlruf ftocumulkttna but ing uf u. hlr. natU It onao4 ^UaW hair la Ht I color. SIo M Ullin] el htlr. KM*I the Scale claia. Hak** kk Mtt anil PN*Dt rVomotti6rIH. Oh, What a Congh ! Will you heed tho w.irniiiu. The *i<(- nal (.1-1 l..-i|.< of il,, ,vin- M|i|ii-..iii-h of that inort) li'intilo dw>eje l'i,iiBuin|iti.ii, A*k youi-M-lveH if ynu can riiiril for thu wiL<- i.f Mvine BOo., t. run the riik aiul .1,. iiothint( for it. We know from experi- ence l hut siuli ill'* Cure will our* your i.ujjh. It uuvur fail*. }m.r24 NERVE BEANS I**" MRAXi .,. a ,.,-w ... * . . rf \ . . a<> t itT lha mr. UK o N , i i, . t I VLllllT, [.! . na of bivtjr or UIUM! ,**..- 4 -wurk, of Ihe arrora ov < i..i. ,/ ,<ii. i 1 ... n, .< f Ti4TiiNti hat* MM jjalaa* . Nnipto) ik-l.y aiKlrraal tXA., ToritBiw. Oat. Vnu for Hi.lu rtou IT Win Ui. hai . ,. a* 1 i-t |~ *a|r. uf .< ^.r S, or m>t l-t mull M raali.jTIIK.IAMK.i MKMOI.IM